
jbichahmm, t38modem doesn't like the new opal :(01:04
infinityjbicha: Again?  I fixed that once already.01:28
infinityjbicha: Do these people really need to change their API every month?01:28
jbichanew ptlib/opal/ekiga :(01:28
infinityI imagine the porting will be as easy as last time.  I'll poke it after I've napped, if you don't beat me to it.01:29
* micahg is updating the meta for ubuntustudio which should fix the ISO02:44
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Laneycould somebody consider releasing the webkit/quantal SRU?09:25
Laneymicahg asked for it to be able to do a security update09:26
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dandraderhello. I would like to get geis 2.2.12-0ubuntu3 into quantal-proposed (it has a fix for the compiz crasher https://bugs.launchpad.net/geis/+bug/1080386)12:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1080386 in geis (Ubuntu Quantal) "Compiz crash on startup" [Undecided,In progress]12:48
dandraderit was uploaded there yesterday but from the SRU wiki page it seems it still need go to through a review to actually land on quantal-proposed12:49
dandraderCould someone help me by making this review?12:50
dandradernot sure if it will automatically get into people's radar or if I should ask for it12:51
seb128dandrader, the queue is there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue?queue_state=1 and no need to ping, the SRU team review everything which is in the queue, it might take some time due to the backlog though12:56
dandraderseb128, ok, many thanks for the link! I see my package is there :)12:58
xnoxis it intentional for precise-dailies to leave -proposed enabled in the installed system via apt.sources.d/proposed.list ?13:00
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xnoxinfinity: cjwatson: commented on / verified the rest of ubiquity SRU pending verification bugs.13:52
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infinityxnox: \o/14:02
infinityxnox: I'll have to look through the SB bug of doom today and see if that whole snag is ready to migrate together.14:03
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xnoxinfinity: stgraber said it boots & installs his machine & reboots with all SB stuff, so it must be totally awesome & ready =)14:04
stgraberxnox: well, I'm not sure how happy our users would be if suddenly the only working install path would be uefi-sb ;)14:06
stgraberso yeah, UEFI SB works fine on my machine, that's about as far as I tested the precise images though14:07
xnoxstgraber: well. they can always use 12.04.1 or 12.04.0 on !uefi-sb =))))14:08
* xnox hides14:08
infinityThere will be plenty more image testing between now and .2 anyway.14:08
infinityI'm more concerned about any of these 50 SB-related packages being broken in any way than I am about the installer possibly still having a bug or two. :P14:09
infinityTo be fair.14:09
rbasakCould someone reject mysql-5.5 5.5.28-0ubuntu0.12.04.3 from precise-proposed please? It's been trumped by a security update.14:16
rbasakIf someone wouldn't mind sponsoring my rebased patch in bug 1014732, that'd be nice. And maybe even reviewing and accepting it if somebody from the SRU team is around? I've been trying to get it in since UDS but keep being trumped by security because it takes so long. This is the third attempt.14:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1014732 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu Precise) "log_error not set in my.cnf, errors not written anywhere" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101473214:17
infinityrbasak: Rejected.14:26
rbasakThank you!14:26
LaneyCan someone give me an SRU opinion on bug #1064475?14:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1064475 in crash (Ubuntu Quantal) "crash version is outdated. Needs to import Debian version of the package" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106447514:35
infinityLaney: I'd discussed it with smb a while ago.  If the package is actually completely useless as-is, I don't have huge problems with the backport-as-SRU, but we need to be careful to make sure it works.14:54
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bdrungudev and upstart can be dropped from sync-blacklist (they use propor -0ubnutX Debian revisions for quite some time)18:12
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ScottKLaney: webkit released.22:39
Laneymicahg: ↑22:45

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