
=== frewsxcv is now known as frewsxcv94709
zequencettoine: Hello08:32
ttoinezequence, I do my membership this evening !08:32
ttoineI hope it will work !08:32
zequencettoine: Oh? I'll make sure to be around08:35
ttoinezequence, thanks08:36
zequenceFinlands independence today08:36
zequenceAnd my birthday08:36
ttoinetoday ?08:36
zequenceFinland 95, me, 3508:37
ttoinehappy birthday !08:37
zequenceSorry, Finlands Independence Day. When I turn 40, Finland turns 100. Woo, there will be a party then08:37
ttoinezequence, ;-)09:20
smartboyhwttoine, 12:00 UTC or 22:00 UTC????10:28
ttoinesmartboyhw, 22:00 UTC11:46
smartboyhwttoine, hmm I can't watch then:(11:47
ttoinesmartboyhw, no problem12:11
holsteinits ailo's birthday15:22
zequenceholstein: Yea, and Finlands too.15:23
smartboyhwholstein, oh is it?15:23
smartboyhwCongrats zequence 15:23
zequenceFinland is becoming an old hag. She's 9515:23
* smartboyhw wonders where is scott-work; he should be here congrating zequence 15:23
smartboyhwzequence, LOL15:24
smartboyhwOur school is 16115:24
zequenceHope it stays together ;)15:24
holsteinmy bass is older than Finland...15:24
smartboyhwholstein, LOL15:25
holsteinsounds like the punchline to some awful musician joke.. "i got basses older than Finland"15:25
holsteini played with a guitar player years ago and he said "ive got ties older than you"...15:26
holsteini thought that was a great line15:26
holsteinif his guitar playing were on par with his sense of humour, we'd probably still be working together...15:27
zequenceIt brings many associations15:27
zequenceWhen I turn 40, Finland turns 100. That'll be the biggest party I ever organize15:30
holsteinFinland is one of those places like Australia.. on my short list of places i think i would really like to spend some time15:31
smartboyhwzequence, :D:O15:31
zequenceholstein: Why Finland? There's only one city, and the rest is just forest. If you come in the wrong half of the year, all you see is snow and ice15:32
zequenceThe food isn't exactly great, and the people not particularly friendly15:32
holsteini just think id like it.. from what ive seen/read/heard15:32
zequenceThey have loads of festivals during summer15:32
zequenceWeird festivals. Lot's of humor15:33
zequenceI'd like to visit New York sometime. Maybe live there for a while15:35
holsteinwell... i think i need to, but i dont like it at all15:36
zequencesmartboyhw: Where in HK do you live?15:36
holsteinim not a big city guy though...15:36
smartboyhwzequence, somewhere near Central15:36
smartboyhwCentral = the commercial centre15:36
smartboyhwHmm Kubuntu and Edubuntu Alpha 1 soon coming15:37
zequenceholstein: Not me typically either, but the impression I get is the culture there is something worth experiencing15:37
smartboyhwI give you a challenge: Try to find your name in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Credits/BugReporters15:38
smartboyhw14373 people15:38
* smartboyhw finds that that doesn't include zequence 15:39
zequencesmartboyhw: Guess I didn't report any15:40
holsteinzequence: totally somewhere for the bucket list15:40
smartboyhwzequence, yeah15:40
smartboyhwI found myself15:41
holsteini though london as a little "crazier" than NYC though15:41
smartboyhwSome interesting facts15:41
holsteinwas a little*15:41
smartboyhw241 Ubuntu Developers, 41 Juju Charm Writers, 208 testers, 12 release team members, 22 contributors to Desktop User Guide, 5 to Server Guide, 26 to Release Notes, over 16 thousand translators, 223 bug analysts and 14373 bug reporters made Ubuntu 12.10 possible15:42
zequenceholstein: If you do come around here, do visit Gothenburg, Sweden, where I live. Not saying just cause I live here, but it's one of the nicer cities/towns in this part of Europe15:44
holsteinzequence: if i do, i'll come buy you a beer :)15:44
zequenceholstein: I'll buy you one!15:45
zequenceI need to visit Berlin too sometime15:45
holsteinzequence: we'll take turns 8D15:45
zequenceholstein: Might continue for a long time15:46
holsteinworks for me...15:46
zequencesmartboyhw: Maybe I told you this before, but when I visited HK, I lived in a flat on a rooftop. It was a bit north from the central. Lantau Island seems like a nice place to live, especially if you build a house there, but I assume it's not cheap to do that15:57
smartboyhwzequence, buying a small flat isn't cheap15:58
zequenceMy favorite time in HK was when I visited the Buddhist monastary at the top of Lantau Island. Big buddha statue they have there15:58
smartboyhwThe flat that I live in now (my dad bought it of course) which is 920 square feet costs him 9.2 million15:58
smartboyhwzequence, good15:58
zequenceyueez :P15:58
ttoineless than 5 hours before the membership board !17:31
ttoinezequence, nice to read that from a pro !17:36
ttoineif some of you can be there for my membership in #ubuntu-meeting...20:12
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holsteinttoine: are you ready?22:02
zequencettoine: I'll be following the meeting22:03
ttoineI am ready22:04
ttoineholstein, if you want you can come too in "ubuntu-meeting22:04
ttoinezequence, thanks22:04
holsteinim there :)22:05
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
ttoineit is quite fast, actually22:16
zequenceYea, much faster than when I was on22:17
ttoineafter danielmato, me...22:27
holsteinhere you go!22:34
ttoineholstein, zequence , seems not to be so easy...22:48
holsteinttoine: we can talk about ways to improve your contributions. publically23:00
holsteinif you dont get it this time...23:00
holsteinttoine: for me, this process does raise some good points and questions23:01
holsteini need to run to work.. but i'd like much to help you get on track for when you re apply23:01
micahgholstein: I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have :)23:01
zequencettoine: I think if you keep being active for this cycle, like you have, you should have no problems getting membership when 13.04 is released23:01
zequencettoine: There's no hurry after all23:02
holsteinmicahg: well.. i mean questions like "when the current leader joined, the team dispersed"23:02
micahgwhat zequence said is definitely true23:02
holsteinbut... thats convo for another time.. i gotta run.. and i think you'll be able to document your contributions23:02
micahg(about the membership, not about the hurry)23:02
holsteinjust a steady cycle of something in a wiki... more of what you are doing ttoine 23:03
ttoinezequence, I agree23:03
ttoinemicahg, yes it is true. I just think that it would have helped me with the PR task, actually23:04
micahghrm, Launchpad no longer shows who created stuff23:05
micahgttoine: I think the team membership since 2007 should help you with that23:05
ttoinemicahg, I think that it is because the guy is not in Ubuntu Studio anymore23:06
ttoinemicahg, the matter is that since 2007, it is difficult to see what I have done23:06
micahgttoine: right, but as a PR person, idk if that matters as much, for Ubuntu membership it did23:07
ttoineit was Cory who created the team in Launchpad, I guess23:07
ttoinemicahg, idk ?23:07
micahgI don't know23:07
ttoinemicahg, for example, it will be harder to get the twitter account for me without being a member23:08
ttoineIt will need that somebody else do that stuff23:08
micahgttoine: why?  you're a member of Ubuntu Studio23:08
micahgyou're not going for an Ubuntu account, but a Studio one23:08
micahgyou have the Studio membership...they might want an ACK from ScottL or something...but I don't see it as being an issue23:09
micahgttoine: I definitely encourage you to go for the membership later, but I don't think it'll hinder what you hope to accomplish23:10
micahgis there a Studio domain?23:10
ttoinemicahg, ok23:10
ttoinemicahg, yes, we have ubuntustudio.org23:10
micahgso, maybe a mail account on that domain would be appropriate for a PR for Studio :)23:10
ttoinemicahg, I don't know if it is possible23:11
ttoinemicahg, but to be clear, I don't want to be a member for an email address. I want to become a member because since all those years, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio are an important part of my life23:12
micahgttoine: it should be...kubuntu has it, idk what hoops need to be jumped through for it though23:12
ttoinebut it is clear that an ubuntustudio.org email address is the key to claim the twitter account23:12
micahgttoine: I agree23:13
ttoineastraljava could write a testimonial, but I didn't see him active for monthes23:14
ttoinemicahg, I will ask scott about that email point. zequence, do you know if this is possible ? maybe knome could know ?23:15
zequencemicahg: ttoine has full access to make posts on the website, and will have full access to all channels that we will be using23:18
micahgzequence: I said nothing to the contrary :)23:18
ttoineI think that zequence noticed that it will be easy to find contributions outside of launchpad and irc23:19
ttoineanyway, zequence and holstein, thanks a lot for your support !23:19
zequenceAh, no. I just misunderstood what you were talking about just now23:19
zequencettoine: np. Keep up the good work.23:20
ttoineI will try to do my best23:20
ttoinezequence, after all, we now have a good team. It has not always been like that in the past23:20
ttoineCan you imagine that I am for creating a kind of PR team and a community since the early beginning ?23:21
zequencettoine: I like the team as well, and I hope we can keep expanding it by delegating responsibilities to more people. 23:23
zequenceWe really need more people too :P23:24
ttoinezequence, it will come. At first, we need a community of users. and through the users, we will find developpers.23:24
ttoinethink about all the developpers who worked on 64Studio, AVLinux, and so on... 23:25
zequenceYea. And communication will be very important23:25
ttoineWe have to show that Ubuntu Studio is alive, not like all those old unmaintained projects23:25
ttoinethen packagers, developpers, etc. will come before we can notice it23:26
zequenceIf we have a decent organization, we could make sure each release is bug free, and performs really well23:27
zequenceRight now, it's not the case at all, I think23:27
ttoinethe aim should be to become the reference distribution for companies like Harrison, Lighworks, etc.23:28
zequenceWith a good organization, we can have many people working independantly, testing, reporting bugs, fixing bugs. making adjustments to settings, choosing the right apps, etc23:28
ttoinezequence, you didn't see the first rt kernel... and the early ubuntu studio releases23:28
micahgmaybe one day get corporate sponsorship/paid developers :)23:28
ttoinefrom canonical, or from other companies interested with the project.23:29
micahgsimilar to Blue Systems/Kubuntu23:29
ttoineBut for me, I don"t hope anything : the jobs in floss is always for programmers...23:29
zequencettoine: I've been using Ubuntu Studio off and off since 8.0423:30
zequencettoine: It was a good distro (can't remember exactly which one I liked)23:30
micahgttoine: actually, there's quite a bit more roles depending on the size/budget of the FLOSS project23:30
ttoinezequence, one of the most used version in production is still 10.04 LTS or something like that23:31
ttoinemicahg, on very important projects, yes. But look at canonical, even community managers are programmers...23:32
micahgttoine: there's still plenty more23:33
ttoinemicahg, I saw last month a job like "sales representatives france"23:33
ttoineit is not really my job23:34
micahgthere's sales, PR, support, dev23:34
zequence9.10 was my favorie, since I was also using Puredyne, which was based on Ubuntu 9.10. They were hacking on their own rt kernel, but decided to use the on in the main repo. There might have been some problems with desktop/graphic drivers. Don't remember. There's always something.23:34
ttoinezequence, yes, there is always something. The work done to get "official" mainteners for the kernel will help a lot23:35
ttoinebut look at Ubuntu, there less and less something, but there is still something at every release23:36
zequenceUKT are really busy, but things are moving along. We should have control of maintenance at least before 13.04 is out23:36
zequenceYea, recent Ubuntu's are starting to feel very good. It still feels like it's "under development" though, for each release. 23:38
zequenceI installed Ubuntu 12.04 today, on a friends machine, to show him ubuntu for the first time. We used wubi. The first app he wanted to use was Skype. Of course, installing with wubi for somer reason left out the partner and the extra archives23:39
zequenceNot hard for me to straighten out, but for him, that would have been impossible23:39
zequenceIt was not just a matter of enabling the archives. I needed to add the lines to the sources.list file23:40
zequenceAnd since I don't use Software Center a lot, I haven't learned how well it works. I tried searching for Skype, after enabling the partners archive, and updating apt. Then, reopening Software Center. No Skype. I might have missed something, but that kind of thing really screws with the idea that Ubuntu is easy23:41
micahghrm, might have been missing app-install-data-partner23:42
micahgzequence: did you file a bug for WUBI?23:42
zequencemicahg: Yep23:42
ttoineit is the same with most of workshop about producing multimedia with Linux. It is very true when the showman is using fedora + planetccrma23:43
ttoinepeople go out thinking it is not for them and they will keep their mac / win23:43
ttoineAs soon than I can get some better hardware, I will try to see how I can do some howto videos23:44
ttoinehum, 1am soon here23:47
ttoinehave a good night23:47
zequencettoine: You too. Yea, 1am here too23:47
zequenceTime to embrace the darkness in horizontal mode23:48
micahgis that what shutdown -h is for? :)23:48
ttoineI  can sleep a bit tomorrow morning, but work in the afternoon23:49
ttoinezequence, still working on my next webserver...23:49
ttoinemicahg, nice geek command line...23:49
ttoineI will have to take care that my wife don't try that on me ;-)23:50

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