
roaksoaxbigjools: howdy!! so wanted to let you lnow that im on holidays and will take care of the ipmi and fence_cdu next week02:01
bigjoolsroaksoax: hi02:05
bigjoolsare you on holiday this week?02:05
bigjoolsah ok02:05
bigjoolswhat is the status of the apparmor change?02:05
bigjoolsand yui/raphael for precise02:05
roaksoaxbigjools:  still ib SRU queue02:06
bigjoolsand bug 1081660 :)02:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1081660 in maas-enlist (Ubuntu) "If maas-enlist fails to reach a DNS server, the node will be named ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached"" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108166002:06
bigjoolsdid any of you get anywhere with the rejected django sru?02:06
roaksoaxbigjools: the queue has veen processed slowly and django wad rejected so we need to take a dofferent approach02:06
roaksoaxbut will take care of aall that next week02:07
bigjoolsok cheers02:07
bigjoolsflacoste: --^02:07
roaksoaxi will dedocate most of next week for maas so whatever you need me tontake care of just assign it to me02:08
* bigjools assigns the world to roaksoax02:09
jtvAnyone up for a review?  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/bug-1086239/+merge/13917212:41
Aramrbasak: is there anything I can do to help you fix that bug? I'm writing the go-juju maas provider and it's critical I have this working.12:51
Arambug 1069570 that is12:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1069570 in MAAS "1 MAC Address, two IPs - DNS is "out of sync" with DHCP leases databases, I think..." [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106957012:51
rbasakAram: looking12:52
rbasakAram: can you reliably reproduce it from scratch, starting from a node that is not enlisted to maas at all?12:53
Aramrbasak: yes, 100% reproductible.12:54
rbasakAram: if so, then I'd like to see a tcpdump of all dhcp traffic taken on the dhcp server, together with the dhcp log and timings of when enlistment/commissioning/deployment took place12:54
rbasakAram: something like "sudo tcpdump -nieth0 -w/tmp/dump.pcap -s0 arp or icmp or port 67 or port 68" please12:55
rbasakAram: we're really not sure what is going on, but hopefully that will make the situation clearer. Assuming that you have the same bug.12:55
Aramseems to be the same thing.12:55
rbasak(also I'd like all ICMP traffic as well as DHCP traffic - that's already included in the command I just pasted)12:56
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