
jfenn2199cyberanger, 100 this year01:27
wrstjfenn2199: that sounds like an interesting project01:47
netritioushowdy...did I miss the meeting? :)01:52
wrsthowdy netritious :) how you dong?01:53
wrstnetritious: just the guy i need to ask annoying questions to01:53
netritiousDong's doing ok wrst lol01:53
netritioushaha what's up?01:54
wrstnetritious: just bought an ssd and an adapter thing to put my other hard drive in the dvdrom slot in my laptop, i'm thinking i should be able to just clone one partition to the ssd then chroot and update grub does that sound reasonable?01:54
wrstok what i was thinking but wanted to ask an expert, but i may just reinstall also not for sure01:55
wrstthought also about having my system partiitons / /boot etc on the ssd and doing home on the regular hard drive but not for sure if that is a good plan or not?01:56
netritiousjust make backups :)02:02
wrstoh yes :)02:04
wrstnetritious: really there is nothing on my laptop its all on my server, dropbox or ubuntuone i keep i that way so when i mess it up its easy to restore :)02:04
wrstyeah i think i will just do a fresh install probably makes more sense02:15
wrstand i don't mess everything up and still have my old disk to boot off of if i mess something up :)02:16
wrsti'm thinking have every directory on the ssd including home virtual box will be a lot faster02:16
netritiousyeah...SSD vs "a spinner" (as I hear people reference them now) is no competition.02:22
netritiousnot on performance anyway. verdict is still out on longevity.02:22
netritiousthere's nothing wrong with migrating what you want/need or mounting the other partition once the SSD is in to do that02:24
netritiousor using your HDD as home and SSD as /root02:24
netritiousjust make backups :)02:24
wrstyes lots of backups any time doing such as this02:32
wrstI am on board with that02:32
netritiouswrst: I'm still 100% "spinner" atm, minus my umpteen thumbdrives and flash memory. Not convinced SSD is worth the price.02:38
netritiousso waiting until prices come down a lot more and to upgrade all my systems to SATA III before taking the plunge.02:40
wrstnetritious: I have one at work and performance is amazing03:18
wrstbut use a spinner for basic storage03:18
chris4585I'd like an SSD, I think that is my next upgrade I'll make03:37
chris4585you have to get the right SSD though, kingston hyperx is good03:38
wrstthis is a samsung had good reviews i shall see03:42
netritioussamsung is awesome. I like most of everything they make, from displays to smart phones.04:32
netritioushey chris458504:33
chris4585hey netritious04:36
chris4585samsung 830 or 840?04:36
chris4585yeah samsung is good I hear04:36
netritiousmine is an i837 I believe...captivate glide, rooted04:36
netritiouschris4585: wait, are you asking wrst about his sdd? lol04:37
chris4585I have a stupid old phone04:38
netritiousjust upgraded mine from motorola backflip (MB300) this past August...the backflip was my first android device. Got it in Feb 2010, and was way better than my windows 6 phone lol.04:40
netritioussetting up a 12.04.1 desktop using alternate cd in vmware player04:50
netritiouscurious if GPU acceleration and USB 3.0 support actually work04:50
chris4585usb 3 support works for me on 3.6 and even on 3.406:03
netritiousI think USB support was baked in around 3.207:50
netritious*USB 3.007:50
netritiousjust realized what time it was....nite07:51
chris4585baked in, lol I like that term08:45
wrstmorning average_guy15:48
* wrst glares at xTEMPx15:48
wrstmorning, or there about chris458518:04
chris4585morning wrst18:05
wrsti'm exicited chris4585 have an SSD coming for my laptop18:05
chris4585wrst, nice, I want one too18:05
wrsti'm curious and i'm still debating if i just clone my arch partition or start from scratch, i bought an adapter to put my old drive in the optical bay18:08
chris4585an SSD is what I'm thinking about for christmas, but not really sure yet19:38
wrstchris4585: after seeing what it has done for this old machine here at work they are amazing19:40
wrstbut my decision is now do i do a fresh install of arch or do i just copy over and chroot and reinstall grub to mbr?20:17
chris4585I'm not sure with SSDs but if I had the option I would clean install20:19
wrstwell i can always use the old drive if i need it so i'm thinking start fresh since i have gone from gnome to kde20:19

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