
=== Makyo is now known as Makyo|out
emilsomanHi there , are we using a library to connect the blocks in the juju gui ?05:55
bachi goodspud, any progress with your setup?11:31
goodspudMorning bac. Not yet. I'm in meetings for most of the morning but i'll catch up with Evan soon. Tried the commands again this morning but still receiving errors.11:33
goodspudFixed the VMWare issue though11:33
bacgoodspud: you may need to blow away your apt cache and try again.  someone in blue fin is best to help, still.11:35
gary_posterteknico, I'm making notes as to what I see about holidays, both so that I can keep track of what I see and so that you can confirm my understanding once I've finished digging.  So...13:14
gary_posteryou have an unaccepted request for a half day on Dec 14...13:15
gary_posterand another for Dec 21...13:15
gary_poster(half day again)13:15
teknicogary_poster, yes, as mentioned in an email I sent you, those two requests are mistaken, can you please cancel them?13:15
teknicosorry for the bother13:16
gary_posterteknico, I was confused because in the email you said that you filed them "a while ago."  That sounded like some previous day, while I just got the notifications today.  those are the two you meant?13:16
teknicoI'll probably request them again when dates and times are slightly firmer :-)13:17
gary_poster:-) ok13:17
teknicooh no, I just meant "a couple of hours ago", sorry13:17
gary_posterok cool13:17
teknicoyes, those two13:17
gary_posterteknico, confirmation: I just rejected those two.  you're all set13:18
teknicogary_poster, great, thanks again13:21
=== mattuk1972_ is now known as mattuk1972
frankban_morning gary_poster: just filed a leave (the last one left this year) for next Monday13:48
=== frankban_ is now known as frankban
gary_posterafternoon frankban.  Cool, approved.  thanks for the heads up13:49
hazmatrandom but fun http://www.fullstackoptimization.com/box2d-jquery/14:10
bachttps://juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/  -- under a 90 minute video is the text "Using Juju is easy!" .  mixed message.14:17
frankbanhazmat: it reminded me of google gravity: http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google-gravity/14:29
hazmatfrankban, neat14:40
hazmatah there both box 2d14:41
teknicothat stuff's a riot :-D14:54
=== Makyo|out is now known as Makyo
teknicook, I'm getting close to the 800 hundred lines diff limit, I might as well stop there for now :-)15:10
teknicogary_poster, I shamelessly "borrowed" some text from your blog post :-)15:18
gary_posterteknico, excellent, glad it could be put to use :-)15:18
teknicowho wants to live forev... ehm, who wants to review some docs? ;-)15:20
gary_posterteknico, :-) I think you might have another doc opportunity in your future: I thought the intent was to change the charm, not the GUI.  what you did was excellent too though15:22
gary_posterwelcome back frankban, btw.  did you have a nice few days off?15:22
gary_posterhazmat in particular, but everyone also, I'd appreciate a review of https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1YPZ511DQLJV7xWsWh7rp_dvz-8bSHnPBXHLNYcyJ8bI/edit# before I send it to the design team15:24
frankbangary_poster: yes thanks, spent the whole morning reading emails and docs15:24
gary_posterheh, frankban, was that a relaxing way to return, or overwhelming? :-)15:25
frankbangary_poster: well, kind of relaxing ;-) 15:25
teknicogary_poster, oh gosh, "the *charm* README.txt" :-o15:26
teknicoI cannot read anymore :-/15:26
gary_posterteknico, :-) make another bug for what you did, and revise history15:28
hazmatstandup time?15:28
hazmatgary_poster, looking15:28
teknicogary_poster, "revise history"?15:28
gary_posterbac bcsaller benji frankban goodspud hazmat jovan2 Makyo teknico call in 215:28
gary_posterteknico, the branch was for a different task than the given bug/card.  revise history so that it all makes sense, connecting the branch to the proper bug or redefining the bug ors something15:29
teknicogary_poster, ok, sorry for ruining your attempt at conciseness :-)15:30
gary_poster:-) np15:30
hazmatgary_poster, looks good, comments in.15:48
gary_posterawesome, thanks hazmat15:49
gary_posterbenji, I was about to reply with "yes"15:50
benjiI guess I should do the proper way of commenting on a paper: read it through once and then go back to comment15:50
gary_postergoodspud, I sent doc link to you and Alejandra15:53
goodspudgary_poster - cheers!15:54
teknico"Multiple users can simultaneously move different services within the same shared Juju environment." then we only need collision detection and, presto! it's a multiplayer game. ;-)16:05
gary_posterIf we do that, I want a force-feedback mouse16:21
goodspudbac, I've managed to get to the same place we where at yesterday - no errors17:51
bacgoodspud: excellent17:51
bacgoodspud: want to do a hangout?17:52
goodspudbac, yep17:52
goodspudbac - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1dffb708bdf85ebb00839f55669013ea68b8a641?authuser=0&hl=en17:53
bacgoodspud now can run the server on his vm and is a bzr expert!18:45
goodspudFull credit to bac for going through that process18:46
gary_posterMakyo, would it be conceivably helpful for me to join you for a bit?  My next task is in about an hour19:34
Makyogary_poster, Sure, that'd be fine.19:35
gary_postermake a hangout (or juju-ui) when you are ready Makyo 19:36
Makyogary_poster, Now's fine, juju-ui's open.19:38
benjione unfortunate side effect of the recent URL change is that I can no longer copy the last bit of a URL (e.g., "app/views/foo.js") and open it directly in my editor.20:19
* bac bbiab20:26

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