
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk
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K1rkI am trying to clean up after this largely ignored bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/990315  Without compiling my own binaries.  I am doing this on a large scale deployment, and I don't want to deal with an update wiping out my custom binaries.02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990315 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[patch] fixes 'Cancel' button press action" [Undecided,Fix released]02:24
K1rkI thought maybe a good solution would be a custom button on the GTK greeter to replace their broken cancel button. Maybe one which runs a custom bash script to kill and restart lightdm.02:24
K1rkAny idea how I can accomplish this?02:24
keithclarkCould someone tell me what they get when they go to clarkhome.dyndns-home.com02:46
holsteinkeithclark: it works!03:07
keithclarkthanks holstein I don't see the same here03:08
holsteinkeithclark: you should if you go to the ip of the box03:09
keithclarkholstein, yes I can if I type the local ip of the box.  I cannot if I type the url as given here.  Or even the ip address03:10
holsteinkeithclark: thats not a problem03:10
keithclarkholstein, Ah, all I would get was my routers login page03:11
keithclarkI just wanted to make sure that I could have access to my box from outside the house03:12
berglehere is a random question -here because i run xubuntu- anyone know of any window managers that operates in 3d. kinda like having a fps as a desktop, with actual different rooms, or the ability to move in 3d?03:14
holsteinkeithclark: i see the "it works" page... so you do03:17
holsteinkeithclark: took a while to load03:17
holsteinbergle: nothing exactly like that, though enlightenment does some pretty interesting visual things03:17
bergleholstein, well years ago they had a start to something like that on windows, it was only a large flat square you could move on, and the icons were 3d representatives and i am trying to find out if any further development has happened in the last 10 years or so03:19
berglei dont need multiple desktop spaces, or a cube and rotation. at the very least im trying to find the right way to google it, as to return as little vmware or classic window manager gnome/kde/compiz stuff so i can sort through it03:19
holsteinbergle: compiz.. not with romms like that. though everything here is open if you cant find what you want and want to make it03:20
bergleholstein, though my programming is lacking in that department.03:20
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pete_Hello. Sometimes, the accessibillity-functions acitvates themself while playing minecraft10:13
pete_how can i get rid of them?10:13
pete_Is is possible to deactivate the accessibillity-things permanetly?10:37
TheSheepI have no idea what you mean by "accessibility-things"10:42
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
inop2603Howdy! :D13:10
som__hello everyone14:23
finn__anyone know about getting wakeup from usb to work in 12.10?14:44
finn__specifically, i'm trying to change /proc/acpi/wakeup, but it appears something else is automatically changing it to prevent my edits from kicking in (when i nano the file and save, i get a "File was modified since you opened it, continue saving")14:45
finn__and then it reverts14:45
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prasad_hello all, I have installed the faenza theme. But pidgin in the notification area of panel shows the pidgin icon. I want it to show the status icon. How do i go about doing this?15:58
lars__Back to xubuntu after 1½ year16:44
lars__Feels good bro16:44
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
testoseems like I can not set up LAN interface up (12.04 32bit)17:37
testowireless working but Lan is not.17:37
JamesBHowdy. I just installed Xubuntu alongside Windows 8... seemed fine, but on starting Windows 8, it decided to 'automatic repair'. I hit Cancel when it gave the option of system restore, but it's taking a long while to start up... should this be cause for concern?17:37
testoit is on switch and it is on ifconfig -a , but no Ip address17:37
ochositesto: maybe dhcp is disabled for lan on your router?17:38
testoJamesB, I don't think there is system restore on xubuntu, unless you installed on Btrfs and restoring from snapshot17:38
testoochosi, yes, I have no dhcp device to set address to17:39
testoI want to share wireless connection to other people on network17:39
testoWhen I set it in ipV4 settings, nothing happens17:39
JamesBNo, I mean when I tried to start Windows 8 after installing Xubuntu, Windows 8 is doing that...17:40
testoI have no idea what ubuntu 8 has. Has been on linux from 2006 onwars.17:40
testowhat windows 8 have :)17:40
JamesBAh. Well, someone else can answer then I suppose :)17:40
JamesBI can only assume by the amount of time it's taking that it's busy erasing Xubuntu17:40
testowell I think that all linux does it install in MBR of the disk and gives ability to choose, so both systems are independent after that17:41
JamesBApparently not :) Maybe it's due to it having 4K sectors or whatnot, who knows17:41
testoJamesB, I am not sure if Microsoft is such malicious.17:42
JamesBNot malicious, it's just 'repairing Windows' after my install17:42
testoJamesB, well, I definately knows that xubunut will not affect windows, that is for sure17:42
testoanyway, I do not remember that Lan settings on GUI actually was ever working in Xubuntu. Wireless works, lan don't17:44
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testoit is 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2417 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5007G 802.11bg] (rev 01)17:52
testobut 00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 08) does not work17:52
testoso editing network connections for LAn have no effect at all17:53
testoI can put anything in there, it fon't put eth0 interface up17:53
testoi set everything in GUI for lan and it has no effect.17:57
testoI have nothing special on this system, just 12.04 fresh install17:57
testowould like to route internet from wifi to LAN with it.17:58
testomaybe problem is that ther eis local-link and defualt both tighted to wlan0 in route17:58
simanow I can make static IP on LAN working after restart, but when I connect to wireless internet, I can not use internet connection throught wireless, untill I manually disable LAN network with static IP...18:19
simaso it is eather wireless without LAN and have internet on one computer, or use LAN with no internet over wlan18:19
jonnemy box is mainly xubuntu but it has a bunch of gnome stuff sprinkled in, and for some reason i have no idea which tool actually controls power saving19:50
jonneis there a way i can find out which service handles this? I basically want my screen to turn off after 5 minutes or so19:50
lars__jonne : I dont know if you can do this but I do that in the screen settings19:51
lars__But i got a fresh install of xubuntu19:52
lars__Rightclick on desktop19:52
jonnemine's a frankenstein of sorts, so i probably have multiple services installed19:52
lars__Settings > the other setting option and then there is "montior" i think19:52
lars__its called19:53
jonnealso, i'm running xbmc on this, so it possibly also stops power management from kicking in19:53
lars__Dont know about that but I know that xscreensaver handles the xfce screen settings and shutdown19:54
jonneit's just a bitch to figure out what works or not, because you have to wait for a while after each change before you can tell wheter it worked or not19:59
v1adimirGNU Privacy Assistant from the software center points to http://www.gnupg.org/gpa.html which is 404 :\21:04
v1adimiron Quantal21:05
v1adimir.. found it: http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gpa/?C=M;O=D21:13
Duendehi people, in my xubuntu 12.10 not work "extract here" in thunar ...21:29
Duendesomebody helpme  ??21:29
holsteinDuende: are you tring to extract something that needs extracting?21:30
holsteina .zip? a .rar?21:30
Duendeyes I try extract images.zip but do'nt never work ... :(21:31
Duendehi holstein21:32
Duendefor extract I double clic and the windows, clic in button Extract21:33
well_laid_lawnDuende: try right clicking it and 'open with' - does it show an app to open it with?21:35
holsteinDuende: http://askubuntu.com/questions/86849/how-to-unzip-a-zip-file-from-the-terminal21:36
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression21:37
xubuntu695looking for help22:11
drcIt's over there...in the corner, under the newspapers.22:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:18
ubottutomatopotato: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:19
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