
skellatHey jacob, are you around?04:43
skellatCheri703, are you around?04:43
jacobsomewhat, what's up?04:44
skellatI cannot upload the podcast04:44
jacobpoo. i think i know why04:45
skellatUh oh04:45
skellatWhy is that jacob?04:45
jacobis it telling you the file is too big?04:45
skellatIt says nothing at all04:45
skellatIt acts like I had done nothing at all.  Had the filesystem slice for such attachments exceeded its limit?  There is a cap per post but there is an overall cap for Drupal attachments04:46
jacobno, i upgraded the machine to 12.04 yesterday, and i believe that reset the max upload setting for php.04:46
skellatI crammed the audio quality down HARD and can't even upload an MP3 under 2 MB04:47
jacobskellat: give it a try again, bumped up the limits back to where they should be04:50
skellatOh the joys of Drupal.  What version are we actually running?  6?  7?04:51
skellatAh.  I know Blake tried to move LISNews to 7 and things just kept breaking.  ibiblio is hosting LISNews again but they're a bit opaque for us as to stats reporting04:52
jacobyeah, the theme would need some editing for 7 compatability04:52
jacobi haven't checked if there's a newer template available04:52
skellatAnd I think we're up: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/12704:53
jacobawesome :) sorry about that04:53
skellatCould you and Cheri703 see if the files aren't too borked?04:53
skellatRunning time is under 3 minutes04:53
Cheri703mp3 starts ok for me at least04:54
jacobmp3 seems good, chrome is being whiny about that ogg but that's chrome04:54
skellatWhereas FF plays Ogg inside the browser by itself04:54
skellatThank you jacob.  Thank you Cheri703.04:55
Cheri703yep :)04:55
jacobyeah, ogg works in VLC. oddly enough windows media player tried to open it04:55
jacobno problem skellat04:55
skellatAny big agenda items at the meeting Cheri703?04:56
Cheri703off the top of my head at midnight on sunday....no, but probably something04:56
skellatI hope the LoCo Council told you something04:57
skellat'Cuz we made a report for November in the big reports-at-a-glance04:57
Cheri703not yet. going to try a few other avenues to reach out04:57
skellatThey didn't :-)04:57
skellatOh well, I need to wander off to bed.04:58
skellatUnemployment sucks especially after 18 weeks of it and being told "no" quite a bit04:59
skellatSee y'all at the meeting...04:59
* skellat wanders off04:59
jrgiffordpaultag: so, lets run our own mail server. fight the power, decentralize the googletubes! ;)18:27
paultagI did for a while18:27
paultagthey're a pain to maintain and keep spamfree18:27
jrgiffordi'll probably run one for my defiant.home domain (personal internal home server)18:28
paultagit'll get rejected if it's got no rDNS entry18:28
paultagjust btw18:28
jrgiffordwe run our own dns. between my three laptops, i should be able to run a sandboxed, small scale "internet"18:29
paultagcute :)18:29
jrgiffordnot cute, fun. ;)18:29
jrgiffordso, what defines "internet"? DNS, mail, a block of DHCP addresses, and a wikipedia mirror. or something like that.18:31
jrgiffordoh, and a git server. can't forget the git server!!!18:31
paultagnot DHCP :)18:31
paultagah, your local thing18:32
paultagwhy not use zeroconf? :)18:32
paultagscrew the DNS18:32
jrgiffordi've never gotten zeroconf to work.18:32
paultagit's so nice.18:32
paultagssh pi.local # totally great18:32
jrgiffordi know. we have a hacked version right now for the .home tld, but it's still... well, finicky.18:32
paultagavahi is super easy18:33
paultagit rocks18:33
jrgiffordso i just install avahi and i'm "done"?18:33
paultagdepends on what you mean by done18:33
paultagyou register a service wit hit18:33
paultagwith it18:33
paultagso you'd advertise you have ssh by adding the ssh service file18:33
paultagand then other machines with it installed can ssh in18:34
paultagor register one for smtp18:34
paultagor whatever18:34
paultagthen don't bother with DNS18:34
paultagwhich is what I do locally18:34
jrgiffordhm. ok18:34
Cheri703as reference, I'm planning to attend this meeting and try to bring up our "large-ish area, small-ish number of people" issue: http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/12/10/community-team-meetings-and-loco-teams/22:19
* dniMretsaM will probably log that meeting22:27

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