
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
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phunyguySo I am trying out Kubuntu 12.10 again, and I noticed that KDE IM Contacts has replaced Kopete... It also doesn't seem to have IRC support.  Is there a package to install for it?01:35
captainI think Konversation is fine01:38
phunyguyMaybe so, but that is your choice.  :)01:38
unheedingdoes everyone else have an "accessories" submenu in there applications menu?03:21
unheedinganybody here/03:41
saketi am03:42
phunyguy_t430sunheeding: I missed your question.  did you ask one?03:53
unheedingdoes kubuntu have an "accessories" submenu in the k-menu?03:53
unheedingi think i found the answer: no03:53
unheedingstone_: !03:59
stone_hello,i am a new one .04:02
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phunyguy_t430sdoes Kubuntu 12.10 have some sort of groupware client, like something that integrate with MS Exchange?05:31
ussher_does anyone know the alternative for the command line tool 'top' that also shows multi-cores.  trying to search for 'top alternaive' doesnt really work in the search engines.07:49
hateballussher_: you can just press '1' in top to show all the cores07:49
hateballussher_: or do you perhaps mean something like htop ?07:49
ussher_perfect, htop is the one07:50
ussher_cheers hateball07:50
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Fuzzles272whould the steam for linux work on kubuntu?08:18
SmurphyYes it does. Have it here. Make sure that you disable acceleration in case Full screen apps are run, and you have the fastest ever Steam experience.08:19
Fuzzles272how do i disable this?08:19
SmurphyI'm in the Steam Linux Beta programm, and so far - I just hit the Bug of Serious Sam (1FPS). The rest works.08:20
hateballSmurphy: Have they released any more free things? Last I checked it was only TF208:20
hateballDon't really feel like shelling out a bunch of cash to beta-test08:20
SmurphySystem Settings -> Desktop Effects -> Advanced -> Suspend desktop effects for fullscreen windows.08:20
Smurphyhateball: Guess it's only TF2 - but I do own quite a bunch of stuff that also runs on Linux and is avail on Steam.08:21
hateballSmurphy: Ah, so if you buy something for OtherOs you are free to use on Linux too?08:22
hateballThis is quite !ot I suppose08:22
Fuzzles272ok thanks is kde still slow and bloated im running it now on a dell studio laptop dont no if its improved since i last tried it08:22
hateballIt's hardly slow and bloated on somewhat modern hardware08:24
Smurphyhateball: Yes.08:24
hateballIf you expect to run it on a P3 with 512... then you're not going to have a pleasant experience08:24
SmurphyIf you have a Windows version of Serious Sam, you can run it under linux too, or Mac Os X if the code/port exists.08:25
Fuzzles272im running it on an i3 with 3 GB? i just wan tto run steam dn the games smoothly08:25
hateballSounds plenty to me08:25
SmurphyThat should e fine.08:26
hateballFor games, the GPU will matter as well. If you're using the onboard 3000 chip... that wont be fun. I have that on one machine08:26
Fuzzles272ok, another question i added the kubuntu backports on 12.04 and everytime the applications update the muon suite has to be reinstalled ?08:26
SmurphyFuzzles272: Nope. Not every tme.08:28
Fuzzles272Smurphy: ive had to :(08:28
SmurphyWorks nice here ... Don't have an issue ...08:30
Fuzzles272Smurphy: ok what are your guys view on the whole unity thing?08:32
SmurphyI don't use it.08:32
Smurphyslow hog, using gnome apps too... It'=s not clean enough08:32
Fuzzles272slow hog? really whats wrong with gnome apps?08:33
SmurphyWhen KDE first came out, the developers decided to use the Qt library for one simple reason: To all use the same Widget Library, for the same look and feel etc.08:35
SmurphyThen Came Miguel and said -= we can do it better. Created gnome with some folks, and they decided to use the gtk/gtk+ widget sets uase by gimp at that time.08:36
SmurphyProblem was - that eveyr developer used his own version of gtk/gtk+ library, and other libraries and did not stick to a same base.08:36
SmurphyThis resulted in a standard Gnome installation requiring 20 different gtk/gtk+ libraries just to run ... and that - IMHO s*cks ....08:37
Smurphyreason I refuse to actually look at it until they have not fixed that part -> decide the use the same base libraries. Period.08:37
Fuzzles272ye i dont see that changing tbh08:37
Fuzzles272is there a way to revert back to the kde version adn applications that are stuck with 12.04 before i did the updates of the kubuntu backports? or is a reinstalled needed?08:40
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SmurphyFuzzles272: Actually - I am using 12.10 with backports enabled, and do not have any issues.08:44
SmurphyWhat you will have to do - is to remove the kde-desktop alltogether, the disable the backport repository, then reinstall kde-desktop components again.08:44
Fuzzles272Smurphy: in the meny additional drivers program is missing too08:44
Smurphyit is called jokey.08:45
Smurphy-> jockey-kde08:45
yofel_ppa-purge can be used to remove a PPA and the packages that came from it.08:46
Smurphy!ask joceky-kde08:46
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Fuzzles272whats called jockey?08:46
Smurphyyofel: Cool. didn't know that one :)08:46
Smurphyit is the additional driver GUI interface. You can also invoque it on the console: jockey-text08:47
Fuzzles272Smurphy: well its missing :S08:47
Smurphycheck if kde-desktop is installed08:49
Smurphyor - kde-standard ;)08:49
yofelFuzzles272: btw. could you pastebin your /var/log/apt/history.log somewhere? muon really shouldn't be removed on update08:49
SmurphyShit - sorry. It is called: kubuntu-desktop08:51
Smurphymake sure that one is installed. it will make sure that an entire set of applications will be kept up to date.08:51
Fuzzles272yofel: http://pastebin.com/dFsxVRME08:51
Fuzzles272Smurphy: i only see kubuntu-standard is that it?08:52
yofelno, kubuntu-desktop is the right one08:53
Smurphykubuntu-desktop ...08:54
Fuzzles272thats not installed :S but i installed through the cd :S08:54
SmurphyFuzzles272: make an: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:54
yofelit was probably removed at some point (which shouldn't happen either)08:55
Fuzzles272so if i install that my muon suite and driver manager will stay?08:55
Smurphyit shoudl. It will trigger the dependencies ...08:58
Fuzzles272ok thanks i hope it fixes dont no how it was uninstalled :S what do the kubuntu backports actually do?08:59
Fuzzles272without soundng like a newbie as i used to use ubuntu but got sick of unity and always liked the look of kde08:59
yofelthey provide a newer KDE release and a few other application updates09:00
Fuzzles272ok thanks how do i refresh the kickoff lancher because it doesnt always show new instakked programs09:01
yofeltry to run 'kbuildsycoca4' which will force a kde system cache update if it didn't pick them up09:02
Fuzzles272thanks mate09:02
Fuzzles272for steam do i need to install any different drivers or not?09:03
BlacklistFuzzles272, no is same drivers09:04
Fuzzles272Blacklist: thanks09:04
CosmicBis there no kubuntu alternate cdimage available ?09:08
yofelnot for 12.10+09:08
yofelyou'll have to use the mini.iso or ubuntu-server install and go from there if you need the alternate installer09:09
CosmicBah, ok09:09
CosmicBanybody know if the desktop installer supports lvm, software raid and so on now ? I've been using the alternate installer for years because of this09:09
yofellvm with encryption yes but I think not RAID yet09:10
CosmicByofel: ah, ok thnx. I can live without software raid, since it's my laptop and it only got 1 disk :p09:10
ovidiu-florinhello, I get this error while trying to copy a folder with it's contents from an FTP locations in dolphin: "Could not connect to host ftp.something.ro. Reason: 421 There are too many connections from your internet address."10:36
ovidiu-florinIf I use nautilus everything works fine10:36
ovidiu-florinforgot to mention, I'm copying from ftp to local10:37
Smurphyas it said it. too many connection attempts from your IP.10:37
ovidiu-florinfrom where?10:38
ovidiu-florinfrom just trying to copy a folder?10:39
ovidiu-florinthere are no other connections from my computer to any other server10:39
ovidiu-florinnone that I've made10:39
Smurphyprobably the client you use is parallelizing the request.10:39
ovidiu-florinI'm using dolphin10:40
Smurphyyes. Can happen. it is very efficient ...10:42
ovidiu-florinI don't understand10:42
hateballovidiu-florin: it means it creates a new connection for the file transfer10:50
ovidiu-florinhateball: a new connection for each file?10:51
hateballovidiu-florin: not impossible, I'm not familiar with how dolphin works with FTP10:52
hateballIt's quite common behavior tho10:52
ovidiu-florinwhere can I find the source code for dolphin?10:52
hateballovidiu-florin: apt-get source dolphin10:54
hateballovidiu-florin: it will pull in quite a bit more tho10:54
hateballbut there it is10:54
jonahhi does anyone know how to get flash player to use hdmi sound?10:56
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ovidiu-florinhateball: thank you10:56
ovidiu-florinGuest67472: just set your main audio output on HDMI10:57
Guest67472ovidiu-florin: where do i do this, tried in phonon but that doesn't seem to give me sound on the tv from flash10:57
ovidiu-florinSelect Audio playback on the left, and on the right prefer your HDMI sound board10:58
ovidiu-florinjonah_: Select Audio playback on the left, and on the right prefer your HDMI sound board10:59
jonah_ovidiu-florin: ha thanks it's working now11:01
vitimitiI installed kubuntu in a laptop, but without the battery, so I had to add the applet afterwards, is there any way to insert it in the system tray?11:25
ewgenhi to all11:32
ewgenкто может ответить на пару вопросов про установку багзиллы?11:33
bazhang!ru | ewgen11:33
ubottuewgen: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:33
ewgen /join #ubuntu-ru11:34
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jolo1234hey i have xp - Kubuntu dual boot, but how do i get into my pc bios now?11:38
Peace-jolo1234: ...11:41
Peace-jolo1234: i mean when you will load your computer it will says something like type f10 or canc or f12 or some other stuff to enter in the bios11:42
jolo1234yea that doesn't come up anymore11:43
Peace-jolo1234: this is not due to kubuntu11:44
Peace-kubuntu will load after the boot11:45
Peace-after the boot will load the boot manager11:45
Peace-and then you will get kubuntu11:45
jolo1234mine just goes straight to select windows or kubuntu11:46
Peace-jolo1234: mmm make a video11:49
Peace-you could get a combination11:49
jolo1234i will b back later today i have work11:50
ubottublu_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:21
blueappleare you human?12:39
SmurphyWhy do you say I'm human ?12:40
blueappleAre you chinese?12:44
tsimpsonyou fail, the correct response is "Do you think I'm human?"12:45
Peace-tsimpson: :))12:48
blueapplewhat your use chat soft?12:49
blueapplepidgin ?12:49
Peace-cuz k is better lol12:51
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BluesKajHey all12:56
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* Smurphy is human. Just had lunch ... acually13:19
voltagexhey, just testing out the 13 alpha - hv_storvsc module is crashing in the installer13:19
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Peace-voltagex: tried daily build ?13:21
Peace-voltagex: or ...13:21
BluesKajvoltagex, join #ubuntu+1 for 13.04 issues13:21
voltagexBluesKaj: thanks13:21
voltagexPeace-: URL?13:21
Peace-voltagex: wait13:21
* voltagex waits13:21
Peace-voltagex: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/13:22
voltagexPeace-: no more jigdo :(13:23
Peace-voltagex: what?13:23
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voltagexPeace-: you used to be able to use a jigdo file to construct a daily iso from a closer mirror but it looks like that option's gone13:24
BluesKajI'm searching for the alternate install , was pulled or moved13:25
Peace-BluesKaj: i guess devs told me there is not anymore13:25
Peace-BluesKaj: or it's integrated in the live13:25
BluesKajthat's too bad because the livecd doesn't work on my HW13:27
Peace-BluesKaj: use the minimal cd of ubuntu13:27
Peace-BluesKaj: if you want install it ..13:27
Peace-then you do install kubuntu-desktop and you have done13:27
BluesKajwhere is the minimal or even the net install13:28
Peace-BluesKaj: wait https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD here theare the stuff but i don't see 13.0413:31
tsimpsonjust replace quantal with raring in the link13:33
Peace-BluesKaj: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/      this is 38613:33
BluesKajPeace-, AMD64 here13:34
Peace-BluesKaj: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso13:35
X421Hi. I can't access my touchpad settings, the system settings crash every time13:37
X421Any idea what i can do about that?13:38
BluesKajthanks Peace- , I should have remembered that site13:38
guyvdbHi, I am running 12.10. I am trying to get hplip working correctly with foo2zjs. When I print I get the following error in syslog. Any ideas?  colord-sane: io/hpmud/musb.c 2066: Invalid usb_open: Permission denied13:42
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Fuzzles272need help get error update opengl when trying TF2 on steam14:06
SmurphyFuzzles272: All you need to do is start jockey-kde, and install the "Beta" drivers.14:09
Fuzzles272Smurphy: how would i do that?14:10
Smurphystart the additional driver selection stuff ..14:10
Smurphyan check what it says...14:11
Smurphyaqnd see if there are some Beta Drivers.14:12
SmurphyWhich graphic chip do you have BTW ???14:12
Fuzzles272ati mobility radeon hd 4500 series14:13
SmurphyHmmm... Dunno if there are special drivers for that one. on my Gaming computer - I have a NVidia GTX660Ti running.14:14
Fuzzles272no beta drivers have been listed14:14
Fuzzles272theres a post release update what ever that is14:15
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BluesKajPeace-, no luck with the mini either , same issue14:47
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phunyguy_t430sSo I am trying to find a good Gwibber alternative for KDE.... I found Chokoq but it doesn't supportFacebook like Gwibber does.  Any ideas?15:13
Smurphyfacebook is banned on y firewall...15:14
Smurphyfacebook, twitter, google-analytics... all poit to on my DNS, and the major IP's are blocked on my firewall out-filter.15:18
Smurphymakes life much easier, safer, and intelligent.15:18
phunyguy_t430saaah the old black hole trick15:19
phunyguy_t430sgets em every time.15:19
phunyguy_t430sI could do the same on my security box, just with a few check boxes.15:20
phunyguy_t430sbut I'm not the only person behind it.15:20
Smurphyneither am I - but the other's don't use it either.15:20
phunyguy_t430sMy wife is completely addicted to social media.15:20
Smurphymine is not. We don't even have TV (Big screen ? yes, we watch loads of Movies. But only the ones _we_ choose)...15:21
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phunyguy_t430swell excuse me, Mr Uppity.   :)15:21
phunyguy_t430slet me guess... you are vegetarian/vegan too...  ;)15:22
phunyguy_t430sthese are the jokes!15:22
Smurphynope. WE eat meat, and are both Online Gamers.15:23
SmurphyThing is - we only accept Medias - where we actually do an active choice to do it.15:23
phunyguy_t430sus to... by changing the channel or not.15:24
Smurphynope. Not the same. Yuo hav so much choice, that instead of makeing a definitive choice on what you will do, and out of laziness, you change channel - and get again BRainWashed by the next Social/Soap opera displayed an choosen by other people.15:26
BluesKajoh Lord ... I'm brainwashed if I watch my fav TV shows , now :)15:28
SmurphyBluesKaj: full ACK ... :} This is the beginning of the decline of Humanity ...15:29
SmurphyRome died too after all ...15:29
SmurphyDifferent program, but as stupid too ...15:30
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:30
SmurphyI love the channel police... Always so helpfull when not needed. And when needed, so silent ... cause no knowledge about any topic ...15:30
SmurphyI know - Off topic again ... but it had to be said ... *brainwashed*15:31
bazhangSmurphy, this is the wrong place for it15:31
Smurphybazhang: As I said - I know. Your rant is as off topic as what we were discussing here.15:31
BluesKajSmurphy the decline began whgen tv was introduced , think i was 7 yrs old at the time  :)15:31
phunyguy_t430sso... does anyone have a /real/ answer to my question?15:32
SmurphyBluesKaj: :) Impressive you know so much though :)15:33
Smurphyphunyguy_t430s: not me. sorry.15:33
phunyguy_t430snow that it rolled off the screen due to !ot chat15:33
ugasaiyes I hssve a question15:34
BluesKajphunyguy_t430s, not many Gwibber questions here ,, no experience with it15:34
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ugasaiin the system settings under locale I want to install the japanese language set but it wont let me tick input meathods of extra fots check box15:36
ugasaifrom what I understad this is a bug when might it be fixed?15:37
ugasaifrom the site is says it has been I think but still no luck15:37
hateballFrom which site?15:38
* BluesKaj 's ancestors lived in Munster and moved to Sweden then to Finland , then we moved to Canada ... neat how that works :)15:39
bazhangugasai, are you using ibus?15:39
BluesKajoops wrong chat15:39
ugasaiyes I am bazhang15:39
SmurphyBluesKaj: So you are European ... :}15:40
bazhangugasai, let me check the bug tracker, is this kubuntu 12.10? 12.0415:40
bazhangSmurphy, thats enough.15:40
BluesKajSmurphy, Canadian citizen15:40
ugasaiumm 12.0415:40
bazhangIbus needs additional packages to work with japanese, I found it working only after installing ibus-anthy and then adding Japanese in the iBus settings. See if this helps.   ugasai15:43
ugasaiok thanks I'll try that15:43
bazhangugasai, after installation, you will need to restart ibus   (not the whole system, just ibus)15:46
ugasaihmm ok well I have I bus installed as of last night did a cold boot this morning and Ibus does have japanese listed but it's greyed out and won't let me choose15:49
bazhangugasai, and which ibus packages do you have installed?15:49
bazhangugasai, did you ever run the initial set up of ibus?15:51
ugasaiwhat woul be the fastes way to look? (not too new to linux...but last I used it was Red Hat)15:51
phoenix_firebrdcompositing type defaults to xrender even after chaning to opengl this is happening after upgrading to kde 4.9.415:52
phoenix_firebrdusing kubuntu 12.1015:52
bazhangugasai, alt f2   ibus-setup15:52
phoenix_firebrdopening chromium browser crashes the system15:53
ugasaiaccording to package mananger I have ibus cire ibus-qt4 ibus-anthy lib-ibus-qt1 python support universal input method widget shared library and im-config15:55
bazhangugasai, great15:56
bazhangugasai, now run ibus-setup15:56
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bazhangugasai, and you set what languages to use, and the methods? then restarted ibus?16:01
bazhangugasai, and whats the hotkey combo to switch?16:05
ugasaiControl+space; Zenkaku_Hankaku; Alt+Kanji; Alt+grave; Hangul; Alt+Release+Alt_R16:06
bazhangis that working?16:06
bazhangugasai, what are you using it with? a browser? a text editor? or what16:07
ugasailibre writer build:216:08
phoenix_firebrdis it safe to delete the contents of /var/tmp/                 ?16:10
bazhangugasai, just loading libreoffice here to test16:13
ugasaiI understand16:16
bazhanghttp://academicallychallenged.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/writing-in-japanese-in-libreoffice-on-ubuntu-12-04/  ugasai16:33
c_smithHi, what is the command to lock the screen in KDE 4.9?16:33
phunyguy_t430s_ok another question.  I see in network-manager, there is an option for OpenVPN.  I got the connection working, and checked the box that says "connect automatically", however when I connect to the internet, it doesn't connect the VPN automatically.  Is there a fix aside from running openvpn as a service?16:36
phunyguy_t430s_am I still visible?16:41
c_smithphunyguy_t430s_, yep16:41
phunyguy_t430s_messing with the network settings.16:42
yofelc_smith: I'm on 4.10 beta1 so there's a chance this is wrong thanks to the new screenlocker, but try: qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock16:42
phunyguy_t430s_may have to run a custom keepalive script, which checks if I am home (is my router pingable), if not, send nmcli command to bring up the VPN16:42
phunyguy_t430s_and set proxy stuff.16:43
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rickycezarD ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)16:50
rickycezarD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)16:51
phunyguy_t430s_that was actually pretty cool... but still offtopic.16:52
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ugasaibazhang you still there? sorry got caught up in something I still can't use is19:04
ugasaione site I did find said to check the input methods box and extra fonts when installing the language but I can not check them19:06
ugasaithat is installing the language in system settings under systemsettings19:07
ugasaierr system languges19:07
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phunyguy_workok what am I missing.... I am using networkmanager-openvpn and the connection works fine except for one thing.  I am trying to get it to make that connection the default route.20:20
phunyguy_workI found the checkbox for "use only for resources on this network", but that didnt change anything.  On the server it is set as well to use it as the default route.20:21
bobbyva76I was hoping someone could give me another opinion before i do a wipe and reinstall20:34
bobbyva76so does anyone care to give an opinion?20:37
douglwhat windows ver is it?20:37
douglwipe it anyway20:37
bobbyva76i have recently installed 12.10 ubuntu20:37
dougllol - just kidding :)20:38
bobbyva76everything was recognized and ur right20:38
douglubuntu or kubuntu?20:38
douglubuntu with no kde really sucks in my opinion...20:38
douglI hate the new ubuntu.20:39
bobbyva76ubuntu but i took all the ubuntu stuff out and am running kde20:39
bobbyva76the issue is compiz doesnt work and i keep getting errors for the system and compiz20:39
bobbyva76the system seems fine but the back end i get errors on boot and the system throws a crash error up every now and then20:40
douglif ya got nothing to lose... sec, you have no effects working?20:41
bobbyva76i was hoping for an easy fix but it is a new install so i wont lose anything. all data is on another drive20:41
yofelthe question would be rather why you're running compiz in kde? Any special reason why you're not using kwin?20:42
bobbyva76just not familiar with it20:42
bobbyva76more familiar with gnome and afterstep20:42
bobbyva76i have to go get my son from school i will be back. leaving screen up20:44
rnalguien me lee?21:22
dougl alguien me lee??21:23
rork!pt | wild guess21:27
ubottuwild guess: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:27
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spike_sfhhey all new to Kubuntu where can I get free Book for the OS so I know what I am going lol22:23
netrunner_is there a way to disable the anoying KWallet crap ? Why can I just auto long in into my wireless without an added password step like in a normal system?22:31
netrunner_WHo comes up with these stupid ideas!!!22:33
zer0f1llany way to get KDE to stop crashing?22:40
netrunner_no  get a mac I did and try linux on virtual machine Linux is not a finish OS its always being developed and it is never finished that's why it doesnt take off like Mac or Windows or Android22:42
zer0f1llnetrunner_: gnome works fine.22:43
netrunner_plus developers experiment with it and make up stuff like Kwallet and Konqueror22:43
netrunner_very stupid apps if you ask me who needs to waste money in konqueror when you got firefox or Kwallet when hello you have a fire wall!22:44
zer0f1llnetrunner_: kwallet is for storing sensitive information such as passwords. you'd still need to enter passwords without a firewall.22:45
netrunner_why do i need to long into kwallet to access my wireless network and I can get something else more useful to do that for me. Looks like KDE like to make poorly done applications no one needs22:47
zer0f1llnetrunner_: it's a gui sudo. you need root access to modify network interfaces.22:47
netrunner_still a silly dumb idea Gnome doesn't have it Mac doen't have it either nor does Windows22:48
zer0f1llgnome has a gui sudo system as well.22:49
SIR_Taconetrunner_: either disable kwallet in your system settings (under "Account Details") or remove it entirely if you do not want it (package name: "kwalletmanager")22:50
netrunner_looks like the KDE team doesn't know aabout truecrypt22:51
zer0f1llbut how to get it to stop crashing every two days? that's my question.22:51
netrunner_i bet they will invent ktcrypt so they can waste money and time like with kwallet and konqueror lol22:52
SIR_Tacoalso, a great way to get help is to not bitch and complain about how aweful everything is that you want help with22:52
zer0f1llI'd submit a bug report when it happens, but that mechanism won't work once the window manager goes away.22:53
netrunner_Hey I do reviews I am not using linux cause its good heaven knows if i where you wouldn't be on a chat ha?22:53
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: how does it crash? becomes unresponsive? resets the computer?  restarts KDE?22:53
netrunner_Best advice only use linux on virtualbox always22:55
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: window manager goes away, all windows appear (if any were minimized), mouse still works, X still running, apps still running, focused window is the one in which the mouse is over, no new windows are created, desktop wallpaper right-click menu does work... no window decorations...  have to hard kill X from a console to bring it back up again.22:55
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: anything strange in your ~/.xsession-errors   file?22:58
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: lots of stuff in there, but no timestamps. what am I looking for?23:00
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: sorry, I meant right after it happens23:03
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: i'll copy it after the next crash.23:04
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: only other thing I can think of is running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kde-workspace plasma-desktop23:06
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: wait, I found a .xsession-errors.old file23:07
zer0f1lllooks like it was created right before I re-started today.23:08
zer0f1llwhat is QThread?23:10
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: it's a QT programming call23:12
zer0f1llProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub' stopped unexpected (Process crashed)23:12
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: nepomuk is part of the meta-data/file search database for KDE... you could try disabling it to see if it fixes the problem23:15
SIR_Tacoall of the options for it are under System Settings -> Desktop Search23:16
zer0f1llgood idea, thx. will let u know how it goes in a few days.23:18
SIR_Tacogood luck, hope you get it fixed23:19
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: how long does your gui run?23:22
SIR_Tacountil I restart.... sometimes 6 months. Only time it crashes is when I'm fiddling with things I shouldn't be :)23:23
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: outstanding! wish I had that. my last install was pretty good. then i screwed it up and upgraded.23:24
SIR_Tacothere's a solution out there for just about everything.... just a matter of finding it23:25
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: good way of thinking about it.23:28
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: so then the next question is: if the problem is nepomuk, how can it cause the window manager to crash? (it shouldn't be able to do that)23:31
SIR_Tacozer0f1ll: that's a good question... no it *shouldn't*... but it doesn't me it can't. Just a hypothesis to try out. Best thing is to reconfigure the workspace and desktop and if it crashes again make a copy of your .xsession-errors before restarting X and hopefully we can get a better understanding of what's going on23:35
SIR_Taco*me = mean23:36
zer0f1llSIR_Taco: yaa, will try that.23:36

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