
ychaoucheHi. Is there a tool that graphs bazaar branches ?09:31
ychaoucheis that what bzr graph-ancestry does ?09:31
ychaouchemmm; not sure09:31
mmrazikychaouche: maybe bzr qlog is what you are looking for?09:35
mmrazikI believe its in qbzr package09:36
ychaouchemmrazik: is this a a software package or a plugin ?09:36
ychaouchemy distribution doesn't have a qbzr package09:37
ychaoucheI'll google this09:37
mmrazikychaouche: I think both. Its a plugin but on ubuntu its in qbzr package09:37
mmrazikthe description of the package says: Graphical interface for Bazaar using the Qt toolkit09:38
ychaoucheoh I have that in my plugins09:38
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ychaoucheHow to obtain that sort of diagram ? http://pastie.org/550648713:27
ychaoucheI want this :http://i.imgur.com/TLHgQ.png but I only this : http://i.imgur.com/BCcqy.png13:27
ychaoucheI only *see* this13:27
jelmerychaouche: your history is linear, that's why it's showing it to you that way13:30
ychaouchejelmer: I don't understand13:34
ychaoucheI created a branch right ?13:35
ychaoucheor maybe you mean the only way to see the graphic split in two is when there are merges ?13:35
ychaouchepulls, to be more precise ?13:35
vilaychaouche: you seem to look at 'bzr qlog dev', try 'bzr qlog prod dev' i.e. look at the history of both branches at once13:39
ychaouchevila: thanks. I wasn't sure since I thought everything was inside the dev branch (even the prod history), but apparently it's not ?13:41
ychaouchevila: but still, I see just one line not two. So I guess this type of diagrams http://i.imgur.com/TLHgQ.png only applies for merges.13:42
ychaoucheRight ?13:42
vilasince you started the dev branch from the prod branch, the history of the prod branch is part of the history of the dev branch13:43
vilahave you tried 'bzr qlog prod dev' ?13:43
vilaif you still see a "single line" try committing something to prod, you will then see two "lines"13:44
vilaif you then merge prod into dev, you'll see that the two histories are different (even if after the merge, the *content* is the same)13:45
vilaeven better, if you don't want to pollute your branches, try from scratch ;)13:46
ychaouchevila: thanks, I tried on a "foo" repo and saw the two branches13:51
ychaoucheI'll try my first merge now13:52
ychaouchefake marge13:52
ychaoucheis there a bzr developer channel or is it ok to discuss plugin code here ?14:22
vilaychaouche: here is fine14:24
ychaoucheI don't know what is causing this : http://pastie.org/550671814:31
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ychaoucheHow do I know what branch I'm in ? bzr info doesn't give this information. I can however find something called "branch nick" in bzr log. Is this the good way to obtain the branch name ?16:23
jelmerychaouche: 'bzr root'16:24
ychaouchejelmer: that gives me the current working directory actually16:25
ychaouchejelmer: bzr root == pwd16:25
ychaouchein my case16:25
jelmerychaouche: that directory is apparently the branch you're in16:25
jelmerychaouche: that directory is apparently the branch you're in16:25
ychaouchejelmer: yes but the branche name "dev" isn't mentionned anywhere16:28
ychaouchelook : http://i.imgur.com/8ZMkB.png16:28
ychaouchethat's because I created the branch in some other place and then put a copy in where the bzr root thinks it is.16:29
ychaouchelook at the screenshot it explains it better16:29
jelmerychaouche: I don't see why the branch name should be 'dev'16:30
ychaouchejelmer: because I created it via bzr branch prod dev16:30
ychaoucheso it should be nicked dev, no ?16:30
jelmerthe 'branch nick:' bit in the log file just means that commit was made on a branch with the nick name 'dev'16:30
jelmeryou can set and retrieve the branch nick with the 'bzr nick' command16:30
ychaouchechaouche@fictive ~/.zdesktop/zimlets-deployed/_dev/com_feeder_sugarbee $ bzr nick16:31
ychaouchethat's even worse hah16:31
jelmerychaouche: you can set it yourself with 'bzr nick foo'16:32
ychaoucheok let me ask the question differently : suppose you have a prod branch and a dev branch. Now you go to your test server, and you have code there. The question is : how do you know if that code is from the prod branch or from the dev branch ?16:32
ychaouchethat's the context of my question, maybe I didn't emphasis on that much.16:33
jelmerychaouche: run 'bzr nick dev' in the dev branch and 'bzr nick prod' in the production branch16:33
ychaoucheand then ?16:34
ychaoucheor let met ask the question differently again : suppose you created a branch via bzr init foo. Then you copy foo to another location (for example from your laptop to the test server). Now someone else logs in the test server. Does he have anyway of getting the string "foo" using any bazaar commands ?16:49
ychaoucheif he cds to that directory ? (supposed you copied it under the name baz instead of foo)16:50
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LarstiQhmm, ychaouche always disappears before I get online18:19
jelmerLarstiQ: he is one of your alteregos ?18:19
LarstiQjelmer: haha, no :)18:20
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Logan_jelmer: Hey, could you possibly do: $ requeue_package.py --full bzrtools # ?21:41
Logan_I need that so that the branch can be imported properly.21:41
jelmerLogan_:  sorry, I'm no longer at Canonical and thus no longer have access to jubany21:41
Logan_oh, sorry about that21:42
jelmerLogan_: you probably want jam, mgz_ or vila21:42
Logan_or james_w :P21:45
james_wLogan_, done22:05
Logan_james_w: thanks :)22:05
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