
=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Celene_away
dholbachgood morning07:45
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
philipballewchilicuil, sorry to not be around for the loco hangouts. Finals week here next two weeks at school.08:57
vibhavGood Morning12:23
czajkowskihmm very unsure about this communities thingymegiggy on G+12:33
dakerdholbach: i need you NOW! can i PM ?12:36
dholbachdaker, sure12:36
jcastro_czajkowski: yeah I don't get how it's much different from Pages12:40
jcastro_but whatever, shrug12:40
dholbachjcastro_, people can have actual discussions in there - without having to resort to commenting on threads which have nothing to do with it? :)12:43
jcastro_heh, yeah12:48
jcastro_dholbach: we can have subforums in there too12:49
jcastro_but I don't want to replicate the forums and/or askubuntu for those sections, so I haven't created any12:49
dholbachwe'll just see how it works out12:53
dholbachdaker, replied12:57
dakerthanks :)12:58
czajkowskijcastro_: yeah I dont mind the ubuntu stuff but I'm getting invited to communiies I've no interest in or are no where near m location13:36
jcastro_like, I like BSG but I'm not going to join a battlestar page, heh13:40
czajkowskialso you can get notifications or not13:40
czajkowskibut no way to set the amount like you can on circles13:40
czajkowskiso I suspect the notifications are going to irritate me13:40
dakermhall119: thanks for the reply :)14:11
AlanBellhttp://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do looks like we are evil again14:39
marcoceppiAlanBell: Isn't this old news? Aren't they a little behind on this FUD?14:53
* czajkowski tends not to read the rants of RMS 14:53
popeymany people do though15:05
IdleOnelong winded bag of FUD15:08
czajkowskino dpm this week ?15:09
dholbachczajkowski, he was there beginning of the week - now I think it's a bank holiday or an extended weekend or something15:10
czajkowskiah ok15:10
czajkowskiwant to do a join post to get someone to look after the translations team on LP15:10
czajkowskias currently not much going on there. it's not so much the LP team as the translations team so it appears in my queue as we no longer have the devs looking at those questions and dpm has said he's busy15:11
mhall119dholbach: both I think15:23
mhall119he'll be back on Tuesday15:23
AlanBellmarcoceppi: indeed, the issue isn't new, but that article is new15:56
jonomhall119, jcastro_, balloons so we are missing dpm and dholbach from the call - did you guys have any demos?15:58
balloonsno demo for me this week15:58
jcastro_it actually feels like it's been 5 horus since our last demo call15:59
balloonsthough, lol, I could give my same demo with sound :-)15:59
jcastro_this week has flown!15:59
balloons^^ agreed15:59
jonoyeah seriously15:59
jonoI can't believe that Jack is already three weeks old15:59
jonowhich is *nutS*15:59
jonoand he is already taller than his mom15:59
mhall119jono: I was going to show of Quickly, since I couldn't last week16:00
jonomhall119, cool16:00
jonoI will set it up16:00
jonomhall119, balloons, jcastro_ invite sent16:01
* balloons crossing fingers16:04
SergioMenesesballoons, around?16:25
balloonsSergioMeneses, yes, indeed16:25
SergioMenesesbkerensa, hi17:30
=== Celene_away is now known as ClumsyFairyQueen
jcastro_guido -> dropbox: http://techcrunch.com/2012/12/07/dropbox-guido-van-rossum-python/19:06
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jcastro_AlanBell: around?19:30
AlanBellhi jcastro_19:33
jcastro_hey so I put out a second call for help on ubuntu-devel wrt. the juju unprovider/ssh thing19:33
jcastro_but still little interest other than "yeah that would be awesome"19:34
* AlanBell goes to read19:35
AlanBellso, what is involved in making it? what language?19:37
jcastro_sec I have the reqs somewhere19:42
AlanBellI think it would be massively valuable to the juju project19:44
jcastro_indeed, you're speaking to the choir19:45
AlanBellI would love to install all stuff via juju so I later have the option to scale out19:45
jcastro_right, so you can't be the only guy who wants that, heh19:47
AlanBellindeed, at the moment juju is lolno for pretty much everything at the start19:47
AlanBellok, I have the code, I will look at it later, see if I understand it19:49
AlanBellwe have a minion starting in January, might be a nice starter project for him19:49
jcastro_AlanBell: well, I didn't mean you specifically, I was more thinking "Alan knows many python folks"19:49
jcastro_but your solution is just as good. :)19:49
jcastro_I was more thinking I have a marketing problem finding a person19:50
AlanBellooh, not much code involved19:51
AlanBellI am a bit surprised that this isn't strategic to the project and internally funded19:52
jcastro_we want to do it19:52
jcastro_but tbh we're moving in the other direction on the scaling ... scale.19:52
jcastro_we're more thinking thousands.19:52
jcastro_though scaling down would be awesome too, but given limited resources ... :-/19:53
jcastro_that's why we were thinking it's a nice bit that someone can round out19:53
AlanBellhmm, looks like it does ssh key auth to root@sever address19:53
AlanBelldo we log in as root on cloud stuff these days then?19:53
jcastro_no, on real clouds there's an ubuntu account19:54
jcastro_and it's key based based on the keys in your account19:54
AlanBelldoes that do sudo from there?19:54
jcastro_maybe? I'm not quite sure, but I can round someone up on #juju if it'll help make things clearer19:54
bkerensajono: is your blog offline?20:05
jonobkerensa, having some hosting issues20:06
jonoit is a bit variable right now20:07
bkerensajono: ok20:07
bkerensajono: did you ever move to the cloud?20:20
jonobkerensa, moved to a VPS20:21
jonothe cloud scares me20:21
jonomy blog gets *hammered* from time to time20:21
jonoand I don't want to wake up to a second mortgage :-)20:21
bkerensajono: oh :) you should consider cloudflare? I assume the site is down due to high traffic? :)20:21
jonobkerensa, no20:21
jonoit is down due to hosting issues with my provider20:22
jonotiming, eh?20:22
jonohey so bkerensa20:22
jonostill want to help with CLS in terms of staff on the day?20:22
bkerensajono: most definately... I will tell people at the Winter Coders Social on the 11th too20:23
* jono hi-fives bkerensa20:23
jonodude, you are awesome20:23
jonothanks, man20:23
jonothis is the five year anniversary20:23
bkerensawe bought 6 dozen firefox donuts :D20:23
jonoso I really want to outdo all previous years :-)20:23
bkerensamaybe we will have to get a dozen Ubuntu donuts for oscon eh?20:23
jonobkerensa, ooh that would be cool20:26
bkerensajono: voodoo apparently will make any donut if you pay them extra :D20:26
jonoI bet20:27
bkerensamaybe they can make a Jono bacon donut20:27
jonothat would be a dream come true20:27
jonoone of my bucket list items is a personalized pastry20:27
jonono shit20:27
SergioMenesesIm back! balloons are you busy now?20:28
balloonshey SergioMeneses20:28
JanChehe, my mom has the local bakery make "speculoos" from her own recipe for St-Martin  ☺20:50
=== khildin_ is now known as khildin
jcastro_<--EOD have a good weekend everyone!21:57
jcastro_enjoy some metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAvwod7BBK021:57
=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Celene_away

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