
=== Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ochosipleia2: i guess xubuntu could make use of g+ new community feature13:57
smartboyhwBTW we already set up one for Ubuntu Studio13:59
smartboyhwSo good for you guys to set up a Xubuntu one14:00
pleia2ochosi: volunteering? :)15:27
ochosipleia2: ooops :)16:28
pleia2ochosi: I think like most of our other resources we'll see if something springs up organically and then bestow official-hood upon them when they are awesome16:29
ochosiyeah, makes sense16:29
pleia2(unless someone actually does want to volunteer to run it, then by all means, but I think we're all too busy)16:29
ochosiyeah, agreed to that16:30
ochosiactually it has been awkwardly silent here since uds16:30
ochosii mean not all the time, but in general16:30
ochosibtw, i've been working quite a bit on the icon-theme16:30
ochosii think we might actually pull off a png theme for 13.0416:30
pleia2yeah, I saw some talk in #shimmer16:30
ochosiwhich would speed up the whole experience16:30
ochosibasically i've been drawing missing sizes of icons lately16:31
ochosiand pulling in new/updated icons from elementary upstream16:31
ochosiadnan: didn't you want to contribute to xubuntu artwork at some point?16:32
adnanlet me just read up quickly16:32
ochosisure, ping me when you have time :)16:33
adnanatm got some uni stuff16:33
adnanI'll hl u when I got free time16:33
ochosisure, no rush16:34
adnanicons or?16:34
adnanbtw rendering clay model of my university blender project:  Fra:1 Mem:78.30M (126.56M, peak 210.12M) | Mem: 19.52M, Peak: 19.52M | Scene, RenderLayer | Elapsed: 12:55:01.98 | Rendering | Path Tracing Tile 5783/648016:35
ochosimostly cause working on them alone isn't as much fun as doing it as a team, and because it's low-hanging fruit16:35
adnan13 hours lol16:35

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