
ScottKFixed kpat FTBFS.02:40
* ScottK fixes harder.02:52
ScottKRiddell: debian/changelog for kubrik claims it's a PPA build (the revision number is right however).  Please fix for the next upload.03:41
kubotuScottK meant: "Riddell: debian/changelog for kubrick claims it's a PPA build (the revision number is right however).  Please fix for the next upload."03:44
ScottKRiddell: ksquares copyright was missing one person.  I fixed and reuploaded.04:16
ScottKRiddell: For ksirk, ksirk/iris/src/libidn/nfkc.c is LGPL and there's no license file included nor is it mentioned in debian/copyright.  Additionally, there are other copyrights missing.  I'll have to reject it.05:13
ScottKRiddell: I fixed the killbots debian/copyright.05:22
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1088772] Broken icons in plasma tray @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1088772 (by xapienz)05:28
ScottKRiddell: granatier was missing stuff too.  In retrospect, don't they all need GFDL in debian/copyright?06:31
* ScottK fixed that one up and is calling it a night.06:31
jussiQuintasan_: various, but ubuntu mostly. why?07:24
Tm_Tso yeah, icons that comes outside of icon theme are not shown in systray08:32
apacheloggerTm_T: did you file a bug yet?08:53
apacheloggersomeone please send a test mail to apachelogger@ubuntu.com08:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: sent08:56
apacheloggermy mail be workign again08:57
apacheloggertickets ftw ^^08:57
* apachelogger would really like to blog about something09:00
shadeslayerblog about tickets?09:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: not useful :P09:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: blog about how we need business cards09:06
apacheloggerwe do?09:07
apacheloggerI am sorry, I have not gotten much mail for 2 weeks :P09:07
shadeslayerwith updated artwork and stuff09:07
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
shadeslayerapachelogger: see https://plus.google.com/10757778579669606513809:08
apacheloggerI know09:09
apacheloggernot sure me blogging is a good idea tho :P09:09
shadeslayerit's on G+09:09
apacheloggerdragon3 still has no UI ;)09:10
apacheloggerits only been >1.5 year since inception09:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: I haz kde-mm question09:10
apacheloggerso do I, who do we ask?09:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/623426 < why does this not work?09:11
shadeslayerby not work I mean does not compile09:11
apacheloggersupposedly path a is an interface that was changed for 1.0 hence why you need path b09:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: no no09:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: /home/shadeslayer/sauce/kde/phonon-gstreamer/gstreamer/audiodataoutput.cpp:128: error: ‘GST_BUFFER_CAPS’ was not declared in this scope09:12
shadeslayerGST_BUFFER_CAPS was removed, the caps are now applied on the pad that  the buffer is pushed onto09:12
shadeslayerso you get the caps from the pad now09:13
apacheloggerthat's what I said09:13
apacheloggerthe two paths are compile time mutually exclusive09:13
apacheloggeryou cannot do a runtime if-else09:13
shadeslayerI have to ifded09:13
apacheloggerbut you need a compiletime if-else09:13
shadeslayernot if09:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: aye09:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: well09:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: technically it would be best if you did #if gstversion > expectedversion09:14
apacheloggerwe have lines like that somewhere09:14
apacheloggerbest grep for version09:14
shadeslayergrep for version?09:14
apacheloggergstreamer/pipeline.cpp:#if GST_VERSION >= GST_VERSION_CHECK(0,10,23,0)09:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: but gst provides all that already09:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gstreamer/html/gstreamer-GstVersion.html#GST-CHECK-VERSION:CAPS09:18
shadeslayerso why define it in p-c-gst.h.cmake09:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: possibly it did not in the past09:20
apacheloggerCommandline: apt-get install ubuntu-tweak09:30
apacheloggerthose are really the best logs09:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you see the reason for bug 106282409:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062824 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kdm 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script pre-removal installé a été tué par le signal (Complété)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106282409:33
* apachelogger does not09:33
* apachelogger also thinks that perhaps maintscripts should be more verbose on error09:33
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066237] log out button freezes kde @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066237 (by J. Sundermeyer)09:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1075518] Plasma Workspace (plasma-desktop), signal: Aborted [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb31c5720... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1075518 (by Blair Chasteen)09:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1077196] klipper does not save contents from closed windows @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1077196 (by ill)09:34
shadeslayerScottK: digikam uploaded to rebuild against hupnp09:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you think we could do with some autopilot tests in our packaging?11:12
shadeslayer"So I think the next frontier is to create a seamless experience from the embedded world to the cloud."11:14
shadeslayerthat's what I want for KDE :P11:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes?11:23
Quintasan_jussi: Becasue I was not sure how does one run ubuntu on imx when it is so slow there11:23
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on what you mean though11:23
shadeslayerthings like11:23
shadeslayerautopilot tests for rekonq11:23
shadeslayerand ktp11:23
shadeslayerktp is going to be a bit hard to do11:24
shadeslayerand dolphin etc etc11:24
shadeslayeroh this is going to be fun11:24
shadeslayerI get to build kdelibs twice 11:24
shadeslayerlike kde-workspace11:24
Riddelltwo times the fun11:24
* shadeslayer looks at how kde-workspace is built11:25
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: btw could you figure out how we can build nepomuk-core with ffmpeg and dlrestrictions? ( from what I've been told, you've done this before )11:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: what's build-kwin-active11:42
shadeslayerI can't find it anywhere11:42
Quintasantry guessing11:42
shadeslayerdude, there's no debian/build-kwin-active11:42
shadeslayerhow does this even compile 0.o11:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: That's how our workspace is broken xD11:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: Theoretically this is the build directory that should get created during build proccess11:43
shadeslayerdoes it?11:44
shadeslayerget created I mean11:44
QuintasanDunno lol11:44
QuintasanIt SHOULD11:44
QuintasanI have no idea how does this thing even work seeing patches got reverted when I was not looking11:45
shadeslayerthat's what I'm looking at myself11:45
shadeslayerseems like a big ol fuck all11:45
Tm_Toh my11:45
shadeslayeryeah, sorry about that, but this is *really* messed up11:46
shadeslayerRiddell: are you sure this is right? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/nepomuk-widgets/revision/711:46
* shadeslayer scratches head11:48
Riddellshadeslayer: um, no11:48
shadeslayerRiddell: :P11:48
RiddellI think I'll change all our Section fields to "who cares" since it's a pointless label anyway11:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: okay, so, the patches should only be applied when doing the active build right?11:49
shadeslayerthey shouldn't land in the normal build11:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: Yeah, that's right11:49
shadeslayerHOW THE HELL DID THIS WORK11:49
QuintasanThat's why I put them into separate directory 11:49
Quintasannow the directory is gone\11:49
yofelyou can't apply 2 different patch sets with dh7 packaging - at least I don't know how to11:50
yofelthat's why the last attempt at double-building wrapped the patch in ifdefs and used a flag11:50
shadeslayercan't you do a export the quilt patch dir and then do quilt push before the second cmake call?11:52
Quintasanwhat shadeslayer said11:52
QuintasanThat's what I did11:52
Quintasanand it worked11:52
shadeslayersounds like it should work11:53
shadeslayerwithout too much hassle11:53
yofelare configure and build batched together in dh7? As configuring twice and then building twice won't really work11:54
shadeslayerdon't think so, but we're using a separate dir for the second build11:56
yofelsure, but you only have ONE source that you can patch11:57
shadeslayerso build 1 happens in obj-whatever11:57
shadeslayerI don't see how that's an issue?11:57
yofeldoes cmake copy the source into the build dir? afaik it doesn't11:57
Quintasanyofel: patch -> build -> do magic -> UNPATCH -> apply different patch set -> build INTO another directory11:57
yofelQuintasan: yeah, that work, but how do you do that with current packaging?11:57
Quintasanyofel: it did work with dh7 and unless they did some significant changes it should still work11:58
Quintasanyofel: override everything?11:58
QuintasanI overrode auto_patch auto_build and auto_install11:58
yofelas AFAIK dh_auto_configure and dh_auto_build are both only run once11:58
shadeslayeryofel: override_dh_auto_configure:11:58
shadeslayer        $(overridden_command) -- -DKDE4_KDM_PAM_SERVICE=kdm -DKDE4_COMMON_PAM_SERVICE=kdm11:58
shadeslayer        $(overridden_command) -Bdebian/build-kwin-active -- -DKDE4_KDM_PAM_SERVICE=kdm -DKDE4_COMMON_PAM_SERVICE=kdm -DKWIN_PLASMA_ACTIVE=true11:58
shadeslayerthat's how :P11:58
Quintasanyofel: override it and call it twice?11:58
yofelwhatever, show me the finished work. the current workspace build isn't set up like that11:59
shadeslayerit is! :P11:59
Quintasanyofel: That's the problem xD11:59
yofelshadeslayer: it's not!11:59
shadeslayerbut it doesn't have patchery11:59
shadeslayerI just copy pasted from kde-workspace rules :p11:59
QuintasanIt was working but $STUFF happened and it doesnt work as it is supposed to work right now11:59
yofelit applies the patch and uses a cmake flag to turn it on and off, that's not using 2 patchsets11:59
shadeslayerah okay12:00
shadeslayerthis should really be upstreamed :|12:00
Quintasanyofel: The flag does shit by itself when the patches are not there xD12:00
Quintasanonce shadeslayer fixes the patching the rest should work12:00
shadeslayerthe question is12:00
yofelthe patch that was removed was upstreamed, and I'm not yet convinced that the missing part is really needed12:00
Quintasanshadeslayer: show him @_@12:01
shadeslayererr more patches : ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/active/3.0/src/patches/12:01
yofelas for the PA3 patches: yes, I know they're not in12:01
yofelQuintasan: wait, I'm looking myself, I might be wrong too as I was last time ^^12:01
shadeslayeryofel: we applied the patches cleanly on git master at UDS R12:01
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
* Quintasan goes to take a shower12:02
QuintasanI expect results12:02
shadeslayeror maybe they were, but were reverted or sth12:02
shadeslayerand we forgot12:02
QuintasanRiddell, ScottK: friendly reminder for maliit review12:02
* shadeslayer looks at bzr log12:03
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
yofelshadeslayer: after resetting workspace KDE/4.9 hard, kwin/CMakeLists.txt respects KWIN_PLASMA_ACTIVE. The missing part of the patch were a few includes - I'm not convinced that they're missing12:04
Riddellapachelogger: apachelogger @ubuntu.com got unsubscribed from kubuntu-devel 10 days ago12:04
yofeler, needed12:04
shadeslayerI see12:04
RiddellQuintasan: keep reminding us12:04
shadeslayeryofel: we still need this patchset though : ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/active/3.0/src/patches/12:04
shadeslayerI see some really fun commit entries : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/revision/66812:05
yofelyeah, I know. I'm just wondering how to get dh7 to work with 2 patch sets. I don't know if that's possible as I remember the sequencing, but maybe Quintasan knows better.12:06
shadeslayerhmm .. I *think* you might be right12:06
shadeslayerafter the first patchset gets applied, and you pop it, those patches are no longer applied12:07
shadeslayerand the first build loses that patchset12:07
shadeslayerso, keep first patchset, apply active's patchset ontop of our patchset for active build12:07
apacheloggerRiddell: autounsub because the alias was broken I presume12:08
yofelshadeslayer: still leaves the issue of only one available source. We really would need to 'patch - build - unpatch - patch - build'. But not sure how to do that. [OR add ifdefs for the patches, not sure how much work that is]12:09
apacheloggerRiddell: I think I am subbed again, thanks for pointing it out12:09
yofelanyway, back to work, let's hope that Quintasan has some magic idea12:10
yofelshadeslayer: or maybe one could make a full source copy at the start and then point cmake to that for one build. I've never tried something like that though.12:13
shadeslayerthat would be fun12:13
shadeslayera 'cleaner' solution I guess would be to have different -active sources12:14
shadeslayerso kde4libs-active, kde-workspace-active12:14
Riddellhow would that be cleaner?12:24
Riddellthat just means they'll get out of sync12:25
ScottKQuintasan: Look at the number of KDE games still in New and you'll understand why I didn't get to it yet.13:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://paste.kde.org/623696/14:23
shadeslayerstill WIP14:23
Quintasan>built with active patches14:24
Quintasanmeans nothing to me14:24
Quintasanmake it built with Plasma Active support14:25
shadeslayerstill needs install files and the likes14:26
yofelI don't see kdelibs5-active-dev, if the -active stuff isn't installed during build dpkg-shlibdeps WILL do the wrong thing14:26
shadeslayerlike I said, still WIP :)14:27
shadeslayerI thought that dh_auto_configure would create the debian/build-kdelibs-active dir, but it didn't14:28
shadeslayerand hmm ... debian/build-kdelibs-active-dir is empty right now14:31
shadeslayerI thought it would have the relevant CMake files14:31
yofel-Bdebian/build-kwin-active is an option for dh_auto_configure, not cmake, so put it before the --14:31
shadeslayeroh good point14:32
yofelsee man debhelper BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS14:33
shadeslayeryeah, that's where I picked it up, except I put it at the wrong line14:33
shadeslayer-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/buildd/kde4libs-4.9.90/debian/build-kwin-active14:34
shadeslayerwrong dir14:34
shadeslayershould be kdelibs14:35
yofelah, and don't forget to remove the dir in dh_clean14:36
shadeslayerbetter : -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/buildd/kde4libs-4.9.90/debian/build-kdelibs-active14:36
soeeguys what re the oxygen-fonts ?14:36
shadeslayersoee: experimental ppa14:36
soeeshadeslayer, yeah i see topic but what do they chenge ? add some extra fonts ?14:36
shadeslayerthey add the oxygen fonts? that's about it14:37
soeeso its like ubuntu font ?14:37
soeeok googled it14:38
shadeslayerit's a font that upstream KDE is working on14:38
yofel'y' still feels unbalanced. Looks nice otherwise14:38
soeewill test later but i doubt any font will replace my Droid :)14:39
yofelthen again, I can just use the mono version14:39
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/623702/15:01
shadeslayerany ideas how I can apply active patches ontop of our patches15:01
yofeluh... I would usually go with quilt pop -a, choose a different series file and push -a15:02
yofeland drop setting QUILT_PATCHES at all15:02
yofelshadeslayer: what doesn't work there though?15:03
shadeslayerthe pushing15:03
yofeldunno, would need a test env for debuggin but I don't have the time for that now15:05
shadeslayerI just made a debian/patces/series.active and appended the PA patch there15:06
shadeslayeryofel: well that's odd15:17
shadeslayerdoing :         export QUILT_SERIES=series.active  or         export QUILT_SERIES=debian/patches/series.active doesn't work as well15:18
RiddellI expect it's cached in .pc/15:22
RiddellI'd be inclined to just patch it manually if quilt is faffy15:23
Riddellpatch -p1 < debian/patches/foo15:23
Riddell-patch -R -p1 < debian/patches/foo  in clean15:23
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
=== valorie is now known as 77CABWYBP
Riddell77CABWYBP: got a new amateur radio call sign?15:27
RiddellQuintasan: where's that maliit?15:27
shadeslayerrm -rf .pc/15:32
shadeslayercp /tmp/buildd/kde4libs-4.9.90/debian/patches/series.active /tmp/buildd/kde4libs-4.9.90/debian/patches/series15:32
shadeslayerquilt push -a15:32
shadeslayerNo series file found15:32
highvoltagequilt obviously hates you.15:33
shadeslayerthis is a fairly wtf build :P15:35
shadeslayerI'll go with Riddell's suggestion15:37
shadeslayereven though it leads to uglyness15:37
yofelthat'll be a wtf build then15:37
yofelgo ahead for now, I'll debug this if I have time in the evening15:37
QuintasanRiddell: dget -xu http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/maliit-framework_0.93.0-0ubuntu1.dsc15:38
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
shadeslayerdoes this look sane for kdelibs5-active-dev.install : http://paste.kde.org/62376217:48
=== shadeslayer is now known as buildslayer
Riddellbuildslayer: isn't it just the same as the normal kdelibs5-dev.install ?18:16
buildslayer<yofel> I don't see kdelibs5-active-dev, if the -active stuff isn't installed during build dpkg-shlibdeps WILL do the wrong thing18:17
buildslayeruhh ... now that I think about it, I don't see how adding that will fix said issue :P18:18
buildslayerhmm .. this will most definitely cause issues if dpkg-shlibdeps takes into account out of source builds18:20
buildslayeranywho, something for tomorrow I guess18:22
yofeluhm, a) you need to have something that installs the lib*-active packages. b) they need to conflict with the regular set of packages. c) That'll probably break everything18:22
yofelso I'm currently thinking about how to solve this too...18:22
buildslayerupstream sux18:24
yofelthis is *so* set up for a one-config environment which we don't have -.-18:24
buildslayeryeah ...18:25
buildslayermaybe we should complain loudly18:25
buildslayerthe fun part is that half of the kdelibs patch is in 4.1018:25
buildslayerso I had to redo it18:25
Tm_Tyofel: huh?18:27
buildslayerah yes, new kernel18:29
buildslayerwith TCP Fast open18:30
buildslayerRiddell: btw decisions like Business card artwork would be taken by the Council right?18:45
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
yofelTm_T: hm? kdelibs? I meant the one big kdelibs patch from active that changes god knows what and that I would rather not have on the normal desktop18:54
Tm_Tyofel: are you saying that we (kubuntu) are going to have either plasma-desktop or plasma-active but not both on the system, against upstream?18:55
yofelTm_T: I'm saying that it makes it hard to do it, not that it's impossible. And that's not really something they *need* to care about either.18:57
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1088772] Broken icons in plasma tray @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1088772 (by xapienz)19:03
Tm_Tyofel: yes?19:03
yofelbuildslayer: are the changes that replace functionality in 4.10? As the diff is otherwise mostly adding stuff, maybe we don't need to build twice19:03
buildslayeryofel: uhh sec19:03
yofelexcept for the replacements that just add fuse support19:04
buildslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/623792 is what quilt gave me after refreshing 19:04
buildslayeryofel: can you see any difference in lines 55 and 57?19:05
buildslayerpossibly useless diff19:05
Riddellbuildslayer: well the money part at least will be19:08
yofelbuildslayer: whitespace diff19:08
buildslayerRiddell: nah, I mean deciding which artwork will become 'official'19:08
buildslayeryofel: so it wasn't me being sleepy ... good to know19:08
yofelline 106-127: filling empty methods o.O?19:10
Riddellbuildslayer: I'm less fussed about that19:11
buildslayerRiddell: heh19:11
buildslayerI've also pinged Eugene19:12
yofelhttp://paste.kde.org/623798 - wth..19:17
* yofel will continue review after dinner19:17
buildslayerI'm probably going to go to sleep in another 20 minutes19:17
yofelbuildslayer: can you make a fresh full clone of kdelibs? I can't19:29
yofelpulling works, but clone not19:30
buildslayeryofel: clone from anongit119:31
yofelnow lets see which one's broken19:32
buildslayer3 I guess19:34
buildslayererm, there's no 3 ... 19:35
yofel1 2 and 4 work, 3 doesn't resolve here19:35
yofel5 is broken19:36
* yofel pokes the admins19:36
buildslayerI think they know19:37
yofelI didn't see anythign in -sysadmin...19:37
yofelthey should at least take it out of the rotation19:38
buildslayer<bcooksley> I suspect it may be a nasty combo of anongit syncing + projects updating db + all 6 thin servers trying to show git repos all simultaneously19:38
buildslayerpotentially something went wrong with anongit syncing19:39
buildslayerbut yeah, it'd be good to mention it to the,19:39
yofelyeah, could've been load corruption19:39
buildslayeryofel: are you doing a patch review?19:41
buildslayerand whether or not the patch applies to kdelibs?19:41
yofeldidn't you check the 2nd part?19:42
buildslayer2nd part?19:42
yofelwhether it appleis19:42
yofelI'll try to find out what the activity part is supposed to do, as the fuse part seem safe19:43
buildslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/623792/ applies cleanly to 4.9.9019:43
buildslayerI didn't check against master19:43
buildslayerit applies cleanly19:44
yofelwith the low amount of changes in kdelibs we shouldn't have to worry much there19:44
yofeldo you know where the active patches are kept? ivan/plasma-active-patches ?19:44
buildslayerdunno 19:44
buildslayerI'm touching this for the first time19:45
yofelsame here...19:45
yofelguess I'll look around a bit19:45
buildslayerpotentially #active can advise19:45
yofelyeah, I'm in there, just never said a word :P19:47
buildslayersame here19:49
soeewhats motivates to work... is shower :)21:02
ronnoc_hmmm KMix volume control no longer working in 12.10 / 4.9.9. Anyone else seeing this issue?21:45
Riddellworks fine in raring 4.9.9021:47
Riddellare you sure it's got the right output?21:47
soeeronnoc, what exactly not working?21:50
soeevolume level works fine for me21:50
soee12.10 21:50
ronnocMoving the slider does nothing to the volume, nor can I mute it. I didn't change anything that I'm aware of.21:51
soeewell by default the channel visible when i click volume icon do nothig for me either21:53
ronnoc_fixed by closing kmix and restarting. odd because rebooting didn't fix the issue. but all's well that ends well. 21:53
soeebu if i click mixer i got access to the right one21:54
ronnocwell I used to be able to use mouse wheel to control volume on hover, but that no longer works. seems alsa is no longer the default (my USB headphones are) and I can not see a way to change that back. 21:56
soeealsa? i thought pulseaudio21:57
ronnocyea. it shows up as Built In Analog Stereo. And it's teh preferred device in System Settings, but somehow it's not the default anymore in KMix. No big deal :p22:19
dantti_laptophi, I'm having a serious issue with 12.10... I can't let my pcs on for too many time that out of nothing it freezes...  with sysreq I see VFS file-max limit reached, does anyone knows what causes this?22:22
dantti_laptopluckly today I was able to still use the pc, so I can type commands that might help22:22
dantti_laptopthere's no 100% process running, no process eating lots of fds...22:23
dantti_laptopso I'm really out of clue of what is happening..22:23
dantti_laptopam I the only one experiencing this?22:23
dantti_laptopfunny trying to open kwin it says too many open files on the system.. but I list /proc/*/fds and no process has so many open files..22:26
dantti_laptopis there another way to find this?22:26
rbelemdantti_laptop, i'm having issues with 12.10 and icecc22:33
dantti_laptopwhat's icecc?22:34
rbelemdantti_laptop, http://en.opensuse.org/Icecream22:34
dantti_laptoprbelem: ok I don't use that...22:36
dantti_laptopthe issue is that something is eating fds on my machine.. :P22:36
dantti_laptopI won't reboot till I kill it :P22:37
rbelemno idea22:37
dantti_laptopI used to have my machine up for 40 days now it can't stand 222:37
rbelemwe have to find out what changed22:38
yofelI remember having aptitude complain about too many open files here in 12.10, but now I'm on raring and it hasn't happened again.22:42
ScottKRiddell: Any thoughts on my comment on missing GFDL attribution in debian/coyright for ~all the games?22:42
dantti_laptopyofel: do you know is lsof -p is better than listing the number of files on /proc/fd?22:43
* ScottK is waiting to get that resolved before reviewing more.22:43
dantti_laptopit seems to show more stuff22:43
ScottKyofel: Your first mistake is using aptitude.  Just use apt.22:43
yofelI usually do, but aptitude's dependency resolver is sometimes handy for debugging dep issues (if it doesn't totally mess up ofc.)22:44
RiddellScottK: mm I missed that one, what missing attribution?22:45
dantti_laptopnot to mention aptitude search is way easier to read than apt-cache's22:45
ScottK[01:31:10] <ScottK> Riddell: granatier was missing stuff too.  In retrospect, don't they all need GFDL in debian/copyright?22:46
yofeldantti_laptop: not really, but I do wonder what would open 4k files (that's what ulimit -n at least says as file open limit)22:46
ScottKRiddell: Take a look at what I did for grantier and see if you think that makes sense.22:46
dantti_laptopyofel: is vfs some app? cause it seems it was the one trying to get more...22:47
yofelactually aptitudes full resolver works pretty well again, just the safe one is still pretty broken22:47
* yofel reads vfs as virtual file system so it should be some kernel thing22:48
yofelbut would that open files by itself o.O?22:48
RiddellScottK: mm yes22:48
ScottKOK.  We need to fix the ones I already accepted.  I can work on that.22:49
ScottKCan you redo the ones still in the queue?22:49
ScottKAlso, did I do the copyright format stuff right?22:49
ScottKI'm not very experienced with it.22:49
dantti_laptopyofel: yes, tis odd indeed, probably something uses vfs to open files... and don't releases them22:50
dantti_laptopok, it seems kvirc and chromiun are eating lots of them... using lsof... 22:53
RiddellScottK: where is your granatie change?22:55
ScottKIn the archive.22:55
ScottKI fixed it and accepted it.22:55
RiddellScottK: only 4:4.9.90-0ubuntu1  shown in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/granatier and that has no FDL in debian/copyright22:56
* ScottK looks22:56
yofeldantti_laptop: what does 'sysctl fs.file-nr' say for you?22:58
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  The one in the archive has it.  I didn't change the version number/changelog. so download it again (either delete yours or to a different directory)22:58
Riddellmm yes it's got it this time23:01
RiddellScottK: yeah that looks good23:01
RiddellI'll add it to kdegames packages tomorrow23:01
ScottKOK.  Thanks.23:01
rbelemyofel, maybe it kills dantti's system23:06
yofelrbelem: well, he says that it kill is, but it seems like it's still working to some extent23:07
yofel*kills it23:07
dantti_laptopyofel: hmm sorry too lat, I killed chormiun which somehow killed my konsole, but I'm guessing my issus is kvirc23:08
dantti_laptopsince it's the one that is less maintained...23:08
dantti_laptopthe two where the ones that lsof couldn't proccess it all23:08
dantti_laptopI'll use another irc client for now and see what happens...23:09
=== emma is now known as em

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