
coolbhavihey dpm :) welcome back!12:28
dpmheya coolbhavi, thanks :)12:28
coolbhavi:-) how are you doing?12:29
ajmitchcoolbhavi: got the nod from the TB about voting, as you may have seen13:07
ajmitchtime for me to sleep, it's 2AM & I've been doing work rather than having spare time for arb stuff13:08
coolbhaviyes ajmitch thanks I just pinged the ubuntu-devel list again good night!13:08
coolbhavidpm, I remember you had reported a bug on launcher icon not showing on apps directory. I think I came across the same sort of stuff again13:18
coolbhavido you have the link to the bug?13:18
dpmcoolbhavi, it should be tagged as 'arb', let me have a look13:21
coolbhavidpm, sure13:22
dpmcoolbhavi, bug 108150413:22
coolbhavithanks a lot dpm13:22
dpmnp ;)13:23
bdrungcoolbhavi: no doubts/questions re the new review process13:23
coolbhavibdrung, :-)13:24
bdrungcoolbhavi: that's the reason you've got no response mail (at least from me)13:25
coolbhaviah ok! it was nearly a month's time so I decided to ping again13:26
coolbhavidpm, replied on the bug, thanks again!14:08
coolbhavihey cwayne14:36
coolbhaviI saw the same behaviour of your app on amd64 in another app14:37
cwaynecoolbhavi: ah, so at least it's not something I did :)14:39
coolbhaviyes. could you please do me a favour14:39
coolbhavicwayne, the app name is interest-calculation and could you please try to install on your amd64 and send me a screenshot across so I'll report a bug14:42
coolbhavibecause I use a 32 bit system14:43
cwaynecoolbhavi: sure thing -- sent14:46
cwaynecoolbhavi: its funny, if you search for the actual package name it works14:46
cwaynebut if you search 'interest calculation' then select the entry with all the metadata + screenshots, it doesnt work14:47
coolbhavill report a bug then14:48
coolbhaviplease send me a screenshot of your app too14:50
coolbhavicwayne, ^^14:51
cwaynecoolbhavi: sent15:02
coolbhavigot it cwayne! thanks a lot!15:02
* coolbhavi hugs cwayne 15:03
coolbhavioops a bad power cut15:09
coolbhavilogging off15:10
coolbhavigood night!15:10
coolbhavill report the bug and update on list tomorrow15:11
coolbhaviciao all!15:11

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