
puffEvening... finally got my disk imaged to a backup drive, going to try the next step in my journey of getting an external monitor to work on my t520 w/optimus running xubuntu 11.10.01:06
traspHas anyone else noticed firefox behaving strange last couple of days/week?01:16
traspThinking if it's some update that's the reason01:17
puffDefine "strange"....01:17
puffFirefox has been generally sucking for months, fo rme.01:17
puffunstable, crashy, thrashy.01:17
puffNo marked differencein the past couple weeks.01:17
traspWell, it doesn update the page and redirect on some javascript-calls and such things01:18
trasp(such thing = searching on google for example, have to make the change in the url manually or tometimes just update the page)01:19
puffHm, haven't noticed that.01:19
traspjquery behaves "strange" in such ways as well, pages that usually updates "live" doesn't update at all01:20
puffThen again, I kind of hate that auto-updating feature anyway, so it's likely my typing reflexes would carry me right past that.01:20
puff(on google searches, that is)01:20
traspWell, you would notice that you can't press "next" page01:20
traspEverytime I just get a blank page except from the searchfield and buttons...01:21
puffHaven't seen that.01:21
traspBut since you haven't noticed it and no-one else has said anything the problem isn't local01:21
traspis probably*01:21
trasphaven't made any changes except updates tho ;/01:22
puffDo you know offhnd how to purge a ppa?01:23
puffis it just removing it/commenting it out in apt.sources, or is more required?01:23
traspUhm.. when I've removed any source I've just commented it out, but I'm not that advanced01:24
Zelouilletrasp, maybe try the safe mode (firefox -safe-mode) or another profile.01:25
traspZelouille: Will do, thanks01:25
traspSame problem01:26
traspOh well01:26
traspAnyone that favours any other browser?01:27
traspMight as well install another one for now01:28
traspExcept from konquer I haven't used any other than firefox for years tho, so I'm not really updated01:28
puffSo, I'm on 11.10. I've been avoiding upgrading because upgrading always breaks things (especially on thinkpads) but now I'm deliberating upgrading to 12.04.01:29
puffRather than installing the nvida binary.01:29
Zelouillepuff, sudo ppa-purge ppa:<name>01:29
puffZelouille: Thanks.01:29
puffHm, odd... okay, so the pages about the driver say it's there for 12.10/12.04, ut https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates does not list it.01:30
puffI wonder if there's an nvidia ppa support channel :-).01:30
puffZelouille: Hm, ppa-purge no found.  Did sudo apt-add-repository --remove, instead.01:31
Zelouillepuff, you'll need to install it: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge01:32
puffDoes ppa-purge do something different than apt-add-repository --remove?01:32
Zelouilletrasp, Midori is really light. Works well with Xubuntu.01:35
Zelouillepuff> i think, but i don't really know :p01:35
trasp:) Will try it, thanks again01:35
Zelouillepuff, well, "ppa-purge" remove the packages from that repo. While "apt-add-repository --remove" only remove the repo.01:40
puffZelouille: Ah.01:41
puffZelouille: Hm, seems to say here that ppa-purge isn't reliable on 11.10..01:41
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XubTzhello everyone06:37
XubTzdoes anybody know of any Network Manager bugs on 12.10???06:38
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ms__hey guys! I'm on xubuntu12.04LTS (my english isn't very good yet) but,..... all thing is ok with my os but not this one....08:56
ms__I can't change my background, it's blue and I tried to change it with"xfmw4 --settings" and check in "apparence" but all them are working.08:57
ms__ooops, but all of them aren't working....08:58
ms__help, help....08:58
TheSheepms__: perhaps xfdesktop is not running08:58
TheSheepms__: try starting it08:59
TheSheepms__: open a terminal and type 'xfdesktop'08:59
ms__TheSheep, eeeeeuh, it shows me "another desktop manager is running" I use "xfmw4"09:00
ms__TheSheep, are you there?09:04
TheSheepms__: yes09:05
TheSheepms__: try 'xfwm4 --replace'09:06
popolonNetwork icon appear and after I removed the unique share on the computer it disappear again :/10:13
ms_TheSheep, you told me to try"xfwm4 --replace", I've done, nothing. I'm now using "xfwm4"10:21
ms_TheSheep, I meant xfwm4 is already my window manager10:22
TheSheepms_: and xfdesktop still refuses to start?10:22
TheSheepdo you have nautilus running?10:25
TheSheepms_: can you kill it and try with xfdesktop again?10:27
ms_TheSheep, (xfdesktop:11670): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_composite: assertion `dest_y >= 0 && dest_y + dest_height <= dest->height' failed10:29
ms_it shows me that but, but, but, BUT, .............10:32
ms_THANK YOU.10:32
TheSheepthe problem is that nautilus also displays the desktop10:35
ms_ahhhh. ok. my computer is now alright. :)10:38
DaroHi, im find information if here i can find help with my xubuntu, it is correct? :)11:07
TheSheep!hi | Daro11:08
ubottuDaro: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:08
Darogreat, i have slow netbook (ASUS 1001PXD) and i look in xubuntu if i close any software (from "X") he dont terminate process i can see him in Task Manager how i can hange this?11:11
TheSheepDaro: that happens with all programs?11:12
Daronot for all for most11:13
Daroexample gmusicbrowser.11:14
TheSheepI think that gmusicbrowser has an option to stay in memory when you press the close button11:14
TheSheepin the settings11:14
Darook nex is adobe flash player he runing is always even if you do not run during this session11:16
Darosometimes I feel that it is still using the same session11:16
TheSheepI think that it starts with the web browser11:17
Daroeven if you do not use it?11:18
Darookay, for examle i can set any auto killer for this process?, or i try set the priority in task manager he writing if i dont have rights, okay i try using him from root and i can`t look my process11:23
DaroI noticed that in reality is a lot more than me these processes shows11:25
darook, my firefox crash, next example for not exit process is gnome keyring11:34
daroif all programs will be are really exit this computer working great yes im know "meybe this process will be needed in the future"  but it only works when you have a "good hardware"11:36
darook thanks for help, bye :)11:46
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xubuntu911can xubuntu be install on usb drives?13:59
TheSheep!liveusb | xubuntu91114:00
ubottuxubuntu911: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:00
TheSheepxubuntu911: the second link14:01
xubuntu911so first link is for what??14:01
TheSheepxubuntu911: as it says14:02
Riley88hey guys i just got my beta invite for steam is there away to get it without having to do the work around im on xubuntu 12.1014:45
holsteinRiley88: should have directions.. what does it say? its only for 12.04?14:46
Riley88not sure its wanting me to log in to the website14:47
GridCubeRiley88, the mail indicates a forum, the first topic on that forum explains how to install steam14:47
GridCubeno hacks neededs, you just need to download a small .deb file that then downloads about 350MiB from the internets14:48
Riley88freakin captas i swear lol14:48
Riley88wtf this capta is retarded14:52
GridCube!language | Riley8814:53
ubottuRiley88: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:53
Riley88well the capta finnally worked but i still cant fine the deb package15:04
holsteinRiley88: is there a contact method? we dont have access to anything steam related15:05
Riley88actually i got it its pretty far down the page lol15:06
GridCubeRiley88, second post on the forum: Getting Started: https://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/882965118609963322/15:09
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nantoudoes the last kernel upgrade fix the utpomatically mount external HD?18:25
xubuntu842iam building a htpc atm based on a asrock m75 with an a4 340020:13
xubuntu842and iam interestet in using xubuntu on it. how is the support for the grphic in the a4?20:14
ramsincredible how other linuxes force me to use xubuntu :)21:50
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