
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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dholbachgood morning07:32
gesergood morning07:32
dholbachhi geser07:33
dholbachLaney, would it be possible to move our hangout forward by an hour? Jono decided to bring back our team meetings (which are at the same time :-))08:45
dholbachIs there anyone else who could imagine giving a session at Ubuntu developer Week? Maybe just a 30m demo? We still have a number of slots open: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable09:00
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Laneydholbach: should be ok09:09
LaneyI don't know which way forward is though :P09:09
dholbachLaney, 15 utc instead of 16 utc - would that work?09:10
Laneyright in the middle of my patch piloting ;-)09:10
dholbachstart earlier then ;-)09:11
* dholbach hugs Laney09:11
* Laney hugs dholbach 09:13
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=== robert_ancell is now known as Laney
dholbachLaney, are we still on for in 15m?14:45
Laneyyeah, sure14:46
mitya57_dholbach: hey; what happened to http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/?14:57
dholbachmitya57_, bad timing now - will check in a bit14:58
dholbachmitya57_, maybe dpm can help figure it out - I have a hangout-on-air in a sec14:58
dpmdholbach, mitya57_, no idea what happened, but I've manually run the script to generate the output and it's back online15:02
mitya57_dpm: thanks15:10
mitya57_one more issue is that http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/es/singlehtml/ has no logo, but that's probably my fault15:11
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mfischHey MOTUs, there's a ftbfs package that has a check in the rules file that the system it's being built on is PowerPC, yet the package is "all" so it breaks.  Is that legal?16:32
mfischI'm curious how it ever worked for Debian16:33
LaneyIn Debian arch:all binaries are uploaded by the maintainer16:33
Laneymfisch: ^-16:34
micahgmfisch: is it legal? yes, can we build something like that at the moment? no, but it depends on what it is whether or not that's right16:34
micahgclassic example is powerpc bios emulation that needs to be built on powerpc16:35
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mfischmicahg: thats the one I think16:35
mfischmicahg: slof16:35
mfischLaney: so the maintainer uploads binary packages?16:35
mfischI was wondering where the debian build logs were last night...16:36
Laneythat'll be why16:36
micahgyeah, that just won't work in Ubuntu until we can get arch:all building on !i38616:36
micahgwell...in theory it could be done with multiarch hacking, but we don't have powerpc enabled by default with multiarch16:36
mfischso the package is really an all package?16:38
mfischjust needs to be built on PPC16:38
micahgI'm guessing Debian will need to solve this problem as well once they try to build everything from source on the buildds16:38
mfischmicahg: thanks for the info16:43
Laneydo I remember a similar situation to this being discussed a couple of weeks ago?16:45
Laneyinfinity: ^---?16:45
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
infinitymicahg: multiarch is the wrong answer here, affinity is the right answer (some sort of "Build-All-On: powerpc" header in the source).16:47
micahginfinity: yes, that's why I said hackery16:47
infinitymicahg: But it's an irksome problem to fix in both Soyuz and DAK, so I haven't put much thought into it.16:47
micahgand in theory :)16:47
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
infinitymicahg: Well, "we don't have powerpc enabled by default with multiarch" is a weird statement that makes little sense to me.16:48
micahginfinity: well, as I said, if Debian goes through with their plans for everything to be built on the buildds, policy will probably have to be extended to include some type of affinity16:48
infinitymicahg: All arches are multiarch capable, that's sort of the point.  NONE of the buildd chroots enable multiarch for ANY secondary arch, to avoid cross-arch pollution.16:48
micahginfinity: was just verbalizing a hack that would work, not something that I'd upload16:49
micahgwork == build and be installable with some tweaking, not correct solution by any means16:49
infinityOh, unless you meant an all->powerpc cross-arch dep, like we do with wine.16:49
infinityThat would absolutely work.16:49
micahgyes :)16:49
infinityBut yes, not enabled by default.  Check.16:50
infinityMaybe I should put forward a proposal for Build-On affinity at some point.16:50
infinityI had hoped to JFDI and skip the bikeshedding, but I don't really have time.16:51
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