
=== shah is now known as shah`
Anime4000who manage my.archive.ubuntu.com server here?11:15
Anime4000anyone = =11:16
angchAnime4000: no11:16
Anime4000why my.archive.ubuntu.com so slow?11:17
Anime4000I has been re-installing 4th time11:17
Anime4000because my.archive.ubuntu.com updating damaging installation11:17
angchAnime4000: go bug  chenhaw@osacyber.org ? (it's mmu)11:18
Anime4000I already send and everything11:18
angchOur own mirror is pretty maxed out on bandwidth, sorry.11:18
Anime4000no reply11:18
Anime4000now I installing ubuntu11:19
angchTry sg.archive.ubuntu.com ?11:19
Anime4000for 5th time11:19
Anime4000can not change11:19
Anime4000I reformating11:19
Anime4000and already 4 hour11:19
angchAnime4000: skip installing package updates?11:19
Anime4000I press skip still feathing file11:20
angchOr pick a different mirror?11:20
Anime40002 hour ago, I press skip11:20
Anime4000ok... now install wont move11:20
Anime4000stuck at my.archive.ubuntu.com11:21
Anime4000if like this, better close that server, I can't install, mostly I update all damaging the install11:21
angchEr, don't use my.archive.ubuntu.com?11:22
Anime4000now at https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/330072_4960084842845_1282466829_o.jpg11:22
Anime4000I press skip many time11:23
Anime4000and stuck there, 11:23
Anime4000showing 1minute and nothing11:23
angchescalating to ubuntu-mirrors. No idea if anything will happen.11:23
angchDon't pick my.archive.ubuntu.com during install...11:24
Anime4000then how? if I cancel this install, it will be 6th retry11:24
Anime4000how to don't pick that server?11:24
Anime4000change Time Zone?11:25
Anime4000my Internet was TIME ADSL, 12mbps11:25
Anime4000I don't think my line having problem11:25
Anime4000if MMU or TMNET cap speed, better close server,11:26
angchAnime4000: chill, working on it.11:27
Anime4000please don't cap speed, not only me, others also11:28
Anime4000capping speed is like torturing human heart11:28
angchAnime4000: dude, bandwidth is really expensive.11:29
Anime4000then just close the server, now I can't install11:30
angchAnime4000: chill, man, getting folks to point to a faster server.11:31
Anime4000ok... I hope you know my problem, its not mean I finish formatting, or simply change server at software source, now The installer auto pick, if change, it will be nice11:32
angchAnime4000: i haven't installed the latest. Haven't installed stuff for some time. upgrades all the way11:33
angchSo.. sorry if i'm not familiar with the latest installers.11:33
Anime4000I like use fresh install, since I use linux for some code project and beta test11:34
angchAnime4000: wait, you using 12.04... that's LTS.... hmmm, lemme try again (in a vm)11:35
angchAnime4000: Just for your info, the mirror admins are reseting my.archive.ubuntu.com to point to a different mirror, that ought to be faster.11:35
angchNot applied yet. Sabar.11:35
angchAnime4000: fwiw, i'm running a 12.04 desktop install right now.11:40
angchHmmm, yeah, looks like it skips pick repository option in 12.04...11:43
Anime4000seem noting to me11:44
Anime4000OH! great11:45
angchUh oh. I finished install. No problems. :-/11:45
Anime4000now can not boot11:45
Anime4000what that server contain? I restarting and can boot11:46
Anime4000can not*11:46
Anime4000I trying Ubuntu DVD11:47
angch:-/ I've no idea what happened to you... I just logged into my newly installed oneiric desktop.11:47
Anime4000first and second, I cant install because the local server slow11:48
Anime4000third and now I using DVD11:48
angch... I'm using the same server...11:48
Anime4000download DVD version, and I try install, look same problem even contain lot of software11:49
Anime4000I don't know why my.archive.ubuntu.my making my install a lot of problem11:49
Anime4000once I press skip, it stuck, working very slow11:49
angchAnime4000: what are you installing it on?11:50
Anime4000My machive have 16GB RAM and AMD PhenomII X611:50
Anime4000on my desktop11:50
Anime4000I just wasted my time, because that server11:51
angchHmmm... the skip button *should* skip all the installs. No idea why it didn't work for you. (it did for me).11:52
angchhmm... is your desktop new?11:52
angch(in case there's a new harddisk, etc)11:52
Anime4000I install on SSD11:53
angchAnime4000: has the desktop been running for a while ( e.g. how is the ram?)11:53
Anime4000I don't think my machive slow11:53
angch(aka no ram corruption?)11:53
angch(can't be... ram corruption = reboot)11:53
Anime4000on system monitor, just use 2GB or 16GB11:53
Anime4000I already run Memtest11:54
Anime4000no problem11:54
angchAnime4000: good step.11:54
Anime4000now, I cant boot :(11:54
Anime4000once fetching from local server, it seem destrying the installation11:55
angchAnime4000: describe..? Did you see anything after the bios screen?11:55
Anime4000BIOS all good,11:55
Anime4000AMD 990FX chipset, AHCI11:55
angchFunny part is that my install just took minutes....11:55
Anime4000I took 4 hour, now 5 hour11:56
Anime4000can you call the admin, shutdown that server11:56
Anime4000since you say bandwidth expansive11:56
angchAnime4000: working on things now, sabar.11:56
angchfwiw, starting a new 12.04 install.11:57
angchinstalling. (did not check "Download updates while installing")11:57
angchCopying files.11:58
angchcreated user and password.11:58
Anime4000I don't tick that11:58
Anime4000but still WANT to read server11:58
Anime4000idk why11:58
angchInstalling system...11:59
angchRetriving file (from slow server)... clicked skip.11:59
angchConfiguring hardware.12:00
angchInstallation complete... restarting.12:00
angch(I'm on streamyx)12:01
Anime4000I dont know why, now 6th installation12:01
angchrebooted. logged into desktop......  :-/12:01
angchThat's.... about 3 to 5 minutes?12:01
angch(I'm on a laptop...) /me is puzzled.12:02
Anime4000oh no! why still want retrive file from my.archive =(12:03
Anime4000even I don't tick!?12:03
Anime4000I press skip, and seem noting12:03
Anime4000watching HDD led light, no Disk activity12:04
angchAnime4000: wait a bit..? it goes on to install other stuff.12:04
angchI clicked just once12:04
Anime4000I click Skip once, and seeing HDD led12:05
Anime4000no activity12:05
Anime4000checking LAN led, there some blinking12:05
angchhmmm... Check disc for defects (just before installation)12:05
Anime4000I use bootable External hard disk12:05
Anime4000since I use Ubuntu DVD12:06
Anime4000and I don;t have DVD disc12:06
angch.... that *may* be a problem.12:06
Anime4000I go try on VirtualBOX12:06
Anime4000I thinking Ubuntu still want use server12:06
Anime4000since they have speedtest or select best server12:07
angchYou may wanna use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ to fix it for you12:07
Anime4000I use that12:07
Anime4000ok... in VM, I untick that update and mp3 thingy12:07
angchAnime4000: you used unetbootin?12:08
angchHm... you're doing everything right....12:08
Anime4000oh!!! in VM still want fetch that server!?????????????12:08
angchAnime4000: skip. worked for me.12:08
Anime4000I skip it and ... same problem on my desktop12:09
Anime4000I think Ubuntu detect my line12:09
angchAnime4000: heh, doubt it. which version of the iso are you using? md5sum please?12:09
Anime4000I use DVD version12:10
Anime4000since CD version keep problem,12:10
angchdesktop 64 bit?12:10
Anime4000since PAE enabled12:10
Anime4000no problem for having large RAM12:10
angchwhich dvd version? official ones are all cd sized.12:10
Anime4000why not, I use DVD version from Ubuntu site12:11
angcher... please don't. not when you're using 16gig of good stuff ram.12:11
Anime4000there have link below12:11
angchAnime4000: checking.12:11
angchonly 700mb version in my mirror.12:12
Anime4000I use this one12:12
Anime4000what I think, using DVD will skip that server12:12
Anime4000seem not12:12
angch.... which link on the page you gave?12:14
angchI don't see any dvd version12:14
Anime4000clicking United State12:14
Anime4000will bring you to Apache HTTP file listing12:15
angchah.. wait. checking12:15
angchDo a quick md5 checksum on your dvd image?12:15
Anime4000the server DVD and I download is same MD512:16
angchtbh. I'm not sure the dvd version is that different. Because you definitely can install it without network just using the cd..12:17
angchTry that. Cabut network to that desktop and reinstall.12:17
* angch slow.12:17
Anime4000lol take out LAN cable12:18
Anime4000I retry again12:19
Anime4000why got retrying command?12:19
Anime4000I disconnect the LAN12:19
Anime4000there have "retrying..."12:19
Anime4000as you say, disconnect LAN12:20
Anime4000ok I did, and reformat again12:20
angch.... i'm trying too.....12:21
Anime4000then... still want to connect my.archieve12:21
Anime4000even LAN not connected12:21
angchlol. you are jinxed. 12:21
Anime4000jinxed? what?12:22
angch(jinxed = super bad luck)12:22
angch.... my reinstall.... just worked.12:23
Anime4000I assume that server doing bad on my desktop12:23
angchDunno lah. Sounds like something else.12:23
angchEven without lan cable?12:23
Anime4000big problem and weriedest problem ever in my life on linux12:25
Anime4000why server bandwidth speed cap?12:26
Anime4000then provide local server with slow speed12:26
angchAnime4000: nothing to do with you.12:26
Anime4000it dose12:26
angchAnime4000: things change.... 12:26
Anime4000not only me have problem12:27
Anime4000this one12:27
Anime4000so, don't think only few12:27
angchAnime4000: I'm trying to get it to redirect to another server....12:27
Anime4000now 5 hour + I can't even complete this!12:28
angch(heh, i remember chenhaw@osacyber.org asking for getting reinstated as mirror on the mirror list... :-/ )12:30
angchDon't underestimate the bandwidth required by a mirror. Damn thing kills servers and networks....12:31
Anime4000well, why don't close server? 12:31
angchAnime4000: just a little bit of good news for you: after you bringing it to attention... they've repointed the DNS for my.archive.ubuntu.com elsewhere.... just wait for DNS cache to reset.12:31
Anime4000mean you can see my IP address right?12:32
angchAnime4000: ...? no?12:32
angchmy.archive.ubuntu.com is now pointing to other servers, not longer mmu.12:32
Anime4000you pointing to London?12:33
angchHeh, I don't run the mirrors nor the DNS.12:34
angch*they* are pointing it to uk. i think.12:34
Anime4000nmap saying at london12:34
angchsorry, Looks like us.12:34
Anime4000retrying installation12:35
Anime4000I hope it work12:36
angch*anyway*, stuff should be faster now.12:36
angchJust in case there's a transparent cache screwing things up, can you open up http://my.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/12:37
Anime4000ok... now retriving file in a minute12:37
angchIt should say apache at the bottom...12:37
Anime4000ok... thanks for helping 12:41
angchAnime4000: no probs.12:42
darknite_assalamualaikumsalam wbt15:44

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