
ppetrakican someone checkin on https://bugs.launchpad.net/serverguide/+bug/1057071 ?16:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1057071 in Ubuntu Server Guide "typo in multipath device handler setup" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:05
ppetrakibeen ready to merge for some time16:05
jbichappetraki: why is that proposed for the precise branch & not quantal?16:30
ppetrakijbicha, because the precise docs are broken, and is where the bug was initially discovered16:31
jbichais quantal broken too though?16:31
ppetrakijbicha, likely, hasn't changed16:31
ppetrakijbicha, the LTS version is a little more important to me, as this error will generate support reqs16:32
* ppetraki is doc16:32
jbichabut getting it fixed in trunk is more important or else things won't really be fixed16:33
ppetrakiI'm simply following the process I usually do for SRU fixes16:35
jbichaanyway, could you send an email to the ubuntu-doc list to make sure we see it16:35
ppetrakiI couldn't find any sort of process for getting doc fixes backported, or what the priority is16:35
jbichaSRU policy is that bugs must be fixed in the development release before they are eligible for SRU16:35
jbichasince the serverguide is unfortunately not translated and web only, all it takes is for someone on the team to make the fix in bzr and upload the fix to the website16:36

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