
=== phunyguy_t430s_ is now known as phunyguy_t430s
c2taruneach time I open chrome or chromium I get a popup to unlock keyring. Can anyone please tell what is this keyring for?04:13
holsteinc2tarun: maybe take a screenshot...04:14
c2tarunholstein, you dont get that?? I googled and everyone is getting it :(04:15
c2tarunholstein, which browser are you using?04:15
holsteinc2tarun: correct... i dont get it. you mind taking a screenshot so i know what is popping up?04:15
holsteinim using chrome04:15
holsteinwell, i see there is an update i havnet downoaded.. and a kernel upgrade too.. so lemme reboot and see if its "broken"04:21
c2tarunholstein, wait, I have to log-off and relogin, I'll post screenshot in a moment.04:21
holsteinyeah? so its not each time.. just when you login the first time?04:22
c2tarunholstein, we can't take its screen shot, nothing works when the popup box comes up.04:54
johnrideHi, where can I find an iso of XUbuntu ppc under 700Mo to write it on a CD?05:45
johnrideFor an IMac G305:45
agresterHave a problem with lightdm-gtk-greeter06:22
c2tarunagrester, what problem?06:33
agresterBasically I set lightdm-gtk-greeter to have a backround=path and for some reason the background at the greeter stage has this bizarre pixelated noise and it looks like distortion...06:37
agresterIt's so strange, it's all messed up now, everything appears to be at default...06:37
c2tarungood job :) now just hang around, some one will answer you soon.06:38
agresterI can paste bin06:38
popolonhi, I discovered a strange thing in xubuntu 12.10. My system is in french by default, I added chinese, and when I want to log xubuntu or xfce desktop in chinese it's still in french ???10:19
popolonon a computer I managed to be able to switch to chinese, by choosing gnome at session login + chinese as language10:20
popolongnome crashed, I've only background at least10:20
popolonI switched to console (ctrl+f1), killed gnome session, logued again with xfce in chinese, and then chinese xfce appear10:20
popolonworks now with xfce & xubuntu desktop10:21
popolonan another computer I would like to do the same thing, without installing gnome10:26
popolonwhy network is not visible by default in thunar on xubuntu 12.10 ? Is there a documented method to get it ? all docs /faq I found are back from 2006, and don't seem to be the same than today ?12:19
popolonthere is another guy saying that. no network/print share in 12.1012:26
popolonit doesn't have volume control, I have after install, but since yesterday, don't know why for, I had to readd it, and don't manage well my card, only a master control ????12:27
popolonI didn't added ppa or external software for now, but a firefox in /opt/ own directory from mozilla ftp12:28
olbiI have strange things on one computer with Xubuntu 12.10, that is hardware problem, allways have big file like .xsession-errors and .xsession-errors.old.backup12:29
olbione time it was 92GB! :]12:29
blackgatonegroolbi, try using 12.04, is a lts12:29
olbibut it only appears with 12.10 and on this computer :P this is 6 years old :] soon I will change him to much more actually unit :]12:30
olbinow I will stay with 11.10 :]12:30
blackgatonegroolbi, 12.04 is a lts, 11.10 is not.12:30
popolonwith 12.04, ibus + compose key didn't integrate well12:31
popolonnow that's resolved12:31
popolonI can again type in full french typographie12:32
blackgatonegropopolon, 12.04 had a lot of updates since then12:32
popolonI only installed 12.10 sunday12:32
popolonfor my main computer12:32
popolonand yesterday for another one12:32
blackgatonegro12.10 makes many changes compared to 12.0412:32
blackgatonegro12.04 is a long term release, that means it will last longer12:32
blackgatonegrobesides if you get 90 GB errors is a bad idea to stay in 12.1012:34
blackgatonegrothe fonts have been fixed in 12.0412:34
blackgatonegrothey been updated and that12:34
popolonnot a problem of font, but a problem of keyboard management12:37
popolonif ibus is used (I need it to type in chinese), compose key don't work (I need it to write in fr.wikipedia for french typography)12:38
popolon« » … etc…12:39
popolonoh, and a minor point but that could help other12:40
CatbuntuOh popolon, you're a big editor at fr.wiki :)12:40
CatbuntuI work at es.wiki basically.12:41
popolonthe libtxc is installed by default (for s3 texture compression)12:41
popolonbut on intel hardware should be removed to use flightgear for exemple12:41
popolonelse there will by funny bugs12:41
blackgatonegropopolon, you should try 12.04 again, maybe that was patched, or maybe there is a workaround.12:41
popolonthere are still bugs without but far less12:41
popolonblackgatonegro, I was on 12.04 before, this is a problem with mesa driver12:42
popolonjust have to remove this package and everything works about fine12:42
popolonbut intel mesa driver is in developpement can't hope to much from hom12:42
popolonblackgatonegro, I only switched sunday, I know the difference12:43
blackgatonegroanyway, your 12.10 install is very screwed if you get so many errors, the advantage of LTS versions is that they usually last long enough for patches to be release and for people to find workarounds.12:43
popolonCatbuntu, thanks ^^, there is a popolon on es: that edited some years ago, but that's not me12:43
CatbuntuYou could request a SUL.12:44
popolonblackgatonegro, the problem with Harddrive is not for me12:44
popolonI know, I getted for most language wikipedia12:44
blackgatonegropopolon, switch back12:44
popolonbut I don't want to take another one account12:44
CatbuntuI think that if es:popolon is unactive they can drop it and SUL you, ask on the embassy.12:44
popolonok, I probably will ask again in few time12:44
CatbuntuThe es:popolon account is unactive since Feb. 2007.12:45
blackgatonegropopolon, update of versions screwing ubuntu installs is quite common, I had to format a disk when I upgraded to 12.04 and to a fresh install, I had tons of errors otherwise.12:46
popolonI know, I formated my disk (after backup) for install new one12:46
popolonbut problems are minors12:46
blackgatonegropopolon, specially if you upgrade to a version that makes several key changes, like 12.10 does12:46
popolonand not the same on two computers12:46
popolonI globally like the change12:47
popolonless slow (or faster), so important on the ~7 years old computer of my wife12:47
blackgatonegropopolon, I don't think 90 GB of errors are minors, I never got that much errors in any ubuntu install12:47
popolonblackgatonegro, I don' have 90GB of error12:47
popolonthat's another user12:47
blackgatonegropopolon, xubuntu 12.04 works okay in seven year old computers12:48
blackgatonegropopolon, sorry12:48
popolonno problem12:48
blackgatonegroI tend to get confused when multitasking12:48
popolonbut javascript is really important and is really faster, else she will want to come back to windows xp to use privator softwares12:49
blackgatonegroAnd LTS have the advance of lasting long, so your hardware wont' be unsupported for years12:49
blackgatonegropopolon, there is something calling dual boot.12:49
popolonjs is a great step for that12:49
popolonI prefer only free version ^^12:49
popolonI don't think she will like to reboot every time12:49
popolonso I only want to understand12:50
blackgatonegropopolon, you can change grub so it boots xp first12:50
popolonwhy par defaut, if system is installed in french, I can't get chinese system session, but if I make gnome crash12:50
popolonand how to add network share, and everything will be ok12:50
popolonI don't want xp anymore12:50
blackgatonegrowait, gnome? This is xubuntu12:50
blackgatonegrowe dont use gnome here, just some gnome fonts12:51
popolonI installed gnome12:51
popolonfor testing12:51
popolonthis resolved the xubuntu issue12:51
popolonI was able to log in chinese with gnome (classical works, but gnome. crash)12:51
popolonafter the crash12:51
popolonxfce and xubuntu in chinese was possible ^^12:51
popolonI don't know why for at all12:51
popolonI want to reproduce the same thing on its computer, without installing gnome12:52
popolonon her computer12:52
CatbuntuXubuntu 13.04 is good and at least it boots :)12:52
blackgatonegromaybe it used some libraries, XFCE has a bit of gnome poisoning12:52
popolonI didn't added packet12:53
blackgatonegrofor running some programs12:53
popolonbetween  the time I was unable and the time I was able  to use default chinese xfce12:53
blackgatonegrowhen you install a desktop environment, a lot of libraries get installed too12:53
popolononly launched not-classical gnome version in chinese12:54
popolonI believe even gnome-classical didn't swith to chinese12:54
popolonI believe instead there is something that change in configuration at first gnome destkop start12:55
popolonas I didn't installed anything12:55
popolon(as I said)12:55
popolonxfe4 goodies could be the solution for network, it contain gvfs ?12:58
popolonI noticed in some case that windows are automatically puted in halffullscreen tile13:02
popolonthet's a nice feature13:02
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=== unbot is now known as Catbuntu
popolonthere is the same thing on galaxy note 10.1 & Note II13:12
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bartzyUsing XFCE 4.10, can I make XFCE open new windows in the right (end) of the task bar, and not in the left (beginning)?14:10
popolonok, understood for the sound, mixer plugin should not be used, but instead the sound icon in the indicators plugin14:43
popolonthis one works fine14:43
popolonI noticed that french and english is in black, but chinese in light gray in language prefs15:08
popolonI remove english15:08
popolonas on my computer , this could perhaps resolve the bug ?15:08
popolonbartzy, right mouse button => move ?15:09
popolonoh, yes chinese is in black now !15:09
boirahi.. i'm new user15:19
bartzypopolon: That's for moving the window itself.15:34
bartzypopolon: I want the apps to show in the right of the taskbar when they are opening.15:35
bartzyNow they just open in random locations15:35
bartzyBetween already opened applications15:35
popolondon't understand, I thing you spoke about "opened windows" applet15:38
popolonnow, network share work, but is less than usable slow15:42
holsteinbartzy: i might try different applets for showing runing tasks... til one works as you want. in theory, all of that functionality is customizable, but i have not tried changing that to the right side15:44
bartzyholstein: What applets are there ?15:50
bartzyI thought only one15:50
holsteinbartzy: there are quite a few addable in the panel by default.. when i install a new OS, i typically add a panel or a user for testing.. i add *everything* and see whats what15:51
holsteinbartzy: there are other panels... keep in mind everything is ultimately customizable.. so its more about how to best get what you want.. the issue i see for you is, listing the running apps on the left is preferred for likely a good reason15:52
popolonI can confirm than thunar give really strange values for directories in 12.1016:10
popolonwhen I right-click on a folder, it give the value of the folder containing this one :)16:10
popolonok, no, that's only for free space16:11
holsteinKonigsberg7: hello? you are coming and going quite a bit.. can i be of assistance?17:07
baizonto much pasted17:11
phunyguy_workwonderworld, I had to add a line to my script to update the links in nautilus if the connection failed or reconnected.  works so far so good!18:16
phunyguy_workbeen putting it through the ropes18:16
phunyguy_workxdg-user-dirs-update --force18:19
marsjeI did a fresh install of xubuntu 12.10, but used an existing /home. Now sometimes X does not start and I don't get the login screen. What is wrong?20:19
holsteinmarsje: i would try creating a new user, or blowing out some/all of the existing config20:22
baizonmarsje: you got an ati card?20:22
holsteincould be, you wanted to reintall because there was an issue, and that issue was in the configuration files of the /home20:22
marsjebaizon: intel core i3, no discrete gpu20:23
marsjeholstein: I reinstalled because I got a new disk (ssd) on which I wanted me OS20:23
marsjeI don't even get the login screen, but it worked yesterday, so I don't understand..20:24
marsjeI see console text but I do get a graphic mouse cursor20:24
holsteinhow did you move the OS to the drive?20:24
marsjeinstalled from a xubuntu cd and mounted my old drive as /home20:24
holsteinthe old drive? or the old /home...20:25
marsjeold /home20:25
holsteineither way, i would take that user config out of the equation and test20:25
marsjeis there any log file I could check?20:25
holsteinprobably.. but i typically just make a new user and test20:26
marsjeI a lightdm log I see that it cannot find a file: /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions20:27
marsjeholstein: but the thing is that it goes wrong *before* logging in20:27
holsteinmarsje: i was more interested in the word "sometimes" above20:28
holsteinmarsje: if you are sure its not a user config issue, then ignore me.. and the fact that you are using the /home from the other install20:28
marsjewell, I had X problem befor ein my life and something it was some messed up file in ~20:29
marsjebut since I don't log in, I gues it cannot be aything in ~20:29
holsteini thought you did login20:30
marsjeI don't get the login screen20:30
holsteinsure, but you get something to login to. you can login and try starting x and see the errors20:30
marsjeI can switch to another tty and login there and do stuff, but text only20:30
marsjeno, I can't login in X20:31
marsjeit hangs before showing the password screen20:31
marsjeso I guess lightdm is the login manager that is supposed to show me the login screen?20:32
* marsje is going to reboot for the hell of it20:34
marsjeyou were not supposed to see me leave... I accidently entered "sudo reboot" while I was still logged on the server, instead of the desktop machine that I wanted to reboot......20:46
v1adimiryeah, well :P20:48
marsjethere goes my record uptime...20:48
Unit193marsje: Have you installed uprecords?20:49
marsjeanyway, now lightdm/xubuntu boots normally...20:49
marsjeUnit193: what is that?20:49
Unit193Keeps track of your uptime, and records them.20:50
marsjeI use http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=marsnix.nl20:50
marsjeanyway, another weird thing with my new xubuntu install, besides the login problem, is the shutdown problem: I type "sudo reboot" on some tty, then I get the blue graphics xubuntu shutdown screen. Then my drives and fans turn off, but the shutdown screen stays on my screen20:52
knomeUnit193, marsje: #xubuntu-offtopic20:52
marsjeI have to shutdown then by holding down the power-button20:52
holsteinmarsje: so, the other problem is not an issue anymore?21:03
holsteinmarsje: i had to add a line to grub on my machine to get a "clean" shutdown21:04
marsjeholstein: well, I thought the problem was fixed yesterday, but today it seemed it was not fixed, so it's fixed this one time :)21:05
marsjewhat did you add to grub?21:05
holsteinmarsje: i hardware specific line that is needed for my machine to shutdown cleanly.. but this is not a new machine for you, correct?21:05
marsjeholstein: the machine is brand new actually21:06
holsteinmarsje: i was under the impression the hard drive was new in an older machine.. eitherway, i would just search for a bug or forum post21:07
marsjejust the harddisk is "old"21:07
marsjethe rest is new21:07
marsjethe harddisk that contains the /home partition is old, the rest is on the new ssd21:08
RemixAngelxubuntu is fantastic, thank you so much!21:47
marsjewhen it works :)21:47
RemixAngelworks fine.21:48
RemixAngelmore like21:48
RemixAngelWhen YOU* can work it;p21:48
marsjeon my new computer it boots is seconds21:48
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=== Otyg_ is now known as Otyg
Riley88hey guys is there away to check and make sure u have 3d acceleration on intel graphics i edited  my xorg.conf but im not sure it did it22:49
Riley88 I have hd 300022:49

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