
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflyMorning mazal04:57
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos good morning04:58
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode04:58
mazalMorning superfly 05:03
superflyAnyone have any tips on stopping a shaving cut from bleeding?05:09
inetprosuperfly: stop shaving05:09
inetprogood morning05:10
superflyinetpro: thanks, I'll file that under, "prevention"05:11
inetproMaaz: tell kilos Guten Morgen05:11
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:11
Kilosmorning superfly inetpro and others05:11
MaazKilos: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "tell kilos Guten Morgen" 7 seconds ago05:11
superflyKilos: have any tips on stopping a shaving cut from bleeding?05:11
inetproKilos: you are late05:11
inetproKilos: he needs your help05:12
Kilosya been watching ddrescue go through its paces so slowly05:12
Kilosstaal druppels05:12
Kiloslennons products05:12
* inetpro wonders whether he would have that05:13
inetprosuperfly: is it really that bad?05:13
superflyinetpro: no, just incessant05:13
superflyit has been bleeding for the last hour05:13
Kilosstick a plaster over it05:14
superflyKilos: het nie een nie05:14
Kilostoilet paperr05:14
inetproKilos: with kids in the house you better get yourself some plaster, please05:15
superflyi've got a tissue, busy using it every few minutes (or seconds)05:15
Kilosi got lotsa plaster05:15
inetprosuperfly: ^^05:15
superflyKilos: not that kind of plaster... Bandaids05:16
inetprosuperfly: swedish bitters05:16
Kilossuperfly, just put a small double piece of toilet paper there and hold it05:16
Kilosya bandaids elastoplast them sticky things05:17
Kilosthen make the paper patch black with a cokey pen and tell peeps you trying to see what you will look like with a black beard but trying only in a small place to see05:18
Kiloshi barrydk 05:19
barrydkGood morning everyone05:19
Kiloshi mazal 05:19
superflyhi barrydk05:19
superflybarrydk: lemme guess, you use Afrihost as your ISP?05:19
superflyKilos: thanks, looks like keeping the tissue pressed against my lip has worked05:21
Kilosmtnbusiness i see. what you looking at fly?05:21
barrydkwrong superfly it is access05:21
superflybarrydk: that was my second guess05:21
superflybarrydk: I use them too, but Afrihost is more popular05:22
barrydkok didnt know and dont realy care as long as it is working. 05:23
mazalWhy is Afrihost better superfly ?05:23
barrydkWhat made you think that05:23
Kilosbest internet connection is one that works ya05:24
barrydkHere in our part of the world beggers cant be choosers the choices arent wide05:25
superflymazal: it isn't - I said it was more *popular*05:26
mazalAh ok , thought you had some info that I need on that one :)05:26
mazalAlways looking for something better if there is05:27
superflybarrydk: Axxess is owned by Afrihost, and Afrihost got MTN to build them a nationwide network. So Axxess got to benefit from that.05:27
superflymazal: in my experience, Axxess is that.05:28
barrydkSo actualy your first guess was correct05:28
superflybarrydk: so when you join the channel we can see which network you're joining from05:29
superflyand you joined from the mtnbusiness network - the new one made for Afrihost and Axxess05:29
barrydkok interesting i would never have looked or think about that as i said it must only work05:30
Kiloshehe superfly is the cut on your lip?05:32
Kilosfunny place to shave05:32
Kilosbut easy to cover tissue paper then with lipstick05:32
superflyKilos: well, maybe you can't grow a snor, but I don't wanna look like a bergie05:33
Kilosoh top lip05:33
superflyi already did for movember05:34
mazalCan you guys explain something to be re that network adress05:37
superflymazal: what do you want explained?05:37
mazalThat number is the ip yes ?05:37
mazalWhy do me and barry have the same one even though we working on different laptops05:38
mazalShould we have different ones ?05:38
mazalWe are on the same router , butter different machines05:39
superflyanything else...?05:39
superflyOh, looks like I'm lagging05:39
superflymazal: there, you said it yourself05:41
mazalI thought each of our machines should have had a different ip. Or does the ISP give the one ip to the router ?05:41
mazalAnd then the router gives different dhcp ip's on the lan for our laptops ?05:41
superflymazal: do you know the difference between an internal and an external IP address?05:42
mazalNope , but I think I am learning that now05:42
superflymazal: do you know what is so special about the range?05:43
mazalThat is my router's range on my lan05:43
mazalBut other than that I dunno hat is special about the range05:44
mazalwhat even05:44
superflyno, not really. My lan uses, and it is in that same /range/05:44
superflymazal: I'm on my phone, you'll have to Google it for me.05:45
mazalThe range ?05:45
mazalHmm , very interesting. It's a class c private range not usable on the internet05:48
mazalSo the router gives that range to the laptops on the lan for the lan network , but the isp then gives an external ip to the router for accessing internet if I start to get this correctly05:49
barrydkSuperfly : So if i want to run a server at home that is accesable from outside i must ask my isp for a dedicated ip ad?05:54
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 06:02
superflybarrydk: you can, though that would be extremely expensive06:09
Trixar_zaHey Kilos06:10
barrydkany ideas how much06:10
superflynope, but that's not what I do06:10
superflyI use a dynamic dns service06:10
mazalYou teaching us too many thing to play with this morning , we gonna break something lol06:12
mazalGonna research that a bit , sounds interesting06:13
barrydkSo you have one at home06:14
superflybarrydk: server?06:14
superflyI have 206:15
superflythough one is mostly used as a router06:15
mazalIs there a specific one that you can recomend we research superfly ?06:17
mazalThe dynamic dns service I mean06:17
Kilosor you can watch a video06:27
barrydkDankie oom Kilos nog speelgoed06:28
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosalways try google first them the fly will help you fix it after06:29
Kiloslotsa fun coming with ip addresses06:29
barrydkim bussy on google 06:30
mazalWe already seen a few that looks interesting. But will research it first06:30
* mazal sien barry gaan sy server breek lol06:30
Kilosi did a direct cable connection with 2 pcs and no router06:31
Kiloswhew what a job thawas06:31
Kilosthat was06:31
Kilosmazal, barrydk ons het n afrikaanse kanaal ook #ubuntu-afr06:33
Kilosdaar is mense hier wat nie kan volg nie06:34
Kiloshi drussell Hodgestar 06:35
barrydkSoory forget when im getting excited and then Mazal fall in the trap.06:35
barrydkDid you use one pc for a router?06:37
mazalOom Kilos do you mean you did that dymanic dns with the 2 pc's ?06:38
Kilosi dunno what i did but it worked eventually06:38
Kiloshad the guys going for a while06:38
Kilosshared 3g on 2 pcs06:38
mazalWe have been wanting our own server that is accessible on internet for a very long time06:39
mazalMorning Squirm 06:40
Kiloshi Squirm 06:40
barrydkHi Squirm06:40
Kilosmazal, you got a spare pc for it?06:40
Kilossuperfly, has a P2 as his one server06:41
mazalKilos no , but barry does. He can be the guinea pig :P06:41
mazalAnd he has loads more patience than me06:42
barrydki'm still here06:42
Kilosdownload ubuntu-server edition06:44
Kilosjust check its the 32bit version if the spare pc dont handle 64 bit06:45
mazalWe already have that Kilo's. We have 3 ubuntu servers at work06:45
Kilosoh ya i forget . sorry06:45
mazalWe built them for our file sharing and mysql databases for registers06:45
mazalThat was a battle , but it was fun and learned a ton06:47
superflyI use afraid.org06:50
superflyif you want a permanent server on the internet, use a VPS06:51
Kiloshi jrgns 07:00
superflysuddenly all quiet?07:01
barrydkHey Sfly we can't chat and read google at the same time. You gave us a lot of homework this morning07:02
barrydkand work in between07:04
inetprosuperfly: ok it looks like we are out of luck07:09
inetprosee: http://en.gogloom.com/FreeNode/ubuntu-za/07:09
inetproseems they have data for ubuntu-za only up to Feb 201107:09
inetpronot sure why they stopped07:09
inetproand I'm not sure how they collect the data in the first place07:11
Kilosoh my07:14
mazalDoes Maaz have logs of the whole year ?07:15
inetpromagespawn: and previous logs of ubuntu-za where logged at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:16
inetprosadly that's a dead link now07:16
Kilosinetpro, fix it07:19
Kilosor recruit peeps that can07:19
mazalinetpro, so you don't have any logs at all ?07:20
inetpromazal: yes I have in a postgresql database through quassel07:21
mazalIsn't there maybe an app that can compile stats from the logs ?07:21
mazalWay back when I had a channel on govnet I used an app called mircstats to compile stats directly from the logs. Maybe there is something like that for linux ?07:22
inetprothat would probably still work on the logs at irclogs above07:23
inetproso I guess somebody will have to pull those logs and generate some stats07:26
inetprobut a service used by drubin previously would have been nice and least effort07:27
* inetpro is lazy07:27
Kilosnee man have some coffee inetpro and get going07:28
inetproKilos: when I have time I will look into it07:28
Kiloscool ty07:28
inetpropulling the logs should be very easy with wget or curl07:29
inetproactually curl would be best suited for that07:29
superflyinetpro: I have my quassel logs... but that'll be a pain to parse07:29
inetprosuperfly: exactly07:30
inetprobut I'm wondering, perhaps canonical have automated ways already07:30
inetprowe just need to find out 07:31
superflyinetpro: ping me again tonight at around 9, I'll see what I can do07:32
inetprosuperfly: thanks07:32
inetprobtw, for those who don't know it, our discussions are logged by ubuntulog_07:33
inetproubuntulog_: you have a tail07:33
barrydkDon't know much about what youre talking about but say if me and Mazal can help with something07:33
inetproubuntulog_: help07:34
* inetpro just found another service that seems to do these kind of stats, not sure how they do it07:49
inetproonly started now07:49
superflyit doesn't respond to much08:01
inetproand that tail has been there for quite a while it seems08:03
Kiloshi Wraz welcome to ubuntu_za08:03
KilosPlugin defined commands:08:06
Kilos 08:06
Kilos   LOAD      UNLOAD    LOAD      PY        TIMER08:06
Kiloscan only get it to reloadall08:07
KilosTcl plugin Rehashed08:07
Kilosif you pm ubuntulog_ then type in /help there lotsa commands08:09
Kilosdunno if thats from freenode08:09
Kilosafraid to play with them08:12
Kiloshi magespawn 08:21
inetproKilos: I'm guessing but that could simply be xchat help08:24
charl_good morning!08:25
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:25
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:25
barrydkSuperfly : What do you use to chat on your phone?08:28
superflybarrydk: In IRC? Quassel08:28
superflywell, Quassel2Go08:28
KilosMaaz, coffee please08:29
MaazKilos: Alrighty08:29
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Kilos!08:29
barrydkIs it a app? 08:29
KilosMaaz, ty08:29
MaazYou are welcome Kilos08:29
Kilosaw inetpro had hopes one of you could use them commands to get the log goodie active08:30
superflybarrydk: I would hope so, how else would it run?08:31
barrydkok ok 08:31
barrydki only get quasseldroid beta on samsung apps08:32
Kilosbarrydk, you can install quassel on ubuntu08:33
Kilosits in the repos08:33
barrydki use xchat on ubuntu but want something for my phone08:34
superflybarrydk: I'm not using Android08:34
* inetpro is happy with quasseldroid but don't use it that often08:35
barrydkok i thought you did as i think you said earlyer you were on your phone08:35
superflyinetpro: yeah, I use QuasselDroid on my Kindle, and it works pretty well.08:35
superflybarrydk: I was.08:35
superflybarrydk: my phone doesn't run Android08:36
barrydkok what do you use then Superfly08:36
superflyan N90008:36
* superfly wants to see if he can upgrade to Sailfish08:36
superflyif/when it comes out08:37
inetprowhat is sailfish?08:37
barrydkWas also wondering See fishingg boats sand08:37
inetproSailfish are two species of fish in the genus Istiophorus, living in warmer sections of all the oceans of the world.08:37
superflyMaaz: google for Jolla Sailfish08:38
Maazsuperfly: "Jolla expects Sailfish SDK to reach developers in early Q1 2013" http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/04/jolla-expects-sailfish-sdk-to-reach-developers-in-q1-2013/ :: "Jolla Sailfish OS on GS3 - xda-developers" http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=34983792 :: "In Depth Overview of Jolla Sailfish UI | Jolla Users Blog"08:38
Maazhttp://www.jollausers.com/2012/11/in-depth-overview-of-jolla-sailfish-ui/ :: "Jolla Confirms It Will Unveil Sailfish M…08:38
barrydkya thought so Inetpro08:38
barrydkhmmm looks like a total different species08:40
Kiloshi Tonberry timkeller 09:16
Kiloslo plustwo 09:17
Tonberryo hi09:47
inetprowb Tonberry10:03
* Tonberry knik10:03
inetproanyone wanting to get involved in Ubuntu development might find the following to be a useful guide10:04
tumbleweedinetpro: :)11:26
inetprotumbleweed: you like that?11:28
superflytumbleweed: looking good11:28
tumbleweedinetpro: yeah, I keep meaning to write some articles for it11:29
tumbleweed(oh, if you're in ZA, you might find the bzr based workflows too bandwidth intensive and slow, for many packages, compared to grabbing the source from a local mirror)11:30
tumbleweedinetpro: if you don't know where to start, I suggest https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative11:32
inetprotumbleweed: I got that link from Daniel Holbach's message to ubuntu-devel-announce last night11:32
tumbleweedaha, I'm behind on my mail :)11:32
mazalHi guys , barry is trying to setup quassel on his phone to enter here11:54
mazalBut it doesn't want to take irc.ubuntu.com/800111:54
mazalIs there a dufferent server and port one must use from a phone ?11:54
tumbleweedthe traditional IRC port is 6667, not 800111:55
tumbleweedbut apparently freenode listens on 6665, 6666, 6667, 6697 (SSL only), 7000 (SSL only), 7070 (SSL only), 8000, 8001 and 800211:55
mazalIt keeps telling him "connection information not filled out properly"11:56
mazalThis is on quassal11:56
mazalWe enter the server and the port and the username11:57
mazalTried both ports 8001 and 666711:57
Kilosmazal, just try jedirc and if it works then go baǩ and try sort quassel11:58
tumbleweedcheck the other settings?11:58
tumbleweede.g. nicknameetc.11:58
Kilosoh my sorry tumbleweed 11:59
mazalThere is no other settings11:59
mazalServername , port and username11:59
tumbleweedyou sure your phone  is online? :)12:00
tumbleweedsttill, that's an odd error for a conneciton failure12:00
mazalYe he's getting email and fb12:01
superflymazal: quassel is not a traditional IRC client12:01
tumbleweedoh, quassel. are you not supposed to point it at a quassel server?12:01
superflymazal: QuasselDroid connects to your Quassel server12:01
mazalHo we gonna find that adres ?12:02
mazalhow even12:02
superflymazal: you run your server12:02
mazalRun your own server ?12:03
superflymazal: yes, you run your own Quassel server12:03
mazalMakes no sense12:03
superflyIt makes perfect sense, Quassel is not a traditional IRC client12:03
mazalSo what must one enter at the server ?12:04
superflymazal: your Quassel server's details12:04
mazalAnd where do one find that ?12:04
tumbleweedyou need to run one12:04
tumbleweedideally on a server somewhere12:04
superflylike a VPS12:05
mazalIe this can't be done12:05
mazalSo what other way can one enter here from phone ?12:05
mazalwebchat ?12:05
tumbleweedor any other IRC client for your phone12:05
superflymazal: I think magespawn_ has messed with a few Android IRC clients12:05
tumbleweedquasseldroid isn't actually an IRC client, it talks to the quassel server, which is the IRC client12:05
mazalAh ok , didn't know that12:06
superflyyeah, QuasselDroid is a Quassel client :-)12:06
tumbleweedthe advantage of it is that you can seamlessly move between your machines, appearing on IRC as one person12:06
superflyHence why I can chat from my phone, my tablet AND my PC, and never leave the room :-)12:07
mazalWill ask magespawn_ when he's around what client he could suggest12:07
superflyMaaz: google for Android IRC client12:07
Maazsuperfly: "Yet Another Android IRC Client - Yaaic" http://www.yaaic.org/ :: "AndroIRC - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androirc&hl=en :: "AndChat.net - IRC Client for Android" http://www.andchat.net/ :: "AndroIRC - The best IRC client for Android your device need" http://www.androirc.com/ :: "Android IRC clients «12:07
MaazBrad's blog" http://blog.lassey.us/2010/06/25/android-irc-clients/ :: "The Best IRC Clients…12:07
mazalThis is a Samsung S212:07
superflyThose would be the 3 I have heard of the most12:07
mazalOk thanx will look into those12:08
barrydkmaaz google for android irc client12:12
Maazbarrydk: "Yet Another Android IRC Client - Yaaic" http://www.yaaic.org/ :: "AndroIRC - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androirc&hl=en :: "AndChat.net - IRC Client for Android" http://www.andchat.net/ :: "AndroIRC - The best IRC client for Android your device need" http://www.androirc.com/ :: "Android IRC clients «12:12
MaazBrad's blog" http://blog.lassey.us/2010/06/25/android-irc-clients/ :: "The Best IRC Clients …12:12
SuperhumanIf you have quassel core, you can use the android version.12:14
superflySuperhuman: yeah, we were just talking about that :-)12:24
SuperhumanJip, I saw afterwards. Quassel is the best thing to come to irc world, and it makes sense to use.12:25
SuperhumanOne thing it does need, is a Quassel provider. Some company that provides you a quassel core connection, for X amount a month.12:27
superflySuperhuman: I think there might be such a thing, but I haven't looked recently12:32
superflyjust thought I saw it in the Quassel channel a couple of months ago12:32
superflyA quick duckduckgo found this: http://woboq.com/quassel.html12:33
superflyeven iQuassel, wow... https://itunes.apple.com/app/iquassel/id56684425212:35
mazalWe were busy fiddling with simpleirc , but then work intruded12:44
mazalLooks like iy will work though12:44
mazalit even12:44
mazalBye for now everyone12:45
inetprokilos has another power failure or in saving mode again?13:02
magespawn_afternoon all13:22
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
superflyhi magespawn13:29
magespawnhey superfly13:36
drubininetpro: please ping me about the meeting tomorrow.13:41
drubinor email a reminder and I will deff come and show my suppoer13:41
inetprodrubin: what meeting?13:41
magespawnreapproval 13:42
inetprodrubin: the re-approval is on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 22:00 SAST13:42
inetprogood to hear that you are still around, thanks drubin13:43
drubininetpro: Ya just busy and I forget but I am around.13:58
drubinI don't irc that much any more13:58
Kilosso who is Wraz ?14:17
Symmetriabeen phoning around trying to buy a certain fiber cable in this country14:21
Symmetriathe fiber guys in this country have never heard of such14:21
Kilosthat sucks14:21
Kiloslong wait from overseas14:22
Symmetriaheh, its interesting, this particular cable uses 12 fiber strands 14:22
Symmetriaooops 10 sorry14:22
Symmetriainto a single connector on each side14:22
henkjSymmetria: who did you try?14:22
Symmetriaand requires a form of multimode fiber thats VERY rare14:22
Symmetria(whats called OM4 MMF)14:22
Symmetriahenk, falcon was my first try14:22
Symmetriathen a coupla other random places I had heard about14:22
Symmetriabut I suspected I might have this problem, there is only one type of equipment that uses that fiber and I think Im probably the first person in the country to actually even think about using it14:23
Symmetria(that fiber is *specifically* used for 100gig -> 100gig 14:23
henkjthen there's not much chance of there being stock, even if people know about it14:24
Kiloshey mazal you guys winning?14:25
mazalI dunno , will see if barry tries it14:26
mazalBut he so busy on the farm after hours that he doesn't have much time for pc things14:26
Kiloswhat do you do on a farm at night14:34
Symmetriahenkj heh is gonna be pretty cool though turning that stuff up14:34
Kilosapart from watch tv14:34
SymmetriaI've never attempted to turn up a single 200G LAG on anything14:35
Symmetriaaggregation group14:35
Symmetriabasically, take 2 x 100gig links14:35
Symmetriaand bundle them together14:35
Symmetriabasically what we're doing, is taking 2 high powered routers14:36
Symmetriaputting 2 100gig links between them14:36
Symmetriabundling the 100gig links into a single channel14:36
Symmetriaand then running a virtual chassis shared control plane over it14:36
Symmetriaso you end up with a single virtual router 14:36
Symmetriawith a sick high speed link between them14:36
Symmetriathen you take a switch with 2 x 10gig links coming out of it, plug a single 10gig into each chassis, and run whats called LACP over them, to bundle those14:37
Symmetriaso you end up with 20gig from each switch into the virtual router 14:37
Symmetriaif you lose an entire chassis, it drops to a 10gig uplink to the switch, but nothing goes down14:37
Symmetriaso there is total redundancy14:37
Symmetria(this is the system we're aiming to implement at one of the .za universities for their campus network)14:37
Symmetriapricey, but kinda sweet14:38
henkjbut where does the 200G link go to?14:40
Symmetriaits between the two core routers14:40
Symmetriain that picture, those 2 boxes in the virtual chassis14:41
Symmetriahave the 200gig link between them14:41
henkjok, but where are they?14:41
Symmetriain the data center at the university :)14:41
inetproThe future of Ubuntu revealed http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/the-future-of-ubuntu-revealed-1114487?goback=.gde_48682_member_19294413015:00
inetpro1,600 schools - 50,000 Ubuntu desktops?15:01
inetproin South Africa!?15:01
* inetpro wonders15:01
Kilosdont sit and wonder go home15:14
inetproKilos: ahh, ok15:21
* magespawn is going to be working late, making dvd of fish's school concert15:23
Kiloslol we here if you lonely magespawn 15:31
magespawnty Kilos15:55
magespawntrying to get to grips with this video capture program15:56
magespawnfinally choose the right settings that does notmcause it to drop like 150 frames a second15:58
Kiloswhat, you trying to make lotsa bits and pieces into one movie?16:00
magespawnno one movie from video camera on to hard drive16:01
Kilosoh isnt thateasy?16:01
Kiloslotsa camera stuff in repos16:01
magespawnnot when the capture program drops frames for some reason16:02
magespawnother os16:02
magespawncould not get ubuntu to see the capture device16:03
Kilosai you missing some app thats does it16:05
magespawnmm maybe or some setting but anyway seems to be working now16:06
mazalDid capturing way back , not an easy task16:09
mazalNow I just do dvd to mp4 and some very small editing16:09
mazalMy biggest battle was to find a capture device that keeps the video and audio in sync16:14
magespawnthis one seems to drop a lot of frames16:14
magespawnmaybe the pc is not fast enough16:15
mazalcpu ?16:15
mazalSpeed of cpu I mean16:16
magespawnactually not sure16:16
magespawni forget16:16
magespawnnot about to look now will look when first full length capture is done16:17
mazalI found the best to be external capture device that does all the work. The internal ones all failed. On an external the pc actually just do the saving16:19
inetproKilos: you are way to quiet today16:27
inetproyou in saving mode or what?16:28
Kilosya head not happy inetpro 16:28
inetprosorry oom16:28
Kilosnp ill survive16:28
charl_sorry to hear Kilos, feel better soon! :(16:29
Kilosthanks for the concern16:29
Kilosty charl_ 16:29
inetprothe weather?16:30
Kilosinetpro, ?16:42
Kilosrather wrm tonight16:42
inetproKilos: I thought perhaps is the weather that is messing with the head?16:42
inetprothis constant shift between cold and hot16:43
Kilosoh no its digging up dubbeltjies and pulling other weeds round the house16:43
Kiloshi timkeller 16:43
magespawnKilos have a break have a kit kat16:44
magespawni am off chat later16:55
Kilostoods magespawn 17:00
Kilosi go eat guys17:02
inetprolekker eet oom17:02
* inetpro bbl also17:02
Vince-0Hi I mean17:58
smilehi :)18:16
Vince-0stupid headsets too complicated18:18
inetprogood evening smile18:28
smilegood evening :)18:29
smileexam tomorrow :o18:29
inetprosmile: yikes!18:29
inetprowhat are you writing?18:29
smilewhut? :o18:29
inetprosmile: what exam?18:30
inetprosmile: what exam are you writing tomorrow?18:30
smileoh, I'm not writing it :)18:30
smileit's an oral exam :p18:30
smileI need to say the answers :P18:31
smileit's about computer networks18:31
smileand how computers co-operate together18:31
charl_an oral exam about computers... that sounds unusual?18:31
smileyeah, but it's actually quite fun :p18:31
inetprosmile: hmm... but you know all those answers to that anyway18:31
smileI know every detail, so, he can ask me everything :p18:32
* inetpro also finds oral exam out of the ordinary 18:33
charl_smile: is that at a university?18:33
inetprocharl_: he's much younger than you :-)18:33
smilecharl_: no, my last year at the school for 12-18 age :)18:34
charl_smile: ah i see ok, that makes more sense :)18:34
charl_inetpro: that says nothing, i finished studying years ago anyway :P18:34
smilebut it's not easy ;)18:34
smileIt's about 300 pages theory :P18:35
charl_heh wait until you get into university!18:35
inetprocharl_: hmm... I thought you where like 2118:35
smile1000 pages then? o.O18:35
charl_inetpro: lol no i'm quite a few years older than that ;)18:35
charl_smile: thousands :D18:35
smilecharl_: then I won't learn every detail anymore :P18:36
charl_well you get so much documentation and references these days, knowing every detail is both impossible and unnecessary18:36
smilebut I want to know everything of it :)18:37
charl_it's always good to try/!18:37
inetprosuperfly: ping18:39
inetprosuperfly: it's almost 21:00 when you need to focus on stats18:40
smileyeaah, charl_ :) how are you?18:40
charl_smile: i'm good! today a decent bit of snow here18:41
charl_has it snowed in your area yet?18:41
Vince-0snoow nice - 18:41
smilecharl_: yes, but not so much :P much more snow (10cm) is expected tomorrow :P18:42
charl_yes here too18:42
smileIt will disarrange the traffic :P18:42
charl_in between 10cm and 20cm18:43
Kiloshi Narf23 18:46
Kiloshi charl_ smile inetpro 18:46
Kiloshi ludo18:46
smilehi oom Kilos :p18:46
Kilosoh hi Vince-0 18:47
smilecharl_: do you need to go out tomorrow? :p18:47
Vince-0lol no mic on any of my devices18:48
Kiloswassup the mic Vince-0 ?18:49
Narf23poor Vince - 1st PC now Tablet :P18:49
superflyinetpro: OK, just switching on my computer18:49
Narf23No mic in Google hang out..18:49
Kilosah Narf23 you one of the lug guys?18:50
Narf23Yea - 1st time in ubuntu_za IRC18:50
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:50
inetprosuperfly: get the kiddies sorted before you start18:50
Kiloshehe inetpro  you too cheeky18:51
inetproNarf23: welcome to #ubuntu-za18:51
KilosNarf23, tell us a bit about yourself18:52
superflyinetpro: *just* have18:52
inetprosuperfly: so where do we start?18:53
Narf23I'm a M$ techi starting to get into a little of Linux 18:53
inetproperhaps easiest if you can provide stats for the website18:53
Narf23Just received my Pi and about to start playing18:53
charl_smile: yeah i need to go to work, but the roads are salted so i don't worry too much to go on the bicycle18:54
smileokay :p maybe your fingers freeze :o18:54
charl_hi Kilos 18:54
smileNarf23: good w ork ;)18:54
smileI ordered mine too :)18:54
superflyinetpro: I have no idea where to get those18:55
charl_smile: yeah i always have that problem, that's why i wear gloves now18:55
charl_smile: actually biking with gloves is quite nice, my head doesn't get cold too quickly, just my fingers18:55
inetprosmile: last time I think you had google stats18:55
superflyinetpro: ah, true, I can look at that18:55
inetprosuperfly: http://saturnlaboratories.co.za/files/ubuntu-za_visitors.png18:56
smilecharl_: I was supercooled one day, and I just felt onto the ground :p18:57
smileinetpro: google stats for? :)18:57
inetprooops, was I just talking to smile?18:58
charl_smile: oh my goodness, that's not good18:58
inetprosorry smile, I meant to talk to the fly18:58
inetprotab completion fail18:58
smileinetpro: yea :o18:59
inetprowb Vince-018:59
smilecharl_: It was under freezing temperature outside, I spent too much time outside and my body decided to go in sleep mode :P19:00
Vince-0oh herrow19:00
mazalSleep well all19:00
smilegood night, mazal19:00
superflyinetpro: we don't use the website much, and you can tell by looking at the stats19:00
Vince-0so hows this: pc: webcam, 2 sound cards, two headsets + tablet + phone: wifi + 3g and no voice on my mic19:00
magespawnevening all19:00
Kilosnight maz19:00
Kiloshey magespawn 19:01
inetprosuperfly: I guess we have to face the reality and work on that19:01
charl_smile: wow ok, that's scary :S be careful!19:01
inetproor accept it as is19:01
magespawnwhat website superfly?19:02
superflyinetpro: the "reality" is that our presense is the mailing list and IRC19:02
inetprothere's more than enough info all over the place19:02
superflyand the website really isn't used for much19:02
inetprosuperfly: it still is an important site to keep19:02
inetpromany a new linux user starts his journey at http://ubuntu-za.org/19:03
superflyinetpro: so maybe we need to re-analyse what our site should be doing19:04
smilecharl_: I will :)19:05
inetprosuperfly: I agree, it's worth looking at that19:05
smileAfter one day I was happy again! :P19:05
magespawnVince-0: where is the hang-out again?19:05
smileand for me no school that day :)19:05
inetprosuperfly: as I mentioned late last night, I would love to see more South Africans getting involved in Ubuntu development19:06
superflyinetpro: I agree, but where are they going to hear about Ubuntu?19:07
magespawni made some progress on the idea of t-shirts19:07
inetproour website should point back to the places where things happen19:07
inetprowhere things really happen*19:07
superflyMaybe we should make it a static site? just 2 or 3 HTML pages?19:07
* inetpro could live with that19:08
Kilosmagespawn, you musta missed it19:08
inetprosuperfly: it would make your life much easier19:08
Kiloswe short of lotsa stats19:08
inetprosuperfly: but at the same time, it could make it difficult for others to update19:09
superflyinetpro: it should be small enough that it doesn't need updating ;-)19:10
magespawnthinks so Kilos19:10
inetprosuperfly: ok, how about we put that up for a vote in our next meeting?19:10
inetproobviously anyone can jump into the discussion at any point before the meeting19:11
Kilosinetpro, member charl_ offered to sort the site19:12
Kilosor help anyway19:12
superflyinetpro: OK19:12
superflyinetpro: site statistics updated19:12
inetprosuperfly: where did you post that?19:14
superflyinetpro: on the reapproval page19:14
* inetpro doing yet another forced refresh19:15
inetprosuperfly: nothing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication2012#Website_Traffic19:15
inetproahh :-)19:16
inetpromaybe we should move that down to stats?19:17
Kilostheres lotsa ubuntu hours not mentioned19:17
Kilosneil should have the info on last few19:18
inetproKilos: we don't really have to mention them all19:18
inetprojust that they did happen and then some stuff to make the report look nice19:18
Kiloslooks like we had nothing since 201119:18
inetprooh and maybe some references to reports19:19
inetproobviously the more info the better, but often less is more19:20
Kilosno here man19:20
Kiloswe cant lose this reapp thing19:21
inetproKilos: haha19:21
Kilossomeone should take maia a case of redbull19:21
inetprolike that will really happen!?19:21
inetprowe have some big guns coming from #ubuntu-za19:22
inetprobut we need to work on getting more :-)19:22
Kilosya but they need bullets19:22
Kilosrope drussell in too19:23
magespawnlooks like some of the ubuntu hour dates got mixed around19:23
* drussell hides19:23
inetpromagespawn: we can't let that happen19:23
Kiloshi deegee19:23
inetpromagespawn: please fix what you see that is wrong19:23
inetprodrussell: wb19:24
magespawnwill do19:24
inetprohow are you doing?19:24
drussellinetpro: :o)19:24
drussellinetpro: surviving!19:24
magespawni will have a good look tomorrow on a tablet at the moment19:24
superflyinetpro: OK, pulling nick stats on #ubuntu-za19:24
inetprodrussell: don't forget to breathe19:24
superflyoh, whoops, just realised that's for all time...19:24
magespawnthat will be interesting19:24
magespawnwhat about highvoltage? he was in here a bit too19:25
Kilosbreathing is good for the health19:25
inetpromagespawn: for sure19:25
drussellinetpro: heh, yeah, life without breathing is very short :o)19:25
magespawnit is also what causes you to die19:26
inetproKilos: seems charl_ has run away now that you mentioned him19:26
Kiloscharl_, ping19:26
Kiloswatching idiot box or something19:27
inetproKilos: don't worry he'll jump in when he has the time19:27
inetproany other suggestions for the report, anyone!?19:28
Kilostumbleweed, any ideas?19:29
Kiloslo ludo19:30
inetprodrussell: good to see that there's still signs of life on that side19:31
inetproyou should show more of yourself in here19:31
Kiloshe does man19:31
Kilosevery day or so19:31
Kilosjust likes to lurk19:31
inetproKilos: hmm... so maybe it's me?19:31
superflyinetpro: for reference: select sender.sender, count(backlog.senderid) as active from backlog join sender on sender.senderid = backlog.senderid where bufferid = 17 and time > '2010-12-01 00:00:00' group by sender.sender, backlog.senderid order by active desc;19:32
Kilosya you lurk till your nick is mentioned or you can jump on me19:32
smilebyee :p19:32
* Kilos ducks19:32
Kilostoods smile 19:32
smilegood night :p19:32
inetprosuperfly: nice19:32
smilesee ya :)19:32
inetprosuperfly: you should blog that when you have time19:33
drussellmagespawn: one of many things that can cause death :oD19:35
inetpromeanwhile it will be interesting to see the following graph over time19:40
inetproMaaz: coffee on19:43
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:43
Kilosgood idea19:43
KilosMaaz, coffee please19:43
MaazKilos: Okay19:43
KilosMaaz, large19:43
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos19:43
magespawnMaaz coffee please19:45
Maazmagespawn: Alrighty19:45
magespawnMaaz ty19:45
MaazYou are welcome magespawn19:45
Kiloshehe you check ludo19:45
Kilosi greeet daily with no reaction then when i skip a day he wants to know why19:46
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro, Kilos and magespawn!19:47
KilosMaaz, danke19:47
inetproMaaz: dankie19:47
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend19:47
magespawnMaaz botsnack19:50
MaazWhat do you want magespawn Trying to butter me up or something?19:50
magespawnMaaz for you the world is not enough19:50
Maazmagespawn: I'll remember that19:50
inetproMaaz: for you the world19:51
Maazinetpro: for you the world is not enough19:51
inetproMaaz: forget last factoid19:52
Maazinetpro: I didn't know about last factoid anyway19:52
magespawndid not mean to teach him that19:52
Kilosi dont even get time to play with my bot anymore19:53
Kilosnight inetpro magespawn superfly and others20:01
Kilossleep tight20:01
magespawnnight Kilos20:01
inetprosuperfly: eish! That sender column has way to many records20:23
superflyinetpro: I know20:23
superflyI did a few things, and I still have to filter it down20:23
inetprowonder why they didn't simply have a nick column20:24
magespawngood night 20:43
inetpromagespawn: gaan slaap21:59
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