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didrockshey czajkowski!09:38
didrocksI keep getting launchpad oooooopses  when trying to create a new project, any idea?09:38
czajkowskididrocks: hmmm09:40
czajkowskihave you got an oops id09:41
didrockssure :)09:41
didrocks(Error ID: OOPS-29cfc9dfb21844458017fdb290b5fe0f)09:41
* czajkowski stabs 2FA 09:41
czajkowskione momen till I locate my phone09:42
czajkowskididrocks: are you doing something with sharing when you set it up ?09:43
didrocksczajkowski: sharing meaning license?09:43
didrocksI just have 2 licenses enabled09:43
didrocksinformation type is set to default, public09:44
czajkowskiwgrant: StevenK either of ye about09:44
wgrantThis is exactly what I was worried about09:51
czajkowskiwgrant: I cant create it on qastating either09:51
czajkowskionly I'm getting an different error09:52
czajkowskiwgrant: created it on qastaging09:52
czajkowskiso why cant we do it on lp09:53
wgrantBecause deryck's DB patch is not on qastaging09:53
wgrantJust staging and production09:53
wgrantHm, no adeuring09:54
wgrantdidrocks: The problem is due to a bad database patch. A fix is deploying now, so it should work in 30-60 minutes.09:59
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didrockswgrant: ok, good luck! keep me posted please :)10:00
didrocksczajkowski: ah also, Kenneth is not working anymore at canonical and isn't available. Can you please set the pspmteam as a driver for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-mono? (I'll deprecate this project)10:16
didrocksand same for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-artwork10:16
didrocks(basically ubuntu-themes is merging ubuntu-mono, light-themes and ubuntu-artwork in the same project)10:17
czajkowskididrocks: just requesting it now10:18
didrocksthanks :)10:18
czajkowskididrocks: all done10:19
didrocksexcellent, thanks :)10:19
czajkowskididrocks: you going to FOSDEM ?10:21
nigelbczajkowski: I was hoping to make it this year.10:21
nigelbBut, it seems I'll be in UK instead.10:21
didrocksczajkowski: yeah, as every year ;)10:27
didrocksI need to propose a talk btw…10:27
didrocksyou as well?10:27
czajkowskiI am indeed10:28
czajkowskiseems to be lots of chatter in #fosdem atm10:28
didrocksah ;)10:28
czajkowskinot speaking this year although may take part in panel discussion still waiting to hear10:28
didrocksczajkowski: excellent! worked \o/10:50
didrocksthanks czajkowski, wgrant :)10:52
yolandahi, i'm having a timeout problem trying to change the state of a bug, is there any issue?10:59
czajkowskiwgrant: have you broken something with the change11:00
czajkowskiyolanda: do you hvae an oops id11:00
yolandayes, let me look at it11:00
czajkowskiwe need the oops id when folks say they have a timeout11:00
yolandathat one for example: OOPS-a11f46e0ec5c106c13cf03881b348571, but i tried lots of times11:01
yolandait fails from API or from the website11:01
czajkowskiI cant even get the oops to open11:03
czajkowskiyolanda: what bug11:04
yolandathe api showed that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1425066/11:05
yolandaand from the website i just see a timeout11:05
czajkowskiyolanda: yes but which bug are you trying to change the status of11:06
yolandaoh, sorry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+bug/107356911:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1073569 in glance (Ubuntu Quantal) "Jenkins jobs fail because of incompatibility between sqlalchemy-migrate and the newest sqlalchemy-0.8.0b1" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:06
yolandai try to change the keystone (Ubuntu) one11:06
czajkowskifrom fixed released to?11:07
yolandai try to set it as fix released11:07
yolandahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+bug/1073569/+editstatus - from new to fix released11:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1073569 in glance (Ubuntu Quantal) "Jenkins jobs fail because of incompatibility between sqlalchemy-migrate and the newest sqlalchemy-0.8.0b1" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:08
czajkowskiah the oops id loads11:09
czajkowskiI'll file a bug11:09
czajkowskior see if we have any other similar oops11:09
mgedminwho can I ping about https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/1084522?11:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1084522 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Cannot bzr branch lp:ubuntu/quantal/accountsservice" [Undecided,New]11:09
czajkowskimgedmin: I'm just in the middle of something at present11:10
czajkowskican you give me a few11:10
mgedminno rush11:10
mgedminthe bug's been open for 1.5 weeks, a few more hours won't hurt anyone :)11:10
czajkowskimgz: ^^^11:10
mgedminI just don't want it to be completely forgotten11:10
czajkowskiit's not a LP bug11:10
mgedminis there an IRC channel for ubuntu distributed development?11:11
mgedminall I know is that bazaar is unable to get a branch from launchpad, so I assumed either it's a bug in bazaar, or a bug in launchpad11:12
wgrantIt's more likely that UDD has somehow caused the bzr branch to be corrupted11:13
czajkowskiwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1088862  re yolanda and Daviey bug.11:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1088862 in Launchpad itself "timeout when chaging bug status via website or API" [Critical,Triaged]11:14
czajkowskioops takes nearly 4 mins to load :/11:14
wgrantyolanda: Which attributes were you trying to change?11:14
wgrantJust the status?11:14
yolandawgrant, yes, from the keystone(Ubuntu), from New to Fix Released11:14
czajkowskiwgrant: I tried it also and it oops11:15
wgrantThere's like 19 billion people subscribed11:15
wgrantBecause it affects so many projects11:16
czajkowskiwgrant: thought we fixed that timeout11:17
wgrantNot when they're all different projects.11:17
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yolandawgrant, so can you fix that manually maybe?11:24
yolandaso what can i do it to change it?11:26
wgrantNothing until that bug is fixed11:26
yolandaok, just let me know...11:27
czajkowskiyolanda: it's marked as critcal11:27
mgzmgedmin: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/accountsservice.html11:28
czajkowskiand we have about 160 of them at present11:28
yolandaok, thanks11:29
mgzseems the debian packaging has been borked, might need some history blacklisted11:30
mgzmgedmin: the practical way of getting this fixed is to run the import locally yourself, see what's borked, what needs ommitting to make it work, and then poke someone to make that change on jubany. poke xnox for help maybe, he's worked out that process in the past.11:32
xnoxyeah, I do run "local" importer on my machine for "problematic" packages, helps working out the non-trivial - if i have newer bzr/quilt/pristinetar & skip experimental it works bugs.11:34
* xnox just followed the readme in the importer branch & set it word to word same on my machine.11:34
mgedminat this point I suspect it would be simpler for me to use apt-get source and prepare a debdiff manually...11:35
mgedminI did the apt-get source bit 1.5 weeks ago, when I filed that bug -- worked fine for me, no failing debian patches, curiously11:37
mgedminah, I got version accountsservice_0.6.21-6ubuntu5, while this failure is for version 0.6.21-411:37
mgzright, it's likely they fixed it since then, the importer just wants to grab every package created to build the history, so if something was broken in a suprising way at some point in the past it falls over11:39
mgedminI'll update the bug with the explanation11:44
ricotzhello, there are several armhf ppa builds stuck due the problem with raring12:32
czajkowskiricotz: which ppas12:33
czajkowskiwe've not had complaints from others12:33
wgrantI only see 3 armhf and 1 armel12:33
wgrantI've cancelled them12:34
ricotzczajkowski, i already mention it to infinity and he wants to backport qemu to fix it12:34
ricotzwgrant, thanks12:34
wgrantI have an RT open for upgrading qemu12:34
ricotzwgrant, right, he filed one12:35
ricotzczajkowski, hi, what is the "offical" policy now to get armhf support?12:36
czajkowski4hrs or less builds and 10 or less builds a week12:37
ricotzczajkowski, ok, thanks12:38
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shnatselI'm trying to build a trivial patch to Qt in Launchpad recipe, but it fails with weird errors, like:19:18
shnatseltar: <filename>: Cannot open: Permission denied19:18
shnatselhere's the full build log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/125376199/buildlog.txt.gz19:18
shnatselthe equivalent operations work for me locally (branch, merge, debuild), though take several hours to complete on my machine19:19
shnatselis there anything I can do to fix this?19:19
dobeywhat is the recipe?19:23
shnatselit just alters the debian/control a bit19:23
shnatselmakes libqt4-gui recommend qt-at-spi and sni-qt I think19:24
shnatseland builds that to PPA19:24
shnatselthe recipe is needed to keep up with any updates ubuntu might release to Qt19:24
shnatseltechnically we have to maintain a custom imports system because Launchpad's branches are months behind the actual code sometimes (and yes I've checked the -updates and -security pockets, they're actually outdated)19:25
dobeyprobably due to a bug in UDD19:26
dobeyubuntu distributed development; the thing that does the imports into bzr of packages19:27
shnatselPossibly. Last time I talked to somebody about that no cure-all fix for the lag was anticipated. It was roughly a year ago though; things might have changed.19:28
shnatselAnyway, what can be wrong with the recipe?19:29
dobeyit seems that perhaps the import of the source package wasn't done quite correctly19:30
dobeypackages are usually imported with patches already applied, in udd at least19:30
dobeyi don't know if that's the problem or not, but it might help19:31
shnatselwe had to add extra code that unapplies the patches.... I don't remember the exact reason though. Funnily, one such package refused to build locally citing a patching conflict or something like that but builds fine in a recipe!19:32
shnatselbut Qt code from the imported branch builds locally just fine19:32
shnatselI can understand "file not found" errors in tar - definitely my bad. But how "permission denied" can even appear in a recipe build?19:33
dobeyprobably because dpkg-source isn't being run with fakeroot, and whatever applied the patches, was?19:34
shnatseltar: recipe-{debversion}+elementary{revno\:elementary-patch}/.pc/kubuntu_14_systemtrayicon.diff/src/gui/util/qabstractsystemtrayiconsys.cpp: Cannot open: Permission denied19:36
shnatselI think the patches are applied in the recipe source build state, not on the code import stage19:37
dobeyyes, and i am saying that may be the problem19:38
shnatselso the paths get hardcoded somewhere?19:38
dobeywhat? no19:39
shnatselwell, uh, I can't see what's the problem with applying patches in recipe source build... isn't that how it's supposed to work?19:39
dobeyshnatsel: you're confusing the creation of a source package, with the building of that into binary packages. technically speaking, the patches should probably get unapplied before dpkg-source, but i am not sure why they're being applied at all here, as they're getting applied before build-depends are installed.19:43
dobeyshnatsel: also, if you mean "debuild" by "works locally" you're not building the recipe. does "bzr dailydeb" work with the recipe?19:43
shnatseldobey: I don't have the setup for building recipes locally yet but I'll install it today and try again19:44
shnatseldobey: yes, our importer does unapply the patches before pushing the code to a branch.19:44
shnatseldobey: oh wait! I've just remembered a workaround for this!19:45
shnatseldobey: I've seen it on another branch but never looked into it19:46
shnatselhere it is: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elementary-os/elementaryos/os-patch-xdg-user-dirs-precise/revision/319:47
shnatselI think it will fix that.19:47
shnatseldobey: thanks a lot for your time!19:47
dobeyoh; actually, the correct fix is probably to change debian/source/format to 3.0 (native)19:49
dobeythe recipe builder doesn't like 3.0 (quilt) (and i'm not entirely sure why)19:50
shnatselI think it actually is (native), I saw that in the log19:51
shnatselI think19:51
shnatsellet me check...19:51
micahgdoing .tar-ignore=.pc is probably not a good idea, you have the patches applied with no evidence that they are19:51
dobeyand yeah, what micahg just said19:52
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dobeyshnatsel: looks like qt is 3.0 (quilt) to me19:53
shnatseldobey: in the branch it is but I'm dead sure I just saw it show "3.0 (native)" in some log and was mighty surprised by that19:54
shnatseldpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (native)'19:54
shnatselwhile the debian/source/format specifies "3.0 (quilt)"19:55
shnatselhow can that be?19:55
dobeyinstall bzr daily-deb, make a .txt file with the contents of the recipe, and bzr dailydeb recipe.txt and see what happens. then change it to 3.0 (native) in your merged-in branch, and run dailydeb again locally and see what happens19:57
shnatselthat's gonna take at about 8 hours20:02
shnatselis it really necessary for debugging the issue? let me see if I have a smaller branch for that...20:02
dobeywhy would that take 8 hours?20:06
dobeyare you on 56kbps dial-up?20:06
shnatselno, but compiling Qt is not that fast even on my fairly recent CPU20:25
shnatselthought it uses only one core20:25
dobeybzr dailydeb doesn't build qt20:27
shnatseloh great, will do then, as soon as I find the right package to install20:28
dobeyit will build the orig.tar.gz debian.tar.gz .dsc, and  _source.changes files20:28
dobeybzr-builder is the package20:28
shnatseldobey: looks like I've nailed it20:43
shnatselbzr: ERROR: Unable to find the upstream source. Import it as tag upstream-4.8.1 or build with --allow-fallback-to-native.20:43
dobeyah do bzr dailydeb --allow-fallback-to-native20:44
dobeypretty sure the build server does that20:44
shnatselLaunchpad builds it successfully, so I assume it passes --allow-fallback-to-native and that changes the format20:44
dobeyshnatsel: that's probably where the "3.0 (native)" came from, but I think it breaks if you're using "3.0 (quilt)" and actually have patches being applied20:52
shnatseldobey: dailydeb built OK with current branches20:55
shnatselbut it does in launchpad too20:56
shnatsellet me change that to native in the branch20:56
dobeywhat do you mean it does in lp too? i thought it was failing20:57
shnatseloh wait20:57
shnatsellet me check again if it's source or binary which fails...20:58
shnatseldobey: sorry, it's source which fails20:58
dobeyon lp it was the source failing20:58
shnatseldobey: and it worked OK locally20:58
dobeybzr: ERROR: Invalid deb-version: {debversion}+elementary2: Invalid version string '{debversion}+elementary2'21:03
shnatseldobey: both work fine locally21:03
dobeyi got that trying to build your recipe21:03
shnatsel# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debversion}+elementary{revno:elementary-patch}21:03
shnatseldobey: that's weird, it works for me on Precise with latest updates21:05
dobeyi'm on quantal21:06
shnatseloh wait, disregard the "native" test, it was not committed21:06
dobeybut anyway21:06
shnatselit surely works with "quilt" for me21:06
shnatseldobey: the "invalid deb-version" looks like a regression-release to me21:08
shnatselso changing the format to native in the source code didn't change anything indeed; it still works locally for me21:13
shnatselso Launchpad failures looks like a bug in builder to me21:14
dobeywell, like i said, the patches are being applied as root, before the build-depends are installed, and dpkg-source isn't being run as root21:18
dobeythis is your problem21:18
dobeyand afaict, switching to 3.0 (native) should fix that21:18
shnatseldobey: it already builds as native it seems21:18
dobeygranted, i have no idea why the patches are even being applied at the point they are21:19
dobeyshnatsel: not quite21:19
shnatseldobey: okay. Shall I file a bug about this? it's not uncommon and should not result in a debugging session every time it happens21:20
shnatseldobey: also, is replacing "quilt" with "native" cleaner than tar-ignoring .pc ?21:20
shnatseldobey: yes to which question? :D21:21
dobeysee the comment micahg made ~1.5 hrs ago21:21
shnatselI'm sorry I post them so fast XD21:21
dobeyyes tar-ignoring .pc is bad21:21
dobeyi don't know about filing a bug21:21
dobeyit's not a bug in bzr-builder, if that's what you're asking21:21
shnatselwell, bzr-builder works locally, so... (though on Quantal it doesn't it seems)21:22
shnatselperhaps some kind of bug tracker for launchpad builders infrastructure?21:22
dobeywhyever it's not working for me is unrelated21:23
dobeyi don't think there is a bug tracker specifically for builder issues21:23
dobeythere is just the launchpad bug tracker21:23
dobeythough i'm pretty certain if you fix the source/format to be (native) it will fix the problem for you21:24
shnatselokay, let's see... I have a smaller branch affected by this problem, I'll try using native instead of ignoring .pc21:25
dobeyah i have to go right now21:26
shnatseldobey: thanks a lot for the help!21:27
shnatseldobey: goodbye :)21:27
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