
ussher_im trying to add keyboard shortcuts to kazam to pause/unpause (because the icon click stops working) and have found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/kazam/+bug/650691  which reads ".... you can set the shortcuts in ~/.config/kazam/kazam.conf :) ....." but fails to say HOW to add them.  any ideas how to add a keyboard shortcut?06:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650691 in Kazam Screencaster "Kazam needs keyboard shortcuts" [Wishlist,Fix released]06:16
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EddwardDoes ubuntu studio have anything special like special kernel patches for audio work?21:13
EddwardOr is it a just a different set of default apps from ubuntu?21:14
zequenceEddward: It comes with preinstalled with linux-lowlatency (a reconfigured -generic) and a few settings to improbv21:15
zequence..improve low latency operation21:15
zequenceIt's not difficult to add that to any Ubuntu flavor or derivative21:16
zequenceJust install linux-lowlatency and add the user to audio group, as well as saying "yes" to realtime, when asked while installing jackd21:17
zequenceAll applications are in the main Ubuntu repo21:19
zequenceYou can then add all audio applications by installing ubuntustudio-audio21:22
zequenceAll, that are dependencies to that meta21:22
Eddwardzequence: Thanks21:26
holsteinmost folks dont need even the low latency one though21:26
holsteinyou can do plenty of "audio work" without needing low latency21:26
holsteinyou will notice a need for it if you want to run software synthesisers or realtime effects..21:27
EddwardI found yoshimi seemed to work better with it.21:27
holsteinEddward: not better21:27
holsteinEddward: will have lower latency if thats what you need21:28
holsteinits neither better nor worse...21:28
EddwardIt got clicky.21:28
holsteinsure... at lower latency settings21:28
holsteinyou also might not need to play the synth realtime21:28
holsteinyou might just want to do some sequencing... with a piano roll editor for example. that will not require low latency21:29
holsteini would expect to get audio hardware that would support lower latency as well21:29
holsteinif you are using an internal sound card, that is the biggest problem21:30
EddwardI have an sb live21:30
EddwardIt's been ok for sound, but it's not very pa friendly.21:30
holsteinEddward: pulse audio?21:31
holsteinthe drivers are the same21:31
EddwardI know21:31
zequenceAnyone who is wanting to play a soft synth live will need low latency21:31
EddwardThey don't seem to want to support it.21:31
holsteini doubt its actually a pulse issue.. lubuntu doesnt ship with pulse.. you could fire that up live and test without pulse21:31
EddwardIt plays fine w/o pulse.21:31
EddwardI also don't like that pulse won't take advantage of the multi-open support, but that's a separate issue.21:32
zequencepulse does do things a bit differently. Some cards have a alsa driver interface that doesn't work well with the standards that pulseaudio requireas21:33
holsteinive had issues with both scenarios, depending on driver support21:33
zequenceEddward: What is the issue you are having with pulseaudio?21:34
EddwardSo far the emu10k driver's been fine for me with the sb live except for when I use pulse.21:34
EddwardIt's clicky.  If I do something that's CPU intensive like play a video game, the sound stutters and static's out until sound just dies and I get silence.21:35
EddwardI gave up on PA.21:35
EddwardI've never gotten any workable advice and lots of insults.21:36
EddwardIs unity the default DE for ubuntu studio now?21:36
zequenceCheck out ubuntustudio.org for some pics21:37
EddwardI'm still on 10.04 and I'm hoping to upgrade over the holidys.21:37
holsteinor download it and check it out live21:37
zequenceEddward: I'm guessing your PA issues might be long gone once you upgrade21:37
EddwardI'll give it another, but that's what I've heard before.21:38
zequenceJust realized we don't have a screenshot of the desktop :P21:38
EddwardI use it on my work laptop with the enbedded sound chip.  It gets staticy there, but it's just work.21:38
EddwardI don't mine a few clicks when the chat program beeps.21:39
holsteini usually have all that worked out from a live CD21:40
holsteinEddward: i get no clicks or pops.. desktop or studio. not on my sound blaster hardware either21:40
zequence10.04 still didn't include a alsa driver for my audio device that allowed PA to see my audio ins and outs. That got sorted out a long time ago21:41
EddwardDoes pulse run on top of jack or do it suspend pulse when doing sound work?21:41
holsteinEddward: not in any prolonged un-usable state21:41
holsteinEddward: you can undo the dbus that routes pulse through JACK (thats what i do)21:41
zequencepulse runs paralell to jack, unless you start jack with the same audio device21:41
EddwardI'm fine routing through jack.  I hated killing all other sound to run jack before.21:42
zequenceUbuntu Studio comes preconfigured with having Pulseaudio bridge to jack, if starting jack though21:42
holsteini prefer having no other sound but jack on my audio rig21:42
holsteinnot that i remove or purge anything...21:42
zequenceThat means Pulseaudio is turned into an audio application, just like any audio application21:42
zequenceIt's not recommended to have the bridge active when doing low latency21:43
zequenceIt causes xruns21:43
holsteinthough, its quite useable and decent latency settings..and works out of the box.. easy21:43
zequencePA still needs to be set to use jack as its output/input, after starting jack, in order for the chain to be complete21:43
EddwardI just want to be able to run a game now and then with out having to kill jack.21:44
EddwardI'm still spoiled by running multi-open without pulse.21:44
holsteini dont do gaming and jack21:45
holsteini kill jack and do desktop tasks... or i dual boot a seperate installation21:45
EddwardI'm guessing they haven't done anything to rake advantage of multi-open.21:45
holsteini dont even like to upgrade my audio machine21:45
holsteini have a 10.04 install that i havent upgraded in years.. i dual boot 12.04 there til i get migrated over to 12.0421:45
EddwardMaybe if I get a comfortable enough rig, I'll be that way.21:45
holsteini have a very comfortable dual core rig that i got for recovering some data from a hard drive for a friend21:47
EddwardI got to were I was using yoshimi, qsynth and I was trying to find a recording/sequencer I liked.21:47
EddwardI played with muse & rosegarden,21:48
holsteinqtractor is the one i hear about, though i do very little midi myself21:48
EddwardI hate having to reload all the different programs and getting reset up each time.21:48
holsteinardour3 will be the big one when its final21:48
holsteinEddward: sure.. but actually, you *get* to load the different programs and set them up with each other21:48
zequenceardour3 midi is not the best, even though it does work. I either use qtractor or muse. Muse is very fast to work with, if you write notes by hand21:49
zequenceI only use muse for midi though21:49
zequenceAnd I prefer Ardour for audio21:49
holsteinzequence: might not be the best, but i bet it will be the go-to when its final21:49
EddwardIf I could snaphot it once I'm setup that would be fine.21:49
holsteinEddward: there are session managers21:49
EddwardI need to figure out how to use one.21:49
EddwardThanks for you help.  I got to run.21:50

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