[01:48] howdy all === len is now known as Guest32650 [05:52] Anyone here not able to boot the latest daily? It hangs once the mouse cursor shows up... [12:51] HI folks [12:54] Hey [15:43] hello mister popey [15:43] have you got 5 minutes ? [15:43] or are you working at the moment ? [15:44] popey === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:50] yellabs, please don't randomly send me files [15:51] okey [15:51] its more of an idea [15:51] and pictures often say more then words [15:52] dont be afraid its nothing bad [15:53] hmm, if you have some time to talk just let me know.. [16:03] yellabs, stick it on imgur? [16:11] is there any nautilus replacement that doesn't suck or looks it was made in 1994 and that a tree file that gnome choose to remove in 3.8? kde alternatives aren't worth it, since it means pulling half of KDE :) [16:12] popey [16:12] http://imgur.com/E1dHt [16:19] is that an good option ? add an globe icon in the bottum icons , when choosing the 'globe' the online search kicksin, when choosing the 'home' icon , it would do an local search instead of the online version, keeps its separeted and gives users more control.. [16:19] that was the idea [18:56] FernandoMiguel, you're not still using pidgin are you? [18:58] and what's wrong with pidgin? [18:58] it's so, like, not empathy [18:59] I *HATE* empathy [19:05] empathy is an integral part of gnome [19:05] it demands to be used [19:08] * penguin42 has no empathy for it [19:09] bjsnider: Seriously, the UI screws me up completely; 1st time I tried to get to irc on empathy I was swearing at it for half an hour [19:09] xchat is what irc is for [19:09] * penguin42 suspects it might be better these days [19:09] I use pidgin for it [19:11] penguin42, aren't you a KDE user? [19:11] yes, but I still use pidgin (on both my KDE and gnome systems) [19:12] [19:12] then use kde-telepathy! Sure, that's basically empathy, but it's not empathy! [19:13] telepathy sucks too [19:13] try to find irc on it [19:21] xchat is what should be used for irc [19:21] more features [19:25] konversation works well here ...xchat would be my 2nd choice [19:32] bjsnider: I mostly treat my desktop environment and apps separately; if an app works I'll use it in either [19:32] I've sometimes used xchat, but I like having multiple windows for irc, and pidgin lets me do that [19:34] I do use Konsole, dragon and k3b on KDE, but there again I'd happily use k3b and dragon on Gnome since they just seem to work for what they do [20:06] bjsnider: always! can't find anything better [20:07] it will be PITA when twitter kills 3rd party apps :( [20:07] gnome has supplied something [20:07] I like pidgin cause of the integration [20:07] I have all my SNs in it [20:08] and all the same settings cross several PCs [20:08] if there was pidgin for android and/or pidgin WEB I would use that too [20:20] penguin42 , how does one set up separate windows for each chat on pidgin? [20:38] BluesKaj: enable Pane plugin, and drag it out [20:41] FernandoMiguel: where do I find pane plugins? [20:43] sec [20:44] bah... hud is messing with me [20:44] I should just disable it [20:45] BluesKaj: if you have plugin pack installed, in Tools>plugins you can find "Separate And Tab 2.7.0" [21:03] FernandoMiguel: installed the pidgin plugin pack , but don't see it in tools, the only pane is the infopane [21:04] you have to enable that plugin [21:09] yup , got it