
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning07:55
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Laneyso! Does raring's nux now have The Bug fixed?09:49
Laneyi.e. can I remove the pinning?09:49
* Laney tries it anyway09:55
hrwhttp://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2012/12/10/how-to-fry-speakers-in-your-chromebook/ - for all chromebook users10:09
infinityhrw: I'm not sure I need to know how to destroy my hardware.10:10
infinityhrw: Perhaps "how not to fry..." would be more helpful? :P10:10
suihkulokkiiirc you can break n900 speaker with alsamixer settings as well10:14
Laneyheat oil. remove speakers. batter speakers. lower speakers into oil. wait five minutes. remove. eat. enjoy.10:14
gurgalofmm tasty speakers...10:21
hrwinfinity: read post. you will understand title10:22
davecheneyi'll have my chromebook medium rare, hold the onions10:22
hrwsuihkulokki: do not have n900 anymore10:22
suihkulokkihrw: just pointing out that chromebook is not unique in providing a so raw interface for audio that you can physically overpower the speaker10:43
gurgalofi just got a system problem detected dialog while running sudo reboot on the nexus710:48
hrwsuihkulokki: understood10:49
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
plarsogra_: fwiw, I prefer manual flashing :)15:46
plarsogra_: but I already need to extract the bootimg, so if I have to do one more extraction step, it's not really a problem15:46
plarsogra_, xnox: also, not sure if either of you saw my question about this last week.  I was trying to get preseeding working on the nexus7 image and not having much luck.  Is there something special I'm likely missing here? I tried putting it both in the initrd as well as in the rootfs, but neither seemed to work for me15:48
* xnox is yet to preseed oem-config on nexus7 images. and ogra is on holidays =)15:48
xnoxplars: i am currently digging a hang in ubiquity, but getting pre-seeding to work is on my list. I have a few requests for various preseeds =/15:49
plarsxnox: gotcha, hang is clearly more important :) Ping me if you have some information later on maybe?15:50
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xnoxplars: ack.15:50
xnoxplars: there is automated test for oem-config preseeding, but I'm not sure if it preseeds the user-setup bit as well or not.15:51
plarsxnox: it's *in* the preseed for oem tests currently, but I'm not sure that it really goes through the oem-config portion of the setup currently15:55
dholbachdo we know if someone is working on the bluetooth upgrade issue?15:59
sfeoledholbach: i have no heard anything dholbach16:03
sfeole /s/no/not16:03
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
gurgalofcan i resize the 6gb partition to a size suitable for a 32GB nexus7 in raring? since there is only a image for the 8GB one16:38
xnoxgurgalof: you can download the userdata image -> ungzip -> run sim2img -> then run make_ext4fs with options to make a bigger filesystem.17:02
xnoxgurgalof: but the resulting image might end up to big to be flashable =/17:03
gurgalofhow did the quantal images do it?17:03
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xnoxgurgalof: we generated three images for quantal. but essentially all images are generated using make_ext4fs17:07
xnoxgurgalof: but it's a lot of time & space to build three.17:08
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=== awafaa is now known as FunkyPenguin
=== ssweeny is now known as AndroUser
Quintasanogra_: Is it possible to get ubuntu-core i.MX53 image that I can just dd to a card and expect it to boot?17:49
gurgalofxnox, you don't know which parameters they used for the quantal images?17:52
vanhoofgurgalof: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/ubuntu-nexus7/build_script17:53
vanhoofnothing fancy17:53
vanhoofgurgalof: you on 32G+3G?17:54
vanhoofif so, factor in partition 10 vs 9 for UDA17:54
gurgalofnope, just the normal 32GB17:54
vanhoofyeah that'll work w/ -t -x then17:55
xnoxQuintasan: ubuntu core inherently comes without a kernel =)17:55
gurgalofsweet, i need the extra space...17:56
xnoxQuintasan: do you not like desktop image linked from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/MX5 ?17:56
Quintasanxnox: What I want is a basic install, kernel + things that make apt work :P17:56
Quintasanxnox: Uh, no. Because I don't have any monitor to connect it to proceed with the installation nor I'm particulary inclined to remove a crapton of packages17:57
infinityQuintasan: We don't produce any mx5 images anymore, and for precise, it was only the desktop image.17:57
Quintasaninfinity: I see, I'll just try installing the Linaro one then17:57
infinityQuintasan: You could use linaro's image tools to combine a Linaro hwpack with the ubuntu-core rootfs.17:57
=== AndroUser is now known as ssweeny
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
dxdemetriouhello, I have the same question every time I'm thinking to flashing my smartphone or tablet, is there a possibility the device to go in unrecoverable mode and nothing can be do about it?18:52
prpplaguedxdemetriou: there is always that possibility18:54
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dxdemetriouare there devices for avoiding that (some place for checking about)? for example with jtag or with some recovery mode? I'm asking because I didn't tried anything yet, actually I'm waiting for x86 devices..19:01
Tassadarit also depends on the device, eg. chances of hard-bricking nexus 7 are very low, you can mess up "only" the bootloader19:02
Tassadarand you don't even touch bootloader if you just want to flash ubuntu19:02
Snarkwaiting for x86 devices!? Strange idea19:03
Tassadarand, as for the jtag - search for "unbrickable mod" - it also depends on the device19:10
TassadarSomebody knows if kernel command line can handle parameters with spaces? Is it like bash, do I have to put it into quotes, like name="value with spaces"?19:19
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
mjrosenbare there directions for installing 12.10 on a pandaboard?22:25
mjrosenbhttp://omappedia.org/wiki/Prebuilt_ubuntu_binaries only mentions through 12.0422:25
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
micahgmjrosenb: is that an omap4 board?23:03
micahg(sorry I'm still not so clear on what's what with ARM)23:04
micahghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ has a link for the arm desktop image23:05
TassadarOoh, 13.04 on Nexus7 has this nice "setup wizard"23:07
Tassadardo like)23:07
davecheneymicahg: i'd stick with 12.0423:07
davecheneyyou can use the 12.04 installer, then dist-upgrade to 12.1023:07
davecheneybut I have found that the 12.10 kernel is not as stable as 12.0423:07
micahgdavecheney: heh, the question was about 12.10 :)23:07
davecheneythat is to say, 12.04 -- rock solid, 12.10 -- not rock solid23:08
Tassadarhmm, but unity crashed after selecting text field, well, that is unfortunate)23:09
mjrosenbdavecheney: I tried that once, and it was disastorous.23:11
davecheneymjrosenb: yeah, didn't work during the 12.10 alpha23:12
davecheneybut worked well last time I tried23:12
mjrosenbdavecheney: I tried last week23:12
mjrosenbnow X doesn't start.23:12
davecheneymjrosenb: to be fair, I tried from a fresh 12.04 install23:12
davecheneynot one that had been used23:12
mjrosenbdavecheney: someone recommended that I shold just install 12.10 outright.23:13
mjrosenbrather than attempting to upgrade23:13
* davecheney is sticking with 12.0423:13
mjrosenbit is funny because the installation directions on the 12.10 page make no mention of 12.10.23:14
Ethernindannf, hey i've looked for the 12.04 arm version of ubuntu and not been able to find it?23:16
Ethernindavecheney, I could only find 12.10 and 13.04, can u link me to 12.04 for arm?23:17
Ethernindavecheney, I've got 2 nexus7's that i've been installing everything ubuntu I can on, playing with a lot of different desktop environments trying to find something freakin usable23:17
EtherninXCFE and LXDE have been the most promising so far, but XFCE doesn't let you grab windows with your finger!23:18
Etherninalso the close and maximize icons in the window pane don't work either23:18
davecheneyEthernin: did you look here ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/23:18
Ethernindavecheney, I think so but lemme check, thank you sir!23:19
davecheneyEthernin: you didn't say which host you are looking for ?23:19
Ethernindavecheney, I assume Texas Instruments OMAP3 (Hard-Float) preinstalled desktop image is the correct one?23:19
davecheneyEthernin: for what host ?23:19
EtherninNexus 723:19
EtherninI would like to run 12.04 for the obviously stability reasons you just mentioned23:20
davecheneyEthernin: the nexus 7 images are 12.10 and 13.04 alpha23:20
davecheneythere is no 12.04 available for nexus 723:20
Etherningot both those installed right now23:20
davecheneynobody has invented a time machine23:20
Etherninyeah that's what i thought23:20
davecheneywrt stability, i was talking about the pandaboard, only23:20
Etherninappreciate your input, was trying to get to the bottom of that23:20
Etherninah right on23:20
Etherninhow is the pandaboard?23:20
davecheneypretty good23:21
davecheneybut not the king of the hill anymore23:21
davecheneynexus 7 blows the doors off it for a dev platform23:21
Etherninit's crazy how many quad core arm boards there are for devs now!23:21
davecheneygot a friend with the samsung quad core23:21
davecheneywhich is also very good23:21
Tassadarhmm, I've installed today's 13.04 for nexus 7, but I can't finish the "setup wizard", because the on-screen keyboard does not show up - is this known issue?23:21
Etherninyeah, i've been trying to basically turn it into a pentest platform23:21
EtherninTassadar, yeah I had the same problem, u can either try to keep clicking the input fields or plug in a keyboard with OTG cable23:22
Etherninthat's what i did23:22
Etherninbut i had the same problem23:22
Etherninu just have to keep tapping it23:22
EtherninT t t tappp it in!23:22
Tassadarwell...mine's kinda running from USB fladh drive now, so OTG is not really an option)23:22
Etherninu booted off a usb flash on the Nexus???23:23
* Tassadar is tappin' it23:23
EtherninI used fastboot to install myself23:23
Etherninwhich is key when you need to recompile the kernel to do other things later23:23
Ethernininstalling the kernel is kind of a silly process on those things23:23
Tassadaryeah, grub would be handy in here)23:24
Etherninfor realz23:24
Etherninso how did u get the nexus to boot off usb?  did you put the machine is fastboot mode?23:24
Tassadarguys at linaro are working on it, but I think it will not happen for n7 - locked/signed bootloader23:24
Tassadarkexec and magic, wait23:24
Etherninnice!  First time I've heard this is even POSSIBLE!23:25
Tassadarthis one23:25
Etherninoh man this is AWESOME23:25
Etherninso there is definitely potential for dual booting android and ubuntu...23:26
EtherninTassadar yo man, so I've been working on 2 Nexus7s quite a bit, and right now I'm trying to make the touchscreen actually usuable23:27
EtherninI would also really like to get magick-rotation and multitouch working23:28
Etherninso u can do all the cool stuff23:28
TassadarWhat is wrong with it now?23:28
Tassadaroh, I think I've read that it stops working after a while...?23:28
Etherninwell, the touch screen desperately needs to be calibrated better, gnome-classic and unity are faily limmited and slow on it23:29
Etherninactually with LXDE and XFCE it's pretty good (cept for the window panel problem in XFCE) but by default there is no multitouch support ect23:29
Tassadarone guy on XDA said that even KDE is faster than unity)23:30
Etherninyeah KDE is the only one I haven't tried yet23:30
EtherninI think ill try that right now23:30
Etherninbut im doubtful as KDE will definitely be a resource hog23:30
Tassadaryeah, I just find it...interesting..?23:31
Etherninfor sure23:31
Etherninyeah I'll install kde right now and let u know23:31

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