
penguin42bugs 1087622 and bug 1087584 seem to have similar oopses on 3.5.0-2002:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087622 in linux (Ubuntu) "Linux kernel 3.5.0-20 won't boot [unable to handle kernel paging request at f91fe4fc in trace_event_raw_init+0xb/0x20]" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108762202:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087584 in linux (Ubuntu) "linux-image-3.5.0-20-generic boot oops " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108758402:23
garysevenquestion about reporting bugs02:42
garysevensuppose i found a script that contains parts that are obviously wrong-- like someone typoed in developing it02:43
garysevensuppose further that i can't figure out how to excercise that code path.02:43
garysevenshould i report it on launchpad, or just leave it alone?02:43
garysevenwell. ok then.02:45
garyseveni'm gonna peace and think about this some more.02:46
=== Rcart is now known as Rcart_
=== Rcart_ is now known as Rcart_away
chilicuilhi, good day, could someone can help me targeting bug #1023329 for precise & quantal? I'd like to request a SRU06:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1023329 in cdo (Ubuntu) "cdo does not do what it is supposed to do" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102332906:22
mitya57chilicuil: nominated, nominations need to be approved by someone who has rights06:32
chilicuilmitya57: where I can find someone who have them?, I'm reading the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and it pointed me here06:34
mitya57maybe here, but today is Saturday so there are few people here06:40
chilicuiloh yep, I forgot it, it's still friday here, I'll try later, thanks for the information06:42
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hjdHello, could someone please mark bug 891939 Triaged/High (crashes on startup, thus preventing the application from working)? Thank you.14:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 891939 in horgand (Ubuntu) "horgand segfaults at startup (due to buffer overflow)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89193914:44
* penguin42 looks14:48
gnomefreakthat package looks interesting14:52
* penguin42 has been fixing a bunch of simple overflow bugs for the last week or two (although I've got a bunch of unmerged patches which is a bit depressing)14:54
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
gnomefreakcan someone please try to reproduce bug 1082658 for me14:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1082658 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport keeps crashing when i try to file a bug on Unity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108265814:58
penguin42hjd: Are you a Horgand user or just triaging?16:12
hjdpenguin42: Just triaging.16:13
penguin42ok, it looks like a trivial fix; albeit it to a dead project16:14
penguin42hjd: Well I've attached a patch to the bug and a to a debian bug; not that I can get it to run much further, it refuses to open the audio device16:45
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
hggdhpenguin42: thank you for the heads up on the 3.5.0-20 issues. Since you added the comment on the quantal LTS-HWE workflow bug only, I copied it to bug 1086759 (quantal Kernel SRU workflow)20:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1086759 in Kernel SRU Workflow verification-testing "linux: 3.5.0-20.31 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108675920:23
penguin42hggdh: No problem, I wasn't really sure where it should go20:23
hggdhpenguin42: personally, I think both are candidates... but I really appreciate the help no matter what :-)20:24
penguin42hggdh: Yeh it was just one of those where I noticed a bunch of them with the same oops and thought Oh-oh20:24
penguin42hggdh: So what's lts-quantal?20:25
hggdhoh-oh indeed20:25
hggdhpenguin42: quantal LTS (or, more formally, <version> LTS-HWE) is the next-published-release on a LTS. So 'quantal-lts' means "Quantal kernel on Precise LTS)20:26
hggdhpenguin42: this is valid from Precise on20:26
hggdhso, when we release Raring, there will be a Raring-LTS kernel for Precise20:27
penguin42hggdh: Oh ok, why does current-release-kernel on lts get run? Is that to be able to support newer hardware on LTS?20:27
hggdhpenguin42: there are more reasons, but this is one. Another would be rolling releases (when we get there), another new capabilities (not hardware related), etc20:28
hggdhif I were working on a big company, I would want to stay with LTS (cost of updates, etc). Having a LTS that has the option of being kept up-to-date is a nice thing20:29
penguin42hggdh: Yeh, although moving kernel can be hard - a lot of companies have things like closed-anti virus packages that build against the kernel, and also have just figured out how to get their hardware to work on a particular distro20:30
hggdhpenguin42: yeah. But the option is there; how feasible is it to be deployed is a much more complex question20:31
hggdheven a kernel update may break userland built against a specific kernel version20:32
penguin42it shouldn't, but yes20:32
penguin42there are a depressing number of replica watch adverts on lp20:36
hggdhfortunately I already have a real one20:37
* penguin42 doesn't use a watch20:37
hggdhand there is no way, really, to block them, most use email spoofing20:37
* hggdh goes shopping20:37
penguin42yeh, or possibly some of the people who are subscribed20:39
hggdhor that. But in most cases I acted on, it was eventually shown to be spoof20:40
penguin42can see them looping through bug numbers20:40
* penguin42 goes to hunt the link to send a question to launchpad20:40
hggdhthen it might be worth it to open a question on answers against LP, or ping #launchpad about the email ids20:41
penguin42yeh I'm just going to do the ask question20:41
hggdhnow I really gotta go, or my wife will kill ne20:41

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