
abogdanI'm developing my first ubuntu app usig Quickly (python + gtk). I want to use some files and folders in my app. Do you know how to pack them together?06:33
abogdanI'm developing my first ubuntu app usig Quickly (python + gtk). I want to use some files and folders in my app. Do you know how to pack them together?06:33
abogdanI'm developing my first ubuntu app using Quickly (python + gtk). I want to use some files and foldersin my app (application will work with them). Do you know how to realise and pack them together?06:39
hyperairasking your question 3 times in 6 minutes isn't going to make your question get answered faster.06:40
abogdanoh, it's not for answering. Some trouble with net connection. I'm sorry.06:41
coolbhaviint_ua, hey14:39
int_uacoolbhavi: hi14:39
int_uacoolbhavi: any news?14:40
coolbhaviint_ua, I merged your wake-on-lan app with changes to a branch14:40
coolbhaviand replied on arb list14:41
int_uacoolbhavi: oh, BTW, what are the changes you've made? I didn't find them yet :)14:43
coolbhaviI removed the C/figures corrected typo in d.control and corrected version of debhelper in d/compat14:44
coolbhaviall trivial14:44
int_uacoolbhavi: ok :) What now? What's next? I'm going to update the code for quickly 12.08.1 but I'd like to make sure everything is ok with current version.14:46
coolbhaviJust copy the rules file from my branch rest two are straight :-)14:48
int_uacoolbhavi: what about "--install-scripts=/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/wakeonplan/bin"? Do I have to remove "bin"?15:05
coolbhavithats where the executable is stored :-)15:09
coolbhaviint_ua, logging off now due to a power failure15:10
=== zoopster_ is now known as zoopster
zoopsterYokoZar: what is a good example of a wine app packaged "correctly" - have one?23:34
YokoZarzoopster: It depends how simple the app is; mazez temple is one I did but the app is only a single .exe file and doesn't need more than that23:41
YokoZarzoopster: if you need stuff like save data and configuration stuff or even parts of the windows filesystem then it gets a bit fancier (I've done that myself here but don't have anything in the app store yet)23:41
YokoZarzoopster: do you have a windows app in the queue?  I'd be happy to handle it23:41

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