
raevolhas anyone ever made /home a network mount?00:34
akkYears ago.00:34
raevolon like, multiple machines? so your session exists across those machines?00:34
raevoldoes it work?00:34
akkUsed to work at a company that did that for all employees.00:36
akkBut eventually, I hit a problem where I was down for nearly a week because there was a network problem00:37
akkand since /home was networked I couldn't even log in00:37
akkso I made myself a local /home/akkana and stopped using their networked one as my real homedir.00:37
akkI've never been a great believer in "the network is the computer" -- the minute you get comfortable with that, something breaks.00:37
raevoli see00:40
raevolbut if there hadn't been a network problem it would have been ok?00:40
akkSure, works fine as long as the network is up and running, and fast00:41
akkand doesn't have byte-order issues from NFS mounts across platforms.00:41
akk(That was a subtle bug that took us nearly a month to track down, when spellcheck in netscape mail didn't work for some people but worked for everyone else.)00:41
raevolhahaha interesting00:42
raevoldoes anything nasty happen if a user is logged in from multiple machines?00:42
akkHmm, probably, if you use something like gnome or kde with a really complicated settings file scheme.00:43
akkDon't know if they do file locking or not, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn not.00:43
akkI never did that -- mostly don't use those environments, and seldom used the shared homedir across multiple machines anyway.00:44
raevolah well :) it was a nice idea00:49
akkOne thing you can do, if you want to do it but you're worried about things like gnome config files:00:50
akkmake a local area like /localhome, identify directories that might cause problems and e.g. symlink .gnome to /localhome/$username/.gnome00:51
akkBack when I ran gnome/kde, I did that for a while so I could boot into multiple distros on the same machine00:52
raevolhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/roaming-profiles <- hm00:52
darthrobotTitle: [Roaming Profiles for servers and removable media : Blueprints : Ubuntu]00:52
akkwithout gnome saying "oops, newer version, upgrading all the files" ... "oops, older version, downgrading all the files but getting way confused about a few of them" ... "oops, newer version, ..."00:52
raevoloh gnome...00:53
akkOnly problem is that gnome in particular tends to use 4-5 different directories so it's quite difficult to get a complete list of files/dirs that it might want to use.00:53
akkI think kde is a little better behaved there.00:53
raevoli think i'd make sure all client machines were using the same DE00:53
akkYou might still have problems, though -- what if you do something that updates settings from one machine, log out, it writes the settings, but another machine is still logged in, you log out and it overwrites (with the old settings)?00:56
akkOr, worse, if two machines both try to update at once and it doesn't use file locking.00:57
raevoli'll think about it00:57
akk(Maybe it does lock files, though.)00:57
raevoldefinitely not implementing it anytime soon, heh00:57
raevolbut i gotta run for now00:57
akkI'd say try it and see, but be alert for problems like that, and consider symlinking some files to a local place.00:57
raevolif i ever try it i'll let you know :D00:57
raevolyea, that sounds like a good idea00:57
akkIf you try it, write it up!00:57
raevolfor sure :)00:57
pleia2at the SF Ubuntu Hour :) 4 of us here02:17
* akk waves, Hi everybody!02:23
philipballew13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Alpha 1 Released!16:42
darthrobotTitle: [San Diego Ubuntu Hour | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]16:46
philipballew^ COME ONE< COME ALL16:46
philipballewIll be sending out an email in the next few minutes16:46
philipballewI really need some caffeine. Or sleep.....16:55
philipballewkdub, Ubuntu hour next Wednesday night if you have time.16:56
philipballewgrantbow, around?17:13
* jercos wonders if 13.10 will be "Sufferin' succotash"18:30
jercosor, 13.08?18:30
* jercos pokes the release schedule18:30
jercos13.10 indeed.18:30
akksupercilious seasnake18:31
philipballewGareth, around for a quick pm?20:34
GarethI was :)21:08
Garethphilipballew: here now.21:08
philipballewGareth, about what is the time lone for getting the booth passes for all my volunteers? Want to let them be sure they are going so they can make travel plans.21:10
GarethOnce I send out the exhibitor kits (in the next couple weeks), there will be a coupon code that the volunteers can use to register.  the coupon code will mark them as an exhibitor.  the code doesn't expire.21:12
philipballewGareth, thank you21:12
Garethno worries.21:14
Garethdid you see my  message from the other day re: the youth event and the mailing list?21:14
philipballewno I did not.21:14
philipballewI am making up a draft this week to send to the last as a "Call for speakers"21:15
GarethWas just a quick question if you wanted me to email the list with an introduction, say you were heading up the event and anyone who was interested in helping out should step forward.21:15
philipballewGareth, that sounds really good.21:16
philipballewI think make a call for speakers next week and maybe some kids can make a speech up over their Christmas break.21:16
GarethSounds like a plan.  I'll send out that email later today.21:17
raevolphilipballew: what booth?21:17
philipballewI have a friend who is 16 and runs a "lug" out of his high school I am trying to get currently to help out and maybe speak.21:17
philipballewraevol, the scale booth. You helped last time.21:17
raevolyou're running the ubuntu-ca one this time?21:17
philipballewRemember all the fun you had because scale is so much fun?21:17
raevolit was a ton of fun :D21:17
philipballewraevol, more just helping out more21:18
raevolok cool21:18
raevoli mean21:18
raevolnot that i would mind you running it21:18
raevolbut i was just curious if ubuntu-ca was becoming more SD oriented :D21:18
philipballewraevol, were all of california.21:18
philipballewEven Bakersfield21:18
raevolEven Bakersfield?21:19
philipballewYes, even Bakersfield.21:19
raevolso i see21:20
philipballewraevol, will you be at the ubuntu hour or not?21:20
raevoli should be, yes21:20
raevoli have it on my calendar21:20
raevoland i don't have practice anymore21:20
philipballewNo salsa?21:20
raevoli still salsa, but i am taking a break from the team21:21
raevoljust social dancing now21:21
philipballewah, thats pretty cool21:21
raevolit's way more relaxed21:21
raevoli worry that my skills will slip21:21
raevolbut actually, with the less stress, i can probably social dance more, and work on my own stuff instead of team stuff21:21
raevolso it may be a boon... we'll see21:21
philipballewyour to good for classes!!!21:22
philipballewpleia2, will be there as well. I'm gonna take the bus with her from the sys admin conference she is at to the place.21:22
philipballewraevol, http://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/14e90o/actual_san_diego_billboard_xpost_from_rwtf/21:23
darthrobotTitle: [Actual San Diego billboard. X-post from r/WTF : sandiego]21:23
philipballewWe are famous here21:23
raevolwhat the heck21:24
raevolwait why are we famous21:24
philipballewthats in sd21:25
raevolSD is famous21:25
philipballewapparently by the bridge.21:25
philipballewraevol, did you ever figure out why your loco portal account was sucking?21:29
raevolyea some openID transaction bug21:30
raevoli forgot to check if it's still outstanding21:30
philipballewwell if it's not, feel free to rsvp to the meeting21:31
raevoli'll take a look in a bit21:32
raevolbtw i let my dad borrow that ubuntu book21:32
raevoland it helped him install flash so he could watch youtube :D21:32
raevolso yay21:32
raevoli upgraded him to 12.04 and gave him a new video card and monitor21:32
raevolhe said it was like getting a whole new computer21:32
philipballew+ 1 for that. sometimes a simple thing like an upgrade or a new piece of hardware really help.21:34
raevolwell his old monitor was going out, it was all blurry21:34
raevolthough it's been like that basically since he got it...21:34
raevoland his machine had onboard video21:35
philipballewodd if you ask me21:35
raevolwhich is pretty good on linux tbh, but still discrete graphics are better21:35
raevoland the open source radeon driver is pretty nice21:35
raevolyea i dunno what was up with the monitor21:35
raevolbut it's a gateway, what can ya do21:35
philipballewNever owned one, but they seem nice.21:36
raevolnah, they're not very good21:37
raevolcheap parts21:37
philipballewlame. I own a dell myself21:38
raevolyea this is a desktop21:38
raevoli'm a big fan of desktops21:38
raevolbut then i am a gamer21:39
bkerensayay just got my Netatmo21:39
bkerensaand it supports Linux21:39
bkerensathe scary thing is it says co2 levels in my house are not kosher21:41
philipballewI use a weather rock21:42
darthrobotTitle: [Weather rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]21:43
* philipballew runs and hides21:43
raevolhahaha that is amazing21:44
bkerensaphilipballew: weather rock doesnt tell you if your home has c02 or other pollutants21:46
raevolif can't breathe: too much CO221:47
philipballewyeah, my family's house has never ever owned a smoke alwrm. We should really look into something like that21:47
* kdub has ubuntu membership review coming up in 10 minutes...21:49
philipballewkdub, where can I give my testimony?21:49
kdubphilipballew, you did a while back on my wiki page! thanks21:50
philipballewkdub, anytime! If you need any recommendations during the meeting, feel free to ping.21:51
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
philipballewCongrats to our own loco member kdub on becoming an Ubuntu member!22:16
kdubthanks philipballew :D22:16
raevolanyone used php and sqlite?22:19
* philipballew is off to get lunch22:20
raevolis it good for sites where multiple users will be accessing a database simultaneously? as in, can it handle more than one person accessing it at a time? and by "multiple users" i mean like 5, not 5,00022:20
akkyay kdub!22:26
raevolfrom what i am reading it looks like it's fine22:29
raevolwoo this is exciting22:29
pleia2congrats kdub :)22:31
kdubthanks pleia2 and akk :D22:32
jercosraevol: yes, one of the core features of SQLite is simultaneous access23:10
raevoli can't get it to run sqlite_libversion()23:10
raevoleven though phpinfo() says it's enabled23:10
jercoshrm, maybe you have SQLite3? :p23:11
raevoli do23:11
raevolbut that doesn't work either23:11
raevolyou mean call sqlite3_libversion ?23:11
raevolze heck23:12
jercosjust uh23:12
jercos<?php print_r(SQLite3::version()); ?>23:12
jercosthe PHP SQLite3 interface is OO >.>23:12
jercosnote that SQLite *will* have a higher I/O load and wait, and thus under load will slow down much more quickly than a database server.23:12
raevolmy version is Array23:13
raevolyea, but this db should only be accessed by 5 ppl at a time tops23:13
raevolusually only one23:13
darthrobotTitle: [PHP: SQLite3 - Manual]23:13
jercoscool, then it's perfect :p23:13
raevoland if it's slow, they can damn well wait :P23:13
jercoslol, I mean slow on the order of waiting a second or more for a page23:14
jercosso if this isn't like, for your school or job or something where you want it to look extra good, that's fine.23:14
raevolit's for my job23:15
jercosIt's just that SQLite's locks on files and subsets of a file are by neccessity less efficient than those that a single database server can handle, 'cause there isn't any server, each library accesses the backing file seperately.23:15
raevolbut i promise it will be better than the excel files on a samba share that we are using now :D23:15
jercosoh yes23:15
jercosthousands of times better23:15
* jercos salutes23:15
jercoscarry on, brave soul23:16
raevolwhy thank ya23:16
raevolhmm never used this print_r thing before, it doesn't play with strings quite like echo does23:16

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