
plarsduflu: any idea when we'll see the new compiz package in images? I was hoping it would show up today but it doesn't seem to have built yet?03:50
dufluplars: raring?03:50
dufluplars: All raring images built after today will contain compiz 0.9.9. The proof is here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz03:51
dufluIf you want daily updates for the bleeding edge then there is also ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build03:52
plarsduflu: that's showing that the current for raring is the  1:0.9.9~daily12.12.05-0ubuntu103:52
sarnoldare they blocked by the flavor-distro-alpha1?03:53
dufluplars: Yeah I was assuming the new inline packaging plan would mean daily changes to raring-proposed, but to get daily updates you need the PPA still03:53
plarsduflu: so you (or someone) needs to manually push that to get it in the images?03:54
plarsduflu: I'm out tomorrow, but I have others on my team that'll be looking for it I know03:55
dufluplars: To update the official raring release version, that is decided and pushed by distro. It's out of my hands03:56
dufluBTW, "tomorrow" is Saturday for me :)03:56
micahgduflu: no, once stuff's reverse dependencies are fine and autopkgtests pass, stuff migrates automatically from -proposed to -release03:56
plarsduflu: tomorrow for me is always "next daily image built" :)03:56
duflumicahg: Yeah but there is no "proposed", which I find unexpected: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz03:57
micahgduflu: it migrated already03:57
micahgoh, maybe not03:57
micahghrm, nothing to upload for today?03:57
duflumicahg: Yes, there have been revisions that should have triggered daily builds. But looks like the daily builds are blocked or frozen03:58
micahgdidrocks can probably explain when he comes online in ~2hrs or so03:58
dufluThis is the first time people have been able to run the bleeding edge compiz and get a new one every day. Should make some people happy, despite the risk03:59
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
didrocksgood morning05:38
RAOFAloha didrocks!05:41
didrockshey RAOF!05:41
RAOFThis must mean it's soon to be Zoë bath time :)05:41
didrocksRAOF: heh, that's what I understood! :) I'm a little bit in advance today though ;)05:41
didrocksRAOF: did you plan anything for the week-end?05:42
RAOFGot some board games lined up on Sunday; I hope to continue my romping Eclipse form.05:43
didrocksoh sounds interesting :)05:43
didrocksI never played but I heard good things about "battlestar gallactica" as a board game05:44
didrocks(well, especially when you are a fan of the serie)05:44
RAOFThat'd probably be an interesting game.05:45
RAOFI've not played it, but it seems likely to have a “traitor” dynamic, which is generally interesting.05:47
didrocksyeah, like in the TV show05:48
didrocksin the TV show, the best is that traitors don't know that they are traitos05:48
didrocks(basically they can be dormant agent)05:48
didrocksnot sure if that's reflected inside the game05:49
RAOFThat show wrote checks the writers couldn't cash.05:51
RAOFAlso lost its way somewhere - S3 or S4, if I recall.05:52
RAOFBut ended up finding it again.05:52
* duflu votes BSG for best sci fi series in a long tim05:53
* didrocks agrees with duflu05:53
RAOFYeah, I'll go with that.05:54
didrocksRAOF: I globally liked this one from start to end :)05:54
didrockscaprica was also great05:54
didrocksbut the last 5 minutes are:05:54
didrocks"well, we didn't get the credit for doing more, here is what we wanted to explain…"05:55
RAOFDidn't watch all of that; still got some of it lying around somewhere.05:55
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
didrocks"lying around" ;)05:56
didrocksa file on a server, lost in a big HD :p05:56
RAOFSomething like that, yeah :)05:57
didrocksthat's a sad story!05:57
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tjaaltonRAOF: so you got your copy of eclipse then?-) met with the designer the other week, he was sorry about the delay in getting the new edition in stores07:17
RAOFtjaalton: I got mine some time ago, yeah.07:17
tjaaltonlooks like the local reseller has it in stock, need to get one for the holidays :)07:19
RAOFIt's pretty good.07:19
RAOFThere seems to be a *9* player expansion, which I suggest is a tiny bit excessive :)07:19
tjaaltonyeah, rise of the ancients07:20
* duflu feels like a non-geek in this environment07:29
smspillazduflu: so I've got something that gets us from "grinding to a complete halt when dragging opengl windows around on nvidia" to "stays at a steady 12fps"08:32
smspillazits the safest version I can come up with so far, shall I propose it ?08:32
smspillazor shall I try and go for potentially more unsafe, but more framez08:32
duflusmspillaz: You've got time to improve it. I need to go lay down soon. This sinus infection won't go away08:33
smspillazok, the other changes could be unrelated then08:33
smspillazI might separate them out08:33
smspillazduflu: I'll get MCR1 to throw it at the wall and see if there are any bugs. Get better soon :)08:33
smspillazRAOF: care to offer any possible explanation as to why the nvidia driver might be completely choking when you post it a ConfigureWindow request at the same time some redirected window is rendering ?08:34
duflusmspillaz: Did you work on improving the XShape usage?08:35
dufluWhenever I snapshotted compiz during a resize freeze that was a big issue, after the XSync08:36
smspillazduflu: the xshape usage shouldn't really be a problem except for resizing08:36
smspillazduflu: I'm only working on movement at the moment08:36
duflusmspillaz: OK, one at a time08:36
smspillazduflu: to be honest its tricky - we really have to be careful when resizing a window with a custom shape, as we also need to reflect the changes in the frame window too08:36
smspillazthats not something that can exactly be done asynchronously08:36
smspillazduflu: the biggest thing so far is just the nvidia driver choking on ConfigureWindow. That's where our massive slowdown is08:37
duflusmspillaz: Frustrating. How often do apps really need or use non-rectangular shape?...08:37
smspillazduflu: not often08:37
smspillazduflu: the most common one would be chromium if its using CSD08:37
dufluSheet. Chromium counts as common...08:38
smspillazduflu: I don't know if people use CSD with it that much though08:38
smspillazclient side decorations08:38
smspillazThe other shape related slowdown would be in the decor plugin, because I'm pretty sure those decorations have custom input shapes (pretty sure, you'll have to double check)08:39
RAOFsmspillaz: What are you doing with the ConfigureWindow? There are a bunch of different codepaths depending on what you're actually configuring.08:39
smspillazbut the decor plugin is its own nightmare in terms of resize performance08:39
smspillazRAOF: CWX | CWY08:39
smspillazmaybe three times a frame so far08:39
smspillazI'm trying to get it down to one08:40
duflusmspillaz: Yeah I noticed decor is a big problem08:40
smspillazduflu: the best fix for that one will be to rewrite it from scratch really, unless you want to reinvent the protocol08:40
smspillazwhich will also count as rewriting it from scratch08:40
* duflu decides to use annotate instead08:40
smspillaz"i have decorations too!"08:41
dufluAnd there's a house and a sun with smiley face08:41
smspillazdecorations - you mean christmas decorations on windows right?08:41
smspillazduflu: all I can think of now is that solver paint commercial from years ago with the little kid at the end saying "I help too!"08:42
dufluYes, libfestive.so08:42
smspillazexcept that he has paint all over his face08:42
RAOFsmspillaz: There's basically only two things the driver could be wrapping there - ChangeBorderWidth or MoveWindow.08:42
smspillazRAOF: yeah, the's probably some sycnhronization thing the driver has to do when it gets MoveWindow08:43
smspillazRAOF: this only happens when sync to vblank is on in the driver08:43
smspillazit just completley freaks out when you change a window position mid-frame08:43
RAOFA redirected window shouldn't incur such synchronisation!08:43
smspillazthats what I was thinking08:44
smspillazbut nope08:44
RAOFIt's not like it's drawing to the screen at all. It's entirely divorced from vblank!08:44
smspillazRAOF: I know08:44
smspillazRAOF: so at the moment, if you drag a redirected gl window around, two things happen08:44
pittiGood morning08:44
smspillaz1. the driver starts choking like crazy08:44
smspillaz2. we get even more time to send it even more ConfigureWindow requests08:44
smspillazwhich make it choke even more08:45
dufluif (vblank) for (i=0; i < 100; i++) XSync(d, False);08:45
smspillazRAOF: you can basically DoS the thing by wagging your mouse cursor around for a few seconds08:45
smspillazit will hang for about 30 seconds here08:45
RAOFThat's suboptimal.08:46
RAOFSo, have you (a) filed a bug, and (b) asked tselliot to raise it at the next nvidia meeting?08:46
smspillazRAOF: nope, although the other WM's don't seem to cause it to choke too much08:46
smspillazso right now I'm just optimizing how much we send ConfigureWindow requests08:47
smspillazthen I'll file the bug08:47
smspillazthe thing is that I'm not sure if we have "conclusive proof" that this is the case, or if compiz in doing something else in combination with the ConfigureWindow requests is just causing this behaviour08:47
smspillazif I comment them out it goes back to fast again08:47
smspillazRAOF: all I can think of right now though is this: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3s31jd/08:53
duflusmspillaz: Before I forget... If you can tell the difference between "shaped" and unshaped rectangular windows, it would be a good idea to skip XShape where possible08:54
smspillazdo we not skip it ?08:54
duflusmspillaz: No it's "always on"08:54
* smspillaz thought the code already did that08:54
dufluAt least in updateRegion08:54
Sweetsharkgood Mooorrring, all!09:14
pittiA wonderrrrrrful good morrrrning to you, Sweetsharrrrrk!09:14
Sweetsharkpitti: arrr!09:15
Sweetshark.oO(every day is talk like a pirate day!)09:15
didrockshey Sweetshark!09:16
Sweetsharkseb128: I got my raring baseline ready and had a nice little build finished on it. I would love to have in in raring even though its only a beta. I should be okish already, and it will help ironing out the rest early on.09:17
Sweetsharkdidrocks: morning!09:17
Sweetsharkseb128: I dont wanna do that on a friday though, so I will just give you some more deps/sync-requests today, and keep the big one for monday.09:18
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seb128hey Sweetshark pitti, happy friday!09:31
pittiseb128: bon vendredi!09:31
seb128pitti, merci, à toi aussi09:32
seb128pitti, tu rentres quand ?09:32
pittiseb128: I'll leave the office in about an hour09:32
seb128Sweetshark, ok, works for me09:32
seb128pitti, when do you land? munich?09:32
pittiseb128: about 5 pm in Munich, yes09:33
pittiI'll meet with my wife and a friend, and we;09:33
pitti'll walk over the Christmas market09:33
seb128pitti, good luck, I hope it's not snowing that much there09:33
seb128pitti, they forecasted 15cm of snow for us today and it's getting close from 10cm already this morning09:34
pittimerci; il pleut à Londres, mais je ne sais pas que il neige à Munich09:34
pitti"à München"?09:34
pittiseb128: actually, is that "que-t-il"?09:34
Sweetsharkseb128: just to confirm I got the debian policy right: if one file moves from one package to another, the right thing to do it to make the packge it moved to claim it conflicts/replaces the one the file was moved from in the old version?09:35
seb128pitti, "je ne sais pas si il neige"09:35
pittiseb128: oh, en effet09:35
seb128Sweetshark, correct09:36
seb128pitti, bonne chance en tout cas !09:36
pittiseb128: ba.com says the flight is operating, right now09:38
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seb128pitti, good09:40
seb128pitti, how was the sprint otherwise ?09:40
pittiseb128: very intense, but we got a lot done; ev will write a summary today or on Monday09:41
pittiwe got the daisy deployment really simplified (two commands really), started on some test infrastructure for this, have armhf retracing well underway, designed various improvements such as per-problem hooks or better comparison between distros, etc.09:42
xnoxSweetshark: yes.09:45
Sweetsharkfun facts: creating the tarballs for a libreoffice release takes 54 minutes on a decent machine (i7-2720QM) -- and that is with a local git mirror.09:50
seb128pitti, great ;-)09:56
smspillazMCR1: wanna do some testing ?10:05
MCR1smspillaz: ^^10:10
smspillazMCR1: https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/compiz.performance_1027211.2/+merge/138682 try it with both lazy positioning in the move plugin "off" and "on"10:15
smspillazits off by default as its technically not compliant, but with it "on" its about 5x faster with the nvidia driver10:15
MCR1smspillaz: Sam, unfortunately we seem to have a new problem with windows getting unresponsive to mouseclicks if they were fully hidden behind other windows - still trying to find a reliable way to reproduce... seems to be a very new problem...10:16
pittigood bye everyone, time to catch a flight10:31
smspillazMCR1: is this with that branch ?10:33
MCR1smspillaz: no, with trunk10:33
smspillazhmm ok, that's good. because I got that once today and wondered if it was a problem with the configure buffer locks not getting released10:34
smspillazMCR1: the xshape code was touched recently10:34
smspillazMCR1: how long ago did you start getting this ?10:34
MCR1smspillaz: not long ago, experienced first time today or yesterday10:35
MCR1smspillaz: also my individual mousepointer is not loading when I start the system10:36
smspillazthat's separate, the mouse cursor is set by the application10:36
smspillaz(as strange as that sounds)10:36
MCR1smspillaz: yeah, but there was a change regarding to mousepointers and now I get this...10:37
MCR1smspillaz: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/0.9.9/revision/351310:37
MCR1smspillaz: I am starting your branch now...10:40
smspillazMCR1: that branch is correct, however we should probably stop changing the input shape of the frame and wrapper windows10:40
smspillazespecially where the client has no defined input shape10:41
smspillazit doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do it that way ...10:41
MCR1to be honest: I do not know ;)10:41
smspillazMCR1: btw, have you ever used callgrind ?10:41
MCR1no, but gdb10:42
smspillazMCR1: callgrind is what duflu and I use to figure out performance bottlenecks10:42
GunnarHjseb128: Good morning, Seb! Aron approved the l-s MP at bug 1076975, so now both the l-s and im-config MPs should be ready to go.10:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1076975 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Please port input method function to use im-config" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107697510:42
MCR1should learn to use it I guess10:42
smspillazits best to run compiz through that, and then look at how those particular functions can be optimized10:43
smspillazMCR1: its pretty simple - valgrind --tool=callgrind compiz --replace ccp & ... kcachegrind callgrind.out.(process id)10:43
MCR1ok - will try10:44
smspillazMCR1: static analysis tools like cppcheck are somewhat helpful, but often tell you to make lots of "optimizations" that don't really do anything10:44
* Sweetshark primes his 4.0 ccache for raring.10:44
seb128GunnarHj, hey, great!10:45
smspillazMCR1: also there is gDebugger, but that is a bit of a pain to use. You have to patch compiz to remove server grabs and the like10:45
MCR1smspillaz: I noticed that turning off framebuffers improves performance a lot (at least on AMD, both with fglrx and gallium)10:47
MCR1smspillaz: I get a assertion failed error with your branch10:49
MCR1smspillaz: in configurerequestbuffer.cpp10:49
MCR1smspillaz: line 15110:50
MCR1smspillaz: priv->lockcount < priv->locksize() failed10:51
smspillazMCR1: it will be like that until DRI3 lands really10:52
smspillazthere's not a whole lot we can do about it - its a hole in the way opengl works10:52
MCR1when will that happen ?10:53
smspillazit might be worth looking into using copySubBuffer and waitVideoSync but duflu is opposed to that for good reasons10:54
smspillazeither method is bad really10:54
smspillazI have some ideas to improve the performance of framebuffer objects though10:54
smspillazbut only be 5%10:54
smspillazMCR1: ok, I've fixed the assert10:56
MCR1I do not know why, but framebuffer object on/off is like day/night here - the difference in speed is huge10:56
smspillazMCR1: probably beacuse you're running at a massive resolution10:56
smspillazthere are two areas where performance is impacted there10:56
smspillazthe first is the synchronization cost associated with glBindFramebuffer (which we do twice per-render)10:57
smspillaz(that's a fixed cost)10:57
smspillazthe second is what happens when your GPU fillrate can't keep up with drawing an entire texture to the backbuffer10:57
smspillazgenerally speaking, the second performance hit becomes worse as your resolution increases10:57
smspillazIt really boils down to:10:58
smspillaz1. opengl sucks at this10:58
smspillaz2. gpu's suck at this10:58
MCR1I will make some tests with other hardware (intel/nvidia) and different resolutions and write a comprehensive report then, because the default should really be chosen wisely10:59
MCR1currently default is on, which sucks at least for ATI hardware...11:00
smspillaz(well, sorry, gpu's rock at this, but not so much at 3840x1200)11:00
MCR1and my VRAM is fast - 256bit DDR511:00
smspillazMCR1: if your driver implements substantially faster blit operations than texturing operations then some other work I'm doing might speed that up11:01
smspillazhowever as far as I've seen most drivers implement blits as a texture operation11:01
smspillazwhich means you get the fragment pipeline overhead11:01
MCR1all I am saying is, we probably should adjust the default on startup according to the hardware used...11:01
smspillazMCR1: not really - it really depends on the usage11:02
MCR1to get the best performance from start for everyone11:02
MCR1sure, tests are needed for that11:02
smspillazMCR1: for example, where you're updating small areas of the screen (and you don't hit the fillrate cap) glCopySubBufferMESA and glCopyPixels make more sense than drawing to a framebuffer and using glXSwapBuffers ()11:02
smspillazwhere you're doing large areas of the screen and can't meet the vblank deadline  with glCopyPixels or glCopySubBufferMESA then using an fbo and glXSwapBuffers makes the most sense because it happens asynchronously11:03
smspillaznot meeting the vblank deadline happens more often than you might think - and its better to buffer up frames for it to process asynchronously rather than continually blocking the cpu on the gpu11:04
MCR1maybe this buffering up of frames makes it feel less smooth, I do not know...11:07
smspillazwell it should make it feel more smoth11:07
smspillazin any case, there are other points in our rendering code where we do gpu synchronization11:07
smspillazwe can probably remove them11:07
smspillazbut it will take time11:07
MCR1all I know is that fbo is just essential for the water plugin, that it is less smooth here, when enabled and that it causes CCSM screenshots to be broken (blue overlay on shots)11:08
smspillazMCR1: its also required to be able to use glXSwapBuffers11:09
smspillazwhich is required for tear-free rendering11:09
MCR1well, that is another point11:10
smspillazMCR1: its also required for the unity blurs too :)11:10
MCR1AMD has a option to enable "Tear-free desktop", forcing VSync, which works very good here without FBO11:11
smspillazit will still tear sometimes11:11
smspillazwaitVideoSync () doesn't make any guaruntee that your entire frame is going to end up in the front buffer11:11
smspillazall it does is give you a small window of time to ask opengl to ask the gpu to put it in the front buffer11:12
smspillazif all three don't make it in time, you get tearing11:12
smspillazSwapBuffers and SwapControl can guaruntee it because the operation to get from the backbuffer to the front buffer is atomic - it just changes a pointer11:13
MCR1probably - I know that tearing has been a big problem in the past, which is loads better now... but currently I have no tearing at all, even with the youtube vsync test video11:13
smspillazhowever in order for that to work you have to redraw the whole backbuffer on every frame, because it gives the application an "undefined" area to draw in11:14
smspillaz.... speaking of which I wonder if we clear the backbuffer on each frame ... I don't think we do11:14
smspillaznope, good11:15
smspillazMCR1: anyways, let me know how that branch goes11:17
smspillazit will only help with window movement, but it should help a lot11:18
MCR1smspillaz: got the same error again11:23
MCR1smspillaz: I did not make clean, but recompiled and reinstalled11:23
MCR1will reboot and retry11:24
smspillazMCR1: oh, one known bug, you'll probably get some weird resizing behaviour11:26
smspillazI'm just pushing the fix for that now11:26
smspillaz(forgot to hook the relevant part of the code up)11:26
MCR1I am still not sure how to force the staging Compiz to use Unity and my CCSM settings11:27
bizhanMonaHI is this a right channel to ask about how to create preseed iso  for Ubuntu 12.4/10 ?thx11:37
psivaadidrocks: i tested the packages in http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/compiz/ but i get dependency problems in installing them12:28
didrockspsivaa: hum, what dependency issue?12:33
didrocksthey didn't change12:33
psivaadidrocks: compizconfig-settings-manager depends on  python-compizconfig, ( we are doing this in the live session btw)12:47
jibelpsivaa, it's because python-compizconfig in not in didrocks's folder. Either don't install compizconfig-settings-manager or install it with apt instead of dpkg and universe enabled12:56
psivaajibel: ok but even if i finish installing those packages, i have not figured out a way to restart lightdm after the package installations. could someone help on that12:57
xnoxpsivaa: switch to tty1; stop lightdm; Ctrl-C; stop lightdm; stop ubiquity; pkill -9 X; start lightdm; all as root.12:58
psivaaxnox: pkill -9 X will bring the desktop in live session even without these packages, so it actually will make the testing pointless. sudo stop lightdm just hangs13:00
xnoxpsivaa: for reasons I have not yet troubleshooted, "sudo stop lightdm ENTER Ctrl-C  sudo stop lightdm ENTER" works.13:01
xnoxpsivaa: sure desktop comes up without lightdm because of autologin.13:02
psivaaxnox: ok thanks v much. ill try that in a bit.13:03
xnoxso lightdm is there if restarted after stopping the chain. But "it can be swift"13:03
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Sweetsharkseb128: liborcus_0.3.0-2~ubuntu1.dsc is wait for review/sponsoring on chinstrap.13:36
seb128Sweetshark, ok13:36
Sweetsharkseb128: and is testbuilding on https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-quantaltest-2012060113:36
Sweetshark(succeeded locally)13:36
Sweetsharkseb128: btw whats the state of libreoffice_3.5.7-0ubuntu2.dsc? precise upload-queue on lp timeouts for me ...13:38
seb128Sweetshark, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=libreoffice ... still there13:38
seb128Sweetshark, btw you should reply to dholbach's email about the upload rights13:39
Sweetsharkseb128: meh13:39
Sweetsharkseb128: true. kinda sick of it though. prefer to get stuff done, instead of talking about it </sarc>13:40
seb128Sweetshark, well, it shouldn't be that much talking and it would spare us both some time over the long run13:40
seb128Sweetshark, liborcus seems fine, the liborcus-dev.dirs docs and README.source don't seem like they are useful though, but that's a detail13:42
seb128will sponsor it13:42
seb128Sweetshark, dh_install: usr/bin/orcus-xml-dump exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere13:47
seb128Sweetshark, is that an issue?13:47
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Sweetsharkseb128: certainly not for libreoffice, if there are other clients of orcus at some point we can reinvestigate. so: no, not an issue13:58
GunnarHjseb128: The accountsservice bazaar branch in LP hasn't been updated for several months, which is inconvenient.14:01
GunnarHjWhat kind of issue is it? A LP bug, or something else?14:01
seb128GunnarHj, it's a launchpad bug, it happens ... can you report it against https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+filebug ?14:03
GunnarHjseb128: Will do.14:04
seb128GunnarHj, thanks14:04
didrocksmvo: hey, small question: is it possible from apt.cache.Cache() to get source package name? (it's only listing binary packages it seems)14:14
mvodidrocks: yes, indirectly: source_pkgs = set(); for pkg in apt.cache.Cache(): source_pkgs.add(pkg.source_package_name)14:19
didrocksmvo: ok, I wanted to know if there was a more direct way, but that works for me! :) Thanks a lot14:20
didrockshey cyphermox!14:42
cyphermoxdidrocks: ca va?14:48
didrockscyphermox: ça va bien, et toi? :)14:48
cyphermoxso, yeah, these things I have no idea what to do with now, the tests are so totally broken, plus the crash in X... I'm going crazy14:49
didrockscyphermox: do you think mterry can be some kind of help?14:52
cyphermoxif he wants to tackle the failing tests, it can be of help, yes14:53
didrockscyphermox: you can go over the rest (I commented on your MP btw ;))14:55
cyphermoxI saw14:55
didrocksalso, there is lp:gcovr IIRC14:55
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Sweetshark dpkg-source --after-build libreoffice-4.0.0~beta117:03
Sweetsharkdpkg-buildpackage: full upload (original source is included)17:03
Sweetsharkon raring ;)17:03
Sweetsharkseb128: _rene_ just made the point that translations are likely still outdated/incomplete in the beta, so building them might cause spurious bug report. building libreoffice without that in main would obviously create update horrors.17:17
Sweetsharkseb128: OTOH, getting this in early is critical to get early feedback, see component mismatches, pull in the new packages etc.17:18
seb128Sweetshark, well, you can see component mismatches and file MIRs etc before upload, you probably should17:18
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, I do of course. but the real upload is always something different given the complexity of the package. in theory, theory and practice are the same. in practice, ... not so much.17:21
seb128Sweetshark, sure, but you can do the obvious one upfront17:22
Sweetsharkseb128: note that the first upload of a new libreoffice major will always be tricky. making it later wont make it better.17:22
seb128like the libs you asked me to upload this week17:22
Sweetsharkseb128: sure.17:23
seb128not discussing that17:23
seb128let's upload on monday17:23
seb128but please start on the MIRs monday as well17:23
Sweetsharkyes, will do.17:23
seb128Sweetshark, thanks17:25
=== attente is now known as attente_zzz
QuintasanHi there, anyone knowledgeable about how input methods are handled in Ubuntu? I need some help in getting ibus to work correctly in Kubuntu17:55
mdeslaurseb128: ok, thanks18:18
mdeslaurseb128: whoops, wrong channel18:18
seb128mdeslaur, thank *you* ;-)18:19
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qenghokenvandine: Hi hi.  Is that "demo" chromium browser extension good for anything? It makes #security nervous.19:26
kenvandineqengho, i haven't seen it19:35
qenghokenvandine: Okay.  Thanks.19:36
qenghokenvandine: It's a new entry in the chromium-browser.install file.  I'll figure it out.19:36
GunnarHjseb128: still there?19:41
seb128GunnarHj, sort of, why?19:41
GunnarHjseb128: it's the postinst thing on the l-s merge.19:42
seb128GunnarHj, yes?19:42
GunnarHjseb128: postinst is essential, I think.19:42
GunnarHjseb128: im-config and im-switch can't co-exist anyway.19:43
seb128GunnarHj, why? what are you trying to achieve?19:43
seb128GunnarHj, well, it's not right to clean files from some other packages19:43
seb128GunnarHj, the way you achieve that is to make im-config Conflicts: im-switch so it get uninstalled, and you made im-switch to clean behind it on uninstall19:44
GunnarHjseb128: but more important, if you only remove im-switch (which is what the package manager does), the config files are still there, and one of the "config" files is 80im-switch19:44
seb128GunnarHj, well, im-switch should clean those on uninstall19:44
GunnarHjseb128: it doesn't. only if you purge19:44
seb128GunnarHj, well, that's an im-switch bug and should be fixed there19:45
seb128GunnarHj, one way to fix it is to update 80im-switch to check if im-switch is installed (e.g by checking a file on disk) and return without doing anything if that's the case19:45
seb128GunnarHj, see e.g /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu19:46
GunnarHjseb128: Aha, now I see. Yes, I suppose that would be possible.19:48
GunnarHjseb128: But then I'll not be able to do the rest of the "cleaning". ;-)19:48
seb128GunnarHj, one way is to consider 80im-switch not a conffile (it's not really) and clean it on removal and not only on purge19:48
seb128same for the other files19:49
GunnarHjseb128: Sounds better to me.19:49
seb128that works19:49
GunnarHjseb128: I'll check the im-switch package, and see if I can find out how to do it.19:49
seb128GunnarHj, you can read man dpkg-maintscript-helper19:50
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, will do, thanks.19:51
seb128GunnarHj, yw19:51
seb128GunnarHj, basically it's changing the im-switch postinst to call dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile on remove19:51
GunnarHjseb128: The last thing done by that postinst script was to remove ~/.xinput.d. Any idea about that as well?19:52
seb128GunnarHj, the packages can't change user files, the user directory could be an nfs one and not mounter at the time you upgrade19:53
seb128GunnarHj, you should teach language-selector (or whatever else is appropriate) to rename/delete that file on start if needed19:54
GunnarHjseb128: True, but with the -f option you can try without causing a failure.19:54
seb128GunnarHj, it's still wrong, packages are not supposed to touch user datas and it means upgrade is not reliable, what happens for the users where that snippet failed?19:54
GunnarHjseb128: It's not needed, really. Just me who want to clean up. :)19:54
seb128yeah, don't... ;-)19:55
GunnarHjseb128: Going to read that man page, now.19:55
seb128GunnarHj, good luck, I'm off for the night but feel free to ping me on monday if you have questions19:56
kenvandinegood night seb128!19:56
kenvandinehave a great weekend19:56
seb128kenvandine, thanks, you too!19:56
GunnarHjseb128: Btw, was it any problem with the im-config MP?20:03
=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
infinitySo, anyone around who cares to explain the im-switch -> im-config change, and why no one filed an MIR either for im-config or for it's new deps?22:19
cyphermoxinfinity: there was a rather long discussion on the ubuntu-desktop mailing list about ibus and stuff, maybe the rationale is there22:23
cyphermoxsorry, I don't know the answer22:23
infinitycyphermox: Right, well, I'm reverting it for now, so the desktop is actually installable.22:25
cyphermoxwill you send an email about it on ubuntu-devel?22:26
infinityI might.  Gimme a second to fix it all first. :P22:26
infinitycyphermox: Though, honestly, I don't see any reason for public shaming here.  Is there a specific reason you think it needs a broader audience?22:36
cyphermoxcertainly not for public shaming22:36
cyphermoxjust so that people know it's been reverted, and that you want to know why it was changed, why there was no MIR, tec.22:36
cyphermoxinfinity: or just send it to whomever did the change22:37
infinityI'll just mail Gunnar (who did the upload) and Seb (who changed the seeds), since theirs are the only changes I had to revert.22:38

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