
Noskcajso i got access to the steam for linux beta, should we request a few codes for testing purposes?05:42
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Noskcajhere is the page on steam linux bugs http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/07:42
Noskcajballoons: strange to see you on now07:42
Noskcajare we going to request some steam for linux keys?07:43
Noskcaji just got one today07:43
Noskcajand i've already found a bug, steam is in the "internet" category in xubuntu08:03
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zygagood morning09:07
smartboyhwNoskcaj, strangely Steam showed up both in "Games" and "Internet" in Ubuntu Studio (which uses Xfce also)09:25
Noskcajsmartboyhw, interesting. add that to http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/846939071101453348/09:36
psivaajamespage: The i386 minimal virtual smoke tests are failing on testInstallSize with 20121207 server images, with the value of 885560 against 870400.09:51
jamespagepsivaa, oh great :-(09:52
psivaajamespage: Is it changing the testcode or reporting a bug against the server that's the best option here?09:55
jamespagepsivaa, until we understand why its grown Iets report a bug09:56
psivaajamespage: thanks09:57
psivaajamespage: apologies please which pkg should i report the bug against?09:58
jamespagepsivaa, just against ubuntu09:58
jamespagethere is no way to know which package might be causing the issue09:58
jamespagepsivaa, I don't support utah is doing anything different is it?09:58
psivaajamespage: i am not entirely sure about that, but i dont see significant content addition by utah last night, the tests were passing until yesterday. so i guess its not utah :)10:04
gemaxnox: I have something for you to review, we are about to go life:, what do you think?10:11
xnoxgema: looks very good. still playing with it.10:12
gemaxnox: ack10:12
psivaajamespage: reported bug 1087630 for the size issue, thanks10:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1087630 in linux (Ubuntu) "i386 server minimal virtual installations are bloated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108763010:20
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smartboyhwQuestion: Should we do a Ubuntu Quality Community in Google+?13:15
zygasmartboyhw: are those communities some new G+ addition?13:37
smartboyhwzyga, yes13:37
zygasmartboyhw: what can they do13:37
smartboyhwProbably balloons will set it up13:37
smartboyhwzyga, discussion:P13:37
Noskcajballoons: are we going to try and get a few steam beta keys for testing? i got one yesterday of my own18:31
balloonsNoskcaj, ahh I missed you last night18:31
balloonsI too am in the beta18:31
balloonsno, we don't have any plans to do specific testing of steam. however, the focus of making sure ubuntu runs well for gaming helps out everything (gaming and otherwise)18:32
Noskcaji noticed it shows up in both "internet" and "games" in xubuntu18:33
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Noskcajshould you be able to have more than one partition table during the install?18:44
balloonsNoskcaj, per disk18:46
balloonseach physical disk needs one18:47
Noskcajok, then the manual partitioning bug only half exists now18:47
Noskcajballoons, what day does the candence week start?18:51
balloonsNoskcaj, tomorrow18:51
balloonsI have to update the wiki today, and I will send around an email18:51
Noskcajbug 108782319:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1087823 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "in the manual partitioning page the "new partition table" gets more buttons every time you click it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108782319:10
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Noskcajnew bug, there is no background for lubuntu's login screen19:27
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* zyga feels that adding plainbox to checkbox tree was a mistake :/20:56
zygait makes testing harder20:56
Noskcajcan someone try and make a proper netboot testcase? use my ppc one as the basis of it20:57
zyganetboot is hard20:58
zygaand ppc?20:58
zygadid you really mean ppc as in power-pc?20:58
zygaeach platform boots differently, you probably know this just as well as I do20:58
Noskcajyup zyga20:58
zygaarm zoo, x86 bios, efi+secure boot20:58
zygais ppc still using yamon?20:59
zygaer was that mips?20:59
Noskcajask someone else, i just run the testcases in terms of ppc20:59
Noskcaji know its very broken at the moment though20:59
zygaI see20:59
zygawhat ppc hardware are yu using?20:59
Noskcaja ibook g4, i haven't been able to get a proper hardware profile21:00
zygaah, mac21:01
zygappc mac is obsolete and new-age ppc, non-mac hardware is rare21:01
Noskcajyeah, just a few people still use these macs as their main pc and it helps for the new-age ones as well21:02
Noskcajbut there is no longer a ppc mac that "just works", we need to run a lot of commands to get them working21:04
Noskcajphillw, there is no background for lubuntu's login screen. is this a bug?21:22
phillwNoskcaj: I've not seen any chatter on the mailing list / bug reports for this. So, I'd suggest you raise a bug.21:24
Noskcajok, will do. what's it a bug in?21:24
phillwI'd go for lubuntu-artwork21:26
phillwif you can actually log-in, then that is a good place to start :)21:26
Noskcajyeah, you can21:26
Noskcajbug 108784821:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1087848 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "no login background lubuntu daily 13.04 amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108784821:29
Noskcajas always; can someone confirm21:30
phillwNoskcaj: ask on the l-qa mailing list. I'm on my 3G device over the weekend & have over-run my data allowance a few times :/21:31
phillwNoskcaj: the bug has just arrived in my email box. All those in lubuntu automatically notified will have received it.21:43
xnoxnuclearbob: I've seen the comment on one merge proposal, that my networking fix did not work. Do you have testing logs by any chance? I see that you are now fighting with subsequently discovered failures.21:47
xnoxFor some reason locally, I am not seeing the same detailed output as shown in jenkins - e.g. I don't get any guest vm installer syslog.21:48
nuclearbobxnox: where was the comment about it not working?21:49
nuclearbobI haven't had any trouble with it on VMs, but I also haven't managed to frankenstein together a version that's gotten me a succesfful bare metal test either.21:49
nuclearbobat the moment, I have no reason to believe it doesn't work, did you get that feedback from someone else?21:50
xnoxnuclearbob: I may have misread https://code.launchpad.net/~nuclearbob/utah/desktop-resolvconf/+merge/138236/comments/29958121:51
xnoxSo the https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/utah/fix-chroot/+merge/138522 still "pending" verification/review?21:52
xnoxnuclearbob: what is the difference between lp:utah & lp:utah/trunk ?21:52
nuclearbobyeah, I think I meant mine doesn't work on the current raring ISOs21:52
nuclearboblp:utah is the development branch, and lp:utah/trunk doesn't get updated from the development branch until we've tested it and confirmed stability21:53
nuclearbobhm, no, mine does work on the current raring ISOs.  What did I mean?21:53
nuclearbobokay, I remember now.  We merged mine, and it works, but I think yours is better and more correct in the long term, so I wanted to test it on physical hardware and then merge it, and thus back out mine21:54
xnoxnuclearbob: well my branch reverts only the small portion of your merge. As your merge had other good refactoring in it.21:54
nuclearbobyeah, exactly.  that thing you said21:54
nuclearbobtoday I've been focusing on some smoke testing stuff that's still broken, so I haven't circled back around to doing a physical hardware test of your proposal yet21:55
nuclearbobbut I can try to get that setup before EOD21:55
xnoxnuclearbob: and I cannot confirm my fix using VMs. So in the mean time I'll try to fix my utah setup.21:56
nuclearbobxnox: if you want to pastebin me your output I might be able to tell you why you're not seeing a syslog?21:57
xnoxnuclearbob: let me find / recreate that.21:59
xnoxnuclearbob: I was trying to find your utah school slides and didn't find them again. But in short I wanted to lookup: which packages are a must locally, which ones are harmless and which should never be installed on the host.21:59
nuclearbobutah, which, as of the current dev version pulls in utah-client and utah-common, is a must, and all of those have dependencies that are important22:00
nuclearbobcobbler, vm-tools and dl-ubuntu-test-iso all support non-essentialy functionality22:01
nuclearbobI'm not sure if I have a never list22:01
xnoxok, so I didn't break my laptop yet :D22:01
nuclearbobyep.  we did a lot of work last cycle to try to make it really hard to break things :)22:02
balloonshello chilicuil22:33
Noskcajwhat are the EC2 testcases? i have never understood what they do22:35
balloonswe don't test them Noskcaj22:35
balloonsthey are automated tests run by the server guys22:35
Noskcajnow i understand22:36
nuclearbobxnox: I had a mostly successful run with your changes on a physical machine.  My only concern is that at one point I lost contact with the machine and ended up power cycling it.  After that, it came up and worked, but I'm running the test again to see if the preseed is rebooting properly if it's shutting down instead for some reason22:38
nuclearbobxnox: had the same thing happen again.  I'm going to dig into the code and make sure I didn't frankenstein something wrong, and then experiment with different preseed options a bit.  I'll do that firs thing next week23:08
xnoxnuclearbob: I am not going crazy about missing logs.23:59
xnoxnote the syslog size.23:59
xnoxzero in 21 (success case) and large in 20 (fail).23:59

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