
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
Milos_SDI have a little problem with Unity from unity-team staging PPA12:14
Milos_SDIf I minimize some app, I can't click on the area that this app used to be on the screen ...12:15
om26erMilos_SD, yeah, i saw that in 12.10 with staging ppa as well13:18
om26ernow i am on raring and i have not seen that, though I have yet to enable staging ppa13:18
Milos_SDom26er, do you know any workaround for that bug? Like disableing some option in CCSM?13:31
om26erMilos_SD, that's doesn't look like a plugin issue, its  more of a stacking issue that would definitely need to be fixed if I can reproduce it in Raring13:33
Milos_SDom26er, and if you can't reproduce it in Raring, it doesn't need to be fixed? :D13:35
BluesKajHiyas all14:09
cortexA9hello all16:24
cortexA9what is the password of root of preinstalled img for the nexus 7 ?16:24
cortexA9i can't log only with guest session16:25
cortexA9i can log only with guest session16:25
cortexA9please help me16:30
cortexA9what is the password of root of preinstalled img for the nexus 7 ?16:30
cortexA9i can login only with guest session16:30
yofelcortexA9: most of the n7 discussion is in #ubuntu-arm, someone there might know16:33
cortexA9thanks yofel16:34
=== shadeslayer is now known as buildslayer
BluesKajany fixes for the 3.7 kernel AMD 64 version ? I see the i386 version is suppsed to work18:48
hggdhanyone experiencing a panic after today's updates?19:47
hggdhwarning to sailors: Raring, with Broadcom wireless, gets a GPM on wpa_supplicant, and system is unusable (after today's updates)20:54
hggdhargh. s/GPM/GPF/20:57
=== len is now known as Guest37385
Guest59854Hello!! After upgrades on this morning(a lot of python packages upgraded: python2.7 python-dev, python2.7-dev etc) my python environtments stopped working. showing up some errors in python.22:36
Guest59854so, both virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper doesn't work22:37
Guest59854I even unable to install python packages via pip for now.22:37
=== emma is now known as em

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