
scalability-junkhey anyone familiar with kickstart files for ubuntu?00:17
scalability-junkI'm trying "raid / --fstype ext2 --encrypted --passphrase=test --level=1 --device=md1 raid.12 raid.22" but I only get unrecognized option for fstype, encryption and passphrse00:18
scalability-junkI tried with --fstype=ext3 and ext2 too.00:19
scalability-junkany hint?00:19
xnoxscalability-junk: it should work without the raid or without encrypted but not both. /me is trying to make that combo work.00:20
xnoxscalability-junk: this is not a limitation of kickstart per-se, but rather the underlying debian preseeding as far as I can see currently.00:20
scalability-junkxnox, ok  but I even get unrecognized option for fstype alone00:20
scalability-junkxnox, any way you found having a raid partition encrypted?00:21
scalability-junkI don't want to use seed files... I like kickstart ones :P00:21
scalability-junkxnox, so any recommendation or is the best solution to use seed files?00:27
escottscalability-junk, i know nothing about this seed file kickstarter business, but won't you need to run mdcrypt on top of the mdraid. so won't that require two entries?00:38
scalability-junkescott, actually thats what the --encrypted is for it takes a block device lvm, partition or raid and use mdcrypt afaik to decrypt it00:40
scalability-junk*encrypt it00:40
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aFeijois it possible to install vmware workstation 9 in a ubuntu 12.10 server?01:56
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pmatulisdoes anyone still use workstation?02:19
patdk-lapI do on 2 workstations and several laptops02:20
demonaI'm using 12.10's linux-image-virtual kernel in a Xen VM and would like to install at least one more kernel for remastering experiments. However, it looks as if installing the new kernel results in the old one being removed.02:33
demonaGranted, it might not be the kernel as I'm also installing a lot of older packages in this batch.02:33
patdk-lapold ones are not removed, unless you do an autoremove02:35
patdk-lapor maybe you just mean removed from grub, then you need to adjust the grub config to list them all, so py-grub xen loader sees it02:36
demonaNo, I mean, first I do 'dpjk --setselections < selections', then 'apt-get dselect-upgrade'. At the second stage, it warns me that some packages will be removed, including the headers and other stuff for my current kernel02:37
patdk-lapwell, what did you expect02:38
patdk-lapyou deselected it02:38
demonaI guess I read that as 'dselect', not 'deselect' :)02:38
patdk-lapwhen you setselections02:39
patdk-lapit unset the ones you didn't select, I bet02:39
demonaAh so - I would have expected a lot more listed, but that makes sense02:39
patdk-lapit's been awhile since I have done that02:40
demonaOn the surface, I just want to install this list of packages, but my bigger picture is to build a fresh INX (inx.maincontent.net, last alpha release based on Lucid)02:40
demonaI'll probably have a devil of a time with the framebuffer, all the alsa stuff is mostly deprecated at this point02:40
demonaBut I'd settle for getting all the cli/curses stuff working, at least02:40
demonaIt was already weird enough having to do this extra dselect step to get rid of some, but not all, of the dpkg warnings - it seems to be some bug in dpkg ('package not found in database' when it clearly is when you apt-cache search/show)02:43
elkingreyCan anybody explain to me why Ubuntu puts apache's conf directives in apache2.conf and not in httpd.conf?02:59
patdk-lapelkingrey, cause it's based on debian and not redhat03:04
elkingreypatdk-lap: yeah, but apache defaults them in httpd.conf, why change it?03:05
patdk-lapask debian?03:05
halvors1I'm trying to test my spam filter, the problem is that i don't have a non-spam filtering SMTP server avaliable, can somebody send an email to "halvors@test.halvors.org" with this string in it?03:06
patdk-laptry using telnet03:07
demonalol @ system-config-kickstarter...I'm remastering a server, wherefore the GUI tools :)03:11
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here using the NodeJS PPA on raring ?04:09
FunnyLookinHatWas about to upgrade but decided I should check first that it would work well enough with some required packages...   figured that the quantal ppa would probably work fine.04:09
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uvirtbotNew bug: #916085 in libvirt (main) "kvm-qemu, libvirt-bin: kernel panic if using memory balloon" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91608504:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1003854 in openldap (main) "Database upgrade/migration fails with nested db directories (lucid to precise)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100385407:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #1086162 in maas "IPMI based power management default to IPMI 1.5 based authentication" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108616210:56
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wmphello, maybe anyone know how to make autoamtical: dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=readline exim4-config12:47
wmpi want to automatical send "1" and execute dpkg-reconfigure12:47
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FunnyLookinHatHey - anyone here running raring ?  I'm wondering if any of you are running NodeJS locally for testing and wanted to see if using the quantal chris_lea PPA suffices..15:33
FunnyLookinHatI was going to test it in VirtualBox - but apparently it's not playing nicely with the installer.15:34
SpamapSwow its sad how far behind nodejs is in Debian/Ubuntu15:34
SpamapS0.6.19 vs. 0.8.1515:35
FunnyLookinHatstill .615:35
FunnyLookinHatSpamapS, are you running raring locally yet?  Or holding off ?15:35
FunnyLookinHatI know you do a bunch of Juju stuff...  figured you'd be on it.15:35
SpamapSFunnyLookinHat: I am toying with moving one of my boxes to it15:35
SpamapSFunnyLookinHat: I am not really doing much juju anymore actually.. but.. not sure why that would encourage me to move to raring.15:36
SpamapSmain reason pushing me to raring is that my trackpad drivers just don't work right on quantal.. and there may be fixes in raring's kernel15:36
FunnyLookinHatDev'ing the next release!15:36
FunnyLookinHatah - what hardware do you have?15:36
SpamapSMacBookAir 4,115:37
SpamapSworks flawlessly in 12.0415:37
SpamapSsomething went south with the xorg switch in 12.10 .. and the xorg guys say its the kernel driver behaving badly in 3.515:37
SpamapSwhich I can confirm, it works better w/ 3.615:37
FunnyLookinHatOh - then I'd assume the 3.7 kernel they're building in raring right now would definitely have the fix as well15:38
FunnyLookinHatI guess I'll be the guinea pig - I feel like there should be a way to build PPAs for the dev branch of Ubuntu15:38
SpamapSthere is15:39
SpamapSyou just tick the "raring" box15:39
SpamapSPPA's get the new series as soon as it opens15:40
FunnyLookinHatwhat the - then tell that Chris Lea guy to do so.15:40
FunnyLookinHator I'll pull his source package and build my own I guess.15:40
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SpamapSFunnyLookinHat: he runs quite a few PPA's.. I imagine he may have a method to the madness. Maybe waiting for beta's?15:57
SpamapSearly in the process.. sometimes.. things go badly15:57
FunnyLookinHatSpamapS, Yeah I would assume so too... I sent him a message via launchpad to see if he's tick raring or let me upload the source packages to my own PPA so that he doesn't have to deal with the effects of buggy stuff.16:04
FunnyLookinHatLooks like very few are building for raring at all at this point - xorg-edgers ( for obvious reasons ) seems to be the only major ppa building for it.16:08
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thebwtI'm having trouble with ltsp (all fat client issues to be clear). my server is running precise but I want to host quantal images. The way the images are hosted seems to have changed in quantal. So on precise when you ltsp-buil-image --dist quantal --fat-client the image doesn't seem to be handed out.16:42
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jesusemelendezmhey guys!17:45
jesusemelendezmhow are you all ??17:46
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morfeo_81hi there20:53
morfeo_81how can create simple hot spot to connect from other device to my localhost server using wireles?20:53
demonapatdk-lap: Don't know how but I have installed my list of packages and rebooted, with no errors yet.22:32

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