
magespawngood morning03:15
magespawnthe worms are mine, all mine, ha ha ha ha(evil laugh).03:26
Kilosmorning superfly and others04:27
superflymorning Kilos04:33
* superfly leaves for work04:33
Kilosgo well04:40
magespawnhey Kilos05:06
Kiloshey magespawn 05:06
KilosMaaz, seen Wraz 05:06
MaazKilos: Wraz was last seen 4 days, 8 hours, 7 minutes and 35 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-12-05 12:58:51 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2012-12-08 08:49:04 PST05:06
magespawnso Kilos wassup this morning?05:19
barrydkgood morning ubuntu world05:19
Kilosstill 2tb magespawn tried about everything05:19
Kiloshi barrydk 05:19
barrydkcan i bring a hammer05:20
Kilosdisk utility shows it gonna crash soon05:20
Kilosno not yet05:20
magespawnhey barrydk 05:20
Kilosit wont allow zeroing or parting or nothing but all other stuff in disk utility shows green light05:21
barrydkmy patience would have been finished by nouw i am parient but there are limmits05:21
Kiloseverything is I/O error05:21
magespawnKilos i have disks warn me about that for a long time but work fine, and others crash almost right away05:22
Kiloslol ya but its the biggest drive ive seen 05:22
magespawnso a bit of a risk using them05:22
Kilossomewhere there must be a way to repair/move or something that bit thats sick05:22
barrydka big bit. i wount use them for data05:23
Kiloslike the 80g i made first 5g as do not use now it works fine05:23
SymmetriaBANG! finally!05:23
Symmetriaand I finally got this one working as well:05:23
SymmetriaDisplaying AS Stats for the last [12] Hours05:24
SymmetriaMost prepended ASN [GLOBAL VIEW] is 28730 [24 prepends]05:24
SymmetriaMost prepended ASN seen behind neighbor is: 28730 [24 prepends]05:24
SymmetriaMost prepended ASN seen behind neighbor is: 28730 [24 prepends]05:24
KilosSymmetria, you sposed to say hi before hitting us with things like that'05:25
Kilosbut well done05:25
Symmetriahehe sorry05:26
magespawnbit of a shock to the system, i have not even finished my coffee yet05:26
Symmetriabeen working for hours05:26
Symmetria:P and it ifnally worked so I forgot everything else05:26
Symmetriaso haiiiiiiiiiii :)05:26
Kiloswell done, did you keep notes of what you did?05:26
barrydka big bit. i wount use them for data05:27
magespawnKilos i seem to remember some program that finds and isolates the bad sections05:27
magespawnif that is the problem05:27
Symmetriaheh kilos I suck at coding, so as a rule, I comment every line so I can go back05:27
Kilosya barrydk but i want to use it to do data recovery on other drives so need space05:27
Symmetriakilos thing is, I had it working a while back (sort of), what I didnt have, was it working in decent time frame05:27
Symmetriareal    0m0.587s05:28
Symmetriauser    0m0.028s05:28
Symmetriasys     0m0.008s05:28
Symmetrialess than a second to run that query back 12 hours against 2 different peers 05:28
Kilosbarrydk, as in you cant do data recovery of a 500g drive with a 80g drive05:28
Kilosno place05:28
Kiloswell Symmetria all that counts is the end result is success05:29
magespawnSymmetria: what are we looking at in that paste?05:29
Symmetriamagespawn, every time a route prefix disappears outta the routing table from the perspective of an ISP thats feeding me their data05:29
Symmetriamy database registers a withdrawal 05:30
Symmetria(actually, every time *ANYTHING* changes in the global BGP table from the perspective of one of my peers, my database logs it)05:30
Symmetriathat pastebin shows how many route withdrawls are occuring every 5 minutes for each of my peers, so its basically a way of measuring global routing table stability05:30
magespawnright i see05:31
Symmetriapretty sure if you graphed inserts they would come in pretty close 05:31
magespawnwould you not need to know both?05:31
Symmetriawell, I can query the number of new routes appearing as well, haven't written that code yet, but if I wanted to see the net increase in the routing table over a period of time then yeah I would need both05:32
Symmetriathats actually a REALLY interesting idea05:32
Symmetriagraphing net increase of prefix's in routing table with 10 minute granularity05:32
magespawnthat would give you an idea of over all in/decrease and replacement rate of lost and repaired/replaced05:35
* magespawn leaves for work, later all05:45
Kilostoods magespawn 05:45
Kiloshi jrgns Ludo 07:46
Kiloswb magespawn_ 07:47
Kiloslo henkj 07:47
henkjhi Kilos07:47
Kiloshi psydroid 07:48
mazalLo guys , can anyone suggest a count-down timer for me ?08:07
mazalI looked in software centre but dunno which one can count down08:07
jrgnshello peeps08:27
Kiloshiya maiatoday 08:35
Kiloshi mazal 08:36
inetprogood morning Kilos and all else08:48
Kilosgood morning inetpro 08:48
Kiloswat eish08:49
inetprosomeone stole my name ^^08:49
inetpro10/12 07:23:47 <Symmetria> http://www.inetpro.org/pastebin/1160008:49
Kilosoh thats andy08:49
Kilosmaybe he wanted you to go see08:50
inetproCopyright 2006-2009 Brandon Bennett08:51
* inetpro got that name long before that08:51
Kilosoh my goodness08:51
Kiloscomplain to irc08:52
inetpronee man08:52
Kilosor freenode08:52
inetpronothing to do with irc08:52
inetproor freenode08:52
Kilosjou goed is jou goed08:52
Kilosoh my who then08:52
inetproit's a .org host address on the interwebs08:52
Kilosyou sure your old registered name wasnt hibananana08:53
inetprono I had inetpro all along as well08:53
inetprobut no worries08:53
Kilosbut how can one keep a name unless you using it everywhere08:53
* inetpro has no point in fighting it08:54
Kiloslike a inetpro site etc08:54
inetprowe can live along peacefully together 08:54
Kilosas long as when you login here it doesnt say you trying to steal a registered nick08:55
inetproI actually registered my name here on 9 Dec 200608:56
Kilosgood man08:57
Kiloshow do you find that out08:57
inetproKilos: what was first, the chicken or the egg?08:58
Kilosno man dom donner. how you find when you registered it here08:58
inetpro /msg nickserv info inetpro08:59
KilosNov 09 21:22:49 200908:59
Kilosim a ballie here09:00
Kilos3 whole years09:00
Kilos4 weeks and 3 days09:00
magespawn_howdy all09:20
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
magespawnany body with a tips on how to share a printer from a ubuntu system to the other os?09:24
magespawnRegistered : Jul 16 21:08:49 2009 (3 years, 21 weeks, 0 days, 12:16:29 ago)09:26
magespawnthats my one09:26
Kilosyou older than me09:26
magespawnnou moet jy my oom noem09:26
Kilosja oom09:26
Kilosskuus man09:27
KilosNicks      : Kilos Kilos- KilosX Kilos_ KilosK KilosU09:28
Kilosoh inetpro the chicken came before the egg10:19
Kilosall animals were made complete10:20
Kilosnot eggs stored in incubators10:20
Kiloselectricity for incubators came much later and peeps to turn the eggs daily too10:24
Kilosunless you wanna tell me some amoeba laid eggs and they evolved into chickens10:25
Kiloshopefully that question is settled now10:27
nlsthznbut where did the chicken cross the road?11:30
Kiloslol hi neil11:33
Kilosat the robots when it showed green for crossing11:33
Kilosnot a stupid chicken11:33
nlsthznno zebra crossing then 11:45
nlsthznany luck with the HDD uncle Kilos ?11:45
Kilosi didnt know about that11:46
Kilosnope not yet nlsthzn taking a break from that one till ian can bring me an ide/sata adaptor11:46
Kilosthen will look again11:46
nlsthznah ok... sometimes technology can be so annoying 11:47
Kilosyeah tell me about it11:47
Kilosit was working with 7m on and my trying to install ubuntu let it cause the prob11:47
Kiloswin7 on11:48
Kilosthey should enforce drive manufacturers to recall drives that need firmware patches before they pack up11:49
nlsthznmore often than not there is a sticker someplace that states it works with Windows 7 (as that is what they tested)... so they make sure to cover their behinds11:50
Kilosnow im trying to rejuvenate a dead 40g maxtor11:55
Kilosubcd has lotsa good tools on it11:56
Kilosthe maxtor tools is fixing things as i got through all the tests11:58
inetproKilos: http://michael.peopleofhonoronly.com/vim/12:03
inetprothat is for you12:03
Kilosso which one do i download12:07
Kilosi dont have excell here12:07
* nlsthzn holds on tight to nano 12:07
Kilospdf hardcopy or what??12:07
inetproKilos: no I was just joking12:08
inetprothe chart is handy though12:08
Kilostoo hard to see online like that12:08
inetprowhen you do spend some time learning vim it can be handy12:09
Kilosyeah most likely12:09
Kilosty sir12:09
Kilosdid you see chicken first12:09
inetproKilos: ja ja :-)12:10
Kilosat least 201 weeks before the first egg12:10
inetpro21 days12:10
Kilosoh ya chicken was full grown hey12:11
Kilos21 weeks from hatching to lay eggs12:11
nlsthznsheese I see I have also had this nick registered for more than 2 years now... time flies12:13
Squirmanyone know of any locally hosted vps solutions?12:43
magespawnno sorry Squirm12:51
magespawnthere goes the superfly12:51
superflyand... I'm back12:53
magespawninetpro that is very cool12:54
inetpromagespawn: you mean the vim cheatsheet?13:05
magespawnyebo yes13:05
magespawnlove those sorts of things13:05
inetproyep, handy indeed13:05
magespawni get a lot from makeuseof.com13:16
* magespawn needs some props for the eye lids14:00
Kiloshi N8Wulf 14:09
N8Wulfhow are you guys? Long week so far!!!14:10
Kilosall good ty and you?14:10
N8Wulfcool thanx, I'm working my way through this log: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/19/%23ubuntu-za.txt14:13
N8Wulfbattling a bit with Open Proxy nonsense14:13
N8Wulfand by battle I mean to say I got a msg today from Xchat when trying to login at work... eish, gotta read up and fix it14:15
Kiloswb superfly 14:16
Kiloswhat the message said N8Wulf ?14:16
superfly-_- thanks Kilos14:17
Kilosyip he battling some methinks14:20
magespawnsee y'all later, home time14:28
Kilostoods magespawn 14:30
psydroidhi Kilos14:42
psydroidhello magespawn14:42
Kilosyo psydroid hows things14:45
psydroidKilos, I've been really busy with kubuntu lately14:49
psydroidso I haven't had much time to talk14:50
Kilosthats good i hope14:50
psydroidwell, it's for my friend's office14:50
psydroidI finally found 12.10 good enough to move from slackware on the desktop14:51
psydroidbecause previous releases were always rather buggy14:51
psydroidI've tried them for the past several years, but none of them was good enough14:52
Kiloseven 12.04?14:52
Kilosmine works fine14:52
psydroidgraphics support wasn't good in it14:52
Kilosonly hassle was getting 3g to work14:52
Kilosmodern graphics card?14:53
psydroidat least for the nvidia and ati chips that I got to work with14:53
psydroidand now it works fine14:53
Kilosmine accepted the 173 drivers14:53
psydroidyes, they're all from the past few years14:53
psydroidwell, I prefer open source drivers14:56
psydroidbut even the closed ones didn't make the desktop work well enough on 12.0414:56
Kilosi learned today for the first time what meatloaf is15:07
Kilosits the same mix we use for frikkadele15:08
Kilosrissoles ot meatballs15:08
Kilosyou get no bread with one, meatball15:08
Kilosyou jeard that song?15:10
Kilossung by josh white methinks15:11
Kilostypical of the yanks. everything bigger15:11
psydroidoh, I don't know it15:12
Kilostake 20 uncooked meatballs , squeeze into a bread pan shaped pyrex dish and bake and call it meatloaf15:13
nlsthznsalute to all the lovely ZA people15:13
Kiloshi nlsthzn 15:13
Kilosyou coming or going15:13
nlsthznalo again uncle Kilos 15:13
nlsthznme here for a bit before dinner15:13
nlsthznI see I am again a month behind on the team report :/15:13
nlsthznI fail... going to get that rectified quickly15:13
Kilosis it you or no feedback nlsthzn ?15:14
Kilosbefore the reaap in 8 days time15:14
nlsthznjust me :'(15:14
Kiloshiya maiatoday does all look good girl?15:14
nlsthznI am aware of the IRC meeting... will check up if there is anything else that happened in November15:15
Kilosnlsthzn, have you put your testimonial there yet?15:16
nlsthznon the re-application?15:16
nlsthznmy system is going belly up... will see how long until I crash :/15:19
Kilosoh my15:19
Kilosyo Vince-0 15:32
nlsthzntestimonial done...15:33
nlsthznnow to tackle the team report 15:33
Kilosgreat ty nlsthzn 15:34
nlsthznpleasure is all mine15:34
Kiloswhats wrong with your system?15:34
Kiloswell said. i like15:36
nlsthznthanks uncle Kerbero 15:42
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos 15:42
nlsthznsorry Kerbero 15:42
nlsthzngoing for reboot... team report for November consists of only the IRC meeting as far as I can find ...15:43
Kilosnext one on the 17th15:43
Kiloshi magtie 16:20
Kiloshi Trix[a]r_za 16:21
Kiloswb nlsthzn 16:21
Kilosyou didnt tell me why your pc was crashing nlsthzn 16:21
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos 16:21
nlsthznnot sure why... could be all the games and using Wine etc.16:22
Kiloslol ya im bang of wine16:25
Kilosits like putting parafin in a paetrol car16:25
nlsthznlol, sometimes16:26
nlsthznmovie time... bbl16:28
Kiloswow you bunch are quiet tonight18:45
inetproKilos: why?18:46
Kilosi dunno?18:46
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:10
* Maaz washes some mugs19:10
Kilosoh my19:10
KilosMaaz, large19:11
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos19:11
KilosMaaz, gracias19:11
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!19:11
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:14
KilosMaaz, ty19:14
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:14
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:21
Symmetriawho's awake22:53

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