
tweaksterhi. i don't see the LXDE Control Center in my menu. i would like to make a few adjustments to settings. where is it in Lubuntu's default installation?00:00
Unit193There isn't one by default.00:00
Unit193You can change settings in Menu > Preferences   or   Menu > System00:01
tweaksterUnit193: i looked around those options, but i did not see any that would allow me to change how the mouse opens icons with one click or two clicks. did I overlook it?00:04
Unit193tweakster: In PCmanFM, Edit > Preferences00:05
dfahi there.... quick question.....01:17
dfai did the following: wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnuzilla/17.0/icecat-17.0.1-64bit.tar.gz; tar xzf icecat-17.0.1-64bit.tar.gz; sudo mv icecat-17.0.1 /usr/local/lib; sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/icecat-17.0.1/icecat /usr/local/bin/icecat;01:18
dfanow i have icecat working but it does not show up among the menu items (i have to launch it via terminal).... could somebody please tell me how to add it to the menu (internet section) ?01:18
dfaanybody around here?01:21
mistaknlyFor 12.10 lubuntu, is there a rdp Remote Desktop client without installing gnome or kde?03:42
Unit193How about freerdp?  If you need a GUI, remmina.03:44
mistaknlyok I'll try freerdp, thx03:44
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lxghi ... question about goa and empathy18:17
lxgi only see google, fb, windows in goa18:17
lxgno jabber18:17
lxgbut i think all necessary stuff is installed18:18
lxgwhat could i be missing?18:18
holsteinlxg: what are you wanting to add jabber too?18:36
lxgyup, want to add a jabber account18:36
holsteincool.. what are you wanting to add jabber to?18:36
lxg:) to empathy18:37
holsteinlxg: im not sure i follow18:38
holsteini thought both of those were clients?18:39
lxgok, i've installed empathy and want to add a jabber account now18:39
lxgit opens the online-accounts interface18:39
lxgand presents me several account types18:39
lxgit -> there's a button "account settings"18:40
lxgamong the account types are google, fb, live, krb ... but no jabber18:40
holsteinjabber is a client18:40
lxgno, jabber is a protocol (or better, xmpp is the protocoll, jabber is the most common implementation)18:41
holsteini would ask jabber or whom ever is responsible for said account how you are to connect to it18:42
lxgas a matter of fact, on my Gentoo box, I'm using empathy with jabber since ages now18:42
holsteincool.. then it should be the same18:43
lxgit just won't work on lubuntu ;)18:43
holsteinhow does it not work?18:43
holsteinis it missing a plugin?18:43
lxgas i said, trying to add a jabber/xmpp account, but can't18:43
holsteincool.. i would go to #ubuntu since this is not lubuntu specific.. or wait around on another volunteer18:44
lxgyes, it might be missing a plugin, but i thought i've already installed all18:44
lxgok, thanks anyway18:44
holsteinlxg: i would search plugins and remove doubt18:44
lxgok thx18:44
holsteinlxg: can you just eport the gentoo settings?18:50
lxggood idea, i'll have a look18:51
holsteinyou know that was export*...18:51
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TravisI am about to convert my other computer to Lubuntu.  I hope this works :D23:18
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