
elkyMyrtti, last night blackness decided to tell us how he once made an irc bot be a porn site link snarfer. he's had plenty of education on what is appropriate for -ot01:31
MyrttiI'm loling so hard01:43
elkyHe's certainly an individual.01:53
Myrttiright, going, hope they don't need more baby sitting today01:56
elkyif he's still there, they will01:58
elkybut that's why i have op rights.01:58
* elky cracks knuckles.01:58
devonhi, I'm totally sorry. I need help, my system has a problem, and I ran a command "yes" and now it's repeating "y" over and over. I then flooded with Y Y Y Y Y Y Y and I got banned. I don't know what to do and I can't talk in #ubuntu. I'm sorry!02:48
devoncould I please be unbanned?02:48
devonhello? is anyone there?02:50
devon*sigh*... 7 billion people, never there when I need someone02:50
elkyIdleOne, connection fixed?02:53
IdleOnewas I flodding out?02:54
elkyyou disappeared and devon wanted to talk about his ban but i'm too busy02:55
IdleOneyup looking at it right now02:55
devonif you can see this, please ungag me. I need help. Badly02:56
IdleOnedevon: #ubuntu has bots that help prevent flooding. When you did the YYY thing it made the bots angry, it makes the humans angry also. Please try to be patient and remember that answers are not always available depending on who is active at that moment.02:57
devonIdleOne: I recognize this. My brain has little moments where I'm not even sure what I'm doing. I don't know why I said YYYYYYYY, but my system is doing the exact same thing right now. I'm very sorry.02:58
IdleOnealright, I will remove the ban in a moment.02:58
devonIdleOne: Thank you so much. It won't happen again. I promise!02:59
IdleOnetry joining now02:59
devonI already am joined02:59
elkydevon, are you using a vm?02:59
devonelky: No I am not, but I'm on another computer02:59
devonChromebook actually02:59
elkynevermind then. vmware can sometimes do stupid things with keyboard input03:00
Unit193If you type "yes" it will repeat y until you hit CTRL+C03:00
elkyoh cute, i hadn't had that one before...03:01
devonCtrl+C doesn't stop it03:01
devonCtrl+Alt+F2 does something03:01
devonAnyway, I don't want to get offtopic in here. IdleOne, thank you so much.03:02
devonSorry to bug you, but I still get a message when trying to chat in #ubuntu03:02
devon[21:02] <devon> Hello [21:02] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu03:03
IdleOnepart #ubuntu and rejoin03:03
devonStill doesn't work03:03
IdleOneok part both #ubuntu and #ubuntu-unregged03:04
bulletrulzhow long am i banned03:13
IdleOneThere is no time limit. Bans are removed when a user comes here and demonstrates that they are able to follow the channel guidelines03:14
bulletrulzi will be able too im sorru03:14
IdleOneYou have been warned on many occasions about being off topic and about language.03:15
IdleOneCome back in 7 days and we can talk about it then.03:15
IdleOneNow if you could /part this channel that would make me a happy camper.03:16
bulletrulzwell wouuld if i said no03:24
elkyoh dear gods, they're all talking to each other03:35
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ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:03
gnomefreakfor being 1a, its busy in #ubuntu06:09
gnomefreakoops sorry 1am was correct06:09
* DrManhattan shrugs.06:12
IdleOneDrManhattan: The Ubuntu community is a family friendly place, comments like you made in #ubuntu are not acceptable. Even when they are directed to users who are being a problem.06:13
DrManhattanThat's nice. I suppose bullying users is family - friendly?06:14
IdleOneWho bullied you?06:14
DrManhattanthat would be you.06:14
IdleOneI'm not sure what you think I did is bullying06:14
DrManhattanSure you dont.06:15
IdleOnePlease explain06:15
* gnomefreak doesnt06:15
* DrManhattan shrugs. Please let me know if/when the ban is ever removed. I'm a disabled vet and I don't really have time for such nonsense. Have a wonderful night.06:15
gnomefreakmay i please ask what he didto make you think he was bullying you06:17
IdleOnebans have no time limit and we don't have time to go about informing users of when a ban is lifted anyway. If you want to explain to me why you think my removing you from the channel is bullying I will be happy to discuss it.06:17
DrManhattanso be it. Hope it makes you feel like a big man.06:18
IdleOneIt makes me sad that I have to explain to a vet the reasoning behind rules and guidelines06:18
IdleOneI hope you have a great night.06:19
DrManhattanYou too :)06:19
IdleOnePlease part the channel.06:19
DrManhattanwell, I read the guidelines and I've joined the channel as you asked. I'll part when my ban is removed. Thanks.06:19
gnomefreakDrManhattan: read the topic of this channel06:20
gnomefreakPlease exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers  << from topic06:21
* DrManhattan shrugs. Whatever makes you feel like a big man I suppose. So much for "family friendly".06:22
gnomefreakso if you feel that we did not settle your issue than please explain more06:22
IdleOneDoes it make you feel like a big man to be defiant?06:22
DrManhattanNo, it feels like a gigantic waste of time when all I wanted was a peaceful, family friendly #ubuntu channel.06:22
IdleOneand making a comments about peoples mothers is family friendly?06:23
DrManhattanNo, that was just a momentary lapse of judgement.06:23
DrManhattanKinda like you're having now :)06:24
gnomefreakwe can try to solve your problem but you need to be respectfull and explain in detail what you did to get removed from channel because as i under stand it you were removed due to your comments in #ubuntu06:24
DrManhattanI don't need to do that at all.06:25
IdleOneI agree, but you are continuing with that lapse of judgment by being defiant in this channel. All I need is for you to acknowledge that you have read the !guidelines and agree to follow them and I will gladly remove the ban06:25
IdleOnein case you didn't see my last post06:25
IdleOneI agree, but you are continuing with that lapse of judgment by being defiant in this channel. All I need is for you to acknowledge that you have read the !guidelines and agree to follow them and I will gladly remove the ban06:25
DrManhattanIdleOne, I have done that already. Would you like me to repost?06:25
DrManhattan<DrManhattan> well, I read the guidelines and I've joined the channel as you asked. I'll part when my ban is removed. Thanks.06:26
gnomefreakDrManhattan: once agtain no idlers06:26
IdleOneI miss the part where it says you agree to follow them06:26
DrManhattangnomefreak, you are now ignored.06:26
DrManhattanIdleOne, I agree to follow them.06:26
gnomefreakDrManhattan: ignoring me doesnt stop me from removing you06:26
IdleOnegreat, now if you would please take a few minutes and explain to me where I was a bully?06:27
DrManhattanIdleOne, I consider this entire routine you've put me through to be bullying. All you had to say was "family friendly channel, we've got it handled" and I would have stfu06:28
DrManhattanas this extra dragging out of the situation is also bullying, because it is pointless and only serves the purpose of "showing me who's boss"06:28
DrManhattanwell good for you, you're the boss06:28
IdleOnefantastic. I am glad to have your blessing.06:29
IdleOnehave a great night. I don't think the ban is going to be removed at this time06:29
DrManhattanyeah, no bullying there.06:29
IdleOnenone at all, my reason for not removing the ban is your attitude towards me.06:30
DrManhattansure. You're the boss.06:30
IdleOneYou seem to think that we are ina fight here. I'm just trying to help maintain a safe environment for all the users in #ubuntu and honestly I don't think that at this time you can help me do that.06:31
IdleOneDrManhattan: I'm glad you came back. perhaps I was a little harsh and I should have sent you a discrete message instead of removing you from the channel07:29
DrManhattanThank you. I shouldn't have said what I said in channel or given you a hard time about doing your job.07:29
IdleOneI'll remove the ban now. gimme a moment07:30
DrManhattanthank you07:30
IdleOnewnaa hug it out?07:30
DrManhattansure :)07:30
IdleOneAlright, get out here and sorry that it became such a big issue out of a really minor issue07:31
IdleOneyou should be able to join #ubuntu now07:32
DrManhattanthank you07:36
bazhang@mark #ubuntu psycopathic more offtopic nonsense07:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:36
* Tm_T huggles IdleOne07:39
Unit193Tm_T: Too tight.07:41
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
ubottuMonkeyDust called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:29
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=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
bazhangwhat system has nothing for blkid14:11
ikoniawell, if you read what he said he'd run it for each partition14:12
ikoniaI wanted him to run it on it's own show it output anything it could see14:12
ikoniathen it could be worked backwards14:12
bazhangeven a live cd would have some kind of output14:12
ikoniawell, yes and no14:13
ikoniait depends, but again if he's runing it against partitions, and those partitions have changed/different it will output nothing14:13
ikoniahence why just running it on it's own was of interest to me14:13
bazhangthere's simply a lot he's not sharing14:13
ikoniait could be one of many things14:13
bazhangit's probably a virtualized aws using vbox14:14
ikoniaeg: disks that are not partitioned and raided14:14
ikoniaif the raid array is not assembled the partitions he's checking won't sohw14:14
bazhangon an encrypted LVM14:14
bazhangwhy would he be root, unless he means single user mode14:15
ikoniawell, the livecd logs you in as ubuntu, so again another reason I was trying to understand his setup14:15
bazhangPici, he was running blkid /dev/sdX instead of just blkid as i konia asked, so yes he's wrong14:24
bazhang<Argure> read: apt-get dist-upgrade should show all packages but it's a potentially destructive command and I wouldn't recommend it.14:38
k1l_he is not using ubuntu since 8.04. he was suggesting startx instead of starting the lightdm. so i think he doesnt really know what es is talking14:41
bazhanghe did not even know that xorg.conf no longer exists14:41
bazhangI'd bet he's a bored Arch user with no idea of Ubuntu in the last 3-4 years14:42
bazhangis read even running Ubuntu?14:54
k1l_lsb_release -a showed 12.1014:54
k1l_if this is from that macine14:54
bazhangwonder what the apple inc from Lenovo comment was all about14:55
k1l_dont know14:55
bazhangguess FSF wont get an invite to the next UDS15:27
IdleOnemaybe they should. I don't agree with RMS but he isn't entirely wrong.15:28
Myrttiwhat's he done this time15:30
Myrttiah, oh15:30
Picicomplained about Ubuntu15:30
bazhangextremely offtopic in #kubuntu15:30
bazhang<Smurphy> I love the channel police... Always so helpfull when not needed. And when needed, so silent ... cause no knowledge about any topic ...15:32
bazhangblueskaj is not helping any15:32
bazhang@mark #kubuntu smurphy blueskaj extreme offtopic, even after warnings15:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:34
bazhangthey effective have shut down the channel from any actual support15:37
Tm_Tnothing new in that unfortunately15:37
bazhangthis was way past the usual chit chat15:38
bazhang* Smurphy (~smurphy@solsys.org) has left #kubuntu ("too much channel police in here ...")15:43
bazhangand the take over excuse is: it's dead in here, so we can chat all we want..15:44
IdleOney u g077a B such a buzzkill!15:44
bazhangBlueskaj really gets a free pass in #kubuntu and #ubuntu+115:44
bazhangI recall at one time when he was a superb helper15:45
IdleOnein +1 his offtopic is often related to development and usually he is accompanied by actual devs.15:45
IdleOnebut I agree that he needs to tone it down15:46
bazhang<mysterious> hi, very neat. ubuntu is greatly succeeding in pissing me off17:01
bulletrulzhello IdleOne18:49
IdleOneIf you agree to follow the !guidelines (no swearing, stay on topic) in #ubuntu I have no problem with you being there18:49
bulletrulzi agree18:49
IdleOnetechnically you are ban evading.18:49
IdleOnewe will over look it though because you did point it out yourself :)18:49
bulletrulzyeah i knew that was the right thing to d18:50
IdleOneyour ipv6 host has changed18:50
IdleOneanyway, not a major deal, just follow the rules please :)18:50
bulletrulzoh ohk aright thank you18:50
IdleOnesure thing.18:51
bulletrulzaright i will now /part18:51
IdleOnethank you18:51

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