
blackshirtgoogol30, try to ping inet site00:00
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ActionParsniped_moulton: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:00
ActionParsniped_moulton: if you run:    xev   in a terminal and press things on the joystick and move stuff, do you see events in the terminal?00:01
Googol30I'm guessing "unknown host google.com" means I screwed something up?00:01
ActionParsnipGoogol30: probably bad dns, does devrand0m's command reply ok?00:01
devrand0mcat /etc/resolv.conf ?00:01
KellurActionParsnip: No clue...  but I think I figured out more about this problem. Firefox says the file type is unknown.00:01
blackshirtgoogol30, look at /etc/resolv.conf00:01
Googol30I set that up according to http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html up to the "define new DNS server" part.00:03
almoxarifeGoogol30: setting a static ip on the box is ok if the router will accept the number, does it?00:04
PolarisrI have installed Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit and installed compiz settings manager but wobbly windows and desktop cube are not in the settings manager any help or ideas would be a big help00:05
almoxarifebox > router > modem > internet <-- that your setup Googol30...00:05
blackshirtgoogol30, if you sit behind router, you should doing nat00:05
ActionParsnipPolarisr: check for extra compiz plugin packages in software centre00:05
Googol30I don't remember if I had a working connection anytime after editing the /etc/network/interfaces file, but I haven't touched anything after that to my memory.  I have changed some settings on the router in relation to not having the internal IP lease expire, or something along those lines.00:08
ActionParsnipGoogol30: run:   echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf; sudo apt-get update00:09
ActionParsnipGoogol30: better?00:11
tjbiddleanyone have experience with setting ulimit within an upstart (/etc/init) script?00:11
chockaHi, I have a question regarding partitioning00:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest53318
chockaHi All, I have a question regarding partitioning00:23
escottchocka, just ask00:23
chockaI am planning to buy a new laptop00:23
chockaI started using ubuntu 1 yr ago00:24
Guest53318anbody want to help fix network issue just installed connman and now cant get on netowrk so tried uninstalling but network manager will not shw up00:24
Guest53318am on the same machine via usb boot00:24
Googol30Sorry... afk... upon running everything past "run"... there's "Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'" among other error messages... I'm pretty sure I don't have internet on my Ubuntu box now.00:24
Googol30I, however, can connect to the apache server it's running.00:25
giannaraseinai kaneis pou n milaei ellhnika;; as erthei prive sos00:25
escottGoogol30, can you "ping"00:25
Guest53318how to fix network manager...00:25
almoxarifeGoogol30: when you went about going static , did you remove 'networkmanager' ?00:25
Googol30when I ping it says "Destination Host Unreachable"00:26
chockanot only I like it very much, I also use it for my research. I do run calculation based on fortran programming and each run gives data approximately 200 mb. My current partitioning is only 10 GB, so each time I have to move my data from previous runs to other systems to do new calc. I plan to buy a 1 TB hdd laptop. I wish to have 500 GB for Ubuntu. What would be a good scheme for Ubuntu partition with 500 GB00:26
=== Nick is now known as Netbus
NetbusGreetings from the internet!00:26
Googol30And how would I have gone about removing "networkmanager", even accidentally?00:27
almoxarifeGoogol30: the static ip you chose, does your router accept it? or can you ping your router?00:27
Googol30I can ping my router, as well as connect to it on this computer on the apache2 webserver it's running.00:28
Googol30So apparently I don't have a WAN connection on my Ubuntu box, but I do have a LAN connection.00:29
almoxarifeGoogol30: when i set my server to static i purged 'networkmanager' , especially if you are using /etc/network/interfaces with static entries00:30
giannarasellhnika kanenas;;;00:30
giannarasas erthei prive einai anagkh sos00:30
dfahello.... anybody so kind to give this newbie a little help? :)00:31
ActionParsnipGoogol30: sounds like you need a router reboot00:31
dfahi ActionParsnip... could i please bother you for another 5 minutes today as well?00:32
ActionParsnipdfa: ask away00:32
dfayou helped me last time with alacarte...00:32
Googol30I'll try purging networkmanager first, if that doesn't work, I'll restart the Ubuntu box, and if that doesn't work, I'll resort to rebooting the router... first things first though... how do I purge 'networkmanager'?00:32
dfaso i installed icecat as follows: wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnuzilla/17.0/icecat-17.0.1-64bit.tar.gz; tar xzf icecat-17.0.1-64bit.tar.gz; sudo mv icecat-17.0.1 /usr/local/lib; sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/icecat-17.0.1/icecat /usr/local/bin/icecat;00:33
almoxarifeGoogol30: sudo apt-get purge networkmanager00:33
dfasince it's not workiing correctly i was wondering: did i do something wrong?00:33
damian_HI Everybody what about linux mint? I have installed kde now00:33
almoxarifeGoogol30: sudo apt-get purge networkmanager* <-- better yet (*)00:33
dfai mean it works and everything but kinda slow and some pages don't load well or dont load at all.....00:33
escottchocka, nothing there to really recommend any particular partitioning scheme over another. you just need bigger parttion00:33
escottdfa, what is icecat00:34
ActionParsnip!info icecat-00:34
ActionParsnip!info icecat00:34
ubottuPackage icecat- does not exist in quantal00:34
ubottuPackage icecat does not exist in quantal00:34
dfai went to the icecat channel but nobody there.... nobody answered me.....00:35
chockaescott: When alocating bigger partitioning, documentation says things abt separate partitioning for swap /usr /tmp etc. I Just do not have a good handle on these things. So, just wish to know what would be a good scheme for a 500 GB ubuntu paritioning?00:35
ActionParsnipdfa: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:35
dfaok another question: how do i uninstall/remove it?00:35
ikoniaremove the tar file and remove the link00:36
ikonia(I'm assuming it untared to an isolated directory)00:36
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, hey there.  I was over at ed_moulton's house and ended up bringing the joystick here. I'm still on Xubuntu but 12.04 at my house.  What's the best way to make this thing work?00:36
dfaoutput is: brigantia00:37
escottchocka, you dont have to partition for any of those if you dont want to. the standard recommendation is to make a partition for a swap partition that is 2xRAM, but if you have a lot of ram that may not matter. in any case 2xRAM should not be a significant portion of a 1TB disk00:37
ikoniawhat ?00:37
starfishcats =)00:38
Googol30Purging network manager seems to have no immediately noticeable effect on the connection.00:38
Googol30I'm restarting the computer.00:39
almoxarifeGoogol30: did you stop networkmanager?00:39
ikoniawhy would removing network manager change the status of a connection ?00:39
chockaescott: so, if the RAM is 8 GB, 16 GB for swap and whatever space we want for ubuntu, say 400 GB, would be fine, right? Nothing else to specify, just go ahead with automatic partitioning..00:39
Googol30No... I guess I should stop it first then... that would make sense.00:39
escottchocka, sure it can be that simple, or you can make it more complex if you want00:39
dfais there a browser other than firefox that supports certificates and saves logins and passwords? (midori doesn't...)00:40
ikoniadfa: why are you not using firefox00:40
ActionParsnipdfa: then it's not ubuntu00:40
Cheechwhy would you ever need 16gb for swap? curious00:40
ikoniawhat's the issue with it00:40
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, jtest-gtk...00:40
almoxarifedfa: chromium/chrome00:40
textaAhoy, can someone help me with an annoying pulseaudio issue?00:40
dfait's trisquel00:40
ikoniaif your machine is using 16GB of swap, it's already dead00:40
ikoniadfa: it's what ?00:40
ActionParsnipdfa: ask in #Trisquel00:40
chockaescott: Thanks. It is going to be a single user, just me. So, what you suggested would be fine. Thanks again.00:40
ActionParsnipikonia: yet another ubuntu spinoff00:40
ikoniadfa: why are you not using firefox00:40
ikoniaActionParsnip: fantastic, thank you00:41
ActionParsnipikonia: like we need more00:41
dfaActionParsnip you are my favorite..... please let me get help from you.....00:41
ikoniadfa: sorry, we only deal with ubuntu here00:41
ikoniaActionParsnip is welcome to help you in private of course00:41
ActionParsnipdfa: ask in the channel for your distro00:42
dfanot using firefox cuz i want to be a follower of rms :)00:42
Googol30How do I stop networkmanager... I feel like doing something like that would be obvious but I haven't done anything correct today.00:43
chockaikonia: I am looking for help for parititioning a new laptop with 1 TB hdd for dual boot. I prefer 500 GB for ubuntu00:43
ikoniachocka: then do that00:43
ikoniaGoogol30: why do you want to do that ?00:43
almoxarifeGoogol30: pkill NetworkManager00:43
Googol30^ he said so00:43
almoxarifeGoogol30: yes, caps00:43
ikoniawhy ?00:43
ikoniawhat do you hope to get by stopping the utility that manages your network interface00:44
Googol30networking issues00:44
ikoniathats pretty generic00:44
almoxarifeikonia: he wants straight static, mainline00:44
ikoniaalmoxarife: so ?00:44
ikoniaconfigure a static IP in network manger00:44
chockaikonia: you said 16 GB for swap means computer is dead.. ?00:45
ikoniachocka: if your machine is using 16GB of swap, your machine will be dead, yes00:45
almoxarifeikonia: so/??? his call, not mine, is box, his decision?00:45
ikoniaalmoxarife: he said you told him to remove it.....00:45
dfaAP.... i am in the other room.... i see you entered and left.... i am there now....00:46
ActionParsnipchocka: 20Gb /, 1.1xRAM for swap, the rest for /home00:46
almoxarifeGoogol30: when i set my server to static i purged 'networkmanager' , especially if you are using /etc/network/interfaces with static entries <-- that is what i said! ikonia...00:46
CheechI thought swap was for older machines that starved for ram, i use no swap with no probs00:46
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ActionParsnipchocka: you need it if you want hibernate / suspend00:47
ikoniaswap can help you make use of your ram better too00:47
ikoniaa little bit of swap is good00:47
Cheechi have 3gig or ram, i guess i dont do much with system though00:47
ActionParsnipplus you will hardly miss 16Gb00:47
ActionParsnipchocka: for 3Gb RAM, you'll want 3.3Gb swap :)00:48
chockaikonia: I went thru the ubuntu documentation for partitioning, but I couldn't  understand, as it said for large paritioning with ubuntu, swap /etc /usr should all be in separate parition, thats why I raised this question00:48
ikoniachocka: there is no need for that00:49
ikoniaand it didn't say that00:49
Googol30Specifically, if you must know, I am attempting to run a dedicated Minecraft server on Ubuntu Server, and I thought that port forwarding was specific to an internal IP.  My router's DHCP settings expire internal IPs every day, thus... at least with my understanding of networking, Ubuntu, and Minecraft, I would give the box a static IP.00:49
ikoniaas /etc CANNOT be a seperate partition00:49
ActionParsnipchocka: you don't need /usr on it's own partition00:49
ikoniachocka: I suggest you read again as you've not read it properly00:49
chockaactionparsnip: ok, if laptop is 8 GB RAM?00:49
Nach0zum. Googol30 you can set manual IPs via your network config, depending on what service you're using fr DHCP. I usually set chattr +i on my network config file in that case00:49
escottchocka, in modern systems very few things can be on their own partition, /var, /home, and /boot can be on their own partition, having /usr on its own partition can cause problems00:50
ActionParsnipchocka: 8.8Gb swap, unless you don't want hibernate / suspend then you can probably get away with 4Gb swap if your use is going to be web browsing and chatting00:50
Nach0zand the router accepts it, as long as it's outside of what other computers will normally use.00:50
dfaActionParsnip should i wait for you in the other room? i was there but not looking at it when you entered.....00:50
ActionParsnipdfa: i'm a little busy here00:51
almoxarifeGoogol30: you can make the router reserve the ip of the what ever to a specific ip, keeping you from having to set static at the box00:51
ikoniadfa: please take it to a private message00:51
textaHow can I set my input source with pulseaudio00:51
textaI can select a card to use00:51
textabut not an actual source. :\00:51
almoxarifeGoogol30: mac reserve at the router00:51
Googol30I had to change my router's settings for DHCP from 192.168.1.[2-254] to an upper bound of 252, and have set the box, along with the router, for static something... at this point I'm not sure what.00:51
chockaI use for programming and running calculations based on fortran00:52
dfaAP: will you help me if i wait for you? ikonia:how do i take it to a private msg?00:52
ikonia /msg ActionParsnip  hi this is a private message00:52
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest24972
dfaso i just need to put "/msg alias" before the message?00:53
ikoniadfa: yes, please join the channel #freenode if you need help using IRC00:54
Googol30I have set Ubuntu to connect to the router requesting(?) the address, and have configured the router to port forward incoming external network traffic for port 25565 to
chockaactionparsnip: what is the relation between hibernate / suspend and swap? and what actually is the function of swap. I use the system to run complex calculations based on fortran programming00:54
escottchocka, hibernate=write to disk full power off. suspend = write to ram stop CPU/disk keep ram powered00:55
ActionParsnipchocka: swap is like the pagefile in windows00:55
Nach0zexcept awesomer00:56
Googol30At this point, all I want to do is get a static internal IP set up, get the USB containing the data for the Minecraft server to mount, and port forward requests for port 25565 to that computer.00:56
Googol30I think I might have only port forwarded at this point.  Everything else I mentioned in that last sentence there I haven't yet done successfully.00:57
PatrickDickeyGoogol30: Do you have a desktop installed or is it a minimal installation?00:57
almoxarifeGoogol30: does your router allow you to make 'mac' reservation?00:57
MonotokoGoogol30, usually you can override DHCP and specify which IP you want (as long you know the hostmask, usually on home routers) and the gateway (your router IP)00:58
chockaescott: ActionParsnip: ikonia: Thanks for the time and help.00:58
xwalkSomeone please tell me why this command is not only copying dot files? sudo cp -r /home/username/.* /media/home/user/00:58
Monotokoyou can do that on just one computer and have the rest still use DHCP00:58
xwalkI swear bash syntax changes when I stop using it for a few weeks.00:59
PatrickDickeyxwalk, because .* tells it only copy files that start with .00:59
Nach0zlol xwalk00:59
PatrickDickeyWhat are you trying to copy xwalk?00:59
Googol30PatrickDickey, it's Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. almaxarife, I don't recall changing anything with MAC addresses, but I do recall changing something about NAT.  And Monotoko, that's what I'm trying to do now, but I'm not exactly sure how to do so.01:00
PatrickDickeyGoogol30: Here's how to configure a static IP. It's for 10.04, but the procedure is the same for 12.04. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html01:00
MonotokoGoogol30: this should help: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/01:00
ikoniathat's 10.0401:00
xwalkI'm following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving#Copy_.2BAC8-home_to_the_New_Partition, only I'm having to do a few weird things since I don't really fall under the typical scenario case that this tutorial goes through, so I'm trying to copy only the smaller files from my current home dir while keeping the larger files.01:01
almoxarifeGoogol30: insure your router is using 'nat' unless you have a specific reason for not using it01:01
Monotokoohhh nevermind, use PatrickDickey's link01:01
PatrickDickeyikonia, it works for 12.04 also. In fact, it's the same page that I use for every version.01:01
ikoniathere is no need for any of that01:01
ikoniajust set the static IP in network manager01:01
Monotokoikonia, he doesn't have a GUI01:01
xwalkI just want to copy some dot files and some dirs containing scripts and small programs, but leave big files like videos and pictures, etc.01:02
ikonianetwork manager has a commmand interface too01:02
ikoniahence why it's installed on his system01:02
* PatrickDickey doesn't worry about it anymore anyhow... My Amahi Server gives me the static IP address.01:02
almoxarifeikonia: he already did it, he made changes to the router before hand, correct Googol30...?01:02
Monotokoikonia, I've never got network manager to work properly without a GUI... I prefer doing it manually, then at least you know you've done it right and don't rely on software01:03
Monotokoat the best of times it's buggy for me01:03
ikonianever had a problem with it01:03
RoySegallQuick question - not technical01:03
xwalkPatrickDickey: I actually just answered my own question. I'm trying to copy the parent directories with that command as well, so everything in the dir will be copied.01:03
MonotokoRoySegall, ask away01:03
ActionParsnipMonotoko: could use wicd instead01:03
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* almoxarife does not see a need for 'networkmanager' on a hardwired box without wifi, it just overhead at that point01:03
PatrickDickeyxwalk, then I'd say take the . out. See if that copies everything.01:04
RoySegallAny one saw the new track pad by logitch for windows 8?01:04
Googol30I think I have set the router up thus that, which is the box's requested ip, is outside of the router's DHCP settings, and that that IP is static.01:04
ikoniaGoogol30: why are you even setting a static IP01:04
xibalbaanyone here have issues installing vmware tools on 12.04 LTS?01:05
Monotokoikonia, so he can port forward01:05
ActionParsnipRoySegall: does it have a make and model01:05
Googol30Port forwarding.01:05
ikoniaGoogol30: if you setup port forwarding on most home reouters it reserves the lease anyway01:05
xibalbaim sure someone here runs vmware01:05
ActionParsnipRoySegall: i avoid logitech, they don't support linux :)01:05
xibalbatells me fatal error when compiling cannot find smp_lock.h01:05
PatrickDickeyI've ran VMWare, but I typically use Virtualbox.01:05
RoySegallActionParsnip, 10x01:05
ActionParsnip!find smp_lock.h01:05
ubottuPackage/file smp_lock.h does not exist in quantal01:05
* mattwj2002 waves to 1623 people01:05
ikoniaxibalba: you're missing a header then01:05
RoySegallActionParsnip generally i look for trackpad01:06
_andyj_can you setup full disk enryption after install?01:06
* mattwj2002 eyes the other one01:06
xibalbaikonia, i had the headers pkg installed01:06
RoySegallany suggestions?01:06
ikoniaxibalba: it doesn't contain the header it wants then01:06
xibalbahow do i find it ?01:06
ikoniaxibalba: you install it01:06
xibalbaknow the pkg name?01:06
RoySegallapple - not cheap and i don't think that the Gestures will work01:06
ikoniaxibalba: you need to find out what provides it01:06
ikoniathere may be no package01:06
ikoniait maybe internal to vmware and you've not installed it in the compilers search path01:07
mattwj2002so why did Ubuntu start including crapware and asking for donations01:07
ikoniamattwj2002: want to phrase a normal question please01:07
ActionParsnipRoySegall: i've used this in the past: keyboard touchpad01:07
ActionParsnipRoySegall: http://www.ebuyer.com/104608-keysonic-2-4ghz-wireless-keyboard-with-integrated-touchpad-usb-kb-ack-540rf01:07
ikoniamattwj2002: if you expect an answer, best to ask polite normal questions01:07
mattwj2002why is Ubuntu asking for me to donate when I want to download it.....why are there links like Amazon in an Ubuntu live cd?01:08
ikoniamattwj2002: they are asking you to donate, as donations fund the project01:08
ikoniamattwj2002: they have included the amazon lense to try to create a marketing partner with amazon01:08
icerootmattwj2002: its just "maybe you wan to but you dont have to"01:08
RoySegallActionParsnip, Allready have keyboard, just need track pad like apple and the one logitech came out with01:09
ActionParsnipmattwj2002: you can uninstall the amazon lens stuff, the donations are just a nice way to say thanks, you don't have to donate01:09
NcAmattwj2002, because, this: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/12/richard-stallman-calls-ubuntu-spyware-because-it-tracks-searches/01:09
ActionParsnipRoySegall: how is a trackpad different to a touchpad?01:09
ikoniaand Richard Stallman is a sound person to use as a "judge" of things....not01:09
icerootmattwj2002: related to the donate questions01:09
mattwj2002guys I love ubuntu01:09
mattwj2002I just get concerned when I see stuff like that01:09
ikoniamattwj2002: concerned about what ?01:10
RoySegallThey don't, same same diffrent name. buy the problem is the gestures won't work with ubuntu01:10
mattwj2002well for example I search for usb (for creating a live usb drive) I get ads to buy one01:10
ikoniamattwj2002: then remove that lense01:10
ActionParsnipRoySegall: are there bugs reported?01:10
mattwj2002sorry not trying to cause problems :)01:11
PatrickDickey_andyj_: You can only encrypt your /home folder after installing. You'll have to reinstall to encrypt the entire partition, unfortunately.01:11
ikoniait's not a problem01:11
mattwj2002I'll probably even donate sometime01:11
RoySegallActionParsnip, From a quick brief in the web i saw some people couldn't use the guestures01:11
mattwj2002I just found it odd01:11
RoySegallActionParsnip, pinch to zoom etc etc01:11
mattwj2002thanks guys (and gals)!01:11
_andyj_PatrickDickey: thanks that's what I thought01:11
RoySegallActionParsnip, Forget what i said - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200644201:13
lauratikaeverything that plays through clementine or rhythmbox is lower volume than what plays on internet... alsamixe setting are max voulme... any ideas?01:13
=== Youri is now known as YBook
PatrickDickeymattwj2002: It's been a source of controversy since they implemented it during the beta. So, you're not the only one that finds it odd. I think in the end, they're doing what they said --trying to make the desktop your one stop for everything, instead of having to open a browser to search online.01:13
almoxarifelauratika: how do you mean 'is lower' ?01:14
lauratikalower than the other audio out put01:15
lauratikadid you read what i wrote?... lower than what plays on internet like youtube, grooveshark etc01:15
PatrickDickeylauratika: so, if it plays through your browser (or another application), it's louder than if you're playing it through Rhythmbox or Clementine?01:16
RoySegallActionParsnip, Think i'll buy a one in ebay and try01:16
RoySegallActionParsnip, 10x!01:16
almoxarifelauratika: i use clementine, i dont get youtube via it though01:16
lauratikaon a borwser i mean01:17
lauratikanot through clementine01:17
Project2501hi, does resize2fs normally take a long time? (+5mins)01:17
mattwj2002I bought a hotend for Christmas!01:17
PatrickDickeyalmoxarife: I think lauratika means that playing mp3's in rhythmbox aren't as loud as say playing a video in a browser.01:17
lauratikaalsamixer setting are set to max volum01:17
almoxarifelauratika: it does have an amp feature, clementine does01:17
mattwj2002it is a print head for my printer01:17
lauratikaclementine is my default player01:17
mattwj2002*3D printer01:17
PatrickDickeymattwj2002: Nice...01:18
lauratikaalmoxarife: under prefreneces???01:18
almoxarifelauratika: tools01:18
xwalkGoing along with this now: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving#Moving_.2BAC8-home_into_.2BAC8-old_home is there a clean way to unmount my /home dir? The command it's saying to use isn't working since /home is mounted, but umount isn't allowing me to unmount either.01:19
roy2098Hi all - I have an inexpensive Samsung laptop that is almost, almost perfect with 12.0. The deal breaker is the ETPS/2 Elantech touchpad. I've tried many of the remedies none are working. At one point I actually had it working but X config must have clobbered whatever I did and it is gone. Any suggestions? This would get almost 5 starts if not for this issue!01:19
roy2098sorry, that is 12.1001:19
lauratikaalmoxarife:im using version 1.0.101:19
lauratikaunder tools i dont have that option only equalizer01:19
almoxarifelauratika: 1.1.1 here01:19
lauratikahow can i upgrade???01:20
ActionParsniproy2098: what model samsung?01:20
ActionParsniproy2098: let me search, what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc01:21
almoxarifehttp://www.clementine-player.org/downloads <-- lauratika...01:21
lauratikagot it!+01:22
zenrghttp://localhost/abc to http://local_dev in ubuntu?01:22
roy2098ActionParsnip: quantal01:22
lauratikaany other good features?01:22
ActionParsniproy2098: have you seen this text: options psmouse force_elantech=101:23
almoxarifelauratika: my bad, i meant equalizer, same thing, it will amp, i am not sure what you have as i never had 1.0.101:23
roy2098ActionParsnip: not sure, but I can try it - as root (sudo) I presume?01:24
lauratikaok, dont worry but is there a reason i have more than 100 on the sound settings01:24
ActionParsniproy2098: roy2098 echo "options psmouse force_elantech=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf > /dev/null; sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse01:24
ActionParsniproy2098: its text for a config file01:24
lauratikaunder the sound settings on the speaker icon01:24
lauratikasome one?01:24
roy2098ok. let me give it a whirl - back in a moment if i don't crash and burn01:24
=== mikestewart|afk is now known as mikestewart
ActionParsniproy2098: does the touchpad work at all under Ubuntu?01:25
roy2098ActionParsnip: very stutteringly badly - not useable - pointer moves very very occasionally01:26
roy2098ActionParsnip: no response from buttons at all01:27
ActionParsniproy2098: hopefully the option on the module will make it ok01:27
roy2098ActionParsnip: I know i added a ko at one point but removed it, too many other problems01:27
roy2098ActionParsnip: sorry i was not more organized to document my actions01:27
roy2098ActionParsnip: let me try your conf suggestion01:28
=== sub-zero is now known as Guest85032
roy2098roy@roy-RV415-RV515:~$ sudo modprobe psmouse01:30
roy2098FATAL: Error inserting psmouse (/lib/modules/3.5.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/input/mouse/psmouse.ko): Invalid argument01:30
tripelbany word about how good is Ubuntu in nexus?01:32
roy2098ActionParsnip: I've checked and the conf file is where it should be without typos01:32
roy2098ActionParsnip: wait, there is a typo...01:32
ActionParsniproy2098: try a reboot01:32
roy2098ActionParsnip: couple minutes...01:33
DanicHi! I just installed git-gui on ubutnu 12.10 through software center. how can I run the software now?01:35
dpshey all, i'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a big problem i'm having. ubuntu running apache, seems ok, connections are OK, btu the pages are crawling, 4kb assets taking 20-40 seconds to load, pages taking 4-5 minutes. memory, cpu is fine - we were thinking maybe disks?01:37
roy2098ActionParsnip: I corrected the typo, now the output after the last command is: FATAL: Error inserting psmouse (/lib/modules/3.5.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/input/mouse/psmouse.ko): Invalid argument01:37
cellofellowI have a USB 2.5" IDE HDD enclosure that when I plug it in and turn it on, nothing happens. Nothing shows in dmesg or lsusb. This is with either of the two har drives I'm tyring to use with it. Any ideas?01:37
lauratikawhat podcast search engine you guys rekon?01:38
dpsany v good ubuntu sysadmins want $$$ for screen sharing tech support plz IM me... need to get something sorted fast.01:39
cellofellowdps: I'm game, PM me with details.01:40
roy_ActionParsnip: I've rebooted to no avail...01:41
roy_ActionParsnip: xinput output now does not even show the trackpad; it did previously01:43
ActionParsniproy_: if you run:   lsmod      do you see anything relating to mouse?01:45
tryingUbuntuCan someone help me.. I have  no sound.. Everything is good in settings, mute is not checked and volume is up???????????01:45
roy_ActionParsnip: negative. But remember, the conf file we created is in place and th laptop was rebooted01:46
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roy_ActionParsnip: btw fyi i am using a wireless usb mouse01:46
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: what is the output of:  wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload01:46
tryingUbuntusong is playing on grooveshark but no sound in headphone or speakers.. all settings are fine???????01:46
ActionParsniproy_: the conf file won't stop it loading, just adds an option to the module that drives it01:47
roy_ActionParsnip: why xinput not showing the elantech; previously it did?01:47
ActionParsniproy_: thats the force, try deleting the conf file and reboot01:48
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip   says missing url01:48
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roy_Action: ok01:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest55891
Guest55891how to login to filesystem installed on hdd from usb live session and install network manager01:50
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: did you click the link in the command, or did you run it all in a terminal?01:50
Guest17440When you recover the image, are you left with both files adding up to twice the original, or does one replace the other?01:50
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip  Both.. I dont understand the link01:51
ActionParsnipGuest17440: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video01:51
Guest55891network manager got messed up by installing conmann indicator and now the only inet access is through usb live session01:51
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: copy the text I gave as ONE command, paste it to a terminal and hit ENTER01:51
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: you don't have to 'understand' anything, its a bash script01:52
blackshirthello all01:53
ActionParsnipGuest55891:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video01:53
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip   Not working out.. getting  server not found01:53
Guest17440When you recover an image, does it leave both files, adding up to twice the size taken up on you HDD as the original? Or does one replace the other?01:53
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: is thet when you are running the wget section?01:53
Guest55891is reinstalling the grub realy relevant to fixing network manager?01:54
ActionParsnipGuest55891: read between the lines!!01:54
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip   I copie and paste into another web window and get that error01:54
ActionParsnipGuest55891: the guide is not 100% exactly what you want, but the commands will get you chrooted into the installed OS from the LiveCD which you DO want...01:54
ActionParsnipGuest55891: think about it01:55
ActionParsnipGuest55891: so it's useful, isn't it01:55
Guest17440When an image.dd is being recovered, does it leave both files, adding up to twice the space taken up on a HDD as the original? Or does one replace the other?01:56
ActionParsnipGuest55891: if you learn how to read more into what is given when you read something, you'll have an easier ife01:56
guang_how to simulate a usb and then write some code to it first sec?01:57
Googol30I don't feel like messing with the network anymore... I would like to copy some files from Windows to Ubuntu now... and I haven't a clue how to find the flash drive.01:57
ActionParsniptryingUbuntu: try: cd $HOME; wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh01:57
Nach0zGoogol30: sudo apt-get install usbmount, it'll mount the flashdrive automatically somewhere under /mnt01:57
roy_ActionParsnip: I'm back after some boot issues01:57
roy_ActionParsnip: that's another little annoyance - after the install i had to actually run boot-repair to fix grub issues01:58
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roy_ActionParsnip: so now it boots almost every time - but not quite 100% of the time01:58
Googol30Upon trying "mount /dev/sda5 /mnt" Ubuntu complains stating "unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'"01:58
roy_ActionParsnip: I can live with this and some other annoyances, but the touchpad is really frustrating01:59
Guest17440Can you only recover data on to another drive?01:59
Guest17440Or can you use photorec to mount an image and recover the data using one HDD?01:59
roy_ActionParsnip: and it's a real shame because I'm really enamored with Ubuntu01:59
roy_ActionParsnip: use it flawlessly on a desktop01:59
ActionParsnipGuest17440: yes, you'll need a writable partition to spit the data to01:59
ActionParsniproy_: i suggest you report a bug02:00
escottGoogol30, sda5 is an lvm container02:00
ActionParsniproy_: could try Fn+F10 twice (with a gap in between)02:00
roy_ActionParsnip: yep, my thinking exactly. Thanks very much for all your help02:00
ActionParsniproy_: also try disabling the tap to click feature in the OS02:00
ActionParsniproy_: I try#02:00
roy_ActionParsnip: hmmmm02:01
Googol30What else can I attempt to mount?  If I unplug then plug the flash drive back in, will Ubuntu recognize its existence somewhere?02:01
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip  OK, I did it in terminal.. got some command not found   syntax error near unexpected token and resolving02:01
tryingUbuntuActionParsnip  should I try sound again now?02:02
escottGoogol30, http://superuser.com/questions/116617/how-to-mount-lvm-volume02:02
Guest17440ActionParsnip: If I have a 500 gig image, do I need a TB to extract it if I'm using the same drive?02:02
escottGuest17440, you can pipe it to gzip and compress it as you write02:03
escottGuest17440, but why would you extract a disk image to the same device? what reason do you have for doing the extracT?02:04
Guest17440escott: is there risk of further corrupting the data doing that?02:04
Guest17440Escott: I want to use photorec to recover my files02:04
ActionParsnipGuest17440: 500Gb will be enough, anything more is a bonus02:04
escottGuest17440, why are your files corrupted to begin with02:05
roy_Action: thanks again cu around!02:05
ActionParsnipGuest17440: if the data area has been overwritten then the data is lost02:05
ActionParsnipGuest17440: why not just use your backup02:05
Guest17440escott: a BSOD02:05
escottGuest17440, so why not run photorec on the raw device02:06
Guest17440escot: because I have a feeling that i corrupted a lot of data through working on trying to fix the boot process02:07
Guest17440and I can restore an image to before I did that02:07
Guest17440and use photorec on that02:08
bitcycleHey all.  How to install postgresql 8.4 onto ubuntu 12.10?  apt is saying its not available with the default software sources.02:08
ActionParsnipGuest17440: use your backups....02:08
ActionParsnip!info postgresql02:08
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (135)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.1+135 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB02:08
Guest17440ActionParsnip: The only image I have is from a corrupted drive02:08
ActionParsnipGuest17440: i suggest you review your backup regime02:08
bitcycleActionParsnip: I don't understand.  That's 9.1.  How to get 8.4?02:09
Guest17440ActionParsnip: Yeah. I know this now. I just kept putting it off because I didn't had a HDD to back it up when it was healthy02:09
ActionParsnipbitcycle: if you can find a source then you can use it02:10
ActionParsnip!ppa | bitcycle may help02:10
ubottubitcycle may help: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:10
gabrielukhi, is this recommended? ppa:dhuggins/cmusphinx02:11
Googol30Are there any ways to format a flash drive in a way that both Linux and Windows can read and write to it without issues or needing to install anything?02:11
gabrieluklucid 10.0402:11
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: if you want what is on the ppa, why not02:12
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gabrieluki was just not sure if it was the correct ppa. sometimes ppa owners change, etc02:12
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: technically those packages ar euno0fficial so cannot be vouched for but most people are nice02:13
escottGoogol30, ntfs or fat02:13
Googol30So FAT32 won't work, it must be simple FAT?02:14
escottGoogol30, by fat i mean fat32 but not exfat02:14
gabrieluk" most people are nice", lol02:14
parisThe voice over gamil is not working in Linux, but in Windows does. What I ought to do?02:15
* gabrieluk feels like trolling02:15
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: well yeah, there is no ruling in a PPA so users could add any kind of nasty they want02:15
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: only the packages from the official repos are definately clean02:15
gabrielukcopy that, but they are outdated >.<02:16
ReAzemAny love for debian? I just took my ubuntu samba conf and moved it to a debian machine, I get acces denied.02:16
almoxarifenow that i have 'recoll' setup to look for abstract terms within chosen dir/folders i am wondering what dirs to point at, i have the obvious, /etc/ /usr/share/doc/ /home/.config , any other dirs with conf or txt file configs that you might recommend?02:16
gabrielukdebisn, lol02:16
Guest17440Why is it when I highlighted the files on my old drive, ubuntu says there is only something like 14.9 gigs but when I copy those over it actually ends up being 145 gigs?02:16
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: ubuntu is not a rolling release, so packages will be outdated.02:16
Googol30Since FAT32 isn't working, I'll reformat it in FAT and see if that will work.  If that doesn't work yet again, I'll attempt a network based file transfer.  And if I can't figure anything out after that... I give up.02:16
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: if the newer version of a package adds a minor change compared to one which is a high security risk. Which do you think will get more attention?02:17
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: so the package versions where the changes and gains are minimal will be left in favour of more impacting changes02:18
ActionParsnipgabrieluk: think about it...02:18
meowagismhello great dudes02:18
mensIt is possible to open http stream in "XBMC Eden"?02:18
meowagismcan install on btrfs with ubunto?02:18
Guest17440Why is it, when I highlighted the files on my old drive, ubuntu says there is something like 14.9 gigs, but when I copy it over to my new drive, it ends up actually being 145 gigs?02:18
mensIf possible ... how?02:19
ActionParsnipmeowagism: sure, just use the something else option at install and btrfs is an option as well as other file systems02:19
ActionParsnipmens: i'd ask in the xbmc channel too02:20
dr_willismeowagism: i belive so. but btrfs is not considered stable by many02:20
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maylowgood evening :)02:20
Guest17440Why is it, when I highlight files on my old drive, ubuntu says there is something like 14.9 gigs, but when I copy those same files and folders, it actually ends up being around 145 gigs02:20
meowagismi need compressing the entire thing02:20
meowagismi have ssd with small diks02:21
maylowescott: hi :02:21
ActionParsnipmeowagism: i'd install ubuntu minimal, then install something like fluxbox and slim, the install will be about 1.2Gb installed02:21
escottGuest17440, sparse files?02:22
meowagismthank you vely much02:22
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gabrieluki have a usb headset/mic. when i connect it, i have to go to system->preferences-->sound, and set it everytime i turn the computer on. is there a way to set the usb headset as default for sound?02:22
ActionParsnipmeowagism: tinycore (not ubuntu) is a 12mb ISO, very small install footprint :)02:22
anonjrHello. :) First day with ubuntu now. Any advices or suggested software/theme/plugin!? :)02:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:24
K1rkI am trying to clean up after this largely ignored bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/990315  Without compiling my own binaries.  I am doing this on a large scale deployment, and I don't want to deal with an update wiping out my custom binaries.02:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990315 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[patch] fixes 'Cancel' button press action" [Undecided,Fix released]02:25
Guest55891can't get that vid to play no flash any help on installing network manager to hdd install from usb live session02:25
K1rkI thought maybe a good solution would be a custom button on the GTK greeter to replace their broken cancel button. Maybe one which runs a custom bash script to kill and restart lightdm.02:25
K1rkAny idea how I can accomplish this?02:25
maylowescott: i've got lvm over mdadm02:26
maylowescott: looks pretty nice02:26
escottmaylow, excellent02:26
maylowescott: i greatly appreciate your advice02:26
escottmaylow, no problem02:26
anonjrEdit .exe in ubuntu?02:27
K1rkanonjr, Ubuntu doesn't have exe files.  It has binaries.02:27
dr_willishmm. it says fix released. that means there should be an update to fix it soon02:27
K1rkdr_willis, yeah but that looks like it was months ago.02:27
K1rkdr_willis, I want to deploy my 12.04 lab image to our computers over Christmas break.02:27
K1rkdr_willis, you can see how with a room full of students, this might be a problem. (aka  "vandalizing" computers to waste time, getting them stuck in login loops)02:28
Guest55891tried installing network manager from deb off flash but its output it that the deb files are not in software sources02:28
K1rkIt seems like this is a really dumb problem and a really easy fix... and lazy repo maintainer02:28
meowagismi installed those options02:28
meowagismon btrfs?02:28
dr_willisi use gdm. ;-)02:28
gabrielukhow do i remove a ppa repository?02:28
meowagismdefaults,subvol=@home,compress=lzo,inode_cache,ssd 0       202:28
K1rkmeowagism, nice fstab stuff....02:29
dr_willis!ppa-purge | gabrieluk02:29
ubottugabrieluk: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:29
K1rkmeowagism, I'm not familiar with the "ssd" option.02:29
meowagismssd is solid state drives write in a chunk instead of little bananaistics02:29
ActionParsnipGuest55891: the way I do it is to run:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install network-manager    in the liveCD02:30
ActionParsnipGuest55891: then copy the deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives to the internal HDD, then reboot to the installed OS and install the deb files02:31
Guest55891yes but that requires mounting into the hdd02:31
Guest55891o ok'02:31
ActionParsnipGuest55891: yes, you'd mount the drive to then hold the debs so they are not lost on reboot02:31
ActionParsnipGuest55891: you then have the files you need to install the app02:31
yescalonaubuntu please02:34
dr_willisyescalona:  what?02:34
JohnnyLDid anyone see the article about Ubuntu concerning RMS on slashdot?02:34
FlannelJohnnyL: #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks!02:34
Guest55891having trouble mounting hdd with that tutorial cannot play flash in hdd02:34
Guest55891live usb session*02:35
puffJohnnyL: Nope, got a URL?02:35
gabrielukActionParsnip, i cannot find cmu sphinx on the official repo. is that correct?02:35
Flannelyescalona: take it to #ubuntu-discuss, thanks.02:35
JohnnyLpuff: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/12/07/1527225/rms-speaks-out-against-ubuntu02:35
yescalonaa la mierda ubuntu02:36
ReAzemJust made a test share accepting guests, it worked. So this means that my problem is security = user. It keeps denying me acces, for some reason.02:38
mac-10anyone is interested in domains 4 free ?02:38
mengazoyescalona: Amen02:38
topper4125Maybe RMS needs to learn to follow his own advice before he goes off on other people... some of his software source has binary blobs... something he *claims* to be against.02:38
gabrielukomg, the link is shocking02:38
puffNobody ever accused RMS of being subtle.02:38
puffthe original article, btw: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do02:38
puffWell, blog post.02:38
Flannelguys, this is a support channel.  Take it elsewhere, thanks.02:39
Googol30Well... good ol' FAT works just fine... Java is having a fit though.02:39
dr_willisReAzem: you gave the users a samba password with  smbpasswd?02:39
ReAzemdr_willis, never did that.02:39
puffFlannel: Good point.02:39
Guest55891should  mount /dev/sda3 "root partition" from live session followed by apt-get updat; apt-get install network-manager add network manager to hdd02:39
Guest55891still have to install deb files?02:40
dr_willisReAzem:   sudo smbpasswd -a  username02:40
ReAzemdr_willis, I toughg sambe used system usernames?02:40
ReAzemand passwords*02:40
dr_willisReAzem:  but not passwords02:40
escottdr_willis, curious what is the point of using sudo with that?02:40
ReAzemdr_willis, Wht did it work before then?02:40
dr_willistheres a way to sync them02:40
ReAzem*why - I need to learn to type02:40
dr_willisescott:  not all users have samba access. i belive02:41
Googol30Anyone familiar with Java?  Whenever I try to run the Minecraft server, it complains with as much text as it possibly can.02:41
gpix13Googol30: you using the proprietary jre or the openjre?02:41
ReAzemdr_willis, Okay so how do I pay you a beer?02:41
escottdr_willis, its in the manpage. i guess it adds entries and works when the daemon isnt running02:42
dr_willisReAzem:  donate to the bell ringers at the mall. ;-)02:42
Googol30Sun's JRE I'm guessing... I followed some guide on the internet somewhere... lemme find it.02:42
gpix13java -version02:42
gpix13run that02:42
dr_willisim old skool amd sefl taught on sambe. i just remember what i always do. ;-)02:42
ReAzemdr_willis, I promise I will. Now, can you tell me why I never had to do that before? I really liked it before haha02:43
researcher123When I try to open  www.godaddy.com I get a message "waiting for img3.wsimg.com " and the page never opens. Is somebody happy to help ? PLEASE02:43
Argure_I can't for the life of me figure out why my pubkey authentication isn't working. :(02:44
Argure_drwx------ 2 argure argure 4096 Dec  8 03:28 .ssh02:44
Argure_-rw------- 1 argure argure  757 Dec  8 03:28 authorized_keys02:44
Googol30I did "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" to install java... but I followed the guide on http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Setting_up_a_server02:45
escottArgure_, why is auth_keys outside of .ssh02:45
Argure_it's not.02:45
escottArgure_, then why is is listed after .ssh?02:45
Argure_sshd_config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418074/02:45
gpix13Googol30: what is the error you are getting?02:45
Argure_because I cd'ed into ~/.ssh before running ls -la ;)02:45
escottArgure_, ok.. then why is there a .ssh inside .ssh02:46
Argure_I think I confused you :P02:46
Argure_argure@geonosis:~/.ssh$ ls -la02:46
Argure_-rw------- 1 argure argure  757 Dec  8 03:28 authorized_keys02:46
escott!paste | Argure_02:46
ubottuArgure_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:46
escottArgure_, i get it you are trying to say .ssh is 700 and auth_keys is 600 but its not working... you could have just said that02:47
Argure_afaik with the permission set on ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys it *should* be working fine02:47
Guest17440Why is it, when I highlight files on my old drive, ubuntu says there is something like 14.9 gigs, but when I copy those same files and folders, it actually ends up being around 145 gigs?02:47
Argure_pretty much ^^02:47
escottArgure_, what do you see when you try to ssh -vv user@host02:47
Googol30Whenever I try to do "java -Xms1G -Xmx3G -jar craftbukkit-1.4.5-R0.2.jar", Java spams me with a million messages all saying some different "at net.minecraft.server.(...)" message02:47
escottGuest17440, sparse files or virtual filesystems02:48
gpix13Googol30: hmm02:48
dr_willisGuest17440: copying to where. and how...02:48
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
Guest17440Escott:I don't understand, could you elaborate?02:48
Argure_escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418076/02:48
riexHello guys, I've just added one more IP to my debian server. But when that's done, and I'm trying to ping it from my home connection, it dosen't reply back. But if i ping the IP-address on the server it replys. What could the error be? :-|02:49
Googol30gpix13: Is it that my network connection might not be what it expects?02:49
riexsomeone knows if there is an error log or something?02:49
Guest17440dr_willis: onto my new drive, and by using copy and paste02:49
escottGuest17440, sparse files have lots of zeros but the zeros aren't stored. virtual filesystems take up no on disk space but if you dont use the correct options in your copy you might copy them by accident. ie we need more details on exactly how you are copying02:49
gpix13Googol30: no I doubt it, paste what you can into pste.ubuntu.com and paste the link here so i can see02:49
dr_willisGuest17440: what fs is the drive?02:50
Guest17440dr_willis: sorry what? I'm still a noob02:50
escottArgure_, it sends both /Users/patrickgodschalk/.ssh/id_rsa and dsa but neither is a match. what are the contents of auth_keys02:50
Argure_both are private keys, escott02:51
mengazoIs there anyway to sort files on Ubuntu by creation date, even with another filesystem, such as NTFS and FAT32. I use it for organizational purposes on Windows and OS X and have yet to find such a way to do that. I simply can't use Linux without that ability02:51
escottArgure_, take that back it doesnt send dsa cause that doesn't exist02:51
Argure_I have tried indicating id_rsa.pub with the -i flag but to no avail02:51
escottArgure_, auth_keys should be public keys and safe to share02:51
Argure_oh, authorized_keys02:51
Googol30gpix: Any way to make the error messages all write to a file... I'm thinking something with grep but I'm not sure how to do so.02:51
Googol30gpix13... forgot the numbers... sorry.02:52
escottGoogol30, command 2>&1 >output.txt02:52
gpix13Googol30: do the command for starting the server and append it with ">> file.txt"02:52
Argure_escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418079/02:52
gpix13or something to that extent02:52
Guest17440escott: I am copying because I'm going to delete the files I copied from the original old HDD and recover data from an image onto the old HDD02:52
escottArgure_, that looks ok.02:52
escottGuest17440, don't really care about why. but how. using cp, rsync? with what flags etc?02:53
julie101010I have a NFS mount in my fstab and it causes my system to lock up infinitely on boot when the server is down, any ideas?02:53
ActionParsnipjulie101010: add the option:  noauto   then it won't attempt to be mounted at boot02:54
williamherryI accedently deleted a file, I know it belong to fontconfig-config, how do I get it back02:54
Argure_escott: that's what I thought, I still for the life of me can't figure out why the server is denying pubkey authentication02:54
williamherryapt-get has no reinstall command02:54
mengazoI guess Linux is inadequate for my needs02:54
dr_willisjulie101010:  try the noauto option. tgen mount it after tge system is up02:54
SolarisBoywilliamherry: yes it does02:54
SolarisBoywilliamherry: install --reinstall02:54
Argure_escott: especially since i can authenticate with that key towards other servers02:54
williamherrySolarisBoy: thanks02:54
julie101010ActionParsnip, dr_willis: is there an in between where it would attempt to mount it02:54
ActionParsnipjulie101010: you can then add:  sudo mount /mount/point &     in /etc/rc.local    above the 'exit 0' line to mount it, note the ampersand to background the command so the boot can complete02:55
escottArgure_, the only things you can check are the logs on the server02:55
ActionParsnipjulie101010: ^02:55
julie101010ActionParsnip, very good idea, tyvm02:55
ActionParsnipjulie101010: np02:55
dr_willisjulie101010:  i think there is. but ive not used nfs in ages02:55
SolarisBoyor automount02:55
Guest17440escott: how? using ubuntu 12.10. Highlighting the files that I first see when opening the disk, right clicking, selecting copy, going to an ubuntu folder on the desktop and pasting inside there.02:55
Googol30gpix13: Upon attempt to run the server with " >> errorlog.txt" appended to the end... it says "-bash: errorlog.txt: Permission denied"02:56
SolarisBoyGoogol30: do you have permissions to where you are writing?02:56
gpix13Googol30: what directory are you running it in?02:56
SolarisBoyGoogol30: you can redirect to /tmp if not02:56
Googol30It's in /tmp... same message02:56
gpix13prefix sudo?02:56
TheteSince google is screwing over Google Apps, anyone know of a decent mail hosting service?02:56
Argure_escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418083/02:57
SolarisBoygoogle apps work fine02:57
TheteCause I'm not paying $5 per user per month02:57
TheteSolarisBoy: You obviously haven't heard the news yet02:57
Guest17440escott: I'm doing it completely wrong aren't I?02:57
Googol30Same thing... even with sudo prefixed.02:57
ActionParsnipThete: could run your own02:57
TheteYeah, I suck at linux mail servers02:57
gpix13Googol30: hm, not much I can do without the error messages.02:57
SolarisBoywhats the news? Thete ?02:57
TheteSolarisBoy: It costs money now02:58
escottArgure_, you use ecryptfs thats why02:58
Googol30The flash drive that I am attempting to write to is FAT...02:58
TheteSolarisBoy: $5 per user per month02:58
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SolarisBoyThete: what costs money?02:58
escottArgure_, ~/.ssh is not decrypted until after login. there is no auth_keys to read02:58
gpix13Googol30: don't write to the flash drive02:58
TheteSolarisBoy: Google Apps for domains02:58
gpix13Googol30: write to your hard drive02:58
gpix13or something else02:58
SolarisBoyThete: so what are they doing with the free accounts?02:58
Thete30 days left apparently02:58
Argure_that... would make sense02:58
TheteSolarisBoy: Log into your panel, you'll see it02:58
SolarisBoyone second02:59
escottGuest17440, hard to say since its the gui. evidently the gui does something wrong either vfs or sparse files, what i dont know02:59
TheteSolarisBoy: 30 day trial, upgrade now02:59
TheteThey sent out mass email about 30 min ago about it02:59
escottArgure_, easiest workaround is to put auth_keys outside of $HOME02:59
dr_willisoh the humanity!03:00
SolarisBoyThete: i see it now03:00
Argure_escott: I'm unmounting and removing $PRIVATE for that user :)03:01
user20393Dillo browser won't show images on google image search. How to fix?  Is there a setting in dillorc I need to change?03:01
SolarisBoyThete: it says Free accounts that exist wont be affected no?03:01
SolarisBoy'Because you're already a customer, this change has no impact on your service, and you can continue to use Google Apps for free.'03:01
TheteThe email says that, but I can't figure out if that's true or not considering what it says in the control panel03:01
Argure_thanks. :)03:01
MechanisMwhen I'm running "update-manager -d" it shows new version, I"m clicking upgrade and it's closed. when trying do-release-upgrade it's showing me "No new release found" what is wrong? I have enabled non lts upgrades03:02
TheteI have a big mess on my hands if I loose access after 30 days03:02
Googol30Oh... you said /tmp... I was typing /mnt...03:02
Googol30My bad.03:02
SolarisBoynot you only...03:02
SolarisBoyGoogol30: nice03:02
ActionParsnipMechanisM: what release are you on?03:02
Googol30Now when I'm not in the directory... it works...03:02
MechanisMI'm on 12.1003:02
MechanisMwanna upgrade to 13.0403:02
SolarisBoyGoogol30: being in mnt needs sudo permissions generally to write under there03:03
dr_willisMechanisM:  why?03:03
ActionParsnipMechanisM: then you will need to use the -d option to get the development release, raring. 12.10 is the latest stable release03:03
MechanisMActionParsnip: Look at my first msg03:04
FlannelMechanisM: You want to ask in #ubuntu+103:04
ActionParsnipMechanisM: ^03:04
MechanisMI'm already asked03:04
Googol30Now that it looks like it works... I'll test it... and if I can connect using my external IP, that's what I wanted for the last 7 hours.03:04
ActionParsnipMechanisM: http://askubuntu.com/questions/222296/cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-13-04-development-release03:07
MechanisMActionParsnip I can use google =) I'm answered there already: For me not worked "do-release-upgrade" and not worked "update-manager -d" but this works: "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"03:08
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DrManhattanhow do I upgrade from the version of virtualbox installed via apt-get to the latest version on the oracle site? pci passthrough isn't working for me thus far and I would like to try something a bit newer03:09
ActionParsnipMechanisM: I didn't use google ;)03:09
ActionParsnipMechanisM: yes, the command is an admin task so needs 'sudo'03:10
MechanisMActionParsnip case is not in sudo part03:10
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: its a separate app, you will need to uninstall the virtual box you have, then add the vbox ppa, then install vbox 4.103:10
DrManhattanoh, how utterly weak.03:11
researcher123I   get a message "waiting for img3.wsimg.com " and the page never opens for a certain site.While all other open promptly.Any help?03:11
MechanisM"do-release-upgrade" vs  "update-manager -d" vs "do-release-upgrade -d"03:11
DrManhattanall this trouble for pci passthrough03:11
DrManhattanif I could find my easycap002 I wouldn't have this problem03:11
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ActionParsnipDrManhattan: why, you are only replaceing the app. How is that 'weak'?03:12
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc03:13
needhelp1I need help, ive been battling with an issue with just copying files for months on ubuntu 12.10, i have updated and re-installed twice and still experience teh same issue. I plug in the camera via usb and the camera mounts, i can see the images load, but when i try to copy the image files from the camera to anywhere, nothing happens, the progress window loads showing something like "File operations" copying filie 1 of 20 to "folder nam03:15
DrManhattanActionParsnip, one sec03:15
DrManhattanActionParsnip, it says precise03:15
nitrohaxdid they finally fix the compiz fusion so you can load all the effects and not crash the system/03:16
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: ho is removing one package, then replacing it with another 'weak'?03:16
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian precise contrib03:17
DrManhattanActionParsnip, I don't think it's "just a package" when you install it from the vbox site03:17
DrManhattanoo nice, thank you03:17
nitrohaxActionParsnip>  depends on the package i guess. like gnome-screensaver with xscreensaver03:17
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian precise contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vbox.list03:17
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -03:17
nitrohaxsomeone having problems with the vbox thru ubuntu download center/03:18
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: then uninstall the vbox packages you have and run:  sudo apt-get update; VirtualBox-4.203:18
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: you still haven't answered my question03:18
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: you still haven't answered my question03:18
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: remove the old vbox first03:19
DrManhattanActionParsnip, thats a lot of work just to uninstall and install one package, thats what I thought was weak03:19
nitrohaxvbox really only works with all the functions when directly d/l thru the site it's self. the repos hasn't been updated in the d/l center03:19
DrManhattanit aint exactly apt-get remove and apt-get install03:19
nitrohaxapt-get purge is what you are looking for03:20
escottneedhelp1, what program are you using to copy the pictures03:20
needhelp1escott: natalus03:20
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: its near zero effort though, its nearly apt-get remove apt-get install. You just add an extra packages source03:21
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: so, not weak at all03:21
needhelp1escott: nautilus03:21
escottneedhelp1, most cameras are not usb mass-storage you might try one of the photo managing applications like gphoto or the like03:21
DrManhattanif I can get this pci passthrough working, I'll be a happy camper03:21
DrManhattanor if I manage to find my easycap03:21
needhelp1escott: shotwell ok?03:22
escottneedhelp1, sure03:22
escottDrManhattan, does your motherboard support pci passthrough03:22
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: if you wanted really annoying then try the same in gentoo, takes forever and a day03:22
DrManhattanescott, maybe03:22
escottDrManhattan, iommu does require northbridge support so check online and at the mfg website03:23
needhelp1escott: getting errors  "unable to mount camera, try to mount from the file manager" , and then "volume is busy  EOG /run/user/who/gvfs/gph/....100canon etc03:23
DrManhattanActionParsnip, I love watching that code fly by, but what a total PITA gentoo is to set up initially03:23
escottneedhelp1, i guess nautilus has mounted it. you might eject it in nautilus and then try to reopen it in shotwell03:23
escottneedhelp1, basically trying to get you closer to libgphoto203:24
needhelp1escott: just had a crash03:24
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: loads, or telling it to rebuild world :)  see you in a week03:24
* DrManhattan bursts into tears with gentoo ptsd03:25
nitrohaxDrManhattan> you new to linux/ubuntu?03:25
dr_willis_!info gentoo03:25
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.13-2 (quantal), package size 755 kB, installed size 1906 kB03:25
needhelp1escott: unplugged and plugged back in, shotwell is importing, seems to be working so far.03:26
needhelp1why cant i do this via nautilus?03:26
nitrohaxyou coming from straight deb?03:26
dr_willis_now everyone is confused. ;-)   i  like that gentoo filemanager03:26
DrManhattanNot even new to ubuntu03:26
escottneedhelp1, its just another layer of abstraction. cameras in ptp mode are not like normal disks so when naut works with them it has to emulate certain disk functions that ptp does not support03:27
escottneedhelp1, shotwell uses libgphoto2 directly so it talks ptp without the emulation of gvfs03:27
needhelp1escott: is there anythign I can do to help "fix" this, bug report, vote or something03:27
escottneedhelp1, if you are using the most recent version and want to try to isolate where the bug is in gvfs im sure a bug report would be helpful. a bug report for a X-months old version of gvfs that says it doesnt work for camera X is just going to get ignored03:28
ActionParsnipdr_willis_: oh wow, so you can run  gentoo in gentoo :)03:29
dr_willis_ActionParsnip:  yep. ;-)03:29
needhelp1escott: just to make sure im following correctly, your saying gvfs stinks, and a bug report probably wont help right?03:29
escottneedhelp1, no gvfs seems to be pretty good (given what it does). but it is a bug in the gvfs/libgphoto2 interaction with your specific camera03:30
dr_willis_gvfs works well.. most of the tine.03:30
escottneedhelp1, and that making a good bug report that is actually useful rather than "it doesn't work for me" is a fair bit of work03:30
nitrohaxDrManhattan> you just trying to get a good working copy of vbox working then?03:31
escottneedhelp1, if you have the skill, time and desire to do it by all means please go ahead03:31
nitrohaxescott> what do you need help with?03:31
needhelp1escott: its weird because it worked in 12.0403:31
ActionParsnipdr_willis_: gentoo^203:31
escottneedhelp1, well thats helpful. means it is a regression. should be easier to figure out what went wrong03:31
nitrohaxActionParsnip> did they fix the compiz fusion where you can add all the effects and not crash/03:33
ActionParsnipnitrohax: no idea, i don't use it03:33
nitrohaxActionParsnip> ok. just needed to see some flames and paper planes on the desktop.03:34
ActionParsnipnitrohax: what for?03:34
nitrohaxlast time i tried it it killed ubuntu and couldn't recover anything03:34
needhelp1as far as file sysems go, is ext4 still recommended generally speaking03:35
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: yes, ext4 is pretty decent now03:35
nitrohaxActionParsnip> You know, woblly windows are cool and all. but sometimes you need to show off that extra linux flare of flaming windows, and wrap maximize, and airplane minimize.03:36
nitrohaxmostly to wow the window idiots at work03:36
ActionParsnipnitrohax: i think all that stuff is worthless and slows productivity03:36
nitrohaxActionParsnip> it's work, not like i'm doing anything there anyways, plus, i've got the GPU to handle it all03:37
ActionParsnipnitrohax: i'd rather that when i click minimize of close, the app instantly vanishes and i can move on rather than fill my screen with some animation and get in the way03:38
atluswould anyone mind helping me patch a version of wine ?03:38
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.03:39
nitrohaxwell i just make the animations really short. plus, those windows people, they just swoon over the effects they can't have. makes me seem more in demand to say.03:39
JohnnThis is my first time in a IRC chat. I am here because I need help. Windows 7 has done some sort of automatic update and I can't acess Ubuntu. I'm a complete novice to Ubuntu but in my opinion it is much better then Windows. I even donated some :). I have created a live usb but repair disk did not work, Can anyone help or point me to the apropriate place?03:40
ActionParsnipnitrohax: i've never tried to wow people with effects03:40
atlusit may help to be able to have first hand guidance03:40
ActionParsnipnitrohax: try being 32 and having all that going on on the desktop. They'll look at you like you are some kid03:40
nitrohaxActionParsnip> you don't work in a windows shop like i do. they still don03:40
Xgateshey guys03:40
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, you are able to wow with computer skills, all I have is the effects03:41
Xgatesanyone see this new article over at the FSF? --> http://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do03:41
JohnnWhen I click Ubuntu it gives me minimal bash like line editing message.03:41
nitrohaxthey still don't realize how i fix window systems with such ease. I like ubuntu for the community, but deb for the funtionality03:41
XgatesI know Stallman is very extreme, but, hmm this doesn't sound good...03:41
ActionParsnipToph2: hehe half :)03:41
nitrohaxActionParsnip> just the xscreensaver alone draws more attention then anything. and all i do is recover data from "broken" hard drives03:42
ChintanHello guys03:43
Chintangood morning03:43
ActionParsnipnitrohax: i've sold PCs in the past using sach's marine screensaver03:43
JohnnSo can anyone in this chatroom help me with a problem I am having with Ubuntu?03:43
ChintanI have one pc in USA with ubuntu installed. I want to transfer files from my ubuntu system.03:44
nitrohaxActionParsnip> my job description "virus rectification information reclamation"03:44
ChintanHow can i do this ?03:44
nitrohaxChintan> so you want to trans files from one ubuntu machine to another?03:44
Chintannitrohax : yes03:44
puffis this a good place to discuss a possible bug in ubuntu software updates?03:44
Chintando i need vpn authentication for that ?03:45
puffTo clarify, I'm not sure it's a bug, would like discuss with somebody more advanced before filing a bug.03:45
nitrohaxChintan> personal files or the whole set up of th machine?03:45
Chintanproject files..03:45
Googol30Are you allowed to copy everything from the /mnt directory (and paste it into ~)?03:45
Chintannot big files.03:45
ActionParsnipChintan: if you have SSH you can connect to SFTP03:45
ecartChintan install apache and zip your files and access your files via browser03:45
nitrohaxChintan> depends. you aren't trying to do setup files for the oS are you?03:45
Chintanboth side ubuntu03:46
nitrohaxChintan> exactly, do an appache SFTP03:46
Chintanhow ?03:46
nitrohaxChintan> one se03:46
JohnnI cannot log into Ubuntu Operating System it gives me a message along the lines of minimal bash like like editing is supported. Can anyone help me?03:46
ecartor apt-get install httpd03:46
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LaibschI'm looking for music and video player that is available for Linux and Android and stores some of it's metadata alongside the music/video files.  Please ask if my request is unclear.03:47
nitrohaxChintan> look at pm03:47
escott!sshfs | Chintan03:47
ubottuChintan: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions03:47
dr_willis_johntash:  you mean you are in the grub shell?03:47
ecartChintan or online install ssh securit shell03:48
ecartvery good03:48
ActionParsnipChintan: you will need to port forward port 22 in the router to the pc and run openssh-server. You now have an SFTP server which is secure as well as giving you the ability to connect hom and run commands etc03:48
JohnnI believe it is ts the grub shell03:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:48
ecartssh securit shell no need port forward03:49
ecartvery easy03:49
ecartonly installl and use03:49
dr_willis_the router may need port forwarding setup ecart03:49
ecartnot all03:50
nitrohaxActionParsnip> he's looking for the easy GUI way of doing it.03:50
dr_willis_most will03:50
Googol30Sanity check... Verizon allows port 25565 through it's firewalls wherever down the line, right?03:51
ReAzemTwo exact same authorized_keys files. Two different user.  I can only log on one, other is refusing key.03:51
ReAzemBoth files are 700, Both files are owned by the respective user.03:51
dr_willis_why would they block high ports.03:51
ReAzemI use "AllowUsers user1 user2" on /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:51
escottReAzem, encrypted home?03:51
ReAzemescott, No03:52
puffChintan: The gnome file browser, nautilus, has ssh support.03:52
escottGoogol30, this verizon cellular?03:52
Googol30They block port 80 to my knowledge... I can't see why port 25565, which is the port for a Minecraft server, would be much different.03:52
Googol30escott No, residential I think. Not business.03:52
blackdogg'day all. anyone able to help me debug why the slice battery on my Thinkpad won't charge? I'm a bit stumped as to where to start.03:53
dr_willis_the low ports are standardized for specific services. high ines are not03:53
puffChintan: Start the file browser however you normally do it, then file, Connect To Server, select ssh protocol, put in the username and password.03:53
dr_willis_you could set minevraft on a different port03:53
blackdogextra-confusing because 'acpi' tells me that battery 0 is unknown and battery 1 is the built-in one.03:54
puffblackdog: I have no clue as to your problem, but ##ibmthinkpad can be very helpful if people are awake there (50/50 chance).  Also, linux-thinkpad mailing list is also quite useful.03:54
blackdogpuff: ah, thank you. i'll ask there.03:55
rainbowwarrior2I have completely forgotten what i came on for, if anyone sees it can they give me it back please ?03:57
escottGoogol30, they could be doing dpi and blocking minecraft in particular03:57
ActionParsnipblackdog: I'd ask in ##hardware03:58
blackdogActionParsnip: thank you, i'll try there too.03:58
escottReAzem, only other thing to check is ownership of .ssh folder03:59
Googol30Anyone have any experience with noip on Ubuntu Server?  Something isn't working somewhere down the line for me and I suspect it's No-IP.04:00
ReAzemescott, .ssh is owned by the user.04:00
x__how do you turn off this amazon spyware I keep hearing about ?04:01
ReAzemIm going crazy04:01
ReAzemescott, I dont know if this matters, but vmuser had no id_rsa. All it has is authorized_keys.04:02
escottReAzem, the user you are logging into need not have an id_rsa04:02
ActionParsnipx__: sudo apt-get --purge remove unity-lens-shopping04:03
escottReAzem, the id_rsa needs to be on the user you originate from04:03
ActionParsnipx__: then log off and on, its not spyware04:03
ReAzemescott, I just did "cat /var/log/auth.log" and found the following: "bad ownership or modes for dirrectory /home/user"04:03
escottReAzem, it should check down until it gets to a root owned folder. usually $HOME is not fouled up yours must be04:04
x__ActionParsnip, does it monitor what I do and report it to some company... ?04:04
ActionParsnipx__: no, it sends suggestion based on your search, its not watching what you do on the OS04:05
ReAzemescott, Sorry, I don't understand.04:05
x__ActionParsnip, so it monitors my searchs then ?04:05
escottReAzem, who owns /home/user04:05
ReAzemescott, The user, and some other group.04:06
escottReAzem, and permissions are?04:06
ReAzemescott, 77004:06
escottReAzem, should be 75004:06
ActionParsnipx__: there is no identification, all the text used to retrieve the searches is anonymous04:07
ReAzemescott, Why?04:07
NSAgentx__: Don't search for your name ;)04:07
escottReAzem, suppose I was a member of group, and you did not have a .ssh. then i could create one, fill in my own auth_keys and chown it over to you.04:08
ActionParsnipx__: if you don't like it then remove it, not tricky :)04:08
dr_willis_dont search for words that  contain dirty words either....;-)04:08
ActionParsnipdr_willis_: like scunthorpe? ;)04:08
x__ActionParsnip, it still sounds like spyware to me... It is also against the whole open source doctrine04:08
ReAzemescott, Thanks for giving me the actual reason =). Let me see if this solves it.04:09
ActionParsnipx__: its removable so I dn't care, its also only installed by default if you use unity which is also optional04:09
ReAzemescott, Woa. Worked. yay! Thank you =)04:09
x__ActionParsnip, of course it is optional, but it is the default ubuntu setup. All spyware is removable it is just how hard it is to remove it...04:10
dr_willis_wife loves the shopping thing.04:10
escottReAzem, if you need to share in $HOME with other users create a subfolder for that other user04:10
ActionParsnipx__: its a package like anything else, not hard at all. a single command04:10
dr_willis_its not spying.04:10
ReAzemescott, Thats what I'm doing right now. Just need to edit 2-3 lines of my script.04:10
NSAgentdr_willis_: We love it at work04:10
dr_willis_back to ontopic...04:11
x__ActionParsnip, I am not disputing how easy it is to remove, I removed it already. I am saying I don't understand why this was ever included with a linux distribution....? it goes against foss principles04:11
x__this IS on topic04:11
ActionParsnipx__: some people like it and use it. Its just one more package for me to carve out of a clean install04:11
x__just because you don't like my opinion04:11
dr_willis_its nit support related.04:11
x__sure it is04:11
ActionParsnipx__: no this is a SUPPORT channel, not discussion04:11
ActionParsnipx__: this is for folks who are having issues installing programs or pointers on themes, not shooting the breeze04:12
ActionParsnipx__: so, its not support related04:12
dr_willis_you ask how to remove it.. thats a support question.   why caonacle does stuff isnot.04:12
nitrohaxchintan>it's a router prob.04:13
dr_willis_to muc chatter drowns out the real support questions.04:13
x__where would I ask why they would include this then?04:13
nitrohaxi guess chintan gave up04:13
ActionParsnipx__: #ubuntu-offtopic04:13
bibachTrying to install 12.04 32-bit onto a Samsung N-150 Plus netbook (Phoenix BIOS, came with Win7 Starter).  Put the ISO on a USB flash drive (2G SD card in an adapter) with the Universal USB installer, just as I did on another laptop.  The netbook just will not boot off the USB drive, though.  No CD/DVD drive.  Want to install onto new partitions in empty space I've cleared on the HD, rather than wubi.  Any suggestions?04:14
ActionParsnipbibach: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?04:14
dr_willis_shuttleworths blog said why i belive04:14
escottbibach, not sure SD cards are bootable under most bioses04:15
x__because amazon is pating them ?04:15
nitrohaxSD cards are not bootable.04:15
bibachActionParsnip: No... good idea.  Though, I was getting the same results when I first tried doing this with the 64-bit ISO that I successfully used on the other laptop.04:15
ActionParsnipnitrohax: depends on bios04:15
dr_willis_nitrohax:  they can be04:15
nitrohaxOnly if the BIOS can recognize a botable media such as sd cards. you maye be able to make it a botable usb device04:16
NSAgentx__: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1182 (the why, discuss elsewhere please)04:16
dr_willis_ive had issues with the usb creator tool befor. rtru some other tools from the pendrivelinux site04:16
nitrohaxif using a USb card reader, most times the card reader even if built in is a usb device04:16
ActionParsnipnitrohax: exactly, so saying they are 'not bootable' is incorrect, they may be bootable depending on BIOS :)04:17
dr_willis_my netbooks can boot from sd.04:17
nitrohaxActionParsnip> i covered my ass on that one04:17
dr_willis_i run ubuntu on them that way04:17
NSAgentIf it cannot boot from SD, there will be no option for it in a boot menu04:17
NSAgentif boot fails it is something else04:17
bibachThe netbook is only a couple years old, but I guess that's no guarantee that it supports this.04:18
escottNSAgent, i wouldn't assume that either. i would just try a usb keychain device first04:18
dr_willis_my old  AAO boots from sd04:19
HausasI think I'll go downstairs to play some fifa04:19
dr_willis_my newer eee does also04:19
nitrohaxbibach>  "MOST" net books dont not see the Sd card as a removable or bootable media. try using a IDE/SATA to USB connectiong04:19
escottNSAgent, it could also seriously confuse the kernel for grub to bring it up on a multi-function sd card reader04:19
hellhammerim running ubuntu 12.04 and im have a AMD unsupported hardware watermark in the corner but my hardware is support and my 3d is working how do i remove this watermark?04:19
nitrohaxoh hell, never heard of that before.04:20
ActionParsniphellhammer: can you give a screenshot to outline the issue please04:20
jagginesshellhammer, me too ^04:20
amigamiayou mean the watermark in the corner?04:20
hellhammerit doesnt show up in screenshots04:20
hellhammerit looks like a dot matrix image04:20
bibachWhat about a non-USB boot, such as network boot (is that still done with TFTP, these days?) or pushing grub onto the MSB from Windows and getting it to load the install from somewhere?04:20
ActionParsniphellhammer: something like imageshack etc04:20
nitrohaxhellhammer> I just wanted to tell you good luck, we are all counting on you "from the movie airplane"04:21
jagginesshellhammer, once upon a time, not my time, not your time04:21
jagginesshellhammer, something interesting04:21
amigamiathat's strange hellhammer04:21
jagginesshellhammer, ya i know..04:21
amigamiacan you make a screenshot and pastebin?04:21
NSAgentbibach: Netboot still works, but you need to boot off of something originally to start it04:21
WeThePeoplehellhammer, imgh.us04:22
jagginesshellhammer, yes uh huh04:22
NSAgentbibach: Unless you use PXE04:22
nitrohaxjagginess> my episodes always begin at episode IVI hope04:22
hellhammerbut it doesnt show up in the picture04:22
escottbibach, problem with pushing from windows is that grub is a multi-stage bootloader. i needs space outside the mbr04:22
bibachThe BIOS has PXE as an option.  Just need a TFTP server?  Or some other protocol?04:22
jagginesshellhammer, cant help ya.. the desktop picture is too depressing04:23
bibachescott: Good point, forgot about that.04:23
NSAgentbibach: DHCP with some options as well, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot04:23
nitrohaxjagginess> like someone in hating punching a baby with a sad puppy in the background?04:23
ActionParsniphellhammer: was going to say...where am I looking :)04:23
xanderHow do you mount an image?04:23
ActionParsnipxander: you can use mounty04:24
=== xander is now known as Guest23434
hellhammerits not in the picture04:24
hellhammerits like an overlay watermark04:24
hellhammerit wont show up in screenshots04:24
ActionParsnipxander: or run:   sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso04:24
ActionParsniphellhammer: got a camera?04:24
nitrohaxhellhammer> on you screen you are sayign you have a watermark?04:24
Guest23434ActionParsnip: mounty? what is that?04:24
hellhammerlooks like this04:25
hellhammerthis picture shows the watermark04:25
ActionParsnipGuest23434: its a GUI app for mounting images, for people who find loop mounting too hard04:25
bibachNetboot sounds promising; I'll give that a try.  Thanks, all!04:25
nitrohaxbelive it or not, there is a site on that04:25
ActionParsniphellhammer: that is strange04:26
Guest23434actionparsnip: where can I download it?04:26
ActionParsnipGuest23434: there is a ppa04:26
nitrohaxActionParsnip> i guess it happens alot, there i a askubu thread on it04:26
Guest23434ActionParsnip: a what? I just looked in the ubuntu media center and I didn't find it.04:27
ActionParsnipGuest23434: you need a 3rd party source04:27
ActionParsniphellhammer: http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?19875-Unsupported-Hardware-watermark04:27
dr_willis_iso mounting gui?04:27
ActionParsnipGuest23434: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=mounty+ubuntu    too hard for you?04:28
warzhi all. i just tried install ubuntu 12.10 desktop on my computer with an nvidia gtx 580 video card. it doesnt seem to support it. in fact, ubuntu just seems to take a big crap all over it.04:28
warzis this common?04:28
dr_willis_!info giso04:28
ubottuPackage giso does not exist in quantal04:28
ActionParsnipGuest23434: didn't think to do that....?04:28
warznvidia cards and ubuntu04:28
ActionParsnipwarz: which nvidia driver version are you running?04:28
guang_is there a word in usb's sector indicate the app used to open the usb?04:28
Guest23434ActionParsnip: Why so hostile? Yes I did think of that however I used google and didn't find anything04:29
dr_willis_warz:  not an issue with my older nvidia  cards04:29
ActionParsnipGuest23434: because its such a basic thing to try04:29
warzActionParsnip, I was trying to install the latest, but it was failing. I'm not sure how to check, otherwise. It's relatively recent, though. It was only a few minor version behind04:29
warzits whichever one ships with ubuntu, I guess04:29
warzso whichever is latest on aptitude04:29
ActionParsnipwarz: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep nvidia-current04:29
warzActionParsnip, well one moment. Let me see if I can get back to a command line. It's all borked. lol.04:30
warzgimme a few secs.04:30
dr_willis_warz:  thats 2 different ones. ;-)04:30
nitrohaxActionParsnip> i'm trying to google, google, to see how google finds google on the internet. you think i should try google.com then searching for google?04:30
dr_willis_nitrohax:  use askjeeves04:30
ActionParsnipnitrohax: don't put google into google, you'll break the internet :)04:30
ActionParsnipnitrohax: use duckduckgo :) it's the awesome04:31
=== xander_ is now known as Guest70820
warzActionParsnip, 304.51.really04:31
ActionParsnipwarz: sounds ok. If you run:   sudo lshw -C display     do you see:   driver=nvidia04:32
ActionParsnipwarz: also, do you also see an Intel GPU in the output?04:32
nitrohaxActionParsnip> but th elders of the internet...they know who i am?!04:32
WeThePeoplenitrohax, site:google.com <<< put this in google search bar04:32
ActionParsnipnitrohax: the internet doesn't weigh anything :)04:33
nitrohaxWeThePeople> Silly, the internet weighs nothing04:33
nitrohaxActionParsnip> damn it that was my line04:33
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: my search bar searches duckduckgo :)04:33
nitrohaxWeThePeople> the blinking light means it's woring04:33
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: i especially love the ppa bang :)04:34
nitrohaxActionParsnip> It's the internet, it's WIFI.04:34
warzone sec, i rebooted and im trying to get back to terimal again. heh04:34
warzwell i dont see that exact text, but i do see the following04:36
warz"product: GF110 [GeForce GTX580]"04:37
warzbelow a line that says "*-display UNCLAIMED"04:37
nitrohaxanother CMA, hellhammer was told that by activating certain drivers they he may need to uninstall them using the server CLI04:37
ActionParsnipwarz: so you only have the nvidia gpu?04:37
warzya only 1 card04:38
nitrohaxI'll mine that for a dollar04:38
ActionParsnipwarz: try running:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    and rebooting04:38
bazhangnitrohax, ?04:38
bazhangnitrohax, what are you talking about04:39
warz"WARNING: unable to locate or open X config file"04:40
warzit wrote a new file04:40
warzthat to be expected?04:40
ActionParsnipwarz: its fine, it then makes one for you04:40
nitrohaxbazhang> all i can say is "watch robo cop"04:41
WeThePeoplewhat one04:41
nitrohaxWeThePeople> there is nly one04:41
warzwoah ok it booted into gnome or whatever this is now days but the resolution is all whack04:41
warzhow can i verify that its using the driver?04:41
sambagirlmy god what kind of  image file was that anyway?04:41
almoxarifewhack is good?04:42
warzghost rider04:42
ActionParsnipwarz: run:  sudo lshw -C display04:42
warzhm, i tried logging in and it seems to have failed to load all the way. it just sat with the backgroun and no UI loaded. im gonna boot back into terminal mode.04:43
sambagirlhi Action!04:43
=== sambagirl is now known as amigamia
ActionParsnipwarz: you may want to run:  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf     and change the resolution04:43
ActionParsniphi amigamia04:44
nitrohaxdamn it 7Gb mka. later04:44
warzsame display output04:44
amigamiai've noticed lately there are a lot of linux virus protection and seek n destroy applications to protect us from windows exe infections :)04:45
amigamiais ubuntu bundling with any particular virus protection vendor?04:46
warzhm ok ill look up how to set resolution04:46
almoxarifeamigamia: virus?04:46
=== Celene is now known as Celene_awya
amigamiayes apparantly there are a lot of malicious windows exe viruses attacking ubuntu os and even solaris. i read about it.04:46
almoxarifeamigamia: you mean virus check shared files? the ones windoz may have to open?04:47
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=== Celene_awa is now known as Celene_awai
cheesecakeswindows virus attacking ubuntu04:47
almoxarifeamigamia: thats news i have not heard about, which for instance? got a link?04:47
cheesecakesis this even possible :/04:47
amigamiai also read that operating systems like reactos, haiku, zeta and even AmigaOS is being threatened by these windows exe malicious viruses and that is why i am checking to see which viender Ubuntu is going to bundle with future releases? :D04:48
almoxarifecheesecakes: could attack a wine app04:48
dr_willis_cheesecakes:  i require proof. ;-)04:48
amigamiaNow i saw on tv about Mcaffee and i hope that vendor isnt chosen04:48
amigamiahe's kinda creepy04:48
cheesecakesalmoxarife: but a wine app wont threaten your system or would it ?04:49
bazhangamigamia, lets get back on topic04:49
almoxarifecheesecakes: linux? no04:49
dr_willis_biggest danger to a ubuntu box i see.. is the end user doing sinthing silly.04:49
cheesecakeslets say you use an infected exe with wine04:49
Amelia28Hello, I have Ubuntu and HP Touchsmart and I am trying to calibrate touchscreen using program calibrate touchscreen but when this program opens in the terminal an error message displays "Error: No calibratable devices found"...........any suggestions on how to move forward??04:49
amigamiadr_willis_ i read in the Midnight news paper while waiting at the checkout about it.04:49
bazhangamigamia, thats enough.04:50
bazhang!virus | cheesecakes amigamia04:50
ubottucheesecakes amigamia: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:50
ActionParsnipAmelia28: are there any bugs reported?04:50
dr_willis_cheesecakes:  i used to test malware in wine to determine what it installed. to make removeing it easier04:50
cheesecakesyeah so we have troll/ highly misinformed person and i dont need to worry about it right04:51
cheesecakesdr_willis_: nice04:51
bazhangcheesecakes, no need to worry. read the link above04:51
almoxarifecheesecakes: wine runs in a sandbox, worse case scenario you delete /home/your-user-name/.wine , poof, gone04:51
dr_willis_malware is not the same as a virus either04:51
cheesecakesok cool04:52
warzmeh. im not sure. it just sits at a screen showing the background after i log in.04:52
dr_willis_its 'fud' fighting night here it seems.04:52
cheesecakesyeah i should start trusting linux more04:52
cheesecakesand not trust random strangers04:52
dr_willis_biggest danger to a ubuntu box i see.. is the end user.  v;-)04:53
cheesecakesdr_willis_: a user like who likes change stuff just because to see what happens :D04:53
almoxarifedr_willis_: deep04:53
RickZillaI don't know about that, dr_willis_, the best way to learn ubuntu is to install it and mess around with it. Even if you break something you've learned04:54
RickZillaWhat's the worst that can happen? You wipe the install and start all over04:54
RickZillait's not like you're going to start a fire or something04:54
dr_willis_pc explodes.. ;-)04:54
dr_willis_blue smoke escapes... pcs need that blue smoke.04:56
puffRickZilla: Ubuntu initiates a total mass-energy conversion of his PC, destroying most of the state he lives in.04:56
dr_willis_ i live in a state of denile.04:56
puffdr_willis_: You live in egypt?04:57
puffUgh, okay, so nvidia-experimental-310 still has not solved my external monitor problem.04:57
dr_willis_ii do wish they would include that ubuntu manual  on the desktop. and some other   "ubuntu is not windows" guides04:58
RickZillaThey do...it's called google :-)04:58
bazhang!lnw | RickZilla04:59
ubottuRickZilla: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm04:59
RickZillaI'm just one app from being able to shed Windows altogether04:59
puffI haven't booted windows on my laptop in years... still have to maintain mom's windows machine :-).05:00
almoxarifei went win free when i found that i could get my taxes done via web-browser on the linux box, what a happy day05:01
puffIt's occasionally a pain, usually because Other People insist on using proprietary formats (though most of the time I open office or etc can handle that).05:01
dr_willis_the horrors of booting up a windows machive that hasent been on or updated in 6+ months..... ;-)05:01
=== xander is now known as Guest69164
Guest69164ActionParsnip: Mounty won't install, any other program suggestions?05:02
Guest69164For mounting .dd images?05:02
dr_willis_Guest69164:  command line is the best way05:02
almoxarifedr_willis_: do you get the 'these icons have not seen the light of day since noah was a boot camp, care to lose them now?'05:03
dr_willis_since a "dd" imgage can vary greatly05:03
Guest69164dr_willis_: how do I do it in the command mount?05:03
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:03
dr_willis_similer to the command given above05:04
Guest69164ubottu: what is a mountpoint?05:04
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:04
dr_willis_sudo mount -o loop image -f auto  mountpoi05:04
dr_willis_!mount |  Guest6916405:05
ubottuGuest69164: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:05
Guest69164dr_willis_: what is a mount point? how does one create it?05:05
dr_willis_ts where the filesystem shows up05:06
dr_willis_a directory05:06
dr_willis_like   /media/mydrive05:06
WeThePeopleif i burn 2 iso to the same rw-disc will they show up/05:06
WeThePeoplelets say 12.04 and 10.0405:07
dr_willis_no WeThePeople05:07
Amelia28how do I create a directory in the command line??? :)05:07
dr_willis_yyou can make multi iso usb sticks05:07
Zaelnot without modifing them05:07
dr_willis_Amelia28:  mkdir05:07
Zhaofeng_LiAmelia28: mkdir05:07
Amelia28thanks :)05:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:08
dr_willis_bash basics.05:08
mohajuicehello dr_willis how to install usb modem i hav usb driver files in a debian package format but i don't know how to install them05:09
dr_willis_mohajuice:  where did they come from?05:09
Thetesudo dkpg -i package.deb05:10
dr_willis_a usb dialup modem? 3g modem?05:10
mohajuiceits in vitual cdrom in a usb modem05:11
dr_willis_or    sudo gdebi  file.deb05:11
dr_willis_iit came on a flash drive built into the modem?05:12
mohajuiceits 3g HSPA modem05:12
dr_willis_i doubt if it will work 2ith that. deb05:12
Thetewhy wouldn't it?05:12
dr_willis_binary drivers are kernel specific normally.05:13
Thetemaybe it's not a binary05:13
dr_willis_this is not windows.05:13
mohajuicethese r the ubuntu specific drivers05:13
dr_willis_then it would be a. src.deb wouldent it?05:13
TheteMaybe it is05:14
Thetewho knows05:14
dr_willis_thats supriseing they would include ubuntu drivers.05:14
TheteI would assume that if it does have a deb driver included, it's most likely ubuntu05:14
TheteCause who runs debian05:14
dr_willis_ask why they  dont include the drivers in the ubuntu repos... is a better question05:15
mohajuicecan i send u those driver files05:15
dr_willis_mohajuice:  you hace just tried plugging it in to see if it workd?05:16
dr_willis_then try the additional -drivers tool to see if it suggests anything05:17
viteHi, how do I access files on an ubuntu server without using ftp? server is within my private lan05:17
ActionParsnipThete: http://www.debian.org/users/05:17
EmmEightubuntu IRC on a Friday night.. we aren't nerds05:18
dr_willis_vite: ssh. scp. samba nfs..05:18
dr_willis_EmmEight:  im at work. v:-P05:18
EmmEightI just got off a few hours ago ha05:18
cheesecakesits saturday morning for me05:18
vitedr_willis_: will my windows pc detect samba?05:18
EmmEighteven worse cheescakes05:18
dr_willis_vite: yes05:19
EmmEightvite yes05:19
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:19
=== isasha is now known as Guest91326
cheesecakesisaha give your problem details05:19
dr_willis_vite:  or use  winscp and ssh. for simple transfers05:19
ActionParsnipThete: quite a few going by that list05:19
cheesecakesconnecting blackberries and using them as modems is difficult05:21
Destroxxnever tried that05:21
EmmEightusing blackberries is difficult05:21
cheesecakesactually it rim's fault for not developing a desktop manager app for linux05:22
Destroxxi think he means as a modem (??)05:22
cheesecakesEmmEight: the available apps dont seem to work properly05:22
mohajuicei try to send u files05:23
bryan_How is everyone?05:23
cheesecakesmohajuice: me?05:24
cheesecakesi am good bryan_05:24
bryan_That's good, cheesecakes. I am a bit tired.05:25
Destroxxhas anyone seen the ubuntu tablet concept yet ??????/05:25
cheesecakesi am fresh as i just woke up :D05:25
Destroxxseriously i think its wayy col05:26
bryan_ooo, fresh is good :P05:26
cheesecakestime for lunch05:28
mehworkmy mouse cursor disappeared. How can i refresh it without restarting?05:30
bin_bashis it true that when you search for something on the ubuntu desktop it gets sent back to canonical?05:32
mehworkbin_bash: everything RMS says is true05:32
cheesecakesbin_bash: are you the exe guy?05:33
bin_bashcheesecakes, the exe guy?05:34
bin_bashmehwork, idk about everything, but is this true?05:34
cheesecakesnvm it was someone else05:35
mehworkarg even sudo modprobe -r psmouse didn't fix my mouse issue. The cursor icon is completely disappeared05:35
bin_bashdid you try turning it off and then on again05:35
mehworki think ubuntu must have uploaded my mouse cursor to canonical too :(05:35
mehworki really can't afford to restart ubuntu right now, too much going on05:35
whatwhatso.... i heard05:36
ActionParsnipmehwork: hit alt+tab may help05:36
cheesecakeshow aboutunplugging it and then plugging it back in05:36
whatwhatBIRD IS THE WORD05:36
mehworkActionParsnip: that was the first thing i tried, that would normally help me when my cursor gets all messed up but isn't in this case05:36
mehworkmy cursor is constantly messed up since i installed the latest ubuntu, everytime it touches the right side of my screen it turns almost invisible and this time it turned completely invisible and wont come back05:37
mehworkmost annoying thing i've ever witnessed05:37
mehworki even plugged a usb mouse into this laptop and still nothin05:37
dr_willis_you overworked your mouse05:37
dr_willis_is it just invisible?05:37
mehworkit's invisible, i f i move it around i can see it ghosting over things like text05:37
ActionParsnipmehwork: try switching workspace05:38
mehworkActionParsnip: i did all that believe me05:38
mehworkActionParsnip: i also tried locking my screen and unlocking05:38
mehworksimple repaints aren't bringing it back05:38
mehworkwhy does stuff like this only ever happen at the worst time, when i can't restart and have a deadline05:39
bin_bashwhy can't you restart05:39
mehworki'm running long term processes that i can't just abandon right now05:39
mehworkit would set me back a couple hours05:40
atluswhat do I need to install to ./configure 32-bit in 64-bit ubuntu 12.1005:40
mehworki even unplugged my second monitor and it's still not fixing it05:41
dr_willis_try changeing mouse themes?05:42
dr_willis_atlus: if you install a 32bit deb it should pull in all needed dependencies05:43
Destroxxis this tech suporte lol05:43
mehworkdr_willis_: how05:43
atlusdr willis what is that 32bit deb called?05:44
cutt3rI have a 20GB SSD and a 500GB HDD.  I want to install the OS on the SSD encrypted and the /home on the HDD encrypted.  Do I need to worry about TRIM on the SSD if only the OS is going to be on the SSD?05:45
bin_bashWhy do you guys use a distro that is also a spyware?05:47
mehworki don't understand what sudo modprobe -r psmouse woulnd't fix this05:47
RickZillabin_bash: Why do you troll?05:47
bin_bashI'm not trolling05:47
RickZillaSure you are05:47
bin_bashI'm genuinely curious why you hate your own freedom05:47
RickZillaThis is a channel dedicated for ubuntu support05:47
dr_willis_atlus: any 32 bit deb like wine should pull in  the needed 32  bit support ddebs05:48
mehworkbin_bash: people don't generally equate not having 100% privacy to not having freedom05:48
mehworkmost people don't care much about certain privacy things, even though they should, but if they don't they don't. Worry about your own not others05:48
bin_bashmehwork, they should. That's just ignorant.05:48
Malimbarmehwork, I'd recommend to try not to feed the trolls.05:48
mehworkMalimbar: i would love to get an answer that worked and then leave05:49
bin_bashmehwork, did you try googling it05:49
Malimbarmehwork, then I would be happy to talk in separate, but not in an ubuntu support channel05:49
Malimbaroh wait, you meant your issue05:50
mehworkbin_bash: alli 'm doing is googling and asking in here and nothings working05:50
dr_willis_so the mouse is dead? or just invisible cursor05:50
Malimbarsorry, no idea05:50
mehworkdr_willis_: just invisible cursor, it still moves and clicks05:50
bin_bashmehwork, what is the problem exactly05:50
dr_willis_i firget how you change mouse themes...05:52
Malimbardid you do anything that may have accidentally screwed up the mouse cursor?05:53
digitaldefectordoes anyone know of a website that specializes in sharing scripts for Ubuntu?05:53
dr_willis_iinvisble mouse pointers. ;(05:54
dr_willis_there was a command years ago to set the cursor. xsetroot?05:54
mehworkMalimbar: it screws up everytime i touch the right edge of my second monitor05:54
Malimbar... huh05:54
mehworkit's a weird problem that happens either because of the latest ubuntu or because my acer laptop isn't supported05:54
mehworkmost likely the latter since noone else is saying it happens to them05:55
ubuntuhow do i remove grub from a live cd05:55
RickZillaIs the usb installer here persistent? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu05:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest56589
atlusanyone have any idea how to fix this problem during ./configure http://pastebin.com/Gm3nHGGe05:55
SolarisBoyubuntu: genereally syslinux is on live cds05:55
dr_willis_!find unclutter05:56
ubottuFound: unclutter05:56
dr_willis_!info unclutter05:56
ubottuunclutter (source: unclutter): hides the mouse cursor in X after a period of inactivity. In component universe, is optional. Version 8-18 (quantal), package size 14 kB, installed size 75 kB05:56
SolarisBoyGuest56589: you can unpack the iso remove the folder it and pack it back up, but then it wouldn't boot05:56
dr_willis_iif it  hides it.. it may bring it back05:56
Malimbaratlus, have you looked up ia32-libs? there should be a dev version too05:59
Guest56589im on a live cd and the terminal commands are not working, what do i have to do to install ms-sys06:00
Malimbarms-sys? what is that?06:00
Guest56589malimbar, it restores windows mbr06:01
Guest56589i think06:01
digitaldefectordoes anyone know of a website that specializes in sharing scripts for Ubuntu?06:01
mehworkdr_willis_: i installed unclutter. Now what?06:01
Malimbarah, looked it up on duckduckgo06:01
dr_willis_mehwork:  it hides the cursor after a few moments.. and  restores it when moved.06:02
Guest56589dr_willis, do i need to enable 'universe' to install with the terminal06:02
dr_willis_if you are lucky06:02
Malimbarmehwork, just try to make your cursor invisible, wait a few seconds, and then move it again06:02
Malimbarif it works06:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:03
mehworkhow many seconds? i just tried about 2006:03
Malimbardefault is 5.06:03
mehworknot working then and yes i did start it06:03
mehworkthis is a nightmare :(06:03
Malimbarit's a weird problem too06:03
MalimbarI wonder what's causing it06:04
mehworkbad mouse drivers for acer laptops is all i can think06:04
mehworkit's a brand new system, maybe ubuntu doesnt support it yet06:04
dr_willis_aha.. old school way to change cursor.....06:04
dr_willis_xsetroot -cursor_name X_cursor06:04
Malimbarbut, it's a display problem. would that still be caused by a driver?06:05
Malimbardr_willis_, nice idea06:05
mehworknice idea, but didnt work either06:05
dr_willis_no idea if thats valid these days06:05
mehworkit didn't error06:05
newbie211Can anyone visit www.thepiratebay.org ?06:05
Malimbarwe still rely on xserver, so why would it change?06:05
newbie211It seems to be down today...06:06
Malimbarnewbie211, of course06:06
dr_willis_xorg  vs xfree06:06
Malimbarbut you're not looking for .org, you're looking for .se06:06
Malimbarthey changed it a while aback06:06
dr_willis_whens the last time you saw that big X corsor06:06
newbie211what should be the domain06:06
SolarisBoynewbie211: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ you can always just use that in the future06:06
Guest56589dr_willis, does software sources exist on a live cd06:06
Guest56589cuz i am not finding it06:07
SolarisBoyyou can try 'apt-get source package' on a live cd06:08
MalimbarGuest56589, yes they exist in some capacity06:08
Malimbarsoftware sources > other software > cdrom:[Ubuntu blah blah]06:08
atlusI take it that there is no other way to configure a wine patch on a 64 bit system?06:08
Malimbaratlus, what configuration are you trying to do?06:09
MalimbarThe pastebin you showed earlier was complaining about you not having installed ia32-libs-dev06:11
Malimbaror something like that06:11
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
mehworkthat was JUST friggin wonderful.06:13
mehworkan askubuntu page said to try running: compiz --replace, and it crashed and i had to restart06:14
Albastosah ba ok :)06:14
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mehworkoh well, 3 hours lost, no big deal06:14
Malimbarmehwork, does this happen every reboot?06:15
Malimbarmy last resort to lean on06:15
dr_willis_mehwork: does the issue affect other windowmanagers?06:15
mehworkit will mess up my cursor if i touch the right edge of my screen06:15
Malimbaroh yeah, different window managers would be interesting06:15
Malimbarcrappy to test though06:15
=== brandon is now known as Guest64397
Malimbarwhich ubuntu are you using again?06:15
dr_willis_it may be compix orvcompiz plugin specific06:15
Malimbartry loggin in using the 2d mode06:16
Malimbargo back to the login screen06:16
Guest56589if anybody is interested you can find the software-sources if you type>>> software-properties-gtk <<< in terminal06:16
Malimbarclick on the button thing int he corner06:16
Malimbarand click unity 2d06:16
Malimbar(going form memory)06:16
mehworki want to try turning off some plugins and making compiz lighter anyway since this laptop is slow06:16
phunyguy_t430sis there any way to restore empathy back to the minimalistic layout for the contact list? I hate the big look.06:17
nick_hwhen converting an RPM to a DEB, where does alien write the DEB to?06:18
Malimbaryeah, unity 2d doesn't have any of that, and it's still installed in ubuntu 12.04 I think06:18
Malimbarand it doesn't run compiz at all06:18
mehworkhuh im pretty sure it runs compiz06:18
Guest56589nick_h, home folder maybe06:19
dr_willis_not on 12.0406:19
mehworkps aux | grep compiz shows it's running06:19
mehworkand i definitely didn't install it on my own06:19
Malimbarunity 2d is made from scratch with the qt kit06:19
Malimbarso no compiz06:19
dr_willis_it uses mutter ii thought06:19
Malimbarnope, not mutter either I think06:19
newbie211I am unable o visit piratebay....06:19
mehworkoh i'm running 12.1006:19
mehworkmy bad06:19
Malimbaryeah, a bit different06:20
dr_willis_no unity 2d on 12.1006:20
Malimbaroh, I didn't think 12.10 had unity 2d, just unity06:20
mehworkhow do i bring up a compiz settings editor in 12.10?06:20
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:20
nick_hGuest56589: i checked my home dir, but it's not there06:21
Malimbartyr unity 2d before you're messing with that though06:21
Malimbarnot everything in compiz configuration works, and some of it breaks crap06:21
mehworki don't like unity at all, can i disable it? I'd rather just use gnome-do06:21
Malimbarmehwork, sure06:22
RickZillaWhere is disk utility in 12.10? It's showing up in synaptic as being installed, but I don't see it anywhere06:22
Malimbarbut try unity 2d first for your mouse issue06:22
dr_willis_install other desktops.06:22
dr_willis_no unity 2d on 12.1006:22
dr_willis_its gone....06:22
Malimbardr_willis_, yeah, but he's currently on 12.0406:22
mehworkdr_willis_: well i stll want to use gnome06:22
dr_willis_he said 12.1006:22
mehworkMalimbar: no i'm on 12.10 i messed up06:22
Malimbardid he? oh missed that06:23
dr_willis_use gnome shell then mehwork06:23
Malimbargnome shell... ugh. Personal preference of course06:23
Malimbarit's not the same as old gnome06:23
dr_willis_old gnome is dead jim!06:24
Malimbardr_willis_, never! there are forks, and at least it's less broken and weird than gnome shell06:24
dr_willis_old gnome had a lot of issues also. ;-)06:24
dr_willis_hes dead jim!06:24
* Malimbar shrugs06:24
Malimbar but those bugs I was used to06:25
dr_willis_same was said about windows 95. :-P06:25
MalimbarI had a friend that loved windows 9506:25
Malimbarwhen 98 came out he complained up a storm at the new security measures06:25
dr_willis_lubuntu works well06:26
Malimbarlubuntu does work well06:26
chroothi, ffmpeg use too much cpu in my computer?06:27
chrootis there a way to limit this?06:27
almoxarifechroot: yes, smaller transcode or bigger cpu06:28
Malimbarchroot, is there a way to lower it's priority? that would be what I would look up06:28
chrootMalimbar: yeah, i want to limit the cpu usage of the ffmeg!06:29
chrootlet me search it in googl06:29
Malimbaryou can in system monitor it looks like06:30
Malimbaropen the process, right click on it's priority06:30
dr_willis_ffmpeg has a threads option i belive06:30
dr_willis_it only uses 1 core y default i think.06:31
Malimbardr_willis_, that won't use less cpu though, would it? I would imagine that would only clog it up more06:31
chrootdr_willis_: yes, I just saw it on google, but i haven't try it.06:31
Malimbarworth a shot06:31
dr_willis_even when using all my cores the ssytem is still useable for me06:32
almoxarifeMalimbar: if i did what you suggested, would that only be for the present session? or would it write to something?06:32
dr_willis_whats your system  specs?06:32
Malimbaralmoxarife, pretty sure it's only one session06:32
=== Youri is now known as YBook
almoxarifeMalimbar: thnks, gave me an idea06:33
myherohow to prepare a single deb of any app with its dependencies included in it ?06:36
almoxarifethats something i dont see much, 'nice' tweaks, like the old tweaks for xp, everyone had one on the web06:37
dr_willis_hmm. i dont recall ever seeign that done myhero06:37
myherodr_willis_: so is it possible or not ?06:37
dr_willis_hmm. i dont recall ever seeign that done myhero ......06:38
dr_willis_i dont see how it would be possible06:38
almoxarifemyhero: compile it from source, end the process with 'checkinstall' verses make install, presto, a deb06:38
dr_willis_he wantes a super-deb i guess.06:38
myheroalmoxarife: thnx :)06:39
almoxarifedr_willis_: super-debi?06:39
dr_willis_or did i missread06:39
dr_willis_a single deb with all deps included.......  he said06:39
ActionParsnipmyhero: packages, especially gui ones would have gigabytes of data to have all deps06:40
dr_willis_and the deps have deps.. that have deps..06:40
myherodr_willis_: lol no..but my intention is organised backup.....apps with dependencies are hard to organise on local system06:41
myheroActionParsnip: i want it for smaller apps only or the onces which i develop locally06:41
dr_willis_no real need to backup the. debs  from what ive seen.06:42
ActionParsnipmyhero: when you use checkinstall you can set the deps and the pckage manager will pull them in06:42
seeqwellheelllpppp! http://pastebin.com/ygYhw3AQ what do I put in my /opt/netdb/data/devicelist.csv file please?06:42
nick_hwhen i install from source with "./configure --prefix=/opt && make && make install" , will the software be installed in /opt ?06:43
seeqwellsudo make install nick_h06:43
nick_hah right06:43
nick_hseeqwell: and that'll install into /opt ?06:43
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:44
almoxarifeseeqwell: see\06:44
nick_hthanks guys06:44
=== jeffMBP2 is now known as jeffMBP
nick_hwhat i'm trying to do is install a newer version of ImageMagick06:44
dr_willis_there may be a ppa for it nick_h06:45
almoxarifedoes alien do a good job of debi-fying?06:45
nick_hi converted a newer version RPM to a DEB, but it won't install because it wants to overwrite a file that an existing package owns06:45
dr_willis_alien and rpms are best avoided06:45
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:46
seeqwellcan anyone help me with my device list file?  are they talking about getting my info from /etc/hosts or where  http://pastebin.com/ygYhw3AQ06:46
dr_willis_repos. ppas or source.... bestbets.. then  other ways06:46
nick_hdr_willis_: there's a PPA for ImageMagick, but it doesn't include a packaged version of 6.806:47
dr_willis_may be newer ppas.06:47
nick_hdr_willis_: where would i find those?06:47
AscavasaionOdd question here... possibly... But howcome the virtualbox 4.2.xxxxxxx is 57Mb from www.virtualbox.org and the virtualbox 4.1.xxxxxxx is 23.5Mb through Ubuntu's Software Manager?  4.1 to 4.2 and more than double the size?06:47
dr_willis_use the ppa search site/tools06:47
dr_willis_ubuntus may be split into otger debs.06:48
Ascavasaiondr_willis_: Oh, hmmm  I am at work and do not want to download too much hehe06:49
dr_willis_or they used better compression. ;-)06:49
almoxarifeAscavasaion: you are better off with the version from the website06:50
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:51
almoxarifei really trashed my system once with ppa-purge, that was a hard lesson06:51
Ascavasaionalmoxarife: Thank you... I was thinking that because I run Ubuntu as my primary OS, but I have a DSTV Drifta (device with an antennae used to watch TV through laptop/phone) but it only runs through Windows.  So I was thinking of installing XP in Virtualbox and trying to get that to work.  I tried once before with no success.  I seem to think it had to do with the USB port in Virtualbox.06:53
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
teubankVer 12.10, recently installed, gnome-session-fallback, everything working,  update-manager offered new updates, which I accepted.  Now system will not boot.  I can get into grub rescue, but some entries there do not seem to work properly and I'm not sure what I should be seeing.  E.g., Check filesystems, warning dialog, then mount messages then nothing.  Ctlc-C presents console login, I login, see mounts, but when I try to look at log06:54
teubank files, screen goes blank -- similar to failing boot.  Root console does not seem to have same problem.  How should I approach this problem?06:54
almoxarifeAscavasaion: there are two dowloads you need, the vbox and the extentions, the usb issue will be solved06:55
Ascavasaionalmoxarife: I hope so, thank you... let me try.06:55
almoxarifeAscavasaion: you might also look at tvhead? for watching live tv via card , linux even06:56
almoxarifeAscavasaion: wrong app name, forgot the name06:57
Ascavasaionalmoxarife: Okay, thank you.06:58
almoxarifeAscavasaion: no, actually that is correct, xbmc with tvhead06:58
ActionParsnipteubank: what video chip do you use?06:58
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AscavasaionThank you almoxarife06:59
teubankIntel 4000 I think.07:00
nick_hcall me an idiot, but how do i add this PPA to apt? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick07:00
nick_hi've tried "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:+source/imagemagick", "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:source/imagemagick", and "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu/imagemagick"07:01
ActionParsnipteubank: tried the boot option:  nomodeset07:01
ActionParsnipnick_h: imagemagick is in the repos...07:01
whatwhatis there a media center in ubuntu ?07:02
ActionParsnipnick_h: what are you trying to do?07:02
whatwhatlike the one in ms07:02
nick_hActionParsnip: yeah, but i need a newer version07:02
ActionParsnipwhatwhat: there is xbmc as well as others07:02
ActionParsnipnick_h: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc07:02
nick_hActionParsnip: precise07:03
teubankI added nomodeset to linux line & pressed F10.  Started to boot, then blank screen.07:05
teubankThis is a very fast laptop (boot to gui login < 12sec)  How do I slow things down or step trough the boot process?07:07
ActionParsnipnick_h: not seeing any precise ppas for 6.8 imagemagick07:08
ActionParsnipteubank: you can read:  dmesg | less07:08
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ActionParsnipteubank: if you log in at cli then stop the lightdm service, then start it. Is it ok?07:12
teubankActionParsnip: recovery mode, root shell: yes.  What should I look for?07:12
ActionParsnipteubank: `also read:   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:13
whatwhatis ubuntu tv a software ?07:14
Evil_Ericit can be07:14
whatwhatfor tv tuner card07:14
nick_hActionParsnip: hm, that's too bad. i'll have to compile it myself07:15
whatwhatwhat's the best ubuntu app for tv tuner07:15
nick_hActionParsnip: thanks or checking07:15
Evil_Erichaupage cards are normaly supported with no issues and vlc is what i used to use for a app for watching tv07:16
ActionParsnipwhatwhat: there is no single best app, for anything07:16
whatwhatvlc ?07:18
whatwhathow to use vlc for watching tv ?07:18
blackshirti have no idea :d07:18
whatwhatis that vlc media player07:18
Evil_Ericgoto the preferances and select your tunner then tune into the frequency you wanna watch07:18
whatwhatevil , i dont see no option for tv tuner selection07:19
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Evil_Erichold on ill see if i can find you a step by step guide to help you out07:20
Evil_Erici found something but its not real clear07:23
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=== Guest57458 is now known as flowerld
albatr055new ubuntu user here...  who wants to help me get my crappy usb wireless adapter to work?  its a Ralink RT73 chip set07:27
teubankActionParsnip: If I login as me, seems to crash about a minute later.07:28
teubankAs root, I mounted /var partition, am looking at Xorg.0.log.  What should I look for?07:29
=== gpix13 is now known as gpix13_away
cheesecakes how do i change whether password is asked on login07:34
teubankActionParsnip: Xorg.0.log, last 4 lines: VESA driver; kms mode;  FBDEV: driver for framebuffer fbdev; using VT number 7.07:35
cheesecakesi got it nvm07:36
cheesecakesbut it stillhas the bug where it forgets your password07:36
maujhsnhttp://pastebin.com/hqwJ4zhr These files are in my /home folder they are colored red how do I delete or remove them from the folder?07:44
cheesecakesok what i thought would help didnt07:46
cheesecakesi am using gdm07:46
cheesecakeshow do i make ggdm ask my password when i am logging in07:46
autolycusanyone knows how I can download a file from a website from my command line07:46
autolycusits a zip file07:46
cheesecakesautolycus: wget <link to file>07:47
autolycuscheesecakes thanks07:48
nick_hhow does one install a package from a previous version of ubuntu?07:48
cheesecakesnick_h: do you mean an older version of the package?07:49
nick_hcheesecakes: yeah07:49
autolycuscan we unzip a file on ubuntu?07:49
mysteriousdarrennick_h: what package are you asking?07:49
autolycusits a zip file07:49
nick_hcheesecakes: but the version of the package isn't in the version of Ubuntu that i'm running07:49
nick_hmysteriousdarren: imagemagick from oneiric-updates07:49
mysteriousdarrenautolycus: yes right click and unzip07:49
Guest10005ubuntu offtopic ad07:50
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mysteriousdarrenautolycus: yes, wait do you have a app installed to unzip things?07:50
cheesecakesstart nautilus and double click it07:51
autolycusI am in terminal07:51
mysteriousdarrennick_h: search for a newer one, if not do it. I'm checking/07:51
maujhsnThese files are in my /home folder they are colored red how do I delete or remove them from the folder? http://pastebin.com/hqwJ4zhr07:51
cheesecakesautolycus: unzip filename07:52
mysteriousdarrencheesecakes: +107:53
cheesecakesmaujhsn: rm pulse*07:53
cheesecakesassuming nothing worth keeping starts with pulse07:54
cheesecakesand you are in your home directory07:54
mysteriousdarrennick_h: 8:
nick_hmysteriousdarren: yeah, that's the version i'm trying to avoid. there's a bug in that version of ImageMagick that's biting me07:56
mysteriousdarrennick_h: what bug are you avoiding?07:56
cheesecakesnick_h: maybe they host older versions07:57
nick_hmysteriousdarren: it's been fixed in ImageMagick 6.7.8-8 , but compiling ImageMagick with all of its deps and delegates and whatnot is an unbelievable pain in the ass07:57
nick_hmysteriousdarren: http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2155807:57
cheesecakesthe developers maybe hosting debs07:57
nick_hcheesecakes: ImageMagick releases RPMs, but not DEBs07:57
nick_hcheesecakes: i used alien to convert an RPM to a DEB, but...it's alien07:58
maujhsncheesecakes Pulseaudio and its dependecies were extracted, configured, & compiled in home/pulse-1.0.1...so removing the files from /home is ok right?07:58
mysteriousdarrenyes I see your problem.....and alien is alien :(07:58
cheesecakesnick_h: compile07:58
nick_hcheesecakes: yeah, i think that's what i'll have to do. ugh07:58
cheesecakesmaujhsn: have you installed everything and you dont need these those things right ?07:59
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cheesecakesor maybe just to be safe why not move them to a folder just in case07:59
mysteriousdarreni agree. but isn't there a beta out there with it fixed?07:59
cheesecakesusing mkdir pulseaudiofiles && cp pulse* pulseaudiofiles08:00
mysteriousdarrennick_h: We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch available in ImageMagick 6.7.8-8 Beta by sometime tomorrow. Thanks. that is off of what you posted08:00
nick_hmysteriousdarren: yeah, but it means that ImageMagick needs to be compiled from source, which is a gargantuan nightmare due to its plugins' dependencies08:01
maujhsncheesecakes Good question...I don't have a good answer right now! All I know is that its taking up too much space on my liveUSB!08:01
cheesecakesthen maybe back everything up on a different pc and then remove them for the usb08:02
cheesecakesby everything i mean the pulsefiles08:02
maujhsncheesecakes debian packages are really complex!08:02
cheesecakesnot necessarily08:03
maujhsncheesecakes...Isn't this redundancy...using mkdir pulseaudiofiles && cp pulse* pulseaudiofiles08:05
cheesecakesoop i meant mv08:05
maujhsnI don't know08:06
maujhsnGonna have to talk with a pulseaudio guru08:07
cheesecakesbut arent these just the installation files? maujhsn08:09
maujhsncheesecakes It was a complex buld that took over ten minutes! I watched it unfold in my terminal!08:11
cheesecakesi think you can safely remove the .deb files08:13
theraveni just tried to change the splash resolution in ubuntu 12.10 x64  by follow the guide here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127851/change-boot-screen-resolution  but it didnt work? is there another way to change the bootscreen resolution?08:19
theraventhe boot screen became messed up after installing ati drivers i should add...08:20
hot2trothow do I see a different console?  It's something like ctrl + F1 but that doesn't do it... id on't want to see the gui console, I want a command line console08:23
hot2troti'm not een sure if "console" is the correct word08:23
x_hot2trot, ctrl+F7 is gui08:23
x_assuming X server is listening08:23
hot2trotso ctrl+F3 will be a command line console?08:23
hot2trotx_: thank you kindly08:23
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rothamubuntu 12.04 ... icons in sidebar missing.. how can i reset it?08:26
blackshirthey rotham08:27
x_LOUISVENTOLI999, why does anyone care what your skype is ?08:28
aeon-ltdwrong chan maybe?08:30
=== m00se is now known as Tabonga
=== Tabonga is now known as m00se
=== m00se is now known as Tabonga
=== Tabonga is now known as m00se
Rad_Ahemn GAH! computer troubles! - I upgraded a little server to ubuntu 12.04 and rebooted it by ssh - now it isn't letting me back in. I live remotely to the server (at parents) I think I know the old ip and I can remotely access the router, but it was getting a static ip. I have tried turning it off and on again. any ideas/help?08:35
=== bjorn_ is now known as crow
=== crow is now known as crow_
x_Rad_Ahemn, describe not letting you in?08:36
Rad_Ahemnthe ssh times out08:36
x_Rad_Ahemn, if you forwarded the port in the router to a specific IP. but then the IP changes because it is DHCP then you will need to go to the 'clients' page of the router and find out what IP that box is on now and re-forward the port...08:37
x_Rad_Ahemn, following me?08:40
sw0rdfish-I can't mount my external usb hdd with read-write ability08:43
Rad_Ahemnx_, I do but there is nothing that I cannot identify in the DHCP list - but it does just look like wireless stuff, and the computer I want to access is wired08:43
sw0rdfish-I tried mount -o rw /dev/sdc1 /mnt/hdd308:43
sw0rdfish-but still it only got mounted as read-only08:43
x_sw0rdfish-, mount -o remount,rw08:44
x_Rad_Ahemn, ahh I know what happened and you are screwed until you have phys access to the pc08:47
x_Rad_Ahemn, unless you get one of your parents to do it.08:48
Rad_Ahemnwhat needs to be done, as it's a headless server?08:49
sw0rdfish-x_: ummm you mean like mount -o remount,rw /mnt/hdd3 ?08:51
almoxarifedoesnt anyone use dhcp reservation on routers???? too simple? not enough cli to it?08:52
mike31is it possible to create a tar archive from redirected output?08:54
x_sw0rdfish-, yupp08:56
elena-IKI want to sync a local directory to a remote server. I want the data to be stored encrypted on the server. I thought about encfs inside sshfs and rsync. But the sshfs encfs combination gives me very poor performance, it uses less than a tenth of available bandwidth (with -o sshfs_sync) or behaves completely erratic (without -o sshfs_sync). Any alternatives?09:03
grubnoobhello everyone09:03
grubnoobi have a problem with my grub09:04
grubnoobi will explain it now:09:04
* lkthomas had grub problem last night and reinstall the whole OS09:04
heoyeasudo update-grub09:05
grubnoobhttp://pastebin.com/BskgXkSz this is my fdiskµ09:05
grubnoobubuntu is installed on sdc5 and the grub from ubuntu on sdb09:05
grubnoob(standard in installation)09:06
grubnoobarch linux / is installed on sda309:06
grubnoobhow can i  get my arch linux in to my grub09:06
heoyeagrubnoob: which 1 is ur main OS with grub on it?09:07
grubnoobmain os is ubuntu with grub installed on sdb09:07
heoyeagrubnoob: boot into that then mount all ur drives including ur arch parition09:07
heoyeagrubnoob: then do a sudo update-grub09:08
grubnoobI'M IN ALREADY09:08
grubnoobsry vfor capital09:08
grubnoobanyone a idea what i can do09:09
almoxarifegrubnoob: in terminal# sudo update-grub > you should see all the possible OS the command finds09:10
almoxarifegrubnoob: understand?09:11
grubnoobyes i think it works !09:11
grubnoobi will do a reboot now09:11
NodeXHowdee peoples, does anyone know the command to check the raid status on a new array?09:19
NodeXi/e how much more there is to go on the initialisation09:20
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
chroot_how to download use bitorrent download in ubuntu09:23
AscavasaionOkay, so we have this new Unity... I initially changed to Classic desktop, and now back to Unity.  how do I get scrollbars back with the arrows top and bottom so I can scroll more accurately please?09:23
EaglemanI am trying to increase the resolution on my kvm machines, but the command is not working. any idea?  user@homeserver:/var/lib/libvirt/images$ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda Windows8.img -m 512 -std-vga                        qemu-system-x86_64: -std-vga: invalid option09:24
=== cubix``587 is now known as cubix`
llutzEagleman: isn't it "-vga std"09:26
Eaglemannow it startsup09:26
EaglemanANy idea how i can achieve the same using virtual machine manager?09:27
EaglemanI also recieve an error when starting with -vga std  http://pastebin.com/MCL9XYiD09:29
aeon-ltdchroot_: get a bittorrent client then the .torrent then open it09:31
heoyeachroot_: open transmission09:31
chroot_but it didn't have any speed!09:32
=== Phryq is now known as Hyde
lucidomy wireless mouse that came with the logitech mk220 combo is too sensitive, I've already set the sensitivity to the minimum. What else can be done?09:32
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heoyeachroot_: it takes a bit to get started09:34
chroot_oh, i understand now, thank you!09:35
ubottufranmarc: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:35
heoyealucido: maybe this ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/135122/reduce-the-mouse-sensitivity09:36
cheesecakesso anyone know how do i force lightdm to ask for my password when i login09:38
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cheesecakesright now i just get login and when i click on it it logs me in09:39
heoyeacheesecakes: u have auto login enable?09:40
MonkeyDustcheesecakes  system settings, user account, unlock, switch off automatic login09:40
cheesecakesautomatic login is disabled09:41
cheesecakesi see lightdm but i dont get a field to enter my password09:41
cheesecakesthis even happens with gdm09:43
heoyeacheesecakes: run cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf09:44
aeon-ltdcheesecakes: this may help http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login09:44
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cheesecakesok thanks09:46
cheesecakesi'll have a look09:46
nitrohaxhacking war all night. And i still beat him09:46
chakiecould someone go and give fi.archive.ubuntu.com a kick, it doesn't respond09:51
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aeon-ltdchakie: same here09:52
lucidohow can I add an init file to my system that would use xinit to set mouse sensitivity at boot time?09:54
MonkeyDustchakie  http://downorisitjustme.com/09:58
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dr_willisyou could put a script in the users.    .config/autorun lucido09:58
dr_willisthat wouldent affect the login acreen however09:59
chakieMonkeyDust: well, it's not responding so that's as much as down09:59
chakie  Could not connect to fi.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)09:59
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nbubuntuanyone here know where does temp .rar file save ?10:00
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x_nbubuntu, maybe /tmp ?10:01
dr_willisnbubuntu: may depend on ghe archiver tool also10:01
lucidodr_willis, I1d like to have it system wide10:01
nbubuntuI extracted an rar file during the process , I cancel it , but it eats my space during the extraction10:01
lucidopreferably with with a check if that particular mouse is presentű10:02
dr_willislucido: lightdm has some config files for things to run. thise may work10:02
nbubuntudr_willis : where does the archiver tool located ? under which directory ?10:03
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dr_willisnbubuntu:  i use the cli tools. ive never noticed  any tmp filrs made when extracting. but i rarely use rar's10:04
dr_willisthe unrar command pages may give details10:05
dr_willisman unrar10:05
EaglemanHow can i get vga std to work with virt-manager?10:05
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nbubuntudr_willis : you try and delete a file to the trash somewhere 1GB .rar .Open the trash and click the 1GB rar it'll get extracted but after you close it still eats your 1GB somewhere save in some directory10:06
dr_williscant say ive ever extracted archives while they are in the trash...10:08
ubottuYour GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.10:08
DrManhattanIs there a good frontend I can use with Ubuntu to build a router? Not Firestarter, it lacks DMZ capability and I need that10:09
dr_willisi dont use the gui tools to extract archives either10:09
dr_willisthey are all frontends to configure iptables i think DrManhattan . for the most controll you should learn iptables itself.10:10
dr_willisi cant recall any "dmz" feature in iptables. but i dont use it a lot.10:11
nbubuntudr_willis : can'tfine any cache store location on it. http://www.edenwaith.com/support/untar/help/man/unrar.html10:11
DrManhattandr_willis, im spoiled by dd-wrt. It's a shame that dd-wrt isn't a frontend package for ubuntu10:11
DrManhattanI would be the happiest person ever.10:12
MonkeyDustDrManhattan  could submit it in !brainstorm10:12
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DrManhattanMonkeyDust, what is that?10:12
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!10:14
heoyeadont think they ever really use stuff from brainstorm10:15
nbubuntuany help guys ? where does .rar cache save ?10:15
dr_willisi thing they have snagged a few ideas10:15
heoyeanbubuntu: maybe in /tmp ?10:16
llutz!info shorewall|drManhattan:  this maybe helps10:17
ubottu'this' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable10:17
llutz!info shorewall|drManhattan10:17
ubottuPackage shorewalldrManhattan does not exist in quantal10:17
llutz!info shorewall | drManhattan10:17
ubottudrManhattan: shorewall (source: shorewall): Shoreline Firewall, netfilter configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 660 kB, installed size 1689 kB10:17
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DrManhattanllutz, thank you very much10:17
nbubuntuheoyea : I checked , it's not there . Anyway to record those cmd or display cmd of extracion for rar file ?10:17
dr_willisunrar x foo.rar10:18
dr_willisi see no mention of unrar using any cache/tmp10:18
heoyeanbubuntu: maybe check ur history or which commands u ran10:18
nbubuntuheoyea : ? rar with command ?10:19
DrManhattanllutz, hmm, I'm looking for a web interface to iptables10:19
DrManhattansomething like dd-wrt or firestarter10:19
heoyeanbubuntu: yea like where did u extract it to10:19
llutzDrManhattan: dd-wrt is much more than an interface to iptables.10:19
DrManhattanfirestarter would work if it had DMZ capability, but it doesn't. I have a Vonage adapter10:19
DrManhattanllutz, yeah I know, I just want the interface sans the firmware10:20
dr_willisoops.. its      unrar  e  foo.rar10:20
nbubuntuheoyea : I just open it from trash and once I close the rar file the cache should be auto delete but it's not , it stay there and eats my 1GB10:20
DrManhattanllutz, dd-wrt's interface to an ubuntu-based router would rock, especially on something like a quad core box, so I could run a ton of services on it10:21
yhushakeep on getting error when trying to cd: cd ~/yhusha/RAM_booster_Ubuntu_12.04.sh10:21
yhushabash: cd: /home/yhusha/yhusha/RAM_booster_Ubuntu_12.04.sh: No such file or directory10:21
dr_willisdmz is not just a simple thing.. from what im reading in the iptables guides10:21
DrManhattandr_willis, it is on most routers10:21
dr_willisyhusha: your path is wrong10:21
llutzDrManhattan: i prefer luci (openwrt) :)10:21
DrManhattanpunch in an ip or mac and apply :)10:21
dr_willisyhusha: remove the tilda10:21
DrManhattanllutz, so far so good on dd-wrt but im only running a WAP10:22
dr_willisyhusha:  /home/yourusername10:22
nbubuntuheoyea : seems like it's archive manager which I am using to unrar the file10:22
dr_willisor just the tilda10:22
yhushaoh yea its same thing10:22
DrManhattanI suppose I could run the WAP off the ubuntu box instead of a router. That would be pretty easy and I think I CAN do that with basic gui tools10:22
yhushacd /home/yhusha/RAM_booster_Ubuntu_12.04.sh10:23
yhushabash: cd: /home/yhusha/RAM_booster_Ubuntu_12.04.sh: Not a directory10:23
nbubuntuheoyea : how to search file size using ubuntu ?10:23
yhushabut all that info is correctly typed10:23
heoyeanbubuntu: using the find command10:24
simonswhere to get the source code of synaptic pacakage manager help me10:24
dr_willisyhusha:  its a file.... not a directory10:25
dr_willisyhusha: what is rambooster supposed to do?10:25
nbubuntuheoyea : thanks :)10:25
swebhow can i increase java memory limit10:26
dr_willissounds useless..10:26
swebjava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space10:26
almoxariferambooster for xp?10:26
almoxarifeor win95?10:26
dr_willisyhusha:  just 'cd' takes you to your home directory also10:26
nbubuntuheoyea : thanks , I found it ^_^ , it's under /home/ng/.cache/.fr-biPCXa/\media\67054BAE670C84DA\.Trash-1000\files\C%20C%20%20photo.rar .The folder name .fr-biPCXa  really   -_-" . Thanks guys10:29
heoyeanbubuntu: cool now u can watch the porn10:29
nbubuntuheoyea : photo , i rar my photo in it...10:30
heoyeanbubuntu: sure that too10:30
dr_willisdirty photos?10:30
nbubuntuheoyea : yep , it's a  yearly photo .10:30
nbubunturaw photo .... that isn't a lot10:31
dr_williswhat a weird name   C%2010:31
dr_willisthats a space isent it? ;)10:32
nbubuntudr_willis : yep space , I rename wrongly that's why I delete it10:32
dr_willisc c  photo.rar10:32
nbubuntudr_willis : Once I open and check it doesn't remove the cache10:32
dr_willisi dont see how rars are benifiting you much. ;-)10:33
nbubuntudr_willis : C C = carbon copy10:34
* dr_willis wonder who eles is old enough in here to remember what a carbon copy was. ;)10:35
MonkeyDustfrom the old days, when we used carbon papers in our typewriters10:35
dr_willis'whats a typewriter?'10:36
almoxarifeno, in the old days we used 'slates'10:36
almoxarifedr_willis: its a keyboard10:36
dr_willisi remember old computer books having to clarify that 0 was not the same as O.   :)10:37
cheesecakesi still use carbon paper10:37
nbubuntuold ? I though you guys will use it CC at email to more recipients10:37
dr_willisemail - how quaint ;)10:37
almoxarifeemail?? too personal, i pastebin it, and send a link via twitter10:38
cheesecakesi like to encrypt stuff10:38
dr_willisreply all... yes. i  agree..10:38
cheesecakesbut sadly encrypting is not necessary10:38
almoxariferequire receipt was always fun10:38
cheesecakesfor me10:39
cheesecakesi wish i was a spy just so i could use encryption in emails10:39
almoxarifecheesecakes: like putting secret messages in jpg's?10:39
dr_willisrot13 your irc sessions10:40
cheesecakesalmoxarife: kind of10:40
cheesecakesmore like using encrypted messages which no one else can read10:40
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nbubuntudr_willis : I mean the rename part C C  photo.rar , anyhow thanks a lot for the help :)10:40
almoxarifei do use 'roboform' for my internet passwords10:43
heoyeause keepassx10:45
MeanEYEAm having problems with nvidia drivers. After removing xorg-edgers ppa and its files, my Xorg can't find nvidia driver anymore.10:46
heoyeadeath then10:46
heoyeamaybe try installing the old 110:48
MeanEYEDid that. Tried reconfigure. Tried experimental ones.10:48
MeanEYEI just get an error that Xorg can't load nvidia driver because it's missing.10:48
heoyeaMeanEYE: nvidias from the same PPA?10:49
MeanEYEChecking /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers shows no trace of nvidia.10:49
MeanEYENo, removed PPA, am trying to install ones in Ubuntu repo.10:49
MeanEYESo confusing. :/10:51
reedosapt-get install cheese ,but:E: 无法立即对 python2.7-minimal 进行配置。请查看 man 5 apt.conf 中的 APT::Immediate-Configure (2)10:51
heoyeaMeanEYE: let me call up Mark Shuttleworth10:53
bekksreedos: Unfortunately, we cant read the non-english part of the error message.10:53
MeanEYEheoyea: right. :) He's not technical enough. Silly thing is everything worked up to a point and then decided to stop. :/10:54
MeanEYEOh well reboot time.10:54
Zhaofeng_Lireedos: #ubuntu-zh perhaps?10:58
Zhaofeng_Lireedos: sorry, wrong one10:59
lucidoThe compiz process uses 30 percent plus of my cpu on my nvidia twin view setup with one of the displays rotated, is that normal?11:01
heoyeayes compiz uses alot11:01
lucidothat's unwarranted11:02
bekksheoyea: For me, it doesnt.11:02
bekkslucido: You could check the CPU usage with an un-rotated display to compare.11:03
VarazirHello, I have a problem that I need a script to run befor X and xbmc starts. I tried to add a script in rc.local ( was told here that it should be run before lightdm starts11:07
bekksVarazir: rc.local is the very last script run at boot. After every other init script.11:09
CrypticSquaredin the folder for you runlevel there is a number telling the scripts in which order they should start11:10
bekksCrypticSquared: Thats outdated.11:10
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:10
CrypticSquaredhrm sorry then11:10
Varazirbekks: I have tried to read that. I found out that I add a starup condition like "start before lightdm" but will lightdm wait to start after my script is done ?11:12
bekksJust try it :)11:13
Varazirhehe could do that too :P11:15
MeanEYEAnyone has any idea how to fix this issue with nVidia drivers? At one point Xorg driver just dissapeared and I can't get it back. Reconfiguring nvidia-current installes kernel module, which works fine, but Xorg log file tells me there's no "nvidia" module available.11:15
heoyeaMeanEYE: it might still be using ur old xorg.conf11:19
MeanEYEDoubt it. Since I get (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)11:20
KD0BPVI have an ubuntu server with CLI access only. I forget what version of Ubuntu I installed. What's the command to check that again?11:20
=== anon is now known as Guest29787
Guest29787Is it possible to have Ubuntu make a sound when a command on the command line executed successfully with exit status 0?11:21
MeanEYEKD0BPV: lsb_release -a ?11:21
KD0BPVThank you.11:21
heoyeaGuest29787: yes11:22
Guest29787heoyea, how?11:22
heoyeadonno how =D11:22
heoyeaunless maybe u pipe the command thru something11:23
MeanEYEGuest29787: comman; play soundfile11:24
MeanEYEGuest29787: or you can use any other player11:24
heoyeais gotta execute without fail 1st11:24
MeanEYEIn that case instead of ; use &&11:24
Guest29787MeanEYE, is there any sounds that come with Ubuntu?11:25
heoyeathe donkey kong drums11:25
MeanEYEGuest29787: yes. Check /usr/share/sounds11:25
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wachpwnskihow do you run two commands and pipe the same variable into them?11:25
MonkeyDustwachpwnski  better ask in #bash11:26
MeanEYEwachpwnski: pipe two commands or run them at the same time?11:26
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wachpwnskiMeanEYE: I just want to run md5sum and sha1sum on the same file11:26
heoyeamight need to make a script11:26
Guest29787MeanEYE, for example like this? ls - l && play /usr/share/sounds/sool_sound.mp3 ?11:27
MeanEYEwachpwnski: just execute commands separately. Or as heoyea suggested make a script.11:27
MeanEYEGuest29787: Yes. I think you11:27
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MeanEYEGuest29787: you'll need to install sox for play command to be available.11:28
MonkeyDustGuest29787  play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*11:28
heoyeamaybe md5sum $1 && sha1sum $111:28
MeanEYEMonkeyDust: he want's to play sound on successful command execute :D not all files in dir :P11:28
Guest29787MeanEYE, MonkeyDust thank you.11:28
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MeanEYEDamn it. Am not solving my issue :D need to stop helping and concentrate.11:29
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maylowi've heard that there is a way to virtualize ubuntu n ubuntu in a very lightweight form11:30
maylowusing the fact that the kernels are the same11:30
maylowis it possible to do this with kvm?11:30
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maylowanyone? any ideas/11:31
maylowanyone? any ideas?11:31
heoyeaMeanEYE: purge nvidia-current, install linux-headers-generic then reinstall the nvidia drivers11:31
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heoyeamaylow: whats kvm do again?11:32
maylowheoyea: ubuntu guests on ubuntu host11:32
maylowheoyea: same versions of ubuntu11:32
heoyeamaylow: is that like virtualbox?11:33
maylowheoyea: the idea is to setup with open indiana's zones11:33
maylowheoyea: yes, but it's native to linux11:33
heoyeamaylow: so u want multiple x sessions?11:34
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MeanEYEheoyea: I'll try. Did by any chance GT610 stopped being supported by 304.x?11:34
irocksui have a problem with dash. when i press the p key I get B. so instead of skype I get skyBe.11:34
maylowheoyea: no :) multiple virtual machines; no x at all11:34
maylowheoyea: it's a server11:34
irocksui have a more detailed description with a picture here http://askubuntu.com/questions/226750/pressing-p-in-dash-results-in-weird-b11:35
MeanEYEheoyea: Ah, this doesn't help. Already have latest headers :/ darn it.11:35
irocksudoes anyone know what causes this problem?11:36
EaglemanHow can i get vga std to work with virt-manager?11:37
mannershiya everyone11:37
mannersi seem to be having some real problems sharing files from a usb drive that ws owned by windows11:37
maylowdoes anyone know an ubuntu alternative of open indiana's zones?11:37
mannersi cant set any permissions or sharing rights11:38
irocksumanners: fat32 does not have acl afaik11:39
mannersits not fat3211:39
mannersits ntfs11:39
irocksumanners: even worse for linux -.-11:39
heoyeamanners: maybe try chmod 777 on the usb drive11:40
mannersso im using ntfs-3g and i can see teh drive myself from the machine11:40
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heoyeamanners: is it mounted?11:41
mannershmm yes but says fuseblk11:41
mannerswas expecting the type to be ntfs11:43
heoyeaso u can see the drive but cant go into it?11:43
manners says""/dev/sdb1 on /media/Elements type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)11:43
irocksumanners how did you mount it?11:44
bekksmaylow: There is no alternative, since the concept of zones is not available on non-Solaris.11:45
bekksmaylow: A different conceptis LXC.11:45
maylowbekks: freebsd has jails :)11:45
mannersi didnt i assume it just mounted automatically11:45
bekksmaylow: Which is a totally different concept compared with zones.11:45
irocksumanners: well try to mount it manually with -t ntfs11:46
mannersanyways seems i had an old version of samba and now im getting errors getting the latest one11:46
mannersi will sort this out then come back if im still having issues11:46
maylowbekks: yes, but still - lightweight virtualization alternative11:46
bekksmaylow: zones and jails have nothing to do with virtualization at all.11:46
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maylowbekks: *virtualization alternative11:47
bekksmaylow: Since you cant use another architecture, thats no alternative at all.11:47
maylowbekks: if you say so11:48
maylowbekks: it's a matter of semantics and there's no point of arguing about it11:48
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guang_what is the usage of boot sector in usb when i insert usb on my computer?i tried to modify the asm code,finally it work well.why?12:00
sprezzaturaif NETWORKING_IPV6=no in /etc/sysconfig/network, but i see a 'inet6 addr' in ifconfig , then whats wrong. i want to check if ipv6 is actually present and enabled or not in my box12:04
lucidobash: ./qt-linux-opensource-5.0.0-rc1-x86_64-offline.run: cannot execute binary file12:05
lucidowhats that?12:05
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maylowdoes anyone have some experience with kvm vs lxc used for a web server?12:07
bekkslucido: A file thats not executable. Grant execution permissions to that file before.12:07
lucidobekks, I did12:07
bekksmaylow: I bet someone does. But whats your actual question?12:07
bekkslucido: Show us the ls -lha ./qt-linux-opensource-5.0.0-rc1-x86_64-offline.run output please12:08
maylowbekks: which one to choose. pros and cons. base for decision. things like that :)12:08
bekksmaylow: So its nothing about support then :) In that case, #ubuntu-offtopic should be a better place for asking :)12:09
lucidobekks, problem is that I'm running 32bit ubuntu12:09
lucidoHow can I convert to 64bit?12:10
bekkslucido: You cant.12:10
anonIs there an offtopic channel for Freenode where one can talk about anything?12:12
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Guest76601Is there an offtopic channel for Freenode where one can talk about anything?12:15
jribGuest76601: #defocus12:15
DJonesGuest76601: Have you asked in #freenode ? Thats the best place to ask12:15
mannersok iv now realised when iinstall ntfs-3g it requires samba 4 which is not installing12:20
PatrickDickeywhat's the error when you try to install samba4?12:22
myherohow to look irc chat history?12:24
SolarisBoyyou can log it in your client myhero or you can scrollback (pgup) or use commands like /lastlog12:25
MonkeyDustmyhero  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/12:25
myherohow to print or save a irc chat session?12:26
bazhang!1984 | myhero12:27
ubottumyhero: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:27
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sprezzaturasorry..seemed to have logged  off. reposting : if NETWORKING_IPV6=no in /etc/sysconfig/network, but i see a 'inet6 addr' in ifconfig , then whats wrong. i want to check if ipv6 is actually present and enabled or not in my box12:28
ilivis there a livecd or something to checkout Achievements?12:30
SolarisBoysprezzatura: try to toggle the sysctl key to off12:30
SolarisBoysprezzatura: eg net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv612:31
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: isnt there 'one' check which basically tells me ipv6 is present or nto?12:31
mannersits saying i need to remove teh smb.conf file and let provision recreate it12:31
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sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: i do not want to change anything as of now. i just want to know whether ipv6 is configured or not12:31
EaglemanI am getting the following error with: PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedCould not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting        kvm -vga std -hda /var/lib/libvirt/images/Windows8.img -boot c12:33
Eagleman-m 204812:33
EaglemanANy idea on how to fix it?12:33
SolarisBoysprezzatura: check the value of that key and check to see if you are loading the net-pf-10 module i guess then12:34
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: There is something odd about the IPV6INIT=no and seeing an IPV6 address though12:34
rgrigAny idea why would the terminal window resize (to the default size) whenever I switch back-and-forth viewports?12:36
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: this is even more interesting :   /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/bond1/disable_ipv6 has 012:39
wdphey. I asked yesterday already but got no response. I have three intel nics and would like them to have the names eth0, eth1, eth2.Instead they're named em0, eth1 and p260p1. any idea how I can change that?12:40
llutzwdp:edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  and add rules to set the correct names12:44
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: whats  a loopback adapter?12:44
wdpllutz, there's only one entry in there, do i have to copy that one?12:45
kumarofficial ubuntu support is good12:45
spexiHi! Just restarted Ubuntu Server 12.04 after updates, that needed to restart the system. Those updates came about a week ago. Now pinging google says "unknown host" and when trying to start irssi, connecting to networks says "Temporary failure in name resolution". Any ideas?12:45
llutzwdp: take it as an expample line, add 2 more rules, change MAC and NAME12:46
bekksspexi: Check your DNS server setting.12:46
spexiAnything I could try?12:46
wdpllutz, right. The header states that one should only change the value of the NAME= key - Will ubuntu modify those rules on update?12:46
spexibekks: where I need to check something? Like in which file?12:47
bekksspexi: /etc/resolv.conf12:47
llutzwdp idk, but you can cirumvent that with creating a new file, name starting with a hnumber >7012:47
spexiIt contains: # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) | #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN12:47
wdpllutz, thanks a lot. Trying.12:48
spexiIs there some other file to check? If I can't edit that by hand12:48
keyser_sozei've a question, guys12:52
keyser_sozei keep getting E:broken packages error, when i try installing12:52
keyser_sozei tried apt-get update as well, it doesnt work12:52
spexiother website says that I should edit file /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head, but it has the same information that resolv.conf. that I shouldn't edit by hand12:52
spexiHow could I get the networking to work?12:53
bekksspexi: Do you have a valid IP address=12:53
llutzspexi:  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head is the file to edit, the warning shown in this file is just copied to /etc/resolv.conf and doesn't really apply to "head"12:53
jribkeyser_soze: you have no idea why?  No unofficial repositories (including PPAs)?  No packages outside the repositories?12:53
spexibekks: ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418807/12:54
spexiso yeah, i have static ip
keyser_sozejrib: no, no unofficial repos12:55
jribkeyser_soze: pastebin full error message12:55
Danicwhenever i search for something using "Dash Home" i get a lot of advertise and stuff. how can i remove that?12:55
spexillutz: I have nothing in file "base", and the file original contains "nameserver" which is correct12:55
spexibut should that be in file head?12:55
jrib!adlens | Danic12:55
ubottuDanic: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ12:55
llutzspexi: wherever you want, those 3 files (head, base, tail) will just be concatenated into /etc/resolv.conf.12:56
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: there?12:57
llutzspexi: so if you want your nameserver be the first, add it to head. if it is to be the last one, edit "tail"12:57
spexillutz: there is base, head and original, and original contains the nameserver section12:57
Danicubottu, funny i cant remove it in the software center. but apt-get worked good. thx12:58
ubottuDanic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:58
spexillutz: thanks, that worked! I moved the nameserver line to file "head"12:59
fragmachineIs there a way to build an panel applet with Ruby?12:59
fragmachineI only stuff for python, C etc12:59
DanicMan, ubuntu became wierd since unity. Why don't I find vim-gnome in the software center? I assumed its just a extreme nice GUI for apt-get13:00
kumarofficial ubuntu is official13:01
aguiteli have 2 pcs ,can i share internet using Switch ?13:03
neltzigHello! :)13:03
MonkeyDustaguitel   "It could be connected directly with a single computer via a crossover cable or switch," https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:04
neltziganybody here care for a little chitchat?13:04
MonkeyDustneltzig  wrong channel13:05
sprezzaturaSolarisBoy: there?13:05
mannersright guys i really hope someone can help and tell me what im doing wrong13:11
bekksmanners: just ask...13:11
inop2603Howdy! :DDD13:11
mannersiv got a usb drive shared via ubuntu and i can see and browse it from my windows machine however i cant edit any files or open them13:11
mannersdrive mount info looks like this "/dev/sdb1 on /media/Elements type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)"13:13
PatrickDickeymanners, try this in a terminal. ls -l /media Tell me what the permissions are for the drive13:14
mannersbut please be easy with me as im not a linux user in the slightest just know its alot less hungry than window13:14
MonkeyDustmanners  time to switch to linux13:14
mannersthe drive isnt listed there13:14
NoNameProducthello - I have got a question. My question is: Is there a Source Code Distribution available for the actual ubuntu distribution ?13:15
mannersit was auto mounted13:15
PatrickDickeymanners: Here's the thing (I'm guessing). /media is owned by root. You probably don't have the proper permissions for any other user to edit files.13:15
bekksNoNameProduct: No.13:15
PatrickDickeymanners: type mount and look to see if it shows up.13:15
mannersok and how can i change it13:15
bekksNoNameProduct: But you can recomplie everything you've installed.13:15
mannerswhen mounts is typed the above shows up13:15
manners<manners> drive mount info looks like this "/dev/sdb1 on /media/Elements type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)"13:16
PatrickDickeyok in your terminal, type cd /media13:16
MonkeyDustNoNameProduct  use apt-get source to get the source of any package13:16
mannersdrwx------ 1 manners manners 28672 Dec  8 12:39 Elements13:17
PatrickDickeymanners: Do you have any files on the USB that need to be executed?13:17
bekksmanners: Pastebin the entire output of "mount" and "sudo fdisk -l" please.13:17
NoNameProductbekks: That is not what I want to do because I am interested in software development generally and I want source code of already developed software, 'cause reading software sources is helpful for me while learning the one or the other programming language13:17
bekksNoNameProduct: Then just use apt-get source13:18
mannershttp://pastebin.com/ic2ghXKA <<< mount13:18
mannershttp://pastebin.com/VLRU79Yd <<< the fdisk is on the bottom13:19
bekksmanners: And the detailed problem now is...?13:20
PatrickDickeymanners you'll probably need to chmod the directory. For being able to read/write, it's something like this: sudo chmod -R 766 Elements  If you have any .exe programs on the drive, then it's sudo chmod -R 777 Elements  You have to do this from inside of the /media directory (at least how I have the commands listed).13:20
bekksPatrickDickey: Which will not work on NTFS.13:21
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bekksSo not suggest things like that please, especially with unwanted 777 permissions.13:21
MonkeyDustchmod 755 should do13:22
Ben64chmod still won't do anything for ntfs13:23
bekksAnd we still dont know about the actual problem.13:24
sachin__hello all can anybody help me installing lava data card on ubuntu 12.04  i have ubuntu specific  usb driver files that came with data card flash storage13:24
guang_i have mounted the dvd,but after running "sudo fdisk -l",the dvd system is not listed.13:26
bekksguang_: A dvd is never shown using fdisk -l13:26
MonkeyDustguang_  what's on the dvd?13:26
guang_some file on it13:26
guang_bekks:what command can be used for it?13:27
bekksguang_: For doing what?13:27
guang_bekks:for looking up its file system13:27
bekksguang_: You have to mount it.13:27
guang_bekks:i have mounted it13:28
Ben64then try "mount"13:28
bekksguang_: Then use ls13:28
guang_bekks:i can access the file in it13:28
bekksguang_: Then why do you try to use fdisk?13:28
guang_bekks:fdisk -l can list the file system mounted on my computer.13:29
Ben64guang_: use "mount"13:29
guang_got it.13:30
bekksguang_: Which is wrong. fdisk cant list filesystems at all. It lists partitions, no matter wether they are mounted ot not.13:30
NoNameProductAnd now I have gut a suggestion. Well ... why doesn't Canonical realize distributing a "Unubuntu" ( 'Unity Ubuntu' - I don't actually know a better Distribution Name ), and additionally produce something like "Gubuntu" ( Gnome Ubuntu ) ? I am pretty sure that I am not the only one worldwide who doesn't even like the Unity Desktop ...13:30
Ben64NoNameProduct: it's easily removed, but it is the default Ubuntu desktop now13:31
guang_bekks:if i umount the usb,i can not see the usb partitions.13:31
guang_bekks:by using "fdisk -l"13:32
PatrickDickeyguang_: If you're looking for the filesystem on the DVD, it's most likely UDF. That's typically what is used with CD and DVD.13:32
bekksguang_: fdisk -l doesnt even know whats "mounted" or not.13:32
Ben64shouldn't be using fdisk to check what filesystem is mounted anyway13:33
bekksBen64: No.13:33
bekksBen64: fdisk -l doesnt care about filesystems, it cares about blockdevices and partitions only.13:33
Ben64I know...13:34
MonkeyDustguang_  try sudo blkid13:34
jonas-khow  completely  remove mysql 5.5 ?  i  read alot of forum try a lot of combinations but still something from mysql  is on a system . Then i try to install  i got some error msg13:35
guang_i have know its type is iso9660 by using command "mount"13:36
bekksjonas-k: "something" and "some" are pretty unspecific. Whhat did you do exactly, and whats the exact error message?13:36
PatrickDickeyguang_: http://www.isobuster.com/help/file_systems13:37
PatrickDickeyhello bjorn_13:39
jribjonas-k: why do you want to remove it?13:39
bjorn_when i try to install ubuntu on some computer i have13:39
EaglemanI am getting the following error with: PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedCould not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting        kvm -vga std -hda /var/lib/libvirt/images/Windows8.img -boot c13:39
Eagleman-m 204813:39
bjorn_i start it with the usb drive but the screen is stuck at purple and at the bottom theres a picture of a keyboard = a person13:39
bjorn_it was just freezing up13:40
MeanEYEheoyea: nothing like a fresh install :D13:41
wdpllutz, thanks, that worked. I'm just curious if it could be a problem that I named them differently from what the kernel reported. But actually it seems to work. The kernel reports the first onboard nic as eth0, the pcie nic as eth1 and the second onboard nic as eth2. The weird naming was because there was only one udev rule for eth1. I added rules so that the pcie nic is eth0, and the two onboard nics are eth1 and eth2 (which makes sense in our setup)13:41
wdpllutz, so, thanks again .)13:41
llutzwdp: that should not have any sideeffect13:43
wdpalright, thanks13:43
ubottuGuest87894: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:51
Ben^Hi Guys, Seems I was changing between GTK+ themes and my taskbar and top bar with notificaton panel has crashed out. Im not on unity yet. What process can I kick to get em back?13:51
VarazirHow can I use this in a IF state "initctl status lightdm" I tried echo $? both started and stop showed the same13:51
readI installed Ubuntu like 4 times on my computer and each time for some reason Ubuntu freezes after login. Is there anything I can do to prevent my computer from freezing everytime I login?13:51
llutzVarazir: initctl status lightdm >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "not running"13:53
llutzVarazir: sry, it has an option for this:          initctl --quiet status lightdm || echo "not running"13:55
Varazirllutz: I don't get how dose that tell me the diffrens if the job is running or not ?13:55
guang_after i run command "sudo dd if=dev/sr0 of=dvd bs=10 count=512",i run command "hexdump -C dvd",find the file dvd is filled with "0".13:55
guang_/dev/sr0 is my dvd.13:56
guang_i can access files in it.13:56
llutzVarazir:  "not output" = running13:56
guang_why the dvd file is fully filled with "0"13:57
Varazirllutz: should I see anything when I running just in a promt ?13:57
readI installed Ubuntu like 4 times on my computer and each time for some reason Ubuntu freezes after login. Is there anything I can do to prevent my computer from freezing everytime I login?13:59
Varazirllutz: if (initctl --quiet status lightdm || echo "not running");  then echo "YES" ; else echo "NO"; fi13:59
Varazirtried both on a job that I know is not running and lightdm that's running both echo YES14:00
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theadminVarazir: Well that obviously returns yes -- the "echo 'not running'" command has no reason to fail, so your if-condition is always true14:00
llutzVarazir:  if (initctl --quiet status lightdm );  then echo "YES" ; else echo "NO"; fi14:01
Varazirtheadmin: I thought of that removed  || echo "not running" and run it again with the same result14:01
theadminThat returns "yes" here even though I don't have lightdm installed :/14:02
Varazirllutz: that gives me YES on both running and stoped jobs14:02
BluesKajHowdy all14:02
llutzVarazir:  if (initctl status lightdm |grep running);  then echo "YES" ; else echo "NO"; fi14:03
VarazirI guess I have to do it the dirty way to use awk and print second value to a varible and run a IF statement on that14:03
theadminI honestly don't even. Can't you just "pgrep lightdm"? Doesn't really correspond to the service running, but will do with the process...14:03
Varazirllutz: that would work too14:03
llutztheadmin: i also would go for: if ( pgrep lightdm >/dev/null );  then foo14:04
Cliff``hi everyone14:05
llutzpgrep needs a -q option...14:05
antoksrm needs an -i,--inode option...14:06
llutzantoks: wrapper, find . -inum ... -exec rm {}14:07
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antoksllutz: I know how to do it, I just think rm should have the option14:08
llutzantoks: lets write some feature requests...14:09
antoksllutz: too lazy =(14:09
antoksmaybe I should download binutils or whatever the project is called, and try to implement it =)14:10
readI installed Ubuntu like 4 times on my computer and each time for some reason Ubuntu freezes after login. Is there anything I can do to prevent my computer from freezing everytime I login?14:10
antokscould be an insteresting execise14:10
antoksread: sounds like a graphics issue maybe?14:10
antoksdid changing to a virtual terminal work?14:10
k1l_read: do you have a hybrid card installed? like nvidia optimus etc?14:11
k1l_read: and if so, did you install the right bumblebee driver for it?14:11
readantoks: what would you reccommend? I'm reading online and I tried many solutions but now I can't even get to a terminal. I read that the problme is nouvea14:11
antoksread: I think k1l_ probably is onto something if you have got multiple gpu's14:12
k1l_read: there are a billion possible problems. we need to narrow it down on the real problem14:12
k1l_read: so which video card is installed and is it a hybrid one?14:13
antoksread: you say you manage to install, do you install with a live cd? if so, using the normal live cd?14:13
readk1l: you were helping me last time. You helped me remove nvidia because before the problme was that I booted straight into a terminal. After you helped me that stopped and now I boot into ubuntu but the computer freezes. I can barely see the icons now14:13
readI used a USB to install ubuntu antoks14:14
readk1l: when I originally installed the system it would freeze after maybe 10 minutes of being on ubuntu. Then I decided to install nvidia-current or nvidia-common because I read that to be a solution to the problem. After I did the computer froze. Then the next time I logged back intot he computer I booted into a terminal everytime. ONce you helped me remove it then I booted back into ubuntu but now it freezes again just like before14:16
wildwindread: try login via Ctrl+Alt+F1 and read logs14:17
k1l_read: last time it sounded as it was ok before the nvidia-installation14:17
EaglemanI am getting the following error with: PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedCould not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting        kvm -vga std -hda /var/lib/libvirt/images/Windows8.img -boot c14:17
Eagleman-m 204814:17
wormEagleman: Possibly paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com can make those stuff much easier to read.14:18
readk1l: sorry for not explaining myself and letting you know that was the reason I installed nvidia14:18
k1l_read: so first we need to find which card is in your laptop/pc exactly14:19
k1l_read: make a "lspci | pastebinit" on that machine, please14:19
readwildwind: so when I go to the grub screen I should hit ctrl+alt+f114:19
k1l_read: no hit that combo when the pc freezes14:19
k1l_or on the login screen14:20
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readwildwind: or should I do that after I am at the login screen. Because after the login in screen is where my problem begins14:20
wildwindread: no, when you get to the login screen14:20
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readk1l: so should I do this while i'm on ubuntu?14:21
escott_Eagleman, why is putty talking about kvm?14:21
readwildwind: ok, I'll do that i just need to login with my other computer so i can get helped by you at the same time14:21
k1l_read: we need this information from that machine, that is not correctly booting ubuntu14:21
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
EaglemanHello i am trying to get virt-manager to work with vga std, i tried the following: http://jan.varho.org/?p=94  However if i execute qemu-kvm in the CLI i get the following error dPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedCould not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting14:22
readk1l: i'll try to see if I can do it14:22
read1k1l and wildwind: I am read, i'm just changing computers now14:24
AscavasaionIs the fingerprint reader on a laptop concealed in the touchpad?  Or is it a total separate feature?  If they are one and the same, howcome Ubuntu or Windows do not detect them?14:25
read1wildwind: What was the command again?14:25
mensIs possible to open HTTP stream in XBMC Eden?14:25
mensI tried to do what I found on the forums14:25
mensI edited the file playercorefactory.xml14:25
mens< rule name =  http / hdhomerun /myth /rtmp / mms / udp  protocols =  http | hdhomerun | myth | cmyth | rtmp | mms | mmsh | udp  player =  DVDPlayer    /  >14:25
mensI added HTTP where it was written that should be added.14:25
FloodBot1mens: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
mensBut this maneuver did not helped14:25
mensThe problem occurs when I open the *.m3u file14:26
wildwindread: Ctrl+Alt+F114:26
MonkeyDustmens  there's also #xbmc   450+ people there14:26
read1wildwind: that command doesn't do anything. but ctrl+alt+t does14:27
bekksparidedina: Why do you think this might be a file sharing channel?14:27
read1btw, for some wear reason this computer just booted without freezing just now :)14:27
wildwindread1: well did you login into desktop?14:28
mens<MonkeyDust> For a month trying to solve the problem.14:28
mens<MonkeyDust> I wrote XBMC channel14:28
read1k1l: what command you wnated me to do?14:28
k1l_read: make a "lspci | pastebinit" on that machine, please14:28
BluesKajbekks, because some italian computer magazine that hates linux says so14:28
read1wildwind: yes, i'm login and it looks like the computer is working for now14:28
bekksBluesKaj: I didnt know italians believe in what magazines do print :P14:29
read1wildwind: I don't know if it has to do with that fact that I was working on my mac14:29
wildwindmaybe it's because we're all watching it :)14:29
read1k1l: the website is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418967/14:30
wildwindread1: you can open system logs viewer and save syslog somewhere for later analysis, if problem returns14:31
read1wildwind: lol14:31
k1l_read1: what is this? which laptop?14:31
read1k1l: i have a macbook pro if that is what your asking14:31
escott_Eagleman, why would putty care what resolution the kvm instance had14:31
read1k1l: but the report is from my ubuntu like you asked14:31
read1wildiwnd: how can I open system logs viewer?14:32
read1wildwind: or save it?14:32
k1l_read1: i need that command done on the machine which got the problem.14:32
read1k1l: yes, it is from that computer. is my ubuntu 12.1014:32
k1l_so the laptop with the problem is the macbook?14:33
wildwindread1: try typing it in dash14:33
read1k1l: yes, i am using a macbook pro and I installed ubuntu 12.10 desktop on it14:33
Eaglemanescott_ i have no idea, i enabled x11 forwarding and it works perfectl;y with virt-manager14:33
k1l_read1: ok. this is an important information. apple macbooks used to need a special ubuntu version to run. but i dont know if this is still true these days14:34
read1wildwind: what you mean by try typing it in dash? are you asking me to type open system-log-viewer14:34
escott_Eagleman, ok. are you trying to do x forwarding with putty under windows? if so do you have xming or some other x server installed and running14:34
Eaglemanescott_ like i said if i execute virt-manager in puty xming will show me the window14:35
read1k1l: i did read that this was a common problem on macbook pro of a certain year but I don't even know of what year my mac is.14:35
read1k1l: do you think that the nveou has anything to do with my computer freezing?14:36
k1l_read1: ok. but that should be the first informations to collect. but i cant help since i dont know much about the macbooks14:36
escott_Eagleman, i dont understand what you are doing and when you are getting error messages. why don't you paste.ubuntu.com the entire session that errors so i can figure out what you are trying to do14:36
read1k1l: ok, so you want me to find out if macbooks have difficulty having ubuntu installed?14:36
k1l_read1: could be. but you should look out which macbook type you have and then look out for how-tos and experiences with that14:37
read1k1l: ok, so then you concluding that the problem might be with my computer not the system log or the lspci right?14:38
wildwindread1: typing "system log" is enough to find it14:39
k1l_read1: the problem is with your hardware. the system log and lspci were only commands to see if there is some information about what is wrong14:39
rockywhat's the "best" gmail indicator app for ubuntu/unity now with 12.10 ?14:40
Eaglemanescott_:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418981/14:41
read1k1l: do you want to see my system log before I try that or you just reccommend that I try to find the how to on mac?14:41
escott_Eagleman, that doesnt include any error messages.14:42
k1l_read1: i dont have that much time now. so i couldnt assist you one that. but if you ask here maybe someone will help14:42
EaglemanThere is no error message, it just wont boot with adjustable resolution14:42
escott_Eagleman, ok so this has nothing to do with putty. the problem is that you cannot give windows a different resolution with the -vga argument14:43
escott_Eagleman, you might ask in #kvm14:43
read1k1l: thanks though,14:44
Eaglemanescott_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1418987/14:44
Ahmed_if i have all /usr and /home and /var and / and /boot on same filesystem howa to spilt them on another filesystem ????14:45
escott_!home | Ahmed_14:45
ubottuAhmed_: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving14:45
escott_Ahmed_, moving /usr would be unsupported14:45
read1k1l: btw this guy has my same mac and his works. http://askubuntu.com/questions/210532/which-ubuntu-12-10-on-mac14:46
escott_Ahmed_, var and boot would be much like home, you will have to rerun grub-install after moving boot14:46
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read1wildwind: my that command system log doesn't work14:47
read1wildwind: no command 'system' found14:47
wildwindare you typing it in dash?14:49
wildwindtry gnome-system-log14:49
Bitchohi ctm14:49
CatbuntuRadeon HD Mobility 3650: Has Ubuntu good support for it?14:50
CatbuntuI'm actually trying to install Linux Mint on my mum's computer, and I'd like to know if there's a decent driver for Cinnamon.14:50
theadminCatbuntu: There's no support for Mint here.14:51
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:51
CatbuntuYes, I know.14:52
CatbuntuWell, then for Ubuntu.14:52
CatbuntuThe question is related to Ubuntu, not to Mint :P14:52
CatbuntuUbuntu has a driver for 3xxx series or is there a legacy driver on any PPA?14:52
nongoogle<3 also how do i get my desktop back14:53
t432the following lib is automatically in classpath right? /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/ext/javaee.jar14:54
t432I did'nt install it, it came with the setup14:54
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
t432where would place the classpath info?14:55
lucidowhats a good HW info application, I'm looking into possible upgrades14:57
MonkeyDustlucido  hardinfo14:59
MoeshHey folks. I'm installing Ubuntu on my desktop and I'm pretty terrified. Any advice for first-time users?15:00
MonkeyDustMoesh  use a live session to get used to it ('try ubuntu')15:01
prawnsaladhey guys. DNS resolution is failing for me as it doesnt appear to be picking up the DNS addresses in the interface config15:01
MoeshMm, I've been playing around with it while its on my USB key for awhile.15:02
prawnsaladbut when using dig to contact the dns addresses directly, that works15:02
wildwindprawnsalad: release?15:03
prawnsaladwildc4rd: precise15:03
prawnsaladserver version, i should mention15:04
issuehey who know russian help me ples15:04
escott_prawnsalad, what is the source when you dig it15:04
theadmin!ru | issue15:05
ubottuissue: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:05
issue<issue> ребят помогите у меня не видет карт ридер15:05
issue* #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel15:05
llutzprawnsalad:  pastebin output of "grep nameservers /etc/network/interfaces" and "apt-cache policy resolvconf|grep -i insta" please15:05
prawnsaladescott_: dig replies with "connection timed out; no servers could be reached"15:05
llutzprawnsalad: well, and your /etc/resolv.conf   of course15:06
escott_prawnsalad, i thought you said dig was working?15:06
prawnsaladllutz: doing now15:07
prawnsaladescott_: sorrym thought you meant without specifying an address. source im using is
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ubottudanilo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:08
prawnsaladllutz: output here http://pastebin.com/27QkF6Dn15:09
llutzprawnsalad: this is a comment, how should that work? #       dns-nameservers
llutzprawnsalad: remove the #15:10
prawnsaladllutz: because the line it didnt pick up was:  dns-servers
prawnsaladwhich is the line im using on 2 other working boxes15:10
llutzprawnsalad: because it has to be "dns-nameserver x.x.x.x15:10
llutzprawnsalad: err "dns-nameservers x.x.x.x"15:10
prawnsaladthen im confused as to why the others are working?15:11
llutzprawnsalad: this line should work: "dns-nameservers"15:11
llutzprawnsalad: ifupdown/resolvconf have no keyword "dns-servers"15:12
prawnsaladok, will change that15:12
prawnsalad/etc/resolv.conf is generated on boot from the interface config, is that right?15:13
llutzprawnsalad: yes15:13
prawnsaladok, so 2 of my other boxes have:  dns-servers
prawnsaladwith resolv.conf populated properly15:14
prawnsaladsame ubuntu version15:14
llutzprawnsalad: and yu are sure resolv.conf will be generated from this, not from any other service /dhcp, networkmanager/?15:15
llutzprawnsalad: as i said, ifupdown/resolvconf have no keyword "dns-servers"  according to their documentation15:15
prawnsaladafter a fresh OS install, database/nodejs/firewalls/users setup, a reboot about 4 or 5 hours ago, nothing else has been done to the boxes15:16
prawnsaladso i can understand why the one box is not working, but its worse that the other boxes are working but not how they should be :/15:17
llutzprawnsalad: idk why the other boxes work with that, i just tested "dns-servers...." here and it simply was ignored15:18
rex_how to uninstall Vmware player?15:19
prawnsaladllutz: hmm ok, ill have to think this through, not a fan of not understanding things in production heh. cheers for your help :)15:19
llutzprawnsalad: i'd check if there are any other related services running on those other 2 boxes15:20
llutzprawnsalad: also the files in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/15:21
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prawnsaladllutz: is /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/originl the content of /etc/resolv.vonf before it is overwritten do you know?15:23
llutzprawnsalad: i'm not sure but i guess it is15:23
llutzCopy of the /etc/resolv.conf file before the resolvconf  package15:24
llutz              was  installed.15:24
prawnsaladthere are the nameserver lines in there, so i guess they were originally put in resolv.conf instead of correctly in interfaces15:24
llutzprawnsalad: .above from "man resolvconf" about  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original15:25
prawnsaladahh.. thinking about it, this box has been accessed by another person switching its IPs15:25
prawnsaladok, making more sense now llutz15:26
llutzprawnsalad: i'd change interfaces-file on all machines to be on safe side when changes have to be done in the future. then you know, where the things come from15:27
KScorphow can i remove guest session in login? ubuntu 11.1015:27
llutzKScorp: "allow-guest=false" in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf15:27
prawnsaladllutz: yea, makes sense. im syncing them all up so all 3 boxes are consistant15:27
KScorpoh. thanks a lot llutz15:28
FAMAShello all15:28
FAMASi want to know what tool should i use in ubuntu to measure FLOPS of my system15:29
eltayeb Xchat program crash everytime i try to list channels in freenode15:29
FAMASeltayeb, you can use kvirc ;)15:29
banda /join #xchat15:30
escott_llutz, KScorp, i think lightdm ignores its own conf file if accountsservice is running15:30
bekkseltayeb: Dont list all channels, their number is > 1000015:31
eltayebcan we fix this bugs ?15:31
FAMASi list all channels without crashing15:31
FAMASalso bekks15:31
llutz!alis | eltayeb maybe an alternative15:31
ubottueltayeb maybe an alternative: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:31
KScorpescott_, I'll test it and i will come back15:32
llutzescott_: does it? stupid software with a even more stupid default-config then15:32
escott_llutz, but you just dont understand it has a smaller codebase than GDM so that makes it better15:33
llutzescott_: ah well, THEN it must be good :(15:33
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:34
KScorpescott_, llutz , it's not work correctly .15:34
llutzsecurity for very beginners - lesson 1: no system has to have an activated guest account15:34
escott_KScorp, file a bug... the lightdm guys will be happy to ignore it15:35
escott_KScorp, but in seriousness you have to mess with accountservice... maybe they have actually written some documentation on it by now... they have had almost a year to do so15:35
userI'm amature in ubuntu15:40
usercan u help me?15:41
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escott_!ask | user15:43
ubottuuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:43
bandauser, start by typing sudo rm -rf / at the bash prompt and then pressing enter, please15:43
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:43
llutz!ops | banda giving dangerous commands15:43
ubottubanda giving dangerous commands: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!15:43
llutzoh, thx IdleOne15:43
veyooncan anyone help me disabling keyboard and mouse on my second xorg session?15:46
escott_veyoon, second session?15:46
veyoonyes, I have my desktop on display 015:47
veyoonand xbmc on display 115:47
veyoonwhen I move my mouse the cursor is moving on both sessions simultaneously15:47
escott_veyoon, so what session is your primary mouse attached to15:47
escott_veyoon, thats exciting. i guess you can use xinput to disable the pointer and keyboard15:47
veyoonit seems to be attached dynamically to every session15:47
anonymousi'dont understand im french15:48
veyoonall clicks go to all desktops15:48
escott_!fr | anonymous15:48
ubottuanonymous: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:48
veyoonyes, tried that already15:48
veyoonbut how can i generally disable input on a xsession?15:48
veyoongiven you want to run a media center on one screen15:49
veyoonand a desktop on the other15:49
mannershmm seems i still cant chmod the files on the usb drive15:50
escott_manners, what filesystem and what are you trying to chmod to15:51
bekksmanners: Because you CANT chmod/chown files that are on a NTFS. As you have been told multiple times before.15:51
mannersok so how do i get around it15:51
mannersthey have been shared via ubuntu before15:51
wildwindveyoon: try xinput --disable <id>15:51
mannersi just had a failure so had to use a windows machine for a while15:52
bekksmanners: By setting the appropriate user and group and access mode as an option to the mount command.15:52
wildwindveyoon: get ids from xinput15:52
veyoonwildwind:  thanks, I did that in script15:52
mannersas im new to this sorry15:52
BitWraithhow do I (using, for example, apt) display a list of all files belonging to a particular package?15:52
veyoonunfortunately something is reenabling all input devices again15:53
veyoonthis is frustrating, thats why I am looking for a way to generally disable any input device for a session15:53
veyoonhow are input devices configured in ubuntu 12.04?15:53
veyoonis there still a hald running?15:53
escott_BitWraith, dpkg -L package15:54
zoite_when my ubuntu goes to sleep, does it dream?15:56
veyoonwildwind:  xinput does the job for a while, but I gets reverted for some reason15:56
BitWraithzoite_, apt-cache search electricsheep15:57
zoite_oh thanks15:57
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wildwindveyoon: then maybe you should dig into xorg.conf15:58
dchernivveyoon, hald has been deprecated15:58
Guest412I need help with 12.04,  does anyone know how to get photoprint running?15:59
trying2codeI have a python script that will probably take over 30 minutes to run. However it is ending before 20 minutes. Is there a max runtime for a script in Ubuntu?16:00
veyoondcherniv:  yes, no hald running here. do you know what now is used?16:00
LgNexus4Anything new in ubuntu as far as release goes?16:00
dchernivveyoon, should be udev + xorg16:01
LgNexus4Any updates to unity ?16:01
veyoondcherniv:  thx, then I try to disable udev for the second screen16:01
KikaRzHello. I got a dumb computer, which system i should use , and what version?16:03
jay_hey, having an issue with not being able to click on anything that pops up. Ie, if I open a program then open a menu I can't click on anything in the menu but I can keyboard navigate on it16:03
LgNexus4Just reference if cell phone bill is over 80 a month may want to look into straight talk for 60 a month unlimited services16:03
hychOkay, I just remove xp and install ubuntu 12.... How do I move the launch to appear down instead of the left side corner16:05
hychdoes ubuntu allows you to move the launch from the left side to the bottom on the screen??16:06
Malimbarhych, unfortunately that's not available by default16:06
Malimbarnot yet anyways16:07
escott_trying2code, no16:07
hychokay, so how can I move it to the bottom ? so it will not allow me?16:07
Malimbarhych, you could try this though: www.unixmen.com/move-unity-launcher-to-the-bottom-with-unity-bottom-launcher-ppa-ubuntu/16:07
trying2codeescott_, thanks for confirming16:08
LgNexus4Hych i use the cinnamon desktop from linux mint it rocks. Google search it there are guides to install desktop16:08
hychokay Malimbar16:08
hychokay LgNexus416:08
nick_hany idea why this configure command would've resulted in only 1 cpu being used?  ./configure CFLAGS=-O2 CXXFLAGS=-O2 --prefix=/opt16:08
hychlet me take a look what Malimbar recommend16:08
LgNexus4Hych the cinnamon gui works great :)16:09
hychI have a macbook pro , why is mac look like ubuntu16:09
hychwho copying who16:09
MalimbarLgNexus4, true, but that's like someone asking "I'd like to put my fork in my left hand" and you recommending "just stab it with chopsticks"16:09
bigobonymac copying16:09
wildwindhych: I've searched fot it 2 days ago, but I want to move it to right side. I've looked into th source code. Seems that it not even been designed. :)16:09
escott_nick_h, when are you expecting multiple cpus to be used16:10
hychokay wildwind16:10
nick_hescott_: when compiling with "make"16:10
escott_nick_h, use make -j #16:11
wildwindhych: but there is Ubuntu Unity Plugin Rotated, search for it. It moves the panel to the bottom16:11
Sailwhenever starting apache service it says:  Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName16:11
Sailhttpd (pid 14456) already running16:11
wildwindhych: it's still in dev, keep in mind16:12
LgNexus4Malimbar you all right? I run unity on android phone with about 10 other gui linux is linux on any device if it works it works16:12
rex_which is the best compression software?16:12
Sailrex_: tar.gz16:12
nick_hescott_: escott_ thanks. do i not need to specify "CFLAGS=-O2" or "CXXFLAGS=-O2" with ./configure ?16:12
rex_Sail: ok let me try.16:13
MalimbarLgNexus4, too many internet debates recently. wears ya down16:13
wildwindrex_: "best" in what sense? space, time, pretty look?16:13
Malimbarwildwind, pretty look?16:13
escott_nick_h, i've never seen anyone do that but it has nothing at all to do with parallelization of anything16:13
wildwindMalimbar: :)16:13
hychMalimbar: this should work for 12.16:14
hych Install Unity Bottom Oneiric Launcher on Ubuntu 11.1016:14
nick_hescott_: heh thans16:14
NoNameProductis pretty look really important about a compression software? most important is if it works efficient or it doesn't ...16:14
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wildwindrex_: I think rar, 7zip and freearc is on top in terms of space16:15
MalimbarNoNameProduct, then again compressing from right click is kind've sexy16:15
hychOkay, I will try what Malimbar recommend16:15
hychthanks all16:15
Malimbarhope it works16:15
rex_how to check the compression is good or bad, i mean trying on big file or small. Which will show good result. I want to compress more than in GB files.16:16
LgNexus4Malimbar just people catching on to idea of more then one way to skin a tiger. :) good chat have to work on cell pgone rooting pain in the butt16:16
rex_Right click compression does not show good compression on small files16:16
wildwindNoNameProduct: hey, I'm just kidding, Windows-user housewife style16:16
llutzsail either ignore that apache-warning or set a fqdn in your hosts-file like "  foo.example.com foo", or set one in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf "ServerName bla.example.com"16:16
NoNameProductwildwind ;)16:16
LgNexus4Later all have fun :)16:17
larry_hi, does anyone know how to get photoprint to work in 12.04? I have managed a work around but would like it to run16:17
escott_rex_, for small files there may not be enough to compress16:17
Malimbarwhat type of file btw?16:17
hychon the desktop screen, when I press a button on the keyboard there is a pop up small box that comes up on the right side of the screen..what is that box for??16:18
Sailllutz: i dont hav httpd.conf in apache2 dir should i create it?16:18
Heather_can someon recommend a good application for monitoring activity on my web server? Like statistics etc16:18
Malimbarhych, search I think16:18
=== LgNexus4 is now known as lgnexus4
llutzSail: yes you can16:18
genio_i use pinguy xD16:19
Malimbarhych, yeah, searching the clutter of files on the desktop :)16:19
rex_mp3,mp4, drivers, pdf, chm,mainly videos16:19
girffeHi, I'm running 12.04, and when I try to switch to a different tty via ctrl+alt+F1-F7, I get a red screen on my leftmost monitor, and no prompt16:19
NoNameProductyou won't be able to compress mp3 efficiently ...16:19
NoNameProduct'cause mp3 is a compressed format16:19
Sexy_SaxManHello. I'm going to be installing ubuntu on a friends computer. any tips?16:20
Malimbarthat would be like trying to compress a zip file16:20
girffeI have a GTX 680, using NVIDIA's drivers, version 295.3316:20
rex_i have seen a 6.1 gb compressed in just 12mb16:20
rex_, how can it be possible.16:20
wildwindrex_: same goes for mp4 video :)16:20
escott_rex_, mp3 already compressed, mp4 already compressed, pdf already compressed, videoes already compressed... sensing a pattern here?16:20
Malimbarrex_, if there is a LOT of repitition in the file16:20
bekksrex_: Having a 4TB file with "0" only, you can compress it to even less than 12MB :)16:20
Kroachhow can I filter stdout to leave only the last line with sed(or maybe another tool)?16:21
rex_bekks: how16:21
Malimbarbekks, like in the kb range!16:21
girffeKroach: tail -116:21
wildwindrex_: but it can be re-compressed to any desired size, with proportional loss of quality16:21
llutzrex_: "dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=10g count=1"  then "tar -czf bigfile.tgz && ls -l bigfile*" be surprised16:21
bekksrex_: You just need to know how many 0 are in there, you dont need to store each 0.16:21
larry_I have come to the conclusion 12.04 is ubuntus answer to viats16:21
bekkslarry_: What is "viats"?16:22
Malimbarrex_, it would store something like (0 x 10 ^ 34)16:22
NoNameProductescott while compressing pdf you might be able to reach a compression ratio of 70% or even less ... it's dependent of the pdf file itself16:22
larry_me no typee good16:22
bekksMalimbar: I just would store "0" and "10^34".16:22
lee_I have a file named   :w    how  I can delete with git rm16:22
llutzlee_: rm -- ":w"16:22
rex_which will work, without loosing file quality?16:23
llutzlee_: wait, git rm?16:23
rex_Malimbar: seems too small16:23
NoNameProductcompressing files with zip or tar.gz or even rar will always work without losing file quali16:23
bekksrex_: Think of ten sheet of paper, each with a 0 on it. Do you need to keep all ten sheets?16:23
llutzlee_:git rm -- ":w"16:24
lee_llutz,  yes16:24
rex_bekks: no16:24
bekksrex_: Or would it be ok to keep just one, and another with "10x" on it?16:24
Kroachgirffe: tail accepts filenames as it's arguments, I need something to use like this: "command | filter", so that I get only the last line of "command" output16:24
escott_Kroach, how about tail?16:24
lee_lledet,  it doesn work .16:24
ollie_I'm using 12.04, installed amd drivers from the website, and now everything is red. booted into recovery mode and dropped to a root shell, what do I do? I cant seem to apt-get anything, soomething about a read only lock file16:24
rex_llutz: how much it will compress?16:24
llutzKroach: cmd | tail -116:25
llutzrex_: "a lot"16:25
rex_llutz: any guess?16:25
llutzrex_: no16:25
bekksrex_: It strongly depends on the data to be compressed.16:25
wildwindrex_: in your case all possible compression with acceptible quality loss was done before. You need a new hdd, i think ^:)16:25
Kroachllutz: I just tried it, it prints the whole output anyway16:25
girffeKroach: if you give no arguments to tail, it will read from stdin16:25
rex_wildwind: i think same16:26
llutzKroach:what command16:26
llutzKroach: cmd 2>&1| tail -116:26
girffeKroach: so cmd | tail -1 should give you what you want16:26
mannersgrrr now im the owner of the files i still cant chmod them16:27
llutzKroach: if "cmd" writes output not only to STDOUT, you have to redirect it16:27
rex_But i have downloaded some "snow darwin" file name to install Apple Mac OS X in vmware player. THat file size is just less than 20mb, and when i extract it, its properties show 6.2gb near that. Without any los of quality nor of any software16:27
Kroachgirffe, llutz: the command is gpg -d filename, and there's no difference in output between gpg -d filename and gpg -d filename | tail -116:27
escott_manners, you were given the answer to this question earlier. please stop wasting our time16:28
hychhow do I remove the search Malimbar16:28
mannerssorry i must have missed it16:28
mannersscrolling now16:28
Sailllutz: not working16:28
escott_manners, your files are on an NTFS partition. you CANNOT chmod them16:28
girffeKroach: It's likely what llutz was saying, then, that some or all of the output from gpg is actually to stderr, so 2>&1| would direct both stderr and sdtout to tail16:28
hychmanners: I am in system settings16:28
escott_manners, it is not a POSIX filesystem and does not support POSIX permissions16:29
hychhow do i remove the search box16:29
Malimbarhych, remove the search?16:29
hychwhen I type something in the search box nothing happen16:29
bekksmanners: You have been told three times at least. You even responded to those comments.16:29
hychyes, the small box on the desktop16:29
larry_how van i copy a file from memory stick into a directory?16:29
Malimbareh... you're using the new rotated unity now, right?16:29
larry_how can i copy a file from memory stick into a directory?16:30
* Malimbar shrugs16:30
escott_Kroach, do you need to redirect stderr to stdout? command -options 2>&1 | tail -116:30
Malimbarno idea16:30
hychyes manners16:30
hychyes Malimbar16:30
mannersthe only answer i was told is its to do with the way its mounted16:30
Malimbarlarry_, drag and drop?16:30
mannerscan someone explain how on earth i change the way its mounted?16:30
mannersor give me a link to an idiots guide16:30
llutz!ntfs-3g | manners16:30
ubottumanners: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:30
escott_!fstab | manners16:30
ubottumanners: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:30
larry_it wont allow it, says i dont have permission16:30
escott_larry_, what are the permissions on the file?16:31
IdleOnelarry_: sudo cp /path/of/file /where/to/copy16:31
larry_it is a printer file that phtoprint needs.16:31
girffemanners: why do you want to chmod the files? iirc, it's already 777 for all files in a mounted NTFS partition. Do you want to change that for security reasons, or because the ls coloring is messed up?16:31
Malimbarright click on the file and click properties16:31
mannersntfs-3g wont install properly as its requires samba4 which failes to install16:31
Kroachllutz, girffe, escott_: gpg -d fname 2>&1 | tail -1 still prints the whole output16:31
larry_what do i call the siurce path ( stick )16:32
girffeKroach: try tail -f1 instead, I've had some issues in portability with that option16:32
escott_girffe, how can you follow stdin16:33
larry_sorry I have become absolutel P--- off with 12.04, I cant find anything because of the stupid menus and pop ups16:33
Kroachgirffe: it prints: "tail: option used in invalid context -- 1" in the beginning and strips the last line from gpg's output16:33
girffeKroach, escott_: sorry, wrong letter, meant to say "tail -n1"16:34
larry_reaches for 10.1 installation disc16:34
neodemi_hi, my computers been itching at me for a while that 11.04 is no longer supported and to go to 11.1016:34
neodemi_just upgraded, and gnome is now gone16:34
escott_!upgrade | neodemi_16:34
ubottuneodemi_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:34
neodemi_any way to get it back and get rid of this hideous bastardisation of a gui that is unity16:34
veyoonlarry_:  felt the same at the beginning, now I love it16:34
escott_!notunity | neodemi_16:34
ubottuneodemi_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:34
lwsAnybody know why ubuntu keeps telling me that it's going to check my drives on the next startup, but never does?16:35
larry_bye guys, I give up, leastwise I CAN PRINT USINGTHE WIN XP PARTITION16:35
lws"*** /dev/sdb1 will be checked for errors at next reboot ** <-- this never goes away.16:35
Kroachgirffe: now it doesn't give any error messages but I get the whole gpg output again16:35
Malimbarlws, it never does? that's weird.16:36
=== database is now known as developer
girffeKroach: that's weird to me, can you try just making a test text file with a couple of lines, and doing 'cat file | tail -1'?16:36
lwsMalimbar: I think so too!16:36
girffeKroach: not sure why tail isn't doing anything16:36
larry_veyoon,  where i was one click away now i have to shut three windows and walk around the desk four times with a foot in my ear.. leastwise thats how it feels16:36
llutzgirffe: tail -1 file, please no  cat misuse .)16:37
Kroachgirffe: it works fine with the file16:37
veyoonlarry_:  yeah, I know. you need to get used to it16:37
Malimbarlws, stupid question, how are you shutting it down?16:37
girffellutz: I just want to replicate the situation so it's reading from stdin16:37
escott_Kroach, works for me. is this symmetric or asymetric cipher16:37
lwsMalimbar: Usually I do shutdown -r now16:37
girffeKroach: try gpg -d fname > out.txt16:37
veyoonlarry_:  but there is a lot you can customize by using compiz config utlitiy16:37
LS1hi, anyone here know if the Intel 330 series solid state drives support AES 128 encryption if one sets an HDD password via the BIOS? I know the 320 and 520 series do but I'm finding mixed info from Intel tech support and on forums. Is there a way to check?16:37
Kroachescott_: asymetric16:37
girffeand see if you get any output to the terminal, and what the contents are of out.txt16:37
larry_ve for instance now i want to look atthe disk structure  (places) but cant see how16:38
larry_it is very frustrating16:38
Malimbartry using the normal menu in the upper right next time16:38
escott_Kroach, and your command line is "gpg -d filename.gpg 2>&1 | tail -1"16:38
larry_veyoon,  is there a utilty to disable all the bouncy icons abd put my tool bar back on top ?16:38
Kroachgirffe: I know about this one, I just wanted to do this without writing the output to a file16:39
veyoonlarry_:  maybe you try mate, xfce or another window manager instead16:39
girffeKroach: yeah, I just want to see what happens16:39
girffeKroach: and make sure all of the output is indeed to stdout16:39
veyoonlarry_:  making unity look like gnome2 doesn't make much sense16:40
larry_thanks veyoon  but it seems much simpler to just instal 10.1 withthe added advantage photoprint will work16:40
veyoonlarry_:  I wouldnt revert to an older version, just install another window manager and youre fine16:41
larry_seems like they wanted some thing to look and work like vista16:41
jiltdilChannel for scada?16:41
Kroachgirffe: gpg -d filename > ouput.txt prints all the GPG info(user, key ID, etc.) and only writes decrypted file contents to output.txt16:42
larry_thanks, have tried cairo butthat just puts more bouncy icons on the screen stealingthe bottom of the screen as well as the left hand side, maybe it would be better to have two screens, one for me to use and one for the os  to look pretty16:42
girffeKroach: and the info you want is the last line output.txt?16:42
llutzKroach: try gpg -qd ...16:43
Kroachgirffe: yes16:43
escott_Kroach, there is a bit of extraneous information I guess related to stdin and the need to request the password, but its fine otherwise16:43
girffeKroach: gpg -d filename 2> /dev/null | tail -116:43
lee_I get in the #git channel  ,but it prompts   #git    cannot send to channel . why?16:44
Kroachllutz: the output is the same16:44
veyoonlarry_:  I found getting used to sth new is the better way. Someday all the legacy stuff will be gone any way16:44
larry_even the software center cant  list files alphabetivally16:44
Malimbarsoftware center has a lot of organizational issues I think16:45
larry_maybe but in the meantime when I want to print I have to reboot onto my win xp partition, not ideal16:45
neodemi_alright, i've installed gnome-shell16:45
Kroachgirffe: this still gives the same output16:45
Malimbarneodemi_, hope you like it16:45
Malimbarthrows me off personally16:46
neodemi_it looks like crap16:46
neodemi_there are no icons16:46
neodemi_everything is messed up16:46
larry_neodemi_,   is that a gnome shell for 12.04 ?16:46
Malimbarwere you the one that specifically said you wanted gnome?16:46
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neodemi_its whatever gnome-shell was in the 11.10 repo16:46
neodemi_i just want a clean looking desktop, like ive had since ubuntu 616:47
larry_me too neodemi_16:47
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welshanproudhi guys just wondering what took me so long to become a linux user...loving ubuntu16:47
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welshanproudany new ubuntu users here who would like to chat16:48
neodemi_so the solution to removing unity as it stands is to break everything16:48
escott!register | lee16:49
ubottulee: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:49
escott!register | lee_16:49
ubottulee_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:49
Malimbardo we have a channel just for ubuntu enthusiats to chat? haven't checked16:49
girffeKroach: this is very strange. Can you try 'gpg -d filename 2> /dev/null | tail -1 > output.txt'?16:49
escott!offtopic | Malimbar16:49
ubottuMalimbar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:49
DJoneswelshanproud: You're probably better asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic thats the general chat channel16:49
Malimbarescott, thanks16:49
Malimbarand ubottu16:50
Kroachgirffe: all the GPG info printed, last line of decrypted file written to output.txt16:51
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SicpI can't seem to find where I can download the Cool language? (Classroom Object-Oriented Language) for Compiler Construction class16:52
neodemi_so no idea how to make 11.10 use gnome 216:52
girffeKroach: I don't even know how the GPG info is still printing, since tail isn't producing it, gpg is piped to tail, and gpg's stderr should be going to /dev/null16:52
escottneodemi_, you cant use gnome216:53
girffeat the very least, you should be able to pipe that tail -1 command into something else, and it will only read that line16:53
socommHello. Can anyone give me pointer on how to auto-start service on ubuntu?16:53
socommHello. Can anyone give me pointer on how to auto-start service on ubuntu?16:53
escottgirffe, it does do something weird to make sure some of it gets to the console. its a bit odd16:53
neodemi_any way to make gnome 3 behave the same as gnome 2 then16:53
Kroachgirfe: seems like only the decrypted content is printed to stdout, the GPG info overrides any filtering I tried to apply16:54
girffeKroach: if you do gpg -d filename > /dev/null 2> /dev/null, do you still get any output to the screen?16:54
neodemi_because its currently either horribly broken, or trying to look like a mac16:54
neodemi_neither of which is much use16:54
girffeKroach: a weird hack you can try is 'gpg -d filename --output /dev/stdout | tail -1'16:55
larry_bye guys,16:55
escottneodemi_, there are a couple of projects. cinnamon and mate. not sure if either is supported for ubuntu16:55
InokiHi guys. Anybody any idea what could be the cause of sudden, unexpected, random freezes? Just like that? Often happens while I run Chrome. I'm on Ubuntu Studio 12.10.16:55
Kroachgpg -d filename > /dev/null 2> /dev/null still prints the GPG info, not all of it, though16:55
TwinSwordsCan anyone give suggestion on how to fix distorted sound in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?16:56
socommHello. Can anyone give me pointer on how to auto-start service on ubuntu?16:56
InokiYer and Kernel 3.5.1716:56
girffeKroach: yeah, gpg is doing something weird with the terminal, I didn't even know it was possible to get output to the terminal when stderr and stdout are blocked16:57
girffethat other command I gave may work, though16:57
Kroachgirfee: 'gpg -d --output /dev/stdout filename  | tail -1' prints the GPG info followed by "File `/dev/stdout' exists. Overwrite? (y/N)"16:58
girffeKroach: ugh, gpg is being the weirdest program16:59
escottKroach, try "-o-" instead of --output17:00
socommHello. Can anyone give me pointer on how to auto-start service on ubuntu?17:00
escott!upstart | socomm17:00
ubottusocomm: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:00
Kroachescott: the same17:01
escottKroach, clearly they have some security based reason for doing this. not sure what it is. why do you need to redirect everything like this?17:01
RustybladeMax401: Hey max?17:02
socommwow this upstart thing is not very good17:02
girffeKroach: if you want to pipe the last line to something else, you can just do 'gpg -d filename | tail -f | othercommand', and ignore the other stuff printed to the console17:02
girffeKroach: and by tail -f I meant tail -117:03
abdostarI am hooked guys, I just come here to say it, I love my new OS, I love my Distros (mint et ubuntu),17:04
RustybladeHey guys17:04
RustybladeI am need of installing wine but I get these problems when I try "sudo apt-get install wine" or "sudo apt-get install wine1.4-amd64"17:05
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TwinSwordsHey guys anyone in here that can help with problems on Ubuntu?17:05
MalimbarRustyblade, why not install it through the software center?17:06
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RustybladeIt says it has dependencies problems17:06
roastedQuestion - I have two file servers. Once a day I want to rsync server A to server B. The trick is, I want server B to automatically shut down when the rsync is complete. Not at a specific time, but after rsync is complete. Any insight on how I could do this?17:06
escottTwinSwords, check alsamixer and see if anything is maxed out17:06
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escottroasted, shutdown -h now17:06
TwinSwordsMaster, PCM, Front, and Mic are all maxed out17:06
RustybladeSo.. No one can help me?17:07
Kroachgirffe, escott: I was trying to use the last line of output as a variable in a bash script, so I wanted to reduce the ouput to the last line only17:07
escottTwinSwords, try taking those down to 80% and see if it helps17:07
roastedescott: without being root, preferably.17:08
MalimbarRustyblade, try it from the software center isntead of through the command line17:08
escottKroach, seems a bit silly. just let it be a little noisy17:08
escottroasted, setuid on shutdown?17:08
RustybladeI get this17:08
roastedescott: er, what?17:08
girffeKroach: var=`gpg -d filename | tail -1` ought to do this17:08
Kroachgirffe, escott: I just thought the whole output will get assigned to the variable17:09
Malimbarthe difference is that it's already cleaned of syntax, and hopefully of at least some of the broken packages17:09
TwinSwordsnope doesn't work on any of my players17:09
roastedescott: come to think of it, can't I add an entry in sudoers allowing me to pass that command without root?17:09
escottroasted, sudo chmod +s `which shutdown`17:09
girffethis should work, since we saw earlier that tail -1 printed only the correct line to the file17:09
MalimbarI'm out of ideas17:09
roastedescott: perhaps this - http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_allow_non-super_users_to_shutdown_computer_in_Linux17:09
escottroasted, or that17:09
MalimbarRustyblade, you didn't change your sources or anything by chance?17:09
Rustybladereally already?17:09
girffeit seems that gpg is just using some sort of black magic to put their text to the terminal17:10
RustybladeI dont think so..17:10
TwinSwordsRight now it can't even find the ppa at all.  Tells me it find fetch them.  And looking into the source.list file it doesn't even have the repository for ppa.17:10
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Kroachgirrfe: yes, it does work correctly in the script, I should've tried doing this in the beginning17:10
escottRustyblade, are you running any ppas17:10
RustybladeHere is my sources list17:11
Kroachgirffe, escott: thanks for the help17:11
girffeKroach: I don't blame you, gpg output redirection doesn't seem to be the most intuitive thing in the world17:11
* Malimbar shrugs17:12
RustybladeI am screwed aren't I?17:13
duryhi there all17:13
MalimbarRustyblade, it's not htat you're screwed, it's that the answer is "meh, I dunno"17:13
duryhow can I install linux in a laptop that runs windows 817:13
socommdury: don't17:14
escottdury, don't see why not17:14
MalimbarRustyblade, it's like this: http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/09/16/comic-the-difference-between-android-and-iphone-this-pretty-much-sums-it-up/17:14
duryis it hard?17:14
escottdury, if you have secure boot enabled it would be easier to disable it. if you have efi that can be a pain17:14
socommdury why don't you try linux inside virtualbox before you try to do it on a physical machine17:14
RustybladeLol XD17:15
durywin stinks17:15
socommdury: https://www.virtualbox.org/17:15
durynot in virtual17:15
socommdury: linux desktop stinks even more17:15
rlsj99Anyone here who runs a LAN with Network Manager on Ubuntu 12.04?17:16
duryI prefer real17:16
socommdury: good luck17:16
durygessss what a supporter17:16
RustybladeMax401, helped me with it before17:16
TwinSwordssocomm: If you tried WIns 8 then you wouldn't be saying that about Linux17:16
RustybladeBut I had to reinstall Ubuntu and now it doesn't work17:16
socommTwinSwords: I have, and I have used linux desktop exclusively voer over 12 years also17:17
socommshouldn't say linux desktop, OSS desktop17:17
TwinSwordsah OK17:18
TwinSwordsBut does anyone know why Linux can't seem to fetch ppa from the website?17:18
TwinSwordsWhenever I do an update it just fails at that step.17:19
duryhow do I know if secure boot it's enabled or disabled?17:19
escottTwinSwords, is the ppa down?17:19
socommTwinSwords: ppa server is down? dns issue? could be anything17:19
TwinSwordsproblem is from what I can fine its not even there17:19
escottdury, check in the bios. unfortunately thats the best we can say... its somewhere in the bios17:19
socommdury: how old is your laptop?17:20
duryescott: right, thanks17:20
wildwindTwinSwords: maybe it's as simple as that ppa is down?17:20
TwinSwordssocomm: The problem with it being down is that it would have been a week now.17:20
TwinSwordssocomm: That could be the problem yes.17:21
socommTwinSwords: maintainers do have lives outside of tech you know17:21
duryin case I bought one with bloody win8.... I want to know how to perform with it that's all17:21
TwinSwordsI understand that17:21
roastedCorrect me if I'm wrong, but the group "admin" on Ubuntu = sudoers, no?17:22
roastedbecause it's telling me now that the group admin doesn't exist.....17:22
llutzroasted: its "sudo" group now17:22
socommroasted: huh17:22
TwinSwordssocomm: The other thing I noticed is that in my /etc/apt/source.list I don't have anything for ppa.17:22
roastedllutz: oh, snazzy17:22
roastedllutz: as of 12.04?17:22
llutzroasted: they changed it in 12.04 iirc17:22
wildwindTwinSwords: so check it with wget or smth17:22
escottroasted, as of 12.10 it becomes sudo (like debian)17:22
socommTwinSwords: I don't usually mess with ppas too much but from what i remember they are kept elsewhere17:23
socommTwinSwords: i could be wrong though17:23
roastedescott: I'm on 12.04, and it seems to have taken it.17:23
TwinSwordsah great17:23
escottroasted, i thought it was 12.10... maybe i just noticed it 6mo later17:23
wildwindTwinSwords: there is /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ also17:23
TwinSwordswildwind: Do you have the url because the one I found is coming up with a 404 error.17:23
escottroasted, i guess i didn't have a fresh install until a month or two ago17:23
roastedescott: I'll be able to confirm that in a minute or two when I get done and booted up. It kept saying admin group does not exist, while the sudo thing worked fine.17:23
llutzroasted: escott 12.04 had sudo too, not sure about 11.1017:23
roastedescott: llutz: yep, 12.04 has it. Works great.17:24
rlsj99Anyone here who runs a LAN with Network Manager on Ubuntu 12.04?  I have a peculiar problem: intermittent to very slow startup when accessing machines on Windows Network.17:24
roastedappreciate the insight!17:24
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=== foxwilson is now known as fox-wilson
TwinSwordswildwind: When I look in there ya I found the ppas.17:24
paul__hey, i have installed ubuntu 12.10 and when i want to restart the service networking, gnome disappears and then there is a message that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode .. my desktop environment is gnome 3.617:24
roastedhowever, my darn "shutdown without root" thing is still failing. <_<17:25
durysocomm: great laptop to run debian on it preferable lenovo brand... would you suggest me one ?17:25
paul__can anyone help me pls?17:25
emxdoes anyone have experience with DVCS-Autosync?17:25
durypaul__: ask17:25
wildwindTwinSwords: so that all ppas give you 404?17:26
socommdury: just about any laptop will run debian nowadays http://www.linux-laptop.net/17:26
Phabapaul_, how you ending the daemon?17:26
TwinSwordspaul_: The only time I had that problem I had to reinstall gdm and the gnome-desktop-environment17:26
mojtabamDo you know any place which have ubuntu tutorials on it?17:26
Phabawhats the daemon's name...etc17:26
TwinSwordsBut that was when I tried to remove all my audio files and then reinstall them.17:26
mojtabamI am interested in cmd17:26
escottroasted, what is your sudoers line for passwordless sudo shutdown?17:26
durysocomm: thanks appreciate it17:26
Phabamojtabam, bourne??17:26
TwinSwordswildwind: Not all of them one in particular though17:26
KScorpmojtabam, chetori?17:26
wildwindrlsj99: what do you mean "startup when accessing machines"?17:26
socommdury: dell sells some plaptops pre-loaded with ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/dell17:27
KScorpkhoobi? komaki az dastam barmiad? mojtabam17:27
wildwindTwinSwords: disable it (comment for ex.) and update17:28
roastedescott: %wheel ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown       with jason a member of wheel.17:28
mojtabammerci, man taze ubuntu nasb kardam, va mikham bebinam ke aya siti hast ke amoozeshe cmd ro betunam bebinam17:28
llutzroasted: you should have stopped immediately following the tutorial you linked before, after reading this line: "... Temporarily change permissions of /etc/sudoers, so you have write permission. "17:28
KScorpterminal dige manzoorete? are ziade17:28
wildwindTwinSwords: then contact devs or google if it has been moved17:29
mojtabamdastet dard nakone17:29
rlsj99wildwind: When a click on "Browse Network" under "Home Folder," it gets to "Windows Network all right but clicking on Windows Network typically responds with something like "no share response" (I'll try it and get the exact words) after about 100 seconds.17:29
TwinSwordswildwind: Already but I'm still working on my Ubuntu so I'm not even sure how to disable that particular search17:30
roastedllutz: I did it in recovery mode17:30
roastedllutz: gott arun, thanks17:30
socommdid you guys know ubuntu ships with spyware?17:30
escottroasted, do you have multiple wheel lines in sudoers17:30
mindbreakerhey, i have installed ubuntu 12.10 and when i want to restart the service networking, gnome disappears and then there is a message that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode .. my desktop environment is gnome 3.617:30
TwinSwordsyep read that on slashdot.com17:30
xangua!ot | socomm17:31
ubottusocomm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:31
escottroasted, see if this is applicable http://askubuntu.com/questions/100051/why-is-sudoers-nopasswd-option-not-working17:31
wildwindTwinSwords: comment the line with ppa, insert # in the beginning17:31
socommcan anyone help me with this error? start: Unknown job: vboxautostart-service17:33
socommI'm able to 'service vboxautostart-service start' just fine17:33
EmmEightwhat linux distro closely resembles windows 817:34
socommEmmEight: freebsd17:34
wildwindEmmEight: no one yet17:35
socommI've got the service enabled for run-level 2-3-4-517:35
socommvboxautostart-service     0:off  1:off  2:on   3:on   4:on   5:on   6:off17:35
wildwindEmmEight: but modders are working hard :)17:35
socommbut the service does not run at all at boot, I'm guessing because of the same error17:35
MrokiiHello. After a crash I am unable to boot into Unity anymore from an SSD. I am always thrown back at the login screen. Is there something I can do about it? Or should I re-install Ubuntu?17:35
llutz!runlevel |so17:35
ubottuso: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:35
llutz^ socomm17:35
socommllutz: doesn't solve my issue17:36
rlsj99wildwind: "Failed to retrieve share list from server"  But that isn't logical.  I just installed Ubuntu yesterday, before that was running Windows Vista on this same hardware, no network problem.17:36
socommwildwind: wasted effort, even windows users don't like the interface17:36
socommrlsj99: could it be a driver isisue?17:36
rlsj99wildwind: And sometimes it works if I keep trying.17:36
wildwindsocomm: RMS is exaggerating the threat (as often) but yes, it's a kind of survey[lance]17:37
rlsj99socomm: This is a _wired_ network, not wifi.17:37
socommrlsj99: could it be a driver issue?17:37
wildwindsocomm: every $THING has its fans17:37
socommrlsj99: you can always work yourself up the OSI model17:38
socommwildwind: sure even nazis have fanatics now adays17:38
rlsj99socomm: I suppose it could, actually.  I never heard of intermittent software, but that is an idea worth checking.  No doubt checking it will be VERY educational!17:39
socommrlsj99: ok could be software issue, could be hardware issue, could be both17:39
socommrlsj99: check your connections, check your wire, check your nic17:39
wildwindrlsj99: it's logical, Ubuntu can't authenticate on server even to get share list. That Vista was in domain, no?17:40
socommrlsj99: driver could be an issue, especially if got some exotic or new chipset17:40
rlsj99Anybody: Please recommend a way to get all these "entered the room" and "Left the room" messages out of my display.17:40
socommrlsj99: could be a firewall issue17:40
socommrlsj99: client specific17:40
rlsj99wildwind: All the same domain, nothing changed except new Ubuntu.  The domain name is "Localan," admittedly not very original, but after all it's local.17:41
llutzyou are able to "service vboxautostart-service start" just fine, because that does nothing17:41
socommrlsj99: and like wildwind mentioned, could also be an authentication issue17:41
socommllutz: yeah? does nothing but spawn my vms ....17:42
rlsj99socomm: Not a firewall issue unless it's in the Ubuntu defaults.17:42
rlsj99Nothing on Localan uses passwords.17:42
socommrlsj99: ubuntu might be scanning the 'workgroup' domain which I think is the default 'domain' for windows shares17:43
socommrlsj99: you can try using smbclient manually to connect to your share and see if there are any problems17:43
wildwindsocomm: this kind of surveillance is inevitable in a new "software ecosystem" paradigm. look at apple, android, win phone etc. markets can't develop (and push the tech forward) without knowing it's customers17:43
rlsj99socomm: Good possibility!  But how do I change it to "Localan?"  Note that sometimes it works.17:44
socommrlsj99: google, don't know off top of my head, sorry17:44
socommwildwind: guess it can be rationalized many ways, but rather stay off ubuntu desktop 'til its gets sorted out17:45
rlsj99wildwind: and socomm: Thanks, gentlemen.  You've given me a couple of ideas.17:45
larry_hi how do i fix this   larry@larry-O-E-M:~$ photoprint17:46
larry_photoprint: error while loading shared libraries: libgutenprint.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:46
socommlarry_: paste that error into google17:46
llutzlarry_: sudo apt-get install libgutenprint217:46
wildwindrlsj99: by 'domain' I mean real Windows Domain (AD). It can be configured so no alien machine can access anything within domain. Is it home or office network?17:47
TwinSwordsDoes anyone have good reasons to upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 or 11.10?17:48
=== Youri is now known as YBook
IdleOne11.10 is no longer supported, so no.17:48
IdleOneerr sorry 11.04 that is17:49
socommTwinSwords: bug/security fixes17:49
socommTwinSwords: performance enhancements17:49
llutz10.04/11.10 will be EOL 4/13, so nothing to win17:49
larry_llutz,  it is installed, but in 12.04  somewhere that photoprint cant find it17:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
wildwindsocomm: these online searches are easily disabled in privacy settings. I've done it it right after install :)17:50
yeatsTwinSwords: you'd probably want to upgrade to 12.04, but note that you will have entered the realm of unity17:50
llutzlarry_: ldd $(which photoprint)          pastebin that please17:50
TwinSwordsOK but I'm not feeling any good coming from 12.04 right now17:50
TwinSwordsI'm fine with Gnome.17:50
yeatsTwinSwords: 12.04 is very stable and good (IMHO), but unity is a big shift17:50
socommwildwind: I dropped ubuntu desktop at 12.x, thank you very much mr unity17:50
larry_the one in the ubuntu software centre, i cant tell you more because it wont run17:50
yeatsTwinSwords: some move to Xubuntu if they prefer GNOME17:51
llutzlarry_: "ldd $(which photoprint)"          pastebin that please, that is a command on terminal17:51
socommTwinSwords: check out linux mint17:52
wildwindsocomm: :) i'm still in process of trying to adapt to it.17:52
TwinSwordsI don't know how to use these tags.17:53
socommwildwind: linux mint+fluxbox im a happy camper for now17:53
IdleOnesocomm, wildwind if you two want to chit chat please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or in private. This channel is for support.17:53
wildwindIdleOne: OK17:53
TwinSwordssocomm: Ya I hear some good things about Mint before but I have only worked with Ubuntu and CentOS17:53
IdleOneThank you17:53
socommTwinSwords: its pretty much ubuntu + non-free packages17:54
IdleOneit is also off topic for this channel.17:54
socommIdleOne: are you mod?17:54
IdleOnesocomm: if I wasn't would it make a difference?17:55
larry_llutz,  No command 'Ldd' found, did you mean:17:55
larry_ Command 'ldd' from package 'libc-bin' (main)17:55
larry_ Command 'dd' from package 'coreutils' (main)17:55
socommIdleOne: asking17:55
IdleOneThe channel guidelines apply either way.17:55
yeatslarry_: 'ldd' needs to be all lowercase (like all commands)17:55
llutzlarry_: "ldd $(which photoprint)"         without the quotes, case matters17:55
socommlarry_: case sensitive17:55
TwinSwordsIdleOne: sorry about that I'm just having trouble with a sound card that doesn't like my Ubuntu.17:55
t432echo $JAVA_HOME is pointing to the wrong package, where do i edit this?17:55
escottt432, update-alternatives17:56
t432escott: i tried that17:56
escottt432, if not there /etc/profile17:56
larry_llutz, larry@larry-O-E-M:~$ ldd $ (which photoprint)17:57
larry_bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('17:57
socommlarry_: spaces .... $(which photoprint)17:57
larry_ok, but thi thing is apig to use, wont cut and paste from xchat17:58
escottlarry_, pl eas e don' t a dd s pac es17:58
socommlarry_: pastebin17:58
socommlarry_: http://pastebin.com/17:58
larry_there is pages of the response17:58
socommlarry_: pastebin ....17:59
llutz!pastebinit | larry_17:59
ubottularry_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:59
wildwindlarry_: OR sudo sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:59
=== Chex_ is now known as Chex
Rob1337Hey, so, I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10 on a Gateway NV53a and when connected via wireless, my internet speeds are about 10% of what they should be or less. Speeds are normally 20mb/s in Win 7 or previous versions of Ubuntu, but 0.2-2mb/s and very unstable with 12.10. My wireless card is an Atheros  AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter.18:00
Rob1337How do I fix this?18:00
=== SortiE_ is now known as SortiE
larry_is this ok?  http://pastebin.com/Uzmfz1N818:01
socommcan anyone help me with this error? start: Unknown job: vboxautostart-service18:01
Rob1337Someone gave me a terminal command the other day that seemed to work temporarily, but things are back to the way they were now.18:01
g0tchaheya guys, is it possible for ubuntu server to have 2 gateways?18:01
llutzlarry_: "uname -m"18:01
socommlarry_: how did you install this photoprint program18:01
escottg0tcha, not without bonding18:02
larry_downloaded it from ubuntu software manager18:02
escottg0tcha, at least as far as i know18:02
bampersandhey guys. I tried `fdupes -fr . | xargs mv -t ~/duplicates/18:02
bampersand` but then it said "mv: cannot stat `Pack/04.Teach': No such file or directory18:02
bampersand" .. obviously i'm missing some quotes from the command but where?18:02
larry_socomm,  downloaded it from ubuntu software manager18:02
llutzlarry_: "uname -m"18:03
larry_you might just as well be talking to me in chinese llutz ,,18:03
llutzlarry_: a command, what is the output?18:03
socommlarry_: s/he is asking you to paste that into your terminal18:03
socommlarry_: and give him/her the output18:03
wildwindsocomm: where is it?18:04
socommwildwind: huh?18:04
socommwildwind: huh?18:04
wildwindsocomm: >>(23:01:19) socomm: can anyone help me with this error? start: Unknown job: vboxautostart-service18:05
t432escott: I dont see the $JAVA_HOME variable in /etc/profile18:05
socommstart vboxautostart-service - returns said error18:05
t432where is this defined?18:05
Rob1337Does anyone know how to get Ubuntu 12.10 to work correctly with  AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter?18:05
larry_llutz,  socomm   i68618:05
wildwindt432: .bashrc maybe?18:05
llutzlarry_: command: "dpkg -L libgutenprint2|grep .so.2"18:05
socommt432: /etc/environment?18:06
t432wildwind: thats where I have defined the desired version but when I do echo $JAVA_HOME, it points to a different version18:06
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
escottt432, did you try grep -r JAVA_HOME /etc18:06
socommwildwind: start vboxautostart-service - returns said error18:07
llutzsocomm: "start" is an upstart command, but your "vboxautostart-service" is a sysvinit job, not known by upstart18:07
socommllutz: thats what I've gathered so far, how do I start this service at boot18:07
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larry_llutz,  nothing seems to happen18:09
larry_just comes bck to command line18:09
llutzlarry_: "sudo apt-get install libgutenprint2"18:09
t432escott: yep, no relevant files found18:10
llutzsocomm: so why do you ask A if you want to know B?  if you set the sysmlink to the old /etc/rc?.d, there is an upstart-job running those. check if your links are correct18:10
b1llyhey so18:10
b1llywhere do I install node?18:11
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larry_llutz,  they are already installed, lates version18:12
wildwindsocomm: VB version?18:12
llutzlarry_: pstebin output of command: "dpkg -L libgutenprint2"18:12
socommllutz: I've already checked those, and they are fine18:13
puppy_paradeubuntu server is failing to install. It errors out on dpkg18:13
larry_llutz,   trouble is photoprint is hard coded to look in usr/lib for thsi file and 12.04 puts it somewhere else18:13
llutzlarry_: pstebin output of command: "dpkg -L libgutenprint2"18:13
socommwildwind: 4.2.4, but I doubt it has to do anything with vbox18:13
llutzlarry_: if so, you have to file a bug-report18:13
socommpuppy_parade: error?18:14
puppy_paradefirst about a bad key in the dpkg multiarch file "foreign-architecture". then about an unknown group, mlocate18:14
escottlarry_, then symlink from the desired location to the actual location18:14
larry_it is a well known problem  i hoped someone had by now got a work around for it18:14
socommpuppy_parade: could you have bad copy/burn of the iso18:14
puppy_paradethe md5 checks out, and this is multiple burns18:14
llutzlarry_: "dpkg -L libgutenprint2" pastebin please18:15
larry_just google photoprint for ubuntu18:15
llutzi'm out18:15
wildwindsocomm: check this out if everything described there is in place: http://lifeofageekadmin.com/how-to-set-your-virtualbox-vm-to-automatically-startup/18:15
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Guest9697
Guest9697hi all18:16
larry_package pastebin not installed18:16
socommwildwind: yeah18:16
DOOMATEShi Guest969718:16
larry_llutz,  package pastebin not installed18:16
Robertitohi ppl18:16
bekkslarry_: The package is named pastebinit18:17
socommlarry_: if you got the correct libraries installed, and I'm guessing you do18:17
MaynardWatersanyone with mdadm experience interested in helping me ?18:17
bekksMaynardWaters: Not without knowing your actual support problem. :)18:17
socommlarry_: I would look at just creating a symlink to the installed 'so' file to the file your program is expecting18:17
socommlarry_: this has worked for me 8 times out of 1018:17
larry_Package `pastebinit' is not installed.18:18
larry_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files18:18
socommlarry_: thats probably what I would have tried before spending 20 minutes pasting random commands into the terminal18:18
bekkslarry_: Then install it.18:18
llutzsocomm: but he still refuses to give the dpkg output so that one can give him the correct "ln-command"...18:18
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socommllutz: his problem18:18
Guest9697i have recently purchased a motherboard(ga-p75-d3p ) which have uefi....i have installed ubuntu 12.10 on this successfully but it can not boot for some reason. I have two SATA HDD(500gb and 1 tb).    any help?)18:18
larry_i can't find the file on my syatem. i have it on a memory stick18:19
bekkslarry_: Which file?18:19
socommwildwind: thanks for the help, I'm just gonna find a work around for this problem, don't feel like spending more time on it to make it work within upstart18:19
larry_bekks,  the file is installed, but somewhere different to where photo print is hard coded to look for it18:19
Guest9697i have recently purchased a motherboard(ga-p75-d3p ) which have uefi....i have installed ubuntu 12.10 on this successfully but it can not boot for some reason. I have two SATA HDD(500gb and 1 tb).    any help?)18:19
socommlarry_: huh?18:20
bekkslarry_: WHICH file...?18:20
bekkslarry_: And why dont you install pastebinit?18:20
wildwindsocomm: OK18:20
bekkslarry_: "gutenprint" is a package, not a single file.18:20
escottGuest9697, efi is a pain. are you booting efi or bios?18:20
SquarepyGuest9697, I would try a live usb and then boot-repair in efi mode18:20
Guest9697i think efi....how to change that?18:20
Squarepyworked for me18:21
Guest9697<Squarepy> how to do that?18:21
larry_bekks the single file it wants is libgutenprint.so.218:21
larry_which i have18:21
Guest9697escott:i think efi....how to change that?18:21
bekkslarry_: Why dont you install pastebinit?18:21
escottGuest9697, usually in the bios18:22
Guest9697<Squarepy> how to do that?18:22
escottGuest9697, one common problem is to boot the hard drives bios, but the usb sticks efi18:22
Squarepywell install boot-repair within the live usb OS then let it reinstall grub on the right HD, EFI mode enabled18:22
larry_this is first time i heard of it. just wanted a simple system that could print18:22
llutzlarry_: output of command "locate libgutenprint.so.2" is?18:22
bekkslarry_: And you were asked to pastebin some output. Why dont you install pastebinit then, to do so?18:22
=== MechanisM is now known as Guest77324
Guest9697usb booting is ok(i'm in that roight now) ....but after installing the system cant load18:23
Guest9697escott:usb booting is ok(i'm in that roight now) ....but after installing the system cant load18:23
escottGuest9697, i get that the usb boots, but it is a efi usb boot or a bios usb boot18:23
larry_because i am on dialup, and things are not so easy18:23
escottGuest9697, the efi system can emulate a bios boot and may do different things for different boot devices18:23
Guest9697escott:   how to check that?18:24
bekkslarry_: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" IS easy, and it is a small package.18:24
escottGuest9697, which confuses the installer which doesn't realize that an installed system boots differently from the way the installer booted18:24
larry_i put it onpaste bin for you it is here as i said before http://pastebin.com/Uzmfz1N818:25
llutzlarry_: its not18:25
llutzlarry_: output of command "locate libgutenprint.so.2" is?18:25
Guest9697escott: and i have twd hdd......is it cresating the problem?18:26
llutzlarry_: please stop waisting our time, if you want help please do what you're told to do and give the information we need18:26
escottGuest9697, maybe. did you enable any intel raid?18:26
Guest9697escott: NOPE18:26
larry_llutz,  there is no output for that command18:27
escottlarry_, run "updatedb" then try it again18:27
llutzlarry_: sudo updatedb, then again please18:27
larry_but it taked a lot of time to work my way from screen to screen on this18:27
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larry_response is updatedb: can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'18:28
escottlarry_, i left out the "sudo" needs to be "sudo updatedb"18:28
scott_wyo, does anyone have any experience with the apple magic mouse + ubuntu?18:29
scott_wi'm assuming i'd need a bluetooth adapter for it18:29
larry_still does nothing from the locate command18:30
llutzlarry_: maybe this works  "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.3 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.2"  then try running photoprint again18:30
wildwindlarry_: show apt-cache policy libgutenprint218:30
llutzlibgutenprint2 comes with /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.3  now, not .218:31
scott_wbasically, i'm thinking of getting my mum one, but i'd like to know if it works before splashing the cash18:31
larry_that wont help the filee libgutenprint is NOT in the usr/lib directory18:31
wildwindllutz: oh sorry18:31
llutzwildwind: i just realized that looking at ubuntus packagelist18:31
larry_which is why I asked on Monday how to copy a file into the lib directory18:31
llutzlarry_: where did you get the file from?18:32
larry_my 10.1 system18:32
wildwindllutz: but wait on quantal photoprint depends on libgutenprint218:33
llutzwildwind: seems to be a bug in photoprint18:33
larry_my belief was if i could copythe file into the usr/lib directory it might work18:33
bekkslarry_: And currently you are on 12.04?18:34
larry_yes it is, photoprint is hard coded to look for the file in the one place18:34
llutzlarry_: try it: sudo /media/whereveryourusbis/libgutenprint.so.2   /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/"18:34
sudiptaescott:hi ......the usb is booting in uefi mode...just checked18:34
llutzlarry_: its not, its looking for the WRONG file18:34
larry_i am building anew machine with winxp and ubuntu. i chose toinstall 12.04 and i think that was amistake18:34
escottsudipta, how about the hard drives?18:35
bekksXP was the mistake, thats not supported anymore ;)18:35
sudiptaescott, did not checked18:35
llutzphotoprint depends on libgutenprint2 (>= 5.2.7) but wants libgutenprint.so.2  which is not part of that package18:36
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larry_i can't find the libgutenprint.so.2/3 on the 12.04 machine, neither can locate18:36
sudiptaescott: do u think booting from dvd will help?18:37
llutzlarry_: try it: "sudo cp /media/whereveryourusbis/libgutenprint.so.2   /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/"18:37
larry_literally type in wherever yourusbis ???18:38
llutzlarry_: you need to mount your usb with that file before and replace the /media/... path18:38
wildwindllutz, larry_: on my (almost) clean 12.10 photoprint installed and started OK, requiring only /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.218:38
llutzwildwind: dpkg -S  /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.218:38
wildwindllutz: libgutenprint2: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.218:39
sudiptaescott: do u think booting from dvd will help?18:39
llutzwildwind: odd, why isn't it in the file list of the package, is it just a symlink?18:39
larry_llutz,  this is going to take me a while to type18:39
escottsudipta, without knowing the actual cause its hard to say18:39
wildwindor when it tries to load lib, maybe when actually printing?18:40
sudiptaescott, wait thene be back after a reboot18:40
larry_wildwind,  I know what it wants, I dont know how to give that18:40
wildwindlarry_: when your photoprint fails, on start?18:41
larry_the worst thing is i cant have both screens up atthe same time so i can copy18:41
larry_it wont run, error is it cant find gutenprint18:41
llutzwildwind: ls -l /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.218:42
wildwindllutz:  /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.2 -> libgutenprint.so.2.1.018:43
sheikhmakhey guys, I have this laptop that I sort of use like a server with GUI, But I'm fed up of unity, it is abysmally slow. any quick and dirty ui. I'm even using unity 2d btw with compiz off18:43
auronandace!lubuntu | sheikhmak18:43
ubottusheikhmak: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:43
llutzwildwind: ah, they changed it back to so.2 in quantal, so more a libgutenprint-gub18:43
wildwindlarry_: try apt-get purge photoprint libgutenprint2, then apt-get install photoprint18:44
llutz http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/precise/i386/libgutenprint2/filelist18:44
Sivikwhat is the best way to convert a video from mkv to avi?  the ways I have been trying either speed the fps up or kill the arudio18:46
sheikhmakauronandace thx18:47
wildwindSivik: try HandBrake18:48
Sivikwildwind, i will if this ffmpeg doesn't work.18:48
larry_llutz, wildwind  response was cp: cannot stat `/media/IF58-70D4/libgutenprint.so.2': No such file or directory18:48
larry_will try letter O18:48
wildwindlarry_: try apt-get purge photoprint libgutenprint2, then apt-get install photoprint18:48
myheroi want to report  bug....how to do it ?18:49
llutzwildwind: that won't help if photoprint really wants libgutenprint.so.2", which is not part of libgutenprint2 in precise  http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/precise/i386/libgutenprint2/filelist18:49
jrib!bug | myhero18:50
ubottumyhero: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:50
wildwindlarry_: are you on precise?18:50
larry_yes 12.04  and it is a mess18:50
myherojrib: 12.10 ubuntu live usb is not booting at all on HP Pavilion g6 series laptop.....however same usb is working fine on other dell laptop !18:51
llutzlarry_:  "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.3 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.2"  then try running photoprint again18:52
ReAzemMy samba passwords don't sync with the unix ones... What could be causing this? I have the option enabled in smb.conf18:52
larry_there is no i386 file in usr/lib18:53
babakanybody here?18:53
babakquestion about pptp18:54
wildwindllutz, larry_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/photoprint/+bug/97141518:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260849 in photoprint (Ubuntu Intrepid) "duplicate for #971415 photoprint is missing libgutenprint.so.2" [High,Confirmed]18:54
llutzlarry_: "ls -l /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.3"18:54
babakhelp! F1 F118:54
myherojrib: is that a bug ? at all ?18:54
llutzwildwind: thats amd64 but seem to apply to i386 too18:54
Rob1337I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10, and when using wireless my internet is much slower and less stable than it should be. around 1mb/s rather than the 20mb/s i normally get. My wireless card is a Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter. How do I fix this?18:54
larry_thanks, i have found the file18:55
DJonesbabak: You haven't asked your question yet, so people don't know if they can help18:55
=== Youri is now known as YBook
DJones!ask | babak18:55
ubottubabak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:55
danleyRob1337, did you check your signal levels? sometimes 5GHz make problems for me because the signal goes a lot worse through walls and stuff.18:55
myherojrib: and when 12.10 installed on system.....wifi is still not working with broadcom wifi card18:55
larry_this will take me some time to type.. but now you have found the file hopefully it eill work soon as i rename it18:56
Rob1337How do I check signal levels?18:56
babakMPPE required but not available" thats my problem i can't connect to pptp server with encryption and mschap218:56
myherojrib: there was probelms with broadcom cards before also....18:56
llutzlarry_: you don't rename it, create a symlink!18:56
babakI use ubuntu 12.04 lts and it is updatet!18:56
danleyRob1337, the easiest way I'm aware is to type "iwconfig" in the command lien18:56
wildwindlarry_: reason to upgrade, if we forget about your dialup for a second :)18:57
escottllutz, patience of a saint18:57
babakuname -a==>3.2.0-34-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 15 10:48:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:57
Rob1337danley: "Frequency:2.437 GHz"18:57
danleyand signal level?18:57
jribmyhero: sorry, I can't help right now18:57
myherojrib: np18:58
Rob1337danley:  Signal level=-55 dBm18:58
danleyhmm, that should be fine.18:58
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Rob1337My computer is dual-booted, and internet works fine in windows 7. whatever it is, it's related to ubuntu.18:59
danleyI assume you don't get lots of missed beacons, invalid packets and stuff18:59
myheroanyone with help n ftp ? i installed vsftpd and can dwnload files from it to mobile over wifi but cant upload files to daemon ? and its fast then openssh-server tranfer speeds....is ftp faster than ssh ?18:59
danleyRob1337, have you tried this: http://pleph.appspot.com/init/posts/view/2657865 ?19:00
Rob1337danley: here's a pastebin of iwconfig http://pastebin.com/6Vpe4dzg and I will check out that now19:00
escottmyhero, it doesnt encrypt which might slow down a weakly powered device like a phone19:00
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wildwindmyhero: any errors on upload?19:01
myheroescott: hmm...ok....but y i m not able to upload to ftp ? when download is quick19:01
myherowildwind: yes.....downloading is fine on ftp but uploading isn't happening at all....anything with settings in vsftpd.conf ?19:02
NoskcajERMAGERD Floodbot 2 is gone19:03
myheroescott: what if i don't excrypt over ssh ? is that allowed ?19:03
wildwindmyhero: what client in your phone says when you try to uload?19:03
larry_llutz,  i typed this in as you asked  sudo ln -s usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.3 usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.219:04
escottmyhero, its rather non-standard and also weakens your ssh server (because they share the same set of protocols)19:04
Rob1337K, danley, I will reboot and see how things are19:04
wildwindmyhero: also check logs on server19:04
babakکسی اینجا هست کمک کنه!19:04
larry_llutz,  and got this ln: failed to create symbolic link `usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint.so.2': No such file or directory19:04
myherowildwind: 1min....i'll upload again and return with error msg...btw its file expert app on android 2.3.6 gingerbread19:04
escottlarry_, you need a "/" in front of "usr/lib...19:04
larry_thanks escott19:05
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myherowildwind: how to check logs and 1 more problem.....i typed ftp in terminal and there was ftp> then i tried to mkdir ~/Desktop/something but it said permission denied....y ?19:05
bobo37773Possible to pipe rtmpdump to smplayer instead of mplayer??19:06
wildwindlarry_: see last comment here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/photoprint/+bug/260849 and double-check19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260849 in photoprint (Ubuntu Intrepid) "photoprint is missing libgutenprint.so.2" [High,Confirmed]19:06
larry_IT works  :)19:06
wildwindmyhero: ftp doesn't know ~19:07
babakI am using ubutnu 12.04 and I have problem with PPTP VPN19:07
larry_wildwind,  i found that a week ago, but it did not help19:07
bekksmyhero: "ftp" starts a ftp shell.19:07
Rob1337danley, I did as instructed in the link you sent, wireless connection is still slow19:08
Siviki'm not seeing an option in handbrake to convert to avi19:08
Sivikmkv or mp4 are my only options19:08
myherowildwind: i also tried ftp> mkdir /home/user/Desktop/dir again permission denied bekks19:08
babakMPPE required, but MS-CHAP[v2] auth not performed. ===> what is the problem?!19:08
wildwindmyhero: connect to your ftp server from laptop or from server itself and try to upload19:08
danleyRob1337, you even did the modprobe part?19:08
bekksmyhero: Thats not how mkdir works in ftp.19:09
wildwindmyhero: do it with default file manager19:09
babakpppd version 2.4.519:09
myherobekks: what am i doing wrong ? and whats the orrect way ?19:09
danleyafter the restart, that is Rob133719:09
llutzlarry_: you missed the leading /19:09
babakfilename:       /lib/modules/3.2.0-34-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_mppe.ko19:09
babakversion:        1.0.219:09
babakalias:          ppp-compress-1819:09
babaklicense:        Dual BSD/GPL19:09
babakdescription:    Point-to-Point Protocol Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption support19:09
babakauthor:         Frank Cusack <fcusack@fcusack.com>19:09
babaksrcversion:     6A5CE8D947D7C37F9EBE4B719:09
larry_thanks llutz19:09
babakintree:         Y19:09
babakvermagic:       3.2.0-34-generic SMP mod_unload modversions19:09
FloodBot1babak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
bekksmyhero: create the directory using your file manager.19:10
Rob1337oh, it said "reboot or run these commands" for the last for commands there, so I just rebooted. Should I run those 4 commands now?19:10
myherobekks: but mkdir ommand is also given in ftp....so how to use it ?19:10
larry_llutz,  it would help alot if i could cut and paste from one application to another19:10
danleyyou can try. if that doesn't help I'm not sure what causes the problem.19:10
larry_but xchat wont allow it19:10
llutzlarry_: well, xchat does that fine here19:11
larry_so i have  type it all in, and change screens between each  app19:11
escottlarry_, there are two cut buffers in linux. highlighting is sufficient to get something in the first buffer19:11
myherobekks: also i learned ftp and ssh but what about ftps ? same method or anything different and plz name any daemon for ftps19:11
Rob1337danley, do i need to reboot now?19:11
escottlarry_, you can then paste with either middle click or for some applications a standard paste operations19:11
myherowildwind: ^^19:12
danleyafter those 4 commands? no19:12
escottmyhero, ftps is going to be just as slow as sftp19:12
Rob1337k. i'll disconnect lan cable and try a speedtest again then.19:12
wildwindlarry_: ls -la /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgutenprint*19:12
myheroescott: ftp is fast but sftp is very slow19:12
danleyRob1337, the network card tiself sets the speed to 1mbps, so it thinks the connection can't handle more19:12
llutzmyhero: ftps is ftp over ssl, i.e vsftpd can be used as server19:12
larry_thanks for that tip escott  never knew it and it is not intuitive as i have never used the middle button before19:13
escottmyhero, yes.. because of the encryption and the slow processor in your phone19:13
dante123hi all, ran updates yesterday and now cannot login to default unity.....login loop....only using gnome classic or another window manager will get me into gui...otherwise I get kicked back out to login screen HELP19:13
myherollutz: how to configure vsftpd for ssl ?19:13
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dante123I think it is a graphics issue....any suggestions?19:13
tux-worldafter create live from ubuntu i getting this error and live could not up in VmWare : http://upcity.ir/images/87450719236957894657.png19:14
Rob1337danny, lol, it's like it half worked. i got 7mb/s, which is better than the 1 or 2 mb/s i have been getting, but not near the 20 mb/s i should be getting19:14
larry_did that wildwind19:14
escottmyhero, you are driving me crazy. why would you ask about ftps when your complaint is slow transfers19:14
roastedStill unable to shut down without needing root :(19:14
larry_but have aleady tested photoprint and it now runs19:14
myheroescott: i want to learn :)19:14
llutzmyhero: http://beginlinux.com/server_training/ftp-server/990-secure-ftp-with-ssl-and-ubuntu-80419:14
llutzmyhero: should be still the same even it the howto is old19:15
danleyat least something. some say you can use mad-wifi to increase the speed on atheros cards, but I don't own one so never tried it19:15
wildwindmyhero: do you really need it? it will encrypt, by the same phone cpu19:15
dante123if I start say Google chrome or Steam client for linux....get kicked back out to login screen19:15
danleyso http://madwifi-project.org/ is the last thing I can suggest19:15
danleyother than that I'm clueless as well19:15
Rob1337danley, tested again, something like 0.15 mb/s... -_-19:15
wildwindlarry_: show19:16
myherowildwind: i wanted to tranfer some file yesterday so i did it for the 1st time in my life...sftp ssh etc it was pain in start but its not then a minute now....so i wanna learn all variants :) but nothing serious work now maybe something in future19:16
roastedI don't understand. I have "jason ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown" in my sudoers file, yet Jason still cannot power the system off without being root. Is this line incorrect??19:16
Sivikwildwind, handbrake no longer supports avi19:16
wildwindmyhero: then read guides and experiment19:17
danleymaybe state your problem again here and someone else will pick it up, Rob1337. I don't know anything else...19:17
myherowildwind: yea...just guide me to easy understandable good guides :019:17
plk_i'm trying to install backtrack based on ubuntu 10.04, but it freezes when it says "Checking battery state [OK]"19:17
myherollutz: thnx19:17
llutz!backtrack | plk_19:18
ubottuplk_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:18
wildwindSivik: oh, didn't know that19:18
lurk1hey all, I have 4 desktops, but want to have 9. What can I do? I din't find anything in the system settings19:18
phoboszHello, I develop with c++ under ubuntu/linux mint with codeblocks and latetly I have been trying to import projects from visual studio 2012.. sadly it's a pain in the ass, importing whole projects isn't working and copy&paste the files is also a pain because the compiler under codeblocks has always something to nag about! Is there a better IDE for c++ for linux that can handle this better?19:18
dante123hi all, ran updates yesterday and now cannot login to default unity.....login loop....only using gnome classic or another window manager will get me into gui...otherwise I get kicked back out to login screen HELP19:18
dante123some apps will also kick me back to login screen.  Any suggestions?19:19
emxis wuala available on 12.10?19:19
myherohow to connect 2 comps. or 2 devices with router and transfer files both ways ?19:19
Rob1337Ok. If there's anyone else around who can help: When in windows 7, or connected with a LAN cable in Ubuntu 12.10, my internet speeds are about 20mb/s. when connected via wireless in 12.10 though, speeds are unstable and average around 1 or 2 mb/s. My laptop in a Gateway NV53a and the wireless card is an Atheros AR9287.19:19
wildwindSivik: then ffmpeg or mencoder or avidemux (GUI). It's all using ffmpeg lib19:19
wildwindlurk1: quantal?19:20
lurk1wildwind: what does this mean? i have ubuntu 12.1019:20
emxRob1337, how far are you from your access point?19:20
wildwindlurk1: It is Quantal Quetzal19:21
Rob1337Not sure exactly, I live in a basement apartment and the landlord upstairs provides the internet. I get the full 20 mb/s with wireless in windows 7 though, so I'm pretty sure the problem is with Ubuntu, not the connection itself.19:21
lurk1wildwind: ok, so what can i do? A shortcut, that should change to dekstop Nr. 5 and up does not work. Where can I add Desktops?19:22
talis62hello everyone!19:22
llutzroasted: did you add that line to the _end_ of the sudoers-file?19:22
lurk1hej talis62!19:23
talis62hey lurk119:23
wildwindlurk1: There are little settings (for simplicity). Install compizconfig-settings-manager but use it with caution.19:23
myherollutz: escott wildwind how to connect 2 laptops using router and transfer files both ways ?19:23
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prashant_123456how to change splash screen in ubuntu 12.0419:24
lurk1ok, thx wildwind! i'll try19:24
escottmyhero, why would the router come into it?19:24
llutzmyhero: samba, nfs, sshfs, sftp, scp, ftp, ftps, netcat, ....19:24
phoboszNoone has an idea for me?19:24
myherollutz: means server/client model ?? or there is any other way ?19:25
Rob1337k, i'm out for now. i'll see if askubuntu or anyone else here has any ideas in a little bit.19:25
myheroescott: i have a wifi router now but previously i had a router with 1 usb and 1 eth port and may times i had big files to transfer found myself helpless in doing so with router :(19:26
myheroescott: ppl ask me and its embarassing when they rely upon me and i have to say NO :(19:26
wildwindmyhero: you can start reading from here http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html19:27
myherowildwind: thnx19:27
emxcan i install a .deb file?19:28
yhwHello YBook19:28
ecartemx yes, you can!19:28
myherohow to print current session ? or save it ?19:29
Viralfrostemx 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb19:29
myherowildwind: escott llutz ^^19:29
u01010I have problem with pptp19:29
lurk1wildwind: thanks, works perfekt!19:29
myherosudo -E -G -i *.deb is what i do19:29
wildwindmyhero: try Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, paste to gedit19:30
myherowildwind: any command ?19:30
Freeaqingmehi. I'm trying to configure dhcp + ddns (through bind9). Problem I have is that a clients hostname is clientname.vlan.example.com, and the dns entry added is clientname.vlan.example.com.example.com , How can I prevent the entire fqdn getting prefixed?19:30
emxViralfrost, thanks19:31
wildwindmyhero: are you in xchat?19:31
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myherowildwind: i generally use irssi but currently i m on webchat in firefox19:32
wildwindwell firefox can print and save19:32
myheroi tried but its only printing page but not text witnin19:32
wildwindmyhero: then >> try Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, paste to gedit19:33
myherothats manual....anyways np19:34
emxViralfrost, is the package installed at a special path or is it integrated in the system like any other package? can i remove it again? do i need the original .deb file for that?19:34
prawnsaladmyhero: which webchat are you using?19:34
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myheroprawnsalad: webchat.freenode.net in firefox19:35
myherowildwind: wifi is not working on any versions of ubuntu......HP Pavilion G6 series laptop with Broadcom wifi card19:36
Viralfrostemx, it should be installed in the regular system information /usr/bin or /usr/sbin i think, not sure about removing it, probably can do it from synaptic?19:36
myherowildwind: i mean i have tested it on 11.10 12.04 12.04.1 and 12.10 but its working fine in win719:37
IdleOne!broadcom | myhero19:38
ubottumyhero: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:38
myheroIdleOne: yea BCM 4313 i think so19:38
IdleOnemyhero: follow that link, it should explain how to proceed19:39
bekks!ir > bekks19:40
ubottubekks, please see my private message19:40
myheroIdleOne: yea...i tried my before...hope it works this time...it will be good for me and if any error then will reutrn with them...19:40
Lawliet9Il y a des français par ici ?19:43
JohnGaltca va19:43
DJones!fr | Lawliet919:43
ubottuLawliet9: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:43
Lawliet9Salut JohnGalt on m'a envoyé un message disant que le canal est en anglais uniquement.19:44
Lawliet9Sa craint !19:44
aaasis there an nfs browser/ commandthat can browse the network  I just want to be able to see what servers have shares using 'nfs://' sort of like how xbmc does it19:44
bekksaaas: No, there isnt.19:45
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aaasbekks any idea how xbmc does it?19:45
bekksaaas: I never used xbmc.19:46
aaasbekks well or natilus or any of the other file managers19:46
bekksaaas: You could try connecting to each server, and analyse trhe RPC messages.19:47
aaasbekks yeah there has to be an easier way... all the file managers have this feature it would be strange to have have a cli way of doing it19:48
bekksaaas: There is no easier way, since NFSdoes not advertise itself.19:48
aaasbekks hmmm... yeah maybe it would take a script, but it must be possible19:49
bekksaaas: Itr is possible, but not with a predefined command.19:49
MacuserDoes Ubuntu come pre-installed with the Java JDK and JRE?19:50
aaasbekks not even with a long one? ;)19:50
bekksaaas: Nope. Only with a self-written script :)19:50
Phabahello guys, im wondering what logging system i can use to try and figure out why i get random lags on ubuntu, generally its smooth but its gets laggy wondering if its a specific library or function call or a specific application or my general env19:52
lorenxhi all. i have a custom kernel running and i've just install the nvidia-current package. but apt-get gives me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/141954119:53
lorenxcan someone give me an hint to investigate please?19:54
escottPhaba, what apps are you using when it starts to lag19:54
wildwindPhaba: video driver is the problem,  most frequently19:54
bekkslorenx: I cant see an error in your paste.19:54
lorenxbekks: lines 37 and 38 ;)19:55
bekkslorenx: Ah. I got it. Minimal headers are not enough.19:55
Phabaescott, nothing in particular perhaps chronium, but could be switching between any 2 programs or browsing folders, anything really. wildwind, what can be done about it?? i have the vendor driver19:55
lorenxbekks: excuse me, could you explin me better please? :)19:55
bekkslorenx: Seems like you do not have a full set of kernel headers.19:55
escottPhaba, next time check the output of "free -m" and see if you are using swap19:55
Phabai am19:56
lorenxbekks: i don't know, i've just compiled my custom kernel...19:56
Phabai have small ram anyway but my swap isnt full19:56
lorenxwhat do i need more19:56
Phaba1gb ram, swap is same19:56
heoyeaMeanEYE: fresh install, humm hope u learn ur lesson lols19:57
Phababut ram is like 90% used, swap is 6019:57
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escottPhaba, when you alt-tab the first application has to be written to disk so the second can be read back to ram. that will introduce a lag. go spend $25 to buy yourself some more ram19:57
Phabaescott, okay makes sense, ty19:58
asidoany danish people here? what does "sikkehed" means? :)19:58
Phabaescott, is there anything that will cause ubuntu to progressively slow down?19:59
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escottPhaba, a memory leak will slowly fill the memory causing more and more time to be spent swapping stuff out20:01
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Phabahow would i find it? i have valgrind20:02
escottPhaba, valgrind program... but I would not attempt that on an underpowered system20:02
lorenxbekks: do i just need to pass kernel_headers too to make-kpkg?20:03
DrGrovEvening. I am running 10.04 and experiencing some strange icon issues with KDE 4.x. It seems like the icons do not change completely in every program even though I am using the default KDE icons pack.20:05
DrGrovI changed the icons various times and tried again but always the same issue. Especially looks strange within LibreOffice, makes it very hard to see anything.20:05
Phabaescott, yeh, no; i wouldnt know where to start with valgrind, ill just use system monitor to close processes with high ram usage. out of curiosity, would i have to valgrind everything in my ps aux output??20:05
Phabato find out if some app / daemon has a memory leak20:05
escottPhaba, running valgrind on everything is going to be a mess20:06
trismlorenx: packages from make-kpkg are a bit strange in that they will create links to the source directory unless it is not present when the kernel is installed, so if you built the image/header packages, installed them and then removed the source directory you might have trouble20:06
escottPhaba, your system has too little ram. just buy some more20:06
trismlorenx: or the problem I often have is that I build the kernel on a separate partition that may not be mounted when nvidia builds the module20:07
Phabaokay, i plan on upgrading to some serious hardware soon but im just curious as how i'd find if i am currently running something with a memory leak, i suppose eventually it'll kill any PC20:07
DrGrovMy second question is that is how do I change the various official repos of 10.04 to some international ones? Seems like the Finnish ones are down and I can not get any updates. Any easy way to keep a good sources list?20:07
yeatsPhaba: you should try using Xubuntu/Lubuntu IMHO20:07
Phabai have lubuntu20:08
yeatsPhaba: oh - you're using lubuntu now?20:08
Phabaand gnome 2d20:08
yeatsPhaba: 1GB should be fine for lubuntu20:08
Phabaright now im on unity but on lubuntu its the same, i think chronium just steals to much ram20:08
escottPhaba, programs under valgrind are substantially slower. painfully slower. its not something you just run a program with20:09
Phabaeither that or i have a memory leak, i rarely re-boot20:09
lorenxtrism: i'm not sure to be able to follow you :D ... i'm just going to try something... thanks ;)20:09
Phabaescott, i was wondering if it were possible to run each program in series not concurrent20:09
Phabaso i could just tick them off 1 by 120:10
MadsRCHi guys! I ran into some wierd permission problem. I've got 2 disks pooled into one directory with aufs in say /mnt/storage. But for some reason I can't create new files in it, unless I'm root... Permissions for /mnt/storage is 770 (rwxrwx---) myuser users20:10
MadsRCCan anyone help me with that?20:10
trismlorenx: oh wait, I know what the problem is, that was 295 nvidia right? (I lost the pastebin)20:10
yeatsPhaba: 1) open a terminal and type 'top' 2) open each program you normally use in turn and check top for memory use/swapping20:10
trismlorenx: you need to get 304.xx from the x-updates ppa (or elsewhere) if you want to use a 3.5 kernel20:11
escottMadsRC, what does "touch /mnt/storage" say20:11
MadsRCescott, that gives no output20:11
trismlorenx: also of note, linux-lts-backport-quantal is in 12.04 already so you may not need to build your own if you can use the default config20:12
escottMadsRC, then it created the fie20:12
Phabayeats, cheers, is there a way to get 'top' to order in ram usage instead of cpu?20:12
wildwindDrGrov: show your current sources.list20:12
escottMadsRC, sorry "touch /mnt/Storage/test"20:12
MadsRCSorry, I waswrong, The permission error is within a directory in /mnt/storage, say /mnt/storage/deluge20:12
MadsRCtouch /mnt/storage/deluge returns apermission error20:13
Phaba.ruby.bin has 11% of my ram?? :/20:13
wildwindPhaba: Shift+'>'20:13
Phabai dont even program in ruby, something is calling it alot??20:13
MadsRCand that folder is 775 anotheruser groupthatmyuserispartof20:13
notk0I have installed ncurses but there is no shared libary20:14
notk0that is found20:14
escottMadsRC, verify that your user is in that group with "groups"20:14
notk0libncurses.so.5 => not found20:14
notk0from ldd20:14
Phabawildwind, thanks, .ruby.bin is using the most though ive never used it personally, chrome is second with 2 threads running 7% each which is standard i guess20:14
wildwindPhaba: or better Shift+'<' 4 times, if your'e looking for mem leaks20:14
MadsRCwhat is "groups" supposed to output?20:14
escottMadsRC, the groups you are a member of20:15
MadsRCdoesn't output thegroup, though /etc/group lists me as being in it20:16
escottMadsRC, when did you add yourself to the group and how20:16
MadsRC10 minutesago, with usermod something... lemme find the string20:16
escottMadsRC, logout and log back in20:17
MadsRCnow it showsthe right groups!20:17
escottMadsRC, group membership and environment variables often take a logout20:17
MadsRCescott, Thank you :) Now I just need to get deluge to accept me adding the ubuntu torrent... For some reason it gives permission error when adding it, even though it is owner of the whole /mnt/storage/deluge/ folder. Maybe the deluge user just need to login and logout20:20
escottMadsRC, i bet you own the file in the deluge folder. you need to setgid on the deluge folder20:21
MadsRCescott, I use the deluge webui to add the ubuntu torrent, so it should be owned by the deluge user20:21
ShirakawasunaI'm running into an issue with backlight brightness on a new laptop - lenovo ideapad s300. It uses Intel GMA graphics, specifically '2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)' (intel i915). My issue is this: I can't turn the brightness up to the max that I can in windows 8 - it hits ~half max brightness. In /sys/driver/backlight/acpi_0 max_brightness and brightness are both 15 and it's not a20:24
Shirakawasuna matter of hotkeys. It just doesn't, by default, make it possible to turn the brightness up high enough.20:24
ShirakawasunaAny ideas on how to work around this? I'm upgrading the kernel right now (default updates) and have been looking at the tweaks here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Backlight20:25
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ShirakawasunaThis is a gift laptop for a relative and I want it to be properly-ubuntuified in advance20:25
escottShirakawasuna, the kernel doesnt think it can go any higher20:26
Shirakawasunamy plan of attack was to look for BIOS updates just in case (none available), upgrade the kernel (in progress), and mess with those grub kernel settings suggested on the arch wiki20:28
=== DR_Strange is now known as Evil_Eric
escottShirakawasuna, its a problem with the acpi tables20:28
DrGrovwildwind: Yes, will do. Sorry for taking quite some time to answer.20:29
DrGrovwildwind: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419626/20:31
TwistTheNeilhi, if i'm going to securely erase my hdd, would anyone suggest /dev/zero or shred ? or a combo ?20:31
Shirakawasunaescott: is there a general approach for troubleshooting that?20:31
Frederickguys ive installed ubuntu in a vmware with 1 gb ram but obviusly with the default window manager it is slow as hell do you tihnk 2gb ram can maje the vm oki?>20:31
escottShirakawasuna, there are various acpi options that do things like tell the kernel to lie to the bios and claim it is windows etc...20:31
JohnGaltTwistTheNeil: dban20:31
MadsRCescott, setgid is done with chown g-s folder right? Doing that, every new file under deluge/ should have the same owner and group right?20:32
JohnGaltFrederick: no it's about the gfx card emulation, try to enable 3D20:32
TwistTheNeilhow long would it take with dban ?20:32
JohnGaltTwistTheNeil: days.20:32
JohnGaltbut that's a secure 7x erase which is CIA proof20:32
TwistTheNeili'm in university and don't have too much time :(20:32
TwistTheNeilat most a couple of hours20:33
JohnGaltyou can set dban to do a less intensive secure erase20:33
FrederickJoah: thanks for the info I will restart virtualbox in some mins and do it20:33
FrederickJohnGalt: I mean20:33
aksjldlakjI everyone, I currently run a amd64 and I want to install a .deb package that was built for i386 but it is giving me an error when I do "dpkg -i"...saying that package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) any way around this?20:34
bobweaverhello there can someone help he with linking some libs ? like I want link /usr/share/qt5/include  to /usr/include/qt5   and I want to link /usr/share/qt5/plugins -> ../../lib/qt5/plugins  thanks20:34
JohnGaltaksjldlakj: download the x64 version20:34
aksjldlakjJohnGalt: there is only the i386 verison20:35
Shirakawasunaescott: got it. So something like acpi_osi=<whatever I find>?20:35
JohnGalttry to build a custom .deb package from source20:35
TwistTheNeilJohnGalt, if i dban my disk with a lower secure setting and then /dev/zero it, is that okay?20:35
aksjldlakjIt's proprietary...it's the Steam client for linux20:36
JohnGaltTwistTheNeil: it won't be CIA proof but i guess you'll be fine20:36
TwistTheNeilwell i don't have anything to be afraid of the cia :D20:36
TwistTheNeilthanks JohnGalt!20:36
escottMadsRC, g+s20:39
escottShirakawasuna, im not sure what the actual kernel commands are. should be lots of debugging acpi tutorials out there20:39
JohnGaltaksjldlakj: Valve will release a x64 bit build later20:40
JohnGaltaksjldlakj: it's on their blog http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/20:40
aksjldlakjJohnGalt: ah ok...thanks20:40
JohnGaltaksjldlakj: "We are using a 32-bit version of Linux temporarily and will run on 64-bit Linux later."20:40
DrGrovwildwind: Is that the sources.list you wanted me to show you? Or did you mean some other sources.list?20:41
ChogyDanany suggestions on how to vlog with a webcam to youtube?  I don't really know where to start (the webcam does work, fwiw)20:42
wildwindDrGrov: yes show it20:43
MadsRCescott, Thank you, that did the setgid right. But deluge still gives me a permission error when I add the ubuntu torrent20:43
escottMadsRC, the setgid only affects new files20:44
DrGrovwildwind: I gave you the link to you. I will also put the error output on paste.ubuntu.com20:44
DrGrovwildwind: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419626/20:44
DrGrovwildwind: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419654/20:44
bjrohanI am in the market for a new laptop in the next month or so. Where is the best place to get recommendations for systems that best work with Ubuntu. My plan is to get the laptop wipe off Windoze and install Ubuntu20:45
MadsRCescott, Yes I know, but adding the torrent through the webui uploads the file, and then I get a permission error in /mnt/deluge/incomplete/torrentname - That it can't access the torrent file. Which is a new file.20:45
escottMadsRC, what are the permissions of that file20:45
MadsRCescott, The uploaded file, or the file that it gives a permission error on?20:46
escottMadsRC, the one with the permission error20:46
MadsRCIt doesn't exist. When I go to the folder in the terminal and do a ls -a there's nothing there20:46
wildwindDrGrov: select other country in Application sources setup20:47
escottMadsRC, what are the permissions on its parent then20:47
DrGrovwildwind: Does that change anything with my 3rd party enabled repos?20:47
MadsRCThe incomplete folder has rwxrwxr-w deluge deluge20:48
wildwindDrGrov: no it shouldn't. just official ones20:48
DrGrovwildwind: Okay, I will test it out now.20:48
MadsRCescott, The incomplete folder has rwxrwxr-w deluge deluge20:49
morfeo_81Which is the difference to create new wireless hot spot using "connecnt to new wireles" or use method from system setting and use network...? why if use the second one gave the right ip to a element and the other no?20:49
MadsRCescott, and "groups deluge" gives "deluge : deluge" So user deluge is part of group deluge20:49
=== jan_ is now known as Guest5828
morfeo_81how can create simple hot spot to connect from other device to my localhost server using wireles?20:51
DrGrovwildwind: Thanks, that did the trick :)20:52
wildwindglad to help20:52
ActionParsnip!ics | morfeo_8120:55
ubottumorfeo_81: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:55
=== oscailt is now known as updates
Shirakawasunaescott: would it make sense for this to be related to me using 'legacy' in the BIOS settings, rather than the default UEFI?20:55
=== updates is now known as oscailt
morfeo_81how can recover data from hard drive corrupted?20:56
ActionParsnipmorfeo_81: use your backups20:56
morfeo_81I try to use photec but prepare file .gpl20:56
ActionParsnipmorfeo_81: or try foremost in liveCD20:57
morfeo_81<ActionParsnip>:unfortunately I don't have backup...The  backup lost20:57
ActionParsnipmorfeo_81: I suggest you review your backup regime, its not very effective20:57
abdostarcould someone help me to find a nice conky config with an easy how to install?20:57
ShadowofReasonHello, If i download the Ubuntu windows installer will it make my win 8 os dualbootable automaticlly?20:57
morfeo_81<ActionParsnip>: I aggre... How can use foremost?20:58
morfeo_81<ActionParsnip>: live ubuntu 12.10?20:58
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076  abdostar20:59
abdostarbazhang: thank you,21:01
DrGrovwildwind: You do not by any chance have any solution to my KDE icon issues? :)21:03
lorenxtrism: i've just compile the new 3.6.9 kernel... do i need nvidia 304.xx anyway?21:04
lorenxtrism: and what is the linux-lts-backport-quantal thing? :P21:04
trismlorenx: yes, 295 doesn't build with 3.5+21:05
lorenxbut i have to compile the linux-headers.deb right?21:05
trismlorenx: if you used make-kpkg you only need kernel_image since it will use the kernel source directory as the headers (assuming you don't delete the source after the build)21:06
jeroen_is this a developer channel or also for support?21:06
jribjeroen_: it's dedicated to support21:07
lorenxtrism: fine. but is the order important? i mean, should i first build the kernel and that install nvidia-304.xx or the opposite?21:07
jeroen_good, nice, since I have some problems ..... ;)21:07
jeroen_lets see, where shall I start, I have a new Dell all in one, xps 2710...21:08
trismlorenx: dkms should rebuilt the module either way, but you can check: dkms status; afterwards to see21:08
jeroen_for some reason the installer doesn't recognize the already installed Windows 8. Is that a know issue?21:09
lorenxtrism: so the error here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419541/ is due only to the incompatible version right?21:09
csilkHi, It seems that I have no keyboard input in Virtual box on the guest OS's install screen. Any ideas?21:09
trismlorenx: that is my guess, I know that I had to upgrade nvidia-current when I started using the lts-backport-quantal kernel (you could check make.log as suggested, but unfortunately the output is usually terrible for nvidia, so probably not helpful)21:10
jeroen_and likely related.. the sd card cache is now disabled. I needed to remove the raid support to install ubuntu in the first place..21:10
lorenxtrism: ok, thanks a lot for your help ;) i'm going to try...21:10
jeroen_perhaps I shouldn't have done that21:11
ShadowofReasonwill the wibu.exe install ubuntu as an second OS ? ... So both Operating Systems ( Windows 8 and Ubuntu 12.10 ) would be dual bootable ?21:12
livingdaylightusr13, hi there21:12
elena-IKcan anyone explain what exactly the sshfs option sshfs_sync "synchronous writes" does?21:13
bazhangShadowofReason, more of a test run/trial. not a true dual boot21:13
guntbert!enter | jeroen_ it easier to see what you need21:14
ubottujeroen_ it easier to see what you need: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:14
bazhangelena-IK, what does manpages.ubuntu.com say about that21:14
elena-IKbazhang: man says "synchronous writes" and nothing more. that is why I'm asking. manpages.ubuntu.com says timeout21:16
jeroen_ubutto: sorry I have a 27" screen now, it is one line here..21:16
bazhangjeroen_, ubottu is a bot21:16
guntbertjeroen_: no, you misunderstood - say what you have to say in one "take" - if you make several separate statements it is harder to follow21:17
Krambiorixhi guys, does anyone know a remote control app for the iphone to use with Libreoffice impress on ubuntu??21:17
gr1mfuck america!21:17
FloodBot1gr1m: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
guntbertjeroen_: one "line" can have up to 250 characters21:18
jeroen_guntbert: indeed, personally I don't like the long lines with multiple questions in one sentence..21:20
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/sshfs.1.html   works fine here elena-IK21:20
bazhangjeroen_, its impossible to read the way you put it21:21
guntbertjeroen_: in that case stick to one problem at a time :)21:21
lorenxtrism: excuse me, one last thing... "apt-cache search nvidia-current" gives me nvidia-experimental-304 and nvidia-experimental-310 also... can i safely install one of them?21:21
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elena-IKbazhang: works here now to. but it doesn't say more than "synchronous writes", either :)21:22
jeroen_yes let's do one at a time: first problem, Windows 8 doesn't boot anymore21:23
jeroen_since the installer didn't recognize it...21:24
jeroen_Is that common or just my setup?21:24
bazhangjeroen_, please STOP with the enter key21:25
ShadowofReason@bazhang .. so i still have to install it the old fashion way?21:25
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bazhangShadowofReason, for a true dual boot? Yes21:25
ShadowofReason@bazhang . okay , will do it.21:26
ElixirVitaeDoes KDE integrate well into vanilla Ubuntu?21:27
ElixirVitaeI want to try KDE to complete my DE tour, and wonder if it will be okay if I just add KDE package as I've done with openbox lxde and xcfe21:28
bazhangElixirVitae, you mean kde apps?21:28
pix3lfor that usage it will be ok21:28
bazhangElixirVitae, sure it does21:28
ElixirVitaeNope, KDE as DE.21:28
bazhangkubuntu-desktop package21:29
csilkHi, It seems that I have no keyboard input in Virtual box on the guest OS's install screen. Any ideas?21:29
pix3lbut if you want kde as your main desktop, go for another distribution21:29
ElixirVitaeFrom what I understand, KDE comes with its own "motherload"21:29
bazhangpix3l, thats just not necessary nor helpful advice21:29
ActionParsnipcsilk: did you enable keyboard in the options of the virtual system?21:29
pix3lok, I'm out21:29
SushiDudeIs there anyway I can check if I have something installed from backports?21:29
ElixirVitaeI want to try and decide.21:29
csilkActionParsnip, I don't see a setting for the keyboard?21:30
csilkActionParsnip, Are you talking about a setting in virtualbox?21:30
lorenxtrism: excuse me, one last thing... "apt-cache search nvidia-current" gives me nvidia-experimental-304 and nvidia-experimental-310 also... can i safely install one of them?21:30
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ActionParsnipcsilk: yes, you'll need to power it off to make changes21:31
ActionParsnipcsilk: also try left ctrl or somesuch21:31
ActionParsnipcsilk: also, ask in #vbox21:32
Shanel12333who wants o talk21:32
csilkActionParsnip, I can't find the setting you're refering too. Also, the keyboard works at the first screen that virtualbox shows (press F12 for boot options) but then stops working on the install screen of the guest OS21:32
=== sharky1 is now known as sharky
trismlorenx: you can, absolutely21:32
ShayanneBananawho would like to talk21:32
trismlorenx: if you have any others installed I would purge those first21:33
bazhang!ot | ShayanneBanana21:33
ubottuShayanneBanana: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
lorenxtrism: yes, i purged nvidia-current. which one would you suggest, 304 or 310?21:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:34
abdostarcould someone help me to install this conky theme (as I am new) http://conky.pitstop.free.fr/wiki/index.php5?title=File:11-2-mrpeachy-2.jpg21:34
bazhangabdostar, simply use the conky guide I gave you? did you read it at all?21:35
trismlorenx: haven't tried 310 yet myself, I am using 304.64 from x-updates ppa, (but I was using 304.48 (which is nvidia-experimental-304) previously without issues)21:35
abdostarbazhang: yes I did, but this file seems different from what was explained, or at least that what seems to me21:35
lorenxtrism: let's live on the edge, let's try the 310 one ;) thanks!21:35
emesI've been noticing that my composting is slow. I have an ivy bridge laptop with intel graphics. how can I make sure the right driver is being used?21:36
ActionParsnipemes: sudo lshw -C display      if it's unclaimed, then that's why21:36
livingdaylight I've broken X and at prompt in safe mode... I've attached external hd but can't seem to cd to it21:37
emesActionParsnip: doesn't say unclaimed21:37
jeroen_please can anyone point me out how I add Windows 8 back to the boot options?21:39
Ray2I have Ubuntu-10.04 installed on sda1 and another o/s on sdb5...I want to open an application in sdb5..the aplication is under the/opt folder and open the one that is in sda1...what do i need to do to open the sdb5 application from ubuntu ??21:39
phunyguy_t430sRay2, can probably chroot with some good documentation.21:40
ActionParsnipRay2: mount it21:41
phunyguy_t430sActionParsnip, the app may require different libs21:41
phunyguy_t430she said it's a different OS.21:41
phunyguy_t430schroot is fairly easy, you just create a directory to use as new /, then mount /dev/sdb5 there, mount /proc and /dev there as well, then chroot.21:43
ActionParsnipphunyguy_t430s: if its a linux app then it may work, you can install a few apps in the /opt folder21:43
phunyguy_t430sperhaps, but if it doesn't.. it's not very hard to chroot to that env.21:44
ActionParsnipphunyguy_t430s: both ways have pros and cons21:44
malucioushello. if i launch a pdf from the unity dash I get vlc instead of evince. any ideas?21:44
ActionParsnipmalucious: right click the file and select to open with evince, set the OS to remember the association21:45
Ray2ActionParsnip...I mount the sda5 o/s and can open other folders from that o/s but /opt opens the folder from ubuntu...Its easier  just to switch o/s rather than use chroot.21:46
dr_willisRay2:  it would be /media/mountpoint/opt   not /opt21:48
maluciousActionParsnip, it's already set to use evince with nautilus. and it works properly from there. but the unity file lens launches it differently21:48
=== xander is now known as Guest92382
Guest92382How do you mount a .dd image?21:49
Guest92382to see its contents?21:49
ActionParsnipGuest92382: use mount21:49
cl0neman1do commands like 'top' and 'ps' truncate usernames and process names that are too long? how to fix?21:50
Guest92382actionparsnip: mounty doesn't work21:50
ActionParsnipGuest92382: mount, not mounty21:51
Guest92382ActionParsnip: used both syntax for a partition image and a drive image and neither worked21:52
ActionParsnipGuest92382: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file /media/iso21:52
ActionParsnipGuest92382: use the 'file' command to see what the file is21:53
Jordan_UGuest92382: How was the image created?21:53
Guest92382Jordan_U: Using testdisk21:54
malkaunsis there any way to get rid of the unity grab handles when u do an accidental 3-finger swipe??21:54
ActionParsnipGuest92382: then you can loop mount it as I gave above21:55
livingdaylighti can see /dev/sdb but don't know how to access it21:55
Guest92382ActionParsnip: whenever I use the first line of syntax you showed me earlier, when I press enter, it goes blank. It doesn't even ask for my password21:55
Jordan_UGuest92382: That means that it worked.21:56
ActionParsnipGuest92382: in linux, no news is good news21:56
ActionParsnipGuest92382: you don't get an 'ok' after each command, it'd be redundant21:56
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Guest92382ActionParsnip: My point is, it doesn't do anything at all21:57
MeanEYEheoyea: no lesson. Just weirdness. Didn't even find out what happened.21:57
livingdaylightcan someone help me cd to external hd in command line so i can back up and reinstall, please?21:57
Guest92382Is test disk unreliable for making images?21:58
Guest92382Is that why it's not mounting for me?21:59
lorenxi installed nvidia-experimental-310 but, rebooting, i still have nouveau as the video driver, should i do something else?21:59
Jim_I have a /boot partion that is full with Logical volumes using the rest of the single drive system, how can I expand the boot partition without destroying data on the logical volumes?21:59
heoyeaMeanEYE: dont mess with the matrix22:00
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: you'll need to mount the partition on the drive22:00
Guest92382Okay I got it working. Can you mount something incorrectly and mess up the image file?22:00
mandrixlorenx: did you install it through Software Sources -> Additional Drivers?22:01
lorenxmandrix: no, apt-get form command line22:01
Guest65520Has anyone successfully used a USB 3.0 dock on Ubuntu?22:01
Guest92382because there are a lot of options here, and I'm going to guess how I need to mount it if there are no repercussions22:01
mandrixlorenx: I tried doing it that way and it never worked out; I couldn't disable nouveau. I got it working by going through Software Sources22:01
ActionParsnipGuest92382: if you mount it read only then it's safe :)22:02
lorenxmandrix: maybe i should "ban" the driver22:02
livingdaylightActionParsnip, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ?22:02
escottJim_, not going to be easy. why not just uninstall old kernels from /boot22:02
livingdaylightActionParsnip, I did that and then?22:02
mandrixlorenx: I tried blacklisting, and that didn't work either. I have no idea why not22:03
Guest92382ActionParsnip: That makes sense. Though it isn't giving me an option to 'read only'22:03
livingdaylightActionParsnip, I still can not cd to /dev/sdb or /sdb1 coz its not a folder or something22:03
lorenxmandrix: ok...22:03
lorenxtrism: excuse me but do you have an hint for this too?22:03
MeanEYEheoyea: I guess. I still don't like the fact I am clueless about what happened.22:03
ActionParsnipGuest92382: it'll be read only by default if memory serves22:03
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: yes, you need to mount sdb1 then you cna cd to the mount point. You cannot access block devices from /dev22:04
Guest92382ActionParsnip: does this look like the right place to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419821/22:04
livingdaylightActionParsnip, how do i cd to the mount point?22:04
mandrixlorenx: You're free to try it that way first, but if it doesn't end up working, just changing the driver in Ubuntu's Additional Drivers will install the 310 driver automatically and turn off nouveau22:04
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: you set the mount point when you mount it22:05
livingdaylightActionParsnip, are you saying i should not, or, cannot cd /dev/sdb1 ?22:05
Jim_escott:Thanks for the response....I am not a guru, rather a newbie, can you assist with removing of the old kernals? I take it from this that we would be removing older OS elements that are no longer in use?22:05
livingdaylightActionParsnip, oh, ok? for example?22:06
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: 1. You missed the space after the word 'loop'  and  2. You never told it where to mount it, so how can it possibly mount it when you don't tell it whree...22:06
escottJim_, open up a terminal (and maximize it) then run <<dpkg -l "*linux-image*">> anything installed has a "ii" on the left column. you can find the old versions and <<sudo apt-get remove [linux-image-#####-generic]22:07
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: sudo mkdif /media/ios; sudo mount -o loop ~image2.dd /media/iso22:07
livingdaylightActionParsnip, when i am in X plugging in external device just pops up22:07
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: sudo mkdif /media/ios; sudo mount -o loop ~/image2.dd /media/iso22:07
livingdaylighti missed the word 'loop' ?22:07
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: yes, that is handled by udev, back in the day devices had to be manually mounted22:07
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: read my second command, then read yours. Note the spaceing22:07
csilkStill no luck with the virtualbox issue22:08
zvacetJIm_: easier way is to remove kernels from synaptic22:08
Scunizicsilk: I just logged in.. what issue are you having?22:08
lorenxmandrix: the installation itself created a nvidia-experimental-310_hybrid.conf to blacklist nouveau22:08
Jim_escott: Thank you, I have to go to the other machine to perform, will return.22:08
ActionParsnipcsilk: did you ask in #vnox ?22:08
sassercsilk, try with vmware workstation22:08
csilkScunizi, http://askubuntu.com/questions/226592/no-keyboard-input-in-virtualbox-4-122:08
ActionParsnipcsilk: did you ask in #vbox ?  (typo)22:08
csilkActionParsnip, yeah I did, upgrade was the suggestion22:08
bjrohanCan anyone recommend a site that goes over what new laptops Ubuntu will run on?22:09
csilkWhich I did and still have the same issue22:09
lorenxmandrix: and a nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf too22:09
livingdaylightActionParsnip, sorry, I'm not clear what to do. Do I replace words in that command to match mine or do I copy verbatim?22:09
mandrixlorenx: did it work? Mine created that as well, but nouveau was still being used22:09
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: copy my command and run it, I assume the file is in the root of your home folder22:09
ViaNocturna85bjrohan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedHardware22:09
demonaLF assist on installing a list of packages without interfering with current ones22:10
Scunizicsilk: although not supported in here.. I've always installed the version downloadable direct from vBox.. I've been using it for years.  Although the latest stable I'm having issues installing. You could try that or the previous version..22:10
livingdaylightActionParsnip, the 'file' ?22:10
escott!hcl | bjrohan22:10
ubottubjrohan: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:10
bjrohanthank you escott22:10
Scunizicsilk: I also think they have a PPA that you can use with your package manager of choice.22:11
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop ~/image2.dd /media/iso22:11
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: that22:11
myst3riousfor the life of me I can't get my wireless adapter to connect to the wireless network and stay connected. it just drops for no reason at all. and now it doesn't want to reconnect.22:11
csilkScunizi, I've tried the one in the ubuntu repo (4.1) and the one straight from the Oracle ppa (4.2). Both have the same issue22:11
Scunizicsilk: hummm.. and did you install the guest additions? or was that impossible because of the lack of keyboard?22:12
lavoro92i have one problem :S i use ubuntu 12.04 LTS and i'm trying to use the linux api but the compiler can't find module.h22:12
OerHeksActionParsnip, you mixed up  Guest92382 + image.dd and livingdaylight + /dev/sdb/22:12
myst3riousit WORKS, but it just won't connect. it keeps asking for a password (the network password which is RIGHT) and only connects sometimes.22:12
livingdaylightOerHeks, yes, I think so; hence, I@m confused22:12
myst3rioushow can I brute force it into working all the time?22:12
Guest92382oerheks: I wanted to mount the image though, not a physical drive22:12
myst3riousIPv6 is disabled, so that's not the problem (but it works anyway)22:13
lorenxmandrix: no, did not work22:13
trismlorenx: did you check to verify the driver built? what is: dkms status;22:14
ViaNocturna85does anyone know if that Gwibber bug that notifies you of all tweets although you have set not to been fixed?22:14
csilkScunizi, I lose the keyboard on the install screen of the guest OS22:14
mandrixlorenx: Have you looked in Software Sources to see what Ubuntu thinks it's using as a driver?22:14
OerHeksGuest92382, see previous comments from ActionParsnip about mount + loop22:14
gh0ztIs Ubuntu 10.04 still going to be supported for a while?  Is it not recommended to use this version?  I actually like this version of gnome better than the one that runs on 11.x and 12.x.  Those make my system seem more bloated, too.  This is running on a slightly older thinkpad laptop.22:15
lorenxmandrix: dkms status says "nvidia-experimental-310, 310.14, 3.5.3-minimal, x86_64: installed"22:15
Scunizicsilk: I just found reference to this as a solution.. sudo apt-get install scim-bridge-client-qt  .. got it from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82560622:15
csilkScunizi, that package isn't found. I think that's for a much older version of Ubuntu22:15
Scunizicsilk: I thought it might be too easy :(22:16
livingdaylightOerHeks, so, what is the correct command?22:17
Scunizicsilk: sorry .. I'm out of ideas except those already posed.. #vbox22:17
OerHekslivingdaylight, normally a mounted /dev/sdb1/ will show up in /media/ if i recall correct22:17
myst3rioussomeone help please my wireless adapter isn't working22:17
lorenxmandrix: i'll go on tomorrow i guess, thanks ;)22:17
csilkScunizi, hmm thanks22:18
mandrixlorenx: Alright. Maybe try the non-experimental, that's what I'm using and what finally worked22:18
Jim_esott: ran commands and found about 6 kernals not in use. tried to remove but get errors with Device is Full Error exit status 122:18
mandrixI have a question about boot logging. I turned it on in bootlogd, but it's not logging all the errors I see when booting Ubuntu22:21
Jim_escott: ran commands and found about 6 kernals not in use. Tried to remove but get errors with device is full. Error exit status 122:22
tenpackpantherhey all im having errors trying to install mysqlserver22:23
guntberttenpackpanther: how did you try to install it?22:23
jribtenpackpanther: pastebin them (and your command)22:23
tenpackpantherone sec22:23
whereamiOn Quantal, does Ubuntu not install symlinks for the latest kernel version in /boot? Is there a way I can get them back?22:24
jribJim_: free up some space and try again?22:24
esingI have Ubuntu and Windows installed on the same HDD, can I delete the WIndows partition and use it for the /home folder of the Ubuntu or do I have to reinstall Ubuntu to get that to work?22:24
escottJim_, odd that you would get a device full on a remove. One thing you could do is to manually remove a file from /boot (best way would be to "sudo mv /boot/initrd.OLD_VERSION.generic /root") thereby freeing up space to apt-get remove one of the kernels then put it back with "sudo mv /root/initrd.* /boot"22:25
jribtenpackpanther: you pasted into your terminal?22:26
tenpackpantherno, i right clicked in an attempt to copy in putty22:26
tenpackpantherforgot that that doesnt work22:26
jribtenpackpanther: so you have no idea why this would be happening?22:27
jribtenpackpanther: nothing related to mysql was done?22:27
tenpackpantheri tried to uninstall it22:28
jribtenpackpanther: why?22:28
tenpackpantherand then reinstall it22:28
jribtenpackpanther: why did you try to uninstall it?22:28
tenpackpantherbecause when i tried to make it work with phpmyadmin it and view from localhost it didnt work so i figured id try a clean install22:28
=== cristian_c is now known as pippo
jribtenpackpanther: why do you say you "tried" to uninstall it?  What happened when you tried and how did you try?22:29
emesI've been noticing that my compositing is slow. I have an ivy bridge laptop with intel graphics. it seems the intel driver is being used. what else can I check?22:29
tenpackpantherbecause if it was uninstalled then i dont think id get an error message as it worked right the first time.  i tried using sudo apt-get remove mysql-server-5.522:30
jribtenpackpanther: I have to leave so can't follow this through.  But imo you should explain exactly what you've done.  It seems like you uninstalled it and it didn't succeed or something?  Anyway, you should explain.  To fix your issue, figure out if mysql is running now and stop it, then try to reconfigure again.  Good luck.  Others here can help.22:31
tenpackpantherty jrib22:31
=== pippo is now known as cristian_c
guntberthow to call power-settings (in system-settings) directly from CLI?22:35
bobweavergnome-power-statistics ?22:35
Guest92382If testdisk only found a quarter of the amount of files on a partition, can photorec be used to find and recover more?22:36
guntbertbobweaver: no, that is statistics, I want settings22:36
bobweavergnome-control-center sound22:37
bekksGuest92382: Maybe.22:37
elena-IKI have problems with poor sshfs performance. with rsync or scp I get around 128 kB/s, with sshfs I get between 10 and 60 kB/s. is that normal?22:37
Guest92382bekks: depends on what?22:37
guntbertbobweaver: thx :)22:37
bobweavernp guntbert22:37
bekksGuest92382: On the degree of destruction of your data.22:37
bobweaverguntbert,  helps to look under /usr/share/applications and grep out sound22:38
Guest92382bekks: well nothing was overwritten or formatted... so is there a good chance?22:38
bekksGuest92382: Maybe.22:38
bobweaverguntbert, then look at the file and see the line that says execute that is what you are looking for. But I am sure that there are other things that work as well22:38
guntbertbobweaver: good idea - and I'll even look for "power" :-)22:39
Guest92382bekks: what other factors play a role in unrecoverable data destruction?22:39
davidbowiesleftehi, I'm trying to use curl, and when I use a query string like .../foo?limit=2&skip=3 in the terminal, whatever is after the & is lost.  Anyone know how to use query strings with curl on the command line?22:39
dante12312.10 here.  tried nvidia driver experimental 310 on fresh install.  now boots into lower than usual rez and no unity dash or launcher.  how to get out of this?22:39
bekksGuest92382: There is no generic answer to your question.22:40
ActionParsnipdante123: try running:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot22:40
guntbertdavidbowieslefte: use quotes around the string22:42
Guest92382bekks: testdisk found 140 gigs of info out of 484 gigs... how could I access the other 348 gigs? try to use undelete in photorec?22:42
bekksGuest92382: Yes. But there is no guarantee. Why dont you have a backup?22:43
dante123how to get to terminal when I only got background screen and mouse?22:43
Guest92382bekks: Or does 140 gigs out of 484 gigs sound about average for the testdisk/photorec recovery software22:43
bekksGuest92382: Depends on the degree of destruction of the data.22:43
Guest92382Bekks: I didn't have a HDD big enough to back it all up22:43
guntbertdante123: try ctrl+alt+t22:43
davidbowieslefteguntbert: ty22:43
bekksGuest92382: So basically your data wasnt worth to back it up then.22:43
Guest92382bekks: No it's not that at all. It means everything. I've just been too tight moneywise to blow a couple hundred on a HDD. I have a new one now and I've learned, but that doesn't matter to me right now. What matters is salvaging as much data as possible22:45
dante123OK ran it, said it was unable to find file so made a new one22:45
dante123rebooting now22:45
bts_hello, I've a problem with connecting my LG P700 phone with Ubuntu - it's recognized by lsusb, being seen also in dmesg, not being mounted tough. what could I do?22:45
dante123now in 640 x 400 or some god awful rez. other suggestions22:46
bts_it's working on android, in addition22:47
dante123how to start update manager GUI from terminal?22:48
maindotcdoes my ip show in my whois?22:48
bekksmaindotc: Yes.22:48
maindotcI don't understand...22:49
dante123I want to go back to previous open graphic driver22:49
maindotcbekks how about now22:50
bekksmaindotc: Still. :)22:51
maindotcbut I get these msgs:22:51
maindotc[17:51] == pdpc/supporter/student/asymptote is now your hidden host (set by services.) [17:51] == pdpc/supporter/student/asymptote is now your hidden host (set by syn.)22:51
OerHeksmaindotc, your 'real name' shows your IP still22:52
ActionParsnipdante123: you could uninstall all the packages with nvidia in the name but not nvidia-common, then remove the /etcX11/xorg.conf file and reboot22:52
bekksmaindotc: And you authenticated too late - after joining the channel.22:52
ActionParsnipdante123: you may find you need to specify the resolution in the xorg.conf file if you monitor isn't playing like it should22:52
maindotcok let me rejoin22:52
dante123action, I'm stuck at 640x400.  can't do anything except terminal.  can you give specific command?22:53
DrGrovHello. Having some issues installing LibreOffice 3.5.x on 10.04. Had it installed but I forced an update of libextcat-data(or similar) and now it requires that dependency every time. How can I purge the LibreOffice install and do a completely fresh install? Thank you.22:53
ActionParsnipdante123: sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep navidia | grep -v nvidia-common`22:53
ActionParsnipdante123: sec22:53
ActionParsnipdante123: sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep navidia | grep -v nvidia-common | awk {'print $2'}`22:54
dante123monitor was fine with open source driver now it thinks it is a lap to at low rez22:54
fuzaihow do i change the default window manager ubuntu 12.04?22:54
ActionParsnipdante123: just the package names is useful :)22:54
fuzaiI want all users to default to xfce instead22:54
ActionParsnipfuzai: it should be part of the session in the DM, you can just add a startup item to the OS to run:  yourmanager --replace    to run the manager of your choice22:55
fuzaii want to change the defaults so new users don't have to choose everytime22:55
sc0rpi0nsomeone tried raring?22:55
ActionParsnipsc0rpi0n: i have, but its offtopic here22:56
ActionParsnipsc0rpi0n: ask in #ubuntu+122:56
ActionParsnipfuzai: if you install xubuntu, it will be the only choice.22:56
fuzaithis is part of ltsp too22:56
dante123do you really mean navidia or is that typos22:56
fuzaii run xubuntu on everything except the servers which i run ubuntu server o22:57
dante123unable to find pkg....BTW. I typed nvidia NOT navidia assuming typo on your part22:59
edheldil__Hi, anyone has an idea what could block a ttyACM0 device in Ubuntu Quantal?  I have verified that my Teensy board outputs through  serial  over usb on another computer, but when I connect it to 64bit QQ, I am unable to read from the serial port, even though the device opens.22:59
edheldil__I have tried killing various daemons, (fuser did not report anything), but only after going all the way to init s and reconnecting the device, I was suddenly able to read a line from ttyACM0 - even though cu was unable to do so22:59
dante123is other a way to start update manager from command line ActionParsnip23:00
edheldil__it's a fresh install of ubuntu, 64bit23:00
dante123on 12.10 I can change driver from inside the GUI for update23:00
dante123but how to get to update23:01
blackshirtdante123, you can use apt-get to upgrade or aptitude23:02
FudgeHi I have a eeepc netbook and gnome3 runs really really slow on it, any suggestions on how to make precise or quantal work better for netbooks?23:03
dante123Blackshirt, I want to get into GUI update app for reasons I can't fully explain right Noe. do you know command for that23:04
Fudgedante123  software center?23:04
dante123well that might wok but I need to change additional drivers and that can be done from the update settings....gui23:05
OerHeksadditional drivers tru cli = jockey-text ?23:06
edheldil__dante123:  you assume that it will work even if you change it :)23:06
Fudgeyou may be thinking of activating extra repository archives?23:06
dante123update-manager...thank you me23:06
Karlo_I have a shared directory exported by a Windows machine.  On my older Linux box, I import it with smbmount; on the new one, that command doesn't exist.  Does it have a different name?  Do I need to download it first?23:07
DrGrovIs there some kind of output that I could paste in order to clearly explain the installation issue of LibreOffice on 10.04?23:07
dante123well, I hope it will. trying now.....23:07
blondielegsis there anyone who can help me with my ubuntu? i used the program to update the drivers and now my video card doesnt work. its running in low graphics and i dont know how to fix it23:08
bendymHi all - can anyone suggest a good place to look for a problem cause here? I have a NAS filer that has a share exported via SMB. I'm using cifs to mount it on my Ubuntu 12.10 server. Until recently, it was working fine - now, the mount command hangs and never returns. The same SMB export mounts just fine on my linux mint laptop. Nothing shows up in the logfiles that I can see.23:08
=== AvidMilano is now known as DjTrancer
FudgeDrGrov  perhaps type, script try the update with apt-get and at the end type exit, then pastebin the typescript text file in the same directory23:08
dante123blondielegs, I'm in the same boat23:08
edheldil__blondielegs:  what card?23:09
blondielegshow do i find out?23:09
DrGrovFudge: I could do perhaps this: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice > text.txt" ?23:09
XMLnewbiwhats the command line for a file search?23:09
ActionParsnipdante123: do you use an optimus system, or is it just the nvidia on it's own?23:09
FudgeDrGrov  possibly yeah but use script and exit, its easier and you can still type in sudo passwords and answer prompts23:10
Fudgeyou could always apt-get install pastebinit and cat typescript | pastebinit then paste us the url23:10
edheldil__blondielegs:  well were yu trying to set NVidia's proprieatry drivers through that Additional drivers dialog?23:10
DrGrovFudge: Okay, I will give it a go both ways to see what I end up with :D23:11
dante123I am back to open driver, but now the damn rez is low and no options to change to.   do have unity bar and now it detects brand and size display any suggestions ActionParsnip23:11
blondielegsi think so23:11
blondielegssounds about right23:11
jv324how come when i check channel lsit i only find ubuntu room for japanese and sweden23:11
blondielegsa 4.0 something...23:11
jv324i need help installing ubuntu 2.0423:11
ActionParsnipjv324: what issues are you having?23:11
Karlo_XMLnewbi: locate PARTIALFILENAME  -or-  find TOPDIR -OPTIONS ARGS ...23:11
jv324i downloaded the iso and extract it,then run wubi23:11
ActionParsnipjv324: don'tt extract the file23:12
dante123what is command to reconfigure x23:12
Karlo_XMLnewbi: I can flesh that out if you specify the nature of the search23:12
ActionParsnipjv324: whack it on a USB or CD, then use that23:12
ActionParsnipjv324: be sure to MD5 test the ISO first23:12
jv324it says Could not retrieve the required installation files23:12
XMLnewbilocate worked, I was typeing search filename.html lol23:13
jv324im sure its not corrupted,a corrupted zip never extract without problem-_-isnt that a fact23:13
DrGrovFudge: Here I got it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419937/23:13
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bekksjv324: No. :)23:13
blondielegsit said something about i had to "activate" it23:13
blondielegsi tried to23:13
jv324anyway i try to load the iso using virtualclone drive23:14
blondielegsit went thru all the steps and then fell on its face23:14
edheldil__blondielegs, dante123: that dialog is an absolute rubbish. I have tried all the proposed version of the driver, neither of them worked. I have then installed the nvidia driver by hand (i.e. sh ./NVIDIA-......run) and all was running perfectly in 5 minutes23:14
Zaelanybody know what this mess is about: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419938/23:14
jv324i started wubi and it run but didnt let me choose login option,it shows demo/full installation23:14
ActionParsnipjv324: its a good habit to always check ISO files, it takes seconds23:14
jv324when i pick it it ask i reboot23:14
blondielegscan you walk me thru how to do that23:14
jv324how can i reboot if the iso loader is running on windows-_-23:14
blondielegsthere is so many people im having trouble following23:15
ActionParsnipjv324: exactly, thats why you need an extra media23:15
jv324would it run on usb like the smaller bootable like lucid puppy?23:15
jv324ah i thought ti should run when i extract23:15
ActionParsnipjv324: you can use unetbootin and run the OS off the USB23:15
jv324other programs usually install when iso is extracted23:16
jv324as long as all files are in same directory23:16
Zaelcause of autorun23:16
jv324i dont want to use unetbootin23:16
jv324isnt iso is enough to run it on boot?23:16
Zaelyou have to burn iso, or image it to a usb with something like unetbootin23:17
edheldil__blondielegs:  download the NVidia's linux driver, switch to terminal (ctrl-alt-F1), login, killall lightdm, sh ./NVIDIA-......run.23:17
edheldil__it might require you to install kernel headers, though23:17
jv324cant i just extract it23:17
Zaelyeah, just copying the iso to the usb or copying the files out of the iso to the usb won't make it bootable23:17
sc0rpi0nis still need to downgrade xorg to install ati proprietary drivers?23:18
jv324not unless if i boot on usb?23:18
ActionParsnipjv324: no, you will need to either use unetbootin, burn to CD tyhen use wubi, or resize your NTFS, boot to the CD then install the new free space23:18
ActionParsnipjv324: or you can make a bootable CD with unetbbotin and install the OS using that23:18
jv324k ill find that unetbootin23:18
jv324i remember with lucid puppy i jsut extract it23:18
jv324i guess full install os needs some stuff23:19
blondielegswhere do i download the driver23:19
blondielegshow do i get to download it \23:19
ActionParsnipjv324: so what....its a different distro so will act differently23:19
DrGrovFudge: You saw the pastebin output?23:19
jv324sorry i didnt emant to say other distro23:19
jv324im just use with smaller bootable before23:19
jv324i need ubuntu to fix my filesystem on my smartphone23:20
dante1232edheldil__: tried what you said but says I must disable noveux driver first, how?23:22
emxwhere is the configuration folder of rhythmbox?23:23
emx(or how can i reset my music library such that it doesn't remove missing folders again and again?)23:24
ActionParsnipemx: try in ~/.config    maybe23:24
emxActionParsnip, didn't find rhythmbox anywhere except it would use a different name.23:25
ActionParsnipemx: try:  sudo updatedb; locate rhy | grep home23:25
ActionParsnipemx: it'll take a while23:25
verysoftoiletpprI'm trying to install this drivers http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
emxActionParsnip, what? :) i found something in .cache23:25
verysoftoiletpprbut the package doesn't contain configuration for precise23:26
verysoftoiletpprwhat should I do23:26
jv324question? this unetbootin,it needs empty flash drive?23:26
ActionParsnip!info fglrx23:26
ubottufglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:8.982-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 37752 kB, installed size 113148 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)23:26
jv324or it could be installed on a flash drive with files?23:26
ActionParsnip!ati | verysoftoiletppr23:27
ubottuverysoftoiletppr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:27
ActionParsnipverysoftoiletppr: if you have a 2xxx 3xxx or 4xxx GPU, you'll want the legacy PPA driver if you are using Quantal23:27
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip this is 9.3 with legacy drivers23:27
dante1232this latest kernel and nvidia seem to have major issues installing23:27
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip I'm using precise23:28
dante1232tempted to try mint23:28
snapdataI have googled and googled for the last two hours and I cannot find any information on what services are responsible for logging in Ubuntu, and/or how to disable logging entirely. Any hints?23:28
verysoftoiletpprand the chipset is x105023:28
jv324so could i install it on empty usb or not?23:28
jv324*not empty23:28
ActionParsnipjv324: you can use it to install with or even to. Unetbootin can use a persistance file to hold changes23:29
emxActionParsnip, it is .local/share/rhythmbox that holds the library23:29
jv324i put all my files on a one folder23:29
jv324so im hoping it wouldnt be affected if i used the usb drive on unetbootin23:29
jv324so what you said means it wont get affected?23:30
ActionParsnipjv324: copying the data as files doesn't work23:30
dante1232error on nvidia driver install, unable to find the kernel source tree23:30
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip Legacy driver for ATI Radeon 9500/9550/9600/9700/9800/X300/X550/X600/X700/X800/X850/X1050/X1300/X1550/X1600/X1650/X1800/X1900/Xpress/X1200/X1250/X2100 Series cards http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx.23:30
jv324no im not copying23:30
verysoftoiletpprthis is the link indicated in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI23:30
kvothetechdante1232: install the kernel sources23:31
verysoftoiletpprbut I'm not sure how to install it23:31
jv324i mean i have personal files on the usb drive23:31
verysoftoiletpprbecause the .run doesn't contain a configuration for precise23:31
dante1232no wonder Linux gave nvidia the finger......BASTARDS!23:31
cjaeSay I mount my ufs extenal drive (usb) to my ~/  , how come I cannot chown me:me ~/ufsstuff23:31
jv324i wanted to use unetbootin on that usbdrive,will it get erased?23:31
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip help23:31
jv324nvm ill just backup it and see23:31
cjaesays its happpening but never changes owner23:31
dante1232how I do that kvothetech?23:32
ActionParsnipverysoftoiletppr: the ppa is all i know of radeon chips dude, i don't buy them23:32
Troy^omg i have a logitch g110 i'm having such a hard time figuring out gnome15 for this keyboard. I'm trying to program the 'G' macro keys gnome15 is non-responsive for whatever reason.23:32
FudgeDrGrov  did someone look at your pastebin?23:33
DrGrovFudge: No, unfortunately not. I just tried to do sudo apt-get purge libreoffice* as well and then reinstalling but no luck.23:33
emesI've been noticing that my compositing is slow. I have an ivy bridge laptop with intel graphics. it seems the intel driver is being used. what else can I check?23:34
blondielegshow i have a screen that says 4 options. 1. run in low graphics mode for just one session. 2. reconfigure graphics. 3. troubleshoot the error. 4. exit to console login.23:34
Fudgeok ill read it23:34
newroadhi guys. i'm having an issue with installing office 2010 x32 (on  x64 ubuntu) with wine 1.15.18. whenever the serial window pops up, i cant type into it.23:34
isaiasHOLA SALUDOS23:34
blondielegshow do i fix my graphics card at this point if it will not let me reconfigure the graphics23:35
blondielegstheres no default23:35
FudgeDrGrov  apt-get install -f?23:35
devrand0mnewroad, forget it...23:35
DrGrovFudge: Ah, you are absolutely right. I have to do that to get that annoying little package out of the way :)23:36
dante123blondielegs, the graphics card ain't broke.....it either Ubuntu or nvidia driver that is the issue23:36
blondielegshow do i fix it at this point23:36
DrGrovFudge: Should I perhaps just in case remove the actual LibreOffice PPA and enable it again before I do this "apt-get install -f"?23:36
FudgeDrGrov  I would just try the -f for fix missing packages and see your output23:37
dante123I'm working on same thing....will let you know if I succeed23:37
DrGrovFudge: Did not show up anything special. I got the name though on the package that is causing the issue. libexttext-cat.23:37
Fudgei dont have tha tinstalled23:38
newroaddevrand0m, ?23:38
DrGrovFudge: I accidentally forced the install of that package and that made it really messy.23:38
FudgeDrGrov  my precise system output of installed libreoffice packages, maybe this will help you, start with the base probably http://paste.ubuntu.com/1419973/23:38
escottnewroad, this is not the appropriate channel to ask in, nor is it particularly likely to work23:39
DrGrovFudge: Thank you. I know how to install it but I can not get past that annoying little package :/ But I wonder, can I somehow force remove that libexttext-cat package now with the same procedure as sudo apt-get purge libexttext* ?23:40
FudgeDrGrov  or dpkr -r package name23:40
Fudgewithout -version-x23:40
escottnewroad, if you can get your hands on a legal copy of office you can presumably get your hands on a legal copy of windows so try vbox23:40
DrGrovFudge: Okay, that will probably be a good idea to test right now.23:40
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip which PPA23:41
escott!appdb | newroad23:41
ubottunewroad: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:41
j4jackjOK. Back in offtopic, I tried to make Flannel's joke backfire, and it backfired on me :(23:41
newroadescott, i know appdb, there just wasnt any reference to this problem there23:42
j4jackjFudge: i know you are the same person23:42
ActionParsnipverysoftoiletppr: http://ubuntuxtreme.com/howto/how-to-fix-your-amd-graphics-in-ubuntu-12-10/   scroll don to the 'Using Makarewicz PPA' and click it23:43
Fudgej4jackj  same person as what23:43
FudgeI dont think so, try a /whois23:43
DrGrovFudge: This is the PPA I am using. I will now try to remove it and re-enable it from Ubuntu Tweak from where I got it the first time. Hopefully that will work.23:44
DrGrovFudge: http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu23:44
SterlingI have an Asus q200e, just bought it and it has EFI23:45
SterlingI used wubi on windows 8 to install a ubuntu partition23:45
Sterlingbut I get a bootloader error on boot23:45
SterlingI can boot win8 ok, but not ubuntu23:45
SterlingI can select it in the win8 boot menu23:45
FudgeDrGrov  which version of ubuntu are you using mate23:45
ActionParsnipSterling: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting23:45
DrGrovFudge: I am using 10.04. I had it working until I by accident forced installed that libexttextcat package.23:46
SterlingActionParsnip: read that, but it doesnt mention anything about wubi23:46
Troy^is anyone here using a logitech keyboard such as a g19, with an lcd screen or just has macro keys? I need help getting gnome-15 to run properly in ubuntu 12.04 so i can set keyboard backlights and macro settings.23:46
ActionParsnipSterling: not sure about wubi in general. i think its awful23:47
Sterlingits my only option for now23:47
Sterlingdont have a USB disk on hand23:47
FudgeDrGrov  sorry mate not sure what else without looking, have you googled libreoffice lucid install problems ppa23:47
John76Can someone please help me get my Lexmark Impact s301 printer to work?23:47
John76I installed the drivers and it's still not showing up.23:48
DrGrovFudge: Yes, I have and I am not getting much of anything at the moment. But I am sure I will figure it out soon. Checking out the ubuntuforums.org for some guidelines and help from people with the similar issue.23:48
RickZillaI can't think of a good reason why I can't access the disk utility...it's installed and showing up as such in synaptic, but I can't find it to run it otherwise. Running ubuntu 12.1023:49
RickZillain Cinnamon, I might add23:50
verysoftoiletpprActionParsnip tks :)23:50
verysoftoiletpprit looks usefull23:50
DrGrovActionParsnip: I think I wrote with you about my LibreOffice issues earlier. And how I got it back installed. Do you remember anything how we did it?23:52
newroaddoes ubuntu come with wine mono23:53
ActionParsnipDrGrov: i've drank and slept since then dude23:53
DrGrovActionParsnip: Of course :) Have you seen the pastebin outputs I pasted to see what is the issue? Perhaps you know what might be the problem.23:54
DrGrovIf I do a backup of all my files that I have on 10.04. Is it so simple that I just copy all the folders over, ex. Documents, Pictures, Downloads etc. and it is all good?23:55
XMLnewbiso im kinda brainstorming here. are cron jobs pratical on a second basis? I have a live stream of datacomeing in, (just a price, not a lot of data) I want to push a livestream of a modifie price on my site. Is useing php to insert into a database the best way23:55
escottTroy^, there was a g19-daemon or g19-tools project23:56
XMLnewbilook like my ubuntu server can only do crons every minute23:56
escottXMLnewbi, you should not be doing cron jobs more frequently than every 15 minutes or so23:56
XMLnewbithats what I thought, should I probally be looking into running a websocket type setup23:57
XMLnewbiid prefur a livesteam of data23:57
escottXMLnewbi, you could open a socket or just sleep loop read a file23:57
XMLnewbiinput and output as a function23:57
XMLnewbiopen a socket* could you link something?23:58
escottXMLnewbi, ..... it really depends on what tool you are going to use.23:59

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