
wgrantslank: Right, builder.processor is what you want00:05
j4jackjHi guys!00:11
j4jackjIs an auxlang a suitable launchpad project?00:13
j4jackjhi. is a conlang appropriate under question #585 of launchpad itslef, or do i have to start a new instance of launchpad called conlangzone?00:31
rmkHi guys.  Need to have a PPA made private, I'm a paid user.00:38
j4jackjhi. is a conlang appropriate under question #585 of launchpad itslef, or do i have to start a new instance of launchpad called conlangzone?00:54
=== slank is now known as slank_away
rmkAny LP admins around?01:04
wgrantrmk: Normally you should email commercial@launchpad.net or ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion, but which PPA?01:08
wgrantrmk: That has a package in it01:10
wgrantSo it can't be made private01:10
l3iggshey launchpaders. what do I have to do to enable armel builds for my ppa?01:18
l3iggsi notice that there are 5 idle build machines for armel for ppa when i look here: https://launchpad.net/builders/01:19
wgrantl3iggs: ARM builds are currently heavily restricted, due to performance issues01:20
wgrantWe're looking at potentially opening them up soon01:20
wgrantBut not just yet01:20
l3iggsoh darn, that builder status page is misleading then!01:21
l3iggsthanks for the response01:21
wgrantNot quite misleading. They're available for PPAs, just not for everyone yet01:22
l3iggsis there anything i can do to get on the special list of people who are allowed armel builds?01:27
wgrantNot right now. We'll be announcing when it's more generally available.01:29
j4jackjhi. is a conlang appropriate under question #585 of launchpad itslef, or do i have to start a new instance of launchpad called conlangzone?01:30
wgrantj4jackj: It's probably OK, but you'd be best to wait for a response to the question next week.01:31
j4jackjWell it's an opensource conlang, and it's in the hacker spirit, and it has a sign form.01:32
j4jackjOr will have.01:32
l3iggsbummer! i'll just keep my fingers crossed that armel support comes to my ppa soon!01:32
j4jackj#585 is an FAQ.01:33
j4jackjso my Q number is #21623701:33
ricotzhello, could some cancel/restart those armhf builds which are stuck? -- https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/4036900 -- https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/4040149 -- https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/404663910:21
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TwinSwordsWould anyone know how to fix problems with a Realtek sound card that just produces distorted sound only in Ubuntu?16:53
TwinSwordsIs anyone here to help with sound card issues?17:38
cardpuncherHi, is this channel only about development or may I ask why a template and gettext catalgos uploaded on Nov 29th still need review?17:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== daker_ is now known as daker
* penguin42 has just raged lp question 216276 on at least 14 bugs that have spam for watches on20:51
penguin42looks like the **!?!$ are going after sequential ranges of bug numbers20:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
emamdouhhi, i got this error while i was trying to upload package to  my ppa22:45
emamdouhChecksum doesn't match for /home/emamdouh/Downloads/ES/es/elasticsearch_0.19.2ubuntu1.dsc22:45
emamdouhany ideas what's wrong ?22:45
penguin42emamdouh: Is it repeatable?23:35

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