
Erin WeThePeople  some times youll need to use sudo kill -9 pid from the command line though00:01
CarlOSx86basically I would like to use compiz on xubuntu 12.10 x8600:01
ErinWeThePeople, aka nuke it from orbi00:01
WeThePeopleerin, for what apps00:01
CrashCrash Travisty00:01
ErinWeThePeople, ones that xkill won't kill. Like ones that are completely frozen00:01
=== Crash is now known as Guest97716
Guest97716lol whats up00:02
ActionParsnipCarlOSx86: install it, then press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace00:02
paul__hey guys .. is it possible to configure a nginx reverse proxy with proxypass to a https webserver?00:02
CarlOSx86thank you so much00:02
ActionParsnipCarlOSx86: no worries dude, if all is well then add the comand as a startup command :)00:03
gustav__nibbler__: That's weak.00:05
nibbler__gustav__: is it? neway i like00:06
gustav__nibbler__: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYTYmOCHcNo00:07
nibbler__gustav__: ok, slighly more gangsta ;-) http://www.thedogsbollocks.co.uk/gigflapping/gigflapping.mp3 s'nice aswell00:08
winuxhello.. i recently upgraded to ubuntu 12.10.. but lsb_release -a shows Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS .. any ideas what could be causing this00:11
nahuel_i need the dir of the spanish room, thanks00:11
k1lwinux: how did you upgrade?00:12
nibbler__!es | nahuel_00:12
ubottunahuel_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:12
k1lwinux: can you pastbin a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list00:12
gustav__nibbler__: It's happier.00:12
winuxk1l:  i did a do-release upgrade00:14
winuxk1l: http://pastebin.com/aDmK988q00:14
k1lwinux: yep, that looks like a 12.0400:15
winuxNo new release found when doing do-release upgrade00:15
k1lmaybe you just did a 11.10 to 12.04 upgrade, since it was a 11.10 before00:15
k1lwinux: you need to change the release-prompt to normal from LTS00:16
winuxin /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades?00:16
winuxgreat that worked00:17
=== marowanna is now known as ar0nic
gustav__What's an easy solution to host an e-mail resend thing? I don't want to mess with qmail or postfix... Just send mails coming in to @bork.org to @arrak.com.00:26
=== will__ is now known as RealOptyz
mablaeMy Ubuntu has problems to boot...00:27
ActionParsnipmablae: wassup00:27
mablaeI cannot start gnome-shell00:27
mablaeIt crashes after login00:27
RealOptyzI have a NTFS drive. Id like every one to be able to read and write. heres the line in fstab. What am i doing wrong?00:27
RealOptyzUUID=2D433B0D2ECE0AEE /media/GO ntfs-3g rw,errors=remount-ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 000:27
mablaeThe same with Unity Desktop00:27
mablaeI dont know how to fix00:28
TT1try ctrl+alt+F700:28
mablaeI got no errors at all, it just brings me back to login00:28
ActionParsnipmablae: if you make a new user and log in as that, is it ok?00:29
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mablaei installed xmacro and everything went crazy00:29
mablaeI removed it and rebooted and now get these errors00:30
mablaeMy ~/.xsession_erros shows many erros - which one is relevant?00:30
pgibgustav__, most domain registrars offer domain parking and email forwarding00:30
ActionParsnipmablae: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc00:31
mablaeI have nvidia graphics...00:32
mablaeThe chain is lightdm -> gdm -> compiz -> gnome-shell , right?00:33
mablaeso lightdm brings me to loginscreen00:33
mablaeI get a first window of gnome-shell (alarms) then it shuts down00:33
ActionParsnipmablae: why lightdm -> gdm00:34
ActionParsnipmablae: you will only have one active DM00:34
mablaeIt was a question ;)00:34
mablaeI know there is a chain.. and unity AND gnome are failing...00:34
mablaeI just try to get the error00:34
ActionParsnipmablae: lightdm loads the session you choose and the apps run. Compiz + Gnome + Unity will load in the default Quantal session00:34
ActionParsnipmablae: if you install xfce4, can you log in to the new xfce session ok?00:35
mablaeAh, dunno this session thing00:35
goddardi have installed different desktop enviornments and it seems like when ever you uninstall them it leaves a whole bunch of crap.  How can I clean it up?00:35
mablaeOkay let me try apt-get install xfce4 ?00:35
ActionParsnipgoddard: which did you add?00:36
grkbloodfor some reason the video on my screen is doing a slight skip every 2 seconds right now and it has to be from a recent update. is anyone having this issue>00:36
ActionParsnipgrkblood: what app are you viewing the video in?00:36
grkbloodvlc and then i tried xine, same thing.00:36
grkbloodits a very minute stutter00:37
gustav__pgib: Some do, yes.00:37
grkbloodsubtle would be the word to use i guess00:37
goddardActionParsnip: i added kde and gnome and my boot time has gotten pretty bad because of it.  I see it starts the kde display manager then stops it then starts gnomes then stops it and it also has blank services it starts so it says "starting            "  then "stopping            "00:37
goddardi dont have kde installed any more I belive00:38
* crimsonmane uses KDE00:39
Rob1337I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop (Gateway NV53a). When using wireless internet, my connection is much slower than usual. My connection speed is normally around 20mb/s, but when using wi-fi in Ubuntu it's about 2 mb/s or less. My wireless card is an Atheros  AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express). How do I fix this?00:39
mablaeActionParsnip: I installed xfce4 , but same error... It starts... but then crashes..00:39
ActionParsnipgoddard: sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep kde | awk {'print $2'}`; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove00:40
paul__hey, is it possible to configure a nginx reverse proxy with proxypass to a https webserver?00:40
ActionParsnipgoddard: which desktop did you start with?00:40
ahoneybunRob1337, go into Software Updater, go to Edit then Sources and go to Additional Drivers and see if there is a non-oss driver for your card00:41
=== lukemorrison_ is now known as lukemorrison
goddardActionParsnip: i started with 11.10 and unity00:41
ActionParsnipRob1337: try:  echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=100:41
goddardActionParsnip: im on 12.10 and unity at the moment00:41
ActionParsnipRob1337: try:  echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 " | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf00:41
ActionParsnipRob1337: ignore the first command, it won't work00:42
ActionParsnipgoddard: unity doesn't replace gnome00:42
ahoneybununity is over gnome00:42
ActionParsnipgoddard: when you use Unity, it runs on top of the gnome desktop00:42
ActionParsnipgoddard: unity is a shell, and replaces gnome-panel from the old releases00:42
ActionParsnipRob1337: reboot to test00:43
Rob1337does the | indicate two separate lines? (I am  a linux noob)00:44
ActionParsnipRob1337: its all one command00:45
ActionParsnipRob1337: the | is a pipe and it makes the text from one command be the input for the next00:45
Rob1337k, i'll be back in a minute. rebooting.00:46
mablaeActionParsnip: Do you have another idea?00:47
goddardActionParsnip: i understand that but it shouldn't start and stop gnome display manager and do the same with kde especially on kde since i dont have it installed00:47
WhereIsMySpoonmy friend is trying to install steam which gives you a .deb, but is getting into dependency hell with requiring libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 which requires libdrm2:i386 which recommends libgl1-mesa-dri:i38600:47
WhereIsMySpooncircular dependencies00:48
WhereIsMySpoonwhat d00:48
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
jribWhereIsMySpoon: how is he trying to install it...?00:48
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: with the .deb00:48
jribWhereIsMySpoon: he types "with the .deb"?  That won't work.00:48
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: oh you wanted the command00:48
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: tried:  sudo apt-get -f install00:48
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: gdebi Downloads/steam.deb00:49
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: thats a really bad idea00:49
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: use:  sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/steam.deb; sudo apt-get -f install00:49
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: why is it a bad idea?00:49
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: if it depends on those packages, and you install it anyway, it wont work00:49
WhereIsMySpoonand you'll have broken packages00:49
jribWhereIsMySpoon: you can use dpkg and then try what ActionParsnip said.  That's how things were done before gdebi.  gdebi may be stupid when it comes to multiarch (I don't know)00:49
jribWhereIsMySpoon: is he on the right ubuntu version?  What ubuntu version?00:50
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: apt-get -f tries to satisfy deps, so you won't have broken packages at a;ll00:50
[TiZ]Hi. It seems the s2tc compression library isn't being loaded for some reason.00:50
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: 12.1000:50
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: what do you think  -f does when used with apt-get?00:50
Rob1337Speedtest.net just gave a result of roughly 20mb/s00:50
WhereIsMySpoonthought it force installed them anyway00:50
RustybladeHey guys! Can anyone help me install wine on my Ubuntu 12.10 64bit00:50
[TiZ]I'm trying to play the TF2 beta on Steam, and it complains about missing texture compression support. Normally I could fix this by installing the s2tc library, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore in this case.00:50
Rob1337Thank you ActionParsnip!00:50
WhereIsMySpoonwithout checking deps00:50
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: you thought wrong00:50
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: try checking the man page00:51
RustybladeI get this error when I try "sudo apt-get install wine"00:51
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: if you make assumptions and they are wrong, you'll look foolish00:51
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip, jrib: http://pastie.org/549142700:51
Andrew_I'd like to know if there is a way to clone a hard drive OS (unix) into an sd card00:52
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: -f is short for ..fix.broken00:52
=== SolarisB1y is now known as SolarisBoy
Andrew_and retain everything that's in it... (that is, their bootsector, files, permissions etc)00:52
Rob1337doesn't -f mean "force" in most command line contexts?00:52
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip, jrib he doesnt have broken packages00:52
RustybladeHey guys! Can anyone help me install wine on my Ubuntu 12.10 64bit00:52
WhereIsMySpoonjust circular dependencies00:53
jribWhereIsMySpoon: steam installs fine here by the way with gdebi.  Your friend probably has some ppa or mixed repos or random packages00:53
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: the steam deb is, it will pull down the deps needed for the package, then finally install steam00:53
HausasHow do I find out what partition my OS is?00:53
ActionParsnipHausas: df -h00:53
RustybladeFeels ignored*00:53
Rob1337Rustyblade, go to software center and search for wine00:53
=== rparkhurst is now known as millhouse
K350Anyone here using turses?00:53
HausasThat doesn't tell me much00:54
ActionParsnipRustyblade: what is the output of:   sudo apt-get install wine    please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com00:54
=== millhouse is now known as millhouse513
ActionParsnipHausas: how does it not?00:54
HausasActionParsnip, I've got several OS'es on my hdd. And I want to find out which one is in which partition00:55
Rob1337Hausas: use Gparted00:55
Rob1337I think that's the good partition software00:55
Rob1337for ubuntu00:55
ActionParsnipHausas: #/# is the sytstem partition (read the right colomn). Then read the left colomn and it tells you the partition mounted for '/'00:55
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: why did doing sudo apt-get install -f remove xubuntu-desktop?00:55
HausasSo the one with "/" should be the OS i'm on now?00:56
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: and xorg00:56
ActionParsnipRustyblade: do you have the universe repo enabled?00:56
Andrew_any idea on how to do the cloning to HDD -> SD?00:56
HausasBut there are two of them00:56
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: thats just a meta package, removing it doesn't remove the contents it pulled in00:56
ActionParsnipAndrew_: rsync or dd00:57
Andrew_I think00:57
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: ahh, its *remove* rather than *purge*00:57
RustybladeActionParsnip: Yes00:57
jribWhereIsMySpoon: it doesn't remove anything unless you agree to00:57
ActionParsnipHausas: yes, the OS booted will show it's / partition in df00:57
Andrew_HDD's have different bs than the sd card, don't they?00:57
HausasBut there are two of them00:57
HausasActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1415913/00:57
ActionParsnipHausas: but you said "That doesn't tell me much"   which is wrong, isn't it?00:58
HausasIt's not completely wrong00:58
ActionParsnipHausas: it gives you 50% of what you want....00:58
ActionParsnipHausas: it actually tells you quite a bit00:58
HausasSo, you see, I've got this output, of df -h00:58
RustybladeSo what do I do Action?00:59
ActionParsnipRustyblade: enable the extra repo00:59
Hausaswhat partition is currently running os on?00:59
Hausascoz i pretty messed up all the partitions01:00
RustybladeWhat do you mean?01:00
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: did your buddy get steam installed ok?01:00
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: not yet01:01
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: he did a install -f01:01
ActionParsnipRustyblade: the packages needed are from sources which are not enabled by default, you can use software centre to enable them, or manually uncomment them in /etc/apt/sources.list if you desire01:01
Andrew__got a dc !01:01
WhereIsMySpoonit said removing all those xorg and xubuntu-desktop things and he just did apt-get install them again01:01
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: are the necessary packages installing now?01:01
WhereIsMySpooninstall -f again does nothing01:01
Andrew__any idea on the cloing isse?01:01
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: gdebi steam.deb does the circular dependencies still01:01
Andrew__I think HDD's have different bs than the SD cards, wouldn't this be a problem if I copied the files with dd?01:02
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: you could manually pull down the deb, install it and satisfy the dep01:02
ActionParsnipAndrew__: could use rsync (or grsync in gui)01:02
j4jackjWhat does +f 5:10 #ubuntu-unregged mean?01:02
Andrew__no gui possible!01:02
Andrew__how can I use rsynch to do that?01:03
RustybladeI think my sources are messed up...01:03
ActionParsnipAndrew__: you can use a liveCD if you want a gui01:03
HausasI should have partitioned the hard drive before I installed any of the OSes01:03
Andrew__I'd rather do it through the console ;)01:03
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: worth noting: whilst he did the apt-get install -f it *Did* install a load of i386 packages01:03
k1lj4jackj: keep the offtopic out of here, please01:04
Andrew__any sample syntax for the rsync do accomplish that?01:04
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: yes, those are needed to square off the packages needed01:04
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: cancel that, it seems to have magiced its way to victory01:04
Andrew__which clones an hdd installed os to an sd-card01:04
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: like I said:  sudo apt-get -f install01:04
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: which you said was a bad idea....weird stuff huh01:05
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: :P01:05
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HausasActionParsnip, doesn't grub.cfg file tell you what partition what os is installed on?01:05
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: when he did the sudo dpkg steam.deb thing it said dependency errors and unconfigured stuff but it still runs steam01:05
ActionParsnipRustyblade: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc01:05
WhereIsMySpoonthis a problem?01:05
ActionParsnipHausas: possibly, worth a looksee01:05
jiffe1anyone run into issues where supermicro machines freeze on boot?  this seems to happen maybe 25% of the time01:05
RustybladeIt says quantal01:06
ActionParsnipRustyblade: ok, gimme a sec01:06
jiffe1it gets past the grub screen but not much further01:06
RustybladeThx man :D01:06
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: he's now getting "fatal error, failed to load steamui.so"01:06
jiffe1if I hard power off the machine and power it back on it will come to the grub screen requiring me to press enter and then it boots fine01:07
ActionParsnipRustyblade: run:   sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/quantalsources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wine01:07
Andrew__ActionParsnip: any sample syntax if that's possible for rsync for the cloning?01:07
ActionParsnipAndrew__: man rsync01:08
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/882966056522497778/01:08
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/882966056906327743/01:08
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: guess where I'm getting these links from :D01:08
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: yea i just googledf them01:09
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: indeed01:09
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: i believe there is a linux steam channel too01:09
RustybladeAnother error :L01:09
ActionParsnipRustyblade: what is the output of:   apt-cache policy wine1.401:10
HausasActionParsnip, I don't think it tells me anything01:10
ActionParsnipRustyblade: cool, the repo is enabled :)01:11
HausasActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1415934/01:12
RustybladeSo um, why can't I install it?01:12
ActionParsnipRustyblade: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wine1.501:13
Hausasso, ActionParsnip, it says hd0,msdos101:13
Hausaswhat does that mean?01:13
ActionParsnipHausas: 1st drive 1st partition01:13
Hausasso /dev/sda1 ?01:14
ActionParsnipHausas: seems you are using lvm or somesuch01:14
Rustybladehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1415938/ (sobs*)01:15
HausasGParted using, I am01:15
ActionParsnipHausas: if you don't use raid or lvm then it'll be /dev/sda101:15
Rustyblade(Sobs* in distress)01:16
psychopathici work on my computer at 1 unit a time i make all the money in the world in a box out a square and through a circle01:16
HausasWell, if hd0,msdos1 = /dev/sda1, does that mean, that hd0,msdos2 = /dev/sda2 ?01:17
HausasBut /dev/sda2 is only 500MB big01:17
HausasAnd Fedora is supposed to be there01:17
ecarthello! I need help finding a perl script that is running hidden in the machine.01:17
ecartI know I need to know the file name and directory in which it is running.01:17
ecartcan someone help me.01:17
HausasAnd there's a "lvm" flag set on /dev/sda201:18
SolarisBoyecart: type ps auxwww |grep perl01:18
cabulosohow do i check via console what version of ubuntu i am using?01:18
SolarisBoycabuloso: lsb_release -sc01:18
SolarisBoycabuloso: many other ways too01:18
RustybladeActionParsnip: Will I never get Wine?01:19
ecartps auxwww |grep perl01:19
ecartroot     25285  0.0  0.0   3324   824 pts/1    S+   23:18   0:00 grep --color=au01:19
ecartto perl01:19
psychopathicgod travels at 1 planck a second 2 rads a minute and 15 degrees per hour in one direction01:19
SolarisBoyecart: there are no perl scripts running on your system - what makes you feel it's hidden? or even that it's running?01:19
cabulosoSolarisBoy, thanks =)01:19
ActionParsnipRustyblade: maybe others can advise, not sure tbh01:19
SolarisBoycabuloso: sure01:19
RustybladeWell I gotta get back to my sobbing...01:21
RustybladeThanks for everything..01:21
HausasKinda sucks when you have 3 OSes and you want to install another one01:22
pigeonori installed owncloud, for some reason, i can login by visiting doshay.net/subdomains/cloud but if i go to cloud.doshay.net it just keeps asking for login info01:22
pigeonorany ideas01:22
pigeonorrunning on ubuntu 10.04 server01:23
compdocI tried owncloud for a short time about two months ago. it needs a lot of work01:23
pigeonorit got a lot better01:23
pigeonori had it working on my dreamhost server01:23
pigeonorbut now that i am on linode, i cant get it to work01:24
PoolShark_ugh... this ubuntu guest on ESXi is driving me insane01:24
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: why does apt-get install -f keep wanting to remove xorg and steam packages01:24
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: not sure, very weird01:24
HausasI installed Mageia earlier on this morning and it crashed my whole partition01:25
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: let me try01:25
HausasI'm not gonna use it again01:25
psychopathicDid you guys know that digitally imported is like listening to your brain on drugs01:27
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: let you try what? O.o01:27
WhereIsMySpooninstall -f?01:27
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/141595201:27
Andrew__ActiveParsnip: do I have to format the SD card first?01:28
Andrew__ActiveParsnip: or I can just use the rsync command to perform it in-place?01:28
SolarisBoyhas anyone used a program called live-build for creating live ubuntu systems (sorry about prefixing my question with *anyone* i couldn't think of a better way to ask that specific question)01:30
jribWhereIsMySpoon: if you try installing each of the deps that it wants to install but can't and keep recursing, you will find the reason.  Like I said, it's likely because of some ppa, unsupported repository, or randomly installed package01:30
Pythagorasi am un capable to setup a virtual host on linode.  tried everything01:30
* lieanu #01:31
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: he did the exact same commands you just did01:31
WhereIsMySpoonthe dpkg01:31
WhereIsMySpoonthen the install -f01:31
WhereIsMySpoonand it wants to remove steam and xorg packages01:31
dfahi there..... how do i add an item to the menu (to not have to launch it via terminal only) ? (i have lxde)01:32
psychopathicDid you guys know the devil does everything perfectly if one thing it does works out to every dimension inside angle.01:32
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: try:  sudo apt-get --purge remove steam01:32
puffHm, odd...  so somebody here and also various google hits about the nvidia driver say it's there for 12.10/12.04.... but https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates does not list it.  Am I looking in the right place?01:32
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: then run:  sudo apt-get clean; sudo dpkg -i steam.deb01:32
orlokpsychopathic is a bot01:33
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: will try01:33
dfasomeone willing to help this newbie? :)01:33
ClumsyFairyQueenDoes anyone here know about how umasks work? For example, I want to make sure that _all_ files and folders created inside a folder are created with permissions of 700. Or would I have to apply umasks to the user, not the folder to accomplish this?01:33
ClumsyFairyQueendfa: what was your question? :)01:34
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: and then install -f?01:34
jribClumsyFairyQueen: you want to apply it to a specific folder?01:34
ClumsyFairyQueenjrib: yup. recursively01:34
jribClumsyFairyQueen: you would need to use ACLs to accomplish that01:34
ClumsyFairyQueenaww. That was what I was hoping to avoid01:35
ClumsyFairyQueenthanks anyways :)01:35
jribClumsyFairyQueen: why :)01:35
dfathanks CFQ....  i have installed icecat..... but at the moment i can only launch it via terminal..... i would like to have it in the menu (internet section)..... but don't know how to do it..... i have lxde01:35
trismpuff: nvidia-experimental-310 for 310.14 and xedgers ppa has 310.1901:35
psychopathicim half of nothing proper so bot is not01:35
pufftrism: AH, xedgers ppa, not x-swat.01:36
jribpsychopathic: stay on-topic to prove you are not a bot :)01:36
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: yes to get the deps01:36
ClumsyFairyQueenjrib: welcome to the wonders of selinux.01:36
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: it wants to remove steam and xorg packages again01:36
maveasGot MAAS experience?01:36
ClumsyFairyQueendfa: sorry, can't help you with that - only use Unity and KDE01:36
psychopathicOK yes even better more01:37
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: all I can say then is grab the 32bit packages for what it needs and install them01:37
ClumsyFairyQueendfa: you would have to create a custom launcher for it.01:37
dfaok CFQ.... thank you anyways......01:37
jribWhereIsMySpoon: if you try installing each of the deps that it wants to install but can't and keep recursing, you will find the reason.  Like I said, it's likely because of some ppa, unsupported repository, or randomly installed package01:37
ActionParsnipdfa: lose the caps please01:38
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: but thats how this all started, the deps are recursive01:38
ActionParsnipdfa: good in what way?01:38
yhushacan't install econnman ubuntu 12.04 which requires Python-Elementary >= 1.7.0,  Python-E_DBus >= 1.7.0, + * Python >= 2.701:38
jribWhereIsMySpoon: show me where you try to install each dep...01:38
dfawell i guess my problem is something very easy for someone who knows a bit of lxde.......01:39
pufftrism: Whoa, edgers is some scary loking stuff.01:39
trismpuff: yes, hence the -edgers01:39
dfacan you read up or do i have to rewrite it?01:39
ClumsyFairyQueenpuff: I still use it :P01:39
ActionParsnipdfa: reading up is no worry :), gimme a sec01:39
ActionParsnipdfa: if you make a .desktop file for the app in /usr/share/applications it will show. You may find alacarte can do it for you, if not then copy one of the files from ~/.config/autostart and modify it as you want01:40
KirejiI need to do a remote update on a 10.04 server -> 12.04 server.  can this be done in one operation, or do I have to step through 11.04 and 11.10 ?  where are the instructions for doing this without a GUI?01:41
pufftrism, ClumsyFairyQueen:  The key question is, if it doesn't work, how hard will it be to back out and try the binary driver installer from nvidia?01:41
jrib!upgrade | Kireji01:41
ubottuKireji: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:41
jribKireji: one operation01:41
ActionParsnipKireji: 10.04 to 12.04 is suypported as it is LTS to LTS01:41
{bosco}hey i am running ubuntu but i have a windows 8 iso file and i need to reinstall windows but i have no DVD drive on my laptop i have tried to put it on a flash drive but nothing seams to work any programs or help???01:41
WhereIsMySpoon{bosco}: ##windows01:41
ActionParsnip{bosco}: grub2 can boot ISO files.01:42
dfawhich is the easiest way?01:42
WhereIsMySpoonyou can set your bios to boot off a flash drive01:42
cjae_so with pae 32 bit cpus can address more than 4 gig of ram01:42
ActionParsnipdfa: alacarte is a pretty GUI, not sure if its still around01:42
{bosco}WhereIsMySpoon, why would i go there since i am using ubuntu to create the flash drive? just curoius01:42
ActionParsnip!info alacarte01:42
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 91 kB, installed size 1136 kB01:42
KirejiActionParsnip: jrib thank you.  and it looks like there is a 12.04.1 too, important?01:43
trismpuff: might be difficult to purge, I haven't done it successfully in the past, but I haven't tried recently01:43
dfaok thank you :)01:43
ActionParsnipKireji: doesn't matter, that just enables you to install and need fewer upgrades. This is normal for LTS releases01:43
jribKireji: 12.04.1 is just a convenience release so people that install 12.04 fresh don't have so many updates to download.  You'll end up there automatically01:43
Kirejik thank you01:44
ActionParsnipKireji: imagine yu install Ubuntu, 3 years into the 5 years of support. Imagine the updates :).01:44
trismpuff: though of course, the packages are created from the binary from nvidia, so they are the same01:44
Kirejifor reference https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS01:44
ActionParsnipKireji: the sub releases give an ISO with the newer packages already in01:44
Kirejijrib: ActionParsnip this is on a headless machine.  I have full console/root/sudo but no GUI01:45
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: fun fact: it only tries to remove steam and xorg packages with install -f after the dpkg -i steam.deb is run01:45
WhereIsMySpoonfreakin weird01:45
Kirejiso these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Upgrade_from_11.10_to_12.04_LTS_and_10.04_LTS_to_12.04_LTS "Run the Update Manager application from the Unity Dash" - is this something I can do on a console?01:46
jribKireji: you should click on the server link at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/01:46
ActionParsnipKireji: yes, just run:  sudo do-release-upgrade01:46
=== Argure|AFK is now known as Argure
Kirejihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.29  kk01:47
pufftrism: Created from the binary, but when I go to install the edgers ppa it warns about package dependencies, etc.01:47
pufftrism: Which is the scary part.01:47
puffHow smooth is the 11.10 to 12.4 upgrade?01:47
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trismpuff: yes, I was just speaking of the nvidia-graphics-driver package, -edgers has an updated xorg stack as well01:47
frankkoholy mother of.... 66mB/s in steam right now01:47
pufftrism: Ok, so the depednency scariness doesn't apply to the nvidia-graphics-driver?01:47
trismpuff: that is the part that may be difficult to ppa-purge later (the nvidia-graphics-driver packages are easy enough to purge and replace)01:48
empacherhi! I am a frustrated noob trying to install some linux OS in a 1.8Ghz single core intel CPU, 1Gb RAM and ATI mobility radeon 9600. In xubuntu 12.04 everything installs smoothly, then i reboot and everything works fine! Then eventually i have 130 updates to install, or something. I do that and restart and there's no problem. However. As I shutdown and come back the next day it crashes everytime it is loading the desktop... :(01:48
frankkoserious sam3 will be downloaded in seconds01:48
pufftrism: Is it feasible to just try the nvidia-graphics-driver part?01:48
trismpuff: well, if you use -edgers, you are really going to have to pull in the whole stack01:48
whywontitworkHi I have a USB wireless adapter that dosn't connect to home network... keeps asking for password over and over01:48
frankkoempacher, did you put distro upgrades on while you installed.?01:48
pufftrism: Ah, yeah, that's what I was afraid of...01:48
frankkoyou might have to go all the way to the version that is current01:49
ActionParsnipempacher: do you get the log in screen?01:49
puffGuess I'll try upgrading to 12.4 first.01:49
frankkoempacher, remove all files in /etc/apt/sources.d/01:49
frankkoempacher, then look at you sources.list01:50
ClumsyFairyQueenhi whywontitwork01:50
whywontitworkis that name taken by someone else?01:50
frankkoempacher, if it is only main mirrors, do a aptitude .dist upgrade.01:50
whywontitworkbecause I just picked it because NOTHING IS WORKING FOR NO ReASON01:50
KirejiActionParsnip: jrib thank you01:50
frankkoif it is a lts version expect for five years new kernels and goodies.01:51
whywontitworkso could someone please help?01:51
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WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/549158301:51
WhereIsMySpoonwhat do01:51
frankkowhywontitwork, what name? Was it frankko? Because i was sure i regged it in 199901:51
ActionParsnipwhywontitwork: try disabling ipv6 if you don't use it01:51
whywontitworkIf it's any help the adapter is a TP-LINK TL-WN723N01:51
frankkolisten to ActionParsnip ipv6 causes a lot of trouble on hardware that can not handle it... but i do not think that there is much of them left.01:52
joosengee_someone use ubuntu01:52
joosengee_or not01:52
ActionParsnipwhywontitwork: sudo: unable to resolve host blah      did you change the hostname of the PC?01:53
whywontitworkit doesn't mention incompatibility with IPv601:53
joosengee_I need to know how can I use itune 11 in it?01:53
joosengee_I use iphone 4 now.01:53
whywontitworkjoosengee_: iTunes does NOT work under Linux at all.01:53
frankkoJoonake, no we hang out here from our QNX, Amiga and BeOS machines because we like the philosophy of ubuntu. OFCOURSE we are running it.01:53
ClumsyFairyQueenjoosengee_: you can't - what are you trying to do/accomplish?01:54
ClumsyFairyQueen*with itunes01:54
ActionParsnipjoosengee_: ive seen youtube videos of uitunes running but as far as I'm aware it doesn't run and you'll need the closed source virtualbox + full windows lioense and media01:54
whywontitworkLook around for some alternatives, GTKpod works for the most part01:54
empacherfrankko: i'm not sure i understand what that means :) but i'll try. The log screen appears, i can even interact with it in the first 2 or 3 seconds, then it freezes. 2 seconds later the screen goes black and nothing can be done... i have to pull the plug, boot from CD and install the OS again...01:54
joosengee_Oh. I Can't jailbreak the iphone 4 with itune.01:54
ActionParsnipwhywontitwork: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnUrqcD4W_M01:55
joosengee_Now I'm waiting the news for jailbreak iphone 5.01:55
frankkoempacher, you can do that from the recovery mode if you like. boot in recovery, set your root drive as writable and do the alteration01:55
joosengee_If it can, I will urgent to buy it.01:55
jihad-sabraplz how i can add back track 5 tools to ubuntu01:55
jribWhereIsMySpoon: so now do « apt-cache policy libcairo2 »01:55
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon:  sudo: unable to resolve host blah    have you changed the hostname?01:55
ClumsyFairyQueenjoosengee_: its possible - there are a bunch of guides on google01:55
ActionParsnipjihad-sabra: I'd ask in #backtrack-linux01:56
ClumsyFairyQueenbut none that I have used, so I won't send any sites directly here.01:56
joosengee_it can, or not?01:56
frankkoempacher, OK if you get graphical login screen do crtl+alt+F1 and enter cli01:56
ClumsyFairyQueenjoosengee_: it can.01:56
joosengee_what's about can?01:56
ClumsyFairyQueenor at least for the 4S versions, so there should be one for 501:56
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joosengee_Can jailbreak the iphone 5 with ubuntu?01:57
frankkoempacher, then do in terminal: sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*01:57
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: eh?01:57
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: will try01:57
joosengee_The software of jailbreak that can run on the ubuntu?01:57
whywontitworkhow do I switch off IPv6?01:58
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: read the text, seems the PC cannot resolve its own hostname to
ClumsyFairyQueenjoosengee_: as said, there is software for ubuntu that can jailbreak the 4S. Not for ubuntu yet, but should be avaliable in the future01:58
ActionParsnipwhywontitwork: add the boot option:  ipv6.disable=101:58
frankkoempacher, then sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all non canonical entries bu moving to the line and pressing ctrl+K01:58
frankkoyyou can move with the arrow keys in nano01:58
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: he has no networking issues that are showing bad symptoms atm01:58
WhereIsMySpoonso i dont think its an issue01:58
WhereIsMySpoontho i could be wrong again :D01:58
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: its good to have the system be able to talk to itself01:59
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: the name in /etc/hostname needs to be presetnt in /etc/hosts  so it resolves to
ClumsyFairyQueenjoosengee_: you will want to watch the Absinthe project01:59
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: its not going to fix the issue but its needed for things in the OS01:59
whywontitworkcan I get a driver for this usb stick that i have?01:59
frankkoafter that it is just to do an "sudo apt-get update" and a "aptitude dist-upgrade " then you are done01:59
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: http://pastie.org/549160802:00
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: k, will deal with that late02:00
jribWhereIsMySpoon: so there you go02:00
joosengee_How can I follow the Absinthe project ?02:00
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: there i go?02:00
empacherfrankko: thanks a lot. I've written that down and i will try it. Sometimes i can be fast enough to enter ctrl+alt+F1, but just in those 2 secs before the crash. a bit later and not even REISUB works.02:00
jribWhereIsMySpoon: look at what you have pastebinned02:00
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: i need to add those reps?02:00
frankkoempacher, then you would only get updates if you are on a late release or a LTS becauseyou allready would have the newest02:00
WhereIsMySpoonto sources.list02:00
jribWhereIsMySpoon: you have a version of that package that is not from the ubuntu repositories02:00
WeThePeoplehow to run a .py script in 12.0402:00
WhereIsMySpoonWeThePeople: python asd.py02:01
empacherfrankko: i tried xubuntu 12.04 LTS and it says i need 130 or so updates02:01
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: sorry if im being stupid, but where in there does it say where its from02:01
jribWhereIsMySpoon: there are 3 versions listed.  The bottom two come from quantal and quantal-updates.  The first one is currently not available from any repository you have enabled (it probably came from a ppa you had in precise and got disabled)02:02
frankkoempacher, the login manager is the problem, try using the recovery in the boot menu before booting. Mount the drive as root with write privilegies and use chroot to the mountpoint to get to the console of the system. Then remove said display/login manager02:02
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: so what do i do now02:02
ourdvarkI uninstalled the unity shopping lens, but why do my amazon links still open up a separate launcher item? http://i.imgur.com/q0aw8.jpg?102:02
frankkoempacher, IF02:03
frankkoempacher, IF the login manager is the problem02:03
frankkosorry i did not spell correctly 5 lines up02:03
empacherfrankko: i tried disabling the "ask for password at startup" thingy and the same thing happens02:03
xanguaourdvark: right clic, remove it02:03
whywontitworkWTF? Suddenly it works. Sorry guys!02:03
jribWhereIsMySpoon: up to you.  You can either remove all of the versions that come from the ppa and downgrade back to the official versions, or re-enable the PPA and pray it does not break everything (PPAs are unofficial repositories == unsupported)02:04
empacherfrankki: only i get to see all my desktop appearing and even some popups and notifications, then BAM, crash02:04
jribwhywontitwork: change your nick!02:04
ourdvarkxangua:  negative, it still comes back when I click amazon links02:04
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frankkoempacher,  if you uninstall all displaymanagers and login managers and revoke to "nodm" and running as you username.. does it still crash?02:04
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: if i went through all the ppas in the update manager and used ppa-purge on them, will it remove all software insstalled buy the ppa02:04
frankkoi do not think it will02:04
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jribWhereIsMySpoon: yes, but the ppa where that package came from is currently not enabled02:05
* frankko = off for 20 min, grandkids awoke.02:05
xanguaourdvark: have you check firefox addons¿ is a new feature to integrate websites you visit on unity...i am still on 12.04 so no idea how to enable/disable them02:05
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: ok02:05
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: so what do i do?02:05
WhereIsMySpoonppa-purge it then try to install the package again?02:06
jribWhereIsMySpoon: that is one option, yes02:06
WhereIsMySpoonand it should install from the correct place02:06
jribWhereIsMySpoon: ppa-purge would try to downgrade the package02:06
ourdvarkxangua: good call, there are two addons installed by default, "unity desktop integration" and "unity websites integration"02:07
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: ok, will try that02:07
myst3riouswow. changing a nick makes qwebirc fail. lovely.02:07
myst3riouswow, a lull in the action. a rare sight indeed.02:10
jribmyst3rious: we were about to break the record, but you just had to say something!02:10
myst3rioussorry jriv02:11
jihad-sabrahow i can add backtrack tools on ubuntu plz02:11
jribjihad-sabra: aren't most of them in ubuntu's repositories?  Which are you looking for specifically?02:11
empacherfrankko: i have no idea what that means (I am as noob as a newborn baby) but i will try to do what you told me and see if it improves. I don't know if it has something to do with the kernel (it always asks me to install a new kernel), or if it has something to do with the graphic drivers (once i got an error appearing over and over when i did ctrl alt F1 before the crash saying something about radeon i can't remember. This only happened on02:11
empacherce, though...02:11
djskiddtest 1, 2, 3, 402:12
myst3riousawesome the computer works02:13
jihad-sabraapp for network02:13
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )02:13
djskiddoh. sorry02:13
djskidddoes anyone know how to get BearShare working on Ubuntu?02:14
jihad-sabraapp for network <jrib>02:14
ActionParsnipjihad-sabra: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=add+backtrack+tools+to+ubuntu02:14
WeThePeopleanybody have scrapy installed02:16
profElmHi all, I'm trying to remove GRUB from my computer but I'm having a hard time doing so. I tried to reformat and install Windows 7 again, while running BootRec.exe /fixmbr but that does not do anything.02:16
profElmIs there a way that I can troubleshoot this from a live USB?02:16
WeThePeopleprofelm, installing win7 should remove the grub from mbr02:17
profElmI would assume so, myself.02:17
dr_willisprofElm: you could zero the drive totally wirh dd.. or ask in #windows02:17
profElmHowever, I have two blank hard drives in my computer. One is a 1TB and one is a SSD. I don't know if that is a factor, though.02:18
dr_willisunplug one ;-)02:18
lcabrezaactividentity not turning blue on Windows 7 or WIndows xp using virtualbox? need HELP !02:18
profElmfdisk -l doesn't show anything, either.02:18
dr_williswhats actividentity?02:19
profElmI can see the drives in GParted, though.02:19
ErinprofElm, use gparted to create a new MBR/parition table (msdos)02:19
dr_willisprofElm: if you totally want to erase the hd. use dd. tgen use wundows to partition ir02:20
profElmThanks Erin and doctor willis.02:20
dr_willisor gparted02:20
mrklaw@profElm why do you think windows didn't clear grub out?02:20
profElmI know what you talking 'bout.02:20
Erindoesn't he just need to make a new mbr/partition table ?02:20
profElmmrklaw, ever since I installed W8 on my desktop, weird things started happening.02:21
lcabrezadr_willis: its class A badge : acive key ..02:21
profElmAnd I was able to track it down to UEFI.02:21
profElmFurthermore, I tried to dual-boot Windows 8 & Ubuntu on my X230 but UEFI was messing with it.02:21
UbubeginHi, what is that command.. which can output to your screen as well as to your txt file at the same time.. Cant seem to recall its name02:21
ErinUbubegin, cat02:21
dr_willisUbubegin:  tee02:22
devonhelp me guys my ubuntu seriously messed up02:22
Ububegindr_willis: ah... thanks... :)02:22
Erintee works, I use cat my self..... cat filename > /output/file02:22
dr_willishe wanted screen and a file. ;-)02:23
devonsuddenly the screen goes black with an error message, it goes to a messed up GUI, and then to a black login screen I log in and it's only a terminal02:23
Erinahh true02:23
devonI booted Irssi and now I"m here02:23
devonhow do I get back to Unity>02:23
Erindevon, sudo service lightdm restart02:23
devonhow do I get out of Irssi?02:24
dr_williswhats tge error message also...02:24
Erinesc maybe ?02:24
Erinidk don't use it02:24
dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1 through f6 for consoles.02:25
dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1 through f6 for consoles. need to quit irssi02:25
mnathaniwhats the best / most colourful (Different colour for each persons chat line) graphical IRC client on linux?02:25
dr_willis   use /quit  if needed..02:25
dr_willismnathani:  most all can colorize nicks02:26
mrklawmnathani I've been trying weechat recently. It's pretty cool.02:26
dr_willisweechat has a script for that. xchat has the feature also02:27
WeThePeoplewhere is the gui for sources.list in 12.0402:29
dr_willistheres a software-sources tool in the menus02:29
dr_willisor synaptic can do it02:30
WhereIsMySpoonwhilst trying to purge a non-standard ppa, ppa-purge is saying its gonna remove grub-common02:30
WhereIsMySpoonis that gonna remove grub entirely or just the outdated version and install the latest official version02:30
devonokay the message I got was [drm]neuvou: Failed to idle channel <x>.  <x> being 1, 2, or 302:31
dr_williswas your ppa doing somthing with  grub?02:31
WhereIsMySpoondr_willis: it was a wine ppa02:31
mnathaniHow would I go about fixing this dependancy issue? http://goo.gl/KRjWz02:32
dr_willisthats weird that grub is affected02:32
mnathaniAlso whats the coolest Compiz Berryl these days for Ubuntu?02:32
ActionParsnipmnathani: sudo apt-get -f install02:32
dr_willisid purge it then reinstall grub-pc to besafe  ;-)02:32
WhereIsMySpoondr_willis: <_____>02:33
dr_willismnathani: there only compiz these days02:33
fooboo how can i determine what level of privilege is needed for a given system call?02:33
ActionParsnipmnathani: compiz is compiz, therefore it is the coolest02:33
dr_willismnathani:  its installed by default02:33
ricardoramirezI there. I want to download nvidia driver but it shows me a lot of options.02:33
ricardoramirezCould you please help me? = http://i46.tinypic.com/34y4gzr.png02:33
devongreat, cryptswap is claiming something is unavailable02:33
WhereIsMySpoondr_willis: i feel...unhappy about that02:34
escottfooboo, does the man page not say02:34
devoncryptsetup: evms_activate is not available02:35
devondon't tell me it messed up the chromebook too!02:35
kvothetechdevon: ?02:35
devonI get a message on the ubuntu loading screen. cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available02:36
dr_willisvague comment is vague02:36
almoxarifericardoramirez: you want 'recomendada'02:36
foobooescott thanks ive just been getting into the source of things and didn't know it was stated in the man pages02:36
escottdevon, emvs would be "enterprise volumn management02:36
devonso why am I getting this?02:37
devonhow do I fix?02:37
fooboois there anywhere it lists the default ubuntu capabilities02:37
devonor how do I bypass?02:37
escottdevon, your swap must be on an evms volume http://evms.sourceforge.net/02:38
devonis that what the "encrypt hard drive" option in setup does?02:38
profElmThanks guys, Zeroing my hard drive was the way to go.02:39
excalibrhow do you clone people's ppa, ala fork a repo in github? #dev02:39
fooboo'man capabilities'02:40
ricardoramirez_I there. I want to download nvidia driver but it shows me a lot of options. http://i46.tinypic.com/34y4gzr.png02:40
devonerm I got something called busybox and I entered yes and now it's cycling Y02:40
FloodBot1devon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:40
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ricardoramirez_I want to download nvidia driver but it shows me a lot of options. http://i46.tinypic.com/34y4gzr.png02:41
escottthats was entertaining02:41
excalibrand the bots got his host wrong02:42
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mnathanidoes the macbookpro need graphic drivers for use on Ubuntu Linux?02:42
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KirejiWhoot!!  I just did the LTS server upgrade  thank you.  now on 12.04.1 - but a question, now for kernet 3.2, the kernel now says generic, whereas before it said server02:43
Kirejithis machine is primarily used as a server, does it matter?02:43
Staidenon 12.04.01 server we are having a problem getting samba 4 package to install, we are needing it for zentyal. it kinda looks like it might be having a problem writing over samba 2? we did sudo apt-get remove --purge samba, then did a fresh install of samba it gave us the same error02:43
laurusMy external VGA monitor is not detected in xrandr. How to detect it? gnome-control-center isn't doing that.02:45
WeThePeopleis wget coded in python?02:45
excalibrdont think so02:46
clunkychickenyou could always import os and use wget if its installed02:47
trismWeThePeople: no02:47
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MrEIf I want to do a manual partitoning with full disk encryption and lvm at install,02:47
MrEsorry, hit enter too soon:) How do set that up.02:48
Kirejialternately, are there settings at boot or while runnign to optimize the kernel to act like a server as opposed to a desktop/gui-centric machine?02:48
phunyguySince nobody is answering in #kubuntu, I will ask here.  I am trying out Kubuntu 12.10, and it has a nice IM client - KDE-Telepathy, does it have IRC support, and if so, do I need to install something special to enable it? (Kind of like Pidgin and how you need a special package for IRC)02:48
Sachdes anyone use pdf exhange viewer, through wine, in ubuntu?  I'm having trouble installing it.02:48
min|dvir|usHi. Does anyone have timidity?02:49
Turtle_Anyone know what my cause a live usb to report a -110 error? I cannot get passed the Ubuntu logo loading screen.02:49
MrEI dont need a complete walkthrough. I understand the basics, I just am not sure if I create 1 big physical vol for encryption then do lvm on it, and if so, is that an option that comes after the partioning?02:50
bulletrulzdo u guys know how i can get a global menu in zubuntu02:50
min|dvir|usDoes anyone know if it's possible to get timidity to run as a daemon?02:51
xwalkWould anyone here know if there would be a better drive configuration for me to use? I currently have a very simple configuration between my 60 GB SSD and my 1 TB mechanical drive, where I have / on the SSD, and /home on the mechanical. Is there a better way for me to go about setting this up in order to increase I/O speeds?02:52
Erinxwalk, yes......02:53
Erinxwalk I bet you already know the answer.02:53
ClientAliveit's like a ghost town over in #eclipse; and, yeah, I am running ubuntu 12.04 - so here goes nothing...02:53
ClientAlive I'm getting some error how do I fix it? I was watching eclipse/java youtube totorials and we were doing JUnit. There's a assertEquals() call and the guy in the vid does ctrl+1 and get's an options to select "add static import..." instead of that I only get the opstion to rename and if I hover over the assertEquals I get "void org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) Note: This element has no attached source and the02:53
ClientAliveJavadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc.". Is there an easy way to fix it?02:53
bulletrulzdo u guys know how i can get a global menu in zubuntu02:54
phunyguybulletrulz: do you mean Xubuntu?02:54
dr_willisbulletrulz:  xubuntu? most likely you cant02:54
Staidenon 12.04.01 server we are having a problem getting samba 4 package to install, we are needing it for zentyal. it kinda looks like it might be having a problem writing over samba 2? we did sudo apt-get remove --purge samba, then did a fresh install of samba it gave us the same error02:55
xwalkErin: Just getting another SSD?02:55
phunyguydr_willis, bulletrulz, there is a third party repo or package that is most likely not supported here02:55
phunyguyI looked into the same thing02:55
scalability-junki'm trying to get ubuntu working with my kickstart file, but can it be that /tmp isn't used with ubuntu?02:55
scalability-junkI was writing a tmp/stuff via the %pre script, but it couldn't be found later in the installation...02:56
bulletrulzwell has anybody got it before?02:56
phunyguybulletrulz: it is not supported.02:56
Erinxwalk, cant you put /home on your ssd and just store music/movies other big files on the 1TB ?02:57
bulletrulzwhats so hard about it02:57
dr_willisi got a /tmp here02:57
Ycareneare the update servers down?02:58
xwalkErin: I wouldn't be too sure. I don't know much about partitioning and how the filesystem is read from those.02:58
phunyguybulletrulz: it doesnt matter if it is hard or not.  Third party repos are not supported.02:59
xwalkErin: "Those" being the partitions.02:59
bulletrulzD: fuck u lol02:59
Erinxwalk, id boot from a live usb, move the /home folder to a new partition on the ssd and simply edit /etc/fstab to reflect the changes03:00
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving03:00
Kirejihow do I enable the dealine scheduler03:01
YcareneI wonder if it would be possible for application designers to distribute their applications as bootable vmware/virtualbox images to make the applications OS agnostic.03:01
dr_willisYcarene:  i recall some vmware-appliances page ages ago03:02
dr_willisa customized live cd could do that also03:03
puffYeesh, wtf... doing the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, now it's telling me 3 hours remaining...03:03
IdleOnedevon: good now?03:03
dr_willispuff ;)  one of the many reasons i always clean install03:04
devonStill no03:04
devonOh wait, now it works. THanks!03:04
YcareneI think that software companies, especially game designers could reach a larger audience if they made a "bootable" game that was designed to boot into a virtual machine.03:04
puffdr_willis: I don't remember it taking quite so long, dang.03:04
puffdr_willis: Also, I'd clean install but then it's a huge pain to get data & etc migrated over.03:05
devonAnyways! Before my brain had a lapse of insanity, my system is saying cryptswap: evms_activate is unavailable. Rebooting does nothing, and after a short period of time it goes to busybox03:05
Zaelor they could just get over it and use OpenGL03:05
devonWhat do I do, how do I bypass this?03:05
dannyim reading the linux command line and im learning about storage media but for the life of me i cannot get into /etc/fstab does this not exist in ubuntu because in the example he is showing he is on fedora03:05
dannyand if it doesnt exist in ubuntu what would be the ubuntu equivelant03:06
abdostarI have few fonts in a folder, does any one know how can I install those fonts?03:06
devonI'm in a shell, BusyBox v1.19.3, what is this?03:06
Zaeldanny: it very much exists.. are you using sudo?03:07
=== nitro is now known as Guest3577
ConmoreHi, I'm having a problem with Wubi. Wubi, and when I select the boot menu selection, it goes straight to Windows03:07
AltairI have one backup of my HDD and I know my password. Is it going to be okay if I lose all my data on one of the drives but have that backup image? Or is it going to be corrupted/unuseable because the data was encrypted?I have one backup of my HDD and I know my password. Is it going to be okay if I lose all my data on one of the drives but have that backup image? Or is it going to be corrupted/unuseable because the data was encrypted?03:07
Kirejican I add the line defoptions=elevator=deadline to /boot/grub/menu.lst and reboot?  will this change the scheduler?03:07
dannyZael: yes  i use this command sudo /etc/fstab03:07
AltairSorry everyone.03:07
AltairThat was unintended03:08
Zaeldanny: try sudo nano /etc/fstab03:08
Guest3577does anybody know why smlnj, a sml compiler is not in precise repo, it was in lucid repo03:09
dannyZael: ok that worked but now im in a program what is nano ? havnt learned about this03:09
readI installed ubuntu multiple time on my macbook pro and everytime the computer freezes for no reason. If anyone could help I'll greatly appreciate it03:09
Zaelnano is a command line editor, you might also try leafpad for a gui application03:09
dannyZael: so same as vim because that is what this book has been using recently03:09
MrEDoes anyone here have a link to setting up encrypted partitions manually with lvm?03:10
almoxarifedanny: simplify a bit, use a gui, from same terminal, gksu gedit /etc/fstab03:10
Zaelyeah, simpler than vim i'd say03:10
dannyZael: why do i need to use an editor to get into this ?03:11
Zaelbecause fstab is a text file03:11
Altair Is it okay to use a backup image from an encrypted drive? Or will the image be corrupted because of the encryption?03:12
min|dvir|usdanny: http://superuser.com/questions/346606/is-there-any-gui-tool-to-configure-etc-fstab03:12
ZaelAltair: if you unencrypt it before restoring it03:12
escottAltair, as long as you can decrypt it should be fine03:12
dannyZael: oh ha i feel dumb now ok well thanks for your help i think i see understand this now03:12
min|dvir|usAltair: the image won't be corrupted because of encryption. It may be corrupted by something else but not by encryption.03:12
joosengee_the ubuntu can work as windows os.03:13
joosengee_many software that can support.03:13
joosengee_the ubuntu os also.03:13
joosengee_like as windows or not/03:13
almoxarife!wine | joosengee_03:14
ubottujoosengee_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:14
seednodeHey, who was I helping with a Perl/Apache2 issue?03:14
seednodeMy IRC DCed03:14
AltairThanks guys. My confidence has been restored enough now to where I'm going to go mess around with my disk and see if I can learn some things without fear of losing data.03:14
readI installed ubuntu multiple time on my macbook pro and everytime the computer freezes for no reason. If anyone could help I'll greatly appreciate it03:15
Zaelread: where does the freeze occur03:16
almoxariferead: pastebin /var/log/syslog and kern.log03:16
readit occurs after login03:16
readafter installing03:17
almoxariferead: pastebin /var/log/syslog and kern.log while at it, throw in Xorg.0.log03:17
readit happens at different times each time03:17
readhow I do that?03:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:17
ActionParsnipread: have you tested your RAM using memtestfrom grub?03:18
dr_willisif he can boot the installed system to get to any logs. ;)03:18
Zaelhe can use the live cd to get them03:18
dr_willisbe a good test to see if the live cd crashes also03:19
Zaelor command line at grub if it does crash03:19
readI haven't tested my ram but I tested that the intallation disk had no issues03:19
readI currently have ubuntu 12.1003:19
almoxariferead: you are not using livecd presently, correct?03:19
clunkychickenis it 32 or 64?03:20
min|dvir|usDoes anyone know if it's possible to get timidity to run as a daemon?03:20
readno, I used a usb03:20
readis 64 bit03:20
clunkychickenwhat year mbp?03:20
readso how would I be able to get the information you needed to be helped?03:21
almoxariferead: you are now booted from usb then?03:22
tonesfrommarsHowdy! I'm installing 12.04.1 64bit from a usb flash drive. I want to run the OS from my 120GB solid state drive, but place my /home on a separate physical drive. Should I consider mounting any other directories on this slower physical drive (ie /var or /tmp) ?03:22
readbesides the freezing when I try to login into ubuntu my os reboots back to the login screen in a loop03:22
readI am using another computer to be able to use this website03:23
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WeThePeoplehow can i download a multipage thread using [1-110] in the command in curl03:23
almoxariferead: forget what i said previously03:24
clunkychickenread: did you use http://refit.sourceforge.net/03:24
readclunkychicken I just went to the ubuntu main channel http://www.ubuntu.com/download03:25
clunkychickenit sounds like grub is messing up then03:25
readclunkychicken then I just dowloaded into my computer used the terminal to convert it to img03:25
clunkychickenCheck out rEFIt, its really easy to install and believe this will solve your issue03:25
readthat's what I keep reading but i dont know how to fix it clunkychicken03:26
almoxariferead: you can get to the login menu when the machine boots?03:26
readyes almoxarife03:26
clunkychickenthen its not grub03:26
almoxariferead: its not a grub issue then03:26
almoxariferead: do you have a livecd/usb you can use on the machine?03:27
readalmoxarife so what could it be?03:27
mnathaniwhats the best way to close an X session in order to install graphic card drivers?03:27
clunkychickenread: what model/year is the macbook?03:27
readMac os x version 10.6.8 clunkychicken03:28
mnathaniread, I think clunkychicken means the Hardware version / year / model etc03:28
xwalkErin: I seem to be having some trouble getting my machine to boot from USB; I'm assuming a live CD will suffice?03:28
readI bought the computer maybe 3 years ago clunkychicken03:29
clunkychickenso 2009 intel core duo 2 im guessing03:30
readI do have a usb I can use on the machine almoxarife03:30
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
ftruzzihi, I have a radeon 6850 using fglx drivers, always when I boot I need to go to the catalyst center and reset the overscale to 0%, any ideas how to fix this?03:30
almoxariferead: do so, return here via the liveusb pls03:30
readI just nevered tried to installed a live version almoxarife03:30
almoxariferead: how did you install buntu?03:31
clunkychickenmaybe the bare bones install?03:31
clunkychickenAs said, its highly suggested you do a live cd/usb install03:32
readalmoxarife i just installed it by burning ubuntu 12.10 into my usb then converting to img. Restarted my computer and going into the ubuntu logo. Then proceeded with the installation03:32
=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Celene_away
almoxariferead: sounds like a liveusb, give it a try,03:33
clunkychickendoes it crash when you log in03:33
clunkychickenor right at the login screen?03:33
clunkychickenlike you proceed to enter in creds then crashes, or just hangs right at login form03:33
readright after I log in it just goes straight back to the login screen03:34
Staidenon 12.04.01 server we are having a problem getting samba 4 package to install, we are needing it for zentyal. it kinda looks like it might be having a problem writing over samba 2? we did sudo apt-get remove --purge samba, then did a fresh install of samba it gave us the same error03:34
readalmoxarife so is using live usb as easy as installing it the way I did it. And would it change my current operating system?03:35
almoxariferead: the jist of this exercise is 'getting at the logs located at /var/log/ on the drive on the machine03:35
readalmoxarife do you know a link that could help me guide me step by step to do this?03:36
almoxariferead: i cant see why it would change anything, that said, anything can happen i suppose03:36
DaemonicApathyread: When you installed, did you have two options - try + install?03:36
almoxariferead: the jist of this exercise is 'getting at the logs located at /var/log/ on the drive on the machine <-- find link that does this, review the logs, especially syslog kern.log and Xorg.0.log03:37
readDaemonicApathy yes, and I tried 3 options. I installed it regularly, I try installing as OEM, and I used try. Only OEM and installing it regularly gives me this problem03:37
DaemonicApathyUsing Try is what they mean by LiveUSB - it should give you access to the filesystem to check the logs.03:38
clunkychickenread: Press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there and open a terminal and type sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME, enter your password, Then press CTRL+ALT+F7 and try to log in03:38
readclunkychicken I could get a terminal by using CTL ALT t03:39
readbut CTL alt f1 doesn't do anything03:39
clunkychickenf1, t03:40
clunkychickendamn macs03:40
readclunkychicken lol, i know right03:40
readclunkychicken well I'm rebooting my system so I can try to login into it03:41
clunkychickenyou chown the user?03:41
DaemonicApathyclunkychicken, Ctrl+Alt+T is the default shortcut to open a terminal on the desktop. You guys are talking about different types of CLI. ;-p03:41
readclunkychicken well remember that I can not get pass the login screen. SO, can i also do it by going to the advance ubuntu menu?03:42
clunkychickenyou would run that in terminal03:42
almoxarifeclunkychicken: before going into major surgery there, how about helping in getting the logs out, something simple like 'pastebinit'???03:42
readclunkychicken and using root menu?03:42
jiffe1anyone run into issues where supermicro machines freeze on boot?03:43
scalability-junkI wanted to run -x /usr/sfdisk from within the ubuntu install, but it isn't found... not sure what I should do03:43
mistaknlyFor 12.10 lubuntu, is there a rdp Remote Desktop client without installing gnome or kde?03:43
readclunkychicken I'll see what I can do. THanks for helping me.03:43
frankkoquick check, what is the gui app in unity to disable screensavers and screen dimming respectively03:44
frankkoi have been searching like a fool03:44
DaemonicApathysystem settings03:44
ActionParsnipmistaknly: rdesktop or tsclient for RDP03:44
frankkoDaemonicApathy, no that is kde03:45
DaemonicApathyfrankko: System Settings should be the window title, "gnome-control-center" the command.03:45
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
readclunkychicken i am in the terminal now.03:47
lukemorrisonfrankko: You can type system settings in the dash and then click on brightness and lock03:47
DaemonicApathyThough last I checked, screensavers were controlled by separate software...03:47
readalmoxirife I'm in the terminal now. how could I get the log you need?03:47
clunkychickencd /var/log03:48
frankkoDaemonicApathy, thank you03:48
almoxariferead: you are using the actual machine?03:48
frankkolukemorrison, thankyou to you as well03:48
DaemonicApathyAny time, frankko.03:48
SonikkuAmericaI know it's not officially supported but is that why I can't use Wubi to install Ubuntu GNOME Remix?03:48
frankkodamn language... i want to switch to en-gb03:49
ActionParsnipSonikkuAmerica: you can, just use wubi as normal then add the other stuff later03:49
readalmoxarife, since I installed the system as OEM it allows me to report the error the computer has03:49
frankkonope the setting i need is not there either... what menace to process keeps dimming my screen?!03:50
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: It won't let me do that (even if I start Wubi included with the virtually mounted ISO image). It just bullheadedly ignores the fact that the Ubuntu core files are within the ISO and downloads like it didn't exist03:50
almoxariferead: are you using the installed OS presently?03:50
clunkychickenalmoxarife: yes he is03:50
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: Oh wait...03:50
ActionParsnipSonikkuAmerica: i don't believe wubi can run in a mounted ISO03:50
almoxarifeclunkychicken: mind if he answers the question?03:51
clunkychickenhes in terminal03:51
ActionParsnipSonikkuAmerica: you could just ditch wubi and do a proper install03:51
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: You mean just use the command line to do it (I wish I could, I ran out of DVDs)03:51
SonikkuAmericain Ubuntu03:51
readalmoxarife I am using ubuntu but i installed it using OEM which allows me to report problems in the system03:51
SonikkuAmericasee ya03:51
almoxariferead: oem?03:51
ActionParsnipSonikkuAmerica: you can install any desktop / session etc in Wubi03:52
ActionParsnipoh well03:52
icebalmjust installed 12.10, put in the nvidia drivers, compiz crashes?03:52
almoxariferead: ok, in terminal,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:52
DaemonicApathyalmoxarife: "as of Ubuntu 8.04, the DVD contains an OEM installation mode, which can be found in the boot options."03:52
readalmoxarife is that bad?03:52
readalmoxarife that i am using oem?03:52
almoxariferead: ok, in terminal,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:52
lukemorrisonfrankko: Are you looking for a way to dim your screen on demand?03:53
almoxariferead: tell me when that is done03:53
readalmoxarife yes, I will03:54
=== boozer is now known as buntunub
frankkolukemorrison, the other way around... to stop dimming while i watch movies03:55
frankkolast time it was enough to remove all screensavers. it does not work now though03:55
almoxarifefrankko: powersaving settings are dimming the screen?03:56
mnathanihow do I get ubuntu to boot without any Graphical environment, but only for 1 boot03:56
DaemonicApathyfrankko: Is the checkbox unchecked at 'System Settings > Brightness & Lock > Dim screen to save power' ?03:56
ActionParsnipmnathani: add the boot option: text03:57
readalmoxarife I get this message "unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f all install' with no packages (or specify a solution).03:57
frankkoaaah the small secret link at hte bottom...03:57
lukemorrisonfrankko: Also, change Turn screen off when inactive for:  to never03:57
frankkoill see you in about 5 minutes..03:57
DaemonicApathyWe'll be here.03:57
readalmoxarife should I try 'apt-get -f all install' ?03:58
almoxariferead: do it, you must have crashed previous installs03:58
almoxariferead: yes with 'sudo' at the beginning of the line03:58
readalmoxarife is loading now03:59
readalmoxarife it ended by saying ldconfig deferred processing now taking place04:00
readalmoxarife is that good?04:00
DaemonicApathyNow 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit', read.04:00
almoxariferead: next line >  sudo pastebinit /var/log/syslog04:00
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: why sudo pastebinit?04:01
almoxarifeActionParsnip: var/log/syslog read only??? i dont know, so i dont sweat it if it is04:02
almoxarifeActionParsnip: i meant root only read04:02
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: run:  cat  /var/log/syslog    as user ;)04:02
almoxarifeActionParsnip: feel free to help read... , thnks04:02
Kirejihow do I configure by console which services run or not on 12.04?04:03
readalmoxarife the website it ended with was 'http://past.ubuntu.com/1416152/04:03
Kirejispecfically init.d services04:03
almoxariferead: next line >  sudo pastebinit /var/log/kern.log04:03
almoxarifeActionParsnip: i dont cat, i live simple, i dont even care for cli, KDE here04:04
DaemonicApathyalmoxarife: The only point was sudo is not necessary.04:04
readalmoxarife that website is 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416159/04:05
almoxarifeDaemonicApathy: perhaps not,04:05
almoxariferead: next line >  sudo pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:05
readalmoxarife i mispelled paste in the first website04:06
almoxarifethis reminds me of meetings where the agenda becomes the agenda :)04:06
almoxariferead: put up the correct link, thnks04:07
readso it should had been 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416152/04:07
almoxariferead: cool, one last link then comming?04:08
readthe last link is 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416164/04:09
almoxariferead: thnks, lots of nicks are now ferreting thru those pastes, :)04:10
mikodoread, you follow directions well04:10
readalmoxarife for some reason the ubuntu installation hasn't crashed but for some reason instead of prompting me to login at the beginning it just went straight to the gui04:11
readmikodo thanks04:11
almoxariferead: pray to the great spirit that it stays that way04:11
frankkoif i knew how long that actually was i might be able to hunt it down04:12
readalmoxarife That's what i hope so I can't actually enjoy using ubuntu04:13
DaemonicApathyfrankko: From your '5 minutes' message to 'nope', 14 minutes, 7 seconds.04:13
frankkoalmoxarife, Would it not have been better to advice of a aptitude install -Rf04:13
almoxarifefrankko: for?04:13
frankkoDaemonicApathy, DAMNIT04:13
frankkoalmoxarife, for read04:14
almoxariferead: what graphics card you have?04:14
frankkoit might have worked, but might also have pulled an awful load of unneeded dependencies04:14
LaibschIs it to be expected that a Ubuntu mainline kernel essentially does not work for a precise system? With it my mouse stops working, my wifi stops working and X runs at only 800x600.04:14
almoxarifefrankko: for? to do what?04:14
readalmoxarife I don't know, how can i find out?04:14
frankkoalmoxarife,   'apt-get -f all install' ?04:15
clunkychickenhe has a 2009 macbook pro, its either a intel or nvidia chip, really depends on which model it is04:15
clunkychickensurely now he should beable to find out04:15
frankkook we are talking macbooks, in very short: What was the problem?04:16
almoxarifefrankko: if you want to argue with the error correction presented by ubuntu, sure, i dont, i had bigger fish to fry04:16
xanguaLaibsch: you should stick to the kernel provided by your repositories04:16
frankkoalmoxarife, sorry, did not mean to offend you04:16
readalmoxarife so this might take a while?04:16
frankkoxangua, and also enable backports if you intend to run steam.04:16
almoxarifefrankko: not offended, thnks, like a ducks rear buddy04:17
DaemonicApathyCommand to check out graphics should be 'sudo lshw -c display', no?04:17
Laibschxangua: you should not talk about things you don't understand.04:17
almoxariferead: yes04:17
xanguaLaibsch: otherwise using a kernel from other sources either a repository or compiled yourself, you are on your own :)04:17
Laibschxangua: mainline kernels are provided for a reason04:17
xanguaLaibsch: for testing :) not for daily use04:17
Laibschfor testing04:17
Laibschand that's what I want them for04:18
Laibschwhere did I say I want them for daily use?04:18
trismLaibsch: mostly testing reasons, but in any case, kernels after quantal split out most of the modules into a separate -extra package, you must make sure to install that as well04:18
almoxariferead: you might also look at them pastes, simple method, use the webbrowser to find 'error' on page, usually that is not good, and you have a few on syslog04:18
trismLaibsch: sounds like your problem anyway, my keyboard and mouse don't work without them04:18
Laibschtrism: I see. Thank you.  I noticed the extra package but was unaware of the functions in there.04:18
readalmoxarife why does this keep happening every time I install the system thought?04:19
scalability-junkwhat is the partition manager used in ubuntu 12.04 server within the console?04:19
scalability-junkI tried sfdisk, parted, fdisk...04:20
scalability-junkcd ..04:20
readalmoxarife there are some updates I could still install on my computer but if I do I am afraid it may crash. Each time I tried to update the issues happened04:20
almoxariferead: you need to verify your memory is working correctly, do a memory test how ever you can do it easiest04:20
readalmoxarife how can i check if my memory is working properly?04:23
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html04:23
mikodoread,  read this link to see if it might help too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MemoryTest04:24
scalability-junkhow can I install a package via the concole from cd?04:26
scalability-junkthere is only udpkg available...04:26
scalability-junkand apt-install which isn't doing anything04:26
xwalk_scalability-junk: 'sudo apt-get remove <package>'04:27
readmikodo i'll do that04:27
DaemonicApathyscalability-junk: sudo apt-cdrom add ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install foo04:27
xwalk_scalability-junk: Oh, sorry. You want to install a package.04:27
ActionParsnipscalability-junk: sudo apt-get update     first04:27
* xwalk_ goes back to his corner.04:28
scalability-junkno apt-get no apt-cdrom available04:28
scalability-junkI'm sort of pre install right now :)04:28
DaemonicApathyAhh, ok. Meh. :-/04:29
almoxariferead: does it seem like all the issues revolve around graphics?04:29
readmikodo i don't have that option 'Ubuntu, memtest86+'04:30
readalmoxarife yes,04:30
ActionParsnipread: or anything similar?04:30
almoxariferead: you would see the memtest at bootup on the grub menu04:31
readalmoxarife the computer just freezes and I can't move the mouse. Sometimes no applications are shown. other times I am just booted to a command prompt04:31
readit just depends on the installation. In every installation the problem is that the computer freezes either while trying to install it or right after installing it04:32
almoxariferead: if that were my machine i would install the nvidia drivers from ubuntu store, or via the 'additional drivers'04:32
scalability-junkso anyone has an idea how to install something from cdrom when in console from the install thingie :D04:32
=== ahayweh is now known as anomalous
almoxariferead: [drm] nouveau <-- crashed alot, graphics driver04:33
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readalmoxarife: i did installed the nvidia driver in a previous installation but that made it so that the next time I logged in the computed booted me to a command prompt04:33
clunkychickenread: open up a terminal and type in sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name04:34
almoxariferead: in terminal                   lsbpci | pastebinit    <-- copy paste that to terminal04:35
readbtw the only options i have at GNU GRUB version 2.00-7ubuntu11 is 'ubuntu, advanced options for ubuntu, mac OS X 32 bits and the 64 bits on /dev/sda204:35
scalability-junkyeah got it I think04:35
almoxariferead: advanced should list 'memtest'04:35
almoxariferead: how did you install the nvidia driver? what method?04:36
readalmoxarife when i go there I have two option one is safe mode and the other is ubuntu, with linux 3.5.0-17-generic04:37
almoxariferead: ok, nevermind04:37
almoxariferead: how did you install the nvidia driver? what method?04:37
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WeThePeopleanybody know how to install windows xp on the 3rd partition?04:37
readalmoxarife: i used the 'sudo apt-get nvidia-current' i think04:37
WeThePeoplei have precise and backtrack on the first 204:38
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readalmoxarife so which option should i choose to do the memory test?04:38
almoxariferead: in terminal                   lsbpci | pastebinit    <-- copy paste that to terminal  <-- did you get a link04:38
mnathaniI tried apt-get install nvidia-current to install the graphic driver for my macbook pro but whenI rebooted, the system stopped responding till I removed the driver. How do I install the right driver for my system? It is a Macbookpro 13 inch mid 2010 model04:39
almoxariferead: its a mac? in bios menu? does it have one? nevermind what i said about memory, all the issues seem to revolve around the graphics driver04:40
almoxariferead: you are not using the machine in question to chat here are you?04:40
readalmoxarife: ok so i'll boot back to the system and hopefully it doesn't crash on login. wish me luck04:40
readalmoxarife: no, I am using another computer04:41
CowboiBebopIs there a way to align sd[ab]2 without touching/deleting sd[ab]1? I currently have '/' in RAID1 (/dev/md1), and wanting to make '/home' RAID0 (/dev/md2) - but getting 'alignment offset by 3584' error when installing ext4 on /dev/md204:41
almoxariferead: boot back? where did the logs you pasted come from?04:41
readalmoxarife: the logs came directly from the ubuntu computer. I just simply typed the website04:42
readalmoxarife; using this computer04:42
almoxariferead: ok04:43
puppy_paradedoed a raid card need a linux driver if I use it for pass-through and software raid?04:43
almoxarifeActionParsnip: did you look at the pastes from read? what would you recommend?04:44
readalmoxarife: well the system is not crashing right now for some miracle. I hope it stays this way. Does it have to do with any of the commands I u told me to execute?04:44
almoxariferead: nope04:44
almoxariferead: i had you install a util, you did do the apt-get -f thing, something load that was not there before?04:45
readalmoxarife: i'm going to try to update and upgrade my system. In all previous installation the computer crashed after I did this as well. Hopefully I get lucky now04:45
almoxariferead: good luck :)04:45
lauratikahow can i change the mtu in ubuntu via terminal04:46
percent20anyone have a link, by chance, to a tutorial that shows how to configure smb.conf to have a public read write share?04:46
percent20can't seem to get the public write working.04:46
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seednodeAlright, so...04:48
klynclauratika: /etc/sysctl.conf, man sysctl, /proc/sys/net.... I think04:48
readalmoxarife does installing nvidia causes any issues to the computer?04:48
lauratikaMaximum Transmission Unit04:49
klyncpercent20: prob easiest to use "force group" to keep unix perms in line with smb users04:50
percent20klync: okay, i'll look that up04:50
almoxariferead: i have a nvidia card , install via 'nvidia-current' was simple enough04:50
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readalmoxarife: u used the command 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'04:51
almoxariferead: simpler, i use 'synaptic', i really hate cli04:52
percent20klync: thank you, that worked like a charm04:52
almoxariferead: i use KDE, its a gui-life for me04:53
readalmoxarife: lol, that's funny bc u gave me all those commands so i figured u liked cli04:53
percent20almoxarife: I used to be like that now I find GUI's get the way more often than not, took me years to get their though.04:53
* DaemonicApathy uses keyboard shortcuts for most things.04:54
almoxariferead: no, dont like it, its useful though, trouble with help here is that drilling down thru menus becomes a big headache04:55
percent20I would actually go so far as to use mutt for all my email if I offlineimap wouldn't stop breaking :(04:55
cristianrm650alguien que hable español :D04:55
klyncpercent20: sweet04:55
DaemonicApathy!es | cristianrm65004:55
ubottucristianrm650: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:55
almoxarifepercent20: i rode ox cart as a child, i dont appreciate simplicity so much now, but, to each his own04:56
readalmoxarife: that's true04:57
almoxarifepercent20: i use kmail via kcontact04:57
readcristianrm650 si pero no se programmar04:58
readalmoxarife: well, i'll be back tomorrow if i get this problem. Thanks for all the help.04:59
almoxariferead: you need to pay attention to the logs, they are your friend05:00
mnathanihow do i install kernel source /headers on 12.10 64bit05:01
readalmoxarife: yeah but I don't know how to resolved them. Can you point out to me some issues u notice by reading them?05:01
almoxarifemnathani: for headers, install 'linux-headers-generic'05:01
readalmoxarife: actually I think i know what ur referring to05:02
almoxariferead: yes, 'google' in your language of choice, use chrome, it translates05:02
readyou mean messages like: "[    20.959] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) "05:03
CowboiBebopIs there a way to align sd[ab]2 without touching/deleting sd[ab]1? I currently have '/' in RAID1 (/dev/md1), and wanting to make '/home' RAID0 (/dev/md2) - but getting 'alignment offset by 3584' error when installing ext4 on /dev/md205:03
almoxariferead: that one and 'dnsmasq' one too, not sure why it was there05:03
lauratikai have issues watching certain videos using openvpn any ideas what can be the issue?05:03
readalmoxarife: you mean messages like: "[    20.959] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) "05:03
almoxariferead: yes05:04
readalmoxarife: oh, ok. Well, thanks for introducing me to pastebin because now I will go through each problem one by one and see if I can fix it by reading google answers05:05
almoxariferead: good luck, hasta05:05
readalmoxarife: thanks and good night05:06
ActionParsniplauratika: issues like what?05:07
lauratikaissues as the video not playing in any browser05:09
lauratikacertain webpages only, weird issue i guess...05:09
almoxarifelauratika: noticed the same thing with rekonq for a few days05:11
ActionParsniplauratika: oh, you are accessing youtube over a vpn?05:11
RickZillaHow can I get something on the desktop to be visible across all workspaces?05:11
lauratikayes, well youtube works fine, but othe pages not.05:12
ActionParsniplauratika: is it ok if you don't use the VPN, or is the VPN 100% necvessary to get web access?05:12
lauratikayep, to watch content out of the country.05:13
ActionParsniplauratika: i see, but do video pages work ok without the vpn05:13
lauratikayes, they work fine...05:14
RickZillaRunning 12.10, How can I get something on the desktop to be visible across all workspaces?05:14
SaidKLE@RickZilla: for icons and files, that is the default behavior.  For windows, right-click on the title bar and select the option that says "visible on all workspaces".05:15
SaidKLE"always on visible workspace"  Sorry.05:16
ActionParsniplauratika: ok, what messages do you get when using the vpn?05:16
RickZillaThanks SaidKLE, I'll check that out05:17
ActionParsniplauratika: have you tried a different browser|?05:17
lauratikadifferent brosers, not messages... you mean messages on terminal??05:17
ActionParsniplauratika: yes, try different browsers on the same sites, do they act differently05:18
Jeremy3Dhow do i find out what distro i'm using?05:18
ActionParsnipJeremy3D: cat /etc/issue05:19
lauratikayes i try on different browsers 3 of them same result...05:19
Jeremy3DActionParsnip, glibc2.7 or glibc2.11 ?05:20
Jeremy3Dhow do i find out what glibc i'm using?05:21
vijay_hello every one...05:22
RickZillaHmmm...that doesn't seem to work. I right click on the title bar and select "always on visible workspace", close it, then when I open the file again, "only on this workspace" is selected. Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong?05:22
SaidKLE@Jeremy3D: graphical way is to look up linux-libc-dev in your package manager and check the version there.  Mine says 3.5.0-19.3005:23
joshtran2I need help, in gnome 3 my window controls are on the right and in the wrong order but going into gconf-editor and changing it doesn't work05:25
ActionParsnipJeremy3D: let me check05:25
ActionParsnipJeremy3D: ldd --version | grep -i glibc05:26
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Jeremy3Dgot it ActionParsnip ty05:27
ejvpuppy_parade: yes, you'll need the proper raid card driver compiled into the kernel or loaded via module, either way driver is necessary05:28
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mnathaniWhile attempting to load a proprietary Nvidia driver, my icons and launcher no longer show up on the Desktop. How can I fix this?05:33
heoyeaunity --replace05:36
ActionParsnipmnathani: if you run:  nvidia-settings    does it say the driver is loaded05:39
yamildigo hola05:39
CnetCOMIs Ubuntu becoming an inactive OS I try the 12.10 for my review and has more bugs than is worth it wireless is not working and it crashes a lot does anyone know if they are going bye bye since mint is top dog now with Mageia?05:54
dannyi am attempting to get into my /var/log/messages using this command sudo tail -f /var/log/messages am i doing it wrong ?05:54
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: how do you get that mint is 'top dog' (whatever that means)05:54
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: if you want solid then use Precise. Its supported long after Quantal is EOL05:55
djusticeubuntu (canonical) is a corporation. a product. not a linux. come to the archlinux/chakra side. we have cookies. and simplicity.05:55
crimsonmanedanny: i think it's "dmesg" not "messages"05:55
ActionParsnipdjustice: ubuntu holds hands more, people like that more than cookies05:55
* kvothetech sucks harder on you and 05:56
CnetCOMWell Mint is far more stable reliable and popular so and Ubuntu has gotten worse is Canonical pulling the plug?05:56
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: not at all, also you'll find mint will probably die if ubuntu ceased05:57
djusticeubuntu causes the need for hand holding.05:57
djusticeover complexity will kill both projects.05:57
djustice"do one job, and do it well."05:57
DrManhattanwhat is the benefit to using ubuntu over something like Gentoo?05:58
CnetCOMI heard Mint will go its own way now so how will they dies if ubuntu keeps releasing half done OSs05:58
dannycrimsonmane:  i connected a usb flashdrive and nothing came up05:58
djusticeDrManhattan: quicker reinstall when you break something.05:58
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: if you don't like ubuntu, don't use it. I'm not seeing your point in any of this apart from Ubuntu bashing, which at best is pointless05:58
djusticeDrManhattan: much the same as chakra vs archlinux.05:58
CnetCOMi need the juicy stuff to write my review...05:58
DrManhattanCnetCOM, ActionParsnip has a good going05:58
crimsonmanedanny: meh. i looked about a week ago and didn't find "messages". what is it you're looking for in there?05:59
DrManhattangood point05:59
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: how do you mean juicy stuff?05:59
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: you clearly dislike it so your review is not going to be objective any way, so why bother05:59
DrManhattandjustice, i've heard of arch, but never used it. Is it a distro one compiles as well?05:59
dannycrimsonmane: im reading the linux command line and its teaching me about storage media and it says the kernel will notice the device i put in06:00
* DrManhattan uses CnetCOM as a toilet06:00
CnetCOMI tried you OS and nothing works well is Canonical trying to get lazy developers so Ubuntu goes under?06:00
djusticejuicy stuff: corporations care about corporations. they polarize their community into so called developmental poverty. it's stagnant. the package and maintainence process is too complex.06:00
djusticeDrManhattan: it is.06:00
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: they are the same devs as always06:00
crimsonmanedanny: "The Linux Command Line" ? i read that :) a good read. that's why i was looking for "messages" too!06:00
djusticedanny: there should be a change under /dev/sdX06:00
DrManhattandjustice, shame there's not better backup solutions for linux.06:00
DrManhattanClonezilla seems to be the best out there so far for lin06:00
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: I use a cron'd cp command. works well. You could even cron rsync06:01
CnetCOMno look at your issues on your blog there seem to be more issues now on this release than any other and its getting worse not better06:01
almoxarifecrimsonmane: as in /var/log/messages ?06:01
djusticelinux has no backup issue.06:01
CnetCOMthere is more issues reported on 12.10 that any other ubuntu06:01
DrManhattanCnetCOM, please stop trolling.06:01
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: the new release isn't an LTS, so it will appear worse than the last release which was LTS. Think about it...06:01
dannydjustice: /dev/sdX ? could u tell me what to do with that06:01
djusticefacts tho.06:01
CnetCOMso is Canonical pulling funding ?06:02
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: not at all06:02
djusticedanny: in 'konsole' type "ls /dev/sd*<enter>" before and after plugging in the device.06:02
crimsonmanedjustice: he wants to see "in action" the kernel recognize the device inserted06:02
djusticeCnetCOM: i'd wager so. they have to keep afloat.06:02
CnetCOMI think they are why would your release get worse and worse if they are not planing on dumping Ubuntu?06:02
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: look, this is going nowhere and you don't know what you are taling about.06:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!06:03
almoxarifeCnetCOM: i am sure #ubuntu-dev would be very interested in your brilliant ideas06:03
DrManhattanif this guy is with Cnet, my name is elmer J fudd and I have a mansion and a yacht06:03
dannydjustice: well im trying to find out the <enter> part im pretty sure cause i have no idea were it is mounted06:03
djusticeCnetCOM: people like community based linux better than corporation based linux.06:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:04
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djusticedanny: it may or may not automount.. if your interface has no indication, i suspect a borked filesystem or hardware..06:04
CnetCOMWell every release since 11.04 is getting worse and Corporations are not stupid they always do things for a reason and what would be Canonical's reasons for releasing poorly develop half done releases ?06:05
djusticeyep. let's support ubuntu user's into -> simplicity. try chakra. ;)06:05
ActionParsnipCnetCOM: please just stop, get educated, then come back06:05
FlannelCnetCOM: Please stop this.  You've already been asked a number of times.06:05
* DrManhattan pulls out a 2x4 wrapped with barbed wire06:06
almoxarifei hate ubuntu, let me in06:06
FlannelCnetCOM: this isn't the correct channel.  You can take it to the correct channel though.  This channel is for technical support.06:06
DrManhattanI kinda fell out of love with centos a few years back and gave them an earful on my way out too06:06
CnetCOMI review and report Canonical when asked walked away and said no comment06:06
DrManhattanmaybe that's what cnet.fake is doing06:06
CnetCOMthings that make you go hmmmm don't you think?06:06
shinji257Hey guys.  I have a bit of an issue.  I'm hoping you can help.06:08
ActionParsnipFlannel: thanks06:08
shinji257I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Server LTS and I'm trying to disable password authentication but for some reason the option isn't working.  I have no idea why.  Can you see if I overlooked something?06:08
shinji257That's the config and lsb_release information.06:08
almoxarifeshinji257: going to run a server without authentication?06:09
mnathaniwhats the ubuntu equivalent of /var/log/messages06:09
shinji257Without Password auth.  I'm using keys.06:09
almoxarifeshinji257: got you,06:10
mikodoElmer J Fudd :) DrManhattan ;06:10
almoxarifeshinji257: did you also key the pastebin?06:10
CnetCOMIs Canonical's pulling out due to bad economic times?06:10
almoxarifehesssssssssss back06:10
shinji257??? Not sure what you mean there almoxarife06:10
DrManhattanCnetCOM, the only think Canonical's pulling out of is your mom.06:10
IdleOneCnetCOM: You have already been told that this channel is for support, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss06:11
DrManhattanYou gotta be kidding me06:11
IdleOneDrManhattan: ubottu sent you a message, read it please06:11
DrManhattanyeah, sure. I'll get right on that06:11
HausasLinus Torvalds doesn't debug. His programs are always perfect.06:12
mnathaniI am kind of stuck, I have an ubuntu deskop with only the mouse, no menus or desktop icons. What can I do to fix this?06:13
dr_willisit must be quiet time... ;)06:20
usr13mnathani: What DE are you using?06:21
usr13mnathani: Unity?06:21
mnathaninot sure06:21
mnathaniit was a stock install06:21
ejomnathani: clean install, not upgrade?06:22
mnathaniand then I tried installing a proprietary Nvidia driver06:22
mnathaniit was working before the Nvidia driver failure06:22
mnathaniClean install06:22
ejohardly need to ask, but have you rebooted or at least logged out/in since?06:22
mnathaniyes, several times06:22
usr13mnathani: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak06:22
usr13mnathani: several times what?06:22
mnathanirebooted several times06:23
mnathanixorg.conf does not exist in the X11 folder06:23
usr13What method did you use to install Nvidia drivers?06:23
mnathaniI downloaded a binary for linux 64bit and my model06:24
mnathanifrom nvidia.com06:24
dr_willisyou mean the .run driver?06:24
mnathanithats right06:24
dr_willisyou did try the one in the repos first?06:24
mnathaniI did06:24
mnathaninvidia-current I believe06:25
mnathanithat didnt work, similar mouse with no icons issue06:25
usr13mnathani: Did you run nvidia-xconfig ?06:25
mnathanibut it was easy to remove06:25
mnathaniI did not06:25
usr13mnathani: SO try it.  sudo nvidia-xconfig06:25
mnathaniI am doing: apt-get install nvidia-current06:26
dr_willismnathani:  is this a laptop with that dual gpu optimus stuff?06:26
mnathanino, its actually a macbookpro 2010 edition06:26
mnathaniI believe the graphic card is integrated06:27
dr_williswell its in there somewhere.. if thats what you mean. ;)06:27
mnathaniI mean as opposed to dedicated06:27
dr_willisnot too many laptops have removeable gfx  (i have seen a few)06:27
dr_willismnathani:  ive never seen a nvidia card that wasent dedicated.....06:28
dr_willisyou sure it has a nvidia?06:28
shinji257Well something must of been weird with my configs or something with ssh before.  I had the system do a full purge of openssh-server then reinstall.  Went back in and disabled only PasswordAuthentication and it worked. o.O06:28
mnathaniI ran nvidia-xconfig which said it generated an xorg.conf06:29
mnathanithen reboot, and the resolution has changed, but still no menu or icons on the dekstop06:29
shinji257P.S. - ChallengeResponseAuthentication has to be disabled as well or PasswordAuthentication is overridden and it is allowed anyways.  Can't control that one in Match Groups though (which was my intent later on)06:29
dr_willismnathani:  this is when i normally suggest installing lubuntu-desktop so the person at least has a useable system. untill they can figure out the nvidia/unity issues06:30
dr_willisi think the core of the issue is compiz is not seeing proper 3d support and is crashing. so no wm starts06:31
mnathanihow can I disable compiz06:32
dr_willismnathani:  install/use a different desktop.. like lubuntu-desktop06:32
dr_willisor some other wm/desktop06:32
ActionParsnipmnathani: if you are using Precise you can use Unity2D06:33
dr_williscompiz is supposed to fall back to some 2d mode, or somthing if the hardware is seen to not use 3d.  but tthats flakey at times06:33
mnathaniI actually get to a desktop and can right click, but the icons and menu / launchers are missing06:34
mnathaniinstalling lubuntu in the mean time06:34
dr_willisand thats what compiz controls.06:34
dr_willisyou are seeing the 'x server' with  only a  partitial desktop06:34
mnathaniThe nvidia run file was expecting either 2.4 or 2.6 kernel06:35
dr_willisthe core of unity runs as a compiz plugin. no compiz = most of the desktop not running06:35
mnathaniI see06:35
dr_willismnathani:  dont use the .run  drivers06:35
mnathaniPerhaps it would be easier to start fresh and reinstall the OS?06:36
mnathanias it was working initially - just no 3d effects06:37
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z4139jqwhy not uninstall the priority driver?06:37
dr_willisthats because compiz was using the fallback low-effect mode06:37
dr_willisthet .run driver has some sort of uninstaller i thought. i never use it06:38
mnathaniapparently --uninstall06:39
dr_willisif you uninstall that .run thing and apt-get remove nvidia-current   i think it will go back to using the noveau drivers06:39
mnathaniok, did the remove and uninstall and rebooted06:43
mnathaniI can see the launcher but the resolution is stuck at 640x48006:43
psychopathiccheck it out06:43
liqiangwireless doesn't work on xubuntu which upgrade on ubuntu , so I have to use wire connection06:44
dr_willisrun that monitors/display tool see if you can change res.06:44
mnathaniI just did, its stuck at 640x48006:45
mnathanihow do I go back and try Unity again?06:45
dr_willisyou are using unity. you got a left side panel with ucons?06:45
mnathaniyes, I did get a left panel with icons06:46
mnathaniwhat was I using before I switched to lubuntu-desktop06:46
dr_willisZeak:  no warez lists here06:46
ZeakOops, wrong window.06:46
dr_willisthat would be unity.06:47
dr_willisyou did select lubuntu at the login screen?06:47
virus-designhi dear fellows Just loving the Ubuntu experience. But one little help that i need i think i have messed up the partition table for ubuntu. As every thing is running perfectly but do i need to make two seperate partions for user and local user seperately? moreover i have a seperate harddisk with ntfs partition i want to share that on my network which contains both mac and windows. Can anyone help me out plzzzz...06:47
ZeakHi! Someone can tell me how I can get the manpages-fr path in my computer?06:47
mnathaninot sure as it is set to autologin06:47
mnathanican I somehow reinstall nouveau06:48
dr_willismnathani:  turn off the silly atuologin....06:48
dr_willisits annoying. ;-)06:48
virus-designis there anyone around to help06:48
dr_willis!ntfs-3g | virus-design06:49
ubottuvirus-design: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:49
virus-designcan i  shrink the partion size of user and mont it on local user06:49
dr_willisyou can use samba to share ntfs if its mounted  right..r06:50
dr_willisvirus-design: your use of the terms user and local user us... confuseing06:50
virus-designactually in the file system partition06:51
virus-design iam findind  a folder called user06:51
dr_willisyou mean /usr/ ?06:51
virus-designwhich is showing 1.4 tb06:52
dr_willisthats not the same as   usEr06:52
sailhow to get list of all packages that i hav installed in my ubuntu system?06:53
dr_willis /usr/ is a system directory.   your users files are in their home dirs in /home/06:53
dr_willis!clone | sail06:53
ubottusail: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate06:53
virus-designok so how do i share this 1.4 tb for both windows and Mac06:53
[deXter]Hi folks, what's a really easy to use photo manager that supports uploading to email, picasa and facebook?06:54
dr_willisvirus-design: with samba after you mount it via ntfs-3g with proper permissions06:54
rockworldmivirus-design: ip messenger06:54
sailubottu: actually i am doing minimal install now so i want the list of  packages my this ubuntu system so that i can apply my needed packages in minimal install06:54
ubottusail: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:55
dr_willisvirus-design: or use scp/ssh to transfer files withiut a perment share06:55
dr_willissail: use those commands to get a list. transfer the list over. install from the list06:56
dr_willisbut this is not adviseable on a 64bit system to use aptitude06:57
rockworldmianyone knows how to connect blackberry to Ubuntu laptop hotspot..06:58
saildr_willis: that work smooth: dpkg --get-selections06:58
zambonichange your name, I want it06:58
almoxariferockworldmi: setup sftpd on the lappy, use sftp client on the droid06:59
=== sail is now known as takeit
rockworldmialmoxarife:  not droid... Blackberry07:00
takeitzamboni: takeit07:00
almoxariferockworldmi: setup sftpd on the lappy, use sftp client on the droid-fruit-thing07:00
rockworldmirockworldmi: but  can i use internet on BB ...  sftp would only allow me data sharing07:01
mjrosenbI have a machine that I just upgraded to 12.04, and when I try to log in, I get kicked back to the login manager07:04
mjrosenbwhere would the logs of that be kept?07:04
psychopathicmoney loves know one --> http://ubuntuone.com/2YtE876d8k6tenmiuD15Fb07:05
=== good is now known as Guest1493
tuxtotiif i press "alt" i get a search bar with which i can search for commands in the menu bar of any application . 1) is there a way to disable it ? 2) remap the key to something else ?07:05
rockworldmialmoxarife: let me know links if you have one ..07:05
almoxarifemjrosenb: in /var/log/ , the file/log is 'auth.xx' or07:06
almoxariferockworldmi: i dont have one, i am assuming your question is concerning the phone/pim thing, correct?07:07
mjrosenbalmoxarife: that file just says that I logged in successfully.07:07
mikekk91ok, so Im trying to get java to work for my Zorin OS my goal is to eventually create a shortcut that will enable Java to run Minecraft for me. I have been tinkering with this for a couple of days but to no avail. Im brand new to linux but I can learn how to do it and am willing to be patient to do so.07:07
rockworldmialmoxarife:  my goal to use internet on Blackberry device making ubuntu laptop as hotspot wifi07:08
rockworldmilike internet sharing07:08
xwalk_Hopefully, this is the last time I have to relog.07:08
bazhangmikekk91, whats Zorin OS07:08
mikekk91well Zorin, which is a windows-like interface based off of ubuntu07:09
bazhangmikekk91, look for their support channel, it's not supported here07:09
bazhang!alis | mikekk91 have a search07:09
ubottumikekk91 have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:09
mikekk91ok, so I should be able to type in Zorin in the channels field and get some help?07:10
crimsonmanerockworldmi: i used blackberry as computer internet before. you're not "sharing" the internet because the phone acts as the modem, for starters. you call your service provider to get the credentials, basically the phone acts like an old-school modem and they give you the phone number you "dial"07:10
bazhangmikekk91, /msg alis list *zorin*07:10
almoxarifehttp://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/08/linux-var-log-files/ mjrosenb... look at item 1307:11
mikekk91ok, thank you!07:11
rockworldmicrimsonmane: hmm.. so i need to contact my provider for setting it up..?07:11
crimsonmaneyes, but they might not support linux, even though it's incredibly simple to set up and similar to windows.07:11
psychopathiccheck this out peeps -> http://ubuntuone.com/2YtE876d8k6tenmiuD15Fb07:12
crazyhorse18for a directory is there anyway of setting it up so that all subdirectories and files are created with u=rwx g=rwx and the user and the group is root?07:12
mjrosenbbash: /usr/bin/hal-find-by-property: No such file or directory07:12
mjrosenbthat surely can't be good.07:12
rockworldmicrimsonmane: ok.07:12
bazhangpsychopathic, what is that07:12
psychopathiccrazyhorse18, chmod -R ug+rwx07:14
aosphow to create video dvd from vob files ?07:14
crazyhorse18psycopathic: i need to set it up.. and them have them as defaults.. i.e. without recursivly changing every file from after07:15
crimsonmaneaosp: i use "devede"07:15
crazyhorse18crazyhorse18: i've spent 8 hours trying to find a solution that works... and i feel like it's almost impossible07:15
bazhangaosp, for play in a external dvd player? devede seems to be useful07:15
crimsonmaneaosp: you create the iso, but devede is garbage for burning so use something else to burn the iso07:15
dr_willisdevede works well. its not a burner aop. ;-)07:16
mnathaniwhy doesnt the ubuntu desktop installed offer options to customize the install in terms of what packages to install etc?07:16
bazhangmnathani, you'd use the mini iso for that07:16
Mkk91ok, yes I was just here in regards for zorin, but since its ubuntu based, Im sure that ubuntu help could be what I need07:17
aospcrimsonmane: i do not have AUDIO_TS folder.. Just vob files. is that ok.07:17
bazhangMkk91, no, its not supported here.07:17
crimsonmaneaosp: it never complained about that to me before07:17
Mkk91ubuntu support is not supported here?07:18
bazhangMkk91, zorin i s NOT ubuntu07:18
aospcrimsonmane: ok. i would try that now07:18
Mkk91ok, well theres no one in the Zorin channel and the guy who set me up with zorin told me to look under ubuntu07:19
bazhangMkk91, you're not in their channel07:20
almoxarifeMkk91: zorin is what? kde? gnome?07:20
bazhangMkk91, /join #zorinos07:20
Mkk91gnome I do believe07:20
almoxarifeMkk91: how about that channel then?07:20
Mkk91ok, let me try, Im not trying to be a burden, just trying to get to the correct place07:21
bazhangMkk91, and that channel is the correct one, not here07:21
psychopathicplanet zelroid is full of geeks and hard workers.07:21
ar9i just issued an update && reboot command, anyway to cancel the reboot part?07:22
bazhangpsychopathic, ?07:22
almoxarifepsychopathic: you need some serious rest brother07:22
psychopathicit passes through 4 sectors in two vectors on planet velocity radian.07:23
bazhang!ot | psychopathic07:24
ubottupsychopathic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:24
HausasLinus Torvalds can play 3D games in his head by interpreting the source code in real-time.07:27
HausasLinus Torvalds didn't design Linux to run on the 386. Intel designed the 386 to run Linux.07:28
bazhangHausas, wrong channel07:28
mjrosenbmjo_: /quit ?07:31
mjo_mjrosenb: ahh thanks :)07:33
aospmjo_: :-)07:33
psychopathicDid you guys know i convert fractions to decimals ?07:33
mjo_think i'll go read the manual ..07:34
IdleOnepsychopathic: ##math can help with that07:34
lwizardlI have been told that I could do this via cron job but I do not know to do it exactly. Everytime there is an update applied my headphone jack stops muting the internal speakers. So i have to reapply the "driver" for it. how can I tell my system that anytime apt-get updates are applied to also install this deb package again?07:41
EaglemanHow do i restart the ssh server?07:41
=== Transfusion is now known as ]
EaglemanHow do i restart the ssh server?  /etc/init.d/sshd does not work and i dont think /etc/init.d/ssh restart did anything usefull07:42
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izxEagleman: try service sshd restart07:43
Eaglemanas suspected:  sshd: unrecognized service07:44
psychopathicanyone here like iptables -> http://ubuntuone.com/3T0m9y3FmKCod3bY5oAZHr07:44
bazhangpsychopathic, stop posting random stuff here07:44
almoxarifeEagleman: drop the 'd' from sshd07:44
mjrosenbis it possible to run a script before the login manager starts?07:44
mehworkhow do you install ncurses on ubuntu 12? I installed libncurses5-dev but compiling a program that uses them still errors saying that 'mvprintw', etc are undefined07:44
EaglemanWell next question, i want to use X11 forwarding for virt-manager but i cant seem to get it working07:44
psychopathicbazhang, It relates to ubuntu better yet even more.07:45
bazhangpsychopathic, dont do it.07:45
Eaglemani installed xming under windows and enabled x11 under putty, then typing virt-manager in puty does not do anything07:45
psychopathicbazhang, Newbies need a firewall too.07:46
mjrosenbmehwork: you probably want the wide variant of ncurses07:47
mjrosenbmehwork: libncursesw5-dev07:47
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mehworkmjrosenb: that's not working for me either07:50
mehworkmjrosenb: does it have to be linked differently than gcc -lncurses?07:50
mjrosenb-lncursesw most likely.07:51
mehworkdidnt work07:51
mehworkncurses is pretty popular, i'm surprised that this stuff doesn't work anymore07:52
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mjrosenbmehwork: what error did it give you when you tried with -lncursesw ?07:53
mehworkmjrosenb: the smae ones07:53
mehwork'undefined reference to mwprintw', etc07:53
Eaglemanow dear. i locked my self out of ssh, no idea how or why...07:53
mehworkcollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit staus07:54
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
aaasso if I create a live usb with persistence and apt-get install a package that package should still be installed upon reboot, no?07:58
sparklri get errors while fetching packages for mysql-server http://www.privatepaste.com/1dfd018b1d, can anyone help me out?07:59
aaasboth pendrivelinux and usb-creator-gtk are not persistent after selecting a 1.5gig space on an 8 gig drive, anything else I have to do?07:59
Smashinghmm issue, i have ubuntu 12.10 installed on my htpc, i am in the process of setting it up08:05
Smashingi set XBMC to default session08:05
Smashingnow it boots to a black screen08:05
EaglemanWell next question, i want to use X11 forwarding for virt-manager but i cant seem to get it working08:05
Eaglemani installed xming under windows and enabled x11 under putty, then typing virt-manager in puty does not do anything08:05
crazyhorse18is there a way to force that all sudirectories of a directory to have the group of the parent directory  i.e.08:05
crazyhorse18root /srv08:05
crazyhorse18mkdir /srv/bla  also ends up with group root    mkdir /srv/bla/bla  also ends up with group root (without chmoding it after)08:06
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TakeItEZcrazyhorse18: set sgid on dir08:06
Sunilbs1Sorry Hi,08:06
Sunilbs1I have Dell Vostro 1450.08:07
crazyhorse18TakeItEz: i have .. but then as soon as subdir's are created they don't have sgid set any more08:07
crazyhorse18it's like you do chmod g+rwxs /bla   then mkdir /bla/bla works  but mkdir /bla/bla/bla doesn't08:07
TakeItEZcrazyhorse18: you'll need ACLs for that, i guess. sgid only inherits ownership, not permission08:07
Smashingi have auto login enabled, but something is fubar'd causing boot into blackness. is there a key i can press/hold during boot to force it to put me on login screen so i can select a different session?08:08
Smashingi've tried shift and esc, no luck08:09
Sunilbs1I am not able to install 11.* 12.* any os on my laptop its giving the 'Critical Temperature reached (84 C) Shut Down.08:09
DogPis it possible to apt-get a specific version of QT, or are you basically stuck with whatever version is current?08:09
almoxarifeSmashing: will a reboot take you to the login ?08:09
crazyhorse18TakeItEz: ahh yeah.. i suppose then i don't care about what group it is08:10
Smashingi am setting it up as htpc so i have it set to autologin08:10
crazyhorse18i.e. in basic unix file permissions08:10
Smashingi set default session to XBMC and now it boots into blackness08:10
TheteIs Amarok still good?08:10
TheteOr is there something better now?08:10
bazhangThete, try it and see08:10
almoxarifeSmashing: familiar with terminal?08:11
bazhang!players | Thete have a test08:11
ubottuThete have a test: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:11
TheteI've been using it, just curious if there's something out there that's better08:11
Smashingi am not scared of it08:11
bazhangThete, better is  a loaded word08:11
almoxarifeSmashing: me too08:11
TheteI guess so08:11
Smashingi have a three way relation ship08:11
bazhanglighter? sure08:11
Smashingme, terminal, google08:11
Smashingi have no idea how to even get it to a terminal08:12
Smashingif i could get it to a terminal i could edit lightdm and put it back to ubuntu08:12
almoxarifeSmashing: that part is easy, the question is where to make the adjustment to bring your box out of autologin08:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:14
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
Sunilbs112.04 32 bit08:15
Sunilbs1can any one help me?08:15
TheteWith what?08:15
Sunilbs1I am not able to install 11.* 12.* any os on my laptop its giving the 'Critical Temperature reached (84 C) Shut Down.08:16
Smashingalmoxarife, ??08:16
markovhis there a way of making any user that logs in, attempting to mount their samba home directory from another server using the password they tried to login with? All i can find is stuff on mouting the whole /home or doing it with nfs or storing the passwords in a file to be used to mount it08:18
almoxarifeSmashing: i use kde, although i have a htcp with xbmc autologin, give me a sec, i'll bring it up08:18
markovhvia ssh08:18
dr_willismarkovh:  samba has a special "home" share that can share the users home directory.08:19
TheteSunilbs1: Does it overheat in other OS's08:19
Sunilbs1I have dell vostro 1450. While booting live CD & while installing its getting Shutting Down08:19
Sunilbs1Message is 'Critical Temperature reached (84 C) Shut Down.08:19
markovhdr_willis: that's for the server though08:20
markovhdr_willis: i'm trying to find something that'll mount it using the ssh login. i'm assuming some module in pam08:21
dr_willismarkovh:  hmm.. you mean rhe user sshs in then a share gets mounted when he logs un?08:22
markovhdr_willis: that's the one08:23
markovhdr_willis: but not just A share, their home directory08:23
Sunilbs1I have contacted to dell costumer care & Done diagnostic test there is no HW error.  Dell technical support person also told that the system temp. will be 70 to 85 C. till 95 C Its not an issue.08:23
almoxarifeSmashing: i got an idea, hit cntr-alt-f1, login, then key, pkill xbmc , then cntr-alt-f7, that should have you on a login08:23
Smashingalready tried that08:23
Smashingctrl alt f1 does nothing08:24
markovhdr_willis: unfortunately with libpam-mount, it seems you can kind of do this but it relies on a config stored in the users home directory already (xml thing)08:24
markovhwhich can mount a sub directory for them08:24
TheteSunilbs1: Well something sounds like it's causing it to overheat08:24
dr_willishaving the users home on a samba share  has a potential for big issues. ;-)08:24
markovhdr_willis: sure but for now i need to do it08:25
almoxarifeSmashing: at grub, drop down to terminal08:25
Sunilbs1No Issues with Win 7 & Ubuntu 10.0408:25
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Sunilbs1I have installed 10.04 & Upgraded to 12.04. In 10.04 Does not had an issue. After upgrading to 12.04 again the same prob while booting 'Critical Temp. Reached 84. 84 C is Over heat for i3 processor, I don't think so.08:29
Sunilbs1I am able boot Normal Boot From Recovery mode. I have updated to 3.4 Kernel also still the same Prob.08:29
TheteI dunno, personally, I don't think I'd screw around with an i308:33
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Sunilbs1Thete : We are also fed up with i3 to install the OS 11.* & 12.* HP, Dell, Acer, Lenova08:35
Sunilbs1While booting or while login the laptop suddenly  gets shut down.08:36
lcabrezaHELP! why is that my usb devices are not greyed out but when i select my active key sim its not being detected by my active client ?08:36
Sunilbs1Thete:  While booting or while login the laptop suddenly  gets shut down.08:37
TheteSunilbs1: You've had that same problem on all those brands?08:37
Sunilbs1Thete: HP Lap. gets shut down while login. Dell Shuts down While booting. In rescue mode Both will work.08:39
sparklri get errors while fetching packages for mysql-server http://www.privatepaste.com/1dfd018b1d, can anyone help me out?08:39
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Sunilbs1Thete: Is partition makes any prob...08:42
Sunilbs1Thete: Is windows partition makes any prob... I have running Win 7 64 bit. I am using Dual boot08:43
sonneanyone knows what is the recommended way to update the video drivers on an LTS?08:44
=== Emil is now known as Guest67616
Sunilbs1Thete : Ru thr?08:44
nibbler__sonne: sudo apt-get upgrade ?08:45
TheteYes, but I don't have a solution for your issue08:45
TheteCould be some kind of kernel error, or lacking support for something08:46
sonnenibbler__, that would update the drivers to the latest release in LTS, but i need the latest vendor release08:46
nibbler__sonne: thats not recommended at all :p08:46
sonnemaybe there is a ppa? or some kind of clean way that would let me avoid running the binary installer from nvidia?08:46
judThings are a little complicated for me here. I just installed lubuntu 12.10 on another machine. I tried to set up an account with pidgin so I could get help on installing flash and firefox but after setting up the account and enabling it, a couple of seconds later, the enable box unchecks itself and it comes up with incorrect password under the buddy list?08:46
nibbler__sonne: if you have to, i'd suggest either generating the packages with the bin installer, or use checkinstall to generate packets and not just dump files in your fs08:47
sonnenibbler__, i'm trying to run Steam, it says it requires nvidia >= 305, while LTS ships 295... upgrading to that should be enough already :)08:47
sonnedoes the nvidia installer support generating proper ubuntu packages?08:47
Guest21593may some one help me? I have a question about ubuntu08:48
aeon-ltdGuest21593: go ahead08:48
judEverything I try is a dead end...how did you guys figure this stuff out to begin with?08:49
Sunilbs1Kernel issue, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 & 12.10 / 32 & 64 Bit all I have tried, Same error.. Its not able to make live boot also there also same error. I have Updated to 3.4 Kernel & Grub2.08:49
sonneftr, i found the answer to my question: x-swat ppa08:49
ms__hi people! I'm on xubuntu12.04LTS, (my english isn't yet very good   ).... but,   all is ok with my xubuntu, but not this one08:50
judI followed instructions for installing flash and firefox at forums, using terminal but I just get errors all the time08:51
ms__my background is blue and I can't change it? I already tried:"xfmw4 --settings", chnge in apparence, and right-click on it but all are :(08:51
Sunilbs1Thete : http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201104-7889/ this link is telling that the HW test has done successfully on Vostro 1450.08:51
ms__sos, sos!!08:51
judThings are a little complicated for me here. I just installed lubuntu 12.10 on another machine. I tried to set up an account with pidgin so I could get help on installing flash and firefox but after setting up the account and enabling it, a couple of seconds later, the enable box unchecks itself and it comes up with incorrect password under the buddy list?08:52
Sunilbs1Thete: No solution:08:52
judThere's a ghost in the machine stopping me from doing stuff?08:53
TheteI have no idea08:53
Sunilbs1Thank you.08:53
blackshirtjud, ghost ?08:54
Sunilbs1Can any one help me about this Problem?08:54
judOk, one step at a time. Can someone help me set up an account with pidgin on on 12.10 lubuntu?08:55
blackshirtjud, you can do it ?08:55
RadiumCathi, does anyone know of a good alternative to imagemagick for merging multiple jpgs into a single pdf? :)08:56
judafter setting up the account and enabling it, a couple of seconds later, the enable box unchecks itself and it comes up with incorrect password under the buddy list?08:56
sparklri get errors while fetching packages for mysql-server http://www.privatepaste.com/1dfd018b1d, can anyone help me out?08:56
blackshirtsunilbs1,what the problem?08:56
judblackshirt: A hint please? after setting up the account and enabling it, a couple of seconds later, the enable box unchecks itself and it comes up with incorrect password under the buddy list?08:57
Sunilbs1Hi Blackshirt: Do you have any idea about Critical Temperature reached () shutting down08:57
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest97459
RadiumCatanyone? :)08:58
RadiumCatI know my question isn't ubuntu related but i was hoping someone here would know08:58
TheteSunilbs1: BIOS current on all these machines?08:58
thunkeeRadiumCat: libreoffice writer08:58
Guest97459hey maybe u know08:59
RadiumCatthunkee, it doesn't merge multiple jpgs into a single pdf, afaik ಠ_ಠ08:59
Guest97459i have problem with installation08:59
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Sunilbs1Didn't get you08:59
judI don't know where to start...how do learn this stuff?08:59
Guest97459When i format my hdd and instalation next restart- my screen are broke  for 1:!09:00
Sunilbs1BS: What is Current ON09:01
judThings are a little complicated for me here. I just installed lubuntu 12.10 on another machine. I tried to set up an account with pidgin so I could get help on installing flash and firefox but after setting up the account and enabling it, a couple of seconds later, the enable box unchecks itself and it comes up with incorrect password under the buddy list?09:01
puffI upgraded my thinkpad t520 w/nvidia/optimus from 11.10 to 12.4 using the software updates dialog.  After several hours, the dialog said something like 27 minutes left.  Then it popped up a message about not being able to configure dmsetup.  Before I could fully read it, the screen went blank/black.  No GUI, no virtual terminals.  I let it sit for a couple hours more while I went out, in case it was still finishing those last 2709:02
puffWhen I got back, still blank, so I held down power button to force shutdown and reboot.  It says there's a crash report, there's a crash report icon on the menu bar, but clicking it doesn't do anything.  Software updates doesn't show any updates needed.  How do I check to see if something went wrong and needs to be fixed?09:02
federated_lifeI've been having mcelog report bad memory, but I think its soft-offlining of memory…where would I look for more info ?  Ive checked /sys/devices/system/memory/soft_offline_page but get an input/out error09:03
federated_lifethis is on a few 128-256 bare metal db boxes lately09:03
Sunilbs1Blackshirt: What is Current ON?09:03
rajasrihi. We are trying to install Hadoop in Ubuntu 12.10. Can anyone help us ? Thanks in advance.09:03
RepoxHi. I'm having a minor issue installing libqrencode manually. Doing ./configure tells me that "No package 'libpng' found". Trying to install libpng12-0, libpng3 or libpng12-dev doesn't solve the problem. Do you have any advice for me?09:03
rajasri hi. We are trying to install Hadoop in Ubuntu 12.10. Can anyone help us ? Thanks in advance.09:05
mobherohi, how to find data usage (upload / download statistics) from all computers on ubuntu?09:06
judJust tried to create an account with pidgin. Only just created it! It tells me account disabled, incorrect password...so I create another account. same thing happens whether I get it to remember the password or not. Does anyone know what's going on here?09:06
puffjud: What's wrong with convert from imagemagick?  convert -compress jpeg *.jpg output.pdf09:06
puffjud: If the jpegs are from scans, there's gscan2pdf.09:07
blackshirtmobhero, you mean network monitoring program ?09:07
Thetejud: Incorrect password probably09:07
puffjud: For scripting, GD lib seems to be the popular alternative to imagemagick, dunno if GD has the same jpeg/pdf capabilities.09:07
mobhero blackshirt: yes09:07
judpuff: I think you must be addressing someone else?09:08
Thetejud: What are you logging into with pidgin?09:08
puffjud: Sorry, yeah, that was for RadiumCat.09:08
Sunilbs1Blackshirt : Help me?09:08
judThete: AIM?09:08
TheteWell, it's telling you the password is incorrect09:08
TheteThat's what pidgin does when it has incorrect login info09:08
Thetecould be the username09:08
blackshirt!nagios | mobhero09:09
isuldorI added some up ip addr add (and down) commands to my /etc/network/interfaces. How do I restart networking without rebooting so these take immediate effect? "restart networking" doesn't work, but rebooting does09:09
blackshirtmobhero, nagios was great for network monitoring09:09
judThete: Ok, so I should use a different protocol?09:10
nibbler__i'm running 12.10 - when i use something in fullscreen (totem, youtube etc) its still shows the menu bars, how could i change that?09:10
blackshirtsunilbs1, i dont know what is your problem09:10
mobheroblashirt: thanks, ill check for nagios.09:10
nibbler__mobhero, blackshirt: i'd recommend zabbix way over nagios/ncinga09:10
TakeItEZmobhero: just for network in/out statistics, vnstat is easier09:11
alinmearhi all! i am using awesome wm and want to bind a bash script to a shortcut; does anybody know how to get this work? thx very much!!09:11
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mobherotakeitEz: but i want to monitor all user network statics..09:12
nibbler__i'm running 12.10 - when i use something in fullscreen (totem, youtube etc) its still shows the menu bars, how could i change that? (running in gnome-classic, as i forgot to mention)09:12
judThete: it can't be wrong info, I just created it and did not even re-entre it09:13
Sunilbs1I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04. While Installing or while boot the OS from the CD. I am getting error as 'Critical Temperature Reached (84 C) Shutting Down. This is the problem.09:13
federated_lifealinmear:  man alias in your bash profile09:13
nibbler__Sunilbs1: who says that? ubuntu? bios? is your fan working well?09:14
sparklri get errors while fetching packages for mysql-server http://www.privatepaste.com/1dfd018b1d, can anyone help me out???09:14
alinmearfederated_life: pardon? didnt get the point mate;09:14
Ben64How can I add multiple ipv6 addresses without creating a ton of virtual interfaces?09:14
Sunilbs1Blackshirt: System is getting shutdown automatically this not happening with Win7 & Ubuntu 10.0409:14
federated_lifealinmear:  just put your script in /bin if you want to execute it without the path09:15
federated_lifeor check the man page on alias if your going to edit your bash profile09:15
Sunilbs1Nibbler : Then why its Not Shutting in Win7 & Ubuntu 10.0409:16
blackshirtsunilbs1, check your log, gave you doing it ?09:17
blackshirtSunilbs1, in what phase the system going to down ?09:17
sparklri get errors while fetching packages for mysql-server http://www.privatepaste.com/1dfd018b1d, can anyone help me out???\09:17
Sunilbs1While Booting.09:17
judThete: in the accounts box, I click "add" then create account name and password and click save with "remember name and password" checked. Then at the bottom of the buddy list, it shows the account name and "incorrect password" what gives?09:18
Sunilbs1Not only in my Vastro-1450, Same issue in DV6-215009:18
judDoes no-one know why, with pidgin on lubuntu 12.10, in the accounts box, I click "add" then create account name and password and click save with "remember name and password" checked. Then at the bottom of the buddy list, it shows the account name and "incorrect password"09:19
alistair_lin the latest linux kernel there is a module that looks like it enables ps2 memory card reading, but when installed this kernal wont boot of a flash drive, is there any way i can install just the module to the current kernel?09:20
Sunilbs1Thought might be Kernel issue so I have updated my kernel to 3.4 Generic pae...  Then also phasing the same proble.. I can only boot with Rescue mode09:20
Sunilbs1In both the laps.09:20
mitchell_Is there a update for Pidgin that might fix your issue?09:21
judSo you all just pretend to know stuff huh, maintaining a position of heuristic gurudom?09:24
somsipjud: provoke people into helping you. That's gonna work...09:25
mitchell_Im more of a windows user, im just mucking around with a HP netbook running ubuntu09:25
mitchell_I only know how to fix basic issues lol09:25
alinmearfederated_life: hey mate, thx alot; havent thought about this way09:26
Sunilbs1Alinmear: No Solution?09:27
mitchell_Jud: have you tried to remove the Pudgin software and reinstall it?09:27
judsomsip:  it would seem that the solution is so obvious that I must be a complete nitwit?09:27
somsipjud: or no one here knows the solution. No need to be paranoid.09:28
mitchell_Jud: Make sure your date and time is correct, if it's not some server might not allow you to connect09:28
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notwistjud: the "wrong account information" is probably a throwback that more generally means "server wont let you log in". Could be a million reasons. Also, drop the attitude.09:28
judmitchell: thank you09:29
mitchell_No problem, I have no idea if it will help but it's worth a shot09:30
judnotwist: what might reason number one be?09:30
Sunilbs1Somsip / Mitchell : I am trying to install Ubuntu 11.* & 12. * I am getting the error as 'Critical Temperature Reached (84 C). Shutting Down.. Even same issue While I select "Try Ubuntu with CD'09:30
Sunilbs1You have any Idea09:31
notwistjud: if it's AIM their servers might not accept connections from Pidgin. Maybe they have before but have recently started not accepting it. It's just a hypothetical situation but you should try logging in to an account you KNOW should work (verify it in AIMs own client) to see if logging in to any account works09:31
somsipSunilbs1: please do not address issues to me unless I'm already helping you.09:31
mitchell_Sunilbs1: Have you dusted out your heatsink?09:31
judnotwist: how might you proceed to figure it out?09:31
notwistjud: you need to figure out if it's the account, the software or the connection thats failing. That means that you should replace the account, the software and the connection.09:32
Sunilbs1Mitchell : No-09:32
mitchell_Sunilbs1: Dust it out first, Also check your BIOS to make sure that the temperature is normal09:33
mitchell_Sunilbs1: If that does not work. Reset your BIOS to default settings and see if their is an BIOS update for your Motherboard09:34
Sunilbs1Mitchell: But there is no issue with Win 7 & Ubuntu 10.04. And the temperature shows 71 C09:34
Sunilbs1I had A02 Ver. of Bois Updated to A08. Same issue in both.09:35
judnotwist: ok, thanks, well maybe i should should check the connection settings before redoing stuff. The browser works fine. How would I check the connection settings in pidgin itself do you think?09:35
mitchell_Sunilbs1: 71c is too hot, is that in Fahrenheit or Celsius?09:36
Sunilbs1Its i3 Prcessor09:36
mitchell_By any chance are you using an AMD CPU?09:36
mitchell_71c is far to warm for one of those09:37
mitchell_Should be about 35-40c, My i7 cpu runs about 37c09:37
Sunilbs1I have contacted dell cus. care. They told that its in normal condition.09:38
notwistjud: i just meant you could try another connection, if you have access to another connection or if you can ask a friend to try the same account09:38
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Sunilbs1Core 0 : 42 C , Core 1 : 40 C09:38
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judnotwist: you mean from a different machine?09:40
mitchell_Sunilbs1: Seems very unusual, I do know it should not be running at that temp. I would dust out the Heat Sink and CPU fan. Also replace the thermal paste on the CPU as their might be too much or too little applied. Here is a link on how to apply thermal paste: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/How-To-Correctly-Apply-Thermal-Paste/27409:40
Sunilbs1Thank you Mitchell. I do that.09:41
mitchell_Sunilbs1: Sorry i was a little slow to write back. Those temps seem fine. I would try those steps first.09:41
judnotwist; i just tried from this machine and the same thing happens so I guess that rules out connection?09:43
judnotwist: i just tried from this machine and the same thing happens so I guess that rules out connection?09:43
judnotwist: or installation?09:45
mitchell_Jud: Is this a MSN account or google talk? Does it allow you in, if you use their on line messaging system?09:45
Sunilbs1Mitchel : There is one more laptop DV6 2150. It has been installed Ubuntu 12.04. After booting in logging time it gets off.  In Vostro 10.04 is working fine not facing any problem. Why only with 11.* & 12.*09:45
mitchell_Sunilbs1: I don't understand what you mean by "logging time it gets off"09:46
Sunilbs1Sorry after getting the  'Log in' Screen.09:48
judmitchell_: I'm currently talking to you via pidgin on an adjacent machine with karmic. the account has a different protocol, i've noticed. But i was wondering, what if the account i tried set up on the newer OS was already taken. would it always say that it was unavailable? I've tried a couple?09:49
mitchell_Sunilbs1: From what I understand your question is your HP laptop logs you off after you try to log in?09:49
mitchell_Jud: Do you have any proxy settings enabled in the settings? Also did you check your date, time and time zone?09:51
Sunilbs1Ok I will try to Cleanup fan & Apply the heat sink. I will let you know If i face the problem again. Bye09:51
TakeItEZjud: either it is your account or it is already taken by someone else. you have to know what protocol (xmpp, icq, msn) and what username/password yours are09:53
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TakeItEZjud: pidgin is a multiprotocol messenger, so make sure to pick the correct settings when configuring the accounts09:54
judmitchell_: I'll just try to figure that stuff out09:54
peterrusif I wanted to test the old 3.5.0-10 kernel09:54
peterruswhere could I find it?09:55
judTakeItEZ: how do I know what the correct settings are?09:55
TakeItEZjud: you simply have to know it09:55
judTakeItEZ: ? ..how would you figure it out?09:56
TakeItEZjud: you're kidding? if you already have an account in a network like jabber, you _have to know_ your credentials09:57
FluorIs there some way to boot the net-installer images in a 80x24 TEXT videomode?09:57
judTakeItEZ: I don't have an account, I'm trying to set one up09:57
mitchell_Fluor: hey09:57
FluorThe kernel doesnt seem to accept 'nomodeset' and 'vga=normal'09:57
TakeItEZjud: what network/protocol?09:58
TakeItEZjud: not all protocols allow clients to create new accounts, like jabber/xmpp does. make sure to activate "register new account" in the settings-menu10:00
mitchell_Jud: I'm going to bed, As a last peace of advise, Try to remove Pudgin and reinstall it via the Ubuntu software center. TakeItEz seems to have the correct advise. Hope you get it sorted:)10:00
Guest58602How can I switch between hosts and Citrix on Ubuntu? Shift f2 doesn't work.10:01
TakeItEZmitchell_: why should one reinstall a package just to create an account?10:01
judTakeItEZ: I'm using a different account currently on a different machine. I don't know how it was set up. I'd like to set up a different account on a different machine with 12.10 freshly installed10:01
judmitchell_:thanks, have a good sleep!10:01
TakeItEZjud: an account for which network/protocol?10:03
mitchell_Takeitez, I must be tired, I thought he was trying to use the same account that is working on another computer on the computer he is trying to set it up on. If it was not allowing him to connect I just rambled some basics off10:03
mitchell_Jud: good luck :)10:03
Sunilbs1Mitchell: ?10:04
judTakeItEZ: OK on the screen, I have buddy list and accounts10:04
TakeItEZjud: and if you "add an account" you'll be ask for the protocol this new account should use. so which do you want to use?10:05
judTakeItEZ: I click "+ Add" tab on the accounts window10:05
TakeItEZbe asked*10:05
FluorI need to boot the Ubuntu netinst installer in textmode, my remote video thingy does not like framebuffers:  https://8n1.org/8624/26f8  - does anyone know if this is possible?10:05
judTakeItEZ: ok this time i've selected IRC because it works on this system10:06
judTakeItEZ: ok, so it was the protocol dude. AIM was the default protocol and it didn't work..why not?10:09
TakeItEZjud: because it doesn't allow creating new accounts via this client10:10
judTakeItEZ: is trial and error the only way to figure out which clients are allowed?10:11
blackshirtClose your pidgin,remove .pidgin or .purple dir on your home dir and start pidgin again to reconfig from scratch10:12
TakeItEZjud: you should know which protocol you want to use _before_ you configure an account. and if thas protocol doesn't allow account-creation this way, you have to register via a webservice or smthng like that before10:13
judblackshirt: 12.10 installs it as part of the package..so you're saying I can choose clients in the configuration?10:14
TakeItEZjud: its not very common to register to a network, "just because the client allows" to do so10:14
TakeItEZjud: so if your buddies use xmpp, you create a xmpp-account. they use icq, you create an icq-account etc.pp10:15
peterrusif I wanted to test the old 3.5.0-10 kernel, where could I find it10:18
judTakeItEZ: ledg!  great, thanks. so, can flash be installed with chromium do you know?10:18
TakeItEZno idea jud10:18
wdpHey, I'm wondering, in ubuntu my network devices get weird names. Instead of "eth0 eth1 and eth2" i have "em0" "eth1" and "p260p1" (only the last one is connected right now)10:20
wdpCan i somehow configure it to have eth0, eth1, and eth2?10:20
judTakeItEZ: well, rather than bother you with that, I'll install firefox and install flash to that and figure out chromium later. I currently have the firefox tar.bz2 extracted to the desktop. I don't know what the installation instruction file is. any idea?10:21
TakeItEZjud: sudo apt-get install firefox10:22
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judTakeItEZ: It's doin it's thing, cool...can I do the same for flash once that's done?10:24
TakeItEZ!flashplayer | jud10:25
ubottujud: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:25
judHow does ubottu know what to say?10:26
TakeItEZ!bot | jud those !commands trigger it10:26
ubottujud those !commands trigger it: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:26
droidmaxxxhello... HELP UBUNTU Gnome3...... hell lot of problem..10:28
judTakeItEZ: So how did you get started with all this?10:28
tizzhi everybody! where is an IP alias (eth0:0) defined if it is not in /etc/network/interfaces? I deleted everything in /etc/network/interfaces but still eth0:0 is up after each reboot, with a static IP assigned. where the heck could this be defined in? thanks a lot!10:28
judTakeItEZ: you came to linux with knowledge already?10:29
TakeItEZjud: reading, reading, reading, at a time there was no www with all the answers10:29
chandan_kumardroidmaxxx, please write your problem.10:31
droidmaxxxchandan_kumar: ok..10:31
droidmaxxxhello... help gnome3 ubuntu 12.04 [15:55] <droidmaxxx> I'm able to login to Gnome intstead of unity... but extension can't be installed... [15:55] <droidmaxxx> I download that gnome3 via prepository first... big download and intstalled but it dint run... [15:56] <droidmaxxx> via terminal it get installed but no change... and also doesn't show up in tweak tool extensions tab.. [15:56] <droidmaxxx> via Firefox it doesn't get higli10:32
emelinesalut a tous10:32
droidmaxxxhello... help gnome3 ubuntu 12.0410:32
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droidmaxxxI'm able to login to Gnome intstead of unity... but extension can't be installed...10:32
judTakeItEZ: Yeah but you knew what to read, what to look for, where did that come from? based on your experience how would you direct a novice to obtain some proficiency?10:32
droidmaxxx I download that gnome3 via prepository first... big download and intstalled but it dint run...10:32
droidmaxxxvia terminal it get installed but no change... and also doesn't show up in tweak tool extensions tab..10:32
droidmaxxxvia Firefox it doesn't get higlighted everything greyed out10:32
droidmaxxxhere some screenshots of my problem ---> http://imgur.com/a/B0kRL10:33
droidmaxxxchandan_kumar: done.... ^10:33
nikttoHi All, what is the deal with gir1.2-keybinder not available for 12.04? Is there any chance that it will get backported?10:34
TakeItEZjud: create a problem (i want to use linux to do .... thisthat ...), try to solve it yourself and try to understand what all those tutorial/howtos really do. so you will learn more and more things10:35
judTakeItEZ: And that's it? Well, thanks again!10:36
TakeItEZjud: that was _my_ approach in the mid 90's10:37
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tizzhi everybody! where is an IP alias (eth0:0) defined if it is not in /etc/network/interfaces? I deleted everything in /etc/network/interfaces but still eth0:0 is up after each reboot, with a static IP assigned. where the heck could this be defined in? thanks a lot!10:38
judTakeItEZ: cool man, i'll take it on. cheers! Do you work with computers now?10:38
TakeItEZjud not for money, but this is offtopic here, let's drop10:39
TakeItEZtizz: /etc/NetworkManger/* ?10:40
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tizzTakeItEZ, unfortunately not, no NetworkManager installed (10.04 server here)10:40
MonkeyDusttizz  tip: there's also #ubuntu-server10:41
tizzMonkeyDust, thanks, am asking there...10:42
judTakeItEZ: Such dedication! Alright, thanks, catch ya!10:43
unbornHello, can anyone help me please? got strange problem to encode jpg picture to txt file with base64.. i use it on debian before but under ubuntu 12.04 it does not work..10:44
ms_hello hello! how to.....10:44
ms_how to show the information of music which is playing with amarok on pidgin's label?10:45
TakeItEZunborn: base64 works fine here (jpg -> txt and vice versa)10:46
heroandtn3ms_: trying pidgin plugin10:46
ms_heroandtn3, which?10:46
TakeItEZunborn: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS10:46
unbornTakeItEZ, can you tell me the correct command please? base64 -e p.jpg p.txt does give me error10:46
TakeItEZunborn: base64 foo.jpg > bar.txt10:46
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TakeItEZunborn: base64 from GNU coreutils 8.12.197-032bb , it has no -e option, just -d to decompress10:47
TakeItEZunborn: man base6410:47
heroandtn3ms_: search MucsicTracker pidgin plugin10:48
unbornuh? TakeItEZ do to decompress i use -D ?10:48
heroandtn3int Tools --> Plugins10:48
TakeItEZerr decode*10:48
TakeItEZunborn: -c not -C10:48
TakeItEZunborn: -d not -D    sorry for confusion10:49
unbornTakeItEZ, i see.. so what is the command for converting jpg to encoded string so i can use it in css..10:49
Guest69628someone how have a tuto how to install asterisk10:49
ms_ heroandtn3, the checkbox for tis plugin is already checked, but I don't know how to do next?10:49
TakeItEZunborn: base64 -d bar.txt >foo.jpg10:50
heroandtn3ms_: select that plugin then press Configure Plugin button10:50
ms_heroandtn3, uhmm, done.10:51
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 12.04 with classic gnome and i cant get 3d effects to enable but i have ccsm installed how do i fix this?10:51
TakeItEZunborn: no idea about css10:51
unbornTakeItEZ, base64 -d p.jpg > p.txt10:52
unbornbase64: invalid input10:52
TakeItEZunborn: to encode: base64 foo.jpg > bar.txt10:52
droidmaxxxGuys Ubuntu and Gnome3 unable to set up... can you suggest some other lightweight low resource OS which can run fast on my netbook...10:52
TakeItEZunborn:to decode: base64 -d bar.txt >foo.jpg10:52
unbornTakeItEZ, THANK YOU VERY MUCH10:53
unbornTakeItEZ, i did command without > which was my bad :)10:53
TakeItEZunborn: then it writes to stdout10:54
TakeItEZor gives an error...10:54
q_hello i have a input output error problem after a diskwipe can anybody help me ?10:54
unbornTakeItEZ, thank you very much.. you know i design wordpress themes and some small pictures i can embed to theme files in css base6410:56
unbornsame for email signature ;)10:56
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Guest67472hi does anyone know how to get flash player to use hdmi sound using Kubuntu?10:57
q_hello i have a input output error problem after a diskwipe can anybody help ?10:57
TakeItEZunborn: ah ok10:57
ee12015: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token10:59
TakeItEZits friday, ee*spam starts10:59
unborndroidmaxxx, try debian :)11:00
TakeItEZdroidmaxxx: use lxde/lubuntu-desktop, runs fine here on my netbook atom n28011:01
InstantKrimsondroidmaxxx: xubuntu runs nice on a 6 year old lappy I use. If you want something very tiny, try DamnSmallLinux or PuppyLinux. Much more of a hassle getting software for those than any *buntu distribution though....11:04
droidmaxxxInstantKrimson: oh.. I tried DSL and slitaz.. very low... but not much apps... it has..11:05
droidmaxxxI want something user friendly and should support more apps... I'm kinda still learning linux..11:06
InstantKrimsonthen go with xubuntu or lubuntu is my advice11:06
InstantKrimsonI think lubuntu is the "lightest" of them in terms of reasource usage11:06
ee12099#include <stdio.h>11:09
ee12099int multiplicacao(int primeiro_numero, int segundo_numero)11:09
ee12099if (segundo_numero==0)11:09
ee12099return 0;11:09
FloodBot1ee12099: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:09
droidmaxxxInstantKrimson: hmm... ok thanks :)11:09
ee12015 #sup11:09
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ee12015# yo11:11
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hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 12.04 and my sound isnt working when i go to the sound settings it says i have a dummy output,how can i fix this so my sound works again?11:14
dan_hi - i need the video i play to be diverted to the VGA out of my laptop rather than on the LCD , can that be done ?11:16
MonkeyDusthellhammer  open a terminal and type alsamixer - anything wrong there?11:16
MonkeyDustee12075  please stop11:17
dan_hi - i need the video i play to be diverted to the VGA out of my laptop rather than on the LCD , can that be done ?11:19
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:19
dr_willisdan_:  You can set up 2 monitors on most laptops these days.  One is the lcd other is the video out.11:21
JosssseHello guys. So i want to be able to synchronize my snippets and word dictionaries for gedit of both of my workstations with ubuntu one. Is it possible? Easy?11:24
JosssseHow can I do it?11:24
dr_willisJosssse:  i think you can set ubuntu one to sync folders outside of the Ubujntu One Directory now.  or you could link whever the snipits are stored  to a folder in  your Uubntu One directory.11:25
k1l_Josssse: take alook at unison. basically it is a 2-way rsync. so snycing the gedit folders could do it11:25
MonkeyDustee12075  are you a bot?11:25
k1l_ee12054: you were asked to stop.11:25
k1l_!ot > ee1205411:27
ubottuee12054, please see my private message11:27
Jossssedr_willis, Yes, I can sync other directories with on. What I would like to do is to put all the config files that hare syncd in one directory and share it.11:27
JosssseSo how do i tell gedit to read the config files from this new directory i've created?11:27
dr_willisJosssse:  you could do some fancy linking i guess.11:27
dan_dr_willis i use this laptop to play videos on the projector in a theater , i have seen other play videos on the projector out using a software called Virtual DJ on windows, with that they just hit play and video appears on the projector and not on the laptop screen,  i am looking for a similar functionality :D11:27
Jossssedr_willis, Ahh, good idea. I'm very bad with linking though. I don't even understand too well.11:28
dr_willisdan_:  you can just use the extended desktop feature and drag the video player over to the 2nd monitor.11:28
JosssseSo first thing I must do is find the dictionary file and the snippets file. Any ideas where they might be?11:28
dr_willisNope. I dont use gedit.. i would guess in .config11:29
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:29
dan_dr_willis - that is what i do now ,but its really messy and embarrassing when dragging appears in the big screen  :(11:32
dr_willisdan_:  ive never seen it done any other way. not even on windows. so thats about all i can say on the topic.11:32
dr_willisUnless you were to use seperate X sessions for the 2 monitors. and i dont do that way11:32
dr_willisI have xbmc set to appear on the 2nd monitor full screen by default11:33
TonyMiiihello folks..  I have got a problem with ndiswrapper on ubuntu 12.10 .. The version 1.57.1 available on the repository will show no module founds11:38
TonyMiiiI have also tried compiling the latest experimental version available on source force11:39
TonyMiiithe module compiles just fine but whenever I execute sudo modprobe ndiswrapper11:40
TonyMiiithe shell hangs in waiting ...11:40
TonyMiiianyone ?11:40
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dr_willisother then suggesting to check dmesg output for errors.. I have no idea. ;)11:41
dr_willisI dont use ndiswrapper ;)11:41
TonyMiiithanks dr_willis11:41
jolo1234 hey i have xp - Kubuntu dual boot, but how do i get into my pc bios now?11:41
TonyMiiiwill give it a shot11:41
jubobaHow can I configure my desktop computer so that I can `X :2 -query MyIP` from my other computer?11:41
dr_willisjolo1234:  same as you always have.. hit some key at bootup normally. the OS shouldent matter11:41
dr_willisF1, Del, BS, escape.  depends on the maker.11:42
jolo1234dr_willis: i don't get the prompt anymore11:42
jolo1234mines f2 - f1211:42
dr_williswhat prompt?11:42
jolo1234bios prompt to hit f1211:42
TonyMiiiI usually don't either but this pc here has got a built in wireless module which isnt compatible with the linux kernel11:43
dr_willisthe bios stuff is befor the OS even loads.  if you are refering to the 'POST' info screens.11:43
InstantKrimsonmany modern BIOS'es hide it, you need to hit F12 anyways11:43
TonyMiiiand requires ndiswrapper unfortunately11:43
dr_willispower up. tap F12 like a woodpecker...11:43
ArgureHAI. anyone good with shorewall configs and feeling like looking over config files real quick that are made by a complete tool (i.e., me)? :P11:43
jolo1234dr_willis: cold boot right?11:44
dr_willisjolo1234:  shoulent matter11:44
jolo1234interesting.... i try again on the weekend, thanks11:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:46
notwistTonyMiii: you can always buy a stand-alone wireless adapter via USB that supports linux11:47
dr_willisfound a nice USB wifi thang on amazon for $18 that gets amazing range and works with 12.10 with no tweaking. ;)11:48
dr_willisactually i found several. ;)11:48
notwistdr_willis: did it specify that it worked in linux or did you have to google? also theres a lot cheaper adapters than 18 bucks :)11:49
dr_willisnotwist:  i found one for $8  a 'dongle' but this other one for $18 was a usb cable/little box with 2 antennas and it picks up  a lot better signal strenth. ;)11:50
notwisthttp://is.gd/cV4xM3 $11.20 incl. shipping11:50
dr_willisI just searched the comments/review to see what others have had luck with in linux11:50
notwistok, cool11:51
=== Argure is now known as Argure|AFK
dr_willisI found a neat 'wifi thing' that you plug into your ethernet port also. :) so the pc things you are wired. but it was like $40 - made for network enabled tvs and consoles.11:51
dr_willisit works decently well also.11:51
notwistdr_willis: cool, that sounds like a kind of simplified router/bridge almost, pretty smart11:52
dr_willisnotwist:  yea thats basically what it was.  Ive not really testee how good it pcks up. My 'standard test' plyug it in - see how many of the neighbors wifi's i can detect. ;)11:53
samba35how do i get X windows on windows with xming ,what i have to change in putty12:00
dr_willissamba35:  I normally just run the xming 'wizard' and let it use the xmings built in putty client. Or I belive you run the xming server, then run putty and you have to check/enable the x forwarding in the putty clients settings12:01
dr_willisbut you dont need to use putty by itself. ;) You could use the xming wizard and have it run gnome-terminal for example12:01
dr_willisif you wanted a terminal12:02
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samba35i have wizard can you pleae tell me how do i follow it12:04
JPSmanHey there.  So I am using 12.04 and I uninstalled Unity.  How can I host a VNC remote desktop?  I can't find the old "Remote Desktop" option at all in the menus.12:04
dr_willissamba35:  i dont recall it being that hard .. enter the ip of the server. tell it to run gnome-terminal.  ... hit nexct a lot ;)12:05
=== Argure|AFK is now known as Argure
dr_willisJPSman:  you can install 'vnc4server' or 'tightvnc' and have seperate 'hidden' vnc desktops you connec tto. that are not shared on the 'local' display. or use a vnc server like x11vnc to share the current display12:06
jubobahow can I configure my desktop computer to accept remote X sessions? I can log to localhost, but I can't log from remote computers in my network...12:06
jubobaI'm using lightdm12:07
dr_willisjuboba:  You mean connect to a remote pc from a local one at the lightdm login screen?12:07
dr_willislike was done ages ago via xdmcp and the X query feature?12:07
unimaxlinhow can i insert a cron from a script..12:08
unimaxlincrontab -e echo "cron entry" wq!12:08
unimaxlincron entr*12:08
jubobadr_willis, yes12:09
jubobadr_willis, I want to configure my desktop computer so that I can log from another computer12:10
jubobaI tried that dr_willis but I can log from localhost only12:10
dr_willisyou did enable the xdmcp thing on the machine you are trying to log into?12:11
dr_willisnot the local machine.12:11
jubobadr_willis, in lightdm?12:11
dr_willisthats what the guides say..  ive not messed withj xdmcp in ages12:12
dr_willisi dont even recall seeing where you tell lightdm to scan/query for what machines exist on the lan12:13
dr_willisnight all..12:16
blackshirtgood night dr_willis ...12:21
DarkSimIs there any good way to undo a upgrade?12:22
blackshirtdarksim, i have no idea12:23
JPSmanThank dr_willis this is working for me now :OD12:25
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rifterI'm having weird freezes of the window manager since yesterday's upgrade - packages: http://pastebin.com/VqT11jDE all of a sudden I can't move windows around anymore or switch focus12:26
DarkSimSo I have to reinstall the OS again, pff. I will lose all my data again :/12:26
rifterand I can't figure out how to restart the window manager in 12.04 or x for that matter12:26
rifterI created a new user and that user has the same problem. actually what was happening just awhile ago was it froze on me, I rebooted, and no matter who I logged in as the problem started happening right away.. like once I started anything12:27
rifterI don't know why it is working right now, but apparently I was able to get to xchat12:28
rifterI'm not sure how to revert to the old versions either since as I recall I would have to uninstall the packages and reinstall from the cache, and uninstalling unity, etc would uninstall everything else12:29
rifterwhen I tried going  to fvwm2, anything I tried to start gave me the spinning cursor forever. That is probably unrelated because I haven't used fvwm2 on this box yet12:32
rifteror rather on this install12:32
rifterI'm in classic gnome now, which was freezing too earlier.. as in as soon as I logged in and started something, but is not acting up just now12:35
DarkSimIs there any way to check wether or not which programs I can save before I reinstall Ubuntu_12:37
rifterDarkSim, you mean what prograks are installed or what?12:38
DarkSimBecause when I installed last time I made sure I had a partition where I would put all programs and files12:38
DarkSimbut it doesnt seem like Ubuntu put anything there to begin with, so I guess I have to overwrite everything now12:39
rifterDarkSim, if reinstalling you leave your home directory your user-specific settings are kept12:39
DarkSimif these are made during 12.10 and I install 12.04 would those still work?12:39
rifterDarkSim, well if there is nothing on the partition there is nothing gto save. but do you mean the partition is not even formatted? is this a new install?12:40
DarkSimI meant that I partitioned a disk into two sections were one is where I install ubuntu, the other one is a junkfile/app drive, but I cant choose were to install things in ubuntu so that disk is pretty useless12:41
rifterDarkSim, if the partitions are made they can be used asgain, but you would not want to leave progrqams there12:41
TedUThis is the first time I've ever considered using Linux.  Would you give me one piece of advice?12:42
datruthwhats the difference between the noveau driver vs the nvidia driver 3.04?12:43
DarkSimTedU: Stock up some patience, it will be needed12:43
Varangehi there12:44
TedUI believe I should buy a cheap used computer, so that I can take my time getting it going12:44
DarkSimprobably a good idea12:44
rifterdatruth, the closed source driver gives you 3d12:44
rifterTedU, not a bad idea12:44
TedUDoes it matter if it's a Dell, HP, Gateway or maybe even Generic?12:45
datruthrifter: so the closed source driver nvidia 3.04 gives me 3d and noveau does not?12:45
rifterdatruth, it also has some other proprietary features I can't think of right now12:45
sergiiHi all, please if someone can help me with EXPECT in ubuntu 12.++ pls open private, It was really annoying, I really need help!!!12:45
rifterdatruth, noveau used not to give you 3d.. I think it still doesn't12:45
datruthrifter: proprietary features in the nvidia driver 3.04 or noveau?12:46
belgianguyI just enrolled in a beta of some sort, and am experiencing crashes, where do I find the version of the graphics driver (AMD/ATI Catalyst)12:46
datruthrifter: gotcha12:46
rifterdatruth, the closed source one gives proprietary features, yeah12:46
datruthDoes ubuntu boot without an xorg.conf?12:46
sergiiPeople, someone knows how i can do script for example sudo apt-get ... and do it automatic? sending password12:46
rifterTedU, no it should not matter, especially with a desktop12:46
datruthrifter: anyway I can fix my screen brightness keys without using an xorg.conf whenever I do I'm unable to use chrome12:47
rifterTedU, laptops can be tricky, but brand doesn't matter there, either.. it's a matter of what is supported on it12:47
DarkSimTime to reinstall whole OS again :(12:47
sergiireally anyone cant help me?12:47
fishcookerhii everyone12:47
rifterdatruth, it defaults to not having an xorg.conf I believe12:48
sergiiwhy 1700 people there if nobodys want help?12:48
lcabreza2 sergii: whats your issue ? how can we help you ?12:48
rifterdatruth, I'm not sure about getting your screen brightness keys on your keyboard working.... never been down that road12:49
sergiii pm u12:49
TedUOK !  Thanks for the advice !  I guess I can find a cheapy somewhere.  Hell, I pulled this unit out of a dumpster a few years ago !  Happy Holidays !12:49
riftersergii, what did you need help with?12:49
sergiilcabreza2 I open PM12:49
sergiiEXPECT or something12:50
sergiito help auto response12:50
sergiii wanna do this on bash script: sudo apt-get ....12:50
fishcookeri've problem with my device12:50
fishcookerbluetooth device12:50
riftersergil what are you starting?12:50
sergiiI want to do it automatic, sending password12:50
riftersergil you need expect to send passwiords12:51
sergiiye i know12:51
sergiibut i cant do it12:51
sergiidont works12:51
FloodBot1sergii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
riftersergil you can change /etc/sudoers to not require one, or use ssh with keys12:51
sergiii should do it with expect12:52
sergiibut i cant write command with expect12:52
riftersergii, expect can be tricky.. it's been years since I used it.. I used perl with the expect module when I did12:52
nsahoocan I install a package for ubuntu precise on ubuntu quantal?12:52
riftersergii, there's some info on expect online, and an oreilly book.. I think it is called exploring expect12:53
sergiimi console returns this:12:53
sergiiinvalid command name "sudo"     while executing "sudo mkdir abrirrrrr"     (file "./aja.sh" line 3)12:53
riftersergii, expect responds to promots with commands,m that's how it works. there is a way to get it to let you type after, but I forget what I did for that12:54
fishcookershould i install new kernel12:54
riftersergii, that's weird.. maybe sudo is not in the path at that point? it works from the command line right?12:54
ravenis there a channel for SYSRESCCD?12:55
rifternsahoo, poaaibly. depends on the package, and mixing versions can have funny results12:55
BluesKajHey all12:56
sergiiI dont know because i dont know how it should be writed, i tryed as i found on internet12:56
sergiibut nothings works12:56
lcabreza2sergii: sorie i can't help you ..12:56
ravenis there a channel for SYSRESCCD?12:58
k1l_!alis | raven12:59
ubotturaven: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:59
riftersergii, I mean when you use the command sudo from the terminal does it work12:59
ubottuleo_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:02
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sergiirifter read PM if u can please13:03
riftersergii, ok sorry I missed it I will look now13:04
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belgianguyhmm trying to reinstall the ati drivers13:07
Will9455I am running a dual boot Ubuntu/windows 7 pro system.  About once a day for no reason when i am on the Ubuntu side my system restarts with no waring just shuts off13:07
Will9455Is there a log i can find or use to stop this13:08
belgianguybut after removing them with a apt-get purge script I found, the installer still detects it13:08
belgianguyI could force an install, but if even the installer does not recommend it13:08
belgianguyI don't dare to restart either13:08
BluesKajWill9455,  /var/log , probly system.log or similar13:09
Will9455I did that, I have reformated the system serveral times because sometimes it wont boot into anything13:09
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Will9455It is a fresh install.  I do a majority of my work through RDP and teamviewer.  I am just wondering the cause, hence looking for the log file13:12
Will9455Hanks Blue13:12
Will9455No system.log or anything similiar.  humm13:16
treWill 'apt-get download => apt-cache --important depends $package' download updated packages and will dependencies correct?13:18
treI need to download packages without installing but cannot do this for packages which already installed on my machine13:19
datruthrifter: thanks for the info all is working now13:19
Will9455apt-get download => apt-cache --important depends $package13:20
Will9455bash: apt-cache: Permission denied13:20
Will9455cd home13:20
treWill9455 it is not correct cmd I just wrote it in simpel way. Here is script for russian localized ubuntu => http://paste.kde.org/621596/48864711/13:21
datruthhow can I make my panel bar smaller?13:22
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Zftornso I bought this USB headset13:27
Zftornand my cat torn apart the cable13:27
Zftornhow can I fix this shit ?13:28
Zftornjust use tin ?13:28
treZftorn: kill the cat13:28
bazhangZftorn, ##hardware  , and not cursing here13:28
trejust use shotgun13:28
bazhangtre, stop that13:28
Zftornk bazhang.13:29
mietze_kotzeHi everyone. Since I have installed compat-wireless 2012-12-06 my internal wirleess card (bcm43225) is not shown anymore. the former driver (broadcom-sta) is shown as installed but inactive. is there the possibility to get the both working? because i need the compat wireless for another stick.13:33
locojay1hi i am getting when running 12.10, 12.04 (Unable to find medium containing a live system) running on xen13:37
readcould anyone help me learn how to paste my system log on pastebin through cli?13:42
bazhangread install pastebinit13:42
bazhangthen command | pastebinit13:42
readI installed it last night bashang but I don't remeber how to use it13:42
readbazhang: I installed it last night but I don't remeber how to use it13:43
bazhangread | <pipe> the command to pastebinit13:43
guyvdbHi, I am running KUbuntu 12.10. I am trying to get hplip working correctly with foo2zjs. When I print I get the following error in syslog. Any ideas?  colord-sane: io/hpmud/musb.c 2066: Invalid usb_open: Permission denied13:43
readwhat is the command that i input prior to piping it bazhang?13:44
bazhangread what command do you wish to pastebin13:44
bazhang!crosspost > guyvdb13:44
ubottuguyvdb, please see my private message13:44
readbazhang I want to see my system log because my newly installed ubuntu is acting up13:45
readbazhang: the letter e doesn't show up properly.13:45
bazhangread where / which system log13:45
readbazhang: i'm not sure what is called but last night I was in this channel getting helped to fix my ubuntu. My ubuntu freezes after login. So they wanted to see my system log13:47
readbazhang: the result came out with something like this 'X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 [    20.497] Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-30-generic x86_64 Ubuntu [    20.497] Current Operating System: Linux oem-ubuntu 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:31:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 [    20.497] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-17-generic root=UUID=307dbb1e-ec9d-4641-9c47-987743f3333d ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 [ 13:48
readbazhang: it was a long page that pasted into pastebin13:48
readbazhang: u know what i am referring to?13:51
bazhangread , sorry no idea13:51
bazhangbateer, hi13:52
bazhangbateer, ubuntu support question?13:52
bateerwow,i'm happy13:52
bazhang!ot | bateer13:52
ubottubateer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:52
readbazhang: do you know of any website that shows you how to paste on bin from the CLI?13:53
k1l_!pastebinit | read13:53
ubotturead: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:53
bazhangread I just told you13:53
bazhangread   cat   /path/to/log/ | pastebinit13:53
bateerI'm from kazakhstan13:54
bazhangbateer, this is NOT the chat channel13:55
DJonesbateer: Do you have an Ubuntu support question, this channel is support only, not for general chat13:55
readYesterday when I had the problem that my newly installed ubuntu 12.10 would freeze after login, now when the computer boots after the grub it goes straight into a command line. How can I fix this?13:58
Argurewhat happens when you run $ startx13:59
locojay1i got the 12.10 iso from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop so no idea why i get (Unable to find a medium containing a live file system)14:00
readargure: i get the message 'servr terminated with error (1) closing file.14:00
readargure: xinit: giving up14:00
locojay1have beean following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenProposed : Manually installing an HVM Guest VM14:00
readArgure: xinit: unable to connect to X server: connection refused14:00
readargure: server error14:00
shadow98how do you set 12.10 to login to unity 2d only14:01
shadow98from command line14:01
Argureread: try $ xinit14:01
Arguresee if that actually *starts*14:01
readArgure: same error message14:02
k1l_Argure: dont use startx14:02
k1l_Argure: read sudo service lightdm start (or restart)14:02
Argurehey, I haven't used an Ubuntu desktop since 8.04 :p14:02
DJonesshadow98: The last I heard, unity 2d had been dropped from 12.10 (it could have changed before the final release though) http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/unity-2d-removed-from-ubuntu-12-1014:02
Argureread: do you happen to be using an nvidia card?14:02
Argureand if so, which one?14:03
k1l_Argure: start the X with the dm, lightdm is now the dm in ubuntus14:03
shadow98DJones: what the heck...i guess i need a different distro now days...i remote into my PC all the time...and this new version sucks for working remote on slower connections14:03
KrywkHey guys14:03
KrywkI'm having kind of a problem here...14:03
KrywkI can't access other ttys14:03
k1l_read: "sudo restart lightdm " should be the command14:03
k1l_read: but you can tell us what you did before it doesnt start anymore. install smth? removed? etc.14:04
indicatorOmg... I updated (which I really didn't want to do), rebooted, and now I get a grub rescue shell14:04
indicatorplease help14:04
zZommmanyone using kvm here? I'm having trouble with throttling disk access by a VM... whatever I set with virsh blkdeviotune it blocks the guest totally.14:04
k1l_read: and what say the logs? .xsession-errors in home and dmesg14:04
indicatorI tried to boot from the livecd and just mount my device, but sadly, it's not mountable or anything like that14:04
readfor 'sudo restart lightdm' it says 'restart: unknown instance:14:05
KrywkI can't access any TTY14:05
KrywkI just get a black screen14:05
Krywkwhat do I do? :/14:05
bazhang!repeat | Krywk14:05
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ubottuKrywk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:05
readkil: for 'sudo restart lightdm' it says 'restart: unknown instance:14:05
shadow98DJones: http://askubuntu.com/questions/134346/why-is-unity-2d-being-discontinued14:06
bazhanggrimeton, whats that14:06
readArgure: i installed nvidia-current-update before this problem occured.14:06
k1l_read: which ubuntu is it exactly?14:07
Arguredo you know if your card has Optimus technology?14:07
Argureand if not, which card are you using?14:07
readk1l how do i get the .xsession-errors14:07
k1l_read: "lsb_release -a | pastebinit"14:07
readk1l: is ubuntu 12.1014:07
k1l_read: "pastebinit .xsession-errors"14:07
k1l_read: then why is there no lightdm? try with start instead of restart14:08
indicator....... I ran blkid on all of my known partitions and NOTHING is returned... Why did these updates destroy my system?!?! :(((((((14:08
ikonia"sudo blkid"14:08
readk1l: the website is http://past.ubuntu.com/141686914:09
indicatorikonia, I'm root on the shell....14:09
faLUCE hi, is there an irc client with english syntax checker plugin or option?14:09
ikoniaindicator: pastebin the output of just the command blkid14:09
ikoniaindicator: how / why are you root14:09
readk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/141686914:10
k1l_read: ok. did you try start instead of restart with lightdm?14:10
readk1l: what was the command again?14:10
indicatorikonia, dude..... read. there's NO OUTPUT14:10
k1l_read: "sudo start lightdm " should be the command14:11
indicatorand I'm root because I cannot get into my system, thus I must use a livecd14:11
indicatorand of course, I'm root so I can actually navigate14:11
Piciindicator: The folks here are trying to help you, mind the attiude please.14:11
ikoniaindicator: good luck working it out on your own14:11
readk1l: that works but it ends at starting cpu interrupts balancing daemon and the curso just keeps blinking14:12
indicatorI guess I must compensate for your fallbaks? :\14:12
k1l_read: what did you do before that system stopped working?14:12
readthe last thing i did was install nvidia-current-updates and then the computer froze14:13
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Arguredoes your nvidia card have Optimus technology?14:13
Argurethat would explain a lot, tbh ;)14:13
indicatorikonia, does that mean you have no idea where to start or that I should basically submit to your lacking of comprehension, re-evaluating every single step I've already performed, suggested as reference considering that point I'm at now, or just continue dabbling around in halt?14:15
readArgure: I don't know, how do i find out?14:15
Argurewhat is your nvidia card?14:15
Argurei.e., which type? :o)14:15
ikoniaindicator: no, it means I don't want to help someone with the attitude,14:15
indicatorikonia, there's not much of an attitude, you're just misinterpreting my motives14:16
indicatorikonia, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable14:16
Argureread: run $ lspci | grep VGA14:16
ikoniaindicator: I have no idea/interst in your motives, I just needed to get info to help you14:16
indicatorikonia, so you want the output of blkid /dev/sdb[1-5], there14:17
indicatorthere's none...14:17
ikoniaindicator: no thank you, as I said, I'm not interested,14:17
indicatorthen why did you suggest?14:17
ikoniaindicator: that's not what I suggested you do14:17
ikoniaindicator: please re-read what I suggested you do14:17
VT1990Is their any ETA on a fix for the ethernet/wifi problems that numerous people are having?14:17
ikoniaand good luck14:17
indicator<ikonia> indicator: pastebin the output of just the command blkid14:17
bazhangVT1990, whats the bug number14:18
indicatorthere's NO output14:18
ikoniaindicator: yes, nowhere did I mention /dev/sdb[1-5] or anything else, just blkid on it's own14:18
VT1990I will copy and paste the link, hold a sec.14:18
indicatorliterally, just get a new line14:18
ikoniagood luck14:18
readk1l: the .xsession-errors is 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416889/'14:18
indicatorPici, am I in the wrong here?14:19
indicatorAm I doing something wrong?14:19
VT1990http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2088907 << Thats my issue alone. I noticed a lot of people are having similar problems.14:19
bazhangVT1990, let me take a look, just a moment14:19
VT1990Thank you very much.14:19
zolgarHow do I access the repository to download display drivers?14:19
mehdihello, could any one help with xubuntu, i'm lost !14:20
readArgure: the message is '04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 08a0 (rev a3)14:20
Argurethat would be a 320M14:20
Argurecommonly a laptop card14:20
Arguream I correct?14:20
Piciindicator: What?14:21
bazhang!info r8168-dkms | VT199014:21
ubottuVT1990: r8168-dkms (source: r8168): dkms source for the r8168 network driver. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.031.00-1 (quantal), package size 82 kB, installed size 630 kB14:21
readArgure: what you mean? are u asking if i'm using a laptop?14:21
VT1990Thanks baz.14:22
rifteranyone know what the application is that gives the alt-tab switching for gnome? I detailed my current problems earlier but I guess no one was sure what to make of it. In any case in unity alt-tab was not working and I am in classic gnome and it does not work there either14:22
ArgureI'm trying to figure out what graphics card you are using, as newer nvidia cards (with Optimus technology) are infamous for causing problems with the desktop manager14:22
bazhangrifter, yes, its an extension for gnome-shell14:22
readArgure: oh, so what is your conclusion from the information I provided?14:23
bazhangrifter, there is also one that does the alt-tab coverflow14:23
Argurewell if lspci doesn't show an intel card along with your nvidia card I'm guessing you're not using that14:23
kracekumarIs this  the right place to discuss Ubuntu Lens Api help ?14:24
Arguretry $ sudo aptitude show xserver-xorg14:24
readArgure: well, I am using a macbook and that runs on an intel card14:25
Argureand while you're at it, do the same for $ sudo aptitude show xinit14:25
rifterbazhang, dunno what you mean by (c)overflow.. is there maybe a log I an check to see if the app crashed or a way to restart it14:25
indicatorPici, nothing... that dude just doesn't know how to help.. I thought I was being rude or something, so I just wanted your feedback as I thought you may have been an op watching my behavior14:25
shadow98trying to enable auto-login = http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/10/enable-auto-login-in-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/14:25
zolgarHow do I access the repository to download the latest nvidia driver?14:25
shadow98this did not working14:25
Daxtermehdi: what exactly do you need heklpwith14:26
Argureread: if you aptitude shows you have both packages installed, try $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:26
belgianguyI've had to cold boot a few times from a system hang14:26
belgianguywhere can I find out what caused it?14:26
Daxterzolgar: the latest nvdiai driver is on nvidia's website, its not in a repo.14:26
shadow98trying to enable auto-login = http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/10/enable-auto-login-in-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/ <<<<----- this did not work....when im on the login screen my name is there not my username...should I just use the name or username?14:26
belgianguyI just updated my gfx drivers, so they are suspect #114:26
readArgure: message is 'aptitude: command not found14:26
bazhangrifter, coverflow is a 3D representation showing the various windows and cycles them, alt-tab can be checked and unchecked via the tweak tool app that works with gnome-shell14:26
Argure$ sudo apt-get show xserver-xorg14:27
ceilwhat's ubuntu 12.10 called? trying to do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot with the current version...14:27
zolgarDaxter: Okay then, thanks man =]14:27
bazhang!12.10 | ceil14:27
ubottuceil: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10 - Support in #ubuntu14:27
readArgure: E: invalid operation show14:27
ceilbazhang: so it'd use quantal_i386? cheers o/14:27
rifterbazhang, oh ok.. so there is a tweajk tool app that determines if the regular alt-tab app is going to be responding or whatever? do you know how to get to that14:27
Argurejust run $ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit14:28
Arguremake sure both are installed14:28
locojay1using 11.10 i get the same error14:28
bazhangrifter, sure, just install from the repos14:28
Argureand $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:28
bazhanggnome-tweak-tool   is the package name rifter14:28
rifterbazhang, ah okay so it's a separate app.. I'll look for it.. thanks14:28
rifterbazhang, oh thanks14:29
readArgure: end message is '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.14:29
Argureokay, and $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:30
readArgure: no such file or directory14:30
Argurethere's your problem :P14:30
readArgure: lol, what is the problem?14:31
Argureyour xorg.conf doesn't exist, let me check real quick how to recreate that file.14:31
ArgureDo you have the package xserver-xorg-core installed ?14:33
readArgure: by using the command 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core' ?14:35
rifterbazhang, hmm I don't see anything about alt-tabbing in gnome-tweak-tool.. there was a plugins thingie but that was blank. it seems weird for alt-tab to no longer be supported in gnome by default, and not configurable anywhere else, but ok14:35
Argureread: yes14:35
bazhangrifter, you are in gnome-shell?14:35
joapuipeHi. I'm having problems to login to Ubuntu. When I try to login through lightdm, the login screen keeps coming back. I tried to add a test user through the console, but it does not work either. Any suggestion?14:36
readArgure: message says '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded14:36
readArgure: how can i find out what is that 1 not upgraded?14:36
rifterbazhang, I guess so.. I mean I picked "classic gnome" when I logged in. I'm having a lot of window manager problems since the updates to compiz and unity yesterday14:37
shadow98anybody know how i reset all compiz settings back to default14:37
readjoapuipe: I have that same issue. After having that issue now I boot directly into command prompt14:37
shadow98i messed up things with the compiz config settings manager14:37
bazhangrifter, classic gnome would be gnome-panel aka fallback session14:37
Argureread: apt-get dist-upgrade should show all packages but it's a potentially destructive command and I wouldn't recommend it.14:37
diverdudeHow do i restart the network manager from console?14:37
rifterbazhang, so gnome-panel is supposed to do the alt-tabbing?14:38
Argurehowever, try $ X -config ~/xorg.conf14:38
joapuiperead: I'm installing GNOME to see if it's a Unity or LightDM problem...14:38
readI tried all installing lightdm and I didn't have any luck14:38
joapuipeDoes anyone know which logs should I look at?14:39
metaphysician"Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do?" http://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do14:39
joapuipeI updated the kernel and other packages yesterday, does anyone know how to get a list of the packages installed/updated at some specific day?14:40
jrib!adlens | metaphysician14:40
ubottumetaphysician: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ14:40
jribmetaphysician: and honestly, that article is just fud14:40
readArgure: that command gives me your kernel header for kernel 3.50-19-generic cannot be found14:41
Argureread: if recreating the xorg.conf does not resolve it, I would recommend trying $ drakx1114:41
rifterbazhang, is there a log from gnome that might tell me what has crashed?14:41
shadow98ok i figured that out...14:41
Argurejoapuipe: /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:41
shadow98compiz settings manager all options are greyed out...14:41
readArgure: the final message is Setting up linux-image-generic ( ...14:41
joapuipeArgure: thanks14:41
joapuipeLooks like it's a Unity problem.14:42
joapuipeI installed gdm and gnome14:42
joapuipeand tried to login using gdm + unity and it failed to14:42
joapuipebut it did loged in to Gnome14:42
metaphysicianjrib: what do you meand 'fud'? It is a serious thing.14:42
diverdudeHow do i restart the network manager from console?14:42
mustuhi, how I can use netfilter to force a specific protocol traffic to exit through a specific interface?14:42
readArgure: just type drakx1114:42
rifterjoapuipe, if you look at /var/log/apt, there is a term.log and a history.log. both of those will show you packages installed on a given day14:42
Argureread: yes14:42
jribmetaphysician: I'd love to discuss it with you in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want.  Do you have a support question?  I assumed you just wanted to know how to disable the amazon search.14:43
joapuiperifter: thanks14:43
readArgure: it says drakx11: command not found14:43
k1l_Argure: that is no ubuntu tool14:43
rifterjoapuipe, ah man.. I am having unity problems too since yesterday when there was an update14:43
Argurek1l_: which one is the ubuntu equivalent again? :P14:44
Argurenvidia-config? :o14:44
rifterArgure, nvidia-config will set the configuration for a system that has the proprietary nvidia driver installed14:45
rifterArgure, resolution, sync, performance settings, etc14:45
Argureif anything it seems his xorg.conf is missing from etc14:45
diverdudeHow do i restart the network manager from console?14:45
Argureand X -configure should recreate it in /root14:45
k1l_nvidia xconfig Argure14:45
readArgure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416931/14:46
mac_somebody help me..i install lighdm in ubntu minimal..i got login manager..but i can not log into system..14:46
k1l_Argure: you dont need a xorg.conf14:46
k1l_since ages :/14:46
mac_please help meeeeeeeeeee14:46
shadow98compiz settings manager options are greyed out14:47
shadow98any ideas14:47
readArgure: you see the message Fatal error: no screen found?14:47
bateerI want to find a new friend, I know this place is not chat, but I will only in this way looking for foreign friends, would like to make friends with me?14:47
bateerI want to find a new friend, I know this place is not chat, but I will only in this way looking for foreign friends, would like to make friends with me?14:47
bateerI want to find a new friend, I know this place is not chat, but I will only in this way looking for foreign friends, would like to make friends with me?14:47
FloodBot1bateer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
Argureyeah, and as far as I know that indicates a missing or disfunctional xorg.conf14:47
shadow98i found answer - If you unselect the option Automatic plugin sorting in CCSM’s preference window (in Plugin list tab), the options will be grayed out in the main window.14:48
k1l_read: run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" after that is done succesfully remove the nvidia driver you isntalled before14:48
k1l_!ot | bateer14:48
ubottubateer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:48
mstentaHey all, this might not be the best place to ask, but someone here probably knows: I'm monitoring a web server using Munin. On my memory graph, it shows a green line representing "Committed memory" that is consistently above the top of the real memory.  What does this mean?14:48
k1l_mstenta: you are using swap or shared ram for your ram demand14:50
readk1l how do I remove nvidia driver I installed previously?14:50
bazhangbateer, join #ubuntu-offtopic14:51
MaynardWaterHi, I have been trying to use openvpn to vpn into a network. It appears that the vpn connection is successful with "Initialization sequence complete" after I run "sudo openvpn --config blah.opvn", but I am still unable to ssh into any of the network machines, does anyone have any advice on how to trouble shoot?14:51
readk1l: i did what you said beside removing nvidia bc I don't know how to14:51
k1l_read: "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current-updates"14:51
bazhangbateer, NO    #ubuntu-offtopic14:51
DJonesbateer: Type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" without the quotes, that is more of a general chat channel14:52
bateerTaught me14:52
readk1l: failure to match apple Inc. with LENOVO.14:52
k1l_read: what?14:53
readk1l: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-c.5.0-19-generic14:53
readk1l: i'm posting the message the prompt leaves14:54
k1l_"dpkg -l |grep nvidia|pastebinit"14:54
readk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1416956/14:56
mstentak1l_: thanks for the reply. I can see in top and in Munin that my swap usage is minimal (about 50 mb)… so maybe it's the "shared" memory you mentioned? I'm not familiar with that, but I'll look into it. thanks!14:56
k1l_read: "sudo apt-get remove nvidia*"14:57
xwalkCurrently setting up my partitions to have /home on a SSD with symlinks to directories on a spinner that will contain bigger files such as movies, pictures, music etc. Currently running an edited version  of this command: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving#Copy_.2BAC8-home_to_the_New_Partition. I'm using brackets in my command to specify certain directories to be copied, but it seems to be copying everything regard14:58
readk1l: processing triggers for man-db ..14:59
k1l_read: then remove/rename the xorg.conf with "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup1"14:59
k1l_read: yes, give him some time14:59
readk1l: so 2 were removed14:59
k1l_after that do reboot, that should boot up with the nouveau driver14:59
k1l_i have to leave for a now, so good luck.15:00
readk1l: mv: cannot stat /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory15:01
readk1l: thanks for what you could help me with15:01
zolgarHello, I'm trying to see what driver I have installed. I used `sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates' in the terminal, but I'm not sure how to check if it worked.15:02
myheroHausas: hii15:02
Hausasmyhero, hi15:02
HausasBut i'm busy15:02
readcan anyone else help me to continue where k1l left off?15:02
Hausasok, gotta go15:03
myheroHausas: can u help setup up ftp of laptop with android over wifi ?15:03
myheroHausas: ohh ok no problem15:03
myheroMonkeyDust: can u help with ftp ?15:04
nillaI have a billion problems with my new Ubuntu install. I'm coming from Linux Mint, Debian Edition, and I changed because I wanted Steam to work. Now nothing works and what does works in stupid ways. I don't know how much of this is just technical issues or how much of it is seriously flawed design mentalities, but I'll start from the beginning if anyone is willing to help.15:05
=== gigglet is now known as giggsey
readArgure: what k1l did by removing nvidia* helped bc now I can boot into the regular ubuntu. But now I still have the problem where my os freezes when I boot after the login screen15:05
zolgarHow do I run as root?15:05
nillaFirst off, I didn't know what the music player was, and since there was no music in the music tab, it took me a while to find the music player15:05
erictr1ckwhat does SWT stand for in the systray-whitelist?15:05
nillaI thought it would use Banshee, it uses something that is not Banshee, and I found it by messing with the audio button.15:06
nillaIt immediately started scanning my library and instantly started giving me a bunch of errors15:06
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b14d3zolgar: You can do line by line by typing sudo if you have permissions, or you can set the mode by typing sudo su15:06
nillaI don't have a copy of them but it was something along the lines of "Sorry, Ubuntu is having trouble!" or something like that15:06
nillaI couldn't close the program, so I went into another console and killed it manually15:07
nillathat somehow restarted the computer15:07
nillaI also couldn't get root unless I logged in and used sudo su15:07
nillathat's just annoying15:07
xwalkReally starting to consider a fresh install and just using my backups. I hate storage.15:07
nillaI don't know what half the programs are on this thing, and I can't find even an IRC client15:08
nillaI installed one but it said that I had unmet dependencies, so I forced the install (I dont know why irssi would require dependencies but there you are)15:08
nillaeverything is slow15:08
nillaeveryting is a hassle to use15:08
zolgarb14d3:  im confused as to what that means. I open up a terminal, sh <file here> and it telles me I must run it as root to install (its an nvidia driver)15:08
nillanothing makes any sense in this os15:08
FloodBot1nilla: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
nillaI will NEVER reccomend Ubuntu to new people15:08
b14d3zolgar: That's fine, instead of sh <file> type sudo sh <file>. Assuming that your account has the permissions, it will ask for your password (if you have one). Type that in and you should be good.15:09
nillaIf I recommended Ubuntu to new linux users they would go straight back to Windows because it's all "pretty" and no functionality whatsoever. It's as though this entire distro had its decisions made by designers, aka the stupidest people in the world to trust with a functioning OS.15:09
b14d3nilla: I'm sorry you're having problems, but everyone was new at one point. I'm not even fantastic.15:09
jribnilla: keep in mind this channel is for support.  What is your support question?15:10
zolgarb14d3: That worked pretty much. Its just telling me I need to close an 'X server' now. Whats that?15:10
nillaI am not new. I have been using linux for years and this is by far the worst iteration of Ubuntu I've used. I remember 3 or 4 years ago Ubuntu was really great. I don't even know how to do ANYTHING on this thing, how can I expect NEW people to use it?15:10
nillaAnyway, that's my gripe. I hate everything about it. Bye.15:10
b14d3zolgar: Unfortunately, I'm not sure. You may have to ask someone else. My knowledge is very limited, but I thought I could at least help you run that command as root.15:11
readafter fixing my nvidia problem now my computer freezes right after I login into ubuntu 12.10. What can I do to prevent the freeze?15:12
argovecan anyone recommend a good pdf reader on ubuntu (ideally that supports highlighting)15:15
jsnI have a ubuntu laptop with only a USB cable. I want to move files from the laptop to my new machine (it's my svn repo)15:15
argovejsn: no network between them?15:16
readafter fixing my nvidia problem now my computer freezes right after I login into ubuntu 12.10. What can I do to prevent the freeze?15:17
Nach0zsounds like you didn't fix your nvidia :P15:17
jsnargove: Sorry, nope.15:18
=== Zou is now known as Gurty
argovejust to be clear -- neither machine can access the internet, and the machines can't talk to eachother, right?15:19
mac_i can not login in my ubuntu15:19
mac_reboune to login manager15:19
mac_when i put my pass login succesfully bu rebounce to login manager15:20
DarkSimI accidentally chose Swedish on my Ubuntu installation, I tried to change it back into English but some places like the software centre titles and descriptions are still in swedish15:20
ZogotHello All. I'm looking to getting the Acer Aspire One D270 that uses the Intel Atom N2600 (which has the onboard Intel GMA 3600).  Browsing around the net, I find a lot of threads about poor support for the PowerVR GMA 3600, although a few lines about it being fixed in ubuntu 12.10.  Has it been fixed, or is it still a processor/gfx component I should avoid if I wish to have higher than 800x60015:21
Zogotor the ability to watch videos?15:21
mindbreakerhey guys ... i have to configure a vpn server and i get a connection already and a ip address etc., but i can't access other devices/services that are in that vlan .. can anyone help me? pls :)15:22
Zaelimo, you should try to avoid cpu/gpu combos completely and if you can avoid on-board graphics all together15:22
mindbreakerit's an openvpn server15:22
LordDeathwhat do you guys think about this? https://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do15:23
LordDeath"If you ever recommend or redistribute GNU/Linux, please remove Ubuntu from the distros you recommend or redistribute."15:23
jribLordDeath: #ubuntu-offtopic; support only here15:23
jsnIf I plug a USB wire into my ubuntu laptop, can I mount it as a USB drive?15:24
readafter fixing my nvidia problem now my computer freezes right after I login into ubuntu 12.10. What can I do to prevent the freeze?15:25
b14d3jsn: Is it feasible, given the amount of data you want to transfer, to use a flash drive or external hard drive?15:25
ZogotZael: I am mainly going to be using it on long public transportation I have for a new job.  Something I can work on for the few hours I am on my journey15:25
ZogotZael: Specs, ability and so on isn't a huge requirement, moreso that it wont burn my leg and that it can run ubuntu (or any other distro)15:26
b14d3Zogot: I'm still with Zael on it. If you follow what he said, the video playback will be smoother. I've had issues with it in the past.15:27
Zogotb14d3, Zael, anything you can recommend within the same pricepoint (250-300 euros)15:28
b14d3I'd have to do some looking, which I can't while at work :\ Apologies.15:36
TheWeatherGuy@find kernel15:43
=== Argure is now known as Argure|AFK
bibi23Hi, when using the "top" command, is there a way to search for a process by its name, I can't find anything when typing "h" for help. thx15:44
jribbibi23: htop might me easier to use but let me check top15:44
jribbibi23: you can use L in top15:45
Abhijitbibi23, if you want to look for firefox proces you can also use top | grep fire15:45
Abhijitjrib, i wont find any option acalled -L or -l in man top?15:46
jribAbhijit: just pressing L in top's interactive interface will let one search15:46
bibi23Abhijit: that's what I've tried first, but it didn't work, I don't think it's possible as top doesn't output anything to standard output, but it's kind of a program I guess15:47
jribAbhijit: you can go to manpage section about "SEARCHING"15:47
Abhijitbibi23, i just tested it. it works here15:47
Abhijitjrib, ok. thanks15:47
jribbibi23: maybe we should ask, what do you actually want to accomplish?15:47
bibi23Abhijit: ah yes you're right it works, I just had to wait at it's not immediate15:48
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jribbibi23: might want to use "top -b | grep firefox" for batch mode15:49
bibi23jrib: I just wanted to find a process by its name in order to kill it15:49
jribbibi23: any reason you don't kill it by name with pkill?15:49
bibi23jrib: well I don't exactly know the full name but just a part of it15:50
jribbibi23: that's fine15:50
jribbibi23: pkill accepts a pattern15:50
=== Argure|AFK is now known as Argure
bibi23jrib: ah great I didn't know, I'm going to check the doc thx15:51
jribbibi23: otherwise I would just use "ps -ef" instead of top and grep that output.  Or if you want something interactive, you can use htop (it lets you select a row and kill it straight from htop)15:51
jiffe98what's the difference between a normal boot sequence and booting after ubuntu froze during boot?  the font seems to be a different size and I'm thinking that is contributing to why the second boot always works15:52
bibi23jrib: I've just installed htop, I can filter and kill from here, that's perfect for a beginner like me, thx15:53
=== Argure is now known as Argure|AFK
jribbibi23: ok if you want more options... you might try "gnome-system-monitor" if you have a gui.  And finally, if you're trying to click a graphical application, you can run "xkill" and then just click on the application15:54
bibi23jrib: yes it was a graphical application, but usually when it doesn't respond and I try to close it, there is a window telling me do you want to quit it (IIRC it's called brute quit or force quit), here it didn't happen so I had to kill it through htop15:56
jribbibi23: k15:56
labI am trying to setup grub from a live cd. However, 'grub' from a terminal says "command not found". Am I not supposed to be able to run grub from a live cd?15:58
W|cKeDi tried to kill a process not once but many times just wonderin after ityped sudo kill PID the process itself gone for just a seconds then came back again :(15:59
Abhijitlab, grub-install /dev/sdX15:59
Abhijitlab, oh wait15:59
Abhijitlab,  by trying to setup you mean you are trying to modify existing grub or want to restore lost grub?15:59
labAbhijit, even if /dev/sdX is a windows partition? (I have deleted the linux partition on this drive, and now want to only boot windows)15:59
Abhijitlab, you are delted linux and want only windows then restore windows mbr?16:00
b14d3W|cKeD: What process?16:00
W|cKeDb14d3, .ruby.bin16:01
Xotixhi, I installed ubuntu on a vm. I alo installed samba during the installation. now I can't find /etc/init.d/samba, i just can find /etc/init.d/smbd but I don't know if this is a shortcut for samba.16:01
labAbhijit, I tried that process (fixmbr  from the windows Repair prompt), but it didn't seem to work. Everything is still definitely in tact though, because I have another drive that has the boot loader setup to boot the windows partition in question, and it still boots16:01
aubreypwdI am having an issue where all my windows are going grey, I can't access them, click on anything. Mouse still moves and I can CTRL+ALT F2 to get a terminal to sudo reboot. It just happens suddenly in Ubuntu 3d, not in 2d (so far)16:02
b14d3Xotix: smbd is the right directory, if memory serves. It's not a shortcut, they just changed some of their local software infrastructure.16:02
MonkeyDustXotix  type file [filename] to find if it's a shortcut16:03
Abhijitlab, I am not sure if you can really install and use grub without /boot partition of linux. ask for help in ##windows16:03
MonkeyDustfind out*16:03
XotixMonkeyDust ubuntu server 12.10 64, where can I look up the changes? it links to /lib/init/upstart-job16:04
aubreypwdI am having an issue where all my windows are going grey, I can't access them, click on anything. Mouse still moves and I can CTRL+ALT F2 to get a terminal to sudo reboot. It just happens suddenly in Ubuntu 3d, not in 2d (so far)...my System has been working fine for over 5 months or so but (I think after an update) my system started doing this.16:05
MonkeyDustXotix  you mean a 'what's new' review, or see what files have changed?16:06
Kaveh8hi all16:07
=== amartin is now known as Guest75775
Kaveh8i am using ubuntu 11.10 and gnome 3. my subwindows opens under the main window.16:08
Kaveh8for example16:08
XotixMonkeyDust, how ubuntu changed the origin file structure/config like they did with apache. I'm new to samba, so I'm not sure they even changed anything, I'm just assuming it.16:08
NyhcjediHello all, I am looking for some clarity with ubuntu 12.10 and the online accounts feature16:09
the_lordHello, I'm trying to install ubuntu on an aspire s5, and I need to start with nodmraid the installer16:09
the_lordI do it, but the device mapper starts it no matter what16:09
the_lordhow can I do?16:09
XotixMonkeyDust ah, I think I get it with service smbd... Needto read about that service thing. Thanks16:11
Kaveh8i don't wanna opens sunwindows under the main window. what can i do? http://ubuntuone.com/00cHn7NJYGjxGAyZJwHNQn16:11
gmachine_24Greetings. Is there a preferred program to run as a virtual machine - such as virtual box - or something else? This is my first effort and is mostly an educational effort (mine).16:11
MonkeyDustXotix  good luck, hope you find it16:11
bazhanggmachine_24, vbox16:11
Nyhcjedigmachine I had luck with virtual box in the past16:11
bazhangthere's a channel #vbox  as well16:11
gmachine_24bazhang, and, not to be too dense or anything, vbox=virtualbox.... ?? right?16:12
Nyhcjedianyone very familair with 12.10 online accounts feature?16:12
bazhanggmachine_24, yep16:12
gmachine_24ok. thanks.16:12
Arashhello :)16:13
Kaveh8hello Arash16:13
Arashhow can I change the default player of .m4a files from Movie player to rythmbox ?16:13
MonkeyDustArash  richt click on a mp16:13
MonkeyDustArash  richt click on a m4a file, properties, open with16:14
Kaveh8Arash : rast kelik kon roosh, propertis, open with, bad rythmbox ro entekhab kono set as default ro bezan16:14
ArashMonkeyDust I tried that but when I select multiple files It doesn't work16:14
ArashIt doesn't have set as default also Kaveh16:15
gmachine_24Arash, do you have permissions from where you are working?16:15
MonkeyDustArash  try system setings, details16:15
gmachine_24Arash, do you get error messages?16:15
ArashMonkeyDust : Music : Rythmbox Video movieplayer16:15
ArashIts all set16:15
Arashand yet It Opens .m4a files with Movie Player16:16
ArashI do16:16
Kaveh8Arash boro System Setting, System Info, Set Defafault application16:16
Arashnon of those actually worked guys !16:17
ArashIt plays .m4a as a Video file ...16:17
Arashby default16:17
Kaveh8http://ubuntuone.com/00cHn7NJYGjxGAyZJwHNQn              anyone khnows how i can change setting of opening subwindows?16:18
Arashok I've found the solution > right click > Properties > Open with > Rythmbox > Set as Default16:18
Kaveh8Arash : man ke hamoon aval goftam, movafagh bashi16:19
ArashmerCi kaveh jan ;)16:20
Kaveh8Arash ghorbanat :D16:20
MonkeyDustArash  try xine or vlc16:20
unitymanI like vlc16:21
unitymangot to run have a good day. :P16:21
Kaveh8what's the normal range for loadaverage in uptime command?16:22
jiffe98my supermicro machine seems to freeze on boot occasionally, if I hard reset it, it boots fine the second time but with decreased resolution, how would I force that second state?16:24
Kaveh8what's the normal range for loadaverage in uptime command?16:25
andybrineanyone here from the uk and have problems playing cotent on 4od?16:30
IdleOneandybrine: might try #ubuntu-uk, probably more chance of finding some help there with this issue16:31
andybrinethanks IdleOne16:32
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andybrinehas anyone come across DRM issues before?16:34
andybrinethere are certain sites that are right protected16:35
Dougie187Does anyone want to brainstorm ideas for legitimate reasons ubuntu would try to read areas of ram owned by processes that are "not dying"?16:38
MonkeyDustDougie187  try #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support16:39
chipcashhello all16:40
chipcashI am currently running Ubuntu on a flash drive and want to know if I download something does it save it to the flash drive?16:42
MonkeyDustchipcash  a live session?16:43
chipcashsorry I am new to this16:44
MonkeyDustif it's a live session, it's saved until you reboot16:44
chipcashIs there ant way of saving files to the flash?16:44
rumpe1chipcash, depends. If you created it with "persistence" it will store them on the drive i guess... somewhere..16:44
chipcashWhat is persistance?16:45
rumpe1chipcash, or just mount any other partition (that isn't a ramdisk) and save the file there16:45
MonkeyDustchipcash  did you select 'try ubuntu' when you booted?16:45
MonkeyDustchipcash  ok, then it's live and not saved on the flash drive16:46
chipcashI want to use the flash as my computer16:46
rumpe1MonkeyDust, are you sure?16:46
MonkeyDustrumpe1  try it, you'll see, you can save it to some other place, tho16:47
chipcashIf I select default will it save it?16:47
chipcashI guess I should get a cloud account16:47
MonkeyDustchipcash  as rumpe1 said, guess you want 'persisent install' on the usb drive16:48
kapzhipitihop, I want to know if anyone is being asked for admin password in order to install updates through update manager16:48
chipcashhow do I persitance install? I used Unetbootin16:48
MonkeyDustkapz  yes, it's normal16:48
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
chipcashI like the idea of carring my personal PC hardrive around in a flash drive16:49
MonkeyDustchipcash  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:49
chipcashthank you16:49
kapzMonkeyDust, but I am not being asked on my laptop, not even once! Is it safe? On the other hand on desktop I have to enter password everytime.16:50
MonkeyDustkapz  two thoughts: 1- in a live session, the passowrd isnt asked    2- someone may have disabled the password for allt things apt16:51
b14d3It's possible that the keyring is also allowing it access. I had mine set to do that when I used the gui16:52
MonkeyDustkapz  and yes, the repos are safe (be careful if you install from outside the repos)16:52
kapzMonkeyDust, eliminate scenario no.1 and 2. I am the sole user.16:52
kapzoh okay that's what I wanted to know, thanks MonkeyDust :)16:53
MonkeyDustkapz  then it's odd it shouldnt ask for a password16:53
MonkeyDustok :)16:53
kapzyeah it is odd indeed.16:53
chipcashLLL Long Live Linux16:54
shadow98dependency libx264-120 is not satisfiable <<<<<<<<<<<<--------- installing splashtop on 12.1016:56
shadow98how do i fix this?16:56
mysterioushi, very neat. ubuntu is greatly succeeding in pissing me off16:57
mysteriousBesides the major instability - which all people i know experience - The Installation is a chaos since 12.10. When I am booting the Setup stick nothing more than a slice of the desktop screen shows up... i.e.: a slice of monitor width and approx. 10 pixels height... is there a workaround for this?16:57
fishcookeri've problem with my ubuntu device16:57
b14d3shadow98: Try sudo apt-get install libx264-12016:57
KScorpok.it now works16:57
fishcookerbluetooth device16:57
fishcookeri think the kernel module not loaded16:57
fishcookeris the hardware not supported16:58
fishcookerasus a43sj16:58
shadow98b14d3: Unable to locate package libx264-12016:58
b14d3shadow98: Alright, one sec let me take a look at something16:59
DrManhattanmysterious, make sure your monitor is plugged in properly.17:00
mysteriousDrManhattan, it is i have checked it ~5times - anyways it's a dualboot system and windows is running well17:01
shadow98b14d3: thanks17:01
b14d3shadow98: Going to take a shot in the dark, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libx264-12017:01
woozlyGuys, how to install Boost c++ library? :/ I have install it, but when I try to compile some example code from boost.org, with g++ -lboost_regex example.cpp -o boost .. I've got mass of errors :////17:01
woozlyI don't know how to be with it :(17:01
woozlyI have install it via bootstrap.sh17:02
DrManhattanmysterious, that is a mystery indeed! what GPU?17:02
shadow98b14d3: same thing...i know this worked on 12.0417:02
mysteriousDrManhattan, It is a GeForce 8800GTS 640MB RAM and has worked very well up to 12.0417:03
jribwoozly: you can find the boost libraries in the repositories.  You can install them with apt.  I'm not sure what you did to install them, but if you didn't use apt, you should probably undo it17:03
fishcookerasus a4sj with windows* with BT work, but not with 10.04 LTS17:03
DrManhattanmysterious, on my 570, 12.04 works great with the exception of having no output between the grub menu and the first login prompt17:04
DrManhattanMaybe this is the death knell for nouveau, the driver from hades17:04
jribmysterious: is there a reason you're doing a fresh install instead of upgrading, or did I misunderstand you?17:05
* DrManhattan takes nouveau for a talk behind the woodshed17:05
mysteriousjrib, in fact i had to change the hdd and wanted to have it fresh17:05
aguaditohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UtNF-Le2L0 - Full version of Break The Taboo -- narrated by Morgan Freeman -- documentary to end the war on drugs17:06
jrib!ot | aguadito17:06
ubottuaguadito: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:06
bazhangaguadito, dont paste that here17:06
aguaditobazhang,  end the war on drugs, fascist17:07
MonkeyDustaguadito  wrong channel17:07
=== gpix13_away is now known as gpix13
jribmysterious: well you should probably file a bug, or comment on an existing one if the installer isn't working correctly.  But if you just want to get an install on there, you might use the minimal install cd, then throw in ubuntu-desktop.  Afterwards, you might still have issues with your screen, but you can work on troubleshooting from an already installed system17:07
Hiro`hi all, i'm having a problem with the =emacsclient= command in the shell. I have ubuntu 12.04, with emacs 23 running and server mode switched on. When I call emacsclient from the bash shell, it throws up and error message: "emacsclient: command not found".17:07
Hiro` 17:07
b14d3shadow98: That's really bizarre. What did you say the software you were trying to install again was?17:08
jribmysterious: there's also some option you can select when the install cd is first starting, but I forget how.17:10
compdocwow, netflix seems to run on Ubuntu now17:11
MonkeyDustcompdoc  yes, but with wine, IIRC17:11
compdocno, without wine17:11
mysteriousjrib, i think i'll try an alternate cd (it was completely textbased (terminal based) wasn't it?)17:11
jribmysterious: it doesn't exist anymore :)  But you can use the minimal or server17:12
mysterious;_; what are the developers doing17:12
jrib!nomodeset | mysterious17:12
ubottumysterious: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:12
jribmysterious: try that17:12
mysteriousjrib, ok17:12
jribmysterious: some pretty pictures here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing17:13
bjorn_have you people tried sn0wl1nux17:13
jrib!ot | bjorn_17:13
ubottubjorn_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:13
compdocooops - maybe it is wine17:13
Hiro`does the emacsclient command need to be installed somehow? there's no indication that this is necessary from the documentation, but it seems very odd that the shell oesn't recognise the command. it has a man page for it.17:16
mysteriousjrib, :D nomodeset did the trick17:16
jribmysterious: cool17:17
jribHiro`: I don't use emacs much, but I can tell you that I have emacsclient here.  what does this return: ls /usr/bin/emacsclient*17:17
Hiro`jrib: it returns the following (in green text): "/usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs23"17:18
jribHiro`: interesting.  When you do "hash -r" in your shell, followed by "emacslcient", what happens?17:19
Hiro`jrib: it returns: emacsclient: command not found17:20
Hiro` 17:20
jribHiro`: reinstall the emacs23-bin-common17:20
woozlyGuys, I have manually remove some apt-get installed packages... and Now I want to reinstall it, but apt-get says, like: newest version installed (but I haven't it)17:21
woozlyhow I can remove info about installed packages17:21
Hiro`jrib: Sorry, I am very new to ubuntu and the shell. the command I want is: sudo apt-get reinstall emacs23-bin-common?17:22
MonkeyDustHiro`  type emacs, see what it shows17:22
jribHiro`: yes, that should work17:22
mindbreakeris there anybody who knows something about vpn server's? especially with openvpn?17:22
Hiro`MonkeyDust: emacs works fine. I'm using it right now as an irc client.17:22
mindbreakeri need help with configuring openvpn17:22
jribHiro`: the postinst script for emacs23-bin-common is supposed to setup an alternative for emacsclient.  You seem to not have that for some reason even though you have /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs2317:23
jribmindbreaker: you're more likely to get help if you just ask your actual question; if someone knows the answer they will try to help you17:24
Hiro`jrib: the shell returned invalid operation when I tried "reinstall", so I ran the same command but with "install" and it returned (a bunch of stuff but the main thing seems to be): emacs23-bin-common is already the newest version.17:26
Hiro` 17:26
jribHiro`: do apt-get install --reinstall17:26
Hiro`jrib: it returns: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:28
dballesterhi to all, Ubuntu 12.04 32bits. As root I execute "update-rc.d -f mysql remove" but after reboot mysql is up and running automatically, anyone else aware of this strange behavior?17:28
jribHiro`: sorry, I meant: apt-get install --reinstall emacs23-bin-common17:28
jribdballester: ubuntu uses upstart and mysql is an upstart script17:29
jrib!upstart | dballester17:29
ubottudballester: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:29
jribdballester: you can read about disabling services in upstart at: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files17:30
dballesterok, that means that we have a mix of old/new ways to manage the auto startup of "services"?17:30
mindbreakerokay, i configurated a vpn server (openvpn) that is behind a nat secure router, i already get a connection and i can also ping the server with client and the other way round too .. but i can't ping other hosts that are in the same vlan as the vpn server. im a newbie in vpn configuring and i hope someone is able to halp me :)17:30
jribdballester: ideally, all the scripts would be converted to upstart now.  Sadly, that is not the case, so yes you need to check if a script exists in /etc/init .  If it does, then it's managed by upstart.17:30
DulcinI'm hoping someone can help me here: I updated to 12.10, unity is not loading anymore and after logging in I only see my wallpaper. I have tried many tutorials online to fix it, from what I gathered my ATI (legacy) drivers are slow on updating and do not support xorg 1.13 yet, so I tried removing them, but the problem seems to remain.17:32
Hiro`jrib: that seems to have done it!17:33
confreyhi everybody17:34
confreyI need help about configuring a java applet on my web server;  the test page I did doesn't find the applet, and I don't know why17:34
dballestermindbreaker, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-951733.html17:35
Hiro`jrib: thanks a lot for walking me through that. cheers all.17:35
jribHiro`: no problem17:35
confreycan anybody help me?17:35
dballesterthanks jrib for the info17:36
neo1691Hello guys!! I just ran a package update on my ubuntu 12.04 x64 and now i have a new file manager (the old one is there too) If i have a mounted a removable drive, it shows in the sidepane but when i click on it to open it, the device is unmounted. Also I automounted my windows drive whenever ubuntu starts. Whenever i click on then in the sidepane, an error message pops up saying that only root can mount them. None of these issue happens with the old file17:36
neo1691manager. Any solution?17:36
mindbreakerdo i need an own vlan specially for vpn? i have the vpn server in the same vlan as the vpn clients get addressed17:42
JamesJRHlhavelund: Hey what? I'm English.17:42
goddardI am running terminator and have it setup to be displayed when pressed F12 but I am getting this error when I press F12 for the first time terminator crashed with AttributeError in get_system_focus()17:42
dballestergoddard> I am running terminator <- which one ? T-1000? T-X ?17:45
=== Youri is now known as YBook
ajp hi all, working on a gs script that I seem to having trouble with. I'm using GhostScript's pdfwrite to reduce the size of PDF files but I'm losing ~20% of the image. pastebin: http://pastebin.com/aWQ2WB9v I'm not sure if there is an option for GS that i'm missing or using wrong17:47
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MonkeyDustgoddard  try screen instead of terminator17:48
DarkSimHow do I verify the name of the harddrive with the MBR?17:48
rlsj99Is this the right spot for networking questions?17:49
MonkeyDustDarkSim  sudo fdisk -l   <- where the * is set17:50
DarkSimMonkeyDust, thanks!17:51
ajpDarksim: you can also type blkid for all the UUIDs17:51
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llutzMonkeyDust: that * shows "partition is marked as bootable"17:52
llutzit says nothing about the MBR17:52
rlsj99Question about setting static IP, anyone?17:53
Sta1kerrlsj99: what is it?17:53
rlsj99Followed all directions, can't set static IP.  Can you help?17:54
Sta1kerrlsj99: 12.1 or 12.0417:54
Sta1kerrlsj99: did you select manual in network manager and filled correct ip/subnet/gateway17:55
rlsj99Yes.  Problem there is at the end: "Save" is grayed out, tells me need to authenticate, but how?17:56
fasrlsj99: run as sudo17:56
llutzDarkSim: the MBR is the first sector of the first disk in system (/dev/sda most likely)17:56
Sta1kerrlsj99: is there a key button somewhere?17:57
rlsj99You mean "gksudo" under a terminal?  Tried that with nm-whatever, no dice.  How do I invoke the terminal manager using sudo?17:57
rlsj99No key button that I could see for authentication.17:57
rlsj99network manager (sorry)17:58
Sta1kerrlsj99: i don't know look at apt-file search network-manager17:59
almoxariferlsj99: the command to start networkmanager is 'NetworkManager'17:59
rlsj99Do that with a terminal?17:59
Sta1kerrlsj99: yes.17:59
rlsj99Will you be staying on-line?17:59
Sta1kerrlsj99: maybe you need to install it, sudo apt-get install apt-file17:59
Sta1kerrlsj99: i think it's network-manager or gnome-network-manager18:00
Sta1kerrlsj99: so sudo gnome-network-manager18:01
Sta1kergnuradio anyone?18:01
almoxarife!info NetworkManager18:01
ubottuPackage NetworkManager does not exist in quantal18:01
almoxarife!file NetworkManager18:01
Sta1kergnuradio anyone?18:02
llutz!anyone | Sta1ker18:02
ubottuSta1ker: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:02
Erinis it true that so called 'surveilance' code is present in ubuntu related to amazon.com ?18:02
Sta1kergnuradio compiles BUT seems to get stuck on test 54, does anybody has a clue why?18:03
Sta1kerErin: sry, what do you mean?18:03
rlsj99Are you still there?18:03
Sta1kerrlsj99: i'm hear18:04
Sta1kerrlsj99: ^ here18:04
rlsj99Sorry, new user with Pidgin, hit wrong button.  When I type "sudo NetworkManager" it says already running.18:04
Sta1kerrlsj99: because it's always running, it detects any network changes18:06
rlsj99The problem is the "Save" is grayed out.  Would you mind repeating your "apt" suggestion?18:06
Sta1kerErin: sry to hear that about canonical18:07
ErinSta1ker, so am I18:07
ErinSta1ker, guess i'll need to switch to debian :-(18:07
Dougie187Erin: you know that's from 2007 right?18:08
Sta1kerErin: or openbsd18:08
lkthomashey guys18:08
ErinDougie187, no its from 201218:08
Dougie187Erin: that link you posted says "Posted by Soulskill on Friday December 07, @11:39AM "18:08
Sta1kerrlsj99: Erin linux from scratch is also cool18:09
Dougie187Erin: ever the url has 2077 in it.18:09
Dougie187err 200718:09
Sta1kerErin: linux from scratch is also cool18:09
lkthomasI am running ubuntu 12.10 with GMA500 hardware, first half of boot screen works fine after installation, after Raw EDID, screen become blank, anyone have idea why ?18:09
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fishcookerhello ubuntuers18:09
ErinDougie187, rofl man.... December 7th 201218:09
Erinaka TODAY18:09
Dougie187Erin: Oh. Got it. I think it was December 12 2007.18:09
kelabothey guys, any idea how to secure a webserver from ping dos or ddos? and how can i track or monitor if i've been attaced?18:09
Sta1kerrlsj99: there should be a lock somewhere there, i don't run it on my system because that is the first first thing i remove after pulseaudio18:10
ErinDougie187, are you stoned ?18:10
fishcookeri've problem with BT connection .. this is mine18:10
almoxarifethe 'tool' offers an opt-out, so, its not exactly something big brother put in to get you!18:10
Dougie187Erin: No. I typically read dates as MM/DD/YY. So, 12/12/07 looks like Dec 12 2007 to me. But thanks for asking.18:10
janisozaurhow do i prevent aptd from running at startup?18:10
Erinalmoxarife, is this 'tool' only present in unity?18:11
almoxarifeErin: no idea18:11
rlsj99Sta1ker: But where's the lock?  The reason I want to set a static IP is because Samba apparently needs it.  The reason I want Samba is that the default networking software is strangely slow and intermittent for accessing Windows Networked machines.18:11
Sta1kerrlsj99: janisozaur i think it's in /etc/init , read about upstart jobs18:11
Erinalmoxarife, it talks about it being present in 'dash' which is unity tigt ?18:11
DarkSimWhy must Burg be such a gosh darn pain to install :/18:11
Sta1kerrlsj99: i've also removed network manager because i don't like programs taking to much control of things18:12
Sta1kerrlsj99: i'll check for you18:13
janisozaurSta1ker, "sudo grep -rnE \\\<aptd\\\> /etc/ 2> /dev/null" finds nothing18:14
rlsj9920 years ago I understood Linux (then Unix) at that level also, or so I thought.  Of course it was simpler then.  Now I have to putter with the graphical interfaces.  When they don't work, it's question time.  The whole problem, I think, is that none of the documentation uses consistent terminology.  Just that one item you supplies, the command line name of the network manager, is impossible to find easily.18:14
Sta1kerjanisozaur: i think it's started by d-bus18:15
Sta1kerrlsj99: thats exactly why i remove half of the things, we should start working on an vintage-linux distro18:16
almoxariferlsj99: the process name for networkmanager is 'NetworkManager' , the applet is 'nm', and if you dont want it , do a 'sudo apt-get purge networkmanager'18:17
Sta1kerrlsj99: exactly as almoxarife says18:17
rlsj99Thanks, but the trouble is I can't seem to make the alternative work as well as NM.  What we need, I think, is a replacement for the Unix legacy setups, especially X-terminal, and start with a new GUI having a streamlined underpinning.18:18
mindbreakerdoes anyone know where i can ask for openvpn issues?18:19
Sta1kerrlsj99: they're working on weyland now it's a complete new desktop or something similar18:19
almoxariferlsj99: a sane alternative is 'wicd' , but if you are hardwired you dont need any of it18:20
Sta1kerrlsj99: what is wrong with the manual side of things without nm?18:20
chisholmHas anyone run into this problem: "LZMA data corruption trigger to kernel panic", when trying to boot from the live cd either cdrom or usb?18:20
rlsj99But if it's still based on X-terminal it won't really be better -- as soon as you need something a little less popular.  Can you recommend anyone who has Ubuntu working well with a home LAN?18:20
almoxariferlsj99: i have home lan, works fine18:21
janisozaur!openvpn | mindbreaker18:21
ubottumindbreaker: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!18:21
Sta1kerrlsj99: i get everything working with pull and wifi radar18:21
rlsj99almoxareife: Do any of the other machines on your network run a Windows OS?18:22
=== Apocalipstick is now known as shojo
Sta1kergnuradio halts on test number 54 does anybody knows why?18:24
almoxariferlsj99: they do by proxy, a server runs win7 via vbox, works fine too, your issues is with the router, assign the mac's to internal ip, lazy mans static18:24
DarkSimThere we go, finally fixed my burg, hopefully it works now when I reboot18:24
almoxariferlsj99: type 'almo' hit tab, life should be simpler18:25
rlsj99almoxarife: Yeah, I know about MAC-address security in the router, use it myself for the WiFi stull like smartphones and tablets.  But here I'm talking about a new Ubuntu installation on an i386 machine, connected by Ethernet cable.18:25
almoxariferlsj99: does this machine get ip from router via dhcp? bet it does18:26
rlsj99It does now.  I've been trying for several hours to install static IP.  None of the directions work for that either.18:27
Sta1kerrlsj99: i remember that static ip was not my problem with nm(and my network is completely static) it was dns stuff that made me remove nm18:27
almoxariferlsj99: i dont see where the issue is, you know how to set static at the router and at the machine18:28
Sta1kerrlsj99: you can make #service network-manager stop18:28
rlsj99Sta1ker: DNS works fine, along with Internet access, with DHCP.  It's the local area network that is intolerable.18:28
Sta1kerrlsj99: then try to run it again18:28
Sta1kerrlsj99: my network is completely custom and nm couldn't figure out what's going on18:29
puffI upgraded my thinkpad t520 w/nvidia/optimus from 11.10 to 12.4 using the software updates dialog.  After several hours, the dialog said something like 27 minutes left.  Then it popped up a message about not being able to configure dmsetup.  Before I could fully read it, the screen went blank/black.  No GUI, no virtual terminals.  I let it sit for a couple hours more while I went out, in case it was still finishing those last 2718:29
puffminutes.   When I got back, still blank, so I held down power button to force shutdown and reboot.  It says there's a crash report, there's a crash report icon on the menu bar, but clicking it doesn't do anything.  Software updates doesn't show any updates needed.  How do I check to see if something went wrong and needs to be fixed?18:29
almoxariferlsj99: the router is that thing that manages the local network, i really dont get what you are so confused about18:29
nonkn4merhas anybody set up a linux font server to serve fonts to a mac/pc blended environment?18:29
rlsj99almoxarife: (thanks for Tab tip) It's not an access issue at the router.  This is a _wired_ connection, no security involved.18:30
rlsj99almoxarife: As I told Sta1ker, the only reason I want static is because Samba requires it, Samba in hopes it will work better than NM.18:31
almoxariferlsj99: i didnt mention security, STATIC ip is as easy as a DHCP reservation at the ROUTER!18:31
Sta1kerrlsj99: did you try to login as root to ubuntu18:31
pufftl;dr - my laptop appears to have crashed while upgrading from 11.10 to 12.4, what do I do now?18:31
v0lksmanis there any reason when using Gnome Classic in 12.04 Desktop I can't right click on any panel and modify it?18:31
almoxariferlsj99: you are talking in circles now, good luck18:31
Sta1kerv0lksman: because it's gnome 318:32
rlsj99Sta1ker: Oh, boy, root is another can of worms.  I can't seem to get anything to work according to Ubuntu directions on the web.18:32
puffalmoxarife: static at the router?18:32
puffrlsj99: Back up a step, what are you trying to do?18:32
almoxarifepuff: mac reservation by router, yes, mine does18:32
v0lksmanSta1ker: is there a new tool then?18:33
Sta1kerv0lksman: i don't know maybe gsettings or gconftool18:34
rlsj99Original problem (otherwise new Ubuntu is great): Trying to access machines on my local network from the new Ubuntu installation (Acer portable, did run Windows Vista with slick networking), is incredibly slow and intermittent.  Four or five cycles of trying to display contents of a remote folder under "Browse Network" you might get the show and you might only get another timeout.  Intolerable!18:34
media-centrehey guys hows your day going18:34
media-centreoh you gotta love moby ,he does bring heart to the world of dance music18:35
puffalmoxarife: Ah, yeah, assigning IPs by MAC at the router works, but I wouldn't call that static IP.18:35
media-centreespecially 3 steps18:35
puffrlsj99: Yeah, that does sound suck.  And this is on a wired connection?18:36
media-centreanyway is their any way of automatically mounting a hdd without ... you know18:36
puffrlsj99: I had huge problems at one point, then I realized somebody had helpfully placed a sheet of corrugated metal in between my laptop and the AP...18:36
WhereIsMySpoonHow come when i start my ubuntu up, my window manager istn started and i have to start it manually with alt-f2 each time?18:36
rlsj99puff: Right, wired.  The hardware worked day before yesterday under Vista.  I thought I should switch to Samba, but immediately became mired in the inability to set a static IP for this macine.18:37
Erinpuff, it has advantages though. I've been running it at my house for some time now. Its effective when certain hardware needs to keep a certain address but other stuff comes and goes. Like my computers all keep the same ip's but when my friends bring stuff over they can automatically get an IP without me having to deal with finding them one.18:37
hidn_shadowsHey all, I'm running 10.04 on an old laptop. This hard drive was transferred from another, older laptop, and ubuntu wasn't reinstalled fro the new laptop- so I just loaded this laptop with the older laptop's hard drive, plug and play. It's been acting like it's shutting down, something about "hangcheck failed" in small text in the top left corner pops up, and then it says "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode". After rebooting, everything works fine,18:37
hidn_shadows but it'll happen again the next day. Any insight?18:37
media-centreok no chance of help then18:38
media-centrei know it was fstab or somthing18:38
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WhereIsMySpoonmedia-centre: how about you google search "how to automatically mount drive in linux"18:39
WhereIsMySpoonthere's 12390812301 guides18:39
media-centrewhats wrong with asking here18:40
media-centreit is a help channel isnt it18:40
WhereIsMySpoonmedia-centre: yes, but you're gonna get it done faster by googling18:40
WhereIsMySpoonand its trivial18:40
Erinhes right18:40
WhereIsMySpoonif you try a guide and it doesnt work, then ask here18:40
WhereIsMySpoonbut google first18:40
Erin+ linux helps those who help themselves18:40
Erinthe whole learn to fish principal18:40
Sta1kerErin: thumbs up18:41
Erinseriously automount w/ fstab is like one line in one file18:41
media-centrewhy dont i just ask here skip the time wasting dissapointment18:41
Erineasy peezy lemon squeezy ;-p18:41
SharyariHi. Does anyone know what to do if I get "unable to open display :0.0" ?18:41
media-centrethat may be18:41
phunyguy_workare there any devs around that can help me understand the exact steps that are taken when you select "Apply proxy settings system-wide" under network settings? I am trying to create a script to do this dynamically and I would like to know owhat system settings it modifies.  Thanks.18:41
Erinmedia-centre, if you can't figure out how to mount in fstab you are not going to get far in linux sorry but i'm not gonna sugar coat it for you18:41
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media-centreso its still fstab then18:42
Erinyes... always has been afaik18:42
media-centreanything different layout wise18:42
bulletrulzlol uay im unbanned18:42
media-centreor is it still the same18:42
Erinmedia-centre, ......18:42
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: what are you trying to do?18:42
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: did you heared about tor?18:42
phunyguy_workStalker, run a script (in KDE, not Unity) to change the proxy settings when my VPN is connected, and get rid of them when not.18:43
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: ^hear18:43
phunyguy_workand I would like it ti mimick what Unity does when you hit that button.18:43
Sta1keri think it's a env variable18:44
Daxter!fstab | media-centre18:44
ubottumedia-centre: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:44
phunyguy_workStalker, I thought the same thing, but there are also changed settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf - etc18:44
Daxterthats how you auto mount drives18:44
bulletrulzIdleOne, im unbanned ?18:44
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: check what happens in printenv in each occasion18:44
phunyguy_workso I was looking for a list.18:44
phunyguy_workStalker, some apps have different places to look for settings.18:44
WeThePeoplehow do i remove grub18:45
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: yeah18:45
ErinDaxter, he knows he just doesn't want to spend the 5 mins to figure out how to do it himself he wants someone to spoon feed him the answer which we all refused to do.18:45
gustav__When will the new stable nVidia driver come to Ubuntu 12.10? :(18:45
media-centreso you dont know if its the same layout on 12 as opposed to 11 or 1018:45
media-centreok ill ask if i need help18:45
DaxterErin: i did the ubottu tibit so that the wiki can spoon feed him the answer. problem solved.18:45
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: then it probably depends on the program you are using18:46
ErinDaxter, touche18:46
DaxterErin: ?18:46
ErinDaxter, as in 'good point'18:46
phunyguy_workStalker, I understand that, but I haven't found one thign that doesnt work yet after clicking that button in Unity, so I was looking to see what the button did.18:46
DulcinI'm on ubuntu 12.10, I have removed ATI propriety drivers and installed the open source ones, but still unity is not loading - can anyone help me with this?18:46
phunyguy_workKDE doesnt have a button like that.18:46
Erinwe just told him to google which also has the info 10M times over18:46
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: maybe in gsettings?18:47
Erinhell he could look at his own /etc/fstab and simply copy + paste the line for / and edit it to his needs lol.18:47
Erinthats how I learned the first time18:47
phunyguy_workStalker, I doubt it.  It modifies configs also.18:47
IdleOnebulletrulz: come to #ubuntu-ops for a moment please18:47
phunyguy_workI dont wanna know what is stored in gsettings, I want to know what it is /actually/ doing.18:47
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: try #gsettings list-recursively | grep -i proxy18:47
phunyguy_workStalker, that information is not useful.18:48
phunyguy_workI want to know what the DAEMON that monitors those settings does WITH the settings.18:48
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phunyguy_workso I can put it in a script to run as a service.18:49
phunyguy_work"if this address isnt pingable, set up VPN and change proxy to this"18:49
phunyguy_workget what I mean?18:49
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: i was also looking for those variables a couple of weeks ago, when i run privoxy, vuze automaticaly tries connecting through it and i couldn't find why18:49
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: i get you18:50
phunyguy_workand I dont want to just route all traffic through the tunnel because I still need to access things locally in some spots.  I just want my browsing encrypted, etc.18:50
phunyguy_workas well as apt-get having to work.18:50
Erinphunyguy_work, are you trying to setup TOR ?18:50
phunyguy_workErin, no.18:50
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: you can do what i did18:51
phunyguy_workJust want some privacy when on the road and connected through mcdonalds or whatever.18:51
phunyguy_workwith zero interaction when I connect.18:51
phunyguy_workI already have the VPN automatically come up when away from home, and be down when at home.18:51
kelvinellahi did anyone here successfully have office2007 installed on wine in xubuntu 12.04?18:51
phunyguy_workwhen at home I dont want it to proxy.18:51
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: setup privoxy to always connect to your proxy and set a quick proxy button in your browser18:51
phunyguy_workwhen away I want it to proxy.  thats all.18:51
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: that is what i'm doing18:52
kelvinellaand what is playon? is it better than wine?18:52
phunyguy_workStalker you misunderstood "zero interaction"18:52
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: lol18:52
phunyguy_workaand its more than just browsing.18:52
phunyguy_worki want to mimick the apply system-wide button behavior.18:52
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WhereIsMySpoonHi, when I log into my ubuntu session, the window manager isnt loaded on startup, I get this in my ~/.xsession-errors: www.pastie.org/549518718:52
phunyguy_workthats all.18:52
kelvinellaplayonlinux or wine? which one is better ?18:53
phunyguy_work!poll kelvinella18:53
phunyguy_work!poll | kelvinella18:53
ubottukelvinella: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:53
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Sta1kerphunyguy_work: what about doing something with nmap to detect your enviroment and then make a script that changes the variables18:54
phunyguy_workStalker because a simple variable change wont change the apt.conf file, or anythign else that needs to be changed.18:54
phunyguy_workwgetrc, etc18:54
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phunyguy_workthey have their own configs.18:54
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hidn_shadowsOkay, so nobody has any idea what the hangcheck error is about?18:54
phunyguy_workwhich is why I asked if there was a complete list of what is changed when you hit that button18:55
phunyguy_workbecause it is more than just variables.18:56
WhereIsMySpoonwoah, you can ban by mac address?18:56
jribphunyguy_work: what variables do you know about?  What changes do you know about that are not variables?18:56
jribWhereIsMySpoon: ipv618:56
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: ah, was a little confused lol18:56
phunyguy_workjrib, apt.conf, wgetrc.conf - etc18:56
phunyguy_worki am unaware of anything else which is why I ask.18:56
WhereIsMySpoonHi, when I log into my ubuntu session, the window manager isnt loaded on startup, I get this in my ~/.xsession-errors: www.pastie.org/549518718:56
jribphunyguy_work: what gui tool are you using that modifies apt.conf?18:57
phunyguy_workand how does that button make the changes dynamic.  usually with the variable and config change you have to reload some stuff.18:57
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phunyguy_workjrib, System Settings?18:57
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: it must be an envirometal variable or gsettings variable. that's how it works.18:57
jribphunyguy_work: you could always read the source code18:57
phunyguy_workjrib, I could, if I knew where to get to that spot.18:58
hidn_shadowsWhereIsMySpoon It's amazing what we can do with technology now, isn't it? ;-D18:58
phunyguy_workStalker again, variables wont help.18:58
Sta1kerphunyguy_work: wget looks for protocol_proxy variable and so on18:58
WhereIsMySpoonhidn_shadows: except it wasnt a mac ban and i was wrong18:58
WhereIsMySpoonbut never mind18:58
hidn_shadowsWhereismyspoon Eh, oh well. No harm18:59
jribphunyguy_work: I guess I'd start at gnome-control-center18:59
phunyguy_workStalker - fair enough.  I just want to find out if there is anything else, and how to reload settings after the variable change to make it all start working for the entire system.18:59
phunyguy_workI already have the logic needed to figure out whether or not the proxy needs to be established, I just need to know how to actually establish it.19:00
lkthomasanyone have experience with gma500 ?19:00
phunyguy_worklkthomas, just ask your question.19:00
jribphunyguy_work: apt-get source gnome-control-center, search for network-cc-panel, set_proxy, enjoy19:01
lkthomas[    2.128802] gma500 0000:00:02.0: LVDS-1: EDID block 0 invalid.19:01
lkthomas[    2.666429] gma500 0000:00:02.0: Backlight lvds set brightness 7a12000019:01
lkthomasmy screen have no signal afterwards19:01
lkthomasit's atom mini pc19:01
|Anthony|When setting default acl values for a directory, files created within that directory are not getting the x bit as specified19:02
|Anthony|anyone care to shed light on that for me?19:02
jrib|Anthony|: do you have a mask set...19:03
|Anthony|would it help to see my setfacl statement?19:03
jrib|Anthony|: getfacl might be more helpful19:03
|Anthony|one moment, i'll have the info compiled for web viewing19:04
|Anthony|jrib, http://askubuntu.com/questions/226588/setting-default-acl-for-a-directory-doesnt-properly-effect-new-files-in-that-di19:05
WhereIsMySpoonWhen I log into my ubuntu session, the window manager isnt loaded on startup, I get this in my ~/.xsession-errors: www.pastie.org/549518719:07
|Anthony|any thoughts on that there jrib?19:08
diegoany inglish speaking people ?19:09
Mukhthar_AhmedHello all,19:09
diegoi love hybride evolution19:09
Mukhthar_Ahmedubuntu 12.10 audio output keeps changing from analog output built in audio to headphone built in audio19:10
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, blame #pulseaudio19:11
ikoniahang on19:11
ikoniayou can't say that19:11
ikoniaI don't find that funny19:11
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| : what is the work around19:11
ikoniayou've not even got the problem19:11
ikoniaor solution19:11
ikonialet alone the work around19:12
|Anthony|honestly i meant no serious offense. More sarcasm and personal grumbles with past experiences19:12
kostkon|Anthony|, not really. that's a driver issue, an alsa one19:12
|Anthony|i apologize19:12
WhereIsMySpoonremove pulseaudio and use alsa19:13
WhereIsMySpoonpulse is a pile of crap19:13
|Anthony|^ i see im not alone with prior experience19:13
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: please be quiet unless you actually have something useful to add19:13
WhereIsMySpoonin my experience anyhow19:13
ikoniathis isn't your experience19:13
ikoniathis is help the guy with HIS problem19:13
WhereIsMySpoonyes it is19:13
WhereIsMySpoonoh sorry19:13
WhereIsMySpooni thought you meant something else ^^19:13
ikoniarather than just randomly blame pulse as you've had a bad experience19:13
WhereIsMySpoonWhen I log into my ubuntu session, the window manager isnt loaded on startup, I get this in my ~/.xsession-errors: www.pastie.org/549518719:14
WhereIsMySpoonikonia: sorry :)19:14
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, it *could* potentially be a hardware issue. it should only switch on jack detection. So it's possible that the hardware is having a "fluctuation"19:16
Mukhthar_Ahmedhow to switch over from pulse audio to alsa19:16
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, have you tested with a different os on the same machine?19:16
kostkonMukhthar_Ahmed, you are already using alsa19:16
WhereIsMySpoonkostkon: but if he has pulse, it will be going through that too19:16
|Anthony|pulseaudio is a sort of layer on top of alsa19:16
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| yup windows works fine, live cd works fine19:16
kostkonWhereIsMySpoon, yes19:16
|Anthony|so this is an issue of spontaneous jack detection19:17
wNit don't know jack19:17
WhereIsMySpooni dont see how this can be a hardware issue19:17
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony|  i am sure its not the jack issue19:17
WhereIsMySpoonespecially now he said it works fine on windows and a live cd19:18
|Anthony|is it randomly doing this while you are running? or only between boots19:18
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| i just downloaded a video file and works fine so the issue is not with all the files19:18
WhereIsMySpoonthat doesnt mean it has anything to do with files19:18
aramudiNo handlers could be found for logger "e3.common.Config"19:18
WhereIsMySpoonit could just be temperamental19:18
|Anthony|jack detection does not mean hardware issues. jack detection is when you plug something in, a signal is sent saying "hey, theres something in here"19:18
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| audio is not working on virtual machine too19:19
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, separate issue19:19
WhereIsMySpoonaramudi: is there a question there? if so, please elaborate19:19
godbodHello everyone. I have a question concerning the xconsole in ubuntu. Why /dev/xconsole doesn't exits ? And how can I solve this problem ? Ex. of what I want to do :  xconsole -f /dev/xconsole &19:19
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, does the issue present only when you reboot the computer, or during active use19:19
aramudiemese opening from the command window19:20
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| all the time19:20
WhereIsMySpoonaramudi: https://github.com/emesene/emesene/issues/464 https://github.com/emesene/emesene/issues/28319:20
WhereIsMySpoonaramudi: https://github.com/emesene/emesene/issues/93419:20
Mukhthar_Ahmedinstalled vlc and had no sound19:20
WhereIsMySpooni personally would suggest purging pulseaudio and seeing if its better just not having it, as that's how my experience panned out19:21
|Anthony|Mukhthar_Ahmed, pulseaudio employs some "magic" and remembers your usage history. It is possible that it is using the headphone jack for some applications because you had chosen to do this i nthe past19:21
|Anthony|i agree with WhereIsMySpoon on that19:21
Mukhthar_Ahmedchanged the audio output from default to alsa there is sound but again keeps changing from audio out built in to headphones built in19:21
aramudiwhen I open the window and I connect emesene desapareze window and sends me error that command in Terminal.19:21
ikoniahave you got ANY reason to suspect this is pulse ?19:22
Mukhthar_Ahmed|Anthony| how to clear the history19:22
WhereIsMySpoonaramudi: are you using 2.11.11?19:22
godbodHello everyone. I have a question concerning the xconsole in ubuntu. Why /dev/xconsole doesn't exits ? And how can I solve this problem ? Ex. of what I want to do :  xconsole -f /dev/xconsole &19:22
ikoniagodbod: it should be created by udev19:23
ikoniahowever I don't know what "xconsole" actually is as a device node19:23
|Anthony|ikonia, pulse is suspected over alsa ALWAYS. bottom line pulse tries to fix issue that don't exist and in turn creates more19:23
|Anthony|yes, i said it19:23
ikonia|Anthony|: no, sorry that's just nonsense19:23
|Anthony|it's really not though. do your homework on the subject.19:24
ikonia|Anthony|: it really is19:24
ikoniaeven if pulise is a more common problem than alsa, just stating "remove pulse" is unacceptable19:24
aramudinose that version, I can see how emesene version I have installed?19:24
ikoniayou have no reason beyond you've had a bad experience to suggest that19:25
WhereIsMySpoonikonia: reinstalling ubuntu is a common response by ops and voices here for issues, why not a simple package reinstall?19:25
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: no it's not19:25
ikoniaand if it is, it's not just a random "re-install ubuntu"19:25
ikoniathere is normally a technical reason for it19:26
ikoniayou're just saying "try this random package"19:26
MadsRCI've got an old Fujitsu Siemens laptop where wifi only works if I blacklist "acer-wmi". But sometimes when I boot wireless doesn't work again, and I have to delist "acer-wmi" from modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, reboot, blacklist it agian and reboot... Anyone know why this keeps happening?19:26
WhereIsMySpoonbesides, its not as if you purge it you can never have it again19:26
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: no, but it is intergrated, so removing it for no reason does not seem a sane approach19:26
openboxmanGot my nexus 4 phone running irc :) .  with straight talk unlimited for 60 bucks. Speednet clocked at 8 mb download.19:26
|Anthony|i'm not suggesting to "remove" pulse. I am suggesting, however, that a remove and reinstall will eliminate the possibility that pulse is the culprit. After it is re-installed (having all of the magic settings files removed) the problem still persist, we can move on to driver and alsa testing19:26
HumanBeing(offtopic) Propably you already know it: http://goo.gl/kyuO719:26
ikoniaif there is something pointing at this being pulise, I can see your point19:26
ikoniaHumanBeing: don't post it then19:27
WhereIsMySpoonikonia: if pulse is removed and the problem still exists, its alsa19:27
jrib|Anthony|: there's some relevant discussion here: http://www.novell.com/documentation/suse91/suselinux-adminguide/html/apbs03.html#tab:mask19:27
WhereIsMySpoonyou can diagnose which is the problem19:27
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: if pulse is remove it doesn't mean alsa is the problem19:27
fasHey guys, how can I give other users sudo privs but allow me to still alter their home directories?19:27
vlad_Hello. I have a question: how allow connect only for sites in list on ubuntu?19:27
|Anthony|thank you jrib19:27
diverdudeHow do i restart the network manager from console?19:27
ikoniafas: giving someone sudo privileges will not effect their home directory permissions19:28
fasdiverdude: do you want to restart net man or networking in general?19:28
diverdudefas its because the network gui is broken19:28
fasikonia: so, I have do chmod their home or chown?19:28
ikoniafas: giving someone sudo permissions has nothing to do with their home directory permissions19:29
ikoniafas: you don't have to touch any file system permissions19:29
jrib|Anthony|: B.3.4.2. Application of Default ACLs, especially section 3 in there19:29
fasikonia: I just tried to cat > to their home but it didn't allow it19:29
ikoniafas: that has nothing to do with sduo19:29
fasdiverdude: can you just kill the process19:30
|Anthony|thank you jrib19:30
ikoniajrib: good url find19:30
|Anthony|fas might want to take note of the link jrib pointed out19:30
fasikonia: I understand, I'm still a noob with linux permissions19:30
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|Anthony|agreed ikonia ^5 to jrib19:30
ikoniafas: ok, but sudo / file system permissions are totally seperate things19:30
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openboxmanNow to install ubuntu rom on android. Anyone play with emulater?19:31
jrib|Anthony|: man 5 acl, says something similar about modes, but I only understood it after reading the url :P19:31
fasthanks |Anthony|19:31
jribfas: I don't think you need ACLs for what you asked.  If you yourself have sudo, you can do whatever you want19:32
vlad_How block access to all sites, and allow to sites in list?19:32
|Anthony|fas, maybe you could condense that link into a concise answer for the askubuntu post so the community can benefit from it ;)19:33
|Anthony|er sorry jrib19:34
WhereIsMySpoonWhen I log into my ubuntu session, the window manager isnt loaded on startup, I get this in my ~/.xsession-errors: www.pastie.org/549518719:35
myheroheoyea: i made up ssh connection between android and laptop over wifi......but i changed the port in sshd_conf file from default 22 to 2222 and it connected fine but the problem is now i changed the ports back to 22 from 2222 so it must not connect over port 2222 but it is connecting over it and not 22 ?? why so ?19:35
SolarisB1yoy vey19:35
|Anthony|WhereIsMySpoon, did you install Xubuntu, or xfce on Ubuntu?19:36
WhereIsMySpoon|Anthony|: xubuntu19:36
myherois there any difference between installing xubuntu and installing xfce on ubuntu ?19:37
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: xfce is the window manager, xubuntu is a distro19:37
|Anthony|does it failsafe to busybox19:37
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: you can use xfce on debian, for example19:37
WhereIsMySpoon|Anthony|: no, i just get a gui wit no window managwer19:37
|Anthony|oh that's fun19:37
WhereIsMySpoon|Anthony|: usual things like windows pinned to top left, no titel bars etc19:37
WhereIsMySpoonalt-f2 and xfwm4 works19:38
WhereIsMySpoonbut i have to do that every time19:38
WhereIsMySpoonwhich is annoying19:38
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: but xfce contains all the xubuntu apps so its like a full xubuntu session so like a single session xubuntu ?19:38
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: xubuntu comes with a lot less bloat19:38
WhereIsMySpoonxubuntu is basically a stripped down version of ubuntu19:38
shadow98how do i remove deb package that won't let me use -r command19:38
|Anthony|WhereIsMySpoon, and i suppose you've tweaked it around a bit so you'd rather not unistall/reinstall xfce19:39
WhereIsMySpoon|Anthony|: actually ive done zippo tweaking19:39
|Anthony|so purge it19:39
WhereIsMySpooni liek it as it is19:39
Mukhthar_Ahmeddoes editing with gconf-editor require system restart19:39
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: ok.....and how do i remove dependencies when removing any app....coz apt-get remove or purge only removes app and not its dependencies ?19:40
shadow98dpkg -r Splashtop_Streamer_Ubuntu_v2.0.0.11_i386.deb <<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------dpkg: error: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in19:40
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: sudo apt-get autoremove19:40
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: and sudo apt-get install -f for resolving missing deps :)19:42
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myheroWhereIsMySpoon: currently when doing apt-get -h it says segmentation error ?19:42
WhereIsMySpoonthat isnt good :p19:42
crackerjackzwhere does wubi install its self? how do i get to the files if my ubuntu install no longer boots?19:43
myheroy ? what happened ?19:43
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: that means theres a null reference somewhere19:43
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: how to fix it ?19:43
WhereIsMySpoonwhich means that either you're giving me erroneous info or your apt is broken19:43
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: i was installing and playing with openssh19:43
Mukhthar_Ahmeddoes editing with gconf-editor require system restart19:43
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: ok?19:43
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: give full console output19:44
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: but now how to fix that segmentation thing ?19:44
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: give me full console output of the command which gives seg error19:45
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: well i exited that terminal session and started a new one but still the same segmentation error.....how to recover old terminal msgs ?19:45
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: if you just got the error again, pastebin that19:45
myheroubuntu@ubuntu:~$ apt-get -h Segmentation fault ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ apt-get --help Segmentation fault ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get --help ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get -h19:46
t432i'd like to upgrade the maven 2 package to maven 3, apt-get upgrade will not do it19:46
WhereIsMySpoont432: if maven 3 is a different package, then no ofc not19:46
t432how would i do it?19:46
t432install in  seperately?19:47
b14d3t432: You'd have to uninstall and install seperately, yes19:47
diverdudefas, and how do i restart it again?19:47
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: thats it.....just apt-get -h and then output segmentation fault19:47
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: might be a corrupted apt cache19:47
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: how to fix it ?19:47
WhereIsMySpoonsudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin19:47
WhereIsMySpoonmake a backup19:48
WhereIsMySpooni dunno how useful apt caches are19:48
WhereIsMySpoonbut always make backup before you delete system files19:48
bekksThose arent system files at all.19:48
myherook....how to make backup ?19:48
hashiishI loved Ubuntu while I tried it. Never had a problem and so easy to use19:48
myherocp ?19:48
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: ye19:48
WhereIsMySpoonbekks: apt is a system tool19:48
WhereIsMySpoonbekks: i just meant files that are used by system tools19:49
bekksWhereIsMySpoon: Then never delete any files, since they are allon your system ;)19:49
WhereIsMySpoonbekks: always make backups before you delete? sure19:49
bekks /var/cache/apt is a cache - and safe to remove.19:49
WhereIsMySpoonsounds good to me19:49
WhereIsMySpoonbekks: thats what i thought19:49
WhereIsMySpooni was just being catious19:49
bekksOr even use apt-get clean19:49
WhereIsMySpooni dont like apt just giving "seg fault" if the cache is corrupted tho xD19:50
WhereIsMySpoonit should give some sort of useful error message :p19:50
Hanumaanwhat is the problem in this apt-get source ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1417512/19:50
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: it gives some input output error....19:50
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: pastebin the output19:51
bekksHanumaan: The fact that the selected mirror denies access.19:51
WhereIsMySpoonHanumaan: you're forbidden from accessing those resources19:51
WhereIsMySpoonHanumaan: try a different mirror19:51
WhereIsMySpoonif possible, i dunno19:51
WhereIsMySpoonnot used debian19:51
openboxmanGot to run been fun :)19:52
HanumaanWhereIsSpoon, it is of Ubuntu ... I was trying that command till 3 hours before but now does not work any more .. is there a way that I can specify a mirror to apt-get source ?19:52
bekksHanumaan: Just select another mirror on synaptic, e.g.19:53
WhereIsMySpoonHanumaan: it tells you in that output what mirror to use19:53
WhereIsMySpoonjust change it in sources.list19:53
WhereIsMySpoonwhy are there 3 floodbots btw?19:54
WhereIsMySpoonjust out of curiousity19:54
HeiloahHi guys, could anyone help a supernoob get to the Nattys GUI? Some kind of black sreen failure :/19:54
t432apprently maven 3 is default for 12.4 but its not installed nor is it repo19:57
WhereIsMySpoont432: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/maven/3.0.4-219:58
WhereIsMySpoon64 bit package19:58
t432i need 3219:58
WhereIsMySpoont432: there's a link on the right hand side of the page which is a 32 bit19:59
shadow98dpkg -r Splashtop_Streamer_Ubuntu_v2.0.0.11_i386.deb <<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------dpkg: error: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in19:59
WhereIsMySpoont432: Downloadable files i386 build of maven 3.0.4-2 in ubuntu precise RELEASE produced these files: maven_3.0.4-2_all.deb (1.2 MiB)19:59
t432WhereIsMySpoon: i see it, how do i installed it?19:59
WhereIsMySpoont432: download the deb, then double click it20:00
necrogamiHow can i turn off iptables in ubuntu the /etc/init.d/ script doesn't exist20:00
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necrogamiSomething in ubuntu is blocking port 8020:01
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: u there ?20:01
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: yes20:02
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: u there ?20:02
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: i already said yes20:03
ProfessorBaconmy spoon is too big20:03
WhereIsMySpooninb4 he's scrolled up20:03
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: sorry i was disconnected.....firefox is crashing20:03
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|Anthony|well that's fun20:05
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: when doing sudo mkdir ~/Desktop/backup && sudo cp /var/cache/apt/*.bin ~/Desktop/backup its giving input output error and when doing sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin then its returning nothing and doing apt-get -h after that still shows segmentation fault20:06
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: ??20:08
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: dont need sudo for mkdir ~/Desktop/backup20:08
WhereIsMySpoonjust do it noramlyl20:08
WhereIsMySpoonmkdir ~/apt_backups20:08
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: dont create directories in user areas with sudo unless you have a really good reason to20:09
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: ok20:09
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: i thought apt is a system area and thus write protected thatsy i did it sudo20:10
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: you're creating a backup folder in ~/blah - ~ is shorthand for the default user directory20:11
diverdudefas, and how do i restart it again?20:11
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: if you were doing mkdir in /etc or wherever, you'd need sudo20:11
myhero_yea...my bad....i thought the same reason for a user directory20:11
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: :D20:12
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: now its giving segmentation fault for even mkdir for user directory20:12
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: so you do "mkdir ~/blah" and it says "seg fault"?20:12
b14d3myhero_: You're sure you're not combining commands, right?20:12
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myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: yea b14d320:13
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: have you downloaded anything dubious recently?20:13
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: i was setting up openssh20:14
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: give the output of strace mkdir ~/some_dir20:14
myhero_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir ~/apt_backups Segmentation fault ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir ~/newdir Segmentation fault ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir /home/ubuntu/Desktop/newdir Segmentation fault20:15
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: please follow my instructions, and dont paste in here20:16
WhereIsMySpoonpaste there20:16
myhero_yea...it was short so i posted it20:16
WhereIsMySpoonand use the command "strace mkdir ~/mydir20:16
WhereIsMySpoonwithout the quotes20:16
WhereIsMySpoonnote the strace20:17
IveBeenBitI have a quick question. I'm trying to give Ubuntu a fair shake, so a few months ago I installed it onto a bootable USB drive to familiarize myself with it. My computer has 4 hard drives on "fake RAID" (Intel Motherboard). 2 drives are striped and 2 are mirrored. In any event, I could not get Ubuntu 12.04 to read any files on the hard drives. I had an ubuntu whizz try to fix it for about 45 minutes, but he eventually gave up in frus20:17
IveBeenBitinsulting my choice of hard drive configuration - telling me that it's "fake RAID" and "stupid." Have the problems with mobo-based RAID arrays been fixed for Ubuntu 12.10?20:17
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myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: same...seg fault20:17
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: it should have given you a longer output20:17
WhereIsMySpoonwith a trace of where stuff went wrong20:17
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: is it trace or strace....i wrote strace20:18
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: strace20:18
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: same thing....segmentation fault20:18
fasdiverdude: sorry, I was afk, service networking restart or something like that to restart just networking20:18
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: btw i m on live 12.10 ubuntu usb20:19
fasnot sure if that's what you were looking for or not20:19
bekksIveBeenBit: There is nothing to be fixed, since thats no RAID usable in Ubuntu.20:19
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: i need the output of that strace command20:19
IveBeenBitbekks: This saddens me, but thanks for clearing up that they do not intend to support that configuration.20:20
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: is it possible that live usb got disturbed and lost contact with system thatsy its happening ? ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ strace mkdir ~/mydir Segmentation fault20:20
bekksIveBeenBit: There is nothingto be supported, since that RAID configuration is designed to be supported by Windows only.20:20
bekksIveBeenBit: By using a windows driver.20:20
Guest46538How would I use photorec to all my files I lost from a windows BSOD?20:21
IveBeenBitbekks: Bummer, but thank you for the info.20:21
phunyguy_workok what am I missing.... I am using networkmanager-openvpn and the connection works fine except for one thing.  I am trying to get it to make that connection the default route.20:21
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: so u want me to sudo strace command ?20:22
phunyguy_workI found the checkbox for "use only for resources on this network", but that didnt change anything.  On the server it is set as well to use it as the default route.20:22
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: with sudo also 2 words....segmentation fault20:22
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: r u penguin ?20:23
myhero_i meant ubuntu penguin ?20:23
Guest46538Eyes a penguin20:23
WhereIsMySpoonno, im not an ubuntu dev lol20:24
WhereIsMySpooni dont have anywhere near the programming skills to do that yet20:24
myhero_Guest46538: dont stare like that...animal fetish is bad :)20:24
myhero_kk :) still better then me :)20:25
myhero_anyways back to work.....what to do with seg fault ?20:25
bekksmyhero_: What did you before that happened?=20:25
myhero_bekks: i was seting up openssh-server....and it was fine until i had a weird thing with it.....i changed the default port from 22 to 2222 for testing and it was fine until i reverted back the port from 2222 to 22 but now the problem came .....the android was still connecting over port 2222 but not port 22 and currently its connecting over both 2222 and 22 ports20:27
b14d3WhereIsMySpoon: It's slightly offtopic, so would I be able to PM you a question not directly related to Ubuntu support?20:27
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: plz read ^^20:27
WhereIsMySpoonb14d3: sure20:28
bekksmyhero_: That willnot affect a system in any way causing segfaults.20:28
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: i dont see how that results in segfaults20:28
WhereIsMySpoonyou've done something seriously messedup20:28
WhereIsMySpoonmessed up*20:28
WhereIsMySpoonand since its a live cd i would just re-download an iso and re-burn it onto a new cd20:28
myhero_bekks: WhereIsMySpoon idk but that was it....i m on live usb 12.10 and there is nothing else on session20:28
bekksmyhero_: Then just reboot, since it ius a liveusb only.20:29
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myhero_bekks: WhereIsMySpoon yea i have the last resort for reboot and thats the reason why i try 1st on live coz ubuntu is very unstable anything weird or just any wrong key press and hell20:30
bekksmyhero_: Why dont you just reboot, when being on a liveusb?20:30
WhereIsMySpoonubuntu is not "very unstable"20:30
nopfhi. am i the only one getting a 12.04 iso when following the normal ubuntu.com...download...-clickstream?20:30
WhereIsMySpoonubuntu is quite stable, especially if you dont install any ppas20:31
bekksnopf: What did you expect?20:31
myhero_bekks: but thats running away and i wanna learn troubleshooting which helps on installed os20:31
nopfbekks: a 12.10?20:31
bekksmyhero_: It has nothing to do with debugging. Its a liveusb, not a productive system. Wasted time to debug it.20:31
myhero_bekks: commands are same....20:32
bekksmyhero_: And still the time is wasted.20:32
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: what we're saying is that a live cd is not a proper install and there's no point debugging it really until you actually install ubuntu properly20:32
whtemple1959so I am basically new to Ubuntu and I need help finding an application20:32
myhero_bekks: i know....but when something goes wrong on a dependent system then its nightmare20:32
WhereIsMySpoonwhtemple1959: are you using unity?20:33
whtemple1959no I am still on 10.0420:33
bekksmyhero_: I am not going to waste my time any further on that.20:33
padmickhi guys my usb is not mounting any here is the dsmeg    :                     http://paste.ubuntu.com/1417561       can anyone help?20:33
WhereIsMySpoonhm ok, unity has a nice app finder20:33
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: i get ur point but u r not getting mine20:33
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: what is your point20:33
WhereIsMySpoonwhtemple1959: what application?20:33
mindbreakerwhen i restart service networking, gnome disappears and nvidea alerts something20:33
bekksmyhero_: There is no point in wasting^time on a liveusb.20:33
myhero_bekks: i appreciate ur time invested till now20:34
WhereIsMySpoonwhtemple1959: also, i suggest you use 12.04 or 12.10 as your first ubuntu install rather than an old version20:34
mindbreakeri guess i have to install a nvidea driver but there are errors when i want to install additionl drivers20:34
whtemple1959I was not clear I have imagemagick installed but it is not in my apps menu and fid a file caannot find it20:34
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: bekks anyways i am rebooting.....but what do u think of mobile connecting over wifi to a laptop port when its changed ?20:35
myhero_android to laptop over wifi20:35
bekksmyhero_: When what is changed?20:35
nopfbekks: i clikc "download" "ubuntu deskop" "get ubuntu 12.10" "take me to the download" then get an 12.04 iso offered20:35
padmickhi guys i cant get my usb to mount can anyone help??20:35
mindbreakergraphics: nvidea geforce 9800gt20:36
myhero_bekks: WhereIsMySpoon i changed the default port from 22 to 2222 and it connected fine over 2222 but when i reveerted back to 22 then also it was connecting over 2222 but not 22 and now its connecting over both 22 and 222220:36
tozenpadmick: blkid?20:37
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: so switch the wifi on the phone on and off?20:37
nopfbekks: i'm just mentioning that for no good reason. i *know* how to get 12.10, have already tried it, and, if it's not much better than the beta TBH am happy to get the 12.04 instead. just wondering...20:37
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: bekks switched off/on both mobile and laptop wifi but nothing different20:38
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero_: switch off the phone and reboot20:38
whtemple1959where is my spoon I installed this version months ago still trying to learn it20:38
locojay1i i m isstalling ubuntu via a vnc and vnc break and then i have to start allover again. how can i see the log instead of the image when installing20:38
myhero_WhereIsMySpoon: ohh ok....is mobile mac or something like that is permanently allowed ? until reboot20:38
padmicktozen: nope here is the dsmeg http://paste.ubuntu.com/141756120:39
WhereIsMySpooni have no clue, but since you're on a live cd and nothing matters, reboot20:39
almoxarifewhtemple1959: to complete a nick just type the first few characters and hit tab, much simpler20:39
myhero_almoxarife: wc20:40
myhero_almoxarife: i got droid connected to laptop over wifi......20:40
whtemple1959almoxarife I am sorry but what do you mean?20:41
almoxarifemyhero_: thats nice, still using livecd on the lappy with a perfectly working OS?20:41
myhero_almoxarife: but something new came up...20:41
padmickblkid doesn't work...20:41
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myhero_almoxarife: lol yea20:41
almoxarifemyhero_: try the installed OS20:42
almoxarifemyhero_: livecd is a toy to you, when you get serious about linux then we talk, :)20:42
myhero_almoxarife: yea i installed ssh on os and its working good....it took not more then a minute :)20:42
tozenpadmick: what do u mean blkid doesnt work??!20:43
myhero_almoxarife: but live gives a lot of scope for experimentation20:43
tozenpadmick: pop in usb and type blkid20:44
elena-IKis there a way to handle moved files smarter with rsync? by default it deletes and retransmits, I'd like it to just move the file20:44
padmickok tried that no luck but other usbs work fine20:46
b14d3WhereIsMySpoon: Sorry if you answered my question about the PM, I missed it due to work. PM me if you have a quick second for an off topic question20:46
WhereIsMySpoonb14d3: i do, pm me your question20:46
tozenpadmick: sudo fdisk -l?20:46
homiesGaminghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JYPDaX2-Zc    A Legendary Parody to Far cry 3 of "Vaas" character including a very funny challenge(Hint: Green Pepper)20:47
almoxarifemyhero_: and in the spirit of getting you to have an actual install of ubuntu i suggest a 'wubi' install, that will allow for ubuntu to run without being vaporware and allow access to your precious win data20:47
almoxarifei guess the spammers found a new home20:47
padmickwhat am i looking for?20:48
chigginsAnyone know why when I try to use uwsgi through an init script, nothing gets returned to console? no messages or anything20:48
RandIterthis channel doesn't redirect to #spyware yet?20:48
padmicktozen cant find the usb20:49
tozenpadmick: sorry have no idea20:49
padmickok check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/141756120:50
almoxarifepadmick: what are you trying to do?20:50
padmickim tryin 2 get my usb to work20:50
padmickso far no luck20:51
tozenalmoxarife: hims ubi doesnt see usb20:51
Delanyi need adobe with linux ? or should i use something else ?20:51
dragonslaypadmick: is your pen drive very old?20:51
padmickno its quite new and was working yesterday20:52
myhero_almoxarife: i am thinking of virtualizing ubuntu or live ubuntu on installed ubuntu.....so that i'll have a working os and at the same time a virtual system which i can reboot/restart any time !! is it a gud idea ?20:52
tozengals does anybody can remind me to how to send pastebin through terminal, please20:52
xangua!pastebinit | tozen20:52
ubottutozen: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:52
tozenxangua: thx20:53
dragonslaypadmick: can you see the pen drive in gparted?20:53
padmickdont have gparted 1 min ill get it20:54
almoxarifepadmick: i see i/o errors on your usb according to the pastebin, i would say that usb stick is trash20:54
JamesNZHi everyone, got a weird problem. Autocomplete in the terminal doesn't work for programs in 12.04, but it did for 12.10 :|20:55
padmickdamm there was important files on that is there anything i can do?20:55
JamesNZSo if I type apt-g <tab> nothing happens, I have to type out the whole command.20:55
tozenalmoxarife: definitely trash especially because fdisk doesnt doesnt see it20:56
JamesNZIt does work for file/folders though. Any ideas?20:56
myhero_almoxarife: WhereIsMySpoon 1 more thing.....i downloaded both the ubuntu images....torrent and direct ones which are shown as 700+MB something size but i m getting 800.1MB image ?20:56
almoxarifepadmick: forenzics is OT20:56
dragonslaypadmick: check in /dev if you have the device file20:56
almoxarifemyhero_: ask your questions without using my nick, thnks20:57
tozenpadmick: device file name could be smth like /dev/sdb20:57
myhero_almoxarife: lol...u look disturbed ?20:57
myhero_almoxarife: anyways...i see ur nick is untouchable so i'll not touch it anymore after this :P20:58
almoxarifemyhero_: no, not at all, just not your babu20:58
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myhero_babu...hmm that tells a lot of things....20:59
padmickok there is nothing there so i suppose thats it21:00
Guest-tdtrs"Ubuntu Spyware" im unable to connect  to Jbacon blog  and read his grease trap.21:00
tozenpadmick: thats mean only one u r usb is gone21:00
I_HATE_AUTO_CORRWhat is the general Ubuntu loco channel21:00
ActionParsnip!alis | I_HATE_AUTO_CORR21:01
ubottuI_HATE_AUTO_CORR: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:01
sanakinghey folks!21:01
kike_Hi all21:01
padmicksorry tozen what u mean?21:01
sanakingI'm having trouble finding good lit online about how to work with LVM+FDE on Ubuntu, are there any resources out there?21:02
sanakingSpecifically I'm unclear on how to resize partitions (I can't seem to boot of the install CD as well is the other kink)21:02
bekkssanaking: Whats "FDE"?21:02
tozenpadmick: i mean you're usb is fault/dead/gone 4 ever21:02
sanakingbekks: FullDiskEncryption21:02
kike_I need some help with 7z (or better idea) to uncompress a lot of zip files, each one must be uncompressed to a different folder.21:03
kike_every zip file is in the same folder. by the way21:04
sanakingI mean, I can boot off the install, but.. i don't know how I managed to install, as graphics are all messed up21:04
padmickok thanks guys21:04
tozenpadmick:u r welcome21:04
sanaking(the same was true with the installed ver on my HDD) aside: I'm unclear why there doesn't seem to be much work on fixing the graphics issues on ubuntu, my net searching reveals _many_ who are unable to use ubuntu due to graphics card issues21:05
ActionParsnipsanaking: depends on the gpu21:06
ActionParsnipsanaking: you will get issues if you use optimus and similar21:06
kike_ATI 4xxx owners like me are a little bit angry about graphichs too21:06
tozengals any ideas to how to see my intel gpu in conky?21:07
sanakingActionParsnip: ?  Is that a reply to my lament that with each successive ubuntu release less people are able to use it?21:07
ActionParsnipkike_: there is a PPA with a legacy driver for 2xxx to 4xxx to make the latest Xorg work (in 12.10)21:07
ActionParsnipsanaking: its entierely dependant on hardware, its super individual21:07
kike_tried, didn't work and don't really know why21:07
sanakingI posted that i finally got ubuntu working on my graphics card, and a friend reply "congrats! I've been trying for over a month"21:07
kike_twice i lost graphic environment :(21:08
ActionParsnipkike_: is it ok in 12.04?21:08
sanakingActionParsnip: your statement has no relation to mine.  Ubuntu 10 and earlier all worked fine on my hardware.  I couldn't get 12 to display anything useful on the screen.  That's an issue that needs to be addressed, and has nothing to do with me21:08
kike_did'n try21:09
ActionParsnipsanaking: did you try mutiple desktop environments?21:09
kike_last LTS worked just fine21:09
sanakingActionParsnip: I couldn't even login21:09
kike_i've seen a manual that i'm trying to understand before I try21:09
sanakingOh I tried light and kdm yeah21:09
ActionParsnipsanaking: you can press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there21:09
sanakingActionParsnip: nope, the graphics there were screwed up too.21:10
ActionParsnipsanaking: that won't change the session once you log in, changing the DM doesn't make a huge amount of difference21:10
sanakingActionParsnip: exactly21:10
ActionParsnipsanaking: ok, then did you try kubuntu or xubuntu?21:10
ActionParsnipsanaking: the DM is not the DE21:10
sanakingActionParsnip: exactly, that's why i said i couldn't even login, so i didn't even have a chance to try different DEs21:11
ActionParsnipsanaking: but you can use the different install medias to install them by default21:11
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kike_any idea about how to uncompress a lot of zip files (all in the same folder)  to a different folder each one?21:12
sanakingI'm confused at how I was able to install at all, now trying to boot Ubuntu/Kubuntu/GNOMEbuntu all seem to have graphics issues making them unusable. hmm.21:12
sanakinganyways, so it sounds like nobody knows where i can find resources to learn about using LVM+FDE effectively21:12
almoxarifesanaking: be so kind as to share via pastebin, /var/log/syslog and Xorg.0.log21:12
ActionParsnipsanaking: boot to the kubuntu installCD and run through the install method, just like you would with ubuntu21:12
sanakingAm I the only person using LUKS?21:12
sanakingalmoxarife: after days of work i managed to turn off nouveau and install nvidia-current, and am booted fine now, but would like to resize my partitions21:13
ActionParsnipsanaking: the newer releases use compiz, if your gpu isn't up to the task it will offload to the cpu.21:13
ActionParsnipsanaking: basically, all you have tested is Gnome desktop. I suggest you try the others then form an opinion. You don't have to use gnome21:14
DDAZZASimple question: when running the time command. What is real/user/sys?21:14
almoxarifesanaking: be so kind as to share via pastebin, /var/log/syslog and Xorg.0.log <-- nevermind on this, 'gparted' for resize a partition works great for me21:14
sanakingActionParsnip: basically I've not even gotten to the GNOME desktop.21:14
sanakingalmoxarife: not with LVM21:14
almoxarifesanaking: correct21:14
kike_I installed cynnamon after breaking my graphics and it's cool, now I like it a lot21:15
ActionParsnipsanaking: then try a different desktop, you can use xubuntu which needs zero 3d accelleration and I bet it runs just fine21:15
auronandacekike_: cinnamon isn't supported here21:15
kike_i'm sure21:15
sanakingwould i be able to resize my encrypted partitions from the xubuntu 12.10 dvd?21:16
sanaking(or cd whatever)21:16
ActionParsnipsanaking: it has all the same stuff available as the ubuntu cd, so i'd imagine so, yes21:16
sanakingI don't know if the ubuntu CD can do that21:16
auronandacesanaking: i thought the whole point of using lvm was so you didn't have to worry about partition sizes21:17
ActionParsnipsanaking: if the tools ar ein the repos and you have web access, there is nothing stopping you installing the apps (except ram space to hold the app itself)21:17
wNauronandace: lvm doesn't care about partition sizes. it puts them all devices into a single pool and works from that21:18
sanakingauronandace: I want to install another OS21:18
auronandacewN: exactly21:18
=== smorriss is now known as uberamd
wNi missed the original question, but you dont have to resize your partition sizes with lvm unless you want to create new devices for use in a new vg or outside of lvm21:19
almoxarifesanaking: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Parted-Magic-update-includes-GParted-LVM-support-1706323.html21:19
sanakingalmoxarife: But I also used crypt/LUKS :(21:20
wNsanaking: perhaps you should ask in #lvm if you have lvm specific questions.21:20
sanakingIt is strange that KUbuntu doesn't include any partition tools that support LVM, eh21:21
wNsanaking: what do you mean?21:21
=== khildin_ is now known as khildin
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: thnx for ur time :)21:21
t432anyone know the correct java ee package (not the standard version)21:21
sanakingwN: i can try, but not sure if they'll be able to help me with the LUKS issues..21:22
wNsanaking: why? there are LUKs questions in there all the time21:22
sanakingwN: The two partitioning tools that come with my install don't seem to support it..21:22
OpenSorceIs it safe to just delete the contents of /tmp ?21:22
sanakingwN: oh yeah? ok great!21:22
ActionParsnipt432: do you want oracle java for your browser?21:22
wNsanaking: what're you trying to do? resize your partitions?21:22
t432no i need the development kit java ee21:22
t432java enterprise edition21:23
slMagnvoxNeed help configuring display; v12.10  with AMD 6350 plugged in via VGA to a LCD TV21:24
WhereIsMySpoonmyhero: np21:24
myheroWhereIsMySpoon: not for U but i highly appreciate that21:25
=== sharky1 is now known as sharky
t432is j2ee available in repo?21:28
kyyddoes anyone have any advice on upgrading packages on a production server? Like does it often cause problems? Should you always do is asap, and is there a good process to check that it hasn't broken anything?21:28
kyyd*it asap21:29
auronandacet432: if that is an official oracle version then i doubt it21:29
almoxarifekyyd: if its working dont touch it21:29
t432how do get it work?21:29
t432if was to download it from oracle21:29
t432if i*21:29
auronandace!java | t43221:30
ubottut432: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:30
myheroi tried installing JDK 7u9 with NetBeans 7.2.1 linux x64 edition available here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7-netbeans-download-432126.html on installed ubuntu 12.10 but it there was nothing happening when double clicking it21:30
myheroon installed 12.10 OS21:30
t432ubottu: I have those i need http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/downloads/index.html21:30
ubottut432: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:30
t432e.e. j2ee21:30
t432i meant auronandace21:31
auronandacet432: i don't use java, thankfully never needed it21:32
sanakingok going to try to boot the install DVD again, hope it works.. bbl (maybe)21:32
t432auronandace: php?21:32
kyydalmoxarife: ok thanks21:32
kyydalmoxarife: what about security updates, are those usually ok?21:33
auronandacet432: nope, i'm not a web dev21:33
t432ah your c man21:33
almoxarifekyyd: i personally chose to make security updates, but that is a choice also21:34
myheroi tried installing JDK 7u9 with NetBeans 7.2.1 linux x64 edition available here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7-netbeans-download-432126.html on installed ubuntu 12.10 OS but there was nothing happening when double clicking it....whats wrong with it ?21:38
tozenNevopross: как сам, брат?21:39
ajpi have this script I need to run as a daemon, I need it to run every time the server boots, can someone point me?21:41
jrib!upstart | ajp21:42
ubottuajp: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:42
jribajp: check out the cookbook for upstart21:42
ajpwow so much info... is there a short sweet version?21:43
bekksajp: That was the short version. :P21:43
myheroanyone ?21:44
jribajp: well the "getting started" link there gets you started.  You can also look at existing scripts for inspiration21:44
bekksmyhero: On what?21:44
myherobekks: i tried installing JDK 7u9 with NetBeans 7.2.1 linux x64 edition available here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7-netbeans-download-432126.html on installed ubuntu 12.10 OS but there was nothing happening when double clicking it....whats wrong with it ?21:44
ajpI have my script, i just need it to go, lol21:44
ajpor do i have to write a script for my script?21:44
bekksmyhero: Download netbeans, and install it afterwards. There's nothing to be happening when just clicking it.21:45
jribajp: an init script, yes.  So upstart can manage it.  This is the proper way21:45
ajpjrib: i see21:45
myherobekks: i tried it through terminal also but no use21:45
bekksmyhero: "tried" "no use" - be more specific, please.21:46
ActionParsnipajp: if you add it in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line, it will run as root before the desktop shows21:46
ActionParsnipajp: as it is a daemon, you will need to add a space and an amperand after the command to background it21:47
ActionParsnipajp: if you don't then the boot will hang21:47
myst3riousokay. I'm going to have to blow this out of the water and reinstall Ubuntu.21:55
myst3riousthat's the only way this is going to get fixed sadly21:55
alexkhcszmy menu bar disappeared, where i can set wlan configs... how to get it back21:56
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myst3riousFunny. Apparently a drive protection thing in Ubuntu doesn't let Ubuntu discs boot. That's nice.21:58
doosthello, i just bought an acer aspiron e... i am unable to install ubuntu on it.21:58
myst3riousdoost: PM me and I can walk you through the process21:58
doostit keeps restarting21:59
myst3riousIs it on a flashstick or a DVD?21:59
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myst3riousdoost? is it on a USB stick or DVD?22:03
dotty_Hi, I have a quick question regarding the samba server. I've gt it all setup, added myself as a user and on my mac workstation i can see the server, connect to it and share files.22:03
dotty_However, there is 2 shared folder, both pointing to the same place. I have "homes" and "kevin", both going to the same place.22:03
doosti tried both22:04
doostniether works22:04
bekksdotty_: And whats your question?22:04
b14d3dotty_: You should be able to edit smbd.conf and see those, and edit/rename/remove them22:04
myst3riousIs your computer set to boot from dick?22:04
myst3riousI am so sorry. I meant disc22:04
dotty_The question is, how do i remove the "homes" folder.22:04
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bekksdotty_: You have to edit the samba configuration file and restart samba, for removing the generic homes share.22:05
doostI don't know what to do, it doesn't recognize the disc, and with the usb, it keeps restarting22:05
b14d3dotty_: If memory serves, edit /etc/init.d/smbd/smbd.conf, you can google the documentation on it, it's very straightfoward.22:05
=== Kernel is now known as Guest49107
``qhello. is there a way to directly force a PXE boot from a certain IP, from commandline ?22:06
dotty_under Share Defs, I got [homes] comment = Home Directories browsable  = yes22:06
Erinb14d3, /etc/samba/smbd.conf I think22:06
bekksb14d3: That file does not exist ion Ubuntu.22:06
Erinbekks, see above22:06
bekksErin: I know ;)22:06
b14d3Good call Erin, haven't quite gotten filepaths memorized perfectly yet. Sorry about that dotty_22:06
Erinlol np..22:07
Erinb14d3, init.d contains the startup scripts for daemons22:07
dotty_Ah! Got it. change the "browseable" to no.22:07
bekksdotty_: That will not remove the share. It will just not been visible.22:08
srhbMy Google-fu is failing me! How do I make Ubuntu "forget" a wireless network? Every time I turn on my wifi adaptor, it tries to connect to a network that isn't mine, presumably because I've misclicked it once. The password dialog pops up for it, which is quite annoying.22:08
b14d3Thanks Erin, trying to get better with Ubuntu22:08
samphippenhow do I forward port 5443 on my local box via ssh to someserver:133722:08
dotty_The "Homes" folder has gone, and now all I've got is my "kevin" folder. Which is what i want.22:08
bekksdotty_: the home share is not gone, it is not visible. You wont disappear from this earth when just hiding behind a corner.22:09
kickingvegassrhb: Try "Edit Connections" under the wifi top menu bar symbol22:09
ActionParsnipsamphippen: do you not use a router?22:09
srhbkickingvegas: Perfect thanks. Strangely that dialog says I've never used the network (even though it's in the list.)22:10
kickingvegassrhb: np22:10
DrakeeIf anyone needs a nice PasteBin site. Feel free to use http://PasteBin.BiessieCloud.com Thanks.22:10
kickingvegasfinding out that power management wifi is just broken in ubuntu.22:10
guntbertDrakee: no advertising here, thank you22:10
srhbkickingvegas: Oh?22:11
Drakeeim sorry22:11
DrakeeJust trying to throw out pastebin for users :)22:11
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:11
DrakeeI used them often22:11
srhbI don't really know. I had to whip out a custom script to deal with internet sharing over wifi, that might have made things worse.22:11
dotty_Nah, i understand that. I want to share my home folder, but the issue was that on OS X both "kevin" and "homes" was coming up, both pointing to the same folder.22:11
kickingvegasdisabling wifi power management has taken most of the random disconnects I see; unfortunately not all.22:12
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dr_willisdotty_:  samba has a feature to share the users 'homes' and thats how it would work. Whatever user is logged in (say 'bob') connects to the server/homes share. would get routed to  bobs home directory22:12
myst3riousMy god do I hope I just partitioned this drive correctly.22:14
dotty_Yeah, thats what I want.22:14
dotty_Thanks for your time! might be back soon!22:15
myst3riousanyone know if there's a way to brute-force BearShare into working on Ubuntu, seeing as it needs IE 7> and WMP 10>?22:17
myst3riousIE 7< and WMP 10<22:17
dr_williswine and a lot of black magic perhaps.. ask in #windhq perhaps22:17
ikoniamyst3rious: why do that ?22:17
ikoniaeither boot into windows, or use an alternative tool22:18
b14d3I haven't used BearShare since like 2005. I didn't know it still even existed.22:18
dr_willisI dont even know what bearShare does. so i cant suggest an alternative22:18
_0x783czarI have a server with a colorized prompt.  I did not set this up on the server, but would like to duplicate this colorized output on another machine.  However I'm not exactly sure where to look for the settings that I need to duplicate.  So far I've taken the /etc/profile.d/99_bashrc.sh file and duplicated it on the other system, but it still doesn't have a colorized promt.  What else can I look at?22:18
b14d3It's a P2P nontorrent share software22:18
myst3riousdr_willis: it's a share software for sharing music22:18
almoxarifedr_willis: it allows you to share bear hugs22:19
dr_willis_0x783czar:  check the users .bashrc and .profile  theres a color prompt settiogs in there.22:19
dr_willis_0x783czar:  theres a 'bash prompt howto' at tldp.org that has dozens of things you can do to the promopts22:19
myst3riousalmoxarife: close, it's also a dating/connections thing too22:19
* almoxarife does not date22:19
dr_willisSo you an date bears. ;)22:19
b14d3Nothin wrong with that lols22:20
myst3rious"[16:19] * almoxarife does not date" you're in #ubuntu. nuff said.22:20
b14d3But, back to a previous point, are you committed to using that software?22:20
Erini'm here and I am married lol....22:20
ErinOT though ;-p22:20
b14d3I have a boyfriend....22:20
Erinb14d3, well if ur male more power to you, if you are female no big accomplishment any woman can get a man easily ;-p22:21
Erinbut offtopic so i digress22:21
almoxarife:) , i can tell that was not a good tangent22:21
myst3rioustoo bad all of us aren't that lucky. anyways, I'm not fully comitted, if there's a decent Ubuntu/Debian alternative, I might jump ship to that.22:22
almoxarifemyst3rious: KDE buddy22:22
myst3riousoperative word being "decent" aka "still working and lively"22:22
b14d3I loves my KTorrent.22:22
Erinmyst3rious, people like arch linux also22:22
myst3riousI've heard the installing of Arch is a pain in the @$$ though22:23
_0x783czardr_willis: thank-you so much that was it!22:23
Erinmyst3rious, it might be now, I think they removed the gui installer22:23
guntbert!ot | myst3rious , Erin22:24
ubottumyst3rious , Erin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:24
almoxarifemyst3rious: arch? one question, does it do anything any other distro cant?22:24
Eringuntbert, really? he asked a question about LINUX i answered it, yes it was not *ubuntu* but can you possibly just be cool for one minute lol ?22:24
k1lErin: we have #ubuntu-offtopic and even ##linux for that :) so keep this for ubuntu support, please22:25
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Erin22:25
ubottuErin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:25
myst3riousalright. new install is up and running. now let's hope I don't screw it up again22:25
guntbertErin: that has nothing to do with "being cool" - just read your last 5-6 comments22:25
Erinso lets figure this out, my two lines or 20+ lines of 2 people linking me the same thing ?22:26
Erinand i'm supposed to join #offtopic every time someone asks for a different linux variant ?22:26
drthodthey if im on 64bit windows will wubi install 64bit22:26
k1lErin: please stop to discuss this here. the point is made, please see the guidelines22:26
SonikkuAmericaErin, that isn't exactly a support question22:26
almoxarifeErin: not to worry, when the chat goes off into #bash or #apache, pounce!22:26
guntbertErin: you are supposed to keep your comments *here* strictly to ubuntu support22:26
Erini'm done coming here22:27
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: Yes22:27
Erinproblem solved22:27
* SonikkuAmerica sighs22:27
almoxarifeoh dear22:27
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: Yes, you can. Depends, you want 32- or 64-bit Ubuntu installed?22:27
k1ldrthodt: you are sure you want wubi and not a real installation?22:28
almoxarifedrthodt: its a 64bit machine, thats what matters22:28
* dr_willis advises running away from wubi.22:28
drthodtI want 64bit22:28
drthodtcompiles mah droid jellybeans22:28
ccoloradohi, in an attept to clone a 16 GB SD card to a 32 GB card I ended up with a 16 GB partion on the new card, 'mount -l' says its a 16 GB partition while 'cfdisk' say its a 32 GB. I clonned the SD with dd.22:28
almoxarifedrthodt: so install via the 64bit iso22:28
drthodtdoesnt wubi use the nt bootloader?22:28
ccoloradoAny idea why cfdisk reporst a bigger size ?22:28
drthodtthe installer22:28
ikoniaccolorado: because that's the "device" but you've cloned the partition table which will be 16gb22:29
drthodti want to bitlock my windows 8 and dualboot lts22:29
dr_willisccolorado:  use gparted to resize the 16bg partion to fill up th rest of the sd. or make a 2nd partion22:29
SonikkuAmericaalmoxarife, drthodt: To install INSIDE Windows, type in "<parent>\wubi.exe --force-wubi"22:29
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: where <parent> is wherever the Wubi exe is at22:29
ikoniayou don't want to install insidde a bitlocked NTFS file system22:30
almoxarifeSonikkuAmerica: used wubi for years, thats how i figured out i had a 64bit system22:30
drthodtyeah I dont want to do that22:30
drthodti want it on its own partition22:30
drthodtusing nt bootloader22:30
drthodtso i can bitlock windows22:30
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: Unless you're using Windows 7/8 there's no way to do that...22:30
kgOK, so what's the best way to actually learn linux and not just use linux? I dont lrarn anything real about linux by writing ordninary desktop apps for it and i dont learn anything by usin g it as i use windows. how do i learn linux for real? write a bootloader?22:31
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: Just saying22:31
drthodtim on win822:31
auronandacekg: a question better asked in ##linux22:31
almoxarifeikonia: will wubi refuse to install ubuntu within this bitlocked ntfs? or is it a user option?22:31
ikoniaalmoxarife: it won't know, but think about it, windows is used to decypt it, so upon rebooting.....22:32
gregor3005how can i transfer the ubuntu installations iso to an usb stick so it boots on my laptop that boot only from uefi devices?22:32
SonikkuAmericaWhere'd kg go?22:33
dr_willisgregor3005:  the normal tools to make a bootable usb from iso - should handle that. Or use 'dd' to image the iso directly to usb.22:33
almoxarifeikonia: i just dont want to give someone bad advice, about installing wubi, i dont have a win8 to play with to know any better22:33
gregor3005dr_willis: ok i try "dd if=./dvd.iso of=/dev/sde"?22:34
dr_willisgregor3005:  thats the core of it yes.22:34
SonikkuAmericadrthodt: Try this page, it uses EasyBCD to configure an install like the one you mentioned: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/use-the-windows-bootloader-to-dual-boot-windows-vista-and-ubuntu.html22:34
dr_willisgregor3005:  giving a BS= option may speed it up.  ;)22:34
=== Argure|AFK is now known as Argure
freedomrunis there a way to enable minimise on click function in ubuntu 12.10 Unity??!22:34
dr_willisfreedomrun:  theres some unofficial unity patches for that.22:34
ccoloradoikonia: how should i have coned just the content of the partition ? dd if=/dev/sdb1, dd if=/dev/sdb, or something else ? ( given i want to presever dates and stuff like that )22:34
ikoniaccolorado: dd is not the tool22:35
freedomrundr_willis, for 12.10 Unity also?22:35
ikoniaccolorado: there are tools such as clonezilla, or simple "copy the data" onto the new disk22:35
dr_willisfreedomrun:  last i looked they mentioned 12.10 - i dont use the patch. saw it mentione don webupd8 or omgubuntu sites22:35
freedomrundr_willis, thnx22:36
gregor3005dr_willis: thx i try it22:36
ccoloradoikonia: what confuses me a lot is cfdisk saying that sdb1 is 32 GB  ( not sdb )22:37
SonikkuAmericaccolorado, ikonia: Is that not the partition size?22:37
ikoniaccolorado: the physical partiton probably is 32bit, but you've copied the 16GB partition table22:38
fjksomeone testing steam ?22:39
SonikkuAmericafjk: Under Wine?22:39
ikoniafjk: the steam beta has it's own forum with lots of info/testers22:39
fjkno, native22:39
fjki have one simple question22:40
ikoniafjk: the steam beta has it's own forum with lots of info/testers22:40
fjkthey changed gfc files ?22:40
ikoniafjk: the steam beta has it's own forum with lots of info/testers22:40
fjkon first time im copied files from steam for win22:41
ikoniafjk: are you listening ?22:41
ikoniafjk: the steam beta has it's own forum with lots of info/testers22:41
fjkand ?22:41
HumanBeingHow do I install Mari0 (https://launchpad.net/~sleepycat/+archive/mari0?field.series_filter=oneiric) without a high risk (since inofficial repositories are told to be dangerous)?22:41
ikoniafjk: the steam beta is nothing to do with ubuntu22:41
fjkthis channel is not for talking ?22:41
SonikkuAmericafjk: He means go there22:41
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:41
ikoniafjk: no, it's for ubuntu discussion22:41
SonikkuAmerica!ot | fjk22:41
ubottufjk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:41
mgolischwhere would be the right channel to ask questions about ubuntu for android?22:41
MaynardW1tershey guys, I have a 5 disk raid array on 11.04 and something got updated and now its not automounting. I can see the multidisk devie. but it does not want to mount ive tried a number of mdadm commands and it appears that it knows there is a md device, but doesnt want to make it active... any suggestions are welcome22:41
ikoniamgolisch: there is no right channel as they have not released any info on it yet22:41
mgolischikonia: so its just marketing buzz?22:42
ikoniamgolisch: well, no, but there is no info on it and hasn't been since the first marketing push22:42
ikoniamgolisch: I'm sure it's being worked on, but there is nothing known22:42
mgolischtoo bad22:42
ikoniamgolisch: who knows the "real" status/info on it22:42
abizrcmplxhello everyone! i thought id give this a try and ask a quick question. id appreciate any help. i installed Lubuntu 12.10 with the mini iso and all works fine except video playback. totem seems to be the only player that will work but i have to keep the size very small so it doesnt skip. playing videos in the browser is no issue at all. im not sure if its a matter of installing a certain codec or that perhaps its somethimg more lik22:43
dr_willisI want android on ubuntu. :) so i can run my android stuff on my Ubuntu desktop. ;P22:43
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: Isn't the Android SDK available for Ubuntu?22:44
HumanBeingmgolisch: just ask in a forum of your choice.22:44
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  wanting somthing a little more end user friendly :) like that bluez thang on windows.22:44
mgolischtheres been some work on something called android execution environment @ dr_willis22:44
mgolischbut i think theres been no progress since 200922:44
dr_willisIm getting so used to using my phone/tablets - I find my self doing android-type gestures on my Ubuntu boxs ;)22:45
SonikkuAmericaabizrcmplx: Can your video drivers handle video playback?22:45
SonikkuAmericaabizrcmplx: Natively that is22:45
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: "Bluez thang"?22:45
dr_willisabizrcmplx:  the kind of video/size/codec and your system specs can have limitions22:45
HumanBeingmy question again: How do I install Mari0 (https://launchpad.net/~sleepycat/+archive/mari0?field.series_filter=oneiric) without a high risk (since inofficial repositories are told to be dangerous)?22:45
ccoloradoikonia: mm maybe wording is confusing me, I think your last message says that the SD has no free space (FYI It has like 4 GB of free space ). If not, then i dont understand your answer22:45
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  some anroid-enviroment they have on windows now. i forget its name. had blue in it i belive.22:46
ikoniaccolorado: how many partitions are on the disk22:46
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: you need love from the ppa22:46
ikonia(on the SD)22:46
ccoloradoikonia: just that one (sdb1)22:46
ikoniaccolorado: right, so it spans the whole disk22:46
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:46
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: Hmm... something to research22:46
abizrcmplxsonikkuamerica:  yes. i dont have an issue on other distros as long as compiz or any kind of effects are enabled. like with linux mint 13 xfce "vlc" play works fine.22:46
ikoniaccolorado: therefore it's 32gb in size22:46
xyzoneanyone got steam beta to run on amd64?22:47
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  bluestacks.com - aparantly a OS-X version is in alpha22:47
ikoniaxyzone: the people on the steam beta forum may have22:47
ccoloradoikonia: even if mount -l reports it being 16 GB in size ?22:47
HumanBeingActionParsnip: precise ;)22:47
ikoniaccolorado: please try to listen22:47
ikoniaccolorado: you've got a partition that covers the whole disk22:47
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: I'm downloading it now, wonder what this could mean22:47
ikoniahowever, you have copied the partition TABLE from the 16GB SD card when you did DD22:47
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  Not sure if willwork in wine. it does work 'ok' in windows last i tried it.22:48
ikoniaso software that queries the partition table will report 16GB, software that queries the physical device will report 32gb22:48
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-unstable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install love-unstable22:48
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: I'm in Windows 8 right now22:48
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  you have my condolances.. ;P22:48
HumanBeingActionParsnip: Is it possible to install it without adding the ppa?22:48
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: then run:  ls /usr/bin | grep love      what is output?22:49
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: Condolences?! I think it's great!22:49
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ActionParsnipHumanBeing: you need love 8.1, which isn't in the repos22:49
ActionParsnip!info love22:49
ubottulove (source: love): 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-1 (quantal), package size 965 kB, installed size 2252 kB22:49
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: mari0 needs 0.8.122:49
ccoloradoikonia: got it. thanks :)22:49
trism4/lastlog HumanBeing 2022:49
trismoops sorry22:49
DaItsicleHello, I need help updating drivers in gnome classic. Anyone know how?22:51
dr_willisDaItsicle:  clarify what you need.22:51
dr_willisgnome clasic or whatever desktop.. shouldent matter.22:51
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: :( It doesn't work with Intel integrated graphics22:51
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  ;) it wants mono for windows in wine also. ;P22:51
DaItsicleWell I got my steam beta invite, and it said i need to update opengl drivers, but I googled around and haven't found much.22:52
dr_willisDaItsicle:  whats your video card?22:52
HumanBeingActionParsnip: but I can't find packages for it...22:52
gregor3005which filesystem does ubuntu use per default? i have to use gpt so it boots from uefi for my asus f201e netbook22:52
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: packages for what?22:52
dr_willisgregor3005:  ext422:52
ikoniagregor3005: ext422:52
DaItsicleAmd/ati radeon22:52
ahammondI used apt-get install rabbitmq-server, then dpkg -L rabbitmq-server and note that it says it includes /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server. ls /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server does not exist. WTF?22:53
HumanBeingActionParsnip: For love and Mari022:53
gregor3005sry i meant partitiontable type22:53
ikoniaahammond: don't need comments like "WTF" please.22:53
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: its not in a package22:53
ikoniagregor3005: it will use what you tell it to use22:53
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: wget http://stabyourself.net/dl.php?file=mari0-1006/mari0-linux.zip; unzip ./mari0-linux.zip; rm ./mari0-linux.zip22:53
gregor3005ikonia: i used the live cd to install ubuntu and it dont asked me22:54
ahammondikonia: ok, more generally, if the package manifest says it includes X, I install the package and file X doesn't exist, uh… what gives?22:54
gregor3005i said it should use the whole disk22:54
gregor3005i wait if it works with default values22:54
ikoniaahammond: you've not got that package from the ubuntu repos have you22:54
ahammondikonia: got it from the rabbitmq PPA22:55
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: its a single .love file, you open it with love and it runs22:55
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: simples22:55
ikoniaahammond: so the person who maintains that appears to not be doing a good job22:55
ikoniaahammond: you'll need to contact to PPA maintainer22:55
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: did you install love-unstable from the PPA?22:56
ahammondikonia: so, manually extracted the file using dpkg -x and the file is in there… but ???22:56
ikoniaahammond: ubuntu dosn't use that init system any more22:56
HumanBeingActionParsnip: OK, thanks :) I hoped there would be an easier way to install it, but your descriptions helped me22:56
ikoniaahammond: hence why you'll need to contact the PPA maintainer22:56
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: its not hard22:56
HumanBeingActionParsnip: No, I did nothing right now22:56
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: add a ppa, install a package, download the game and run the app22:56
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: you may need to link /usr/bin/love-unstable to /usr/bin/love22:57
ahammondikonia: I'm less interested in the specific file being extracted than in the fact that not all of the files got extracted.22:57
ikoniaahammond: because those file destinitions no longer exist22:57
ikoniaahammond: contact the package maintainer22:57
HumanBeingActionParsnip: Well, in comparison to other OSs it is hard ;)22:57
ajpinstead of using upstart, is it wise to add my script to @reboot in crontab?22:57
ahammondikonia: ok, thanks22:58
DaItsicleAny help at updating open gl for amd mobility radeon hd 4200?22:59
hecconteHi, I'm new to Xchat, Is there any spanish channel for ubuntu or xubuntu? Thanks.22:59
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: i'd say it was simple, plus as the repo gets updated so will your packages, which other systems don't do22:59
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ActionParsnipHumanBeing: also, other apps using love are updated in the same step, other OSes don't have that feature23:00
serp_hecconte: #ubuntu-es23:00
FloodBot1serp_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
serp_ok thx FloodBot1 very helpful23:00
HumanBeingActionParsnip: Do I have to add an repo for every app, which isnt in the official repo?23:00
hecconteserp_: Thank you very much.23:01
ActionParsnipHumanBeing: its one way to install, love is in the repos, just that its not new enough for the app, so you need an extra source for the newer version23:01
HumanBeingActionParsnip: because I read, that you shouldnt add too much ppas...23:01
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ActionParsnipHumanBeing: ideally but if you need them then you have that freedom23:02
=== Guest85920 is now known as fooooooobar
HumanBeingActionParsnip: Thx a lot!23:02
malroghi does anyne know anything about nvidia optimus, i got geforce 540m grapihcs and it gets hot really hot about 90-92c when i play games with optirun23:02
serp_install windows23:02
serp_it rúns better there23:03
ActionParsnipmalrog: optimus is a massive headache in linux23:03
xyzonemegatron won on linux23:03
malrogyes ive noticed that but i like ubuntu23:03
ActionParsnipmalrog: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee   may help23:03
xyzonei'm boycotting buying anything with optimus23:03
serp_or buy a new laptop23:03
malrogActionparsnip: ive been looking there and other places but found no answer about the heat problem23:04
xyzonemalrog, are you using bumblebee?23:05
darkhalo117What's the best software to convert my dvd's to a format that I can use on an ipod? (Preferably for ubuntu)23:05
malrogxyzone: yes im using bumblebee23:05
xyzonedarkhalo117, depends on which ipod, gtkpod used to work, now it won't23:05
ActionParsnipdarkhalo117: there is no single best app to do anything on any OS23:05
serp_listing files has a good standard app23:06
SuperBurritohow do I remove ubuntu from my linux?23:06
remsSsHi everybody23:06
ActionParsnipdarkhalo117: if there was a single best, the others would cease to be developed as nobody would use them23:06
serp_SuperBurrito: troll much?23:06
RickZillaSuperBurrito: How is it configured right now?23:06
xyzoneSuperBurrito, alt+ctrl+delete23:06
darkhalo117Well I haven't lived in a cave for the last 20 years so I realize that23:07
ActionParsnipdarkhalo117: so why ask what the best is, when you know it doesn't exist?23:07
darkhalo117I don't consider your word to be celestial. No offense23:07
darkhalo117I would love your opinion23:07
RickZillaIf somebody's first language isn't English, they may use 'best' to mean something else23:08
diverdudeHi. using acrobat professionel its possible to write data in a pdf...like i have a schema and i want to write values in this schema using the computer instead of writing it in hand.....I dont have adobe proffesionel...is there a linux alternative for this?23:08
ActionParsnipdarkhalo117: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-dvd-ripper-software.html23:08
darkhalo117Thank you23:08
ActionParsnipRickZilla: judging by the language, I think we can say that english isn't an issue23:09
SuperBurritoserp_: troll: command not found23:09
SuperBurritoRickZilla: when my robot boots up the ubuntu is layered on to the kernel23:09
fooooooobarwow mounting samba shares should be easier23:09
xyzonediverdude, I think gimp can write pdf, not sure what a schema is23:09
RickZilladiverdude: try pdfedit, should be in the repo23:09
dgalihi'm using Neodownloader (from windows) to grab video or pict from website. is there an alternative from LINUX?23:10
ActionParsnipfooooooobar: nautilus does it painlessly23:10
RickZillaSuperBurito: You can always run a disk wipe utility23:10
xyzonedgalih, yes, there's addons for firefox and chrome23:10
SuperBurritoRickZilla: with a cloth a Windex?23:10
SuperBurritoOK I will wipe it23:10
RickZillasomething like that23:10
xyzonewith acid23:11
dgalihxyzone, how to use it?23:11
xyzonedgalih, try download helper for firefox23:11
fooooooobarnot got nautlis, using xubuntu file manager, got it sorted now but seriously something should just auto do that for me :) i actualy got foobar200 running quicker than it took me to access my remote drives23:12
ActionParsnipfooooooobar: is it pcmanfm in xubuntu?23:15
dgalihxyzone, thanks. i'll try it first23:16
e66Everytime I push something to bitbucket it prompts like this. "Enter passphrase for key '/home/e66/.ssh/id_rsa'". How can I make it more readable?23:19
e66I mean something like "Enter your default passphrase"23:20
Peloevening , I'm trying to setup google talk in empathy and I'm getting a network error message , can anyone help ?23:20
HumanBeingPelo: You should write the error message, before anybody can answer this ;)23:21
PeloHumanBeing, it did23:22
Peloi did23:22
ActionParsnipfooooooobar: i believe thunar can hit samba shares23:22
PeloHumanBeing, network error is the message23:22
HumanBeingPelo: try to run “killall telepathy-butterfly”23:24
HumanBeingand restart empathy23:25
PeloHumanBeing,  no process found23:25
ajptrying to create an upstart file, how does this look? http://pastebin.com/DVhstVqa23:26
ActionParsnipfooooooobar: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/add-support-for-samba-shares-to-thunar.html23:26
Rolo__would anyone be interested in helping me install ubuntu?23:26
ActionParsnipRolo__: post your issue and the channelwill help if it can23:26
Nik05put CD/DVD in an follow steps23:26
HumanBeingPelo:  do you use username@gmail.com as the login ID?23:26
PeloHumanBeing, yes23:26
Rolo__well here is my issue, my netbook won't boot the USB disk and I have no optical drive23:27
Rolo__my remaining option is to use the pxe23:27
ActionParsnipRolo__: did you set the USB as the first boot device?23:27
HumanBeingPelo: strange... I had the error, when I logged in with my username without the  @gmail.com23:28
Rolo__I set the usb as the boot priority23:28
Rolo__and my machine skips to pxe23:28
Rolo__i recently got a boot sector virus23:28
Rolo__my motherboard reads the hardrive but cant boot from it23:28
HumanBeingPelo: Ah: write talk.google.com as the server in the advanced settings of the account23:29
PeloHumanBeing, the annoying thing is that my regular account in empathy uses the same gmail and works fine23:29
PeloHumanBeing, ok where do I find those advances settings, I can'T locate them anywhere23:30
HumanBeingEdit > Accounts > the  google talk account > advanced23:31
marlboromanwhen i do "which java" in my terminal, i get JAVA_HOME/bin/java which is perfectly normal.23:31
Googol30I've been trying to mount a 256 Megabyte flash drive formatted in FAT32 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 for the last 2 and a half hours now.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.23:31
marlboromanbut when i do sudo which java, i don't see anything.23:31
marlboromanhow can i fix this23:31
almoxarifeRolo__: so are you wanting to overwrite the boot sector with the ubuntu install?23:31
ActionParsnipGoogol30: what device nam is the partition?23:31
HumanBeingPelo: Edit > Accounts > the  google talk account > advanced23:31
ActionParsnipRolo__: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:32
PeloHumanBeing, I don'T see that anywhere , I get the the account portion,  I see  my google talk account setup but no advanced settings ,  all I can do is "edit my connection parameters" (translated from the french)23:32
Googol30If by partition name, you mean sda, sdb, sdc... etc... then I really haven't a clue. I wish I could figure that out.23:32
ActionParsnipGoogol30: run:  sudo fdisk -l     one block will identify the SD card (look at the disk sizes)23:33
tjbiddleanyone have experience with setting ulimit within an upstart (/etc/init) script?23:33
HumanBeingPelo: you are right, I checked it now. OK, another try: use @googlemail.com23:34
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fooooooobarthanks ActionParsnip some usefull info ther23:35
almoxarifeHumanBeing: did you mean gmail.com?23:35
ActionParsnipfooooooobar: yeah, gvfs is dead handy :)23:35
HumanBeingPelo: No, use the long domain: @googlemail.com23:36
PeloHumanBeing, tried, ddin'T do much23:36
hetiiHello :>23:37
Monotokohey all, does anyone know what "wish" is?23:37
Monotokoand where I can get it?23:37
hetiiI have this issue on my mint dystribution: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=9309523:37
Monotoko"/opt/Aptana_Studio_3/plugins/com.aptana.git.core_3.0.0.1345235597/os/linux/askpass.tcl: 3: exec: wish: not found"23:37
hetiiafter first login or autologin when i type enter in console i`m back to login screen23:37
ActionParsniphetii: mint isn't supported here23:38
ActionParsnip!mint | hetii23:38
ubottuhetii: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:38
HumanBeingPelo: found this: "ya, I deleted my Google talk account, then I readded it but this time I selected Jabber instead of Google Talk. I changed the Server field under Advanced to the google server, talk.google.com, used my full email as username with my password, and I left all the SSL options unticked."23:38
PeloHumanBeing, ok I deleted all the accounts sarted from scratch and I can now connect,  but I can'T dial a phone number to make a call useing my computer23:38
Googol30It looks like it's either sda2, or sda5, attempting the mount the former gives me "unable to read superblock" while attempting to mount the latter gives "unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'"23:38
hetiibut its based on ubuntu relase, so would be helpfull if someone here know how to fix it :)23:38
PeloHumanBeing, trying your latest23:39
ActionParsniphetii: none of the ubuntu based distros are suported here23:39
hetiiof course i aks there also :)23:39
ActionParsniphetii: similarly, ubuntu is based on debian, but if you ask for ubuntu support in #debian you will be pointed here23:39
marlboromanwhen i do "which java" in my terminal, i get JAVA_HOME/bin/java which is perfectly normal. but "sudo which java" doesn't show anything therefore i cannot use java as root. how can i fix this? java_home is set in my ~/.bashrc and it's on my $PATH as well.23:39
ActionParsniphetii: you aren't using Ubuntu or a Canonical release, so it's not supported here23:40
ActionParsnipmarlboroman: did you set the java home in /root/.bashrc too ?23:40
ssfdre38how can i get sticky keys off cause the control panel doesnt do it for me and i want to hard code it off23:41
hetiiI see your point ActionParsnip, but as i said i ask on several channel to find solution.23:41
ActionParsnipGoogol30: so your SD card has multiple partitions on it?23:41
ActionParsniphetii: you need to ask in the mint support channel and they will advise23:41
k1lhetii: instead of asking in the wrong channels you could ask in the right one and save your and our time :)23:42
Googol30It shouldn't... I just reformatted it with FAT32.23:42
Googol30Does the superblock thing mean anything relevent?23:42
ActionParsnipGoogol30: then it's not sda (which is probably your OS drive). If you pastebin the output, we can advise23:42
PeloHumanBeing, ok that stuff with jabber seems to be working, meaning I connect, what I want to do is make a phonecall to a regular number using google talk,  I go in empathy to discussion > new call > enter the number in the field but the buttons at the bottom do not light up23:42
PeloHumanBeing, thanks for your patience,  I've been on the other end of this discussion and I know how it can be23:43
Googol30How do I pastebin something from the server without typing the whole thing out?23:43
ActionParsnipGoogol30: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit    should fly23:44
almoxarifePelo: i have found that 'yate' is much easier to configure for using your google number to make calls, i use it regularly without fail23:44
ActionParsnipGoogol30: the URL should be short enough to type out (case sensitive)23:44
Peloalmoxarife, thanks i,ll tive it a wirl23:45
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
HumanBeingPelo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/108634/how-do-i-receive-incoming-google-voice-calls-using-empathy23:46
KellurHow can I make firefox open mpeg and avi files with vlc? Now it tries to open them with GIMP.23:47
Peloalmoxarife, is yate cli ?23:47
Googol30This is the worst behaved Ubuntu has ever been... now it's giving me "Unable to fetch some archives" upon attempting to install pastebinit.23:47
ActionParsnipKellur: if you double click avi files, do they also open with gimp?23:47
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ssfdre38is there a way to hard code out sticky keys23:48
ActionParsnipGoogol30: maybe the repo you are trying to access is being worked on....23:48
almoxarifePelo: no, you add the applet for your graphics, there may be a cli version, i dont use it23:48
KellurActionParsnip: No, it opens them correctly with VLC.23:48
ActionParsnipKellur: isn't there a vlc-mozilla package or some such (not 100% sure as I don't use firefox)23:49
ActionParsnipKellur: mozilla-plugin-vlc23:49
ActionParsnipKellur: do you have that installed?23:50
almoxarifePelo: you are wanting to make out-going calls, yate wont receive google numbered calls either23:50
KellurActionParsnip: No but for some files VLC already works...23:50
ActionParsnipKellur: you do know the default install would already open the files in totem and work...23:51
Peloalmoxarife, trying to configure it how23:52
KellurActionParsnip: I'm actually on Xubuntu, and I don't like Totem.23:52
ActionParsnipKellur: not sure what xubuntu uses but totem in ubuntu would work and play the vids, not sure what there is to not like...23:53
ActionParsnipKellur: i'd try the package, may help23:53
KellurActionParsnip: OK, I just installed it... will try.23:54
Pelothanks guys, I'll work on this again later23:55
ActionParsnipkemmotar: you do know that vlc uses Qt, so when you installed it you pulled in a tonne of Qt libs as deps23:55
ActionParsnipKellur: you will need to close all firefoxes, then make sure it's not running with:  ps -ef | grep -i firefox | grep -v grep        then rerun to load the new plugin23:56
KellurActionParsnip: Still doesn't work. I think it's Firefox that is buggy. It just offers GIMP and doesn't let me change settings.23:56
ed_moultonHow do I use a joystick?  I don't see anything like what's in XP.  I'm using xubuntu 10.0423:56
ActionParsnipKellur: if you make a new ubuntu user and log in there, is it the same?23:57
devrand0mpgrep -f firefox23:57
ActionParsnip!info jscalibrator23:57
ubottuPackage jscalibrator does not exist in quantal23:57
ActionParsniped_moulton: Lucid has less than 6 months support left, you may want to upgrade soon23:58
ActionParsnip!info jscalibrator lucid23:58
ubottuPackage jscalibrator does not exist in lucid23:58
ed_moultonActionParsnip, I did that.  I've also installed joystick (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1729315) and still no love23:58
ed_moultonActionParsnip, Really?  I thought I had like five years...23:59
Googol30Any simply way to test if I have internet? I think I might have messed something up earlier when trying to assign myself a static internal IP.23:59

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