
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== _salem is now known as salem_
SergioMenesesmorning guys!15:07
phillwhi SergioMeneses15:08
SergioMenesesphillw, balloons all testcases are here http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/246/builds/27866/testcases I have finished them in this moment15:09
SergioMenesesphillw, balloons if you have any advice please let me know :)15:10
phillwSergioMeneses: I don't use gnome/unity but look forward to using them as starter for the lubuntu applications :)15:12
SergioMenesesphillw, about the unity test, it was a mistake xD but I dont know how remove it15:13
phillwSergioMeneses: what part of it is wrong?15:14
SergioMenesesphillw, the unity lenses tests doesnt belong  to "testcases for hardware", I wanted to remove it but I dont know how15:16
SergioMenesestestsuite desnt have the option "remove testcases" or something like that15:17
phillwSergioMeneses: leave a ping for balloons - he wrote it :)15:18
SergioMenesesphillw, sure :)15:23
phillwSergioMeneses: I've marked it as Disabled... it seems to have gone from the list :)15:26
balloonsohh your in here15:26
phillwhi balloons :)15:27
SergioMenesesphillw, perfect! thanks for your help ;)15:30
balloonspitti, jibel what time do you think the on-air testing event will happen on thursday?15:34
balloonsdholbach says I can pin you down on it :-p15:34
pittiballoons: I thought the event would happen all day?15:35
balloonspitti, yes, but I thought there was an on-air portion.. or you going to stream that all day? ;-)15:36
pittihm, I thought I'd hang out here all day and help people with their tests etc.15:37
pitti(hangout doesn't currently work anyway)15:37
pittiI get muted after a minute or so, seems to happen to a lot of popel15:37
jibelballoons, talking to myself will probably not be a lot of fun ;)15:54
balloonspitti, glad it's not just me getting muted.. randomly when I try and talk, I get muted, then the audio is lost from everyone15:57
jibelballoons, yeah, killing pulseaudio usually fixes the problem for me16:02
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dholbachjamespage, thanks for bringing it up!16:40
jamespagedholbach, hey - np16:40
=== shadeslayer is now known as buildslayer
dkesselhello, does anybody know at which time the automated testing hackfest will start on thursday?19:38
Noskcaji'm assuming either balloons or phillw know19:45
balloonsdkessel, hello.. the hackfest is going on throughout the day19:45
balloonsthe on-air portion will also have folks on it for the daylight hours of UTC19:45
balloonsso something like 900 UTC to 1700 UTC is my guess..19:46
balloonshowever, people will be in this IRC room answering questions and hacking away19:46
phillwballoons: has there been an announcement made? If so, I've missed it :/19:46
balloonsphillw, ohh.. well, heh, I posted to g19:47
balloonsbut you know what, nothing has hit the list19:47
* balloons goes to fix19:47
phillwballoons: can you also amend the topic so people know whats happening :)19:47
Noskcajif this is hacking shouldn't backtrack be running it?19:48
balloons:-) ty19:48
balloonsNoskcaj, lol19:48
balloonsnot that kind of hacking19:48
phillwthnx :)19:48
Noskcaji know, speaking of that. do you know what the backtrack irc channel is?19:48
balloonsno idea19:49
dkesselballoons: thanks for the info. as i just took a day off of work for this, i guess i will just try to be here during the normal working hours ;)19:50
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: "Welcome to Ubuntu QA and Testing | http://qa.ubuntu.com/ | Raring Cadence week 2 is live: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Cadence/Raring/Week2 | Automated Testing Hacking Day 13 Dec, in #ubuntu-quality, all day"
balloonsdkessel, gotcha19:51
balloonswell, please do feel free to ping myself, jibel, pitti and dholbach19:51
balloonsthose three will be doing autopkg work and helping people out to do the same19:51
balloonsI'll probably be messing around with autopilot and helping folks out in that area19:52
balloonsdoesn't mean you can't ask questions now of course :-)19:52
Noskcajguys, the ubuntu daily is a bit messed up in general. e.g. installer is a rectangle(no curved corners), it appears you cant type you details/username in and the nstall progress bar is gone. please confirm?20:02
letozaf_I'm testing the ARM image and I'm stuck with a bug at the beginning during manual partitioning, I haven't gone further to tell20:03
Noskcajletozaf_, is that bug 1084729 or a new one?20:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1084729 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "manual partitioning fails to create a partition table" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108472920:09
letozaf_Noskaj: no mine is different20:20
letozaf_I was trying to install on a USB key without a partition table20:21
letozaf_see bug 108909020:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1089090 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "partitioning does not work correclty during install of Raring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108909020:21
balloonsso, it won't make a partition table for you>20:31
balloonseven if you manually partition and do it?20:31
letozaf_no, the partition table is created20:33
letozaf_when I add a new partition20:33
letozaf_Ubiquity proposes the entire USB Key20:33
letozaf_I change the size from 16009 MB to 8000 MB20:33
letozaf_but it creates a partition of 16009MB even20:34
letozaf_if I changed the size of the partition20:34
balloonsgot it20:34
balloonsthat's not good20:34
letozaf_no not good!20:35
letozaf_Noskaj: I am installing today's ARM image and I did not have problems inserting details/username, progress bar is there too20:37
Noskcajletozaf_, must be amd64 only or x86 based only20:38
Noskcajcould also be from Vbox20:38
letozaf_ah ok!20:39
Noskcajalso i will be able to test arm after Christmas, i am getting a hiapad hi80220:40
letozaf_looks like a nice toy :)20:41
letozaf_let me know how it works :)20:42
Noskcajtoy? its faster than  my laptop and i think my mums i5 laptop20:44
letozaf_I didn't mean it was slow :) I alway call devices I like to "play" with "nice toys" :-D20:45
letozaf_when I try new devices, I have fun and so I call them toys :-d20:46
Noskcajletozaf_, very true20:47
balloonstoo funny21:15
letozaf_balloons: what the toy thing ?21:25
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
* phillw that wasn't toooo bad :)23:18

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