
mfischhggdh: you around?03:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
* TheLordOfTime sighs14:16
TheLordOfTimehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/1088908  <-- this isnt a MySQL bug.  Unity perhaps?14:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1088908 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "Unable to manually lock screen when specific item has focus" [Undecided,New]14:16
mdeslaurTheLordOfTime: same root cause as bug 4957914:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 49579 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "screen doesn't lock when some menu is open" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4957914:20
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur, so, repoint to gnome-screensaver and mark as dupe?14:21
mdeslauryeah, I guess...it's really an X issue though14:22
mdeslaurbut yeah, gnome-screensaver is good enough...doesn't really matter on bugs that are completely ignored :P14:22
* TheLordOfTime returns to poking his computer14:24
hggdhmfisch: now I am14:36
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== shadeslayer is now known as buildslayer
=== emma is now known as em

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