
Kilosmorning all05:14
Kiloswhere is the fly05:15
Kiloshis server crashed?05:15
Kiloshi timkeller barrydk 05:46
mazalMorning all05:53
mazalMaaz , koffie on05:55
Maazmazal: Huh?05:55
mazalMaaz , coffee on05:55
* Maaz washes some mugs05:55
Kiloshi mazal 05:56
KilosMaaz, coffee please05:56
MaazKilos: Sure05:56
mazalMôre oom05:56
mazalHow goes there ?05:56
Kilosok ty and you?05:57
mazalGood thanx05:57
barrydksheep done Kilos05:58
mazalKilos do you know if there is a manual or pdf or something like that which is a manual for Maaz's command ?05:58
mazalcommands even05:58
mazalOr is it just the Maaz help way ?05:58
KilosMaaz, is an ibid bot05:58
MaazKilos: Sorry...05:58
MaazCoffee's ready for mazal and Kilos!05:59
mazalMaaz , dankie05:59
MaazGroot plesier mazal my vriend05:59
Kilosyou can get one in the repos for your own channel to practise on05:59
Kilosbut there are lotsa command that i have saved somewhere05:59
KilosMaaz, ty05:59
MaazYou are welcome Kilos05:59
barrydkmaaz in your dreams05:59
Maazbarrydk: Sorry...05:59
mazalMaaz botsnack06:00
MaazWhat do you want mazal Trying to butter me up or something?06:00
mazalKilos we came tight with that irc on phone thing06:00
Kilosoh my06:00
mazalBarry using simple irc and seems to work ok06:00
mazalright even06:00
Kilosi dont know new fones but on my old nokias jedirc works well06:01
Kilosthats my last resort when all pcs crashed06:01
KilosMaaz, google jebirc for samsung cell phones06:02
mazalI myself don't have a smartphone , I still old school. Do pc things on pc. Phone is just for texting and phoning06:02
MaazKilos: Wow! Google couldn't find anything06:02
KilosMaaz, google jedirc for samsung phones06:02
MaazKilos: "Download jed irc chat for pc websites - softwaretopic.informer.com ..." http://craftkeys.com/download/download-jed-irc-chat-for-pc/ :: "Depression Haven :: View topic - chat room on iphone" http://www.depressionhaven.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=42865&sid=1525d9f5c1382f9e6a53d4b00ace79ba :: "Free samsung galaxy ace manager download downloads"06:02
Maazhttp://www.2000shareware.com/downloads/samsung/galaxy/ace/manager/download/ :: "Free twz mobile games dow…06:02
Kilosits hard work on a fone06:03
Kilossmsing is bad enough06:04
mazalIndeed , I hate typing on a phone06:05
barrydki enjoy my samsung with the touch screen. i wounnt do it on a phone with tiny buttons Kilks06:06
mazalI can see the joy in that spelling :P06:07
Kilosmagespawn has found a way to make tab complete work on his06:08
barrydkand the other spelling06:09
Kilosbarrydk, get your server setup and install quassel-core and the other stuff for quassel then your fone can work through there06:12
barrydkbefore or after Chtismas. that sounds like big work for.this time.of the year. i looked at that quazzel thing but its not freeware.06:14
Kilosyes man its in the repos06:15
Kiloslook in synaptic06:15
Kilossudo aptitude install synaptic06:15
barrydkkilos samsung doesnt work with repos06:16
magespawnmorning all06:16
Kilosof for the fone06:16
Kiloshi magespawn 06:16
Kiloshere is the man barrydk 06:16
magespawnhey Kilos barrydk 06:17
mazalHey magespawn 06:17
Kilosmagespawn, you got a samsung touch pad thingie?06:17
Kilosmrs_fly, wb06:18
magespawnno htc flyer but almost the same06:18
Kiloswb superfly 06:18
Kilosand morning06:18
magespawno/ mazal06:18
mazalHow things magespawn ?06:18
Kilosmagespawn, barrydk sukkeling with his samsung to get quassel going06:18
magespawngood and you mazal?06:18
mazalI'm fine thanx06:19
magespawnwhy Kilos? what is the problem?06:19
mazalHe's ok on simpleirc06:19
Kilosbarrydk, tell him06:19
barrydkya but it is working ok 06:19
Kiloshows things your side magespawn ?06:20
Kilosfinish the video?06:20
Kilosaw fly gone06:20
Kilosboth fly's06:21
barrydkis quassel better than simp irc06:21
Kilossuperdoom got the flies06:21
magespawnyes Kilos, aspect ratio is a bit wrong though06:22
Kilostry again with ubuntu06:23
magespawnbarrydk: if you set up a quassel core server, i think so yes06:23
magespawnKilos  that is just a setting so easy to sort06:23
barrydki just use it for chat here nothing fancy06:24
magespawnnice thing with the core is your client connects to the core, and the core stays conmected to your channels06:24
magespawnalso you can have multiple clients connect at the same time06:25
Kiloswb flies06:26
magespawnbarrydk: you can usually tell who is running a quasselcore, they rarely seem to dissconnect06:28
superflyand mine is having issues06:29
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly Morning raoul. hope its just the web thats sick and not your server" 51 minutes and 14 seconds ago06:29
superflysomething messed up the permissions on the server (probably me)06:32
superflymorning Kilos06:35
superflyKilos: I think it was me trying to get the stats for #ubuntu-za that killed my server :-(06:35
Kilossorry superfly 06:35
superflyI need to upgrade it anyways06:35
Kiloshi Wraz 06:38
Kiloshehe who am i --none of your business06:39
barrydkthanks Megaspawn. i think for nou ill stay with simp irc it doez what i want and without giving me trouble.06:43
magespawnnp barrydk i also used androIRC and andchat, i changed my input to the hackers keyboard in the play store06:44
barrydkok ill have a look06:45
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:46
magespawnhey Tonberry 06:58
Kiloshi jrgns 07:02
Kiloshi SmilyBorg_w you ok?07:15
Kilosyay ubuntulog has lost its tail07:20
Kilosdag Kerbero Banlam bakuman aquarat 07:21
barrydkkilos may we use faul language on this channel07:22
Kiloswe are gentlemen and ladies07:23
Kilosor try to act that way anyway07:23
barrydki thought so 07:23
barrydki see you speek a different language there07:25
mazalThose usernames , barry can't see them07:25
Kilosah he can join07:26
mazalThose guys you greeted , he can't see they are users.07:27
mazalThought you speaking in weird tongues lol07:27
Kilosoh here. he isnt on the pc?07:27
Kilosi love xchat07:27
mazalNo he is on phone and it doesn't show userlist07:27
mazalHe too lazy to put on is laptop this morning07:28
barrydkno not lazy planing our great escape then ill have to pack up everything if i sucseed07:29
* mazal likes that plan07:31
barrydkkilos do.you have real coffee07:47
* superfly has real coffee07:47
Kiloslol i drink tea07:48
Kilosand cyber coffee07:48
Kilosdoesnt give headaches07:49
barrydkoh no i cant drink that stuff07:49
* superfly has freshly ground coffee07:49
Kilosbest coffee i have tasted is at airports and big train stations07:51
barrydkmazal and i are coming to pta and thought we could pop in for some coffee07:53
Kilosaw sorry07:53
magespawnbbl got to go get fishes07:54
Kilosk magespawn 07:55
superflyKilos: ugh, no. the best coffee I've ever had is from the coffee shop around the corner07:57
Kilosi dunno now superfly  but in the older days the pta station and durbs airport hjad wonderful coffee07:59
Kilosperculated of course07:59
Kilosbetter than nescafe classic07:59
jrgnssoz, hi guys08:06
barrydkhi there08:12
barrydkbbl off to pta08:24
mazalEnjoy the day guys , we are escaping :P08:26
Squirmhey again people of za08:29
charl_good morning08:36
charl_hi Squirm 08:36
Kiloshi charl_ 08:36
charl_hi Kilos !08:36
Kiloslo henkj 08:40
henkjhi Kilos08:40
Kiloshi inetpro 08:41
Kilosoh my11:06
Kiloswb all of you11:06
magespawnhey Kilos11:19
Kiloshey magespawn 11:23
Kiloshi nlsthzn 11:59
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos 12:00
Kiloshaha superfly you played games with ronnie rewitsky12:21
Kiloswe were appies together12:22
Kiloshey magespawn that format gonna take days12:32
Kilos1/4 wat now since 8pm last night12:32
magespawnsometimes it will go quicker once past a certain spot, but generally they do take a long time12:33
Kiloshad a lekker low level format tool on stiffy but dont see the later stuff12:34
Kiloscalled troubleshooter12:34
Kilosbut if it fixes the prob then no matter how long it takes12:35
inetprogoeie more oom Kilos14:06
Kilosmore inetpro 14:07
inetproweer baie warm vandag14:07
Kilosja lekker14:12
kbmonkeyhappy friday everyone!14:22
inetprowb kbmonkey14:29
inetproKilos: did you notice that ubuntulog lost his tail somewhere?14:42
* inetpro last night sent a message to rt@ubuntu.com and somebody came to fix it early this morning14:46
Kilosyes inetpro saw it and commented but cant find what time now14:48
Kilosdid you fix it14:48
Kiloshi kbmonkey 14:48
Kiloswho is mailto:rt@ubuntu.com14:49
inetpro07/12 00:06:13 <-> ubuntulog_ is now known as ubuntulog14:49
inetpro07/12 00:37:02 <-- cinerama (~stephane@2001:44b8:3167:1400:503e:d7e7:a01b:8dfa) has left #ubuntu-za ("Leaving")14:49
inetproKilos: must have been cinerama14:50
inetproKilos: I found the address at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:51
Kilosaw didnt even see himher14:59
Kiloshow do we say ty14:59
Kiloshi magespawn 14:59
Kiloshi magtie 15:00
Kilossowwy magespawn 15:01
Kilosinetpro, you home yet?15:01
inetproKilos: he/she/it came in at 23:52:33, fixed it soon after and subsequently left again15:04
inetprowho knows, may be another bot15:04
Kilossjoe and didnt even say hi15:04
Kiloswell at least you know how to report it now15:04
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 15:05
inetproyeah, and happy that there was a quick response15:05
kbmonkeyand inetpro. happy its weekend?15:05
inetprokbmonkey: ja ja15:06
Kilosfunny that ubuntulog doesnt show its connected here too15:06
kbmonkeywhat are you grepping ?15:07
Kiloshope they fix that15:07
Kiloswe needed stats kbmonkey  for the reapp thing15:07
Kilosand the ubuntulog bot doesnt respond to anything15:08
inetproKilos: it's just a logging bot15:08
inetprono need to respond to anything15:09
inetproand please don't try to make it respond15:09
inetprothey might kick you out of here15:09
kbmonkeyok. got it.15:09
Kilosit must show us our logs when we need info man15:09
Kilosstupid bot15:09
magespawnon my way home later all15:10
Kilosgo well magespawn 15:10
inetproKilos: you can see the logs any time at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/15:10
kbmonkeydrive safe15:10
Kilosso kbmonkey hows things15:11
Kilosdid we get all stats needed inetpro ?15:11
inetproKilos: superfly was still extracting stuffs from his quassel database last time I checked15:11
Kilosludo gone today15:12
inetprobut looks like he even made it crash as well15:12
Kilosaw and he crashed his server15:12
Kiloshehe ya it stole permissions from him15:12
inetprolots and lots of data to parse15:12
Kilosmusta chowned it15:12
Kiloswe need reapp for what exactly15:14
Kilosour loco?15:14
kbmonkeyfine Kilos. it stopped raining for a bit even!15:14
Kilosand here we hoping for more all the time15:15
inetproai Kilos, het jy nie gelees nie?15:15
Kilosman ekke vergeet15:15
Kiloswil tweet. skryf gou wat moet ek se15:15
inetproLoCo Team Approval and Re-approval process https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines15:15
Kilosso its to be accepted as an official loco?15:16
inetproAn approved team is a team that is up and running, and has demonstrated sustained team activity. 15:16
inetproThey have met all of the requirements, and they have established resources up and running, and the team is working well. 15:16
inetproas simple as that15:16
Kilosoh the team not the loco15:16
Kilosdoes our loco not get reapped15:17
inetproBenefits of Approval: An approved team is eligible for certain benefits such as marketing materials. An approved team is also considered official by the Ubuntu project. The following are the current benefits:15:17
inetpro- CDs for each cycle15:17
inetpro- Special Conference Pack for Approved Teams15:17
Kilosjust the team15:17
Kiloswhats a conference pack15:17
Kilosspecial too15:17
Kiloskbmonkey, you can put your testimonial there too15:18
Kiloswb aquarat 15:18
kbmonkeylooking at the page now...15:19
inetproKilos: best to go read the full page above15:19
inetprocan't copy all that15:19
Kilostoo much to read15:20
Kilosill take your word for it15:20
kbmonkeywow I like that conference pack!15:21
kbmonkeyyou know, for an african themed distro with same windy origins, theres less interest than globally, it seems15:22
inetprokbmonkey: now we just need to organise some proper conferences so we can show everyone15:23
kbmonkey... has got to be the bad connectivity15:23
* inetpro bbl15:28
Kiloswe confer here all the time15:28
Kilosgo well inetpro 15:28
kbmonkeythat document is in an email link, ne Kilos ?15:29
Kiloshi Kerbero 15:40
Kiloshmm monkey ran before i could hear what he sorted with the greeter15:42
charl_had some decent snow today16:31
charl_but not nearly as much as predicted16:31
Kiloshi charl_ 16:31
charl_hi Kilos :)16:31
magespawnevening all17:26
superflyhiya magespawn17:26
Kiloshey magespawn 17:26
magespawnwhat up guys?17:26
magespawnas always17:27
Kiloswind died down17:27
magespawnhow do i ask Maaz ro check if a website is up?17:27
Kiloscould enjoy a quick storm17:27
Kilosping it17:27
Kiloswhats the link?17:28
magespawnMaaz ping www.nia.gov.za17:28
Maazmagespawn: 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, +5 errors, 100% packet loss, time 4006ms17:28
Kilosor i think guys have asked him as well if its up17:28
magespawnwo no ping reply then17:28
KilosMaaz, is www.nia.gov.za up17:29
MaazKilos: No, http://www.nia.gov.za/ is down (Not Found)17:29
magespawnty Kilos17:29
Kilosi hope that was right17:29
magespawnlooks like it17:31
magespawndoes anyone here encrypt thier email?17:31
Kilosno why would one do that?17:33
Kiloslo mazal 17:33
mazalNaand oom17:34
mazalSjoe I was amazed now17:34
Kilosat what?\17:35
mazalMy brother created an event in his outlook and emailed it out to all attendees17:35
mazalTo my amazement my lightning add-on (thunderbird) actually processed it and added it to my lightning calendar in thunderbird17:35
Kilosattendees of what17:35
mazal+1 for thunderbird17:35
Kilosi dont like thunderbird much17:36
mazalIt can actually process and add Outlook events :)17:36
Kiloswhats outlook events?17:36
mazalEvents that are created in calender , this one is a braai for example17:37
mazalIn outlook17:37
Kilosoh the reminder thingie17:37
mazalI would have never thought that thunderbird would actually be compatible with that17:37
magespawnnotifications and reminders of things that  are happening17:37
mazalI think that is very cool from the thunderbird devs17:38
Kilosah ty17:38
Kilosdont all mail clients do that?17:38
mazalI doubt it17:38
magespawnKilos you would encrypt your email to stop other people reading it17:38
Kilosif i got something secret to say i use pidgin otr17:39
magespawnmost complete mail clients will, but it is rare to get two different ones talking, especially outlook17:39
Kiloseven irc has it17:40
Kilosor xchat anyway17:40
magespawnwhat enryption Kilos?17:40
Kilosotr man17:41
Kilosoff the record17:41
Kilosxchat is tricky to setup though17:41
Kilospidgin is easy17:41
Kilosit actually encrypts between the two pc's involved17:41
Kilosso only they can read it17:42
magespawncool i did not know that17:42
* magespawn goes to do some pidgin reading17:43
Kilosi love pidgin17:43
Kilosno man17:43
Kilosyou got pidgin?17:43
Kilosthe two pcs kinda handshake and sort what they gonna do17:44
Kilosoh you on fone17:45
superflymazal: it is only because Outlook conforms to one of the calendar standards17:49
Kiloswb inetpro 18:05
Kiloswho is Wraz ??18:05
Kiloswe have a spy in our midst18:05
Kilosmaybe he's just very shy18:06
Kiloswb waterrat18:09
magespawni do have pidgin Kilos just not on the tablet18:09
Kilosya i twigged later 18:09
magespawnthere is Gibberbot, works with pidgin, but do not have that either, ...... yet18:11
Kilosi tried qp there but it chats to me only18:12
Kiloshavent worked out how to join a group chat18:12
inetproKilos: oh, who said I'm back?18:21
Kilosi haada feeling18:21
* inetpro is not here18:24
inetproKilos: that does not mean you must keep quiet18:37
Kilosim trying to figure out who Wraz might be18:38
Kilosand watching some scifi on E18:39
Kilosugly noonoos18:39
inetproKilos: he is noneofyou18:40
inetpromust be from some other planet18:41
Kilosoh well we give him till monday night to greet18:42
Kiloswhere is internic commercial18:43
Kilostheres no such country18:44
inetproKilos: 05/12 22:40:02 --> Wraz (~noneofyou@cpc11-nmal18-2-0-cust180.croy.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #ubuntu-za18:45
Kilosya i get that too but see where he/she/it filled in country as internic commercial18:46
inetprohe did talk two times after joining18:47
Kilosto who??18:47
Kilosaw where was i18:48
Kilosim the greeter bot here18:48
* Kilos sulks18:48
inetproWraz: please speak to Kilos so he can be happy that you are a human18:49
Kiloswas it late at night inetpro ?18:50
inetproKilos: yep, just after he joined18:50
Kilosmagespawn, format half way after 25 hours18:50
inetpro05/12 22:58:38 <Wraz> What happened to Zanet ?18:50
inetpro05/12 22:58:51 <Wraz> was an awesome #programming on there.18:50
Kilosso who welcomed him?18:50
inetproKilos: uh18:51
* inetpro was ignorant18:52
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
inetproit was late18:52
inetprosorry Kilos18:52
Kiloshi Trixar_za 18:52
Trixar_zaHey Kilos and inetpro18:52
inetprowb Trixar_za18:52
KilosMaaz, google zanet18:53
MaazKilos: "ZAnet" http://www.zanet.org.za/ :: "A World of Natural Stones - Marmi Bruno Zanet" http://www.brunozanet.com/ :: "Zanét Couture - Home" http://www.zanet.com.au/ :: "Zanet Web Design" http://www.zanet.co.uk/ :: "Autos Zanet" http://autoszanet.com/ :: "Jerome De Zanet - Ireland | LinkedIn" http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jerome-de-zanet/1/932/624 :: "Nathalie18:53
MaazZanet - Australia | LinkedIn" http://www.linkedin.com/pub/nathalie-zanet/16/782/855 :: "Ken…18:53
Kilosmaybe hes a hacker for them18:55
KilosWraz, ping18:55
Kilosand fogot to disconnect here18:55
Kilosbecause we so cool18:55
Kilosnow format speeded up19:00
Kilossigh now it says it was unable to complete the formay19:02
mazalSleep well everyone19:06
inetprosuperfly: did you come right with your stats?19:11
superflyinetpro: I'll take a look again in a little while19:11
superflyjust trying to do some family stuff right now19:11
inetprohow did you end up crashing your quassel?19:11
superfly(attempt #2)19:12
superflyinetpro: I have no idea\19:12
* inetpro will wait19:12
superflyI just logged in and it was off19:12
magespawnKilos cool about the format19:18
Kilosfoung 12kB bad sectors19:19
Kilosthats min19:19
Kilostrying chkdsk to recover them19:19
Kiloshi smile 19:30
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:30
smilehi :p19:30
smilegood night19:30
=== smile is now known as smile--
inetprosmile-- stopped smiling?19:32
smile--inetpro: yeah, too much maths ;)19:32
inetprohow did the exams go?19:33
smile--quite good :p19:34
smile--but next week they won't :|19:34
inetpronext week maths?19:34
inetprosmile--: maths is easy19:35
inetproimportant is that you just exercise, exercise, exercise19:35
smile--inetpro: not mine :o19:36
smile--it's my last year, it's quite complicated :p19:36
inetprosmile--: when are you writing?19:37
smile--wednesday or thursday, not sure.. :p19:37
inetprowriting or also just oral?19:37
smile--but tomorrow I have to learn other subjects, like economics19:37
* inetpro used to love economics but hated writing the exams19:38
inetproto much memorising19:38
inetpromaths is all simple logics19:39
* magespawn detests parrot learning19:39
inetprowith maths you can always work it out19:40
magespawnif have basic understanding or time19:40
superflyinetpro: maths is NOT simple logic19:40
superflymaths is not logical at all19:40
inetprowell if you know the basic rules it's all logical19:41
magespawnand that from a programmer19:41
superflyI got 35% for maths at the end of Std 9, but I got the prize for 1st in Computer Studies in matric. You figure that one out :-P19:42
inetpronow that looks like an anomaly to me19:42
magespawni was terrible at maths in school but that was a lack of application, nothing more19:43
magespawninterest and application supefl19:43
magespawninterest and application supefly19:43
magespawnat my school computers were a add subject and you had to pass maths and have a 80% ave19:46
smile--bye :p19:46
inetprosmile--: good luck19:46
smile--inetpro: lol ;)19:46
inetproand good night19:46
smile--(at the first lines)19:47
magespawnnight smile19:47
smile--thanks :D19:47
smile--all of ya :)19:47
magespawnsuperfly see i can spell it19:47
* inetpro didn't even know what a computer looked like in school19:48
inetprofirst time I touched a computer was after I started my first job19:48
inetprobut maybe I'm lying, just a bit19:49
* magespawn must get used to tab complete19:50
inetproI did see an older nephew of mine with his computer while I was still in school, but never had an idea what it was for19:50
magespawnhah funny how things work out19:51
inetprointerestingly it was a good friend of mine who planted the seed, while still in school, that I should attempt computing as a field19:53
inetprobut it was only later when things moved into that direction19:53
* inetpro actually came to Pretoria to study agriculture19:54
magespawni studied nature conservation @ Pretori tech.19:55
magespawninetpro where?19:55
inetpromagespawn: I actually never started 19:55
inetprothe day I was supposed to start I realised that it was not for me19:55
inetprohad some aptitude tests done and they recommended computing19:56
inetprobut sadly I was to late19:56
inetproall classes where fully booked19:57
magespawnso then?19:57
inetproso I started looking for a job19:57
inetprothought I would study part time19:57
inetprosadly that was a bad idea to start with19:57
inetprotook me three full months before I had a job19:58
magespawni have found it so, wife can do it19:58
magespawnthat is awhile, doing?19:58
inetprostarted as a finance clerk19:58
inetprothe only thing I had was a good friend who provided accommodation19:59
inetproafter my first paycheck of just more than R700 I signed a lease for a bicycle at OK 20:00
inetprotook me something like two years to pay that off20:01
inetprocrazy times20:02
magespawni did not even know you could do that20:08
magespawninetpro: do you remember 1/2 cent pieces?20:08
inetpromagespawn: oh yes20:09
inetprowe bought a whole packet of sweets with that20:09
magespawnchappies for 1/2 cent20:09
inetproyebo yes, and more than just one20:09
inetpro+niggerballs and others20:10
magespawni still have one somewhere20:10
magespawn1/2 cent that is20:11
inetpromagespawn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SA_Coins_1961-1964.JPG20:12
magespawndoes boot repair work with the other os or only linux?20:13
inetpromagespawn: it's been way to long ago that I needed a boot repair20:15
inetproperhaps look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:15
Trixar_zaI actually have one of those coins20:16
Trixar_zaWell, the 1c anyway20:16
magespawni had a look there too, says it repairs the mbr20:18
magespawncool Trixar_za 20:18
inetproif I remember correctly we could buy something like four sweets with half a cent20:19
inetprosomewhere in the 70's20:19
inetprochappies, niggerballs,  toffees, etc20:20
Trixar_zaMy dad said he used to go to the movies and buy popcorn on like 5c20:21
Trixar_zabut I think he's exaggerating20:21
magespawnbrand new beetle was R80020:21
inetproTrixar_za: no, I think he might even be right20:21
Trixar_zaThis was in the 70s though20:22
inetpromy schoolfees for a year back then was something like R10 or at the most R2020:22
inetproand that was a lot of money for my dad20:22
inetproand that was the annual fee20:23
magespawninetpro perhaps i should call you oom?20:23
inetproat the time my dad was plowing his fields with oxen20:24
inetprofirst time we had electricity in the home was when I was in standard 920:24
inetproand that was a major event 20:26
magespawncool makes you really appreciate things20:28
inetprooh at least I knew by then what electricity was all about, we had it in the hostel for some time already20:29
magespawnone of the houses we stayed in england had no internal plumbingn so bathed in a zinc tub in the kitchen, and the toilet was outside on the street20:30
inetprosome famous guru in the area had it all figured out and built his own turbine which was used in the hostel 20:31
inetprohaha, my dad used to tell us how they only had a bath in a zinc tub once in a blue moon20:33
magespawnold english habit was once a week20:33
magespawnlater all thanks for the chat inetpro 20:38
inetpromagespawn: good night20:39
inetproman when I think back to those days I really have to hang my head in shame, we have become so lazy today20:39
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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