
FourDollarscjwatson: It seems that grub-efi-amd64-signed doesn't support uuid search for vfat file system. Right?09:23
xnoxfor vfat/ntfs do not support linux filesystem UUID, instead use label09:31
FourDollarsxnox: Got it, thanks a lot.09:32
xnoxthe vfat/ntfs labels are symlinked into /dev/disk/by-uuid/ which may suggest otherwise.09:32
xnoxno problem =)09:33
FourDollarsxnox: Are you sure that grub-efi-amd64-signed supports label search for vfat file system?09:33
* FourDollars is oging to try it.09:33
xnoxxnox: i know that grub supports label search. But I have not yet tried any efi stuff.09:34
FourDollarsxnox: I use grub-install from quantal. It puts 'search.fs_uuid 1F4E-FBA8 root hd0,msdos1' on my USB drive.09:36
FourDollarsxnox: So I think grub also supports uuid search for vfat.09:37
FourDollarsxnox: But grub-efi-amd64-signed might have limited functionalities.09:37
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cjwatsonFourDollars: I don't see a particular reason it shouldn't support that; it seems to have all the relevant modules.  Sounds like a bug.10:55
cjwatson(Both label and UUID.)10:55
FourDollarscjwatson: Thanks for your reply.10:59
FourDollarscjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2-signed/+bug/108765311:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087653 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "grub2-signed doesn't support vfat file system on USB drive." [Undecided,New]11:26
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bizhanMonaHI is this a right place to ask about kickseed/preseed?thx17:59
cjwatsonBut it's nearly dinnertime here so be quick18:00
bizhanMonaoh okay then please go ahead have your dinner, I have just started to process of understanding what it is and will have lot us of questions in future. Thank you.18:01
cjwatsonOK, sure.  Quick mental model: preseed is a way to set a bunch of values in a database which is consulted by the installer during operation and can provide answers to what might otherwise be interactive questions.  kickseed is a compatibility layer for the Red Hat Kickstart format that translates things into preseeding at the very start of the installer18:03
cjwatsonYou can mix and match them (via the Ubuntu-specific 'preseed' command extension to Kickstart)18:03
bizhanMonaoh great, because I know about the Redhat kickstart so I can use the same kick start file, (I hope) then.18:04
cjwatsonWell, it will provide a starting point at least; it probably won't be complete18:06
bizhanMonaokay great to know I can always come here for help. THanks so much.18:06
cjwatsonThe idea was more to get people over the initial hurdle than to provide compatibility with every detail (though I do add details if they aren't too painful to translate)18:06

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