
=== Makyo is now known as Makyo|out
benjihmm, a CSS library that replaces the JS in bootstrap; maybe we can use more of bootstrap this way: http://labs.thecssninja.com/bootleg/12:45
* bac likes ninjas12:47
bacbenji: have a moment for a quick chat?13:08
benjibac: sure, juju-ui?13:08
bacit's about python-shelltoolbox 'run'13:08
benjiteknico: did you see my note about clean and clean-all targets?13:53
* teknico is back14:07
teknicobenji, yes, sorry, I forgot to reply14:07
teknicobenji, replied, I hope you weren't counting on getting *everything* you wanted ;-)14:13
teknicoas mentioned, I'm also interested in what our colleagues prefer14:13
benjiI'm mostly interested in not violating expectations.  There are many people who will work on this project who are not our current collegues.14:15
teknicothat's also true14:17
teknicodownloading all those node modules takes a while14:17
teknicohaving to type something less reflexive than "make clean" to desstroy them might save people some headache14:18
benjiindeed, that is the raison d'ĂȘtre of the "mostlyclean" target 14:19
benjiyou are almost certainly right, unfortuntately the sub-optimal solution has taken hold; I value consistency over slight optimizations;  others may differ in their value assignments14:20
teknico"make clean" gets 1.38G Google hits, "make mostlyclean" 4.17M14:21
teknicoI rest my case :-)14:21
benjiTo all my Makefile-reviewing friends, https://codereview.appspot.com/6909046/ is available for your consumption.14:29
teknicobenji, I'll look at it after reviewing Makyo|out's branch14:35
=== Makyo|out is now known as Makyo
gary_posterbac bcsaller benji goodspud hazmat jovan2 Makyo teknico: call in 215:28
benjibac: you're a bit windy today :)15:32
* benji buys push-to-talk buttons for everyone for Christmas.15:33
hazmatgary_poster, in other call15:39
hazmatwill join for weekly15:40
baci'm running the jitsu charm test on ec2. it bootstrapped and is now on test_api_agent but has been there a really long time.  to be expected?15:57
bacnm, it eventually moved along by itself16:31
hazmatinteresting thoughts around ux http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2012/12/what-are-you-going-to-do-next-introducing-the-predictive-interface/16:32
benjibac: right, the tests take a very, very long time16:33
hazmatwhere we want to go with charm panel / service graph interaction is actually along those lines16:33
hazmatjovan2, goodspud ^ 16:33
hazmatexcept we keep it simple ;-)16:33
jovan2hazmat: looks interesting.16:35
hazmatoh that vpn/proxy ssh tool.. https://github.com/apenwarr/sshuttle16:39
bacbenji: yeah, but as it was the first run it was hard to tell slow vs hung.16:40
benjiyep, I had the same problem16:40
benji"It looks like you are writing a letter.  Would you like help?" -- Clippy.16:43
benji(just joking, it looks like an interesting idea)16:44
MakyoFound problem with make.  PWD is nolonger defined, leading to: ln -sf "/node_modules/yui" app/assets/javascripts/16:44
MakyoCan make a microbranch and fix real quick, if that's okay.16:44
MakyoHmm..unless I'm crazy.16:46
benjiMakyo: I belive it would be very odd for PWD not to be defined.16:47
Makyobenji, Didn't realize it was an internal, I guess, sorry.  Why would it be undefined/empty?16:51
benjiMakyo: that's a good question; maybe the cwd has restrictive permissions?16:56
Makyobenji, Hmm.. only seems to happen if I run make as root.16:56
benjiMakyo: I am going to take lunch now, but I will look into it after that if you want.  Note, that it might not be a make problem but a shell problem, I believe make just gets PWD out of the environment17:00
Makyobenji, alright. I'll keep poking, too17:04
goodspudhazmat, reading...17:12
hazmatgoodspud, its a little dense, and they take a programatic approach to it. but the core to me is context sensitive changes to a user workflow's through the system/use case17:13
goodspudhazmat, so does this mean building in some learning mechanism within Juju/GUI to help it (and us) understand how Juju is being used, outside of basic metrics?17:17
hazmatgoodspud, i think we'll need to keep it simpler than that, to encoding some of the patterns that we envision, but collecting in app metrics to help validate, ie. substitute human with data for auto learning.17:19
teknicohazmat, gary_poster, benji, what's the preferred make target interface for running tests in debug and production?17:20
teknicoright now, "make test" runs tests in the debug environment17:20
hazmatit would be nice if keep those similiar17:20
teknicoI was thinking of "make test-debug" and "make test-prod"17:21
teknicobut then, what will "make test" do?17:21
hazmatbenji, on the make clean/mostly clean.. i think in common practice its make clean vs make distclean17:21
gary_posterteknico, that's fine; I'd have make test be an alias for test-prod17:21
teknicogary_poster, which is, again, different behavior from the current one :-)17:22
benjihazmat: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Standard-Targets.html describes the "standard" targets17:22
gary_posterteknico, good point.  that's more compelling, I guess, than the argument I was going to make17:22
hazmathmm.. yeah.. i guess we can't dynamic dispatch in the makefile depending.. since it will do either. and there's no context.17:22
benjiteknico: I have the same impulse to mirror the "make prod", "make devel", "make debug" with "make test-prod", "make test-debug", etc.17:23
teknicogary_poster, I was just playing devil's advocate ;-)17:23
gary_posterteknico, :-)17:23
hazmatbenji, interesting.. i don't think i've seen most of those targets referenced commonly17:24
gary_posterteknico, still though, unless we had a watcher keeping prod up-to-date, devs will want make test to have the current sematics, I think17:24
gary_posterteknico, and then, when we get a gating test like in lbox, we would use make test-prod17:25
gary_poster(or both, but the prod is the most important one IMO)17:25
teknicogary_poster, then I'll keep "make test" as an alias to "make test-debug", ok?17:26
gary_posterteknico, +117:26
teknicouhm, in the line: "node ./test-server.js"17:34
teknicohow do I interpolate values into test-server.js?17:34
teknicodo I need templates? I hope not17:36
MakyoYou could pass an argument to the server.17:41
Makyoteknico, ^^^17:41
Makyonode ./test-server.js debug17:41
MakyoOr something17:41
teknicoMakyo, yeah, I'm on stackoverflow trying to see how :-)17:41
teknicoprocess.argv  apparently17:41
teknico78 failures, yay!17:53
teknicouhm, cannot find a simple reason for all those failures17:59
teknicobut the week is over, if anyone wants to have a try, it would help: lp:~teknico/juju-gui/run-tests-in-prod-too18:00
teknicohave a nice weekend, everyone!18:01
benjiMakyo: how'd the PWD investigation go?18:07
bacanyone know how to get lbox to work with the charm?  i get an error "Failed to load focus series for "charms"19:14
bacbenji: ^^?19:20
benjibac: hmm, I'm sure I have used it with the charm code, but I don't remember that problem19:21
* benji meditates on the phrase "focuse series for 'charms'"19:22
benjibcsaller: check out https://codereview.appspot.com/686708019:23
bcsallerbenji: thank you19:23
benjiit is just about small enough for a self review, but if you cast your eyes upon it and find it pleasing, I will land it real quick and a merge from trunk will get you rolling19:23
benjibcsaller: ^^19:23
benjiwhy does the secondary story not have a "review" lane?  Is "review coding" for that?19:28
bcsallerI don't think its intentionally different 19:34
* benji offers (virtual) cookies to the next person to review https://codereview.appspot.com/6909046/19:34
benjibcsaller: ok, the branch is merged to trunk, after you merge it type "make undocumented" and "make yuidoc-lint" will be much nicer to you19:37
bcsallerbenji: thank you, looking over your other branch now19:37
benjicool, thanks19:38
bacbenji: would you have a chance to peruse my branch in review?  sorry, it is an old skool MP since lbox hates me.20:03
benjibac: sure20:03
bacbenji: thanks.  bbiab20:06
benjibac: r=me, with a couple of very small suggestions and a question or two20:41
bacbenji: cool, thanks.20:50
bacbenji: if you're not against -*- python -*- why do you mention it?  :)21:04
bacbenji: i started the output with \n because otherwise the first line will have the timestamp and level marker followed by the first line of multi-line output.  the subsequent lines will then start in the first column.  i just thought it looked nicer, and easier to parse chunks, the way i did it21:07
bacbcsaller, Makyo: would either of you have a moment to review my branch?  it would be nice to get it landed today.21:07
bcsallerI have to step out soon, but I can look at it tonight21:08
benjibac: :)  I just mentioned it because I don't think I've seen that before in Canonical code.  Also, there should be a space after the comment character. ;)21:08
bacbcsaller: ok, that works.  sorry it isn't in rietveld but lbox wouldn't cooperate21:08
benjibac: ah! gotcha; a comment explaining that would be good21:08
Makyogary_poster, the ifeq statement in the makefile did it, I'll do a diff.21:44
Makyohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1417690/ 21:46
Makyogary_poster, benji ^^^21:46
MakyoWould like some input on this.21:46
Makyobenji, re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/41002221:47
_mup_Bug #410022: sudo doesn't propagate $PWD <sudo (Ubuntu):Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/410022 >21:47
gary_posterMakyo, +1, I'm OK with landing it given our earlier discussion21:47
gary_posterthank you Makyo 21:47
gary_posterhave a great weekend21:47
MakyoYou too21:48
gary_posterMakyo--I suggest you add a comment about why it is necessary21:48
gary_posternow really running away ;-)21:48
MakyoWill do gary_poster 21:48
benjiMakyo: interesting; I would really like to know why it is doing that21:49
benjiit only happens when make is run as root, right?21:49
MakyoWell, definitely as sudo, but in any environment where PWD is not set in the environment variables.21:49
bac"$PWD considered harmful"21:53
gary_posterteah, saw that also21:53
bacgary_poster: would you have a moment to do a quick review?21:54
gary_posterbac if it is super dupe duper fast.  not really supposed to be here :-P21:54
baci guess the speed is up to you.  otherwise ben has said he'll look at it later, which means i could land in the morning, which, for all practical purposes, is just about the same.21:55
bacso, go away21:55
gary_posterthank you21:55
gary_posterhave a great weeken21:55
bacand so will i21:55
* bac off to read scotusblog21:55
benjiMakyo: I found it.  sudo removes non-whitelisted environment variables because they might leak important information... why PWD isn't in that whitelist by default, I do not know21:59
benjiregardless, your solution is good, at least we now know why it is good21:59
Makyobenji, I'm not sure, either, and the comments on the bug were not too informative.  Thanks for looking; mind if I just land that change?22:00
benjiMakyo: +122:00
benjiWow: https://tech.dropbox.com/2012/12/welcome-guido/22:00
Makyobenji, thanks22:00
gary_posterhuh, benji, that is a wow22:05
* Makyo walkadoggy.22:14
* bac o/22:32

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