
dholbachgood morning07:32
knoghthow do i use this08:01
Wagnermy skype: Wagner.gon14:51
jamtraxxOMG SPAM!14:51
Wagnermy facebook: www.facebook.com/wagnerteddy14:51
WagnerLike: www.facebook.com/capitaoderp14:51
Wagnermsn: wagnersyndicate@hotmail.com14:52
Random_is it started yet?14:52
davetheshoeWhat os is everyone running?14:52
NavidosHow many persons currently are working on Ubuntu project?14:52
Stalinhi all14:52
Wagnerhello girls kkk14:53
licciarHow many persons currently are working on Ubuntu project?14:53
Wagnerme add girls: www.facebook.com/wagnerteddy14:53
Random_Wagner, stop the spam you wanker14:54
anjosewhats up14:54
=== santosh is now known as Guest49859
Wagnermy skype: Wagner.gon14:54
Wagnermy skype: Wagner.gon14:54
amplifiedI strip / remove unity asap upon installation ;)14:54
Random_no Unity for me either14:55
Wagneradd me girls:.skype: Wagner.gon14:55
hugoleodevmy skype hugo.leonardo.jf14:55
hugoleodevmy skype hugo.leonardo.jf14:55
hugoleodevmy skype hugo.leonardo.jf14:55
Stalinlol *****14:55
WagnerUnity tilt kkkkk14:55
Wagnerprint in www.facebook.com/capitaoderp14:55
CHOCOPOPEbless you14:55
cRoW2khi guyz14:56
=== sebbo is now known as Guest80086
jasper_hi guys14:56
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html (y)14:56
adem1Hi guys, what about amazon?14:56
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html14:56
flubuntugood day14:56
CHOCOPOPEi believe so14:56
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html (y)14:56
LuckiboyGuys, stop spaming please :(14:56
cRoW2kkick ass that asshole!14:56
prashantwow. katrina kaif.. as if i came here for her.14:56
=== krish is now known as Guest11795
Guest11795i dont know whats goign one hre ..!!14:56
CHOCOPOPEdo you think cookies should be square?14:57
WagnerDOWNLOADS FREE: www.bloguinhodowagner.blogpot.com14:57
ukbeastgnome or unity guys?14:57
CHOCOPOPEi like potatoes14:57
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html14:57
=== fred_ is now known as Guest42913
Tangospammers everywhere!14:57
winemp3GNOME-SHELL rocks14:57
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html (y)14:57
winemp3Download hot katrina kaif videos http://www.winemp3.com/download/1/hot+katrina+kaif-video.html (y)14:57
nezumiOo I love potatoes!14:57
Random_bloody spammers14:57
WagnerDOWNLOADS FREE: www.bloguinhodowagner.blogspot.com14:57
amplifiedunity is a nono for those who value information privacy14:57
=== Rohit is now known as Guest2148
cRoW2kthx dholbach14:58
nolapelicanhello everyone14:58
CHOCOPOPEgood for you, potatoes are the most awesome thing int he universe, except linux14:58
newbie_2_all_thihi guys14:58
nezumiI know right :)14:58
Random_Unity = potato14:58
ukbeastHave 1 notebook (samsung n130) runs gnome classic and a asus x54c and uses unity14:58
Guest2148echo hi14:58
nezumilol @ Random14:58
amplifiedsup rohit14:58
Stalincya all14:58
dholbachall right, you might have to reload the ubuntuonair.com page14:58
davetheshowI cant get ubuntu to work on my samsung n13014:58
ukbeastdave. I installed using a usb dvd drive14:59
xstathi everyone14:59
davetheshowI used a usb install, but once installed the backlight flickers like crazy and it crashes after a while....its a common linux bug :(14:59
ukbeastgod ubuntu's smashing, :-)14:59
prashantinstalled ubuntu for the first time. got rid of unity within half an hour.14:59
=== e is now known as Guest77414
davetheshowUnity is awful prashant...I wish cannonical would quit fu**ing around and stop unity development15:00
ukbeastupdated to xorg egders on ubuntu 12.1015:00
=== Guest42913 is now known as Feredd
Random_i reckon richard stallman hates Unity and Ubuntu15:00
flubuntuhow do you see ubuntu in 5 years?15:00
ukbeastslight graphics glitches in a bluemoon15:01
dholbachif you want to ask questions, please prefix them with QUESTION:15:01
dholbachso they stand out15:01
samalexmy first Ubuntu On Air hangout to attend live.  fun15:01
davetheshowAny women in here? HAHAH (As if!)15:01
ukbeastgetting black squres15:01
=== BK is now known as Guest82958
Random_ubuntu in 5 years = ubuntu on your phone15:01
samalexRandom_: I would love to see Ubuntu running on my phone ./15:01
=== thiago is now known as Guest13365
rohit987ubuntu is open source so it is very imp thing15:01
ukbeastWould kill off windows phones15:01
=== rd_ is now known as Guest4964
samalexukbeast: MS is doing a good enough job killing off Windows Phone15:02
NavidosHow many persons currently are working on Ubuntu project?15:02
=== Emperor is now known as Guest72233
ukbeastwhen will the stream start?15:02
samalexzard: I see ya :)15:02
rohit987please launch open source for mobile phone15:02
TangoGreetings from Bangladesh :)15:02
amplifiedI would also like to see it running on my gt-i9305 ; x need any maintainers?  :) guys :)15:02
rohit987may i get streaming link ? ?? ?? ??15:02
=== thomas is now known as Guest13225
samalexI'd love to see Ubuntu run on my Kindle Fire .. that stock interface is horrid.15:03
dousdouwhen will start ?15:03
clkhoo656565hi from Malaysia15:03
rohit987i know but stream not started yet15:03
davetheshow3 mins late!!!15:03
samalexI just refreshed and it's playing now.15:03
dousdouhi from  tunisia15:03
ukbeastwait they are live?15:03
stu2000Anyone else having captcha difficulties in ubuntu firefox?15:03
SilenthillHi ! :)15:03
linuxfreakhow can we join the hangout ?15:03
linuxfreaki am just able to view it15:03
rohit987via gmail15:03
samalexi wish I could work full time on something like Ubuntu ... sounds like a fun gig.15:03
mike62sometimes I had problems when I try to update firefox, why?15:04
davetheshoeEveryone refresh! The stream has started!15:04
rohit987NOW ON AIR15:04
davetheshoeEveryone Refresh! The Steam has started!15:04
samiurrahman_please provide me some interesting CMD15:04
samiurrahman_please provide me some interesting CMD15:04
avalon_What are planss for gaming on Ubuntu?15:05
samiurrahman_please provide me some interesting CMD15:05
amplifiednice job answering that particular question ;)15:05
kirk_valve is releasing steam for linux15:05
Vojtai play armagetron mostly..15:05
dholbachif you have questions please prefix them with QUESTION:15:06
MyskinHi guys! i am listening the hangout on air!!15:06
ukbeastwhen will flash get killed off? seems windows is the only machine that uses the 11.5 updates15:06
stu2000I had to use chrome to join chat, FF captcha in ubuntu not working for me....15:06
ukbeastdebian rules!15:07
Vojtamy windows is broken, so i am using ubuntu, but i dont want to return to windows..15:07
rohit987where is live streaming ?           ?15:07
ukbeastseems wine 1.5 has more bugs then 1.415:07
rohit987LIVE STRAM ? ? ?15:07
mike62Question: Which is the best way to update LibreOffice?15:07
CT_i like ubuntu, and ya..it is cool..15:07
rohit987LIVE STREAMING ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?15:08
Metfanhello from France !15:08
nu0rohit987: yes15:08
sohornyhello from germany15:08
Vojtahello from Czech Republic..15:08
amplifiedI do not like that unity features are auto enabled.15:08
ukbeastunity is trying to be google15:08
AgakonnaI dont't like Ubuntu anymore. Because: Unity sucks15:09
Vojtai like unity search bar15:09
ukbeastuse gnome15:09
ukbeastof kde15:09
hackwaunity is awesome and very fast15:09
AgakonnaI use MATE :)15:09
Vojtayou still can install gnome,,15:09
ukbeastcinnamon <315:09
samalexXFCE tried and true for me ...15:09
samalexGnome on Ubuntu has too much overhead and fluff for my taste.15:09
zarlino_Unity is Ok, but I never used lenses15:10
ukbeastxcfa is better sound juicer15:10
Vojtagood bye :)15:10
ukbeasthave proper .m4a ripping15:10
samalexCrazy question, but Imissed the intros so who are these two guys ..15:10
samalexjust didn't catch their names.15:11
mike62Ubuntu is easy to install but I must invest lot of time trying to update plugins to listen music, DVDs. Question:  Is there a possibility to  put almost everything in the distro?15:11
samalexthis is my first Ubuntu On Air I've watched, so maybe they're regulars, not sure.15:11
blkscorp78me either15:11
Metfanhe remember me, christophe willem.... :p15:11
samalexmike62: I've never had a problem after installing the REstricted Format package.15:12
ukbeastuse medibuntu for more codecs and dvd player library15:12
PPOP-00Xtouch screen ability?15:12
tepaHello from Finland!15:12
myrealitydeI need more AMD driver support ._.15:12
Carl__hello from philippines15:13
valdur55Iain Lane, #Ubuntu and #Debian hacker  and Daniel Holbach15:13
cyrozhello everybody15:13
NirgoHello from germany.15:13
mateuszaQUESTION: Are there any initiatives to encourage software providers to port their professional closed-source software (like AutoCAD) to Linux?15:13
poolfmeis this alive??15:13
mike62Instead of having every six month a new release just put something complete every year15:13
typ3z3r0Hello from straya, cunts.15:13
ukbeastis using intel integrated graphics >.>15:13
ukbeastdoes debian have a desktop distribution?15:14
ukbeastor is it just packages?15:14
dholbachukbeast, yes15:15
=== Tommy_ is now known as Guest36872
Guest36872Nah, Actually the vide is unavailable.15:15
ukbeastthank you15:15
xacamhey everyone15:15
georgechaosdid we start?15:15
xacamhello from turkey.15:15
keenuHello from japan15:16
AgakonnaBig in Japan tonight?15:16
xacamovv yeah.. big in japan.15:16
=== Zanzibar_ is now known as Sarajevo
ukbeastI soo want to buy a linux pre installed machine.15:17
a0hdebian is still awesome, ubuntu kernel has fornicated up all over the place15:17
ukbeastall I found in curry's and argos in win7 and 1 win8 laptop15:17
Guest36872big in Japan today?15:18
a0hdaily, i figure out where ubunutu has fornicated long-stable debian software... like bash15:18
samalexQuestion: How closely do the core Ubuntu developers work with the devs who build the variants like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.  And do any developers of Ubuntu cross develop on those other distros?15:19
a0hgnu-hurd.... / debian. thats a relationship i like15:19
ukbeast802.11 WiFi (ra0). but I'm not using usb wifi?15:19
antoniu86Hi :)15:22
IshitvaHow to contribute to Ubuntu ?15:22
a0hZfone, I want to see that software come back15:23
a0hPhil zimmerman got fornicated by the USA govt.15:23
tepaATI will not join the party... :-(15:24
a0hI uninstall totem, and gstreamer.15:24
ukbeast"QUESTION" does gstreamer support .ape15:25
a0hvlc is more feature rich, and runs more efficently15:25
ePoxi+1 to VLC15:25
NirgoWhich projects Iane Lane is part of? Ubuntu and Debian? Some others, too?15:25
ukbeastbest for dvd playback with menu (vlc)15:26
a0hgstreamer evidently15:26
mike62I can´t see anything now, what is going on?15:26
pi_still working for me15:27
SpaceRocketIf I know programming and I want to contribute to Gstreamer for example but I don't know how codecs works and how to process audio/video, from where I can start?15:27
ukbeastmusicbrainz does not seem to work on banshee or rhythmbox15:27
Laneydholbach: can't hear you15:27
Laneycan people hear me?15:28
thenameishI can hear you15:28
Laneyand dholbach?15:28
ukbeastI hear you15:28
thenameishbut I dont think Iain does15:28
a0hDont waste your time on the desktop Ian! use your talent for supplemtnt projects.15:28
AgakonnaStill hoping that Totem will be replaced with VLC15:28
ceren_i can hear you daniel15:28
a0hwe can hear you15:28
sepisoadI can hear you15:28
mvineetmenoni don;t think they can hear you///15:28
thenameishI can hear you, but probably not Iain15:28
keenuwe can hear you15:28
AgakonnaI see you!15:28
phillipi can hear you15:28
=== Mario is now known as Guest97629
thenameishI can see you both15:28
keenueven we can see you both15:28
a0hkageshi.com lets go chat there.15:28
TechLabaudio errors!15:28
thenameish*Please excuse us while we are handling technical difficulties*15:29
a0hwe can all get on cam too15:29
Agakonnasign language works best!15:29
ePoxigoogle boicot!15:29
pi_working on a microsoft OS?15:29
ukbeastIain has muted15:29
TechLabI can hear one only, and I can see both15:29
thenameishplease say something15:29
lewtdshaha, sign language :x15:29
thenameishI can see you both15:29
a0hwrite on the white board!15:29
thenameish@lewtds yes sign language would work15:29
keenuit seems lenis voice not recognize by the google15:29
samalexchat in IRC :)15:29
ePoxipulse problem?15:29
phillipi can not hear Iain15:29
mike62I can´t see anything, the sound horrible with lot of bugs; I do not understand; i can hear a radio online quite well, what is happening with your site?15:29
ukbeastreboot both machines15:29
keenucoz, google not changing the video15:29
antoniu86nice =))15:30
Tetoyeah buddy!15:30
lewtds@thenameish Too bad only few people can15:30
thenameishIs Iain speaking at all?15:30
TechLabhe may have a mac book...15:30
a0hooh, you know when i start some older appliactions, like the firstclass client, my audio goes out15:30
thenameishokie dokie15:30
ukbeastlol alsa no.115:30
AgakonnaI prefer lingua Latina...15:30
samalexcrazy Google ..15:30
mike62the problem I think is not the machine or the brand, is that you guys, don´t have a good connection or are you improving?15:30
SpaceRocketQUESTION If I know programming and I want to contribute to Gstreamer for example but I don't know how codecs works and how to process audio/video, from where I can start?15:30
lewtdsWe've already got Mint for that15:31
mateuszaQUESTION: Do you think one day Ubuntu will abandon classical unix directory structure containing /etc, /bin/, /usr, /boot and so on, and replace it with something completely new and more suitable for modern systems?15:31
a0hDont waste our time with newbish stuff15:31
Laneyahem ahem, let me restart15:31
phillipyes right15:31
SpaceRocketLaney,  If I know programming and I want to contribute to Gstreamer for example but I don't know how codecs works and how to process audio/video, from where I can start?15:31
ukbeastuse http://www.medibuntu.org/ for dvd player software15:32
SkuZQUESTION: Why does Sam Parton suck at coding15:32
antoniu86QUESTION Do you know when the Adobe will create the Photoshop version for Ubuntu?15:32
a0h[QUESTION]can we get an ubuntu store back port? I use 10.04, and i want to buy software in the software channel15:32
ukbeastonly on chrome it seems15:32
phillipadobe dont develop for linux now15:33
metatronQUESTION: talk about skype updates =)15:33
ePoxiQUESTION: Is Totem going to support JACK?15:33
ukbeastyay ;)15:33
=== Bruno is now known as Guest66089
Guest49676metatron: skype has never worked for me properly on Ubuntu :P15:33
CT_for gaming, unity web player is not support for linux...when will it release linux version?15:33
someguyhihiQUESTION: why is Unity the default GUI when Gnome is so much better?15:33
a0hI hate the Unity.15:33
=== Guest49676 is now known as Chex
catof21hi there15:33
=== Muhammad is now known as Guest79743
ukbeastubuntu uses about 500mb ram15:34
a0hIm sticking out with gnome... until I have to switch to mint15:34
thenameish[QUESTION] from SpaceRocket, but I also would like to know: Laney,  If I know programming and I want to contribute to Gstreamer for example but I don't know how codecs works and how to process audio/video, from where I can start?15:34
Agakonnaukbeast with 64-bit or 32-bit?15:34
ePoxi[QUESTION] What's your position on Gnomebuntu?15:34
TechLabQUESTION will there be a Ubuntu IDE built into Ubuntu which would be a universal IDE for languages such as C, C++, and others? Quickly is great, but I am a C/C++ developer.15:34
ukbeastbut gnome uses 300mb15:34
horvatQUESTION:Is there any ideas about ubuntu for tablets?15:35
ukbeastTHIS- QUESTION:Is there any ideas about ubuntu for tablets?15:35
=== che is now known as Guest52073
ukbeasttalk about gnome more lol15:36
a0h[QUESTION] I want to maintain old code. like XFS support what do I do?15:36
mike62bye, next time put more effort to show us usefuld things.15:36
samalexsaw a video a while back with Ubuntu running on a Nexus 7 .. butitw ould be NICE to see it officially supported.15:36
metatronQUESTION: steam games on ubuntu15:36
samalexnice .. just as I typed Nexus 7 he started mentining it :)15:36
remeerazQUESTION - What are the plans regarding the UNITY interface in the later release of gnome.15:36
metatrontnx ukbeast15:37
=== i is now known as Guest53095
horvatQUESTION:What will be ubuntu main direction of development, PC or tablets, or some kind of fusion those twos?15:38
mjh_There are work-arounds to use Steam even if you're not a beta tester...I did this before I was officially accepted to be a beta user15:38
ukbeastQUESTION - how to disable subtitles in totem webplugin15:38
a0h#+1 for steam! Steam bites, I hate DRM,BS, but, I like the games available, and want to see more.15:39
djjimboAlguien habla escribe español15:39
ukbeasthttp://www.webupd8.org/2012/07/how-to-install-runescape-linux-game.html <315:40
a0hThat sounds like some big-brother BS Ian15:40
samalexI think the  biggest thing I'd love to see, though I think it's outside the scope of this conversation, is Netflix on Linux.15:40
a0hquality vs, security.15:41
samalexQuestion: Silly question but I missed the intros and never got either of your names -- could you give these and your locations again?  Just curious.15:41
Agakonnaperformance vs security15:41
mjh_you can watch netflix using firefox in wine in Ubuntu 32bit...64 coming soon. Apparently some polished PPAs are in the works.15:41
a0hthe netflix wine thing doesnt impress me15:41
a0hI want actual support15:42
ukbeastwine 1.5 seems more buggy then 1.415:42
UnixI agree.15:42
SuperDaveEndorpreacon on a0h15:42
ukbeastcan't fullscreen properly15:42
mjh_Blame Netflix and their use of Silverlight. Then blame Microsoft for Silverlight. I too want real support.15:42
designbybeckGreetings all15:42
a0h[QUESTION] How does Ubuntu convince new partners and companies to give support??15:42
Agakonnais dead15:43
samalexukbeast: netflix doesn't work with moonlight.15:43
=== rohit is now known as Guest48195
a0hmoonlight is a decent project i get.15:43
mjh_nope...Moonlight doesn't do it for Netflix yet15:43
samalexQUESTION: ANy talks between Ubuntu team and hardware vendors like Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc to get Ubuntu into retail stores?15:43
a0hIm waiting to get into the beeta15:43
CT_Question: any improvement on libreoffice? i hope it could have much more compatible with MSoffice15:43
ukbeastI would pay for a ubuntu machine over a win8 machine anyday15:44
a0hMS Office is delibrately incompatable... they make things BS15:44
marcoceppiUbuntu is already in a lot of stores in China and India on Dell hardware15:44
a0hblender is that effort15:44
mjh_System76, Zareason, ThinkPenguin, new Dell XPS 1315:44
ukbeastBlender <315:44
NirgoQUESTION: Where is the way going for Ubuntu in topic of power management? i have battery power on dell latitude e6420 for about 6 - 7 hours, in win7 more than 9 hours , with standard settings (i tried to improve but doesn't work really well)15:45
Papsthe XPS 12 is running on Ubuntu now. Wonder how that wil fan out15:45
designbybeckBlender <315:45
TechLabSound error!15:45
thenameishUh-oh, losing audio again15:45
metatronlol =)15:45
Nirgosound is gone.15:45
a0hQESTION: is there a team effort to get Vendor support?15:45
TechLabBlender <315:45
mjh_he needs some shweet headphones too15:45
Laneydholbach advised me to buy this webcam :P15:45
horvatQUESTION:What will be ubuntu main direction of development, PC or tablets, or some kind of fusion those twos?15:45
metatroni wanted to know bout acad  ^^15:46
ukbeast<3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQDQKqO44QI15:46
a0hVendor support, will increase popularity.15:46
ukbeastrobot running on blender15:46
Agakonnaand again15:47
remeerazQUESTION What OS is Lain using which keeps killing audio?!15:47
ukbeastwinxp? *jokes15:47
samalexdangit had to step away and missed the last few minutes.15:47
metatronfun fun fun =)15:47
samalexdid they mention anything about vendor support?15:47
AgakonnaI thought Windows 3.x hasn't been used for years...15:48
ukbeastwow iaian on 9.10? ;P15:48
a0hWE should have some other strategy for persuing support from companies15:48
a0hother than saying hey we have users...15:48
=== s is now known as Guest76387
ukbeastsna better then uxa15:49
DarragHey all together15:49
AgakonnaIt is. I tried and windowses were rendered faster.15:49
zeiljaQUESTION: Why did Ubuntu give up gnome 2? I h8 gnome 3...15:49
SkuZQUESTION: Why does Sam Parton suck at coding15:50
SkuZQUESTION: Why does Sam Parton suck at coding15:50
SkuZQUESTION: Why does Sam Parton suck at coding15:50
SkuZQUESTION: Why does Sam Parton suck at coding15:50
AlenanSteam Games for Ubuntu :D15:50
a0h+1 skuz15:50
remeeraz@zeilja the Gnome Devs listened and are bringing back some features of gnome 2.15:50
ukbeastmonkey audio15:51
zeilja@remeeraz thanks for reply, that's cool :)15:51
ukbeastmonkey audio15:51
a0hOH god we way back there15:52
someguyhihiQUESTION: why is Unity the default GUI when Gnome is so much better?15:52
AgakonnaQUESTION: Is this useful to speed up booting Ubuntu? http://lifehacker.com/5790311/e4rat-cuts-your-linux-pcs-boot-time-in-half-with-a-few-simple-commands15:52
zeilja@someguyhihi +115:52
phillipGnome is not better15:52
designbybeckHmm Was he at LinuxCon Europe!? this past month!?15:52
mesirendonQUESTION: Are there plans to include full support to nvidia? I have been using the bumbleebe project to be able to use it in my laptop.15:52
samalexsomeguyhihi: i personally think Ubuntu has moved more towards n00b users but there are other options for those who don't like it - that's the beauty if Linux and OSS :)15:53
someguyhihisamalex: yeah but Gnome does everything unity does, and it's better15:54
a0hThat E4rat thing Agakonna, it can help. what is you boot time?15:54
ukbeastQUESTION: .ape is Monkey's Audio15:54
Agakonna1m 30s15:54
a0hFastest ive come up ever was 19 seconds15:54
=== welch is now known as Guest74927
a0hThank GOD15:55
ukbeast15secs to boot on asus15:55
Guest48195<question>his beard is cute!15:55
a0hI like the FHS Standards15:55
a0hFHS isnt even and ubuntu issue15:55
a0hThey do make changes over time to the FHS15:55
mike_602QUESTION: what is the ubuntu status on the Nexus 7? What is working and what isn't working? Should I install on Nexus 7 now?15:55
a0hGIMP Niggas15:55
ukbeastlol <Guest48195> (<question>his beard is cute!)15:56
someguyhihia0h:  gimp is horrible15:56
someguyhihia0h: pretty much unusable15:56
davidltpQuestion: I have read that Ubuntu sends information back to Ubuntu. Is this true? http://www.zdnet.com/free-software-father-declared-ubuntu-linux-to-contain-spyware-7000008516/?s_cid=e53915:56
pi_what was the answer to the photoshop question?15:56
designbybeckhow long have you used it for someguyhihi15:56
ukbeastwine and PS?15:56
a0hreally? windows to ubuntu?15:57
ePoxiQUESTION: Is Gstreammer going to support JACK?15:57
a0hit cant be that bad15:57
toms56Is compiz compatible with others environments such as Gnome or KDE, XFCE, LXDE, etc... ? Or could it be ?15:57
someguyhihidesignbybeck:  i've used it to eyedropper some colours from images when i need to, but other than that, it's so much worse than photoshop, i don't bother15:57
speakmanQUESTION: Why is it so hard to get smooth scrolling and multi touch gesture to work on laptops? The touchpad on i.e. MacBook is a pain, and even the Magic Mouse wonderful scroll feature is too. I was really looking forward running Ubuntu on my Air but I couldn't stand it so now I have to run Mac OS X.15:57
mike_602using easy peasy :)15:57
a0hIm not going to unity it sux balls15:57
someguyhihidesignbybeck:  luckily, i'm not a designer, but i imagine no photoshop is ad ealbreaker for designers15:57
a0hthe gnome port was horrendous15:57
AlenanQuestion: Is it hard to develope Ubuntu? And be a developer in the ubuntu team?15:57
a0h*****FOAMS AT MOUTH!!****15:58
zeiljato be honest, i gave up ubuntu for couple months now since they gave up gnome GUI. i am using debian with gnome215:58
ePoxi: (15:58
toms56I love the way we can switch from a desktop to another just with the mouse interactinos on the edges with compiz15:58
ukbeastUse Inkscape ;)15:58
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designbybeckjust made this in Blender, GIMP and Inkscape http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=4165015:58
ukbeastGnome smexy and fast15:59
ePoxiTe ppl at Ubuntu Studio will be a lil dissapointer about that...15:59
a0hYall got me excited15:59
a0hbut its not up yet15:59
davidltp@a0h, I agree. I moved to Cinnamon16:00
a0hI wonder how i get involved with that16:00
mike_602love ubuntu. need to get more people to love it16:00
a0hNeeds help with sounds16:00
Laney#ubuntu-motu and help me fix my webcam!16:00
thenameishthanks for answering questions!16:00
speakmanQUESTION: How about focus on multitouch one day?16:01
mjh_Thanks guys!16:01
swathi all16:01
ukbeast1st ubuntu version to use is 10.0416:01
NirgoWhen is next hang out ?16:01
godrasad that i cannot update ubuntu :(16:01
chilicuilnow in spanish too! =)16:01
swatWhen we can use ubuntu for android?16:01
xenteditto on ubuntu for android16:01
speakmanThanks! Bye!16:01
PPOP-00XThank you for sharing your time.16:01
a0hwho gonna stay?16:02
a0hcan i get on cam now?16:02
ukbeastubuntu installer https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid&hl=en16:02
ukbeastmaybe I should leave16:03
a0hkageshi.com come chat there guys16:04
samalexgood hangout .. thanks.16:04
Agakonna     Goodbye and good riddance!16:04
dean_hi all16:06
AlenanQUESTION: I love Ubuntu, but i don´t think that is great for beginners. How we can made Ubuntu easyer for beginners?16:06
a0hIt was good for begginers... but then they broke it16:06
LeurHello everybody16:06
AlenanI like Ubuntu for developing :D16:06
a0hI like"" that thing where stuff was 1 click, now its like you have to type lots for same fucntions16:07
a0hwindows does it too16:07
a0hfucking gay16:07
dean_anyone from singapore?16:07
AlenanWindows sucks -.-16:07
a0hoops I mean fornications homo-sexual16:08
a0hI wonder if they do loggistic with these IRC logs16:08
Darragi dont like the new design with the left taskbar ):16:10
a0hI remember when linux software would work on linux16:10
a0hthe 2 year release cycle is obnoxous for an LTS16:11
a0hcant move that left taskbar. Thats more annoying16:12
a0hIf i could get the pannel in 12.04 i would be there. I need my 1-click stuff. Im not going to type BS for scripts16:13
iannusYou should develop a "COMMAND LENS". it would be very usefull for finding terminal commands...16:13
a0hZSH has some usefull stuff16:14
a0hlike auto search history16:14
Darragthe amazon search is a very bad feature16:14
a0heven debian droped gnome... So limited are my days to stay with ubuntu I gues16:15
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Guest74700./nick Brandon16:32
rashthedudeHello altogether17:25
a_8gmFl_Brotforcyeah g`day20:08
ZayaniMay i know why Ubuntu Server Edition doesnt have any GUI interface by default?20:41
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