
pittiGood morning05:25
jalcineMorning, pitti05:40
jalcineI'm heading to bed in an hour, though haha05:40
jibelgood morning07:27
pittibonjour jibel07:28
jibelBonjour pitti , comment va tu ?07:29
pittijibel: ça va bien, et toi? j'ai eu une bonne we07:30
pittiet je suis à maison a nouveau07:30
pitti"à" nouveau, je crois07:30
jibelpitti, super, ton voyage s'est bien passé ?07:30
jibelpitti, correct, "à nouveau"07:30
pittioui, alors que il va neigé07:31
jibelah, pas de neige ici, il fait entre 5 et 10°C07:32
pittijibel: j'aime notre nouveaux bureaux, est-ce que tu le sais?07:34
pittierr, "nouveau bureau", just one07:34
jibelpitti, non, je connaissais les anciens, mais je ne suis pas encore allé dans les nouveaux07:34
pittitâche la plus difficile: acheter une carte postale :)07:36
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dholbachpitti, would Thursday be OK for you too?13:55
dholbachjibel answered already13:55
pittidholbach: yeah, should work fine13:55
dholbachand a hangout session, maybe some time in the European morning (maybe repeat it some time later on again?) would work? the rest of the time we'd spend in here(?) and answer questions and help out?13:56
dholbachdoes that sound like a good plan?13:56
dholbachif so, I'd start working on an announce13:56
pittihangout seems fairly unstable these days, but yes, we can try13:58
dholbachI'll have didrocks in the morning hangout on Thursday, who wanted to talk about unity+automated tests on their end as well13:58
dholbachhope that won't add up to confusions13:58
dholbachbut I guess it should be fine13:58
dholbachI'm so looking forward to this :)13:58
dholbachjibel, thanks a lot for updating RequiredTests13:58
pittilet's see how many interested people turn up, indeed13:58
dholbachyep :)13:59
jamespagedholbach, updating the wiki now14:02
* dholbach hugs jamespage14:02
jibeldholbach, yw14:02
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balloonsNoskcaj, howdy18:38
Noskcajhey balloons18:41
balloonshow are you?18:43
Noskcajgood, you?18:45
balloonsnot too bad..18:47
balloonsworking on testcases, per the usual.18:47
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
balloonsI'm excitied to see some uptake of autopilot18:47
Noskcaji should probably try and do some autopilot stuff, except i'm on xubuntu so things may get difficult18:48
balloonsNoskcaj, not neccessarily18:48
Noskcajand my VM's may not get enough ram18:48
balloonsI'd be happy to help go through a case with you18:48
balloonsyou should be able to run and develop on your main desktop18:48
Noskcajwhat do i do/install18:50
balloonswell, the blog posts I wrote really do a nice job, if you haven't gone through them18:51
balloonsbut you need "python-autopilot"18:51
Noskcaji will do that now18:51
balloonsonce you go the basics, I can help you do a testcase for an app you like18:52
Noskcajok, i may as well make an xchat one as it is a default program in xubuntu18:53
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
* balloons <3 xchat18:55
Noskcajhave you heard any more about when gnobuntu becomes official? when that happens i can try and convince the zorin guy(s) to become an ubuntu project18:55
balloonsyou'd have to take to jeremy about it18:55
balloonshowever, 13.04 he wanted to have something I think18:55
Noskcaji should know this, but where does that bzzr branch get put?18:59
balloonsthe bzr branch that you pull?19:00
balloonsyou can put it anywhere you like ;-)19:00
Noskcaji feel really, really stupid right now. i had installed bzr instad of downloading the branch. lol19:02
balloonsno worries19:02
balloonsjust bzr branch19:02
balloonsthat will get you fixed u19:02
balloonskk -- let me know if you have any questions19:04
Noskcajok, how would i launch xchat?19:10
balloonsok, look at my firefox testcase19:13
balloonsyou would reigster xchat via the xchat.desktop file19:13
balloonsthen use start_app_window("xchat") in setup19:14
Noskcaji will pit what i have so far on pastebin19:19
Noskcajwill that get it opened?19:20
balloonsvery close19:20
balloonsAutopilotTestCase.register_known_application("xchat", "xchat.desktop", "xchat")19:20
balloonsit takes  three arguments19:21
balloons    def register_known_application(cls, name, desktop_file, process_name):19:21
balloons        :param name: The name to be used when launching the application.19:21
balloons        :param desktop_file: The filename (without path component) of the desktop file used to launch the application.19:21
balloons        :param process_name: The name of the executable process that gets run.19:21
Noskcaji will try and finish this later. i have to get ready for school now.19:22
Noskcaji will stay online19:22
balloonsping whenever, I'll reply when I see it19:22
Noskcajballoons, any idea how we fix bug 1066223, i am finding it very annoying19:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1066223 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kde ubiquity detects Sydney timezone but says Adelaide" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106622319:47
balloonsNoskcaj, it's a geoip thing -- I had you check that via the online website right?19:48
Noskcajyep, worked fine. i only have the problem in kubuntu19:48
balloonsand that doesn't show the issue..19:49
balloonsif not, then xnox would have to speak more to it.. but my guess is he will say the same thing, heh19:50
balloonsthey should match19:50
Noskcaji thought so, very weird. we got an ubuntu-au guy to confirm it, i think he lived in queensland, so its most states19:51
xnoxNoskcaj: balloons: AU      -3455+13835     Australia/Adelaide      South Australia19:52
xnoxthere is no Sydney, there is only Adelaide timezone19:52
* xnox hides19:52
xnoxin gtk ubiquity, we work around this by not actually printing the official name of the timezone.19:53
balloons:-) I knew xnox knew the answer!19:53
xnoxthis is kind of similar to the bug 89237019:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 892370 in OEM Priority Project "The time zone for China should default to Beijing not Shanghai (when offline)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89237019:53
xnoxwell actually there is: AU      -3352+15113     Australia/Sydney        New South Wales - most locations19:54
xnoxI bet the drop down with timezone has Sydney as well.19:54
Noskcajso i have to manually choose it? xnox, the default for australia is still sydney. just it detects everyone as adelaide19:54
xnoxNoskcaj: it's irrelevant what you choose =) since the time is the same, but KDE frontend is confusingly is showing you an alphabetically sorted list of timezones applicable in that geoip location.19:55
Noskcajalso why are places like currie on the timezone list? its still part of tasmainia essentially19:56
Noskcajxnox, ok?19:56
balloonsbuongiorno letozaf_19:57
letozaf_buongiorno balloons :)19:57
letozaf_let's say it's buonasera now19:57
balloonsnight I'm guessing19:58
xnoxNoskcaj: historical reasons, it probably got added to the zone.tab and stuff is never removed from zone.tab.... and these days they are reluctant to change anything in zone.tab as stuff might rely on it =/19:58
xnoxNoskcaj: "historical" can be read as "hysterical" as well.19:58
Noskcajok xnox, i understand that19:59
letozaf_yes it's nine o'clock in the evening :-D19:59
letozaf_so you say buonasera20:00
balloonsanyways, I trust you are well20:02
balloonsI'm still working on the test case changes you did20:03
balloonsand Noskcaj has started on an autopilot case ;-)20:03
letozaf_oh did could he do the gaps I could not do ?20:04
letozaf_I meant could he do the gaps I could not do ?20:05
letozaf_I mean the assertions20:05
Noskcajletozaf_, what? i am "making" a xchat testcase, it will not end well20:07
balloonsletozaf_, lol.. no he's working on his own20:08
balloonsI have to ask thomi about the gaps20:08
balloonshe'll be on soon20:08
letozaf_ok :)20:09
letozaf_should I try another autopilot test meanwhile ?20:09
letozaf_I will leave the gaps :-D20:09
balloonsyes, go for it20:11
letozaf_can I chose or do you prefer to give me one ?20:11
balloonsyou should choose20:16
balloonspick something you like20:16
letozaf_balloons: the Automated Testing Hackfest does it go on the whole day ? I see no time indicated...20:31
balloonsletozaf_, yes it does20:31
balloonsalthough there will be an on-air portion20:31
balloonsthat hasn't been scheduled that I can see yet20:31
balloonsI think it might be early UTC20:31
balloonsmorning for you20:31
letozaf_pitty :(20:32
letozaf_It's not fair, I should move to the US so I do not miss this nice things :-D20:32
letozaf_(I was joking obviously) :-b20:34
balloonsthe guys doing the on-air bit are in Europa20:37
balloonsbut it will be recorded, so you can watch at your leisure20:38
Noskcajballoons, what time, i may be able to be on for part of it?20:39
letozaf_oh good!20:39
balloonsNoskcaj, not sure yet20:39
balloonsthey are offline atm20:40
Noskcajcandence 2 is very buggy (6 bugs in 2 tests). at least some will be fixed soon.20:43
balloonsfinding bugs can be considered a good thing :-)20:44
Noskcajballoons, i know, but that is a lot for 2 tests20:45
letozaf_balloons: what if in a testcase you have to enter the user's password to perform a test, I mean in autopilot I can enter mine, but if another person runs the test it will fail20:55
balloonsohh.. well, you don't want to embed a password20:55
letozaf_no but is there another way ?20:55
balloonswell, you must need superuser privileges for it?20:57
balloonsis that why you need the password or ?20:57
letozaf_yes I chose gome-terminal and if you launch sudo apt-get update,  then you need to enter a password20:59
balloonsahh, got it21:00
balloonswell, heh, you can issue that command without going through the terminal21:00
balloonswhat are you attempting to test?21:01
balloonsperhaps it's just not the right way tot test it21:01
letozaf_Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-00121:02
letozaf_maybe I could use another command..21:02
letozaf_one that does not need sudo21:03
balloonsohh yes21:05
balloonsthat's just some basic terminal commands21:05
balloonsthe commands aren't important, so, sure21:05
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