
canthus13paultag: Hey... is there any way to unmaximize a window in awesome when it was maximized in gnome?01:30
paultagcanthus13: what do you mean? While it's floating?01:32
canthus13Like... If a window was maximized in gnome, then opened in awesome, it won't tile. it just sits there, maximized, and acts like an ass, sometimes eating all your mouse clicks. :P01:33
* canthus13 can't recall any keyboard shortcut to fix that. :/01:34
canthus13Hmm... meta-m on every window seems to correct it.  twice it it wasn't already maximized.01:37
thafreakanyone else having problems with something called oneconf crashing all the time?16:33
thafreakThis is on an xubuntu box...16:33
thafreaknot sure if it's because I'm using it remotely via x2go or what...16:34
jandruskthafreak: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186033117:56
Unit193paultag: You know any debian forum mods?19:46
paultagUnit193: I didn't know we had a forum19:46
Unit193Hah, nice.19:46
Cheri703For Anyone Interested: (and apologies, I'm going to be cross posting in a few places) http://www.thehackeracademy.com/tha-deep-dive-analyzing-malware-in-memory/21:19
Cheri703webinar open to the public21:19

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