
=== maycon is now known as Guest11213
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Takeshihi everibody01:59
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phunyguy_t430sis there an easy way to navigate through various qdbus configuration commands to figure out the one I need to invoke? I don't know the first thing about it.02:34
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ssfdre38how can i hard code out the sticky key03:16
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DarthFrogWhitesmith or blacksmith?05:09
Guest56140i search mr smith05:09
zer0f1llaaaagent smith. [adjusts tie]05:10
Takeshii search mr Smith05:11
AdityabI have a Macbook Air and I'm going to dual-boot it with OSX and kubuntu.06:35
AdityabShould I get the special 'mac' iso?06:35
Adityab(looks like I should, but I want to know what's special about it :P)06:35
eagles0513875Adityab there is no need if u07:04
eagles0513875you use bootcamp07:04
eagles0513875just choose 32 or 64 bit07:04
Adityabeagles0513875: How's bootcamp different from reFIT?07:07
* Adityab has been using a mac since just 3 months or so. complete noob I am.07:08
eagles0513875Adityab: never used reFIT bootcamp is part of osx07:08
Shaan7Adityab: ah that porcelain doll ;)07:08
AdityabShaan7: ;-)07:08
eagles0513875its meant for windows dual boot but I've used it for Linux too07:09
Adityabok. giving it a try07:09
Adityabthanks :)07:09
eagles0513875my pleasure07:09
AdityabShaan7: Yeah, the doll looks great, but I don't like her personality.07:10
Shaan7Adityab: yea, and like all other she-s, you gotta spend lots of monies on her :P07:11
AdityabLinux feels like home.07:11
AdityabAffair's over.07:11
Shaan7Adityab: ok you've given an option, MacBook Pro or Dell XPS Ultrabook (both same config), what would you choose?07:12
AdityabShaan7: MBP.07:12
AdityabBut if you throw a thinkpad into the mix, then that rules.07:12
Shaan7Adityab: cool, someone else made the same choice, and now you're there to tell me the reason :P07:12
AdityabShaan7: Excellent hardware?07:12
AdityabCompared to a Dell XPS.07:13
Shaan7Adityab: have you used a XPS?07:13
Shaan7Sudhendu's XPS is rock solid dude, the only thing that beats that is TP07:13
AdityabThey all differ of course, so I can't pass universal judgement.07:13
Shaan7yea though a back-broken guy like me would've loved a lighter machine ;)07:14
AdityabShaan7: Gotta love apple screens and trackpads.07:14
AdityabThe rest is just looks.07:14
Shaan7Adityab: I have a grudge against that screen man07:14
Shaan7Apple: why u reflect so much lightz?07:14
AdityabYeah, why don't laptop makers give matte screens these days.07:15
Shaan7yea, but I wonder why Apple loves that, just because it looks shiny?07:15
AdityabI know of only the Thinkpad and a couple of high-end dell laptops that have matte.07:15
Shaan7the display quality is cool otherwise07:15
AdityabShaan7: shiny. yep. :P07:15
AdityabThey took 'shiny' too literally, I feel.07:16
Shaan7well I have the cheapest TP out there, and it has matte07:16
Shaan7so yes, right07:16
AdityabShaan7: Company laptop?07:16
AdityabThinkpads are … perfect.07:17
Shaan7Adityab: no, personal. Company is a Latitude, because I didn't want a MBP.07:17
AdityabThinkpads are the N900's of the Laptop world.07:17
Shaan7though they're now offering the ultrabook :(07:17
AdityabShaan7: Latitude series is neat07:17
Shaan7Adityab: yep, just way too thick ;)07:18
AdityabShaan7: I believe latitude laptops come with a removable dock07:18
Adityabthat makes them reasonably thinner once taken off.07:18
Shaan7we dont have the dock at office though07:18
Shaan7err no, its thick even without that07:18
Shaan7but otherwise the build is very nice, plus dell will replace stuff for free, even if you break it, bwahaa07:19
AdityabIn the far future, I may just buy one of those ZaReason or System76 laptops just because they're nice to linux.07:20
Shaan7but then I envy ksinny as well, nothing better than a TP X07:20
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arbiranybody having luck with Dejavu Sans Condensed font ?07:26
justbenhello every body, can you hear me?07:40
thelionroarsno, my IRC audio mustn't be working07:41
justbenhaha , somebody here.07:41
thelionroarsjust me and a few hundred other people07:42
justbenwhat does this used to do?or what theme do you talk about?07:43
justbeni am new here and i know little about it.07:43
justbenmaybe i should google first,then talk here.07:44
justbenso, goodbye every, i will come back again.07:48
thelionroarsthis channel is for support for users of Kubuntu07:49
thelionroarsIf you have a problem with your Kubuntu install, just ask a question. If someone knows the answer they will reply07:50
justbenreally?that's wonderful,I meet lots of problems several days when i turn to kubuntu from ubuntu,i think kde is much better than unity.07:53
justbenbut now i have do the easiest things i must do for kubuntu, and just for fun, i come here but find it interesting.07:54
justbeni will come here for help in the future.07:57
justbenanother problem:where are you come from? i come from china, and you?07:58
thelionroarsthere is another channel for social chat justben: #kubuntu-offtopic07:59
thelionroarsthere is also #ubuntuforums for chat08:00
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justbenwhat are diffirences between these two.08:00
thelionroarsnot much, just different people08:01
justbenbut there are little people, why are there only you?08:02
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thelionroarsprobably bed time in United States and Europe08:03
justbenwhere are you from?08:04
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justbenwhy i can see nothing , or there is no one talking >09:42
justbensic2010, i see you .09:42
justbenoh, he has quit.09:43
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Torchit's saturday morning in europa and people are probably mostly busy with real life stuff09:49
Torcheurope, even09:49
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justbenthanks Torch, it's evening here.09:57
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OkitainHey guys, I've got all flash/sd drives mount only to read.13:06
OkitainWhere do I look to switch it off?13:07
RiotingPacifistIs it possible to do multitouch guestures on a normal trackpad? e.g not a mac13:35
OkitainIf there is capability for such things in the notebook, ofc.13:37
RiotingPacifistHow can I find out?13:37
invariantOkitain, it seems unlikely that this doesn't require some kind of special drivers.13:42
invariantOkitain, moreover, even if the drivers would be there, you still need to have applications that understand these events.13:42
invariantOkitain, saying it's like the most normal thing in the world is entirely non-obvious.13:43
BluesKajHowdy all14:02
RiotingPacifistHi BluesKaj14:05
BluesKajhi RiotingPacifist14:07
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Okitaininvariant: I am saying about things like two-finger scroll, circle, taps with 2-3 fingers.14:29
OkitainThings synaptik usually understands itself.14:29
sonyx_Szép jó napot mindenkinek :)14:50
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douglAzgarech, ?17:11
douglhalo as in angels?17:23
AzgarechI can speak English or French but not spanish sorry17:24
douglenglish is good here17:24
AzgarechIt's what I was thinking17:24
AzgarechDoes some of you are on the beta of steam on linux?17:24
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p0si'm using kdesudo for running restricted software ion separate user accounts. i've just learned that there is an "untrusted connection" mode of the X server. does kdesudo use that?  (see http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/Security)17:47
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lindomaraboa tarde. alguém sabe de um programa para administração de igrejas evangélicas.18:20
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douglwhere is everyone?19:15
britt__i'm here19:17
douglthat's someone I guess :)19:18
glasscupI have a problem with qmake for QT. It causes a mismatch of the version of qt when I compile. Is there a newbie tut for jailing a process so it cannot look in directories? I'd reather have qmake tell me it cannot access a file than give me a version mismatch.19:29
xixorglasscup: do you have multiple versions of qt installed?19:34
glasscupxixor: originally no, I just had 4.8.4. That is the version I get the mismatch on. I then downloaed 4.8.3 and the problem is gone. I assume when I'm using 4.8.4 qmake is looking in /usr/lib/kde4 for something.19:35
glasscupI guess I should put it more simply. Is there a way to run a process and generate a log of the directories that process is accessing?19:45
xixorI think that it gets the directories from whatever the shell has in the path.. not sure though.  Are you calling qmake from QtCreator?19:49
xixorand do you have libqt4-dev installed?19:49
xixorQtCreateor has facilities for setting the environment, and choosing which QtSDK version to use... might be handy19:51
glasscupYes it is installed. I get the mismatch from running qmake from the shell and from QtCreator. I've set the $PATH variable appropriately.19:52
InspectorCluseauAnyone have the problem that the KDM logout window does not appear? My google search led me to the kdmrc file. It turned out it was missing the line TerminateServer=true. Adding that fixed the problem.20:12
xixorInspectorCluseau: what is the logout window?  that little button in the center of the screen that says "Logout" ?20:14
xixoroh wait, you're using kdm?  and not lightdm?20:14
InspectorCluseauThe window that pops up that has 'leave' in it20:15
InspectorCluseauI guess so20:15
InspectorCluseauI have a sort of mixture here :)20:16
xixorI miss kdm... I guess it is an  ubuntubnubu thing to go to lightdm20:16
InspectorCluseauI think I changed to KDM for the login screen I wanted20:17
xixorrolflmao, http://www.zazzle.ca/kde_abstracted_my_abstraction_layer_tshirt-23599844653971576620:19
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