
netritioushey jfenn219903:29
jfenn2199hey how goes netritious03:29
netritioussame old same old, to busy...yourself?03:29
jfenn2199just working around this old house picking up side jobs where I can03:32
netritiousI hear ya man04:39
netritiousI keep meaning to make it up there, but never seem to ever find the time any more, lately at least.04:40
jfenn2199oh trust me I know how it goes before I left the pharm tech gig I barely had anytime even living here lol04:41
jfenn2199so are meetings still first Thursday of the month?04:44
netritiousI have no idea.04:44
netritiousI made a big fuss a few months ago, but nothing came of it.04:45
jfenn2199so is anyone but the two of us in here right now?04:48
jfenn2199I would ping everyone but that would probably be more annoying than me inviting over 300 people to a punk show via fb at once04:48
netritiouswell, it is wed and almost 11pm..might not get much of a response04:51
jfenn2199details.... :-P04:54
wrstxTEMPLARx: you awake yet?14:03
wrstxTEMPLARx: ?14:58
jfenn2199morning all19:35
wrstafternoon jfenn219919:35
jfenn2199how goes wrst Unit19319:35
wrstgoing well jfenn219919:35
Unit193No snow, so depressing. :P19:36
Unit193At least it's colder now.19:36
wrstUnit193: its about time19:36
jfenn2199I actually had a dream last night about a weather report for freak snow storms19:36
wrstits december jfenn2199 wouldn't be freak snowstorms now :)19:37
wrstoh yeah you are in memphis :P19:37
Unit193wrst: It's been a little back and forth.19:37
jfenn2199right we're gonna have 70's through to monday :-/19:37
wrstreally, its mid 50's here today19:41
wrsti think mainly due to the clouds19:41
jfenn2199yeah it's insanity overnights are getting down in the upper 50s but that's it19:42
wrstA/C in december is just wrong19:45
jfenn2199tell me about it I've gotten sick as a dog from all this back and forth, it seems like the end of every month has been cold and the beginning of the next is all "oh lets get all spring like weather roar"19:49
jfenn2199also last night I had queried netritious as to if we still have meetings first thursday?19:51
wrstjfenn2199: pretty much have died due to lack of interest19:54
wrstcyberanger: and I showed up for a few netritious did and that was pretty much it and I'm likely leaving someone out but not enough to be worth the trouble20:26
wrstif the interest is there it would be good to do it again, probably with an alternate time/day than what we were using20:45
jfenn2199definitely, sorry I've been MIA the past two years cause I know I've been a part of the lack of interest20:53
wrstjfenn2199: just the way it goes20:55
wrstand to be honest i think interest in ubuntu is lagging with some of us also especially post unity for me20:55
jfenn2199I've actually really enjoyed it since unity, kinda giving our OS a custom (and usable) interface.... (definitely prefer the look and feel over Win8 (and all the compiz stuff kinda made it look like we were all just iMitators))21:02
wrstwork flow just kills me in unity not to mention i don't think its attractive, the dash is transparent the top bar isn't but at least you can make it but the window borders etc just aren't that attractive21:03
jfenn2199and in addition to that I've had a lot of people who travel through the coop here (the computer we use in our library runs it) inquire positively on the set up21:04
wrstgnome-shell i liked but don't like it on ubuntu at all as it just not good, then they break extensions with every release which is a pain, so now i'm on kde which can't say i'm in love but it does everything21:04
wrstand kubuntu is just a lousy distro21:04
wrsti'm not into ubuntu on the desktop at all21:04
wrstbut have a server running with ubuntu21:05
jfenn2199understand on the topbar it works me, but having it in an environment with multiple non-technical users Unity has worked well21:06
jfenn2199for my personal desktop I am planning on running a Debian partition soon to see about moving back to that, but for the public access computer I'm going to keep Ubuntu21:08
wrstyeah ubuntu is great for that but i just hate the interface i have tried every version except 12.10 and really i don't even want to go there when i have to start uninstalling amazon crap its not even worth trying21:25
wrstgreetings chris458521:54
chris4585hey wrst21:56
jfenn2199hey chris458522:02
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
cyberangerhey chris4585 & jfenn219923:00
jfenn2199hey cyberanger23:00
jfenn2199what's going on?23:00
cyberangerif I said too much I feel as though I'd be understating the issue23:00
cyberangertoo much work, little rest, insomina, so even less rest23:02
cyberangerwash rinse and repeat23:02
cyberangerhow about you jfenn219923:02
jfenn2199haha about the same working on this old house23:04
cyberangerhow old is it?23:06

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