
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (UNDERPRESSURE:)07:25
anastasyaWould you please consider adding a reference to #netflix-desktop to ubottu's !netflix command? Even the developer of the Netflix App is in there regularly07:45
anastasyaI won't idle here waiting for an answer, I'll keep checking with ubottu. thanks for your time07:47
ubottuIf you use Netflix, instructions on a method of installing it via PPA are detailed here http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html - If you need support, please contact the developer through the comments section on that page07:47
jussi!no, netflix is <reply> If you use Netflix, instructions on a method of installing it via PPA are detailed here http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html - If you need support, you can try #netflix-desktop or please contact the developer through the comments section on that page.07:49
ubottuI'll remember that jussi07:49
jussi!netflix > anastasya07:49
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
ikonia!no, netflix is <reply> If you use Netflix, instructions on a method of installing it via PPA are detailed here http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html - If you need support,please contact the developer through the comments section on that page.09:01
ubottuI'll remember that ikonia09:01
Tm_Tikonia: hm?09:08
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
IdleOneprobably wondering why you reversed the edit on that factoid09:58
ikoniawhy would we point people to a random channel ?10:01
IdleOneI agree with you on that.10:02
Tm_Tikonia: I agree, still providing the edit reason is good (:10:28
ikoniawhere ?10:30
ikoniawhere do I provide the edit reason ?10:30
Tm_Tfor example here where you did the edit10:30
ikoniaoh, I didn't see an edit reason applying the change, so I thought undoing it was pretty clear10:31
ikoniaas it's on the same line10:31
ikonia(as in one line under the update)10:31
Tm_Twhen the channel was added to the factoid, there was context, the conversation, that provided information what was done and why10:32
IdleOneI think that when we add channel names to factoids we need to be reasonably certain that it is a channel we feel comfortable sending ubuntu users to where they won't be treated badly, etc.10:32
ikoniayes, and I undid it10:32
ikoniaTm_T: I was going to speak to Jussi about it privatly10:33
ikoniaand also the council as that edit request had been made before, and not implemented, so why it should be implemented after a second request when nothing is changed I don't know10:33
Tm_Tawww, my work stuff spilling to IRC, I just had lenghty discussion about communication here at the office, including commit messages etc10:33
ikoniathere needs to be a process for editing the factoids rather than "I'll just do it"10:33
ikoniait needs to get some sort of approval10:34
ikoniaI don't mean some sort of crazy drawn out meeting about it10:34
ikoniabut $something10:34
Unit193Well, main question I see: Is there support provided for it in #ubuntu ?10:34
IdleOneThere are edits like the above one where some discussion would have been good.10:35
AlanBellwell they kind of get edited here, so people can see that happening10:35
Tm_TI want to see factoids as easy mean for participation10:35
AlanBellexcept when I do them and it takes 15 attempts to get it right so I do that part in PM10:35
Tm_TAlanBell: haha10:35
ikoniaIdleOne: there had alrady been discussion on it10:35
ikoniaand it didn't get updated as that channel is just one guy nothing to do with the PPA trying to support it and basically wanted traffic pointed at "his channel"10:36
ikoniaso just making the same request again and then getting updated, is why I undid it10:36
ikoniaUnit193: no more / less than any other PPA10:36
IdleOneikonia: I'm just using this latest edit request as an example of the type of edits I think should be discussed, didn't mean to imply there hadn't been any :)10:36
AlanBelltbh I feel the current discussion is evidence that the factoid editing and approval process we have is working :)10:37
ikoniait is if people don't just updated them randomly10:37
ikoniaif I hadn't noticed it AND had prior awareness of the previous discussion it would have just been left updated10:38
IdleOnethere are edit requests which are obviously a NO and then there are the ones that are This is a good idea.  Edit requests that point to channels or iffy info or anything else that one might not be sure of. We talk about .10:38
* AlanBell wonders if there is an easy way to find all the factoids that point to channels that don't start with #ubuntu10:39
IdleOneAnyway, Tm_T plz2not bring your work home to us kthnx  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)10:40
ikoniaTm_T: raises a fair point on the commit message on the factoid10:41
IdleOneAlanBell: I doubt there are many and the ones that do exist I think mostly have to do with $distro Go there for support.10:41
jussiWait, I don't get why we shouldnt point at that channel?  and can someone give me logs of this previous discussion I havent yet seen?10:42
jussiIdleOne: actually there are a bunch - I remember in the past we had compiz factoid pointing at the compiz channel...10:43
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz10:43
jussistill does...10:43
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)10:43
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC . The Ubuntu EeePC Channel is #ubuntu-eeepc , main EeePC discussion in #eeepc10:43
ikoniajussi: yeah, because it was filled with people who staffed the compiz project10:43
IdleOnejussi: My main concern is that we make sure the channels are actual support channels and not just a round about way for a new channel to get some free advertising10:43
ikoniaor "good" support10:44
ikoniathe official ubuntu channel pointing it to one guy trying his best in a channel.....Hmmmm10:44
ubottufcm is THE Ubuntu Community Magazine - find it at www.fullcirclemagazine.org, or #fullcirclemagazine10:44
ikoniaI think not10:44
ikoniaAlanBell: does that still exist ?10:44
jussiyeah, but the guy said the actul maintainer is there often...10:44
ikoniajussi: I've not seen him join10:44
ikoniaand if the maintainer is there and wants to support it, surly he can ask for the channel10:44
ikoniascince I checked on it last time10:45
AlanBellikonia: dunno, was searching the factoid database and got from #a to #f now bored.10:45
ikoniaAlanBell: looks like it does10:45
IdleOneI'm not against the idea of letting people know of non-ubuntu channels10:45
ikonia !compiz is a good example of a valid re-direct10:45
ubottuBut compiz already means something else!10:45
ikoniaa good example of that is if that was eagles making that request to direct people to that channel would you have made it so quickly ?10:48
jussiikonia: do you have a log of the discussion?10:55
jussiI think most of us havent seen it10:55
ikoniajussi: I don't have it to hand, it was approx 1 week ago in this channel, I'll see if I can dig it out10:58
jussiikonia: I dont see any discussion except a minor one between you and pici...?11:03
jussiikonia: and fwiw, the ehoover guy is in the channel currently...11:04
ikoniathere was another, was it in ops-discuss11:04
ikoniajussi: I'm not in the channel at the moment, but he never joined while I was there11:04
jussiikonia: Im there at the moment, and he is present (but away currently)11:04
ikoniathat's better than before11:04
jussiI really have no problems with adding the channel. Its a ppa, therefore no support in #u. There is a channel, with the guy who wrote it present there... seems pretty correct channel to me...11:06
ikoniaI do11:07
ikoniait's a PPA so we don't support11:07
ikoniapushing it off to a random channel with no history and where the guy who wrote it hasn't been present, doesn't seem correct to me11:07
ikoniaalso you can help people with PPA's in ubuntu11:08
ikoniabut I admit this one will be a hunk of junk to try to work with in #ubuntu11:08
jussiikonia: its a new product, where do they get "history" from?11:09
ikoniaa proven support record11:09
ikoniado you know this guy ?11:09
ikoniado you know his attitude/availability to support11:10
ikoniado you know how long the products going to be maintainered11:10
IdleOneWhat if someone asks the PPA maintainer if they are planning on using that channel to provide support and that #ubuntu would be happy to send users their way?11:10
ikoniato be honest, the PPA page is pretty clear on the details11:10
ikoniaif people can't find/read them, they are not going to be savy enough to follow support instructions11:11
jussiikonia: how is it anydifferent than sending them to the comments section of a rand webpage?11:11
ikoniawe don't do that11:11
ubottuIf you use Netflix, instructions on a method of installing it via PPA are detailed here http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html - If you need support,please contact the developer through the comments section on that page.11:11
ikoniaget rid of it11:11
ikoniapoint it at the PPA page11:11
IdleOnethe comment section on a blog post is hardly the best place to provide any help. I am guessing he does want to try and built some sort of community around his new product11:11
ikoniaI hate 3rd party links like that11:11
ikoniapoint it at the developers email address11:12
ikoniathat way he can write some support stuff properly or get bombarded with emails11:12
IdleOnebombarding someones email is a good way for us to be helpful ?11:16
jussihowever, I suggest 2 things. 1 - in the channel it says official support to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop - lets put that there, and add "IRC community in #netflix-desktop11:16
ikoniawe don't we just do nothing11:16
ikoniait's not our problem11:16
ikoniaIdleOne: it's not helpful, but neither is writing a complex process and just throwing it out into the wild with no documentation (that I can see) or support11:17
IdleOneit isn't an ubuntu issue I agree but neither is !mint or any other of the other factoids we point people to other channels with, but we still have those factoids because we still want to be helpful even if we don't provide the support11:17
ikoniajussi: in which channel does it say that ?11:17
ikoniaok - so then lets point at the official PPA page11:18
ikoniaand then it's up to the maintainer to put whatever information HE wants on it11:18
ikoniaticks all the boxes11:18
ikoniaIdleOne: those factoids point at the official channels11:19
ikoniarather than a channel someone wants11:19
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents11:20
ikoniawe should get rid of "bug 1" from that11:20
ikoniait's sad11:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111:20
IdleOnewhat exactly makes one channel official and other not. This is a new "project" for lack of a better word.11:20
ikoniaIdleOne: that is an interesting question.11:20
ikonianormally official is what the projects sets, eg: mint say "this is our channel"11:21
ikoniabut ##windows is a good example of that not being the case11:21
ikoniajussi: I have no idea why you are so keen to push people to this random channel11:21
IdleOnethe maintainer is in the channel, maybe not 24/7 but he is in there now.11:21
ikoniabut I suggest just linking to the official page and let the people who maintain the project maintain that page with what ever info they want11:21
jussiikonia: random channel? the maintainer is there...11:22
ikoniajussi: he's not been there for over a week11:22
ikoniais there a problem with pointing at the official page ?11:23
Tm_Twhy don't you toss the whole work of figuring out how the support happens to him instead?11:23
ikoniaTm_T: exactly11:23
ikoniapoint at the official page, if he wants to make that the official channel, he can update the page to say "support in here"11:23
ikoniaor whatever he wants11:24
jussiok, so lets do that for every other factoid also, compiz, mint everything... its about convenience and pointing people to where the community is.11:24
ikoniajussi: they have official pages/channels11:25
ikoniapointing at the offical page for this project would mirror that11:25
jussiso if the guy goes there and says that is the channel on that page you would add it?11:25
ikoniabut if you want to ruin other factoids to try to prove a point go for it11:25
ikoniaremove the #mint links11:25
ikoniajussi: probably yes11:25
ikoniabut I suggest we follow your tact or wrecking other factoids11:26
ikoniathat seems a sensible way to prove a point11:26
IdleOneI'm done. This war is not worth the bullets.11:26
ikoniaI'll get right on that11:26
ikoniait's not even a war11:27
ikoniaI don't get the massive need to point someone to a channel that's got no history and no documentation around the projet11:27
ikoniarather than just point at the proper page and let the maintainer maintain it11:27
ikoniawe don't have aot have a factoid for everything, there doesn't have to be a channel for everything11:28
IdleOnethe mint channel is on a completely different network and we point to it. When they first got started, they had no history.11:28
ikoniathey did11:28
IdleOneThere does need to be factoids for FAQ's like this netflix one11:29
ikoniathe mint project said "this is our channel, this is where we are doing support"11:29
ikoniawhy don't we point people who want to use bad language and a wider topic in the #ubuntu world at club-ubuntu ?11:30
ikoniathat's a community, that points people at what they want11:30
jussiand this is not the official support channel for the netflix thing. but I dont think that actually effects us pointing people to a place that there is community11:30
ikoniato follow jussi's point of putting people in the community11:30
IdleOnebecause they do a good enough job recruting people without our help11:30
ikoniagreat, I'll make a club-ubuntu factoid now11:30
ikonia"want to talk about ubuntu where bad language is acceptable, use this channel"11:31
ikoniathat's where there is a community11:31
jussiikonia: because it doesnt fit with our value set/coc to do that.11:31
ikoniajussi: does this channel ?11:31
ikoniajussi: does compiz ?11:31
ikoniajussi: does mint ?11:32
ikoniapoint your factoid at the channel thus giving it the #ubuntu seal of approval11:32
ikoniait seems your going to do it anyway so just get on with it11:33
jussiIm going to do what?11:33
ikoniathe one man council is back in action11:33
ikoniajust get on with it, this is tedious now11:34
Tm_Tikonia: please, enough11:34
Tm_Tikonia: it's one thing to discuss about the issue at hand and another to go and attack persons11:35
ikoniait wasn't a discussion11:35
ikoniait was a brick wall11:36
ikoniaso I'm done with it11:36
ikoniaput it back to the channel11:36
ikoniaapparantly no discussion is needed11:36
ikoniaI'll create some factoids I feel are useful too11:36
Tm_Tikonia: then why on earth you're still going on it? especially on that attitude11:36
ikoniaI'm not, I've just said "I'm done with it, it's tedious"11:36
ikoniaI've not mentioned it since then11:36
bazhang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:33
bazhang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:33
bazhang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:33
bazhang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:33
bazhang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:33
bazhangoy sorry16:33
bazhang<hari_> it is an astrology software based on sql server 2005 service pack 1 windows16:35
Piciastrology is serious business16:35
bazhangrhin0 in #xubuntu17:13
bazhangjust run the command!18:33
IdleOnejuniour is no help at all, he glosses over the question18:34
IdleOnemiss key parts of what the user is asking for18:34
IdleOneor maybe it's me18:35
bazhanghe's like a bad repeater bot with lag18:36
Noskcajwhat happened to floodbot 2?19:28
IdleOneprobably taking a baop19:30
IdleOnelooks like the host is down19:32
IdleOneit'll hopefully be back up soon19:33
IdleOneNoskcaj: Was there anything else?19:34
Noskcajnope, bye19:34
IdleOne!es > juan120:26
phunyguy_t430sis downloading youtube videos and asking how to do it in #ubuntu a /bad/ thing?22:01
phunyguy_t430sI don't want to tell someone the wrong thing.22:01
tsimpsonin general I think it's fine22:02
tsimpsonit would depend on the permissions/license of the specific video, but in general22:03
phunyguy_t430sok.  Thanks.22:03
jribinteresting... ubottu.com is saying "Sorry, bantracker is not available for anonymous users" even though I used @btlogin for a link23:32
jribsuddenly it works :)23:32

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