
bschaeferfginther, ping00:18
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fgintherbschaefer, pong?02:47
bschaeferfginther, hey, its late for you! Umm I was running into jenkins failing to merge nux branches02:47
* bschaefer goes to dig up the error02:47
bschaeferfginther, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/nux/remove-animation-on-tick/+merge/13606902:48
bschaeferit doesn't seem like its the branches fault...02:48
bschaeferfginther, looks like a lib is not being found02:49
fgintherbschaefer, I'll take a quick look02:50
bschaeferfginther, thank you, I could poke martin when he gets on02:50
fgintherbschaefer, I enable code-coverage collection on this job, I might have missed something when I did so02:51
bschaeferfginther, hm interesting, as it worked locally02:52
fgintherbschaefer, It's my fault. I used the wrong hook script to collect the test data. I've updated the jenkins job and re-approved the MP02:58
bschaeferfginther, alright, thanks!02:58
fgintherbschaefer, https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/nux/nux.fix_1086701/+merge/138070 will also fail for the same reason.02:59
fgintherI'll kill the job and restart it02:59
bschaeferalright, I could have also waited :)02:59
bschaeferand re-did02:59
bschaeferre-approve it02:59
fgintherbschaefer, they should be good now, but I'll check in on them later to make sure03:03
bschaeferfginther, thank you! Ill try to keep an eye out as well03:04
didrocksmmrazik: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unico-autolanding/build=pbuilder,distribution=coverity-raring,flavor=amd64/2/console seems an internal builder issue?09:06
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didrockshey sil210011:40
didrockssil2100: did you see that unity is FTBFS on armhf?11:40
didrocksbregma: FYI ^11:40
didrocksnot sure if it's an archive mismatch or intended11:40
didrockslike the -dev package not being published right11:40
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didrockswill worth a shot looking at it/launching a rebuild if you can :)11:41
sil2100didrocks: for armhf?11:43
didrocksyep yep :)11:43
didrockspossible it's just a publisher skew11:43
didrocksbut worth confirming :)11:43
sil2100Didn't see that one, thanks for pointing out - I was just looking at the armel failure from earlier11:43
sil2100But I saw an issue like that before, and it might really be just a publisher problem11:44
didrocksjust relaunch a build manually once nux armfh is published11:44
didrocksthe closer we are to a possible faulty rev, the better :)11:45
MCR1smspillaz: Hi. Bad news. I think Compiz r3512 broke window selection quite heavily... Sometimes you can click through windows on the desktop now, docks like Docky, Plank or glx-dock are not able to restore minimized windows anymore - Are you running Compiz trunk ?11:54
MCR1@all: Can anyone confirm this regression ^^ ?11:56
smspillazMCR1: not at the moment11:56
smspillazMCR1: you sure it was 3512 ?11:57
smspillazMCR1: 3512 didn't touch the shape code11:58
MCR1smspillaz: No, I am not 100% sure that it was r3512...11:58
smspillazMCR1: more likely would be 351311:58
MCR1smspillaz: Maybe r3513...11:59
smspillazMCR1: though, I wouldn't say "3513 broke it"11:59
smspillazmore likely is that 3513 is triggering a bug that was already there11:59
MCR1I just know that working with windows and Compiz is quite complicated at the moment11:59
seb128andyrock, ^11:59
smspillazMCR1: I'm a bit busy atm, but you can debug this yourself - check with xwininfo -all (and xwininfo -id (the parent window)) to make sure that the right window shape is applied up the chain12:00
smspillazseb128: leave andyrock alone :)12:00
seb128smspillaz, he /query me 15 min ago asking if I was running compiz trunk and if I had issues that look like the one MCR1 is describing, he was looking for confirmation of whether there is a bug or if he has a local issue12:01
smspillazseb128: coolio :)12:01
MCR1The most easy way to reproduce the problem is to install any Dock and try to minimize/restore windows with it...12:01
seb128smspillaz, hey btw, how are you? ;-)12:01
smspillazmmmm okay12:01
smspillazI haven't been able to get that startup thing I was meant to be doing off the ground12:02
smspillazprobably procrastinating it12:02
* smspillaz should probably get on to that12:02
smspillazseb128: how about yourself ?12:03
seb128smspillaz, I'm good thanks ;-)12:03
MCR1smspillaz: I would not nerve you, but this seems quite serious as it makes working with windows hard (sometimes you click through them or they become fully unresponsive)12:03
andyrockseb128, smspillaz what's up?12:03
seb128andyrock, I though the issue from MCR1 was similar to yours12:04
seb128you were looking for confirmation12:04
smspillazMCR1: patience :)12:04
smspillazwe are mere mortals12:04
MCR1I do not like to bring the bad news, but I think it is better to identify such problems fast, until they get lost in the timespace and will be harder to find many revisions later...12:05
smspillazMCR1: of course, what I'm saying is, we'll get on to it soon12:06
smspillazbut not right now12:06
MCR1ok - you have been informed about the problem now ;)... thanks in advance12:07
andyrockMCR1, [Fatal 13:09:00.015] DBus could not be found and is required by Docky. Exiting.12:09
MCR1oh strange, Docky works here - but I got it from the ppa, maybe the version in the repo is not up-to-date12:10
MCR1andyrock: docky-core/ppa12:11
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MCR1andyrock: You can also use any other dock, like cairo-dock or plank to reproduce12:12
andyrocki'm installing docky ppa12:13
andyrockstill get that issue12:13
MCR1andyrock: It seems to be Compiz r3513 causing the problem...12:15
MCR1andyrock: btw, thanks 4 fixing the Place issue...12:15
MCR1andyrock: I got it working here by changing the load order - Do all the Place plugin settings work now ? Like open window where the mousepointer is ?12:16
smspillazI wonder if the unity plugin is forwarding the ::place wrap function call12:17
* MCR1 is also wondering...12:17
andyrocksmspillaz, yes if the window was not maximized12:18
smspillaz... is that intentional ?12:18
smspillazbecause that's almost certainly broken behaviour12:18
andyrocksmspillaz, for what I see yes12:18
smspillazandyrock: can we see if it would be possible for forward the call ?12:18
smspillazthe place plugins has lots of logic to ensure that windows end up in the right place, skipping it for all restored windows surely doesn't make any sense12:19
smspillazandyrock: or was it for maximized window sthat we skip it12:19
andyrocki need to study unity history to see why it does not forward the call if the window was maximized12:20
smspillazit makes sense if it doesn't forward the call when the window is maximized12:20
MCR1I just know that all different Place-plugin settings work perfectly if it is started after unityshell, so the fix should make all options in the Pace plugin fully functional...12:21
smspillaz(eg, automaximization logic)12:21
smspillazMCR1: indeed, loading if after unityshell will cause the place logic to be called first12:21
smspillazhowever, I'd like to make sure that we don't load plugins after unityshell12:21
MCR1yes, I know...12:21
smspillazhaving it at the end means we can make certain assumptions12:21
andyrockMCR1, btw if you can still reprdouce the bug using compiz trunk (loading unityshell after the place plugin) ping me12:24
MCR1andyrock: ok, I will restore original load order, test the new fix and report soonish...12:26
smspillaz"thanks please" is not often a phrase I hear used in english that much :)12:29
MCR1smspillaz, it can be even better - like dankeschön, bitteschön - which would mean thanksbeautiful, pleasebeautiful...12:35
smspillazeinshuldegen sie!12:36
smspillaz(that is, about the extent of my german)12:36
Zhenech /wi313:06
didrockssil2100: compiz is FTBFS as well, can you look at what's wrong? (eventually reverting if we cant' find the fix)13:09
sil2100didrocks: ACK!13:13
didrocksthanks :)13:13
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sil2100didrocks: the problem is not in compiz sadly13:27
sil2100didrocks: it seems python2.7-minimal version 2.7.3-11ubuntu1 in raring is broken ;/13:27
sil2100didrocks: or maybe something changed organization-wise maybe13:27
sil2100didrocks: i.e. in the past python2.7-minimal was supposed to provide the pyconfig.h file, but version 2.7.3-11ubuntu1 doesn't provide it - although 2.7.3-5ubuntu5 still does, but the -11 one not13:28
didrockssil2100: do you have time to investigate a little bit? indeed, there has been an new python2.7 yesterday13:28
didrockssil2100: like pinging doko about I?13:28
sil2100didrocks: ok, I'll dig further13:28
sil2100Maybe they moved it into another package13:28
didrockssil2100: there is a long changelog to look at :)13:29
didrocksthanks again sil2100 :)13:29
sil2100;) Looking and pinging13:30
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katieivanka: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/812365a2aeff04c3d674ae01b47a680dd6d0090f?authuser=0&hl=en#14:07
sil2100didrocks: ok, so, doko doesn't seem to be around to answer my questions, but from what I saw, the latest changes he made simply removed the pyconfig.h installation rules from debian/rules - and didn't really re-add/re-enable it anywhere else14:43
didrockssil2100: that's weird, he just uploaded a gcc though14:43
sil2100didrocks: pyconfig.h is generated, but not installed14:43
didrocksnothing in the changelog for that?14:44
sil2100didrocks: so I would guess it's a packaging error on Ubuntu side - but to be sure I would have to poke doko14:44
sil2100Here is the revision that removed the installation in debian/rules14:44
sil2100I poked him on the channel and priv, so I guess he would answer if he was around14:44
didrockssil2100: I'm poking barry right now14:45
sil2100didrocks: thanks! I'm guessing this got removed by accident during the debian/rules cleanup14:46
sil2100Since I'm pretty sure that pyconfig.h is still as important as it was14:46
didrocksyeah, possibly, I'll let you answering once barry is around :)14:46
didrocksthanks for digging in!14:46
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didrockssil2100: excellent work again! :)16:47
sil2100didrocks: thanks :)!16:48
didrockssil2100: can you track that until the python fix is landing?16:49
didrocks(maybe pinging people again if not by tomorrow morning ;))16:49
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sil2100didrocks: ACK - but as doko said, the python problem is a typo, so it should be fixed soon I hope!16:51
didrockshoping so :)16:51
bobweaverHello there anyone know where quicklinks are rendered in unity 2d ?17:43
bobweaverI am have troubles with anchors17:43
bobweaverI will take screenshot17:44
bobweaverI tried looking under shell/launcher/Launcher.qml and well all the all the rest I fixed the pips because they where off also but I was able to find that17:47
bobweaverbut I can not find the anchors.{what.ever } for quicklists17:48
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