
=== Guest21470 is now known as euphori
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papertigerwhat file manages the console login text (the text that appears before you log into the console)00:52
brenttrying to add network printer, browse button greyed out, help????04:24
heoyea_try sudo04:25
brentkdesu systemsettings04:26
brentnope windows printer via samba browse button still greyed out04:28
heoyea_guess fix ur samba 1st04:28
brentit installed samba for me when i shared out a partition...04:29
brenthow might i go about fixing samba?04:30
heoyea_depends on ur setup04:36
brentis there something missing i need to install?04:36
heoyea_if its on a windows side04:36
heoyea_then check that 1st04:36
brentim on kubuntu 13.04. when i was on kubuntu 12.04 i just browsed, clicked on the printer on my windows machine and added it...04:37
brentnow when i try to browse and find the printer i would like to add browse is greyed out04:38
brentinstall smbnetfs perhaps?04:39
brenttrying to add network printer. browse button greyed out.. anyone know how to fix?04:50
=== Shaun_ is now known as Shaun
brentgot my network printer working! had to enter smb://workgroup/machine/printer... still cant browse...05:38
brenthow do i change my user picture on the new 'user bar' type login?05:48
=== mew is now known as slscrw
raywmjrSo whats this channel for?06:55
raywmjrok there are like a hundred people in here, are any of you actually on?06:57
VixenGurlVixenGurl jean PaulW2U raywmjr tankdriver sagaci Jekyll BIGIDIOT markbod hateball FloodBotK1 Axisar_ jhunold freedomrun gorgonizer_ |oop Jenm telex worm Vert Shaun oy-tablet__ thelionroars zaki [8bitgeek] vivid Mailman bulldog98 simion314 Quintasan yofel_ StarryNight almoxarife heoyea_ ralsina SeaJey FReaper-PC jackh levi501d ralfi___ ralfi ralfi__ Tygart Axlin msx kernelpanic IdleOne naught102 Roxe Tiktalik07:00
=== Adrian is now known as Guest41572
=== pete_ is now known as Guest55955
Guest55955i am uuuu07:26
Guest55955up and rruning on linux07:26
Guest55955woop woop07:26
Guest55955i could not ccconect useing wwifi07:27
Guest55955had to  use lan cable07:27
bazhangwhat version of Linux Guest5595507:28
Guest55955is  that better07:29
bazhangKubuntu ?07:29
bazhangwhat version07:29
Guest55955not sure07:30
heoyea_lsb_release -a07:30
Guest55955its useing the duel boot download system07:31
Guest55955wubie or something07:31
bazhang!version | Guest5595507:31
ubottuGuest55955: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »07:31
bazhangyeah wubi07:31
bazhangnot a true dual boot07:32
heoyea_get rid of wubi07:32
Guest55955i am a novice07:32
Guest55955can i get winamp for this07:34
Guest55955i need  to get shoutcast07:34
heoyea_seems like u should stick to windows since ur not really trying to learn linux07:37
bazhangGuest55955, shoutcast is available07:38
Guest55955 i just in stalled it give me time07:39
bazhangGuest55955, as far as winamp, you should look into audacious music player, it's skinnable07:39
sasorihey guys... anyone use calligra flow???????07:42
sasoriodd question i know, but need help with one critical aspect07:42
bazhang!find calligra07:42
ubottuFound: calligra, calligra-data, calligra-dbg, calligra-dev, calligra-l10n-ca, calligra-l10n-cavalencia, calligra-l10n-da, calligra-l10n-de, calligra-l10n-el, calligra-l10n-engb (and 33 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=calligra&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all07:42
bazhang!info calligra07:42
ubottucalligra (source: calligra): extensive productivity and creative suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.1-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 71 kB07:42
sasoriyup theres a group, will ask there, thanks07:43
bazhangsasori, whats the actual question07:43
sasorihow to increase the page size, trying to do an org chart but need a way bigger canvas07:44
sasoriwas a huge complaint on kivio, was hoping it was fixed07:44
heoyea_isnt that Koffice07:48
bazhangcalligra is KOfiice renamed?07:49
heoyea_pretty much07:49
bazhang!find Koffice07:49
ubottuFound: koffice-l10n-ca, koffice-l10n-cavalencia, koffice-l10n-da, koffice-l10n-de, koffice-l10n-el, koffice-l10n-engb, koffice-l10n-es, koffice-l10n-et, koffice-l10n-fr, koffice-l10n-gl (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=Koffice&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all07:49
bazhangguess so07:50
DoyleWhy does /etc/ppp/chap-secrets create a new entry every time I attempt to connect to my work vpn? THey're all the same07:52
heoyea_cant save?07:53
jeltschHi, I’m using Kubuntu 12.10 with the proprietary NVidia driver from the nvidia-current-updates package.07:55
jeltschUnfortunately, I cannot store my monitor configuration in KDE system settings.07:55
jeltschI want the internal screen of my laptop to be right of the external screen I’m using.07:56
jeltschIf I store these settings and restart KDE, the internal and external screen are always overlapping with their top-right corners aligned.07:56
heoyea_try opening ur nvidia settings with sudo07:57
heoyea_since by default is not07:57
jeltschI’m using the KDE dialog, not the NVidia-specific thing.07:57
jeltschIt worked well with the noveau driver, by the way.07:58
heoyea_so which ur using the nvidia or the open source 1?07:58
jeltschI’m now using the proprietary NVidia driver, but KDE’s system settings for configuring the monitors.07:59
heoyea_think that just opens the nivdia 108:00
jeltschheoyea_: I don’t think so. The dialog looks the same as it did with the noveau driver. I think it is from KDE.08:01
heoyea_jeltsch: then is probally not the 1 u wanna use, since ur using nvidia drivers now08:02
heoyea_use the 1 that came with the drivers08:02
jeltschWell, but the NVidia drivers implement the generic card interfaces and should thus work with the normal configuration apps, right?08:03
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jeltschFurthermore, I have made some per-user settings with the KDE dialog now, so these will probably applied upon login even if the NVidia dialog has set something different before, I guess.08:04
heoyea_yea u can try a reboot if u need08:05
jeltschI mean if KDE applies its settings on every login, then it will always overwrite the settings of the NVidia tool.08:06
jeltschWell, I have “reset” the standard configuration in the KDE dialog now.08:06
jeltschI hope that KDE will not interfer with the NVidia settings now.08:06
jeltschStill, it’s a shame that KDE and the proprietary NVidia driver don’t work well together.08:07
jeltschWith GNOME, this finally worked after NVidia had fixed their drivers.08:07
jeltschI will try with the NVidia tool now.08:07
heoyea_is not really a KDE issue is an nivida thing08:08
jeltschMight be.08:08
jeltschAt least historically, the NVidia drivers were not very interoperable. :-(08:09
jeltschWhat is the “X Configuration File” that nvidia-settings can save to?08:11
jeltschheoyea_: In /etc/X11?08:13
jeltschOkay, so this is not present by the default, and to reset the configuration, it is okay to just delete this file, right?08:13
jeltschthe default → default08:13
heoyea_jeltsch: make a backup of it 1st08:14
jeltschI don’t have such a file in /etc/X1108:14
jeltschOr do you mean before removing it?08:14
heoyea_yea just incase08:14
faLUCEhi, where can I find a list of new programs for linux that are much appreciated by the community?08:15
heoyea_which programs?08:15
jeltschOkay, I will test this NVidia setup now. See you later.08:17
soeeanyone testes KDE 4.10 b2 in qunatal?08:23
jeltschHi again, I have configured now with the NVidia tool and saved to /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:30
jeltschThere is one problem with this solution however.08:30
jeltschWhen I plug or unplug the monitor while X is running, X doesn’t switch two dual or single monitor.08:31
jeltschI have to either manually configure then or restart X.08:31
jeltschThis is annoying.08:31
jeltschAnd this is why I would prefer to use the KDE monitor settings, because in this case, plug and unplug works as it should.08:32
jeltschAnother question: I realize that under Kubuntu, my laptop’s fan is working quite often. What could be the source of this?08:38
heoyea_probally ur drivers08:42
jeltschWhich ones? Graphics card?08:43
Tm_Tjeltsch: have you monitored your cpu load?08:44
heoyea_else u can get some fan control alls08:44
jeltschCPU load used to be quite high at times, because Nepomuk was working in the background.08:45
jeltschBut now the load is quite low and the fan is still switched on an off all the time.08:45
Tm_Tjeltsch: allright, powertop could be your friend08:46
jeltschCan I somehow find out the temperature of the graphics cards08:48
jeltschcards → card?08:48
heoyea_install lm-sensors09:07
jeltschOkay, I will look into this.09:09
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_Adrodhi guys can anyone from norway please contact me?09:21
jeltschheoyea_: I have tried lm-sensors now. It basically told me what I had already found in /sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0. All temperatures are between 57 and 62 ᵒC.09:26
jeltschI don’t think this should cause a fan to start, should it?09:26
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Rithi guys11:01
bosЯ ЭТО НЕ ПИСАЛ11:17
Ritanyone from norway?11:18
monkeyjuicemorning Rit11:25
=== Steph_De_Chine is now known as worm
tsheringI want to ask something as I am a little bit confused. In launchpad the latest version of modemmanager is being shown as 0.5 while the one in the muon repositories for kubuntu 12.10 quantal is 0.6. Can anyone guide me on this one ?11:46
=== Piki is now known as Guest98012
Guest98012i'm looking for a way to dual boot Kubuntu and Windows 7,Kubuntu installed first12:05
ikoniaGuest98012: it's better to install windows first, but you can do it the other way around with a little more effort12:08
Guest98012well i tryed with win first and got nowhere12:09
ikoniaplease define "got nowhere"12:09
Guest98012all i managed to do is wubi install on a small partition12:11
ikoniado you want to do a wubi install, or a proper dual boot ?12:11
ikoniaok, so I'll give you a URL in a moment12:12
Guest98012thank you12:12
ikoniahowever the basic permise is 1.) partition your disk for Windows - leaving UNALLOCATED (not unused) space for ubuntu 2.) install ubuntu into the unallocated space allowing it to create a new partition for it's self12:12
ikoniathat's all you need to do12:12
ikonia!dualboot | Guest9801212:12
ubottuGuest98012: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:12
Guest98012well i came here to ask when i saw "do not install GRUB on sda/dev12:13
ikoniawhat ?12:14
Guest98012i'm a noob with no tech knowledge12:15
Guest98012so i browse the how to articles12:15
ikoniaok, I suggest reading the official pages I've just given you12:16
ikoniaand keeping in mind what I've just said12:17
_arlwhi guys12:50
Guest98012ikonia would this work?12:57
Guest98012via the LiveCD terminal12:57
Guest98012This method uses the terminal from a LiveCD.12:57
Guest98012The user must know the device name/partition of the installed system (sda1, sdb5, etc), which is then mounted from the LiveCD.12:57
Guest98012 GRUB 2 files are copied from the LiveCD libraries to the proper locations and MBR.12:57
FloodBotK1Guest98012: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
Guest98012Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on12:57
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest25621
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BluesKajHey all13:49
_arlwhi BluesKaj13:53
diomeohey all!13:53
diomeocan anyone return feedbacks || features/fixs request about http://bitfungus.org/ ?13:53
diomeowe would like to make it helpful for developers/designers as much as it can be13:54
diomeoand the "i use github or i use bitbucket" is not allowed :D it is not github or bitbucket13:54
diomeofeel free to contribute! anonymous and free obviously13:54
Tm_Tdiomeo: hi, bit wrong place to advertise (;14:02
diomeooh ops :P14:03
diomeosorry for that14:03
diomeojust it is not advertising ;) we would like more feedbacks!14:03
BluesKajdiomeo, try #kubuntu-devel14:05
diomeothx ok!!14:05
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
=== tommy_ is now known as Guest35757
BluesKajI'm testing the 3.7 kernel on 12.1.0 as suggested by using nomodeset in place of quiet splash , but the boot still freezes completely at the hardware scan ...any other suggestions ?14:39
=== cyber is now known as Guest90736
=== yassin is now known as Shui
eagles0513875hey guys why is the 64bit kubuntu iso on the download page so bloated its showing 934Mb15:15
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eagles0513875guessing this isn't a good place to ask why the 64bit 12.10 iso is bloated to 934Mb15:27
SIR_Tacoeagles0513875:  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.10-release   read under 12.10 Highlights heading15:28
eagles0513875thanks SIR_Taco15:28
SIR_Tacothey made the decision to stop cd isos in favour of dvd/usb installs (to fit more into the install images)15:29
eagles0513875:) thats good15:31
eagles0513875that might explain the fair bit of bloat i have on my install but then again not sure15:32
SIR_Tacoquite possible. Whenever I do a fresh install I usually spend a bunch of time purging a lot of software that I'll never use :)15:34
BluesKajeagles0513875, I don't think of it as bloat , just necessary for todays cpus and graphics to include all those kernel modules required to run kubuntu on all the devices on the market these days15:41
eagles0513875actually BluesKaj  not true read the release notes they are doing that to include more software15:42
BluesKajthen what do you call bloat , eagles0513875 ?15:43
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i didn't realize that until i was pointed to the release notes and read them15:44
BluesKajpoor packaging ?15:53
ikonia900 meg is "bloat" ?15:56
_awenhi everybody16:06
spawn[dead]do any of you guys use rekonq as your browser?16:07
_awenspawn[dead]: I use Chrome16:08
BluesKajeagles0513875 I read the release notes and it looks like a compromise was made due to the consolidation with some of the alternate install's features ...seems legit to me .16:10
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57`
spawn57`yeah, rekonq leaves a lot to be desired16:14
BluesKaj_awen, rekonq is too buggy for normal use on my system...it's not worth the grief16:14
_awenBluesKaj: you're right16:15
=== pjoe_dj is now known as pjoe_afk
spawn57`rekonq is always going to play catch up with chrome it seems :\16:31
cojackyo guys16:32
_awenhi cojack16:32
BluesKajchromium-browser is the version to use on linux , google chrome has flash and other media plugin issues16:32
cojackCan someone told me who get idea to set up every document to open default by LibreOffice? (Kubuntu 12.10)16:32
cojackevery text docs are by default opened by libreoffice16:34
* cojack crying like a baby16:34
BluesKajcojack, choose a text file , the right click , choose open with , choose "other" , then in the menu choose utlities>kate , then check the "remember application...."16:35
=== spawn57` is now known as spawn[dead]
cojackBluesKaj: every mimetype? I work with many mimetypes files, do you have any solution to make it by run in kate?16:36
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Guest1365i sorted out my problems with shoutcast by useing firefox16:37
cojacksometimes i forgot and click on the document and libreoffice starts, I should then each one change, js, php, html, css, c++, c, h, log, NO EXTENSION TOO16:37
BluesKajcojack,  let me rephrase , choose a text file , then right click on it , choose, "open with" , then choose "other" , then in the menu choose utlities>kate , then check the "remember application...."16:38
=== cyber is now known as Guest8586
cojackBluesKaj: and I will repeat my self once again, if you will know what mimetype is... Ehh each mimetype kind of plain-text are opened by default in LibreOffice, each of document like *.js, *.php have self mimetype, so If I first time opening .cpp I should do it, next time will be opened in kate, then when I first time opening *.h I should do this, it's nonsens, do you think I should remember do I change the default program to open this file?16:41
cojackwas great, each of those files was opened by kate as default, who change this?!16:42
cojackand how to revert this?16:42
Guest1365kubuntu is briliant16:42
BluesKajcojack, yes and if you follow the steps i posted the mimetype will be changed to text/kate from libre office documents16:43
BluesKajco to revert just choose open with libre office in the steps above16:44
cojackBluesKaj: where you have other in open with?16:44
BluesKajright click on the document ."other should be at the bottom of the dialog16:45
cojackdude pls, you are boring16:45
cojackyou don't get it16:45
SIR_Tacoor use System Settings -> File Associations (instead of searching for each file type)16:45
cojackdo you read what I worte?16:46
BluesKajok , then nevermind , perhaps yoiu should go to your native languager chat so that ppl understand you16:46
BluesKajI have to reboot16:47
cojackBluesKaj: File Associations this is what I need16:47
Guest1365i cant get wifi to work but the lan cable works16:48
Guest1365whts up16:49
cojackSIR_Taco: there is any way to change all text type to open by Kate?16:49
cojackbut not one by one in this File Associations ui16:49
Guest1365it keeps asking for my password on wifi16:49
Guest1365nd doesnt recognise it16:50
Guest1365i am with talktalk16:50
Guest1365sugar kills16:52
SIR_Tacocojack: not that I know of off hand16:53
_awenguys, anyone from norway ?17:04
BluesKaj_awen, there is a norwegian chat , I think17:07
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!17:08
_awenBluesKaj:  ok sorry17:09
BluesKajnothing to be sorry about _awen17:09
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!17:10
BluesKaj...snow to push , BBL.17:27
Fuzzles272how do i install the drivers for steam e.g. intel or amd?18:12
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: graphics drivers?18:13
Fuzzles272<SIR_Taco Yes18:13
SIR_TacoK-Menu -> Applications -> System -> Additional Drivers18:13
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ye but there is special optimized ones for gaming isnt there18:14
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/882965118609963322/18:14
SIR_Tacowhat card do you have?18:14
utkonosdoes anyone here use pyv8 / v8 ?18:15
utkonosI'm getting a segfault using pyv818:15
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ] nee ATI RV710 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series]18:15
utkonoson kubuntu 12.1018:15
utkonosthis is the error18:16
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=== Jack_ is now known as Guest48262
Fuzzles272i keep getting sorry jockey when installing my amd graphics driver in additional drivers?19:01
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: you left before I could finish... the RV710 is a 4000 series card, which has been depreciated by AMD/ATI... you need to install the legacy 12.6 catalyst drivers (I'm in the same boat with my HD3200 card in my laptop)19:05
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: how do i do that?19:05
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: you're on Kubuntu 12.10?19:06
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: no 12.0419:06
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco im trying to get steam to work but it keeps saying update open gl, but my driver is installed through addition drivers as its in there :S19:08
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: but is it using the fglrx driver or the radeon driver?19:09
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: the ati/amd proprietary FGLRX graphics driver19:10
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: hmmm... which version?19:11
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: how do i find out?19:11
heoyea_aptitude search19:12
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: should tell you in the Catalyst Control Center... Kmenu -> Applications -> System (should be in there somewhere)19:13
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ok 1 sec19:13
bar__KDE is driving me crazy, I can't solve a simple problem. So in the desktop widgets with icon, i have a "chromium web browser" icon there. When I change its name to "chromium", after 0.5 sec it gets renamed back to "chromium web browser"... On live cd 12.10 it works, but when I use hdd installed kubuntu there is no way to change dekstop icon name. Uhh any ideas?19:15
heoyea_change desktop layout19:16
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco:  is it driver packaging version?19:17
bar__heoyea: when I change to classic desktop folder view the fonts are rendered using ugly font (without shadow etc) and when I use new kde4 desktop, but not widget one, the icons are very small and there is no way to allign them to greed.19:18
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: brb got my dinner19:18
bar__and in the last case they are name changeable, but when I changed it to chromium, in my menu I have both "chromium" and "chromium web browser" apps19:18
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: ok19:18
heoyea_bar__: drag out a shortcut and rename it19:20
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: im back was it the packageing version you want?19:31
SIR_Tacothe package version and the catalyst version don't ever match... but whatever you have and I can find out19:32
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: my packaging version is 8.96.7-120312a-135598C-ATI19:33
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: also, what does the command: "glxinfo | grep glx" produce? (paste it to paste.kde.org or pastebin)19:34
SIR_Tacoin konsole19:34
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: http://paste.kde.org/623348/19:36
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: ok. your current pacakge is for AMD/ATI Catalyst 12.4 ... I believe Steam needs minimum 12.6. I would download this: http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/catalyst126legacyproducts.aspx   and follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Manually_installing_Catalyst_12.619:39
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: will steam sort all this when its fully released its a lot of hassle19:41
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: That's a good question, I'm not sure. It sounds like they're trying to work with all parties currently involved to sort out issues like this (the Ubuntu team, Nvidia, AMD/ATI, Intel, etc.). How far that will go beyond just listing minimum requirements for drivers and such I don't know19:44
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ok thanks19:45
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: I'm in the beta and trying it out... haven't had any problems with the games so far, but the client definitely needs some stability work (which is to be expected at this point) :)19:46
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: i hope they fix it becasue trying to get the correct driver working it tells you on steam site what to do to get 12.11 castilist but havent got it working in kubuntu19:48
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: its ment to tell me in additional drivers how to install and which driver  so im trying that way first to see if it works19:49
SIR_TacoFuzzles272:  if you read your link: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/882965118609963322/   under the "Hardware and Software Requirements" heading it reads: "AMD driver support - For recent cards (e.g. series 5 and above), we recommend installing the 12.11 driver. For older cards, Catalyst 12.6 supports the HD 2400 Pro card and is the latest for the 2 and 4 GPU series."19:51
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ok ill do the method you told me then :)19:52
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: like i said i hope on released this is all auto haha19:57
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco:  got to restart brb19:58
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: i get required opengl extenstion is not supported plz update your opengl driver :S20:03
SIR_Tacoand your fglrx version is now 8.980?20:03
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: how do i find out?20:04
SIR_Tacoin console: dpkg-query -l fglrx20:06
SIR_Tacoor you can use muon, or kpackagekit or whatever package manager you have to check20:06
=== gpoesia_ is now known as gpoesia
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: i have 2:8.96020:07
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: which is the 12.4 version....20:10
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: so why is it still asking to update the opengl driver :S20:12
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_via_the_command_line    (which is the section above the one I posted earlier) explains how to purge the old drivers first20:12
SIR_Tacobecause it wants the 12.6 drivers, not the 12.420:13
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: so i just do each step?20:13
SIR_Tacoyes, and then continue into the steps I linked before, which are immediately after these on that page20:14
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: ok ill be back soon20:14
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: do i do the steps 4 to 8 as well before following the link before20:18
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: for step 4 follow the "manually installing catalyst 12.6" instructions below that20:19
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: i think i know what i missed the first time now20:22
SIR_TacoI haven't tried installing it on my laptop which has an ATI/AMD 3200 HD, only my desktop which had an Nvidia 465 card20:24
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: i have a icon in the bottom right saying amd testing use only ?20:26
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: never seen that before20:27
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: and i still get open gl update error message :S20:27
SIR_TacoFuzzles272: only other thing I can think of is: do you have glx-alternative-fglrx installed? and selected with: "update-alternatives --config glx" ?20:29
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: not sure but im going to leave it to avoide breaking as i use kubuntu for every day use so ill just wait till its released and hopefully be packaged and hassle free20:30
Fuzzles272SIR_Taco: thanks for all yout time and help tho :)20:32
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mitchell_486does anyone in here have a Zenworks 11 environment that they  manage? if so, have you found a way to get ZCM 11 Remote Viewer working properly?20:46
mitchell_486nope, there's not ZCM evironments here or nope it'll never work for me20:50
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MoxonHeya!  I switched to raring ringtail and have problems with gnome applications: they freeze at random points (tested with gnucash, gramps, gnome-control-center).  is this a known issue?21:49
MoxonI tried to run gnucash as root and it works without any freezing.21:50
Moxonquestion: why do my gnome applications use the oxygen theme and how can I turn this setting of?22:05
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simplewyofel_: ping23:59

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