
gnomefreakanyohne know if libbamf0 is needed or can i remove it without any problems?05:53
IdleOne Package: libbamf006:09
IdleOne Priority: optional06:09
IdleOneI think that means you can remove it06:10
gnomefreakit has to do with unity and gtk2. did you read the desciption?06:11
gnomefreakthat is what bothers me06:11
gnomefreakif you look under unity it is also optional06:12
gnomefreakdoing an upgrade this is what i get (not dist-upgrade:06:13
gnomefreakThe following packages have been kept back: bamfdaemon compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins-default libbamf3-0 libcompizconfig0 libdecoration0 libunity-core-6.0-5 unity unity-common unity-services06:13
IdleOneI really have no idea :/06:20
gnomefreakIdleOne: are you on 13.04?06:33
IdleOneno, running 12.1006:33
IdleOne13.04 was giving me many problems with my nvidia06:34
IdleOneI did a clean install of 12.10 about 3 weeks ago I guess06:34
gnomefreaknvidia seems to be having issues for a few people. but for once i am happier running ati06:35
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BluesKajHey all12:56
BluesKajIt looks like the 3.7 kernel definitely has serious HW recognition problems on my system.The install progress freezes about 2 secs in . This is with both wireless and wired input devices,13:14
voltagexHi, 13.04 installer hangs in HyperV with the hv_storvsc driver being the culprit: http://i.imgur.com/KQILK.jpg14:26
BluesKajKubuntu 13.04 / 3.7 kernel just will not work on my hardware , no matter which install method I try ...the alternate isn't available so I'm out of luck there too14:51
bjsnidersubmitteth a buggeth14:54
BluesKajno point , can't give specific details14:59
BluesKajthe live cd freezes ...what good is that ?14:59
BluesKajthe mini.iso does the same15:01
yofeltry filing a bug against the kernel from a working system so at least the hardware information is in the bug and use that to report that raring doesn't work. Maybe the kernel team has an idea15:02
BluesKajyofel, there's a very similar bug already filed , so I added my name to the "this bug also affects me" list , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/108124515:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081245 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 13.04 Live-CD Installer hangs" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
yofelhm, that's an installer bug and doesn't talk about and hardware freezes. Are you sure that it's the hardware that's the problem?15:08
yofelas for alternate: does the server image install?15:08
BluesKajyofel , I'm convinced that the problem is the 3.7 kernel , because I had the 3.5  running fine , then after the 3.7 kernel upgrade the system wouldn't boot , so i had to revert to the 3.5 ... I've since wiped the partition anticpating a fix in the 3.715:10
BluesKajyofel, I haven't tried the server version15:11
yofelyou could try a 3.7 mainline build on your current system and check if that's broken too15:11
bjsniderBluesKaj, you can actually talk to the kernel team about this. they're in #ubuntu-kernel15:15
BluesKajok bjsnider I reported the problem there ...we'll see if there's any helpful response ...it's pretty early in the game for thw 3.7 kernel so i won't hold my breath15:26
bjsnideroh come on, let's have some optimism and whatnot15:26
bjsniderespecially the whatnot15:26
BluesKajbjsnider, I've been testing kubuntu for 7 yrs and I've never seen it totally freeze at the outset like this15:30
bjsnideri don't think this has anything to do with kde, as miserable an experience has kde is15:31
BluesKajkde is a wonderful desktop , gnome /unity isn't my style15:33
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voltagexis it possible to get access to older daily builds of raring?23:46

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